>never gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing. >everyone was talking about Baldurs Gate before i just ignored it

>never gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing
>everyone was talking about Baldurs Gate before i just ignored it
>game out, everyone is shilling it and praising it
>"there is no way its that good"
>"frick it lets buy it, Todd won't release Starkino for few more weeks"
>its one of the most refined and detailed game i ever played, so rich and complex with stuff

I am overwhelmed with stuff there is so much stuff to do and learn, how the frick did they do it

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 11 months ago

    I'm guessing your favorite game was cyberpunk
    it's fine if you're overwhelmed, this what games should look like

    • 11 months ago

      >never gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing
      Yeah, checks out.

      >>its one of the most refined and detailed game i ever played, so rich and complex with stuff

      What's so refined, detailed or complex about it exactly anon?

      >I'm overwhelmed
      Tell me how I know you're a dipshit zoomer.

      BG3 is a RPG for people too dumb for RPGs so you are exactly their target audience.

      gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing
      you're the target audience for this gane

      You guys can hate on the game all you want, but most other cRPGs do not give you the same level of freedom as BG3.
      Name a single classic Infinity Engine RPG that lets you carry corpses or containers in your backpack, or throw a boss off a ledge to avoid a boss fight entirely.
      Now does this mean BG3 is better than those games or even their equal? No, it doesn't quite make that cut but by pretending this is a shallow zoomer game shows how immature you guys are.
      Grow up and accept that a game can have plenty of flaws while also being very good.

      • 11 months ago

        >but most other cRPGs do not give you the same level of freedom as BG3.
        I genuinely stopped reading there.

        • 11 months ago

          It's true. More class options in a menu != gameplay freedom. "Traditional CRPGs" like Owlcat games are very on-rails and don't like you do anything the developers didn't intend

          • 11 months ago

            Anon, BG3 is on the rails, it simply has a few enviroment mechanics that other games previously did.

      • 11 months ago

        As fan of crpg i rate it 7/10. Try the old classic baldurs gates or pathfinder games/Rogue trader. With i honestly enjoyed a lot more.

        theres immersive sim like elements in larians engine that far surpasses other crpgs, it's a treat to think of some unconventional strategy and see it actually work.

        • 11 months ago

          >I throw the well placed exploding barrel at the enemy!
          >I kick the enemy down the huge bottomless pit

          Very unique.

          • 11 months ago

            How about finding a statue that youcant beat the athletics checks to rotate so you throw a grease bottle at it that lubricates the mechanism and allows you to do so freely?

            • 11 months ago

              Done in other games before and not very mechanically complex in game design terms.

              Literally everything in the game is "Effect gives prompt" in such the most simple terms. Next you'll try to tell me water making lightning damage stronger is a unique and amazing new effect.

              • 11 months ago

                >done in other games
                Name one other game where that's not the intended solution but an option if you're clever enough to think of it.

              • 11 months ago

                That specific mechanic? I can't think of it off the top of my head.

                but RPGs have always been filled with nonstandard choices in games.

              • 11 months ago

                See you're quick to shout that it's been done before but you can't even think of one off the top of your head. Of course rpgs have been filled with nonstandard choices, because it feels good to try something and for it to actually work. That's a net positive not something to go "ree it's been done before". Realistically you should want more nonstandard choices to be prevalent and this game does tend to do that quite a bit, the outlier being the complete and utter uselessness of rope which makes me seethe endlessly.

              • 11 months ago

                My point, you kvetching little shill; is that this is not a massive revolutionary system, and it's basically the basic application of mechanics like how Dragon's Dogma Works.

                But I did actually think of a similar mechanic; If you throw Oil on a pawn grabbed by an enemy it makes it easier to break free of the grab.

              • 11 months ago

                Why are you trying to pit this game against dragons dogma? They're barely comparable at all. That is a slightly similar mechanic I will give you that.
                I pirated the game you tremendous boy molesting fruit.

              • 11 months ago

                I am comparing them because people praise the enviromental effects, so it's a good comparison because basically everything BG3 does so does Dragon's Dogma.

                And how long ago was DD?

              • 11 months ago

                >everything BG3 does so does Dragon's Dogma.
                I really don't remember dragons dogma having a stealth system, or vocations impacting dialogue, it really seems like the only thing you're saying is similar is environmental effects which, yeah you would presume video games by now have reached a standard that wet thing = take more damage from lightning etc.

              • 11 months ago

                >I don't rememver Dragon's Dogma having a stealth system

                Yes, it's called ambiant sound and lighting, it was there, if rather crude and unrefined. "Invisbility zones" isn't a very effective stealth system either.

                >Vocation impacting dialogue

                They barely impact the dialogue, often giving a slight advantage to get an outcome but little of it is super unique, Ranger and Druid basically have the same dialogue options for example.

                My point is as a CRPG, it is actually easier to impliment these basic checklist effects and the fact that BG3 is doing the same stuff as DD did years ago with a much easier time is not really breathtaking. Like I said above, the fact that there is no real deeper interaction with most classes outside of a line of dialogue or a spell and ability list is pathetic for a game in 2023.

              • 11 months ago

                >little of it is super unique
                barbarian? baldurian origins?

              • 11 months ago

                A few meme lines that provide absolutely nothing, Baldurian origins has given me literally no unique insight so far.

              • 11 months ago

                >provide absolutely nothing
                I think you need to establish what you mean by "provide". What does something need to do for it to meet your threshold of "providing" something? Should a rogue not be able to tap into it's skills as a class to easily lockpick the torture rack to free a guy? Should a spellcaster not be able to readily identify runes and emulate them to free shadowheart?

              • 11 months ago

                >So you're telling me a game that this one is directly based off did slighly better in terms of the enviroment skills?
                gonna stop right here and ask genuinely
                are you looking to talk about these games in good faith or are you just trying to shitpost / have an argument
                I've played both quite a bit and I'm not really interested in the nu-Ganker ritual of posturing back and forth until someone gets bored
                you can just say you won if this is what you want to do otherwise I'd love to actually discuss it

                I mean provide an actual in depth unique interaction. Rogues lockpicking is the same as a Ranger's lockpicking, except with a slightly higher number MAYBE
                A Wizard knows as much about arcane runes as anyone else with a high Int.
                These are not issues with BG3 exclusively, but also with 5e, but the fact Larian made dozens upon dozens of changes to the classes already makes that excuse moot.

                The classes have zero real bite or impact to them; Rogues don't have thiefs cant, and despite being a rogue you don't really get better tools for actual sneakthiefary or guile, you don't get access to things like fences, or underworld connections.
                Rangers are not really Rangers, they have no tools to make them better in the wilderness or via travelling, they're just guys who know a different skillset to the fighter and get some random spells.
                Barbarians likewise, seem to not really give a shit about being in civilisation, and their "Unique" dialogue is just being a dick to people.

                This is one of my biggest and most intense concerns. the game is flat, with some basic mechanical upgrades over DoS2, so really why are people claiming it's so great?

              • 11 months ago

                >you dont get access to things like fences, or underworld connections
                The fricking Zhentarim? You get far better dialogue with them by being a rogue.

              • 11 months ago

                >You get far better dialogue with them by being a rogue

                Entirely my point, Rogue is merely an advantage, but not the core part. the Zhentarim wouldn't even consider talking with people who are not already well established in the criminal underworld anon.

                Like being a fricking DRUID does barely anything to change the outcomes of the Druid questline too.

              • 11 months ago

                why are u a whiny little b***h
                that anon btfo when u couldn't even list a single example
                and now he givers u another and u want more
                anon uv had ur stupid dipshit arguments proved wrong twice in a row, how about you give a single example of other games doing it better then? since u know so many and its not doing enough

                im waiting

              • 11 months ago

                Damn, that anon literally blew this Black person out and he goes full ESL mode

              • 11 months ago

                >Not the intended solution

                Anon, grease is coded to make mechanical checks easier, it's an attribute given to the grease spell.

              • 11 months ago

                Nowhere on the spell does it say it does that. Whether it's coded that way or not is completely irrelevant.

              • 11 months ago

                All the spell does is say it covers in grease.

              • 11 months ago

                which is why I don't understand anons point about it "being coded for mechanical skill checks"
                Like no shit it would be coded that way so a player can organically think about trying it and then it working, is the game supposed to magically know that grease would lubricate a mechanism without it being coded to do so, are video games running on arcane magic now?
                "Intended solution" means the most obvious one the game points you towards which is "these two statues need to be rotated and this one does normally but that ones stuck and requires an athletics check to move"

              • 11 months ago

                Because idiots like you who go "WOW grease being used on mechanics? SOOOO UNIQUE AND COOL" when the reality is literally every single mechanical check in the game will have a tag that makes Grease give you a lower DC.

              • 11 months ago

                >No you don't understand that little moment where you threw a grease bottle at a statue and it actually worked and solved the little puzzle you were doing wasn't something you were allowed to find cool you HAVE to understand it's coded into the game and you MUST be a joyless, gormless trogloyte like me otherwise you're braindead
                Is anything, and I do mean anything in any video game you play allowed to make you happy? Is any mechanic allowed to be considered neat? Or do you have to be reductive about everything you possibly can so that you can find a way to b***h about it?

              • 11 months ago

                the funny thing is that the large number of small details like that which are ultimately unnecessary (and would certainly be absent from similar attempts by other studios) are basically the core of what you want as someone playing a game
                you want them to give a shit and go out of their way to reward your mildly clever bullshit
                that's the dopamine
                those are the little moments that you remember when you look back at a game you played
                am I even arguing with human beings lmao what the frick

              • 11 months ago

                you're moronic if you like that stuff. imagine sitting there for hours trying to think up every stupid interaction the devs might have implemented, 99.99% of which won't have been. you literally have to be insane to do that. the smart thing to do is always adopt the lowest-effort approach to every situation, that's how you get through the game in 30 hours instead of 80. running around throwing every effect at every interactable instead of just punching or lockpicking all of them is moronic.
                frick off with that point-and-click game bullshit. if you want physics solutions to problems, implement physics into the game. the only remotely funny interaction is silence effects silencing dialogues, but even that is moronic because odds are it'll probably bug them out or lead to something stupid like the npc running to talk to a party member instead of to your main character, and once they're locked into conversation you can't make them talk to someone else.

                only thing all of this ARBITRARY shit does is pull you out of the game and force you to try to imagine what the devs were thinking when they designed the encounter, which is the fricking antithesis of immersion. if you get fricking dopamine hits out of that shit you've got the brain of a lab rat.

              • 11 months ago

                >you're moronic if you like that stuff
                stopped reading there lol
                look at all that shit you typed anon

              • 11 months ago

                >the smart thing to do is always adopt the lowest-effort approach to every situation
                but enough about your life

              • 11 months ago

                I'm sorry I expect RPG games to have developed in the last 15 or so years anon. I'm sorry I expected the introduction of classes to at least add an extra layer of mechanics on top of the DoS2 base.

            • 11 months ago

              damn that's actually pretty cool, didn't even think about it I just smashed it with a greatsword until it worked

      • 11 months ago

        I love how you need to specify a 20 year old game engine when DOS2 allows all what you said.

        • 11 months ago

          You mean the other game that was made by larian? What is even your argument here.

          • 11 months ago

            That BG3 is just DOS2.5, with some things outright just being worse like the dice roll calculations.

            People praise it for being amazing mechanically, but it's got less mechanics than fricking Dragon's Dogma. Does Weight even calculate into Jump distance in this game? Why do classes like Ranger which were based on enviromental things in base DnD literally have no mechanical interactions with the game world?

            • 11 months ago

              >does weight even calculate into jump distance
              encumbrance impacts movement and movement is required for jumping. jump distance is based on strength.
              >have no mechanical interactions
              like what? cover? nobody fricking likes the cover system.

              • 11 months ago

                Like you know.. fricking foraging? One of the most basic b***hboy things even corebook Ranger could do was forage superior materials, and Ranger does nothing like that in BG3 because outside of Fighter and the spellbook, classes are fricking shallow as frick, even more than the tabletop.

              • 11 months ago

                >does weight even calculate into jump distance
                encumbrance impacts movement and movement is required for jumping. jump distance is based on strength.
                >have no mechanical interactions
                like what? cover? nobody fricking likes the cover system.

                Even more, there is a literal gathering and alchemy mechanic IN GAME and rangers, who are based on fricking Aragorn and their entire nature side inspired by him knowing shit like Kingsfoil cures morgul wounds should probably have some advantage to this fricking system

                But SMALL INDIE GAME COMPANY I guess right?

              • 11 months ago

                Don't they get a skill that increases the output of crafted potions based on passing a medicine check? Or is that a feat.

              • 11 months ago

                That's a feat.

                this post is straight up joyless homosexualry dude

                I'm not Joyless, I just expect a game in Development for 7 years that is mostly just built off another game to have a decent leap forward.

                Like Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. There simply isn't much different from DoS2 to BG3 and most people singing it's priases simply did not play BG3.

              • 11 months ago

                >like dark souls 3 and elden ring
                >leap forward
                elden ring is a colossal step backwards in every aspect besides jumping, what are you on about?

              • 11 months ago

                From the mechanics alone it's dramatically different.

