Name a dumber lead character. The game even literally rewards you for making her say dumb things.

Name a dumber lead character. The game even literally rewards you for making her say dumb things.

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  1. 3 years ago

    Was a total waste of a character even in the first FF13. She has zero redeeming value. Even porn cannot save her.

  2. 3 years ago

    She might be dumb but I bet she gives good head.

  3. 3 years ago

    I liked both her and Noel, mostly because they don't seem too bothered by the fact that they're jumping through time like it's nothing just to "save sis" or whatever.

    also: I haven't played too many FF games, but how many MAIN characters die at the end of theirs? (and stay dead)

    • 3 years ago

      you like her because she dies?

        • 3 years ago

          Nah, Serah's is brought back at the very end. The scene with Light coming out of a train is her on her to way to Snow and Serah's wedding. Also that ghost Lightning meets throughout the game is a fake made by Bhunivelze to keep Lightning's compliance. Bhunivelze probably has Serah's soul, but he doesn't have her heart, which is what Lightning had before it became Lumina. In the English version they conflated Soul and Heart into one thing which makes the story much more confusing, like when Bhuni says "Your souls are opaque to me" where he's actually talking about Hearts, which are pieces of Chaos that Etro put into every human when they're reborn and it's established early on that Bhuni can't see Chaos (through Hope).

    • 3 years ago

      >stay dead
      Did she really? I never played 13-3, so that's awesome if true

      • 3 years ago

        Lightning crystallized herself with Serah's soul/heart at the end of XIII-2, before LR starts Bhunivelze pulled Serah's heart/soul along with Light's repressed childhood out of Lightning and it became Lumina, then at the end of LR basically Light's reunited with her childhood and Serah as well as everyone else is reborn into a new world, things like that.

        • 3 years ago

          >Lightning crystallized herself with Serah's soul/heart at the end of XIII-2, before LR starts Bhunivelze pulled Serah's heart/soul along with Light's repressed childhood out of Lightning and it became Lumina

          What the frick am I reading

        • 3 years ago

          Can anyone straighten out how Etro gave Lightning power when the lore keeps saying that Etro has no power? That's the power that always bugs me.

          • 3 years ago

            Didn't she get power from Mwynn when she was dying the second time? I may be misremembering. Also she gave Lightning power forcibly, but LRXIII seems to act as though Lightning wasn't mindraped by her, so it may no longer be canon.

    • 3 years ago

      as shit as XV is, Noctis's fate is bittersweet

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah, you can actually roleplay her. But in the grand scheme of things, meaning what she says overall when you aren't in control, I would say she's definitely more rational and varyingly as smart as most FF protagonists.
      >Name a dumber lead character.
      Firion, Onion Kid, Cecil, Zack, Tidus, Yuna and Lightning. And a few others are debatable (Butz, Cloud, Zidane, Noctis).

      If you actually want to know Besides Serah only 2 + 1 ambiguous + 1 fan theory

      • 3 years ago

        >meaning what she says overall when you aren't in control, I would say she's definitely more rational and varyingly as smart as most FF protagonists.
        She most certainly is not. Everything she says is daft.

        • 3 years ago

          I don't agree with you. She reacts to the real things around, talks about the central facts immediately and openly*, always tries to figure out what's actually happening, makes mental connections between things she's heard and what's currently going on and makes choices and plans based on evidence. And without evidence her intuition and educated guesses are rasonable and work out.

          *) As a distraction, because she's always hiding everything that is negative or bothers herself with "It's fine, you worry too much." It's the one thing she's constantly irrational about.

          Firion and Onion kid were based

          Onion Kids were awesome. Walking through lavafalls is badass. Firion I liked, but only to a he's quite alright level, though I'll grant that he was the most practical protagonist. I also respect his behind enemy lines expertise. I don't really like how they made him the idealist in Dissidia, since I got the opposite view of him in his own game, due to him being one of the two liars out of shame protagonists.

      • 3 years ago

        Firion and Onion kid were based

  4. 3 years ago

    Literally every choice he/she makes leads to same end.

  5. 3 years ago

    using serah thighs to cum

  6. 3 years ago

    Serah is so girly I could eat her

  7. 3 years ago

    dont care, she made me cum

  8. 3 years ago

    never played her game
    post breasts, I'll decide

    • 3 years ago
      • 3 years ago
  9. 3 years ago

    she is the best character (other than alyssa) in 2 and im including the lightning dlc
    solo caius battle is kino

  10. 3 years ago

    >name a dumber lead character

  11. 3 years ago

    atelier has a fair share of dumb protagonists

    • 3 years ago

      Yeah but they cute, so...

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