>my favorite game of all time is Ultrakill

>my favorite game of all time is Ultrakill
What type of person do you imagine?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 5 months ago

    a homosexual that will never be a woman

  2. 5 months ago

    severe, possibly undiagnosed ADHD and or autism

  3. 5 months ago

    someone who looks like me

  4. 5 months ago

    Black person

  5. 5 months ago

    cool guy

  6. 5 months ago

    butt plug game

  7. 5 months ago

    someone who spends too much time on the computer (obese or anorexic no in between)

  8. 5 months ago

    Someone who is rightfully bitter about how Doom Eternal ended up compared to 2016.

    • 5 months ago

      DE is closer to UK than D2016?

      • 5 months ago

        >DE is closer to UK than D2016?
        Not really aside from arena hallway level design and a fact that you can dash in uk and eternal

        • 5 months ago

          if anything ultrakill is bulletstorm done right. You know without 7th gen slop elements like cutscenes every few minutes, sprint button, ads, etc.

      • 5 months ago

        Having played both I can safely say that's incorrect. UK doesn't force you to constantly swap weapons, nor does it force the stupid quick-swapping DPS combo bullshit that all of the superADHD frickwits came up with back Doom 2016. There's no shitty ammo limits and no jugging of ten thousand cooldowns - all you need to worry about is your railgun recharging and what fist you have equipped. Weapon swapping in UK is encouraged, not mandated, and has no effect beyond score.

        • 5 months ago

          >and what fist you have equipped.
          good news anon
          you can bind the knuckleblaster punch to a key so you no longer have to worry about changing fist type anymore

          • 5 months ago

            Legitimately the best change ever.

        • 5 months ago

          >UK doesn't force you to constantly swap weapons
          TBF score is directly tied to freshness, which degrades from not swapping weapons. You basically get 0 multiplier if you don't. There's still ways around it but there were a fair amount of complaints when he put it in.

        • 5 months ago

          Considering score directly impacts your ability to both regenerate your health and access the true final bosses, it's really not nothing- a few people definitely got upset when they reworked style so you can't just use the same weapon and easily maintain ULTRAKILL rank for a full level.

          Ultrakill's enemy design also encourages swapping and taking advantage of weaknesses about as much as Eternal does if not a little more in some cases. The ammo scarcity is the main difference I guess.

        • 5 months ago

          i agree its nothing similar but this post is silly
          >UK doesnt force you to constantly swap weapons
          Its the same as both. You arent forced to constantly swap in either game, but in both games you are massively rewarded for it. In fact i'd say youre unironically more rewarded for it in ultrakill
          The big difference is that ultrakill's swaps feel a lot more interesting because its often mechanically comboing the guns, or just far more interesting and satisfying shooting. 2016 and eternal's swapping is just normal generic boring shooting but with an extra button press added and slightly faster paced. Not to mention, eternal's swapping encouragement is also heavily tied to limited ammo, but UK is once again pure combat and damage
          Thats why i prefer UK a lot in this regard. No gay boring moves that exist for the sole purpose of farming a resource. Its pure combat, either an offensive or defensive powerhouse. Often both.

          >, nor does it force the stupid quick-swapping DPS combo bullshit that all of the superADHD frickwits came up with back Doom 2016
          It feels silly to call it this because its not rocket science, its obvious and its really just normal shooting but in a way that looks a bit moronic
          >hmm, this game has 93242 burst damage weapons
          >and they dont need to reload if i swap to it and then back
          >hey if i just keep swapping burst weapons i deal more damage
          UK does something similar, except instead it grows into something more interesting like shooting projectiles with other projectiles, which is actually fricking cool and neat instead of generic and the most overrated thing in the history of FPS games. But back to the main point, while its encouraged, i really would not call it mandatory to constantly swap in either doom game

          • 5 months ago

            The thing with weapon combos in DE is that swapping from specific weapons is faster, most popular combos include PB because heavy cannon is one of those guns. If you just slowswap between SSG and Ballista you're not (ab)using the system to its true potential. You need to use specific weapons and time your swaps for "true" combos.

            Personally I never bothered with that.