              • 11 months ago

                the depth of mechanics in DOS2 outside of straightforward "stack mobility and nuke" was to stack phys / mag attacks, teleport cheese things, or use environmental alterations. telefragging with heavy chests too I guess.
                none of these aside from stacking damage and environmental alterations has any real support or intent behind them. I have not tried chest fragging in bg3 but the mechanics for it to happen seems to exist, so I wouldn't be surprised if you can do it again. telefragging is out because teleports are friend-only. shifting enemies into hazards or off of ledges clearly has higher support and intent here, as well as throwing in general and most crowd control.
                bg3 is decidedly a better game in this regard. 90% of spells and abilities in DOS2 were pointless as they were not mobility or nuke and CC was pointless for most of the fights because you'd need to do enough damage to get their defenses down.

                maybe the real leap forward was making the game feel good to play, anon

              • 11 months ago

                >telefragging with heavy chests
                *TK fragging, soz

              • 11 months ago

                So you're telling me a game that this one is directly based off did slighly better in terms of the enviroment skills? Amazing, quality, we must sing the praises of slight improvement to the heavens.

                I do agree it is probably the most easiest to play CRPG of all time, even if the game seems to be rather akward in movement and seems to enjoy wasting it, Yes, I 100% want my character to walk into the firepit and take burning damage when I am trying to jump over it, thank you game.

              • 11 months ago

                >So you're telling me a game that this one is directly based off did slighly better in terms of the enviroment skills?
                gonna stop right here and ask genuinely
                are you looking to talk about these games in good faith or are you just trying to shitpost / have an argument
                I've played both quite a bit and I'm not really interested in the nu-Ganker ritual of posturing back and forth until someone gets bored
                you can just say you won if this is what you want to do otherwise I'd love to actually discuss it

            • 11 months ago

              this post is straight up joyless homosexualry dude

      • 11 months ago

        >he hasn't played divine divinity and beyond divinity

      • 11 months ago

        >or throw a boss off a ledge to avoid a boss fight entirely.
        in arcanum whenever you run it consumes stamina and when you're out of stamina you're rendered unconscious. so whenever a melee encounter was just too tough i'd sprint away chugging stamina potions until my pursuer fell to the ground exhausted. then i kicked em in the head until they were dead haha.

        baldur's gate doesn't offer persistence hunting. i can't pickpocket the pistols off enemies (there are no pistols) and fill their inventory with my handcrafted dogshit failure pistols they'll be compelled to equip and have promptly explode in their hands blinding them. baldur's gate 3 is just turn based dark messiah. we've been hurling enemies off cliffs in real time RPGs for a decade

        • 11 months ago

          >baldur's gate doesn't offer persistence hunting. i can't pickpocket the pistols off enemies (there are no pistols) and fill their inventory with my handcrafted dogshit failure pistols they'll be compelled to equip and have promptly explode in their hands blinding them.
          You can actually kind of do that in BG3, there doesn't exist weapons that will blow up in your face but if you pickpocket and enemies weapon and put another in their inventory they'll use that instead when fighting you and if you make/find a fake healing pot and put it in their pocket the might (allegedly) try to use it to heal themselves in combat and get the negative effect from the potion they just drank.

          You can also do shit like disarm characters that are using weapons and pick that weapon up/throw it into a pit which makes the character start trying to punch you to death instead or they'll start running for another weapon instead, enemies can even disarm you and take your shit in some cases

      • 11 months ago

        >most other cRPGs do not give you the same level of freedom as BG3.
        Come on now.
        >Name a single classic Infinity Engine RPG that lets you carry corpses or containers in your backpack, or throw a boss off a ledge to avoid a boss fight entirely.
        Nobody cares about that gimmick shit, you sould like a tendie praising TotK.
        >this is a shallow zoomer game
        It kinda is, since even normie can pickup and play it without any sort of strategy involved.
        >a game can have plenty of flaws while also being very good.

      • 11 months ago

        BG3 is unironically Dragon Age origins mixed with Divinity Original sin, it couldn't be any more on rails.

      • 11 months ago

        I like BG3 but you're a dumb Black person who knows nothing about actual games.

      • 11 months ago

        >throw a boss off a ledge to avoid a boss fight entirely.
        I did this in Mass Effect 2

      • 11 months ago

        >Infinity Engine RPG that lets you carry corpses or containers in your backpack
        The original Baldurs gates

        >throw a boss off a ledge to avoid a boss fight entirely
        You can skip several difficult fights in BG1 just by using charm, and you would get unique dialogue spilling information you weren't supposed to know until later, and it was unique in the fact that it wasn't an option you would click in a dialogue window but something you would do in actual gameplay.

      • 11 months ago

        Zoomie discovers crpgs and instead of appreciating the genre chooses to make make the latest ftm his whole identity

      • 11 months ago

        >knocking enemies off a ledge means freedom
        its gameplay and story are very shallow.

        In typical Larian fashion they present a World of Warcraft map for you to go around levelling in various disconnected zones.

  2. 11 months ago

    >never gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing
    Yeah, checks out.

  3. 11 months ago

    troony game

    • 11 months ago

      Pic related is kinda funny, because it's been ongoing in full view for over a week now on the Ganker front page.

  4. 11 months ago

    >>its one of the most refined and detailed game i ever played, so rich and complex with stuff

    What's so refined, detailed or complex about it exactly anon?

    • 11 months ago

      wow, it's literally the level of fallout 4...

      • 11 months ago

        Most RPGs do this. Choice A, middle-ground between A and B, choice B.
        The days of 90s RPGs with whacky roleplaying choices like Planescape or Fallout are over.

    • 11 months ago

      Is this real?

      • 11 months ago

        No anon, it's just fanta-sea

        • 11 months ago

          I want [really big penis] roleplay

      • 11 months ago

        Just for Karlach as a meme for her personality I guess, for Tav I had good/bad/let Karlach decide (it's from her personal quest).

        No anon, it's just fanta-sea

        This however is universal fake choice and test to highlight that you can't stand up to the elder brain as is, not a fan of that scene but there was some logic behind it.

      • 11 months ago

        karlach is an 8 int barbarian and is always happy or angry
        different characters have different dialogue choices

    • 11 months ago

      The dialogue is sadly not its best feature but there are many ways to go about a mission and many things to discover which is entertaining. Also many options for combat that I prefer over constant dodge, rolling or button smashing like in many other games.

      • 11 months ago

        Why is it that when actual gameplay or game footage is shown we always get these insanely pathetic cope replies like
        >"Well the gameplay/dialogue/story/music really isn't its best feature BUT-"
        Actually fricking have a nice day braindead shill Neanderthal. The game is fricking SHIT. It does NOTHING new. Just another gay nerd larpathon like every other fricking crpg point and click suck a dick genre game.


        • 11 months ago

          Why are you posting a game that was literally ranged bamham combat while b***hing about games doing nothing new

          • 11 months ago

            Thought it was a different image. Look at the filename. That was about fsr vs dlss.

            • 11 months ago

              what was the image you were trying to post some worn out ltg lightning gif?

              • 11 months ago

                How about you actually try and refute what I said. You literally can't.

              • 11 months ago

                I wasn't the person you were arguing with nor do I care about your little temper tantrum. Video games are subjective, and it wouldn't matter if I made a concrete rock solid irrefutable argument you would find a way to disagree with it and call me a moron. Because this is Ganker and these threads aren't about discussion they're about loudly shouting your personal opinion and declaring anyone who does not bend to your whims to be a personal boogeyman.

                Enjoy playing in the filth but I feel no obligation to join you I was just making fun of your frickup.

              • 11 months ago

                >heh... i'm actually an epic fencesitter pussy bro. i never actually had any opinion of my own, i just wanted to point out the picture being wrong.
                Wow you sure got me lol.

              • 11 months ago

                Oh I have an opinion I just know sharing it in any capacity will never convince you regardless of how solid of an argument I put forward so it's a complete waste of time you utter moron.

              • 11 months ago

                >Translation: I have no testicles and won't stand up for my personal opinion
                If you don't want to try and convince others to play Baldgay 3 then why bother coming into these threads?
                >inb4 i come in here to laugh lol i'm so le wacky xd
                Actual waste of life.

              • 11 months ago

                >If you don't want to try and convince others to play Baldgay 3 then why bother coming into these threads?
                Are you actually mentally ill? The only reason you can enter a baldurs gate 3 thread in your mind is to literally shill for it? How about, I dunno, talking about the fricking game? Are you moronic? I don't give a shit if you play the game or not. Im in a baldurs gate thread to talk about baldurs gate not to try to convince people to play something I'm not a fricking marketer. israeli mindset.

              • 11 months ago

                >The only reason you can enter a baldurs gate 3 thread in your mind is to literally shill for it?
                Yes. Literally. It's the largest viral marketing campaign Ganker has ever seen. There is barely any footage or screencaps being posted of the game, 99% of threads use the boxart for the game or screencaps from the trailer/dev streams. You expect me to believe that a crpg in 2023 that nobody has ever heard of got 800k players without dropping? Only a complete moron wouldn't smell it from a mile away.
                >>How about, I dunno, talking about the fricking game?
                >DUDE BEAR SEX LOL
                >DUDE METACRITIC LOL
                >DUDE PLAYERCOUNT LOL
                Wow dude so much game discussion. I can count the amount of threads I've seen asking about actual game events, items, characters, etc. on one hand.
                >I don't give a shit if you play the game or not. Im in a baldurs gate thread to talk about baldurs gate not to try to convince people to play something I'm not a fricking marketer.
                Nice try lol.

              • 11 months ago

                have a nice day homosexual stop enticing me to waste my post cooldowns replying to your drivel when I'm actively discussing environmental mechanics with another anon who at least is pretending to want to talk about the actual video game. You're arguing in bad faith because you're moronic and I genuinely hope you crush your nuts the next time you sit down unless you've already cut them off since you argue like female.

              • 11 months ago

                >I genuinely hope you crush your nuts the next time you sit down unless you've already cut them off since you argue like female.
                KEK holy seethe. If only you had enough self awareness to realize that you are the troony for defending this literal homosexual game!

              • 11 months ago

                What the frick do you need to see of the gameplay moron everyone knows what a crpg is? Do you want me to post a clip of shoving 30 alchemist fires in a satchel and throwing it at something so you can call me a homosexual for posting a "meme" instead of actual gameplay when that's how I blew up a third of the githyanki creche?

              • 11 months ago

                Do the explosions of 30 of em stack? If so, that's pretty fricking busted

              • 11 months ago

                not only that, but you can fit giant boxes and barrels inside small bags
                their best game of the decade is fundamentally broken but because it allows gay animal sex it's the best game in the universe

              • 11 months ago

                The weight still exists and people do that in actual tabletop with bags of holding all the time. I explicitly tied a portable hole to an arrow and shot it into an opened bag of holding to end an encounter several years ago, and another time used a bag of holding to hold several gallons of water that i later used to put out a fire.

              • 11 months ago

                are all bags bags of holding in this game

              • 11 months ago

                no they're just folders for organizing weight you are carrying.

              • 11 months ago

                well, you can shove 30 explosives in one such bag and this is unbalanced
                this doesn't count as gameplay as the player shoiuldn't be able to stack so much stuff into one small little bag

              • 11 months ago

                I believe there are slot limits on smaller bags but I can't confirm that.I threw a whole ass backpack.

              • 11 months ago

                >player shoiuldn't be able to stack so much stuff into one small little bag
                Why not? My DM has often allowed sillier stuff.

              • 11 months ago

                Probably because 5e had rules about large items like barrels and they don't say your character has a bag of holding.

              • 11 months ago

                You can't shove 30 barrels into a bag due to weight limitations. You can do that with flammable liquids like alchemist's fire and such, and there's nothing written against it in the 5e rules.

              • 11 months ago

                Except the damage stated by flammable liquid and you can't throw 30 at once, and exploding 30 at once only causes one damage prompt RAW

              • 11 months ago

                It does not. Play the game.

              • 11 months ago

                we're playing a video game not some pretend adventure
                it breaks the game, it's unbalanced
                i feel like i'm cheesing more than i should be allowed to, and half the time i'm not realising i'm cheesing because it feels the game was built that way, but the encounters are just shit then

              • 11 months ago

                idk man if you need someone to explicitly tell you that pocketing explosive barrels and placing them around people to one shot them is cheesing it might just be a "you" problem

              • 11 months ago

                what if i told you the developers didn't bother making NPCs react to having barrels dropped around them?

                yes, that's lazy and larian should have coded that in
                but they had to do the sex scenes for you lonely emotion depraved white liberals

              • 11 months ago

                >enemies reacting to barrels
                wtf would they say? What would YOU say IRL if someone put a barrel next to you?
                ? schizo

              • 11 months ago

                >stop shoving explosive barrels around me

                the more people play the game, the more they see how shallow it is

                it's a visual novel with voices

              • 11 months ago

                okay let's use some common sense and think about how that would be implemented. we can even use the "you were caught pickpocketing" thing as a baseline so no unique dialogue / animations needed
                how does the NPC differentiate
                -dumping junk
                -moving an object around
                -placing explosives / hazardous objects
                -moving existing explosives hazardous objects around
                and what is the appropriate reply?
                how do you prevent this reaction from accidentally occurring during normal gameplay which would certainly be worse than the current system?

              • 11 months ago

                brainlets who don't understand how variables work, incredible

                it's very easy to implement:

                >barrel has a specific tag
                >npc checks for items dropped by the player next to him (also easy check)
                >npc checks the tag of the item
                >if the item has "explosive" tag, npc gets mad, picks object up and scolds you
                >repeat it enough time and trigger a fight


              • 11 months ago

                since I actually work and understand basic workflow and prioritization I'm attempting to frame this as simply as possible so you can grasp how weak of a complaint it is

                your solution:
                tag every possible dangerous object to cause hostility in the NPC when placed by the character within X units of them
                how does the NPC know that an object has been placed next to them? we have one example of this in the underdark where an NPC responds to his backpack being thrown near him, can't think of any others
                that NPC, to my knowledge, is constantly checking his immediate environment for objects with the [my backpack] tag
                is your solution to have every npc do this all of the time?
                additional work added:
                >tag every potentially dangerous item
                >have every NPC constantly check their surroundings for [dangerous item] tag
                okay sweet. now comes the important question:
                How many people will see this? Who is it relevant to?
                >almost nobody
                Does this seem like a good use of resources to you? Does it seem reasonable for a company to function this way?

