Name an RTS game with a better campaign than Warcraft 3.

Name an RTS game with a better campaign than Warcraft 3.

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  1. 1 year ago

    The only thing that comes close is DoW 1 or Starcraft.
    VGH......... Warcraft 3 was so good, bros.
    We will never get WC4, and if we do, it will never be as good as 3.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know much about WoW so I can't even imagine what the campaign of Warcraft 4 would be like.

      • 1 year ago

        They either set the game up as taking place before WoW (a draenei campaign of them fleeing from Argus to find a new home) or something like that, an alternate Warcraft timeline, or set it far after the happenings of WoW.
        Making WC4 be concurrent with the WoW timeline would be moronic, that shit is too poorly written and conveluted to make sense of.

        • 1 year ago

          Not to mention armies being rendered completely innefective for any number of stupid reasons in WoW.

        • 1 year ago

          The Warcraft story at this point is unsalvageable. TFT left on the cliff-hanger of Arthas becoming the Lich King, leaving questions about what happened to Ner'zhul which Metzen took way too long and too many drugs deciding on, before forgetting half of the convoluted backstory, then deciding Ner'zhul was just 'gone'. This is then contradicted by an Alliance quest in Howling Fjord in WoTLK, where 'Arthas' perceives he's being spied on with shamanism and remarks "I was once a Shaman". Many such cases, of entire plot-lines being abandoned and replaced with very weak ones. WoW vanilla started off with the Emerald Dream plot development that never arrived, and then spoilt the Old Gods because the idiots put in charge late in development wanted to make the game about PvE raid content above all else.

          I just want the next Thanos rip-off to destroy it all already. Like it will turn out that J'Lor was a mere servant to the Real Big Deal(who was the Light all along) and xe will just fart on Azeroth, destroying it and all adjacent dimensions, time-lines and planets that can be accessed from it.

          Then the Lich King wakes up on the throne and fore-seeing the future, knows what he has to do. Starting with stopping the ret-cons about wear his armour and sword came from.

          • 1 year ago

            Sounds like a bunch of moronic bullshit from what was a straight-forward story.

  2. 1 year ago

    Settlers 2 & 3
    Original War
    Emperor RotMK (frick you, still an RTS)
    Rise of Legends

    • 1 year ago

      >Rise of legends
      I do love the game but holy shit the campaign was such a dogshit fiesta to get through.
      >Slowly expanding your force to take to the next mission
      Cool concept, badly integrated
      >Here, enjoy your 15th Skirmish with Doge which you will finish in under 8 minutes because you rolled in with 2 upgraded juggernauts and maxed Giacomo

  3. 1 year ago


    >all that effort and sacrifices just to go insane and kill your king from the previous game. Don’t feel like I am really saving humankind from doom
    >yeah remember those guys you tried saving last campeign? It’s time to murder them all. The spoiled brat gets to coldsteel the hedgehog on everybody. Remember that paladin from Warcraft 2 who saved peasants from orc savages. Yep you get to murder him.
    >remember said green savages that tied to genocide humans in the name of demon allah? Turns out the are misunderstood Native American stand ins. You see the are all spiritual and stuff. One with nature man. Humans are le facials man.
    Night elves
    Litteraly bluehaired hollier than thou forest feminists. Lorderon was allowed to be massacred by a legion of demons, why should I care about ashenval peta who spend the first couple missions killing the last human refugees.

    Don’t get me started on frozen throne
    Don’t bother correcting my writing mistakes. I have no respect to English culture

    • 1 year ago

      They weren't the last human refugees, just a bunch of people that followed Jaina west across the sea. Most refugees from Lordaeron would have gone south.
      Also If I remember right by that time they had already allied with Thrall and were working with the Orcs to cut their way through Ashenvale which is a no no.
      I agree with the rest though.
      Human and Undead are just one big Arthas campaign. Wc3, Frozen Throne and WoW all shit on the Wc2 alliance remnants making the story from that game feel pointless.

    • 1 year ago

      >Night elves
      They have strict gender roles, the women are priestesses and warriors, and their jobs are to act as guardians of Night Elf clay over the centuries while the men sleep, and to wake the men up to take over if anything important happens.

      • 1 year ago

        >le bad ass women. Kick ass while men do nothing until called
        Yep sounds like feminism to me
        Allso some guardians. They were supposed to be these immortals who sharpened thier skills for millennia, veterans of some ancient war againt the hordes of hell. Couldn’t even stop a login operation by litteral green Black folk

        • 1 year ago

          >>le bad ass women. Kick ass while men do nothing until called
          But that's not what happens.
          >Couldn’t even stop a login operation by litteral green Black folk
          Which is why they needed to wake up the men. The women were doing the menial task of guarding while the men spend centuries chilling in magic dream land. When something more complicated than "be present in case something happens" needed to be done, the men handled it.

        • 1 year ago

          >I never played WC3
          Now that's sad. Maybe you should call your boyfriend after the first sign of trouble, just like the NE women did, lol

    • 1 year ago

      >Don’t bother correcting my writing mistakes. I have no respect to English culture

  4. 1 year ago

    SC2 WoL

    • 1 year ago

      >SC2 WoL
      Jimmy should've killed Kerrigan.
      Verification not required.

  5. 1 year ago

    For me, it's the India campaign from AoE3

    • 1 year ago

      Recruiting and buffing the gurkhas to outrange and dispatch the red coats...truly blessed campaign.

  6. 1 year ago

    DoW 1

  7. 1 year ago

    C&C, C&C:RA, Dune 2.

  8. 1 year ago

    Shadow of the Horned Rat
    Blood Omen
    Populus The Beginning
    7th Legion

    • 1 year ago

      Age of Mythology

      Both are right.

  9. 1 year ago

    the very nerve of blizzoids to remove these iconic sets from the main menu in reforged. they were soul manifest.

  10. 1 year ago

    Just because how the campaign was made. In one mission you fight zombies, in another you are a gladiator, next you siege steampunk fortress with robots including the final boss mega steampunk spider on a fricking volcano. All with fricking dinosaurus.
    But balance wise its wack, some missions are easy on hard while others you have to cheese even on easy.

  11. 1 year ago

    Age of Mythology

  12. 1 year ago

    Age of Wonders is bretty fun

  13. 1 year ago

    i heard Age of Mythology had great campaign

  14. 1 year ago

    Emperor Battle for dune

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