            • 5 months ago

              thats the issue for me though, its still superfluous stuff for relatively unimportant gain
              I genuinely dont care whether im swapping SSG to ballista, or swapping SSG to PB, or rocket launcher to PB, or whatever. They are all the exact same flavor of shooting. So little mechanically matters when it comes to dealign damage in DE, its all boring and superfluous. ultrakill doesnt have this problem, at most you can say a rocket is too similar (albeit better) than a projectile boost. But you wont find something that is relevant and comparable to alternating between projectile boosts and rockets in the same mechanical niche

              • 5 months ago

                You don't care that you're using SSG at long range or rockets up close?

              • 5 months ago

                of course theres a difference there, but its also a very small and shallow one

          • 5 months ago

            I think the key difference is that DE primarily punishes you for not weapon swapping by throwing enemies at you that frick you up if you don't, while Ultrakill rewards you for weapon swapping by making you personally stronger. The only enemies that directly counter anything in the game are the faces that deflect explosions, so every reward UK gives you for swapping is generally centered on the player; you get more points, you regenerate grey HP faster, etc. It feels better because you still feel fine even if you don't do it.

        • 5 months ago

          >no jugging of ten thousand cooldowns
          LMAO, are you fricking moronic? I can't think of 10 things that dont have a cooldown in this troony game

  9. 5 months ago

    I mean it when I say that Ultrakill is genuinely one of the worst games ever made.

  10. 5 months ago

    brutally mogs the nudoom games

  11. 5 months ago

    a troony

  12. 5 months ago

    homosexual kys

  13. 5 months ago

    discord troony

  14. 5 months ago

    Literally me

  15. 5 months ago

    plugged and caged

  16. 5 months ago

    Either a normal person who enjoys games or a mentally ill homosexual
    There's no inbetween

  17. 5 months ago

    Ganker hates it so it must be good.

  18. 5 months ago

    I imagine you dress up in an Asuka bodysuit and walk around anime conventions with a nihilistic energy.

  19. 5 months ago

    A troony or homosexual who uses discord to roleplay with other homosexuals.

  20. 5 months ago

    >skill issue
    >touch grass
    >huh??? whuh???
    >bro is so gender
    >check your mailbox
    >watch yo tone
    >i won't sugarcoat it
    >when the... when the
    >glow up
    >L bozo
    >this aint it chief
    >he so eepy

    • 5 months ago

      what does "blud" mean?

      • 5 months ago

        "blood" as in "bro"

        they love idolizing Black folk

      • 5 months ago

        blud u triflin, U must be from dirty docks
        kai cenat will judge you in ohio for your gyatt

        • 5 months ago

          DO YOU SPEAK IT

          • 5 months ago

            you sound like a tard who cant into basic phonics and the ability to look up keywords in the dictionary
            you prancing lala homosexual man

            • 5 months ago

              excuse me urbandictionary
              because you live under a rock

        • 5 months ago

          Fr bruh that homie trippin

    • 5 months ago

      someone give me a rundown on all these, i don't speak moronic

      • 5 months ago

        Insufferable homosexual-ass minor dogwhistles, nothing more

  21. 5 months ago

    >>my favorite game of all time is Ultrakill
    It's not even finished though.

    • 5 months ago

      must be really good then

      • 5 months ago

        >>my favorite game of all time is Ultrakill
        It's not even finished though.

        the game had enough substance to qualify itself as a top tier game even when reaching Pinos was the only thing to do
        it keeps growing beyond that

  22. 5 months ago

    either a homosexual or someone supremely based with taste for top tier gameplay

  23. 5 months ago

    The game is great. I dont give a frick about the fanbase, I dont give a frick about what Ganker says, if the game is good I’ll enjoy it.

    • 5 months ago

      >I dont give a frick about the fanbase
      you mean the people that the development team are actively listening to?

      • 5 months ago

        thankfuly they rarely ever listen to their, or anyone's, feedback in terms of how to direct and balance the game
        >but muh whiplash
        the dev came up with it at random, if anything might as well thank the fanbase for saying it was too excessive a limitation so it was tweaked to this level where its perfectly fine
        >but muh rocket riding
        everyone who complains about this has literally never tried rocket riding, or hasnt tried riding a rocket past the change

        • 5 months ago

          >fans say the guttertank is too strong
          >instantly nerfed

          • 5 months ago

            ok that part actually kinda sucked
            im 50/50 on it because the nerf was mechanically interesting and not very impactful if youre skilled, but old guttertank was crushing to shitters because the punch was an IQ check.. which is based

            my primary concern is basically that. I want encore / ukmd to go all out but if its overall P-2 tier then there will be major whining

            • 5 months ago

              >fans say the guttertank is too strong
              >instantly nerfed

              Things getting nerfed means they're being saved for Brutal.