              • 11 months ago

                should note btw that anon's proposed solution is Yandere-dev tier bloat and would be a case study of "wasting your time" if one were to teach game dev as a serious discipline

              • 11 months ago

                An easy proposition is for every item dropped by a player to have a playeritem tag, which means any effects caused by it cause hostility.

              • 11 months ago

                >neutral takes 1 tic of fire damage due to some bullshit or poor positioning or they wandered in the wrong direction
                >you are now hitler

              • 11 months ago

                Already happens with multi-round AoE spells, though

              • 11 months ago

                Yes. maybe don't place exploding fricking barrels next to people?

              • 11 months ago

                Nta but the solution is simple, do the reverse. Instead of having the npc do checks have all appropriately tagged items check for NPCs with appropriate tags in vicinity when manipulated. This is not difficult to do.

              • 11 months ago

                >since I actually work and understand basic workflow and prioritization
                HOLY KEK
                The absolute garbage I keep reading on this board

              • 11 months ago

                that non didn't explain how the system wouldn't work, he's just spewing nonsense

                there already is a system to detect the player itself, if he's stealthing around or not

                you're just simping for larian right now

                cope & sneed

                Already happens with multi-round AoE spells, though

                have not experienced this and I routinely killed friendlies with my AoE

                Nta but the solution is simple, do the reverse. Instead of having the npc do checks have all appropriately tagged items check for NPCs with appropriate tags in vicinity when manipulated. This is not difficult to do.

                bethesda hire this man

              • 11 months ago

                they focused on gay romance which less than 10% of players engage in, I'm pretty sure there are more "powergamers" than homos playing BG3

              • 11 months ago

                little known fact: all powergamers are homos

              • 11 months ago

                widely known fact: you're a gay

              • 11 months ago

                Specify what reaction are you expecting

              • 11 months ago

                Trying to get away from the explosives, for example? It's a bit daft you even can lug around multiple barrels anyway

              • 11 months ago

                why? its free loot for them

              • 11 months ago

                The video game is made with the "pretend adventure" rules with a few alterations. It's supposed to be a fun roleplaying experience, not some tryhard combat sim. These games are just not for you and that's okay.

              • 11 months ago

                showing 5 barrels next to an npc, shooting it and seeing nobody react to it is not a fun adventure

                thats how i killed anders without triggering the others

              • 11 months ago

                Why did you kill him in a way you didn't deem fun?

              • 11 months ago

                >Cheese game
                >Why am I not having a fun adventure?
                If you don't find cheesing the game fun, don't cheese it


                The video game is made with the "pretend adventure" rules with a few alterations. It's supposed to be a fun roleplaying experience, not some tryhard combat sim. These games are just not for you and that's okay.

                i tried playing the game like you lot do

                since I actually work and understand basic workflow and prioritization I'm attempting to frame this as simply as possible so you can grasp how weak of a complaint it is

                your solution:
                tag every possible dangerous object to cause hostility in the NPC when placed by the character within X units of them
                how does the NPC know that an object has been placed next to them? we have one example of this in the underdark where an NPC responds to his backpack being thrown near him, can't think of any others
                that NPC, to my knowledge, is constantly checking his immediate environment for objects with the [my backpack] tag
                is your solution to have every npc do this all of the time?
                additional work added:
                >tag every potentially dangerous item
                >have every NPC constantly check their surroundings for [dangerous item] tag
                okay sweet. now comes the important question:
                How many people will see this? Who is it relevant to?
                >almost nobody
                Does this seem like a good use of resources to you? Does it seem reasonable for a company to function this way?

                should note btw that anon's proposed solution is Yandere-dev tier bloat and would be a case study of "wasting your time" if one were to teach game dev as a serious discipline

                >how does the NPC know that an object has been placed next to them?
                you never coded a single line of code so you wouldn't know how do deal with it, naturally

              • 11 months ago

                pro tip when you say something silly and someone QED's you, you can simply stop posting
                nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to save face on the anonymous imageboard

              • 11 months ago

                that non didn't explain how the system wouldn't work, he's just spewing nonsense

                there already is a system to detect the player itself, if he's stealthing around or not

                you're just simping for larian right now

              • 11 months ago

                >Cheese game
                >Why am I not having a fun adventure?
                If you don't find cheesing the game fun, don't cheese it

              • 11 months ago

                What exactly is the issue here? This is like playing a stealth archer in Skyrim and complaining that it's no fun one shotting every mob before they can see you. I guess some players do need to be railroaded.

              • 11 months ago


                The video game is made with the "pretend adventure" rules with a few alterations. It's supposed to be a fun roleplaying experience, not some tryhard combat sim. These games are just not for you and that's okay.

              • 11 months ago

                I have no idea what was inside the house o I don't understand what you exploded that was so memeworthy of a video.

              • 11 months ago

                got it, you have nothing to show

                just admit all you want is to play a relationship simulator, no shame in that we're on Ganker no one is going to make fun of you for it

              • 11 months ago

                I don't romance the companions and if dialogue and quest content didn't actively suffer without them I would mostly use hirelings. What gameplay would you arbitrarily define as good enough to be posted? Goading the robot onto the giant forge to smash him with the hammer because it does big damage?
                Casting darkness on things because you can see through magical darkness to kick the shit out of them from the shadows?
                pickpocketing children? What's going to meet your arbitrary metric of "gameplay" that you won't immediately dismiss with a deluge of buzzwords?

              • 11 months ago

                the issue is that none of you homosexuals are showing gameplay, all you do is speak about the romance shit

                had they spent one third of the time working on the game rather than making romances the main game would have had no bugs left

              • 11 months ago

                my entire post was talking about gameplay and you are still harping on about moronic romance shit, you're the one fixated on it, not me. You still haven't answered my question of what qualifies as legitimate gameplay to you.
                Lighting spider webs on fire so the boss spider takes 30 or so fall damage? Convincing a group of ogres that they should help you instead of the goblins by promising them way more loot? Rescuing a child from a group of harpies trying to sing him into the ocean?

              • 11 months ago

                you're talking, you're not showing

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not obligated to record and post webms for you. This may be an imageboard but including media in your posts is not a requirement. Unless your next argument is "unless you provide video evidence anything you're saying is fake" but then if I do post it you will find a way to say its a mod or fake or some dumb shit off the top of your head because you aren't actually interested in discussion of any capacity.

              • 11 months ago

                Not him, but the fact Talk to Animals doesn't allow you to talk to the spider boss is rather bullshit.

                And as far as I can tell being a Llothian Drow doesn't give anything either.

              • 11 months ago

                really? that's pretty surprising since you can talk to the spiders in the pit in the goblin lair. that's actually quite disappointing.

              • 11 months ago

                And that is why I see the "Choice" for what it is, basic b***h levels of mechanics applied via game engine not design.

                The spider "Falling 30 foot and taking damage" is rather stupid when you realise it's just because the webbed walkways are destroyable terrain, and fire has absolutely nothing to do with it.

                Convincing the Ogres is a literal basic dialogue choice, and the smart ogre outright tells you he only fights for meat and coin.

                Or rescuing a child in the most easy way possible, because the mechanics allow you to throw about NPCs like ragdolls.

                None of this is rather detailed, it's all the mechanics working as they should. Hell the "3d Enviroments" shit even isn't very well done, as a slight incline gives disadvantage, which is massive.

              • 11 months ago

                nta you're replying to but
                >spider boss area teaches you webs are flamable, spider boss explicitly goes back and forth between long webs over a cliff
                w-wow you're to smart anon! such a creative solution
                >talk to ogres. persuasion option pops up, roll for a 20. magic words won the day yet again
                wow incredible gameplay! am I crpg'ing yet?

              • 11 months ago

                joyless homosexualry

              • 11 months ago

                is the game i just described yeah, it has no soul, no reactivity. it's a static shell of a world with nihilistic writing

              • 11 months ago

                joyless homosexualry

              • 11 months ago

                >things...have mechanics? and you can..take advantage of them? almost like a game?
                You're so lame.

              • 11 months ago

                So why are you acting like it's special? Did you feel like a special little bean when your burned that web? Truly the next leap forward in gaming

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah generally when you succeed at something or a plan works you should be at least moderately satisfied in some capacity with your actions instead of looking through all of existence through the lens of sepiatone and lamenting everything being banal.
                I didn't say it was revolutionary.

              • 11 months ago

                >had they spent one third of the time working on the game rather than making romances
                You haven't played the game...
                You are literally using the whining from Ganker to formulate your entire opinion on the composition of content of a game you've never played. You are a quintessential bugman; your opinions are dictated by a bunch of culture war losers.

              • 11 months ago

                if you used consumables you didn't beat the game

        • 11 months ago

          It’s cherry picked origin character dialogue, lol. You don’t get that with custom char.

    • 11 months ago

      all npc's are voiced that's why they believe that

    • 11 months ago

      I've done that dialogue, and it had other options. I think you may be bullshitting. Or perhaps when Kalach talks, its her character to ask for the good news?

      • 11 months ago

        different characters get different dialogue, this is what the homosexuals shitposting are not taking into account, you can get greated benefits if you engage in conversation with a specific character from your party

    • 11 months ago

      Karlach will only accept the good news here
      If you use another character you can ask for the bad news and she'll butt in

      • 11 months ago

        >If you use another character you can ask for the bad news and she'll butt in
        so it doesnt matter what choice you pick, or what character you play as, the outcome is the same?

        • 11 months ago

          >which you can fight her on
          no you can make him give you the bad news first as long you're not entering the conversation as Karlach

        • 11 months ago

          She will butt in wanting to hear the good news and not want to hear the bad as a side character. you can push to hear the bad news.

        • 11 months ago

          bro why are you spending time arguing about a game you haven't played

          • 11 months ago

            welcome to Ganker

          • 11 months ago

            Why would I buy games that aren't on sale? Are you literally retarted?

            • 11 months ago

              where in my post did I say anything about buying?

              • 11 months ago

                >missing out on cheevos
                So you're indeed, mentally deficient.

              • 11 months ago

                >caring about cheevos
                kek anon you're a good laugh, have when it's on sale then you contrarian homosexual

              • 11 months ago

                I will, you low IQ mongrel, that's literally, what I originally said.

    • 11 months ago

      >set of dialogue options that fit to the specific character that are more limited than the player's choices.
      >this is somehow bad.
      Karlach is reddit anyway, I killed her asap.

      • 11 months ago

        Soulless bug person. If you don't want to get pegged by Karlach you're beyond saving.

        • 11 months ago

          This game really brings out all the leftoids that browse this board.

    • 11 months ago


      People praise this garbage? fricking WEGs have better dialogue options

      • 11 months ago

        karlach is an 8 int barbarian and is always happy or angry
        different characters have different dialogue choices

        • 11 months ago

          karlach is a moron happy happy yay yay barbarian. if you are playing as her, those are your dialogue options. if she is with you, she buts into the conversation and wants to ignore the bad news completely, which you can fight her on.

          Stop being moronic, thanks.

          This actually proves the point of how detailed this game is. Your dialogue options change depending on the personality of the character who's speaking.

      • 11 months ago

        karlach is a moron happy happy yay yay barbarian. if you are playing as her, those are your dialogue options. if she is with you, she buts into the conversation and wants to ignore the bad news completely, which you can fight her on.

        Stop being moronic, thanks.

    • 11 months ago

      the ingame porn and being voiced
      that is it

    • 11 months ago

      >cherry picks 1 out of 2 million lines
      tendies are truly shameless

      • 11 months ago

        Eh, it's the worst of the worst. Can you cherry pick a good line from the game though?

    • 11 months ago

      >Looks at refined complexity
      >Hurr durr whats so refined or complex about it??
      This type of moronation can't be helped.

    • 11 months ago

      For people that are falling for this shitpost, the picture is from a ORIGIN playthrough which is essentially you picking an already made and defined character instead of making your own. This limits your options in a lot of ways but it does give you unique stuff that only that character can experience/do. If you pick a custom character you'd have two of those options replaced with:
      >"I'll let *related character name* pick"
      >"Better give us the bad news first"

    • 11 months ago

      This is Karlach specific because she is a moronic happy girl which I want as my wife to make her happy.

      • 11 months ago

        For people that are falling for this shitpost, the picture is from a ORIGIN playthrough which is essentially you picking an already made and defined character instead of making your own. This limits your options in a lot of ways but it does give you unique stuff that only that character can experience/do. If you pick a custom character you'd have two of those options replaced with:
        >"I'll let *related character name* pick"
        >"Better give us the bad news first"

        so the character is badly written?

  5. 11 months ago

    Its more that you never gave a shit about CRPG games rather than BG3 being that good.
    I am still finding some difficulty to get around the combat, was having more fun in Divinity, I liked being more capable of casting spells and abilities. IDK, Im just at the start so I feel like every combat I just keep using the basic attacks instead of mixing shit up

    • 11 months ago

      BG3 is a decent Forgotten Realms game and an OK Larian game, but in both regards it is hindered by being forced to use D&D5.
      Still, it's better than actual 5e.

      • 11 months ago

        >pozzed forgotten realms

  6. 11 months ago

    >I'm overwhelmed
    Tell me how I know you're a dipshit zoomer.

