Mount and Blade: Warband

In service to King Harlaus, we have driven the Rhodok hosts back to Jelkala. With my small cavalry force I am able rape and pillage the Rhodok peasantry. The Rhodok lords only have a paltry collection of soldiers left, with the Rhodok king only having his retinue intact. However the Sarranids get involved and we are suddenly beset on two sides. However the riches of Rhodok lands is too sweet to go to the call of marshal's warhorn against the Sarranids.

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    I'm playing da Gekokujo mod, as a Mori vassal i have conquered Kyushuu and Shikoku, captured Kyoto, subjugated the Saito and i'm currently making my way to the Oda's lands.

    • 11 months ago

      I wish I still had my Davido-kun Gekokujo save
      I had conquered half the map without touching the starting quest. My goal was to take every settlement and then do the first quest.

  2. 1 year ago

    This camera oritentation is why i rape and pillage every fricking Swadioid village i can get my hands on.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy shit, another Rhodok kid.

      • 1 year ago

        Try again homosexual, i'm a nord enjoyer with a side of vaegir marksmen.
        Even if i was a Rhodok kid that map orientation is a fricking crime against humanity.

        • 1 year ago

          >nord enjoyer
          >vaegir cuck

        • 1 year ago

          I need to do a campaign where I'm an butthole. I always go the honourable route and miss out on that sweet, sweet plunder

          >nord enjoyer
          >vaegir cuck

          Why does every nord player submit to the vaegir bull?

          • 1 year ago

            It's pretty hard to do a dishonourable playthrough, because the dishonourable lords that join you, defect regardless I heard.

            • 12 months ago

              I'll probably just stick with a king then. Roleplay as "butthole mercenary given a title because he's just that good at killing"

              • 11 months ago

                That's one of my favorite ways to play. I lock up all the lords in my dungeon and refuse ransoms. They have to earn their freedom by escaping.

  3. 1 year ago

    Get the frick out of our gorgeous rolling hills, horse fricker

    • 1 year ago


      Playing brytenwalda right now and infantry chads we are winning.

  4. 12 months ago

    Speaking of Warband, I have wanted a game similar to it, but
    >it wouldn't on-hand combat, battles would be auto-solved
    >it would be browser-based, massively multiplayer, online real-time strategy game
    Probably a terrible idea though

    • 12 months ago

      conqueror's blade is like mount and blade and is an mmo

      • 12 months ago

        but the point was it would have battles, but auto-resolve, CB seems to have battles

  5. 12 months ago

    >needing to grind out friendship with the epic donutsteel OC elves in order to win the game
    >having unique spawn armies be so comically large and powerful that the only way you can beat them is to spend 20 minutes leading them halfway across the map into the blob of 11 lords sieging a castle
    >needing to do this over and over again for qualis gems and to win the game
    >female troops

    thank you pendor

    • 12 months ago

      This mod is beyond your comprehension

      • 12 months ago

        >THAT this will
        >not HOW
        The emphasis should be on WILL, what a fricking moronic ESL. Stopped reading right there.

      • 11 months ago

        >Kindest regards
        >Saxon dragon

    • 12 months ago

      to grind out friendship with the epic donutsteel OC elves in order to win the game
      Befriending the noldors was never the grindy part of pendor. You can read like 3 books to make them friendly, help them in 7/8 fights.. go with a small party and lure jatu parties into the woods and fights with them you'll get to friendly relations in like 1/2 ingame days, or just capture an empire or Eastern sarleon Castle you'll get 50-100 noldor prisoners that will give +1 relations each when freed.

      • 12 months ago

        I created an army of household knight horse archers with insane stats and comically good weapons from being trained by lethaldiran/named knights I'd been boooosting for the best part of 1000 days. IIRC you can sacrifice items from your inventory and donate them to household guard rather than paying

        even eyegrim gets dropped for about 15 casualties

        how do you guys deal with the grind? it takes me a while to get everything set up and it can get really frustrating at times.

        the peak of the game for me is the mercenary phase-I frick off to do my own thing while the empire covers the funds of my army. depending on my luck with tournaments and battles with enemy lords I can make LOTS of money which is nice.

        things go to shit when I become a vassal. my village is a shithole, I need to do so much shit to grind relations with the lords 9I was a dumbass for thinking 15 points was enough) and no reliable source of income means I cant do my own thing.

        • 12 months ago

          You're supposed to buy enterprises anon, Do simple quests for guild masters like escorting caravans to near cities or delivering supplies. Early/mid is fun and isn't a grind, late game is, but that's something all warband mods suffer from..

          Whats the consensus on Viking conquest? Thinking of getting it but curious to know what you all think.

          It has plenty of cool things but it needs lots of fixing. The most broken thing is the AI because it simply can't handle naval navigation.
          What's the point of 20+ factions when the only factions that do anything are the 4/5 English and saxon factions? The norse lords will spend 99.9% of your campaign idling near their villages. Denmark does an occasional invasion every 2/3 ingame years (and immediately lose the fief because the lords will go back and good luck getting their AI to use the ships correctly again) but the others might as well not exist. Also the rebellion mechanic is game breaking; you could spend god knows how long on a campaign and control most of the map only for a random Irish faction to suddenly take control of half of your fieifs in Britain and Scandinavia, and you can do absolutely nothing about it.