              • 5 months ago

                good point

                >they rarely ever listen to feedback
                the slow process of hakita turning his dev uploads on youtube from literally just dev uploads to meme shit for zoomers would tell you otherwise
                >b-but hakita is also a stubborn moron so its okay if he turns the game into troony slop

                >the game itself is fine but im going to seethe about random social media

              • 5 months ago

                >the game itself is fine except for when the dev makes stupid fricking decisions which are doubled down by his loyal troony fanbase because hey you already paid for the game so why should he care?

              • 5 months ago

                name two

                how is it a good change? They are a joke now and they give the easiest longest parry window in the game now

                they were already pretty easy if you just waited for the attack
                >easiest longest parry window
                its not sisyphus' explosion attack
                I think its kinda lame though. Its not a parry but rather a punish, but why must i use the feedbacker in a situation that is typically a red punch scenario? Why must the damage be loaded on the particular counter rather than the actual normal damage sources?
                I found old guttertanks interesting because id wait until theyre firing so they cant punch, hit them with a strong attack and then back off

              • 5 months ago

                >whiplash denial, refusing to acknowledge the "reversion" in underwater specifically (i wonder which level is entirely underwater?)
                >80% of P-2 being a gauntlet because the boss itself was going to be an insufferably boring, spammy copy of minos

              • 5 months ago

                the whiplash nerf was fine and using the game's movement is way more fun than mashing the zoom directly to enemy button all the time. the whiplash is still strong even with that there's just actual fricking risk in using it

                p-2 is a very fun level. I'll admit that it kind of seems like Hakita isn't sure how to escalate a boss beyond Minos Prime but putting an endurance test before the boss isn't that insane escalation IMO

              • 5 months ago

                >the whiplash nerf was fine
                no it's not, you can't "use the game's movement" to get to every enemy because the levels are expanding to be more open.
                remember that the main feature is to use close combat to heal so "durr just use the nailgun" doesn't work here, this is not a cue to use the least interesting weapon in the entire game.
                >putting an endurance test before the boss isn't that insane escalation IMO
                prime sanctums are boss levels, they should have the boss and only the boss involved just like in every other boss level. that's why they're boss levels. putting 57 enemies in there with the boss defeats the point.
                the simple solution was to give sisyphus more moves than "combo that ends with a parriable stomp that makes a shockwave", "parriable teleport move that ends in a shockwave", "teleport move that is a stomp that makes a shockwave", "parriable explosion move", and "parriable explosion move 2" but of course that requires hakita to have good ideas and the player to use his attention span for once, which is a big no-no for the ultrakill community.

                again, you'll double down on literally anything

              • 5 months ago

                and lets add onto this, 7-4 is a fun level AESTHETICALLY but the boss is dogshit and shows that hakita's going to let boss levels take a nosedive in quality.
                >more enemies
                >MORE enemies
                >even more enemies
                >even MORE enemies
                >a four-part miniboss that's just reused assets from other enemies
                >whack a mole with idols
                >a giant box that shoots a single huge mindflayer orb at you while you hug the wall and frantically shoot rockets/nails/saws/the green railcannon spear to kill it as fast as possible

                do you see it yet?

              • 5 months ago

                >boss that is big enough to be its own level has enemies standing on it
                Shocker. I will agree though that the fights with the Earthmover itself are lame.

              • 5 months ago

                >do you see it yet?
                with your logic that shit was already in the game with minos' corpse and leviathan
                >giant dude that punches you and throws one single projectile that saps your hp while he grabs the stage, so you can shoot him faster, then gets two snakes that spam easy to dodge shit
                >giant snake that you can make impotent with the rocket launcher the moment he starts shooting, then he tries to tackle you and hit you with his tail, then he start doing those two things at the same time

              • 5 months ago

                >no it's not, you can't "use the game's movement" to get to every enemy because the levels are expanding to be more open.
                you absolutely can though. You can generate tons of speed on a dime and slams and dashes used together give you fine control over your height while bouncing around trying to engage enemies in midair. The only serious exception to this is the underwater levels.