    • 11 months ago

      Black person i can be your dad

      • 11 months ago

        A dad with subpar intelligence? Too close to home.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh no, FRICK NO. HELL NO.


        GET OUT

        GET OUT NOW

        I alrady had to put up with you gamer dads in Diablo 4 threads talking about how you play 4 hours a day and you're still lvl 15 and diablo 4 is awesome.

        I AM NOT. AND I REPEAT, AM NOT gonna put up with you gamer dads doing the same shit in Baldur' s gate 3

        I SAID OUT.

        • 11 months ago

          The funny thing is, my generation had video games all for ourselves. Our parents didn't give a shit, games were our private teritory, our exclusive pastime. But you? You are stuck with us. Get bent, kiddo.

          • 11 months ago

            >Get bent, kiddo.

            D-daddy no!

            • 11 months ago

              DADDY YES!

          • 11 months ago

            I love the fact that your shield is how all these years didn't improve your tastes whatsoever LMAO.

      • 11 months ago

        I want to get proven wrong by a gamer dad and then he dominates me and fills me with his cum.

  7. 11 months ago

    >How did they do it
    With effort, respect, and not taking a shit on their customers. They also didn’t pussy out on including Drow like the D&D movie.

    • 11 months ago

      You wouldn't know writing quality if it snaked up your ass. BG3 is the definition of mediocre writing, especially when it concerns CRPGs.

      • 11 months ago

        You're wrong and a grotesquely ugly freak. Dilate and seethe.

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            i like this writing because it reminds me of playing D&D with my friends

            • 11 months ago

              Most people in Ganker never played D&D because they have no friends or guts to play in public sessions.

              • 11 months ago

                Most people that played D&D have never had sex . No way this fat neck beard just said it takes "guts" to LARP with him .. what?

              • 11 months ago

                this is the most generic blanket statement i've heard in a while.
                everyone I know who plays DnD has had sex including myself. not every DnD player is stranger things.

              • 11 months ago

                dnd is predominantly theatre kids now and previously it was the more socially inclined of the nerds

              • 11 months ago

                This, actually. And I don't know any group of people who frick like those guys.

              • 11 months ago

                im the nerdy kind and Im still not a virgin.

              • 11 months ago

                You'd be surprised. I'm not that anon your talking to but one of my friends is married and he plays all that nerdy dnd shit. I never did any of that sort of thing in my entire life and I'm incel.

              • 11 months ago

                No its because I don't want to do cringey dnd shit. When I meet up with my friends we go to the pub or watch football. This game would be way better if it played more like witcher 3 instead of this nerdy dice roll shit.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                all RPGs are nerdy dice roll checks, this game just has the balls to show you the dice

        • 11 months ago

          He's right though. Maybe try playing literally any other cRPG and you might realize that.

          It's not even bad, except for all the companion backstories, and pissing on BG1-2 legacies. It's just aggressively mediocre. Usually this can be covered up by decent reactivity, but BG3 is incredibly linear.

          • 11 months ago

            Maybe the quality of writing isn't as good as some other games in the genre but what other CRPG is fully voice acted with mocaped cut scenes and has an environment that is this interactive? As a total package it's unseen.

            • 11 months ago

              It's not mo-capd, but otherwise you're not wrong. Unfortunately good writing is more important than flair. This game is basically a marvel movie of crpgs. If you're into that, more power to you.

          • 11 months ago

            the writing is shallow, it has impressive voice acting that's all

  8. 11 months ago

    BG3 is a RPG for people too dumb for RPGs so you are exactly their target audience.

  9. 11 months ago

    Are shills turd worlders? Can't imagine it pays well

  10. 11 months ago

    gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing
    you're the target audience for this gane

  11. 11 months ago

    >most refined and detailed game ever
    half the sub classes are bugged, even worse if you multi class
    these arent even like niche or non impactful bugs, larian definitely knew about them if there was any QA testing at all, which there was (very long extended beta)

  12. 11 months ago

    >how the frick did they do it
    You answered yourself here:
    >never gave a shit about CRPG games, not my thing
    You never played such games so you're impressed by the basic stuff common to the genre.

    • 11 months ago

      goyslop the game

  13. 11 months ago

    >its one of the most refined and detailed game i ever played, so rich and complex with stuff
    I'm guessing you're still in act 1 or early act 2, because you'll see the development time & budget run out pretty hard towards the end. And I say that as someone who likes the game.

    • 11 months ago

      >or early act 2
      Not sure what you're doing because Act 2 only got stronger the further in I got.
      Which makes the tonal whiplash when it's back to fricking circus shows and murder mysteries hit all the more harder. I'm not far in into Act 3 and it's all still good so far, but boy that mood change is something.

      • 11 months ago

        You have shit taste, do you know that? Go ahead and tell me what other CRPGs you played besides BG3.

        • 11 months ago

          Baldur's Gate 1+2+ToB
          Icewind Dale 1+2
          Planescape Torment
          Divinity OS 1+2
          Pillars of Eternity 1

          Never finished Arkanum because it was such a bug-ridden mess that it became literally uncompletable at some point. Did bounce off of Wasteland 2 and never played the original Fallout, because the setting just ain't my thing. Didn't play PoE 2 because I heard so much bad stuff about it and didn't play the Pathfinder games because I've been told they're also full of massive fricking bugs and I've been burned by Arkanum before.
          But yeah, guess that's just surface level. Totally can't be that you're actually the one with shit taste or somehow went through Act 2 like a fricking tard and missed a bunch of the cool stuff.

          • 11 months ago

            So, with all those games played, you actually enjoy the mediocrity of Larian writing? I already played BG3 and it was the same as Divinity 2 and Owlcat games to some degree. (Owlcat is worse than Larian). I don't know if you want to feel nice and cozy by joining the herd of BG3 dicksuckers or what, but you're incredibly cringe.

            >Planescape: Torment
            got bored. wall of text walking simulator
            it's pretty good but I like turn-based for the pure roleplaying. the gameplay is like a shooter with not much interaction

            bg3 mogs those in terms of roleplaying

            Yeah, you don't have a stake in discussing CRPGs. You have shit taste and should shut the frick up.

            • 11 months ago

              You've never played a crpg in your life
              And you're probably brown

            • 11 months ago

              Bg3 is the cRPG for people who are repulsed by the idea of reading a book

              • 11 months ago

                reading isn't roleplaying

            • 11 months ago

              Larian writing is bad but so is literally every other rpg ever made especially crpgs. At least with larian they KNOW their writing is shit

            • 11 months ago

              >incredibly cringe.
              >For having a substantial bredth of experience in the crpg genre, resulting in a refined taste able to contextualize what certain works do well or poorly
              Sounds like you're the cringe one my dude.

          • 11 months ago

            You have shit taste, do you know that? Go ahead and tell me what other CRPGs you played besides BG3.

            Holy btfo lmao

          • 11 months ago

            i played 70% of those games and I think they are all shit. Never finished any of them

            • 11 months ago

              BG1 product of its time aged poorly
              BG2 same as 1, but writing and vast amount of content overshadows that
              IWD1+2 they think that combat is the best part of that system, hint its not.
              Planescape: Good writing, but is a weird branch of fantasy that turns people off. Combat sucks
              Divinity 1 Buggy but solid
              Divinity 2 If you don't like this game I'm pretty sure the genre just isn't for you, also my theory is that some of you just can't/don't enjoy reading.

              • 11 months ago

                I overall agree with your take. The ones I enjoyed the most were BG2, OS2, and Planescape, but not enough to finish them. They drag out too much.

              • 11 months ago

                >Divinity 2 If you don't like this game I'm pretty sure the genre just isn't for you, also my theory is that some of you just can't/don't enjoy reading.
                Divinity 2 is written like shit

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                the writing in literally all of those games is exactly the same and you are coping if you say otherwise

                what is this shit meme people have been parading about recently pretending like BG1 and 2 didn't have shitty 'oh no he's right behind me' writing? Is it because it's slightly more verbose that morons can't see the 'he's right behind me'?

  14. 11 months ago

    i just hope this encourages some competent dev to make a proper fallout rpg again. bg3 looks cool but i just dont give a shit about the most generic fantasy setting imaginable.

  15. 11 months ago

    yeah it's really good

    I am e-girlng at these "crpg fans" crying
    maybe your genre was just shit until now? liking unpopular bad games doesn't make you smart. it means you are a shit-eater

    • 11 months ago

      Shut the frick up.

      • 11 months ago

        I played a couple and dropped them because they weren't engaging enough sorry
        I have standards

        • 11 months ago

          >I'm le trolling
          What a smart cookie you are. Everything is ironic and nothing is sincere, right?

          • 11 months ago

            not trolling
            lol at your cope, shit-eater. Tell me what game warrants your attitude toward BG3

            • 11 months ago

              Planescape: Torment
              Fallout: New Vegas
              Baldur's Gate 1+2 (1 is a bit iffy, since it suffers from straight Bioware writing)

              • 11 months ago

                >Planescape: Torment
                got bored. wall of text walking simulator
                it's pretty good but I like turn-based for the pure roleplaying. the gameplay is like a shooter with not much interaction

                bg3 mogs those in terms of roleplaying

              • 11 months ago

                >Planescape: Torment
                lmao homie just read a book

  16. 11 months ago

    >>its one of the most refined and detailed game i ever played, so rich and complex with stuff
    Wow it's got stuff in it? Holy shit game of the year

  17. 11 months ago

    >image filename
    >that whole OP post
    shill thread

  18. 11 months ago

    >playing a game from an anti-white dev
    The CRPG is filled with gems but THIS is the one you choose to play? Looks like you've fallen for the Chinese shill campaign, anon

  19. 11 months ago

    I wouldn't exactly call it polished the second I murdered Isobel as dark urge the moon lantern completely disappeared and I have no idea how to progress now. Her corpse isn't lootable and is just outright missing. I can only presume the save is bricked.

  20. 11 months ago

    My goal is to play every single one of these games before playing something else. Arcanum had to many bugs so I set it aside for the moment. May look more into it later. What other rpgs should I add to the list?

    • 11 months ago

      Shadowrun series

      • 11 months ago

        it's already there

        • 11 months ago

          I am blind

    • 11 months ago

      But rogue trader is coming out this year, and if you like shadow tactics you'll probably like desperados and jagged alliance

      • 11 months ago

        >But rogue trader is coming out this year
        really? I had no idea. I already wishlisted it. No way in hell I'm buying an owlcat game at release though.

    • 11 months ago

      NWN2 obviously, and especially its Mask of the betrayer expansion which is pretty amazing

      KOTOR 1&2 offer great evil playthroughs

  21. 11 months ago

    My hope is that some game studio inspired by this applies the level of detail and polish that was given by Larian to BG3 and applies it to a better setting, with a better story, with better combat, and without the discount Terry Pratchett humour.

    • 11 months ago

      That better not be a slight against Pratchett.

      • 11 months ago

        Not him, but
        And pterry actually can tone down on the humour om parts that work better without humor

        • 11 months ago

          It's like an American read terry prachett and thought the takeway was "I must try and make seinfield in fantasy" instead of the layers of parody and homage mixing together tastefully.

        • 11 months ago

          Pratchett's writing is also full of moments of poignant sincerity of which Larian is incapable

        • 11 months ago

          I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if anons hate Pratchett now because of some of the subject matter he tackled in his books.

          • 11 months ago

            >Implying anons who are vocal about their opinions ever touched a book

  22. 11 months ago

    D20 is the worst format possible.

    • 11 months ago

      where my D100 chads at?

  23. 11 months ago

    Congrats nomie, you discovered a new genre. If you have the fortitude you might even find yourself enjoying some of the older classics, which is easily over 500hrs of fun and some pretty good stories, ideas and settings to explore.

  24. 11 months ago


  25. 11 months ago

    As fan of crpg i rate it 7/10. Try the old classic baldurs gates or pathfinder games/Rogue trader. With i honestly enjoyed a lot more.

  26. 11 months ago

    >these boomers trying to justify their sunk costs on their non-interactive reading simulators

  27. 11 months ago

    The whole "action RPG is the future" mindset devs have held for the past fifteen years is going to die-out overnight if Starfield launches playing like shit or falling short of expectations, which seems fairly likely if I'm being honest.

    I'm willing to bet a hundred bucks that the next mainline Final Fantasy will be turn-based, likely an evolution of FFX's battle system. But then again Square never ceases to amaze me with how moronic they are and it's also quite likely that they'll double down on action KH slop for FFXVII.

  28. 11 months ago

    I'm genuinely so tired of this constant astroturfing and advertising. You already have these hundreds of thousands of players (a vast percentage never made it past the first act btw) so what more do you need?

    • 11 months ago

      >a vast percentage never made it past the first act btw
      it just came out dude

      • 11 months ago

        And I doubt it will change much. With most of the "super popular" games on steam most of the "fans" never even make it past the halfway mark

    • 11 months ago

      im 71 hours in and still havent finished act 1
      it's actually massive

  29. 11 months ago

    >>its one of the most refined and detailed game i ever played, so rich and complex with stuff
    name 5 of them

  30. 11 months ago

    Why did ya'll make a generic white dude character?

    • 11 months ago

      He didn’t, he never bought the game. He just reposted a screenshot someone else took months ago.

  31. 11 months ago

    I have no interest whatsoever in Dungeons and Dragons, and never played a CRPG before.
    Do you guys think I'll like this game?
    I also took a risk with Diablo 4 this year having never played an ARPG before and ended up really enjoying it.

    • 11 months ago

      its on gog just pirate it moron.