    • 12 months ago

      I created an army of household knight horse archers with insane stats and comically good weapons from being trained by lethaldiran/named knights I'd been boooosting for the best part of 1000 days. IIRC you can sacrifice items from your inventory and donate them to household guard rather than paying

      even eyegrim gets dropped for about 15 casualties

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah sounds like you got filtered.
      Pendor is based and one of the only mods in which I enjoyed bringing the campaign to its end and actually conquer everything. without cheating.
      The final battle against Eyegrim with 5,000 vs 6,000 troops was kino.

  6. 12 months ago

    >Play mod
    >Marshall either gathers everyone to do frick all in the capital or sends the entire kingdom to plunder a village

  7. 12 months ago


  8. 12 months ago

    Warsword=Perisno >>> Prophecy of Penor. Warsword would be better if it has more quests and less bug (I'm fine with summoning demons mid battle)

    • 11 months ago

      Dickplomacy greater than all of them cause it gives you options to rape captured prisoners.

      • 11 months ago

        But, all the prisoners are men

    • 11 months ago

      >perisno better than pendor
      pendor is for high functioning autists but there is no way perisno beats it. the latter has way too much jank and not the good kind. it also feels very unfinished

      • 11 months ago

        Nah perisno has way more content and is just much more fun overall than Pendor which forces you into playing as Mr goody 2 shoes and penalizes you heavily for performing any action that are even slightly "evil". Pendor definitely feels more finished/polished than Persino, and I hate the non human/naphali factions and goofy dragon models in Perisno, but overall I have much much MUCH more fun playing Persino than I do Pendor. I also prefer the way custom troops are implemented in Persino compared to Pendor, the former has a lot more cooler looking options than the latter, and the troop diversity is much higher in Persino too. Pendor may feel more like a finished game but Perisno is just more fun, and that is all that matters to me.

  9. 12 months ago

    Whats the consensus on Viking conquest? Thinking of getting it but curious to know what you all think.

    • 12 months ago

      I just bought it because it’s on sale, it’s 3$ right now and totally worth it. Wouldn’t get it for 15 or whatever.

      But it’s lots of fun. Everything is pretty infantry heavy with limited cavalry, spears aren’t shit and spearmen are the most common infantry, tons of cultures and lots of factions. Pretty brutal hobo starting phase where you get raped by everything but gear does a lot in this expansion. The thing that’s meh is requiring permission to recruit soldiers from villages and towns, you need a certain renown and positive relation with the lord, but you can recruit farmers from monasteries and buy out bandits to join your party.

      Ship combat is cool, being a bandit has never been more fun. Aside from the British isles there’s Denmark Norway and holland, all unique. You can join them and raid the whole isle without worrying about the relation damage because you’ll always be able to get troops across the sea. Roman ruins with treasure are all over the place but you have to overcome frustratingly difficult encounters with slavers Viking raiders and bandits where you’re massively outnumbered. You can try as many times as it takes though.

      Throwing weapons are super powerful. Eating two or three throwing spears kills the player and most enemies.

      There’s religion too, pagan and Christian. It doesn’t affect much but it’s there.

      Pretty fun. Like I said definitely worth 3$ that it is right now.

    • 12 months ago

      i like story and scripted battles, menu theme is kino...very catchy mod

    • 11 months ago

      It's great but some of the shit is pure autism. Also the campaign essentially locking you out of the most lucrative trade city for contrived mechanics is bullshit, and raiding monastaries or trying to larp as a Viking is waste of time because the amount of loot you get from raiding a monastary can't even pay for half a boat, while it angers half the world and potentially locks you out from even more markets.
      This image was a playthrough where I spent time in Friese and had 10-20+ relationship with every jarl and the king, and each village and Dorestad, and this one with Jarl Hrodulf was even after the negative hit when he finds out what happened in Doccinga. But even with every jarl and settlement a positive relationship to you, you still get flagged as hostile to that entire realm because of the storyline. But to be fair at that point in the story, the game gives you a free ship so you can get out of the country, and otherwise acquiring the first ship does take investment.
      The characters and story are solid, and the side-quests are neat although have some contrived aspects; you'll die a lot and hit failstates quite a few times until you learn the best solution, and I know newer gaming culture really dislikes that but it makes it worthwhile when you do get through it.

      • 11 months ago

        And also frick whomever decided it was an OK decision to put an unskipable cutscene before a battle this big in the warband engine that you have to fight through and survive on your own regardless of if your side will be victorious or not.
        This size of battle in Warband's engine means you have to basically fight around 10 battles concurrently on the same map, win them all and survive yourself.