                It's such a silly thing to say that you're either trolling or ridiculous enough to not keep indulging

              • 5 months ago

                also forgot to say but you can still use the whiplash you just can't use it in every situation to keep yourself alive and also do your strongest damage which was mindless trash that made the game worse

                using it for course correction and adjustment cautiously is more interesting than using it for absolutely everything

              • 5 months ago

                >ou can't "use the game's movement" to get to every enemy because the levels are expanding to be more open.
                name literally one encounter you whiny homosexual
                >"durr just use the nailgun" doesn't work here, this is not a cue to use the least interesting weapon in the entire game.
                where the frick did you even get the nailgun from?
                and theres a ton of more potent (in fact, much more potent) ranged dmg output than nailgun

                there are three virtues in the last encounter room on P-2 and i fricking dare you to say that you can CQC them without the whiplash.

                an endurance test before the boss isn't that insane escalation IMO
                >prime sanctums are boss levels, they should have the boss and only the boss involved just like in every other boss level.
                god youre such a boring dumb homosexual
                imagine if every single prime sanctum is just a flesh prison and then a prime soul. You dont have the rights to shit on sisyphus being another melee brawler like pinos if youre going to whine about p-2 not being the same as p-1. the gauntlet is neat as frick

                i'm not shitting on sisyphus being a melee brawler, i'm shitting on him being boring and predictable as soon as hakita fixed his own stupidity. who knew that the boss in a level that's fixated on parrying skills would end up being a weak piece of shit when you can parry him every five seconds for an instant heal and a stamina fill?
                sisyphus should have had a wider arrangement of moves to study and learn from, these prime souls get two phases in their fights and they barely do anything to make them more interesting.

                also forgot to say but you can still use the whiplash you just can't use it in every situation to keep yourself alive and also do your strongest damage which was mindless trash that made the game worse

                using it for course correction and adjustment cautiously is more interesting than using it for absolutely everything

                frick you, shotgun parrying virtues and malicious faces is fun and you're a homosexual for trying to play the game like it's DOOM.

              • 5 months ago

                you could use slam storage to get up to them pretty easily if you had to, not like it's super ultra high level tech, i found it on my own by literal accident. that said the point in the first place is that whiplash is still usable without being so good that you can literally ignore the way more dynamic and interesting movement system using your dashes, slams, and slides to get in. It would be shitty for a game with such fun and smooth movement for an FPS to be ignored in favor of "press the grapple button to heal and do a shitload of damage." i use the whiplash all the time, just not blindly.

              • 5 months ago

                >you could use slam storage to get up to them pretty easily if you had to
                and be a sitting duck to the cerberus and hideous mass?
                just say you don't play the game, it's obvious at this point.

                >do you see it yet?
                with your logic that shit was already in the game with minos' corpse and leviathan
                >giant dude that punches you and throws one single projectile that saps your hp while he grabs the stage, so you can shoot him faster, then gets two snakes that spam easy to dodge shit
                >giant snake that you can make impotent with the rocket launcher the moment he starts shooting, then he tries to tackle you and hit you with his tail, then he start doing those two things at the same time

                >early game boss
                >boss that at least has multiple phases and more than one move total

              • 5 months ago

                too obvious

              • 5 months ago

                >and be a sitting duck to the cerberus and hideous mass?
                >just say you don't play the game, it's obvious at this point.
                hahaha what
                anon its an open arena
                they can hardly hit you in an open environment like that

                you barely have to stop moving to slam storage, and even considering you completely misunderstood what slam storage means, nothing stops you from jump stomping over and over to reach the virtues anyway

              • 5 months ago

                >and i fricking dare you to say that you can CQC them without the whiplash.
                there are some niche methods but obviously it doesnt have to be whiplash. And your complaint is also even more moronic because there is absolutely nothing standing between you and whiplashing the virtues at the top of the last arena given they have absolutely zero proper supporting enemies that can actually hit you up there by the time you fricked all the virtues. At most you have a tiny chance to take 1 hit and then just heal with the idol anyway.
                But heres the thing, even then, you dont have to CQC them gay. Theres plenty of options