      • 11 months ago

        Already did that with CyberPunk I feel like they'll be onto me
        Also I missed many major updates that turned that game from dogshit to decent since I did the refund thing

  32. 11 months ago

    I'm annoyed that people keep thinking BG3 is sooooo good when it's just the Original Sin engine hacked to fit DnD rules.

  33. 11 months ago

    can you fill bottles with water?

    • 11 months ago

      drop them in shallow watter and pick them up

      • 11 months ago

        Finally, a reason to pick up the gazillion empty bottles I find in every barrel and crate

      • 11 months ago

        if you drop them in a pool of poison what happens

        also why do they never tell you those gameplay elements? i found myself quick saving all the time because im not sure if the game allows certain gameplay actions or not, it's inconsistent in that regard

      • 11 months ago


        I don't romance the companions and if dialogue and quest content didn't actively suffer without them I would mostly use hirelings. What gameplay would you arbitrarily define as good enough to be posted? Goading the robot onto the giant forge to smash him with the hammer because it does big damage?
        Casting darkness on things because you can see through magical darkness to kick the shit out of them from the shadows?
        pickpocketing children? What's going to meet your arbitrary metric of "gameplay" that you won't immediately dismiss with a deluge of buzzwords?

        >Goading the robot onto the giant forge to smash him with the hammer because it does big damage?
        >Casting darkness on things because you can see through magical darkness to kick the shit out of them from the shadows?
        >pickpocketing children?

        some other small things-
        >disguise self changes your size / race so you can get racial speech checks / crawl through tunnels
        >arrow of teleportation + stacking things atop each other to sequence break
        >using command: drop weapon to get things way earlier than you should be able to

  34. 11 months ago

    totally authentic thread btw

  35. 11 months ago

    Yeah and this is the main problem with bg3 it attracted complete noobs to the genre who don't realize that none of this shit is new or revolutionary the character creator is bare bones compared to the pathfind of games and the only thing it has going for it is big budget graphics and voice acting.

  36. 11 months ago

    forgotten realms lore is better than all these boring games you guys mention
    bg3 ticks all the boxes. simple as.

    hopefully they make another

  37. 11 months ago

    All praise for this game are just empty words with absolutely no concrete arguments. It's the exact same way twitter homosexuals speak.

    what EXACTLY is rich and detailed about this game?

    • 11 months ago

      >nya-ha you don't want to transcribe something intuitive into a detailed point-by-point 2000 character post for me to ignore? looks like I win again chuds
      you are a homo

  38. 11 months ago

    I just finished act 2 and can't remember a single side quest from act 1, what I can remember from act two was
    >go to place get item
    >return item to quest giver
    >choose one of two options good or le evil
    >exp reward thank you for playing
    The writing is childish drivel, nothing is sincere, everything's a joke, everything's sex, there's only good and evil and solutions to problems equate to convincing npcs of the right (see: the larian writer's) way of looking at things. I can't be the only one who just... feels nothing playing this veneer of a game

    • 11 months ago

      >The writing is childish drivel, nothing is sincere
      That's because you have kids in their early 20s selling themselves to become corporate writers. They're depressed, overworked, and watching as their ideology gets shit on by Trump, /misc/, Koch Brothers, etc. It fricking sucks, and no wonder it seeps into their writing.

  39. 11 months ago

    sad to see all these people spoiled on older bad games and they already know the mechanics inside and out so nothing is fun in bg3.
    should have waited for the proper game like me

  40. 11 months ago

    >I am overwhelmed with stuff there is so much stuff to do and learn
    So that's how you impress simpletons huh

  41. 11 months ago

    I installed a pirated all version of baldurs gate 1, but was overwhelmed by options at the tutorial and uninstalled it.
    I still have the zip file, mybe i should give it a go

  42. 11 months ago

    Shill, homosexual, cuck

  43. 11 months ago

    Your OC is super cute, I definitely would.

  44. 11 months ago

    This game does a better job accommodating your choices than any other CRPG I've played (DOS/2, BG/2, Pathfinder, Wasteland 3). In pretty much everything you do, you have multiple choices both in and out of combat. It feels very fluid in that regard; you set out to do something and you're presented with choices, even though some choices are not always obviously presented to you. And the consequences of many choices are not certain.
    But bugmen don't like making decisions, especially with uncertain outcomes. So when you hear someone complain that the game is "linear" or doesn't actually give you choices, they either haven't played the game (like most complainers on Ganker), or they're brainlets who are unable to perceive the breadth of choices the game offers.

    • 11 months ago

      >I can Apply item or ability to everything and see the outcome
      >This is unique and interesting in 2023

      It sounds like the only bugman here is you Shill-kun.

      • 11 months ago

        >Thinks choices are limited to dice rolls
        Thank you for literally proving my point.

        • 11 months ago

          Nothing I said had anything to do with Dice rolls you fricking moron.

          >had they spent one third of the time working on the game rather than making romances
          You haven't played the game...
          You are literally using the whining from Ganker to formulate your entire opinion on the composition of content of a game you've never played. You are a quintessential bugman; your opinions are dictated by a bunch of culture war losers.

          The later acts literally have less content and are more buggy because they spent all their time on Act 1.

          • 11 months ago

            >The later acts literally have less content
            Another fabricated Ganker opinion. Jesus, you're like an actual NPC, just repeating whatever you're programmed to say.
            But yes, later acts have more bugs.

            • 11 months ago

              What actual criticism?


              I love it, you people have legit ran out of any brainpower to actual argue the points made and are now resorting to namecalling and deflection.

              should I multiclass, myself or companions, bros?

              What do you want to do and what is your base class? Multiclassing as a spellcaster is NEVER useful. Halfcaster like Blade Warlock or Paladin MIGHT be.

              • 11 months ago

                I asked you to tell me what actual criticism has been put forward and you cannot answer me. If you cannot reply to this denoting what actual criticism you are referring to that isn't pure subjective opinions, I will be forced to accept your concession.

              • 11 months ago

                You do know you can go back and read other posts right shill-kun?

                >I will be forced to accept your concession

                Spoken like a true Twitter-bred moron.

              • 11 months ago

                Answer the question Black person stop bobbing and weaving it like it's a job or the police.

              • 11 months ago

                based on your criteria / views I don't really think it's worth the time to argue with you dude

                >A-abloo Abloo no real criticism game is perfect SHUT UP

                Alright, I guess I better spoonfeed the morons.

                >Some Enviromental effects trivialise the game due to how overtuned explosive barrels are and how easy they are to cart around
                >Other Enviromental effects are rather rather standard, grease works like how grease does, this is not a revolutionary concept
                >Some AoE spells are moronic, where you will make the save vs the attack and effect, but due to the effect on the ground, you still suffer the Aoe effect.
                >Classes are shallow, even compared to 5e, you get unique dialogue choices that vary wildly between classes, some have good choices, others have literally pointless ones that change no outcome
                >5e dicerolling taking to it's logical extreme, slightly better due to increase chance for mods.
                >Weapons are all universially boring as frick, simply adding slight passives to the weapon, nothing like returning throwing hammers/axes
                >Crafting system feels half-baked and doesn't interact much with the rest of the game, despite things that exist like Ranger or Medicine that should.
                >Some skills directly tie to basic mechanics and work great, like Athletics, others are downright pointless despite what should be equal footing, Aka Acrobatics.
                >Action economy is weird, item interaction even weirder, why is leaping like the hulk a minor action but dashing slightly forward a full action?
                >Concentration spell choice seems arbitrary, Longstrider isn't concentration and lasts until a long rest, but Leap has a 10 round limit.
                >Game's content dramatically falls off after Act 1, quests become far less complex.

              • 11 months ago

                >Some AoE spells are moronic, due to the effect on the ground, you still suffer the Aoe
                yes, half dmg on a save. this is nothing new.

              • 11 months ago

                Read it again. Even if you pass the save, most AoE spells leave a patch on the ground forcing another save

                Or in the case of Poison basically just poisoning you anyway.

              • 11 months ago

                >Some Enviromental effects trivialise the game due to how overtuned explosive barrels are and how easy they are to cart around
                I agree, this is actual valid criticism.
                >Other Enviromental effects are rather rather standard, grease works like how grease does, this is not a revolutionary concept
                What do you mean by standard? Should it be nonstandard?
                >Some AoE spells are moronic, where you will make the save vs the attack and effect, but due to the effect on the ground, you still suffer the Aoe effect.
                I haven't seen this happen, but ground effects are not 5e, and it's the damage of being on the effect, not the aoe damage
                >Classes are shallow, even compared to 5e, you get unique dialogue choices that vary wildly between classes, some have good choices, others have literally pointless ones that change no outcome
                the classes i've played have all had significant options that have altered encounters I've played that otherwise would not be
                >5e dicerolling taking to it's logical extreme, slightly better due to increase chance for mods.
                the rolling is excessive yes
                >Weapons are all universially boring as frick, simply adding slight passives to the weapon, nothing like returning throwing hammers/axes
                This is blatantly untrue. There is literally a spear that will return to you. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Returning_Pike
                >Crafting system feels half-baked and doesn't interact much with the rest of the game, despite things that exist like Ranger or Medicine that should.
                I agree, learning I was carting around ingots for nothing was annoying.
                >Some skills directly tie to basic mechanics and work great, like Athletics, others are downright pointless despite what should be equal footing, Aka Acrobatics.
                you do an acrobatics check every time a shove happens
                >Game's content dramatically falls off after Act 1, quests become far less complex.
                This mostly only feels true in act 2 because theres less "hubs". At least so far, personally.

              • 11 months ago

                >Classes are shallow, even compared to 5e
                They're improved compared to 5e. Classes giving advantage in dialogue is something that would never happen in tabletop, and class flavor comes entirely from players and the DM rather than the rules.
                >Weapons are all universially boring as frick, simply adding slight passives to the weapon, nothing like returning throwing hammers/axes
                Mundane weapons are better than pretty much every other cRPG, and returning weapons are incredibly boring. Magic items are much more unique than similar games, with things like the Blood of Lathander or the Githyanki psionic greatswords.
                >Some skills directly tie to basic mechanics and work great, like Athletics, others are downright pointless despite what should be equal footing, Aka Acrobatics
                Acrobatics being shit is a 5e design feature to compensate for the fact that DEX mogs STR in the tabletop.
                >why is leaping like the hulk a minor action but dashing slightly forward a full action?
                A running jump isn't as much effort as sprinting. You aren't "dashing slightly forward" because it's literally doubling your movement speed. If you've ever tried sprinting while carrying a weapon, you would know that it feels like an attack.

                I'll yield crafting and bounded accuracy

              • 11 months ago

                I'm pretty sure I found a returning javeling at some point.

                But yeah, classes giving advantage in dialogue is something that's up to the DM. CRPGs are just DM simulators. Classes themselves are more shallow than in tabletop.

                Also, my jump distance is larger than my movement.

              • 11 months ago

                >>Some Enviromental effects trivialise the game due to how overtuned explosive barrels are and how easy they are to cart around
                holdover from DOS2 and only plays a part in powergaming
                Enviromental effects are rather rather standard, grease works like how grease does, this is not a revolutionary concept
                thing works correctly yes
                >>Some AoE spells are moronic, where you will make the save vs the attack and effect, but due to the effect on the ground, you still suffer the Aoe effect.
                this is why those spells exist in DND at all, otherwise everything would be a different flavor of magic missile
                are all universially boring as frick, simply adding slight passives to the weapon, nothing like returning throwing hammers/axes
                you have a returning polearm and trident, EK's can bind a weapon to auto-return on hit. not sure how you'd fix this without bloat or weapon crafting. you want the magical throw you play the magical thrower.
                system feels half-baked and doesn't interact much with the rest of the game
                it's just potionmaking dude
                >>Some skills directly tie to basic mechanics and work great, like Athletics, others are downright pointless despite what should be equal footing, Aka Acrobatics
                partial 5e issue, not sure how many spells use DEX saving throws when acrobatics seems more fitting but i'm not well-versed with 5e outside of playing a few short campaigns
                economy is weird
                yes this is correct, some very odd decisions made it through that probably should not have
                spell choice seems arbitrary
                yes this is correct
                >>Game's content dramatically falls off after Act 1, quests become far less complex.
                50/50 on this one but that's just because my first playthrough was murderhobo durge and it went exactly as I expected it to, doing all the quests right now on a new char and still on act 1

              • 11 months ago

                >Classes are shallow, even compared to 5e
                They're improved compared to 5e. Classes giving advantage in dialogue is something that would never happen in tabletop, and class flavor comes entirely from players and the DM rather than the rules.
                >Weapons are all universially boring as frick, simply adding slight passives to the weapon, nothing like returning throwing hammers/axes
                Mundane weapons are better than pretty much every other cRPG, and returning weapons are incredibly boring. Magic items are much more unique than similar games, with things like the Blood of Lathander or the Githyanki psionic greatswords.
                >Some skills directly tie to basic mechanics and work great, like Athletics, others are downright pointless despite what should be equal footing, Aka Acrobatics
                Acrobatics being shit is a 5e design feature to compensate for the fact that DEX mogs STR in the tabletop.
                >why is leaping like the hulk a minor action but dashing slightly forward a full action?
                A running jump isn't as much effort as sprinting. You aren't "dashing slightly forward" because it's literally doubling your movement speed. If you've ever tried sprinting while carrying a weapon, you would know that it feels like an attack.

