>*mogs your favorite FE game*

>*mogs your favorite FE game*

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Srpg are all trash

  2. 2 years ago

    The design of that middle girl makes it very obvious to me that this game is shit

    • 2 years ago

      >T.Redditor filtered by the docks level

  3. 2 years ago

    Fire Emblem bad Xenoblade good.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Level design is ruthless, extremely punishing yet always doable, often requiring thinking three or four turns ahead on later maps and utilizing every soldier at your arsenal including their personal skills
    >Un-fricked pair-up and turned it into a deceptively simple yet complex tool; Split up to increase your damage output to avoid getting overwhelmed, stick together to buff defense yet lose out on extra attack, each being crucial to finishing the game
    >The only game in the series save Thracia 776 where resource management of items and money and long-term team building genuinely matters, gives you no free endgame units without you putting in the due work
    >Class balance is the best in the series, almost every class has genuinely useful and unique utility
    >Compounding all this makes it immensely replayable even before going into stuff like Eugenics
    >God-tier OST
    >Kozakis best work

    Conquest is peak FE and it frankly disgusts me how much of a step back 3H was in comparison

    • 2 years ago

      >Class balance is the best in the series, almost every class has genuinely useful and unique utility
      Except for the Blacksmith.

      • 2 years ago

        it would've had, had there been more Oni than just Rinkah. Since it's an axe-focused hero that's more defensive. The problem with a lot of Hoshido and Hoshidan classes in general is that they're tied to dogshit characters in terms of stat spread relative to the characters.

    • 2 years ago

      balance is the best in the series
      Or you can just make as many wyverns as possible like every other FE

  5. 2 years ago

    The last good Fire Emblem.

  6. 2 years ago

    what if that one is my favorite?

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Is that supposed to be Charlotte?

  8. 2 years ago

    Its a terrible game

  9. 2 years ago

    >Literally every FE since Conquest is a step back in mechanics

    At least SoV had the excuse of being an autistically close remake to a 25 year old Famicom game, but what the frick went wrong with 3H?

    >Map design barely above no-effort shit like Awakening
    >Took out pair-up, replaced it with garrisons; Basically one-off abilities varying from ridicilously OP to completely situational; And you might as well equip them since there is no downside and money is plentiful
    >Compounding this problem, class balance is absolutely fricked with tons of overlap and some tier 4 classes being worse than their tier 3 equivalents
    >In the end it literally doesn't even matter what characters you have since you'll hammer them into indistinguishable stat sheets by the end of the game, all for the sake of "dude any character can do anything lmao" despite this being a surefire way to make all characters feel identical
    >Removed the weapon triangle (??) only to add it in during lategame via skills (????)
    >Brought back weapon durability. Very few FE games, like 5 and maybe 6, have durability as a mechanic that really matters. 3H is not one of these and instead opts to fill your playtime with even more dumb bloat since now you are repairing your gear constantly.
    >The Monestary is essentially a bloated version of the My Castle part from Fates but with none of the speedy UI or movement so you could breeze through it
    >Shitton of time management bullcrap that you don't even need since you have more than enough time to max our your supports and classes, eventually you just start skipping shit out of tedium
    >Plot was there or something, idgaf and neither should you, its the same goddamn FE plot as always; Dragon israelites manipulate a bunch of territories into war except now its arbitrarily split up in three routes where THE FIRST HALF OF ALL OF THESE ARE GODDAMN SAME GAME WHAT THE FRICK

    Did IS just get rid of everyone who could design a decent tactics game between CQ and now

    • 2 years ago

      3H felt like it was made for girls

      • 2 years ago

        Worse, it was made for Personacucks. SMT x FE was the real downfall of FE.

    • 2 years ago

      >overly gimmicky maps
      >maps without gimmicks round down to "fight a million of x unit type with every turn reinforcements as you turtle through the map"
      >ranged weapon triangle literally makes no sense and makes moronic shit happen like shurikens being overpowered or lances being strong against tomes for no reason other than muh color coding
      >obnoxious with enemy skills (moronic procs, rallies, debuff stacking, dragonskins, etc)
      >enemy bosses get 1-2 range weapons with no downsides (unattainable by player)
      >incredibly small roster without the children units, which are harder to get in conquest which hurts the game more
      >almost every unit except for the royals have shit bases and exp is halved in hard and quartered in lunatic
      >at a distinct disadvantage when not using online features
      >good ost
      yeah, im thinking fates is the worst game in the series

      Are you the same anon?