                I disagree with the other anon. you can use the whiplash in basically every situation ever if you arent playing like shit. Shotgun parrying virtues and malicious faces with the whiplash is something you can do basically all the time. Whiplash is still at least five times stronger and more relevant than the two other arms combined outside of bosses. Not saying red punch and feedbacker are weak but the whiplash is still completely monstrous and typically completely free. Im convinced most people seething over whiplash are just terrorized of how they imagine it works rather than how it actually works

              • 5 months ago

                forgot to mention
                >yeah uh i mentioned 1/7 of an encounter rather than the encounter as a whole, and said 1/7 lies exclusively in the easy mode victory lap part, where theres also absolutely zero threat, so much that you could quadruple the whiplash hard damage and whiplashing the virtues would still remain the viable option, and has absolutely no comparison to the entirety of the relevant combat situations in the game. And of course you can just mindlessly look up and shoot because that arena has zero enemies that can reliably hit you in an open arena
                so yes, as i said, nothing really stops you from just using movement to mog the whole game

              • 5 months ago

                >if you arent playing like shit
                Isn't that kind of the point? Hakita witnessed new players giving up on all non-whiplash movement after getting it. He left it largely intact while introducing more risk if you use it mindlessly. It was a good nerf after it got adjusted

              • 5 months ago

                yes, the earlier stage of the whiplash was shit but the current whiplash is perfectly fine
                the only case in which it was meaningfully nerfed when playing half-effectively is for when theres a small enemy 34902km away from you and you whiplash it towards you when youre at 10 health. In which case not only its genuinely balanced and almost always happens in a situation where the bonus hard damage mantains rather than worsen your general status of hard damage, it doesnt change the fact whiplashing stuff to you for heals is still incredibly overpowered and usually the go-to

              • 5 months ago

                >there are three virtues in the last encounter room on P-2 and i fricking dare you to say that you can CQC them without the whiplash.
                nah you can't unless you super jump at them, but you can at least kill one with the railgun, and while the thing recharges you can go for the opened idol and then the hideous mass, which is the real butthole the that room besides the ferryman at the start, the former can be easily dispatched with the nailgun at gunpoint, and the cerberus are now little b***hes with the srs cannon

              • 5 months ago

                an endurance test before the boss isn't that insane escalation IMO
                >prime sanctums are boss levels, they should have the boss and only the boss involved just like in every other boss level.
                god youre such a boring dumb homosexual
                imagine if every single prime sanctum is just a flesh prison and then a prime soul. You dont have the rights to shit on sisyphus being another melee brawler like pinos if youre going to whine about p-2 not being the same as p-1. the gauntlet is neat as frick

              • 5 months ago

                >ou can't "use the game's movement" to get to every enemy because the levels are expanding to be more open.
                name literally one encounter you whiny homosexual
                >"durr just use the nailgun" doesn't work here, this is not a cue to use the least interesting weapon in the entire game.
                where the frick did you even get the nailgun from?
                and theres a ton of more potent (in fact, much more potent) ranged dmg output than nailgun

          • 5 months ago

            ok that part actually kinda sucked
            im 50/50 on it because the nerf was mechanically interesting and not very impactful if youre skilled, but old guttertank was crushing to shitters because the punch was an IQ check.. which is based

            my primary concern is basically that. I want encore / ukmd to go all out but if its overall P-2 tier then there will be major whining

            The gutter tank nerf was just the flop on whiff, wasn't it? I think it was a good change.

            • 5 months ago

              how is it a good change? They are a joke now and they give the easiest longest parry window in the game now

              • 5 months ago

                Because it's an interesting counter that's unique to them.

              • 5 months ago

                >They are a joke now and they give the easiest longest parry window in the game now
                they were already a joke after clearing the layer a couple of times, because by then you should've realised that their rockets can be stopped with your rocket launcher, then you can shoot them down, and the mines being easy health refill and extra damage after parrying those at them; by the time they charged their punch you can easily shove three magnets and 4 buffed rockets on their asses, the punch at that moment is a mercy kill

              • 5 months ago

                >they are a joke after you figure out and master everything about them
                no way

        • 5 months ago

          >they rarely ever listen to feedback
          the slow process of hakita turning his dev uploads on youtube from literally just dev uploads to meme shit for zoomers would tell you otherwise
          >b-but hakita is also a stubborn moron so its okay if he turns the game into troony slop

  24. 5 months ago

    It's impossible to discuss videogames on Ganker.
    This thread is pure garbage.