                I'll yield crafting and bounded accuracy

                >Some Enviromental effects trivialise the game due to how overtuned explosive barrels are and how easy they are to cart around
                I agree, this is actual valid criticism.
                >Other Enviromental effects are rather rather standard, grease works like how grease does, this is not a revolutionary concept
                What do you mean by standard? Should it be nonstandard?
                >Some AoE spells are moronic, where you will make the save vs the attack and effect, but due to the effect on the ground, you still suffer the Aoe effect.
                I haven't seen this happen, but ground effects are not 5e, and it's the damage of being on the effect, not the aoe damage
                >Classes are shallow, even compared to 5e, you get unique dialogue choices that vary wildly between classes, some have good choices, others have literally pointless ones that change no outcome
                the classes i've played have all had significant options that have altered encounters I've played that otherwise would not be
                >5e dicerolling taking to it's logical extreme, slightly better due to increase chance for mods.
                the rolling is excessive yes
                >Weapons are all universially boring as frick, simply adding slight passives to the weapon, nothing like returning throwing hammers/axes
                This is blatantly untrue. There is literally a spear that will return to you. https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Returning_Pike
                >Crafting system feels half-baked and doesn't interact much with the rest of the game, despite things that exist like Ranger or Medicine that should.
                I agree, learning I was carting around ingots for nothing was annoying.
                >Some skills directly tie to basic mechanics and work great, like Athletics, others are downright pointless despite what should be equal footing, Aka Acrobatics.
                you do an acrobatics check every time a shove happens
                >Game's content dramatically falls off after Act 1, quests become far less complex.
                This mostly only feels true in act 2 because theres less "hubs". At least so far, personally.

                The Enviromental effects besides nuclear barrels all are either a statistic change or modifier, with grease being the most complex. Mud for example doesn't dry up when hit with fire, or ground lightning attacks, water only gives a % effect for lightning and puts out fires, Poison can't be burned away or knocked away with thunderwaves. It feels like this was a big part of their gameplay yet feels unfinished.

                The AoE issue is that it causes several check prompts instead of the spells effect prompt, I found this readily with the poison patches the most as even if I saved getting poisoned you still get poisoned by the ground, this is clearly due to the generation of an enviroment effect being sort of seperate from the actual spell.

                The crafting system 100% should have had ties to race and class prompts like everything else; Rangers should know more about herbology, Dwarves should understand metallurgy more within the system etc.

                The classes ARE more shallow in the tabletop, despite how sometimes that depth was clunky and unreasonable, using Ranger as the best example because BG3 makes it painfully shallow despite core Ranger being fricking shit. They literally have a foraging and camp material mechanic in BG3 yet Ranger does not interact with it... despite it doing so in core 5e. This is the same with the Acrobatics issue, 5e was clunky, BG3 made a totally new system.. but left Acrobatics alone.

                All in all, "being based on 5e" isn't really an excuse because it's not a 1:1 thing on 5e, and while I love some changes, aka throwing weapons actually being viable so my throwing axe Dwarf ranger exists, it's seems the changes they did make added layers of clunk or were arbitrary.

                Also completely autistic, but the Owlbear being classed as a beast is cringe and I am 90% sure 5e did that too.

              • 11 months ago

                >It feels like this was a big part of their gameplay yet feels unfinished.
                considering how neatly laid out it was in DOS2 I'm inclined to agree that something isn't working as originally envisioned
                >The AoE issue is that it causes several check prompts instead of the spells effect prompt
                I maintain that this is by design and is, in fact, why duration AOE spells exist at all and usually cost higher spell slots to cast. unless you're saying the environmental poison bypasses a check completely which I would agree is bad
                >The crafting system 100% should have had ties to race and class prompts
                the crafting system is just potions and is already pretty simple, I don't think you could accomplish this without turning it into crafting bloat. would be neat but neat enough to justify? idk

              • 11 months ago

                Pretty sure the Poison pools do bypass the check of the spell, so you basically will get poisoned if you walk out of it.

                Also, just adding basic stuff like Ranger's needing less materials and crafting a potion gives a medicine check to reinburse materials seems easy enough.

              • 11 months ago

                >Pretty sure the Poison pools do bypass the check of the spell, so you basically will get poisoned if you walk out of it.
                annoyance is justified then, that is lame

              • 11 months ago

                2 fighter 5 warlock is obscenely more powerful than 7 warlock, and way more dialogue viable than 7 fighter.

              • 11 months ago

                Sorc11 wiz1 can learn any spell in the game from scrolls

              • 11 months ago

                >NO THAT'S NOT REAL CRITICISM!
                Correct, because you're saying something that is objectively false. The fact that you can't grasp this should be alarming to you. I even agreed that later acts have more bugs. Does your brain selectively fixate on things that confirm your biases?

                >I saw you kick that puppy
                I didn't, that's simply not true
                >"NO THAT'S NOT REAL CRITICISM!"

  45. 11 months ago

    >it's marketing because you aren't making webms of gameplay
    lol at this schizo's way of thinking btw

    • 11 months ago

      no, the shilling was carried out with the romance shit
      you folks are too new to make webms on Ganker, you don't know how to make them

      • 11 months ago

        >i am le oldgayge because I know what webmformorons is
        Genuinely go away. I mean it.

    • 11 months ago

      here's your gameplay bro

      • 11 months ago

        But dude.. fire barrels nuking everything is UNIQUE and INTERESTING

      • 11 months ago

        >wasting 4 barrels on a trivial enemy
        send that shit to camp so you can use it in real fights

      • 11 months ago

        > Using the environment in a creative and player driven way to overcome an enemy too difficult for a conventional fight

        Ganker is so mindbroken and contrarian about this game they will unironically try to frame this webm as a bad thing

        • 11 months ago

          red barrels such an innovative gameplay wow

    • 11 months ago

      wait until they say it IS marketing because you post webms
      i've seen people do this for noita and rain world. even with OC posts.

  46. 11 months ago

    I keep hearing about allt this freedom and content but is there really all that much choice of direction and things to do in this game?
    Because most of my two days of playing has been just slow combat and bad rolls getting me into more combat during dialogue in between persuading this and that person not to do or do something.

  47. 11 months ago

    Same here anon and I have been playing with with my lil bro, most fun we have had in a game in years.

  48. 11 months ago

    surprising amount of seething ITT
    do you guys actually just get upset when other people are happy? lmao dude what

    • 11 months ago

      >Give actual criticism of the game's mechanics

      Shill logic.

      • 11 months ago

        >actual criticism
        [citation needed]

        • 11 months ago

          I mean

          here's your gameplay bro

          Is pretty good criticism.

          Also Acrobatics basically not existing as a fricking skill outside of a few skill checks when it should effect jumping also is a big thing.

          • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            what's wrong with that webm? looks fine to me

            • 11 months ago


              >Placing 4 barrels down that the NPC completely ignores and doing enough damage to do 80 points of damage is fine.

              This isn't even a meme level of barrels, or making a satchel charge, it's just 4 barrels.

              • 11 months ago

                based on your criteria / views I don't really think it's worth the time to argue with you dude

              • 11 months ago

                >player does something abnormal
                >game accommodates it
                >this is bad

              • 11 months ago

                they're explosives, do you think explosives would not tear a bipedal cow to pieces if you put 4 barrels worth of gunpowder next to it?

              • 11 months ago

                >completely ignores
                it's not ignoring it it's walking towards it
                the NPC is a low intelligence minotaur, if it sees some barrels that weren't there before it's gonna walk towards it, what part of that doesn't make sense? what part is this meant to be critiquing? the fact that explosive barrels explode when shot with a flaming arrow?

                not to mention doing THIS is way more work than just one shotting that guy with in one turn with Lae'zel, like you have to want to do this, the "normal" way is a much easier path

              • 11 months ago

                The brain of the bugman cannot comprehend a solution that the developers do not explicitly give you.
                Stick to Ubisoft games, homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            >Also Acrobatics basically not existing as a fricking skill
            you're right that it should increase your jump but you make an acrobatics check every time an enemy tries to shove you

          • 11 months ago

            >Acrobatics basically not existing as a fricking skill outside of a few skill checks when it should effect jumping
            lol? acrobatics checks on jumps are for the DM's discretion if you're trying to pull off something fancy with your jump or trying to land in difficult terrain.

            • 11 months ago

              And yet Acrobatics in BG3 basically does nothing besides a few rare prompts.

              You can't even walk across ropes.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm just not sure why you thought it would be affecting your jumps, since it's normally not a factor.

              • 11 months ago

                Because Acrobatics usually effects your ability to jump TO places Anon.
                Athletics was usually your jump distance. this moronic behaviour is why most people don't jump in the tabletop.

                Larian turning Jump into Athletics based Hulk jumping makes no sense when Acrobatics should be able to leap around too. I was wanting to make a Nimble Wood Elf Barbarian Bladedancer style character until I realised Acrobatics isn't actually very Acrobatic.

              • 11 months ago

                BG3 is based off of 5e in which jumps are based on movement speed with a STR/athletics check for most variants for things like a high/long jump.

              • 11 months ago

                >Acrobatics should be able to leap around too
                No? In 5e when it comes to jumping it's strength based with athletics being used to jump above base distance based on strength or jumping over stuff. Acrobatics is used for landing. And doesn't BG3 have that too? For the check whether you fall prone when falling?

              • 11 months ago

                >For the check whether you fall prone when falling?
                yes, and acrobatics also helps resist being shoved by enemies
                It's almost a 100% certainty that your acrobatics has saved one of your party members from being shoved off a cliff and you just never noticed

              • 11 months ago

                You resist with shove with either athletics or shove depending which is higher.

              • 11 months ago

                you resist with acrobatics or athletics whichever is higher so you can resist shoving with str or dex
                wtf is "resist with shove"?
                just because you played some wack ass homebrew with a super lenient DM who let you do whatever you asked for doesn't mean thats rules as written

              • 11 months ago

                >wtf is "resist with shove"?
                A typo. First I wanted to just type "resist with acrobatics or athletics", then wanted to switch it to specify what is being resisted to "resist shove with acrobatics or athletics" and then ended up with two with accidentally.

              • 11 months ago

                Wait I fricked it up even more. I really need sleep. The point. I was trying to make and mangled was that you don't need acrobatics when it comes to not being shoved if you have athletics. Sorry for being incoherent.

              • 11 months ago

                Nothing about that sentence made sense

              • 11 months ago

                by that logic you should roll a die everytime you walk and a critical failure roll should mean "oh you stepped on a sharp rock,it slashed your leg and you fell on your neck.you are now disabled have fun using wheelchair"

              • 11 months ago

                Athletics is what a long jumper checks to leap 30 feet forward.
                Acrobatics is what a ballerina checks to make a 1080 degrees pirouette.
                It's 2 different sets of skills.

      • 11 months ago

        What actual criticism?

    • 11 months ago

      no one seething plays the game, tabletop, or other crpgs, they're just upset they aren't part of the in group that's having fun

  49. 11 months ago

    I killed the the white haired knife guy for trying to stab me, was that a mistake?

    • 11 months ago

      He's a rogue, so if you have any dex character planned for lockpicking, no not really.

      • 11 months ago

        class is irrelevant you can respec every companion.

      • 11 months ago

        I have been able to lockpick everything I have tried so far, he will not be missed.

        you killed the guy who is the most fun to have around and also strong af in combat so yeah

        If any of the dialogue in this game is any indicator I feel like I did the world a service by putting him down and leaving his naked corpse behind.

    • 11 months ago

      you killed the guy who is the most fun to have around and also strong af in combat so yeah

      • 11 months ago

        >sarcastic flamboyant homosexuals are fun to be around
        it was a wooden stake from me dawg

        • 11 months ago

          I keep him with me all the time because he gets inspiration for exactly the same things I do and yeah, he's funny. you get used his mannerism pretty fast

  50. 11 months ago

    I love this game too but OP I'd definitely an underaged homosexual who has never played a game that hasn't come out in the last 10 years. BG3 is really not that special of a game it just has high production value for what it is.

    • 11 months ago

      alright let's hear it, name a better game that came out in the last 10 years

      • 11 months ago

        Pathfinder and PoE came to mind

        Also Underrail

        • 11 months ago

          Disco, of course as well.

        • 11 months ago

          not him but
          PoE is one of the worst written games I've ever seen, and Pathfinder is 90% meaningless spreadsheets and adding 50 bonuses from 50 different sources. The writing in it is... Average.
          Underrail is fine, I guess. But pretty boring. Calling it better is a huge stretch.

          Disco, of course as well.

          Disco is a visual novel and has literally 0 things in common with BG3.

    • 11 months ago

      >10 years.
      10 years ago we were literally playing hard locked cam games with no voice acting.
      honestly what are you smoking

  51. 11 months ago

    originality is way overrated in games
    just like how I eat my favorite foods many times, and enjoy boobs, RPing is still fun. eat shit you sadsacks

    now if other devs want to copy them or make it ever better, that's great. But you already hear many devs seething they don't want to do all that work.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah, I can enjoy BG3 and acknowledge that this is not innovative/original.

  52. 11 months ago

    should I multiclass, myself or companions, bros?

  53. 11 months ago

    you are not a writer
    you are a FAILURE contrarian SEETHING about a successful game
    you LOST

  54. 11 months ago

    BG3 is a 0/10 compared to any crpg from the 90's and early 2000's.

  55. 11 months ago

    >there is so much stuff to do
    there is less shit to do than in skyrim
    the frick you on about

  56. 11 months ago

    Are 1 and 2 worth playing? I finished 3 yesterday.

    • 11 months ago

      have a nice day zoomer scum

      • 11 months ago

        I'm 33. I was just never a pc gamer growing up. I only had Nintendos and PlayStations.

  57. 11 months ago

    Just bought the game lads
    If it's shit I'm blaming it on all of you

    • 11 months ago

      why didnt you pirate it to try it out first you dumbass. Never buy brand new games at full price on launch. I pirated this game before giving them my money.