      • 2 years ago

        OP is an autistic schizo who posts and samegays these exact same threads all the time.

  10. 2 years ago

    >overly gimmicky maps
    >maps without gimmicks round down to "fight a million of x unit type with every turn reinforcements as you turtle through the map"
    >ranged weapon triangle literally makes no sense and makes moronic shit happen like shurikens being overpowered or lances being strong against tomes for no reason other than muh color coding
    >obnoxious with enemy skills (moronic procs, rallies, debuff stacking, dragonskins, etc)
    >enemy bosses get 1-2 range weapons with no downsides (unattainable by player)
    >incredibly small roster without the children units, which are harder to get in conquest which hurts the game more
    >almost every unit except for the royals have shit bases and exp is halved in hard and quartered in lunatic
    >at a distinct disadvantage when not using online features
    >good ost
    yeah, im thinking fates is the worst game in the series

  11. 2 years ago

    >no trinity of magic
    it's actually unironically trash

    • 2 years ago

      magic triangle is kinda meaningless when you only get like two or three mages proper.

      • 2 years ago

        yeah thats why its trash

        • 2 years ago

          indeed. that's why they remove it. Why have Shine, Flux, and Fire, when they're really just the same thing with slightly different values. Even if the weight is difference, usually it matches the Con of the wielder so it's whatever.

          • 2 years ago

            >why have swords axes and lances if they're just the same thing with slightly different values
            this is you right now

            • 2 years ago

              Not that anon you were talking to, but come on now lad, surely you realize all FE games give you a fricking truckload of melee fighters, often capable of wielding two or three weapon types, and at best a handful of mages who only can wield one type of magic save a class change?

              Besides, he's completely right

              magic triangle is kinda meaningless when you only get like two or three mages proper.


              indeed. that's why they remove it. Why have Shine, Flux, and Fire, when they're really just the same thing with slightly different values. Even if the weight is difference, usually it matches the Con of the wielder so it's whatever.

              ; What does magic triangle matter when Mages have shit CON anyway and accuracy isn't really a problem since they usually always have great Skill/Speed stats?

              At least melee fighters need to rotate their choice of weaponry since most of the enemies will come at you with the entire array of melee weaponry; Meanwhile most FE games are happy to throw a single type of magic enemy at you during a map and never stray from this type, so its not like there's an engaging choice to be made. Not like you can anyway since your mages aren't capable of wielding more than a single type of magic until around midgame at best.

              Face it, Magic triangle is a vestigal mechanic at best that more often than not just comes down to who has the most Resistance and Magic attack

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah melee fighters have versatility while magic users versatility comes from the different spells that they're able to cast. There's no reason why a sword should be better or worse than an axe versus a dude casting a fireball at you

              • 2 years ago

                >magic users versatility comes from the different spells that they're able to cast.
                ironically the versatility in magic only comes when they remove the magic triangle.

                What's the versatility in
                >Fire, thunder, Elfire, Fimbulvetr
                >Light, Shine, Divine, Aura
                it's the same progression, the same scaling.
                The only weapon type that more or less was different was Dark tomes, which in turn it was stuck with Flux and otherwise gimmicky low use weapons that are often constrained to a single character in the whole game.

            • 2 years ago

              sword axes and lances matter a lot more because, well, the vast majority of the army are Heroes, Swordmasters, Fighters, Brigands, Cavaliers, Armored Knights, etc. Why have a dedicated triangle to 10% of your army when tomes as they are already have a function within the synergy of the weapons.

  12. 2 years ago

    female Kamui is best Nohrbawd

    • 2 years ago

      For me, it's Camilla.

  13. 2 years ago

    Had more fun with Echoes. I like Kagajank and there's something just so utterly dopamine boosting about rolling up to the map with FIVE Dread Fighters and never seeing a standard attack animation once.

    • 2 years ago

      I was unironically filtered by Gaiden.

  14. 2 years ago

    I wanted to post a "yeah but frick x map" comment but just thinking about the autistic number crunch involved in creating eugenic supersoldiers and paying attention to enemy skills has me wanting to play conquest again
    fricking hell OP

  15. 2 years ago

    but ninjas and samurais are cooler.

  16. 2 years ago

    it fricking sucks how you have to buy this game two times just to play 2 separate paths wtf were they thinking

  17. 2 years ago

    But Conquest IS my favorite FE
    It was also my first

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