  25. 5 months ago

    Obnoxious gay teenager on large discord server

    Turbo Overkill is the better boomer shooter.

  26. 5 months ago

    Someone who likes fast fps games and has the mental capacity to separate a product from its creators and consumers.

  27. 5 months ago

    someone that likes fast FPS and good bosses.
    My kind of FPS fan.

    • 5 months ago

      Arcane dimensions is so fricking good

      • 5 months ago

        It earns it's spot, tears of the false god may be the best FPS level of all time.

  28. 5 months ago

    A porn-addicted troony

  29. 5 months ago

    a cool dude who doesnt afraid of anything

  30. 5 months ago

    Someone who hasn't played ultrakill

  31. 5 months ago

    either an overeager zoomer or a chillish dude that really, REALLY likes action FPS and is frustrated with the entire rest of the FPS genre

  32. 5 months ago

    The one person I knew who obsessed over this game was severely autistic. He got P ranks though so respect.

  33. 5 months ago

    a she/her 🙂

  34. 5 months ago

    Someone with a girlfriend, a full time job, a loving family and great friends

  35. 5 months ago


  36. 5 months ago

    >ultrakill is good because you don't play simon says unlike in doom eternal, you can do whatever you want
    >what do you mean you want to use the designated "get close to your enemies" weapon to get close to enemies you can't conveniently reach otherwise? you can't do that, you have to do the glitch turned feature in order to do that, you can't use something that's actually intended to be part of the game, that's stupid and you deserve to be punished for using it.

    • 5 months ago

      >NOOOO theres ONE enemy spawn in ONE enemy encounter in the ENTIRE game that is difficult to reach without the whiplash, its totally simon says

      >btw rocket riding and slam storage dont count

      • 5 months ago

        >what do you mean you want to use the designated "get close to your enemies" weapon to get close to enemies you can't conveniently reach otherwise? you can't do that, you have to use the "get far away from your enemies in the cybergrind" weapon gimmick that was inspired by a single cutscene from devil may cry 3 instead, you have to, you can't use the "get close to your enemies" weapon because only bad players do that and they deserve to be punished for having fun.

        • 5 months ago

          It took the freezeframe rocket launcher three updates to be a viable weapon instead of a glorified utility and honestly that says a lot about how impulsive these game development decisions actually are. Somebody in a thread from a month ago said that these updates are talking longer because of the planning and the dev team having to agree on one thing but I don't think that's even true, they're just incredibly spoiled.

  37. 5 months ago

    >this intended element of the game has now a penalty for missuse,
    >what do you mean that the penalty is lifted if you play the game?

  38. 5 months ago

    Doom Eternal's game design is based anyways and Hakita agrees. He's been adding more enemies with very particular weaknesses to exploit every single update. Guttermen make you use knuckleblaster to punt their shields and easily kill them. Guttertanks strongly encourage you to use rocket freeze, etc.

    • 5 months ago

      >Doom Eternal's game design is based anyways
      no it often isnt
      im glad UK is the polar opposite of DE in vast majority of ways
      DE's muh hardcounter thing is INSANELY exagerated but its very good that theres nothing in UK that reaches the level of cringe of stone imps or spirits

      most enemies still have a huge whole variety of strong methods rather than a particular one, only gutterman stand out as KB by itself being too overtuned against them. Guttertank's rocket freeze for example, yes it is a hard synergy, but at the end of the day its not particulary more powerful against them than just generic sustained damage, high burst damage, whiplash, etc... specially because they can barely hit you if you just keep moving

      • 5 months ago

        Stone imps are literally a very rare enemy.

        Spirits are not really an enemy even, you're just dispelling them, the real enemies are possessed ones.