        • 11 months ago

          In a game with blood loss and stamina systems, and this is the quality of the unskipable cutscene each time you have to re-attempt this giant gauntlet of a battle.
          So yeah it is great and fulfilling but it is somewhat of an abusive relationship, but if you're playing Mount & Blade you might have a little affinity toward that to begin with.

          • 11 months ago

            Honestly just turn stamina, blood loss, and weapon breaking off
            They're poorly thought out features that just serve to make the game more frustrating, they don't add any depth to the game
            The skill malus system can be interesting since it prevents you from making the standard heavy armor horse archer/foot archer god of war like in native

            • 11 months ago

              I didn't use the weapon breaking that I recall, but the stamina and blood loss isn't that bad of a system, it's just annoying when you have to fight and survive a 2500 man battle in the warband engine. It's a grueling drag even without those.

              • 11 months ago

                Eh didn't really add anything, just made it so you can't go very far without stopping and waiting for your stamina to come back, but if you go full light armor you can pretty much run around indefinitely without stamina loss and kite heavy armor infantry until they exhaust themselves

      • 11 months ago

        And also frick whomever decided it was an OK decision to put an unskipable cutscene before a battle this big in the warband engine that you have to fight through and survive on your own regardless of if your side will be victorious or not.
        This size of battle in Warband's engine means you have to basically fight around 10 battles concurrently on the same map, win them all and survive yourself.

        If you have low enough honor you can sell directly to bandit hideouts. Loot there is full price and you can hire vikingr units, which are some of the toughest troops in game.

    • 11 months ago

      Its a direct upgrade to base Warband and still has far more mechanics and content than Bannerlord.

  10. 12 months ago

    away with you vile beggar!

  11. 12 months ago

    Just picked up warband just been dicking around so far, figuring things out. What mods should I use was thinking either diplomacy or medieval conquests

    • 12 months ago

      Just do a modless run in Native, by the time you're done with the run you'll have an idea of what mods you want based on things you wished were in the game

  12. 11 months ago

    >With my small cavalry force
    That's how I play it, just turn my companions into Mamlukes 2.0 which, in time, becomes an unstoppable squad of immortals.

  13. 11 months ago

    Made from old screenshots when I played M&B 1.011

  14. 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago

    I hate rhodoks italians pakis and women so much bros

  16. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      How's the multiplayer for Warband nowadays?

      For me it's 1.011

      • 11 months ago

        minisiege is dead and now everyone either plays tropical paradise and EU commander battle

  17. 11 months ago

    Raiding villages with the boys

    • 11 months ago

      Warsword looking good.

  18. 11 months ago

    This game has deep curve, no matter how good you are at it.
    You spend 80% of without a single holding, and then, you make friends with monarch who give a new castle every week.

  19. 11 months ago

    As a khergit it is my moral duty to frick and pillage my way through all of Calradia. I have had all the pussy, Nord Rhodok Swadian Saranid Vaegir I've had all that pussy. I have -99 honor because peace or war it makes no difference to my penis, I am biologically programmed to raid pillage and rape all the villages and towns that are unfortunate enough to enter my line of sight. These days most lords just flee and hide behind their stone walls when they see my 250 strong horde of elite horse archers and lancers on the horizon, most are too slow though I capture and frick them too. I have -100 relations with most all villages outside the Khergit steppe and nobody can stop me from doing what I was born to do, rape pillage plunder and kill.

    I don't seige tho that is not the Khergit way. We have no need of useless stone houses when all we need(pussy and gold) we can just take. Calradia never has and never will see a psychopathic menace more notorious than me in all its existence.

    • 11 months ago

      ty for translating the khergit anthem

  20. 11 months ago

    How do you not make the morale collapse? The only mod where i can kinda have a large army is the Shogunate one because i can keep bribing my army not to defect

    • 11 months ago

      Food variety
      Winning battles

  21. 11 months ago

    so how is bannerlord looking nowadays?

  22. 11 months ago

    What's the best vanilla+ mod?

    • 11 months ago

      Plain diplomacy is actually fun

    • 11 months ago

      Dickplo with Troop Tree mod, Brainybots, and sexual content turned off

  23. 11 months ago

    >south is up

  24. 11 months ago

    Been playing the Civil War mod. It’s pretty fun, if unfinished. You can, for example, pretty easily fund your army just by doing boxing matches. The Warband AI also obviously isn’t programmed with modern warfare in mind, so it doesn’t really play like the Civil War on the map level. Luckily, the actual battlefield AI is well done.

  25. 11 months ago

    I don't know anyone plays this game without using cheat engine with your gold. Everything besides the combat and kingdom management is fricking terrible

  26. 11 months ago

    My best gaming memory
    >2012 college summer break
    >hot as frick Sunday with literally 0 plans all wekeend
    >slide off the side of the case of my 6 year old rig
    >put a box fan blowing into it to prevent the GPU from overheating
    >smoke fat bowl
    >fire up 1257 AD
    >first person camera ONLY
    >lancing homies on my steed all day
    Imagine having the freedom to do this and voluntarily giving it up

  27. 11 months ago


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