    • 11 months ago

      its shit tho

      Actually no, its not shit, but it is mediocre.

  58. 11 months ago

    are there any dubs in the game? I hate listening to americans

    • 11 months ago

      they're all british VAs

  59. 11 months ago

    Glad an indie game is making AAA games look pathetic. I can’t play baldurs gate. Too much dialogue. I’m too moronic so I’ll stick to Elden Ring. Love seeing AAA devs cope and seethe though. They should’ve waited to release it when the next horizon zero releases

  60. 11 months ago

    I refuse to believe people play with these shit characters instead of a full custom party.

    • 11 months ago

      why would I willingly lose out on hours of side quests and unique dialogue just to have a bunch of mongoloids walking around with me that have no dialogue or interactivity. The only argument against it is if you're playing a full multiplayer party.

      • 11 months ago

        Why did you custom created a bunch of mongoloids? Mine are all chads.

        • 11 months ago

          Chads that have no dialogue or input or accompanying questlines, sure.

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, perfection.

    • 11 months ago

      if you ignore romance entirely the characters are fine aside from wyll who is just boring
      waiting to replay for a romance disable mod

    • 11 months ago

      They love this kind of moronic writing. I wonder just how many GMs will be forced to deal with people behaving this way.

  61. 11 months ago

    Has bg3 shilling been the most blatant shilling in videogame history?

  62. 11 months ago


    Yeah, thats the point. She is a dumbass berserker and talks like reddit. She has no good ending.

    • 11 months ago

      >sexiest girl
      >most cringe dialogue
      >unrealistically optimistic
      >is clingy

  63. 11 months ago

    >the most boring, slow paced combat ever
    >characters so one dimensional and poorly written they make JRPGs look like masterpieces
    >save scumming simulator gameplay
    >fricking everyone is gay and won't stop hitting on you because muh inclusion

  64. 11 months ago

    Can the gog version play online with the steam version?

    • 11 months ago

      yes, but multiplayer is fricked as of now

  65. 11 months ago

    Didn't think it was possible to make something more overrated than The Witcher 3, a main line Zelda game, a Rockstar game or new big budget Fromsoft game but here we are

    • 11 months ago

      the good thing about larian is that they dont have cancerous always online or drm shit

      yes, but multiplayer is fricked as of now

      if they allowed world invasions i would have bought the game no joke

  66. 11 months ago

    That bald guy with the face tattoo is easily the most cringe reddit character.

  67. 11 months ago

    the dialogue choices are actually kinda fun

    • 11 months ago

      god, what a bunch of cringey ass dialogue holy shit

      Larian is a fricking meme developer, they are the opposite of a professional team. Literally Obsidian but bad.

      • 11 months ago

        >no fun allowed.db

        • 11 months ago

          >should we think of original jokes that would push our writing techniques to its very limit?
          >NO! We should just use generic meme references and call it a day
          Keep slurping that corpo-wiener, you low standards Hispanic.

      • 11 months ago

        Damn bro don't make me post the list of pop culture references in bg1/2

  68. 11 months ago

    >discover secret prison by accident
    >gortash is like frick off or I'll blow it up
    >I dont want to frick myself over by doing something I might regret now
    >10 hours of quests later
    >lets go rescue the prisoners!
    >bugged to frick so they just stand there

    Do I just start a new campaign whilst I wait for this to be patched?

  69. 11 months ago

    All these damage control spreadsheets to shill a game but not a single person calling it fun

  70. 11 months ago

    hey chuds

    do you roll before or after claiming your action?

    • 11 months ago

      >me : I'm gonna do XYZ
      >DM : roll a ABC check then

      • 11 months ago

        why do you have to wait for the DM to tell you to roll, you know he is gonna make you roll

        • 11 months ago

          I don't know which check he's going to make me do beforehand. sometimes he won't make me roll. depending on which checks he makes me make I can buff myself.

          Have you ever played DND before? I guess not

    • 11 months ago

      Usually I do them both at the same time

      >Roll dice while talking about what action I want to do

    • 11 months ago

      intent then roll, because the other party which can include the DM playing for the monsters can react and stuff, like counterspells and free actions and powers. or like XCOM you run foward to attack and, before you roll to hit you stood on a trap.

  71. 11 months ago

    He thinks 5E is "refined and detailed"
    play pathfinder you absolutely zoomie

    • 11 months ago

      Holy kek I thought you Pathtards had died out already

  72. 11 months ago

    >average bethdrone reaction to an average game
    it's okay you'll get to turn off your brain again in a few weeks and spend 100 hours clearing copy pasted bandi-- space pirate camps.

  73. 11 months ago

    >completely cheese the game using unintended methods of sneakily hauling around large clusters of explosives to one shot everything before it even counts as combat
    >why isn't the game fun?

    • 11 months ago

      But what if I find doing this fun and hilarious.
      Also it's extremely satisfying replaying a part with a lot of enemies and having a frick huge minefield of oil and firewine barrels connected with grease spots and lighting it off.

      • 11 months ago

        Work no your reading comprehension, the frogposter clearly isn't talking about you.

        • 11 months ago

          reading comprehension =/= filtering morons
          sorry bro didn't see his post. keep blowing up barrels, and make sure to genocide the gith for me alright?

          • 11 months ago

            jesus, are you an ESL?

            • 11 months ago

              You must be moronic.

              I replied to the frogposter asking what he thought if I enjoyed abusing explosive barrels.

              Then I was replied to, quote.
              >Work no your reading comprehension, the frogposter clearly isn't talking about you.

              The person that anon I quoted above is talking about the sped who has been typing paragraphs about how this game is "boring" because explosive barrels trivialize encounters.
              I didn't see that anons post because I have them filtered.

              You're probably new to Ganker, so if you don't know what any of what that means then you can kindly kick rocks, Black person. Lurk moar.

              • 11 months ago

                >I replied to the frogposter asking what he thought if I enjoyed abusing explosive barrels.
                That's not what the frogposter was asking. Anon...how are you this dense and slow?

              • 11 months ago

                You're acting like a moron to bait me into replying to you. Well played. Have your (you).

              • 11 months ago

                Kek that would funny if true but sadly no. You're just genuinely dumb.

                The frogposter(

                >completely cheese the game using unintended methods of sneakily hauling around large clusters of explosives to one shot everything before it even counts as combat
                >why isn't the game fun?

                ) is quoting this shitposter(

                showing 5 barrels next to an npc, shooting it and seeing nobody react to it is not a fun adventure

                thats how i killed anders without triggering the others

                ) whose claim is that the game is boring because he is cheesing. So the objective of frogposter is making fun of his moronic ass, for intentionally playing the game in a way he doesn't enjoy.

                The frogposter is NOT, asking (You) what you thought about abusing in-game mechanics. He was making a joke, you were suppose to laugh.

              • 11 months ago

                you had to explain it so its not funny anymore its just tragic
                t. frogpoaster

              • 11 months ago

                I'm sorry frogbro, you will always be funny in my heart.

              • 11 months ago

                >try something in a game
                >It means you play the game exclusively that way

                you morons have mental issues on top of being moronic

                i'm SHOWCASING the issues with the game and this makes you rage more than a troony who gets "misgendered"

              • 11 months ago

                >ur reading comprehension bro
                >Neglects to read the part where

                reading comprehension =/= filtering morons
                sorry bro didn't see his post. keep blowing up barrels, and make sure to genocide the gith for me alright?

                >filtering morons
                >sorry bro didn't see his post

                if you can't piece two and two together maybe you're the one with reading comprehension issues.

              • 11 months ago

                >all ones itt finished the game, barrel or not
                >he thinks anyone was filtered

              • 11 months ago

                FILTERING as in FILTERING POSTERS and POSTS on the IMAGEBOARD called Ganker. YOU DUMBFRICKING Black person.

                Next time you write out your tripe and insult other anons intelligence you should read your OWN FRICKING POSTS.

              • 11 months ago

                >literally malding after being called out
                >unironically believes Ganker is one person

              • 11 months ago


  74. 11 months ago

    >play the game in an unfun way
    >bros? the game is not fun
    I can't believe these "people" are actually human.

  75. 11 months ago

    What's up with all the eye gore in this game? Just had a friendly NPC stab my eye out with an ice pick on top of all the other gruesome shit and it's only ACT 1

    • 11 months ago

      there's another eye gore option in act 2.
      its very bad for you though unlike the first one.

  76. 11 months ago

    Frick I can’t decide what race, oath and background to pick as paladin, any suggestions?

    • 11 months ago

      Pick vengeance, nothing else matters.

    • 11 months ago

      pick oath of the ancients and maybe multiclass some bard
      Be a paladin of Garl Glittergold and be in it for the gems and the lulz

  77. 11 months ago

    I did the entire underdark area before the above ground stuff.
    Happened to discover the place when I pushed the phase spider matriarch AND my character down into that hole.
    This kind of interactivity with the environment and much more is something the pathfinder games just don't have.
    It's legit a great game even if you're into CRPGs

    • 11 months ago

      Interactivity is really good, shame writing is Marvel-tier and choices don't matter.

      • 11 months ago

        >one of the few games where the game has enough reactivity to let you kill literally everyone and the story still continues
        >hurr choices don't matter
        out of all the things to complain about the game, this one is just complete bullshit
        I have not seen a single other game with half as much reactivity and choice as this one

        >marvel-tier writing
        it has ups and downs, but this reeks of someone who hasn't played the originals. The writing was full of marvel shit back then too. like the entirety of Minsc, or half the cast being comically evil/comically stupid?

        It's D&D, the writing has always been campy. This mfer played Curse of Strahd and thinks D&D is all like that.

        • 11 months ago

          this post just made me realize the fact that we could technically get D&D adventures in the BG3 engine.

          I know WOTC are homosexuals and would never do it, but imagine it? Curse of Strahd DLC, Dungeon of the Mad Mage? Fuuuuck. Dungeon of the Mad Mage as a standalone DLC would be so fricking perfect for the game, since it's just a layered megadungeon with minimal frills and story, just hundreds of individual encounters and mini-stories in a giant dungeon crawl.
          Are the mod tools good enough that we can ever hope for custom-made campaigns?

        • 11 months ago

          Campy, yeah, but not really ironic like this. Hard to explain what bothers me with it, best I could describe is, it feels like it's written with what the writers think the audience likes in mind, rather than what the writers themselves think is funny. Artificial, in a sense.

          Anyway, maybe that's why I feel like the reactivity isn't that great either. Everything feels the same, no matter what course of action you take, and I haven't had that feeling with any other cRPG.

  78. 11 months ago

    >volo offers to dig out your tadpole
    >believe him
    >he gets a knife and starts jabbing it into your eye
    >okay he's clearly a moron
    >decide to let him keep doing it just to see what happens
    >he pulls out an ice pick
    >nearly kills you, rips out your eye
    >tadpole still in
    >he gives you a mechanical eye as a way to say sorry, it lets you see invisible creatures
    >it actually looks different than your real eye in-character

    This was when the game was sold to me, and the more you pay attention, the more you notice just how many options there are to almost every interaction.

    • 11 months ago

      too bad they wasted all their resources on the romance shit, those events are rare in the game

    • 11 months ago

      Use Naruto logic for eye powers in this game, IE it is always a good idea to change your eye or get a new one.

  79. 11 months ago

    Ok, shill.

  80. 11 months ago

    Are you supposed to be level 6+ when you enter into the underdark so you have two attacks like the enemies do, or are you supposed to just fight uphill battles where enemies get double the chances to damage you?

    • 11 months ago

      You're supposed to pre-buff and cheese. The game will always overwhelm you through numbers or sheer power and the only tools it gives you to deal with this is ways to instantly kill enemies that require setup.

      Straight fights that you can just walk into do not exist beyond the grove arc. Enjoy.

      • 11 months ago

        I entered the Underdark at lv5 and didn't struggle, you might be bad

        • 11 months ago

          try it at lvl 3

          • 11 months ago

            Why would I rush higher level content ignoring lower level content, it makes perfect sense to be there at lv5, not so much at lv3

            • 11 months ago

              Because its fun you fricking incel, why do you play videogames?

        • 11 months ago

          You're lying if you claim that you fought the Duergar group fair and square at level 5 without cheesing them.

          Hint: Shoving them down into the surrounding chasms is a form of cheesing. As is Glut's spore zombification.

          • 11 months ago

            I shoved ONE duergar down a chasm, the one higher up since I bunkered down there and waited for more enemies to come

            • 11 months ago

              >I shoved ONE duergar down a chasm

              I bet it was the caster, too.

              • 11 months ago

                But there are like 2-3 mind controllers there, and Nere, it was a bow user at the top of the stairs

          • 11 months ago

            I fought them at level four by having a brain
            I sneak attacked the leader, then cut the nets leading down to where the other dorfs/zombies were
            that made it easy to kill the leader and then mop up the rest as they have to go around to approach and I kill them one by one

            >shoving is cheesing
            no, it's having a brain
            Stockpiling 20 explosive barrels is cheesing
            Even NPCs shove you off cliffs
            >as is Glut's sporification
            Ah, this is a soulstard doing the whole 'if you play the game at all instead of using no weapons armors or spells, then you didn't beat the game.

            It's okay moron, you'll have more toddslop to hold your hand soon enough, you'll be able to give your tiny brain a rest and enjoy epic leveled combat

            • 11 months ago

              Shoving enemies off cliffs is lame you don't get their loot if you do that.