        • 5 months ago

          true for the spirits, until you get the cancer of the final boss of TAG1 or that one super gore nest in TAG2. its bad

          • 5 months ago

            Samir is a good final boss because he really tests your target prioritization and evasion :^)

            > that one super gore nest in TAG2

      • 5 months ago

        spirits are okay in the context of the game surrounding them. they're not really an enemy, they're a crowd control challenge. them making people re-evalutate the microwave was just a bonus

        they thought they could do the same thing with stimps but it turned out the auto shotgun just genuinely blew ass. Got a nice buff though and now it feels pretty good to use as a result

      • 5 months ago

        >stone imps
        brainlet. die in a ditch

        • 5 months ago

          i beat all of tag 2 on first playthrough on nightmare without dying and having to reload checkpoint outside of one super gore nest
          stone imps are gay, they would be better if they dropped the shotgun hardcounter, and then commited to being a dedicated tanky enemy

          • 5 months ago

            you dont have to "hardcounter" them shitter.

          • 5 months ago

            If you played TAG2 around release you could've just disintegrated every single simp with a light touch of Energy Shield.

      • 5 months ago

        for me, it was the imps that poison you and make you move like a grandma after one hit
        only played TAG 2 once but those frickers annoyed the shit out of me

  39. 5 months ago

    >want to use the whiplash
    >use it
    Seems pretty straight forward to me. I'm not sure I see the issue.

  40. 5 months ago

    A troony with decent taste in FPS games

  41. 5 months ago

    >>my favorite game of all time is Ultrakill

  42. 5 months ago

    so thanks to the anon that complained i tried playing p-2 with the least amount of whiplash i mainly use for the rocket launcher red explosions, using it against the virtues is indeed my go to strategy when i reach that room (and it should be for eveyrone too), same for the sniper robots before that part, and i'm sure that was why it took me a couple of tries but it is doable; prioritizing the railgun shots at them, shooting the cannonball and switching to the coin gun to shoot at it to explode it for extra damage, then using the piercer or the sharpshooter you can finish them off fast, hell you can even reach them if you kill the idol in a certain angle, the rockets can also lower them if you miss hitting them but are near the ceiling or the walls which is actually where they spawn
    thanks anon, this was a fun challenge

    • 5 months ago

      the sentries are pretty fine as long as you use any of the (frickton) of tools to deal with them. You can disable a ton with just revolvers, railcannon and SRS. About to get shot and dont feel like you can afford/wanna time a dash? You can literally use the idoled hideous mass as a barrier. Or be a man and chargeback it

    • 5 months ago

      look how much you had to explain that versus "there's a tool that lets you get close to these enemies"

      • 5 months ago

        yeah the other option was using the whiplash and accepting the penalty (which again, is lifted the moment you reach ultrakill rank), but your complaining made me think about how doable it was without it, it gave me some room for improvement and getting some enjoyment of that room.

  43. 5 months ago

    cool dude who has no idea about the community and just likes shootin' stuff

  44. 5 months ago

    Honestly it's always a loser that thinks he's funny but isn't

    Like he'll say a joke but doesn't have the personality to make it land ever

  45. 5 months ago

    i can't believe shitters are still seething about the whiplash change
    it might most based change that hakita has ever done
    if you really are bothered that much just mod it out you fricking moron

    • 5 months ago

      The best part about all of this is that the whiplash change has no effect if you're actually playing well. If you get an Ultrakill style ranking going, you can spam it as much as you damn well please, which means the people whining and b***hing about it can't do it. Not to mention that if you're good enough to get a capped style ranking, you're probably good enough to realize just how many options you have to move around and close distance instead of just using the whiplash.

      • 5 months ago

        >the best part is that it has no effect on me because (insert epic hardcore gamer LARP here)

        • 5 months ago

          Blow a gasket all you want, the facts remain. Using the whiplash is free if you have a high style ranking. Try playing better if you want to use it constantly.

          • 5 months ago

            maybe it should be a better game first you homosexual

            • 5 months ago

              That's some grade-A seethe right there, but I'm afraid it won't help you play better. It's okay, I believe in you.

              • 5 months ago

                Hey now, don't take your lack of skill out on the game.

                oh my god he's seething look at him go

                Is this what the old people call a samegay?

              • 5 months ago

                no it's actually a small group of people laughing at a whiny pissy homosexual, but i understand the misconception

              • 5 months ago

                no I think you're just mad because I'm not taking your bragging/bluff seriously over the same game that allows you to instakill anything with a saw trap, a few coins, and a railcannon. you took a play on your own words as a personal insult and that's why you had to reply to it three times when everyone else was just getting one or two.

              • 5 months ago

                You're very clearly the only one who's mad here, my guy.

              • 5 months ago

                >play the game better
                >the game should be better first
                make sure to put this in your reddit post, okay?

              • 5 months ago

                lmao keep it going my dude, it keeps the thread bumped at least
                you suck at the game, easy peasy. literally a skill issue, works on my machine, etc.

              • 5 months ago

                not reading all that shit, can tell you're mad or you would have just not replied

              • 5 months ago

                no I think you're just mad because I'm not taking your bragging/bluff seriously over the same game that allows you to instakill anything with a saw trap, a few coins, and a railcannon. you took a play on your own words as a personal insult and that's why you had to reply to it three times when everyone else was just getting one or two.

                I was content letting you be mad but here, have some more fuel for the fire if you're gonna double down on being an butthole.

              • 5 months ago

                im not him but i found out recently that you can just unmark a post as you if you use Gankerx, so it technically makes faking a samegay super easy
                you can also mark a post as you too so you can do a super mass reply and they all look like you

              • 5 months ago
            • 5 months ago

              Hey now, don't take your lack of skill out on the game.

            • 5 months ago

              oh my god he's seething look at him go

          • 5 months ago

            using whiplash is free regardless of whether or not you have a high style ranking

            • 5 months ago

              True, you just gotta not use it on low health

              • 5 months ago

                i mean it's pretty much fine to sue it on low health, i use it all the time to pull a filth up to me for a shotgun blast just to get to like 40 hp, it helps so much

              • 5 months ago

                i mean it's pretty much fine to sue it on low health, i use it all the time to pull a filth up to me for a shotgun blast just to get to like 40 hp, it helps so much

                it literally doesnt matter if you use it at low health
                hard damage cant build up beyond 50. If youre below 50 then you dont care about the hard damage going beyond 50. and it cant make the hard damage recovery any slower than it already would be after youre done using it
                its still one of the strongest tools in the game when it comes to healing

              • 5 months ago

                after using it for so long to get all the perfects and the sanctums i took for granted how essential it was until i tried a new save file and found approaching enemies to heal incredibly fricking hard without it

  46. 5 months ago


  47. 5 months ago

    A homosexual nerd out of touch greasy idiot with shit taste i would laugh

  48. 5 months ago

    100% a zoomer incel, shartmerican.

  49. 5 months ago

    I think ultrakill is very good but the memes are lame
    >dude xd i made v1 do a fortnite dance, [Gabriel voice clip]

    • 5 months ago

      it's worth interacting with the shitty meme spouting braindead fricking community for cool fanart though

  50. 5 months ago

    hey hey people! moronic obnoxious voice actor here!

    • 5 months ago

      Everyone behind ULTRAKILL is an obnoxious moron.
      >hakita spends more time and resources hiding easter eggs featuring his self insert than actually developing the game
      >PITR is a sexual degenerate who modded buttplug support just to enable the unfunny "sex update" joke
      >axe wound and zipperbreasts diversity hires who probably enable the two aforementioned
      >a fricking youtube reviewer. do i have to say anything else?
      >even the publisher is an unfunny homosexual that would sooner do mediocre PR than be honest about the game's development

  51. 5 months ago

    i refuse to believe Gankerx is popular. I get my kicks without it, so whats the incentive?

    • 5 months ago

      it has a LOT of customizable options, qol improvments, manageable filters, and helpful resources
      at least give it a shot, it improves a lot of things without changing the website at all

  52. 5 months ago

    Ultrakill sucks ultra gay wiener

    • 5 months ago

      this is why I can't take any talk about "game balance" or "nerfing" seriously

  53. 5 months ago

    Gay teenager who streams their gameplay on discord, or a regular guy who is fond of first-person shooters

    • 5 months ago

      it's weird, usually i hate and suck fricking ass at fps games but ultrakill just kind of clicked with me

      • 5 months ago

        Sometimes that just happens, i wasn't too fond of platformers until i played super meat boy a while ago.

  54. 5 months ago

    Someone who watches too much porn and thinks sex jokes are the funniest thing in the world

  55. 5 months ago

    sex update enjoyer

  56. 5 months ago

    The game is incredibly speed runner adjacent in terms of how it flows so I assume some mixture of

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