              • 11 months ago

                yes, that's meant to be the tradeoff for a situationally very powerful option
                not to mention a lot of creatures and enemies will be near impossible to push, or outright impossible if they are one size larger than you.

                calling it cheese is just moronic when it's literally a clear, presented option with benefits and drawbacks

              • 11 months ago

                >near impossible to push, or outright impossible if they are one size larger than you.
                Nah, you can just use thunderwave or eldritch bolt or flurry of blows, or the tadpole move, or the charger feat move, or probably some other stuff.

              • 11 months ago

                thunderwave sucks, eldritch bolt needs a specific thing, so does flurry, so does tadpole, so does charger

                anon was acting like you can just win the game with the shove action, which is just complete moronation. Also pretty sure aside from the tadpole, most of those do not work on huge opponents.

              • 11 months ago

                They do. I have used Wyll to shove ogres with bolt and my monk can push the spider matriarch with flurry.

              • 11 months ago

                actually you are lame

            • 11 months ago

              >I couldn't kill the enemies in open combat and without instantly killing one or more of them off, but let me lecture you on how bad you are

              • 11 months ago

                but I did tell you I didn't instantly kill him, I blocked him off from his buddies, by, once again, having a brain, and then beat him to death over a few turns

                >b-but i want to fight them openly and directly with no strategy hurrr
                okay good luck with that but don't blame the game for then not following your moronic brain damage rules and using strategy against you

          • 11 months ago

            >the Duergar group
            the one at the beginning of the underdark? yeah dude you just fricking clobber them. my first playthrough on tactician was the hardest because they jumped to a piece of geometry that is definitely not intended and I had to plink away with crossbows and use my healing potions
            you just suck at the game dude lmao

            • 11 months ago

              >You just fricking clobber them

              You say this, but I bet you used all kinds of control spells to prevent them from taking their turns.

              • 11 months ago

                yeah homosexual? with my monk, rogue, and fighter?

      • 11 months ago

        >pre-buff and cheese
        how are you people so bad at videogames
        I ran through underdark at level 3-4 with no issues

        >ways to instantly kill enemies

        or slow them, or mind control them, or restrain them, or throw/shove them, bleed them, use elemental weaknesses, stealth/sneak attack, high ground, blocked passages...

        this has to be fricking satire
        did you troglodytes really play the game stacking barrels to kill tough enemies?
        holy frick no wonder D&D is dead, if legitimate morons like you are all that's left
        bahahaha holy frick
        i dunno how I constantly forget Ganker is horrible at videogames

        • 11 months ago

          >Slow them
          >Enemy rolls a successful save
          >Mind control them
          >Enemy rolls a successful save
          >Throw/shove them
          >Athletics check failed
          >Bleed them
          >Use elemental weaknesses
          >Stealth/sneak attack
          >High ground

          What now, genius?

          • 11 months ago

            Skill issue

          • 11 months ago

            >if there's a possibility of failing ever that means it's not doable
            unironically have a nice day, you're too stupid for Ganker, how do you even remember to breathe

          • 11 months ago

            reroll your character because if you're that inaccurate with everything and can't even boost it with guidance or something then your build is dogshit

            • 11 months ago

              Or, have you considered that because it's fricking dicerolls, there's the possibility that everything just goes to shit because there is always a five fricking percent chance of rolling a guaranteed failure, and a twentyfive percent chance to roll a sub-5 roll which, at that point in the game is going to be a failure no matter your bonuses?

              • 11 months ago

                If you don't have at least a +8 to hit modifier at level five (or higher with some magic items) idk what to tell you youre probably terrible at this game

              • 11 months ago

                5 + 8 is 13 which is not going to hit shit, anon.

              • 11 months ago

                natural 1s and 20s are part of pnp tabletop aswell, it means you always have a CHANCE to fail OR succeed otherwise impossible things.
                it keeps things from being predictable unless you savescum, which you cannot do in pnp.

                it is literally impossible to have any party at level 5 and frick up that encounter
                he's either trolling or genuinely moronic

                there's encounters later where a dozen stealthed creatures surprise you, getting double turns, dash and each hit you for 20 damage, explode on death and create cancer floor whilst also having pulling and restraining attacks. Also AoE.

                And this guy is acting like some random Duergar who are terribly positioned in an extremely exploitable area are difficult to fight.

                >he's either trolling or genuinely moronic
                pretty clear he is moronic. its been a weird time learning that absolutely no one plays dnd and i'm somehow one of about 3 people on Ganker who do watching 800000 people suddenly become obsessed with ballers gate because of bear sex. its weird. learn dnd, players handbook, read it. google "players handbook pdf" for frick sake,

            • 11 months ago

              it is literally impossible to have any party at level 5 and frick up that encounter
              he's either trolling or genuinely moronic

              there's encounters later where a dozen stealthed creatures surprise you, getting double turns, dash and each hit you for 20 damage, explode on death and create cancer floor whilst also having pulling and restraining attacks. Also AoE.

              And this guy is acting like some random Duergar who are terribly positioned in an extremely exploitable area are difficult to fight.

              • 11 months ago

                The point is that these fights are not fights, they are puzzles where you try to find the methods to avoid having to fight.

                Be honest, how many times has a fight actually become an extended brawl where you and the enemies trade EVENLY powered blows vs a fight being you trying to shove the enemy into an instant kill death pit or to disable them somehow before they get their turn and deal more damage than you could deal in two or more turns?

                If I roll a fighter, I want to wade into battle and hit with stick, not hide in a corner to funnel the enemies to an angle where I can shove them off a ledge.

              • 11 months ago

                I did that in the gnoll fight
                2 chars downed but won in the end

              • 11 months ago

                The gnolls are actually a pretty balanced fight. Until they activate the buff that allows them to multiattack with their bows.

              • 11 months ago

                >anon is flabberghasted when a turned based RPG is about strategy

                I'm not sure what you were expecting? Devil May Cry?

                >how many times did a fight become an extended brawl
                Frequently. Most boss/miniboss fights. The last one I did being at Last Light where it just gets worse and worse the longer the fight goes on.

                >i want to just unga bunga smash and attack enemies not think
                okay make a party full of fighters/barbs then, but you're probably going to be bent over anytime you run into spellcasters

                Look, there's plenty of ways to fight 'straight up'. You use elixirs, buffing spells, good space management and play a minmaxed character. But the game isn't designed for that and it shouldn't be, because people play these games to come up with strategies (and no, I don't mean cheese) and comps that work.

                Alternatively, play on easy mode and just steamroll everything. Or cheat. But don't act like the game's bad just because you want it to be a different genre entirely, or to let you cakewalk through it without a single shred of strategy or thought.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't want to JUST unga bunga, but I do want my fighter to do that. But unless I somehow direct enemies away from him, he will be dead as a rock within a few turns if he goes in to do his fricking job because enemies seemingly can never fail their rolls even when the fighter in question has content appropriate AC.

              • 11 months ago

                Post char sheet or stfu

              • 11 months ago

                >content appropriate AC
                this is not a thing. In 5e, AC is always fairly static, you usually don't go much over 18, even on higher levels. The only way to tank is by specifically picking a class/subclass designed to tank, and giving enemies disadvantage/negatives via whatever.

                AC tanking only happens if your DM is shit and is showering you with magical items or making up shit.
                Though I will admit one thing suspiciously absent from the game that's in 5e is the defense action, which just gives enemies disadvantage on attack rolls against you at the cost of an action.

              • 11 months ago

                >One thing suspiciously absent from the game that's in 5e is the defense action, which just gives enemies disadvantage on attack rolls against you at the cost of an action.

                The frick? Why would this not be in the game?

              • 11 months ago

                not sure
                I think monks still have the ki feature where they use it as a bonus action
                but unless I'm having a stroke (it's been a while since I played 5e) i'm pretty sure everyone gets the defense action as a general thing

              • 11 months ago

                You can get main and sub class specific skills that let you do that stuff.
                Monk lets you block ranged attacks, or raise evasion/defense with ki points.
                Warrior gives you skills that give you more defense or advantage on opportunity strikes. Read the level up skills and passives carefully. Always double check all the character action tabs for stuff you can do in combat.

          • 11 months ago

            turn off karmic dice, it works for enemies too
            it's on by default because most people are turbo moronic whereas you seem only moderately moronic

            • 11 months ago

              I disabled that at the beginning of my playthrough. There is no option to disable rotten luck.

              • 11 months ago

                karmic dice is literally there to prevent true rng and "rotten luck" why are people so moronic about it

              • 11 months ago

                Except that it doesn't because it is essentially just a forced 45% success/failure rate.

      • 11 months ago

        or you could learn how DnD works and just beat them, you know what AoEs are right, oh no they have more peopl- summon then.
        too powerful, so charm their most powerful character and have them butcher their own team then finger of death them for the oneshot body explosion.

        in the eternal words of some undead guy, get good scrub

      • 11 months ago

        I think you're just bad at the game dude

      • 11 months ago

        >The game will always overwhelm you through numbers or sheer power

  81. 11 months ago

    Arcane monk build

  82. 11 months ago

    i absolutely loved DOS2 despite it flaws, and it was my first cRPG, not counting for Sacred 1 many years ago
    when i started BG3 i didn't think much of it, but after like level 4 or 5 it is just a snowball effect of sucking you in more and more, and the more you play the better your experience, and more fun you have, this shit is addicting for real
    first 15 hours is like 7/10 especially considering that every character around you is a homosexual that wants to rape you in the ass, and you are stuck using shitty cantrips and useless attacks where 3/4 of them misses anyway, but later into the game it makes 180 degree swap in the story, in how characters talk and treat you, in gameplay - because you start to unlock more spells and spell slots and it becomes SUCH FUN it's unbelieveable

    BG3 is definitely one of my favorite games of past few years, story might not be perfect, and there are plotholes, but still, the overall experience is really, really good.

  83. 11 months ago

    So how much ownership does WOTC/Hasbro have over Baldur's Gate 3? I have a hard time seeing a multi-billion dollar multi-national conglomerate being okay with genital customization and sexual mods.

    • 11 months ago

      it's not like larian didn't tell them about it

    • 11 months ago

      wotc are literally 99% trannies, they love stupid coomer shit (as long as it's not conventionally attractive women or cis scum haha)
      hasbro doesn't care as long as it makes money, same as all corporations

    • 11 months ago

      DnD has whole rulebooks for crossbreeding different species together and the results, no one cares about wiener options besides people who are somehow still prudes after game of thrones.

    • 11 months ago

      Hasbro and WOTC are extremely pozzed, I bet they pushed Larian to add in the troony shit.

  84. 11 months ago

    Todshills on suicide watch ever since this game came out

    • 11 months ago

      yeah cause they know people won't just eat slop anymore with no questions asked so they have to actually put effort in and they are realizing how fricked they are because they did not.
      can't even get ladders working in 2023, I made ladders work in the fricking half life 1 engine

    • 11 months ago

      nah, toddslop enjoyers literally just turn their brain off
      Todd could (and will) release dumbed down fallout 4 and people will still be calling it GOTY even though Beth games are just ubisoft games in disguise.
      Sorry, worse Ubisoft games, since at least Ubisoft games don't have animations, voice acting and models that look 10 years old

      • 11 months ago

        Todd will never make a new engine
        >tes6 will be made on the same engine as morrowind

  85. 11 months ago

    are there any autistic females who play this? Perhaps you'd like to be my silent Co-op slave?

  86. 11 months ago

    I am salty that an RPG of this caliber is set in such a ridiculous universe. My suspension of disbelief of out of the fricking window when I see lizard-men that cast spells left and right or when some horned demon furries in nothing out of ordinary.
    Why can't we get a nice LotR rpg?

    • 11 months ago

      Play Enderal, it's like Skyrim if Skyrim was good.

  87. 11 months ago

    Do the Gloves of Dexterity and the Graceful Cloth not stack? I thought I could get a free 20 Dex

  88. 11 months ago

    yep im thinking GOTY

    • 11 months ago

      god bless Larian

  89. 11 months ago

    Reddit Social Sim

  90. 11 months ago

    >only 200 gb free
    How the frick do i pirate this game then?

    • 11 months ago

      it uses... less than 200GB

      • 11 months ago

        It uses 120.
        After i download it i need 120 more just to install it.

        • 11 months ago

          isn't the install usually lighter than the game?

    • 11 months ago

      >low hard drive space pirate

  91. 11 months ago

    >Never played BG2, played a decent amount of BG1
    >Made a half-orc
    >decided to heavily lean into the low INT part
    >picked shadow path because of the mindflayer parasite thing
    >picked Strength checks whenever possible
    >pick intimidate every time I can, pick the most stupid sounding choice in dialogue every time I can, especially with party member backstory stuff
    >Whenever there's a serious conversation, pick the rolls with negative modifiers like charisma and INT
    >It's always funny
    >Figured my character would help the goblin b***h in prison because he's stupid
    >walk into the goblin camp
    >split the party, talked to the goblin healer b***h while Gale helped Volo escape then snuck into the treasury, Shadowheart talked to the weird torture guy, saved the human, and while my Orc "escaped" from the prison cell
    >Found that hidden entrance to that temple
    >Brute forced the puzzle like a moron
    Having a fricking blast. Found lots of unique interactions by fricking stuff up on purpose.
    Also I'm having way more fun when I only reload once or twice for difficult skill checks in conversations or finding artifacts. I highly suggest anyone else do the same on a 2nd playthrough.

    • 11 months ago

      I only reload when I have to, ie, my party all dies.
      not really sure why people rob themselves of actual consequences and unpredictability by cheating.

      • 11 months ago

        I do the same for combat. But when it comes to random artifacts, I reload once or twice and let a different party member try. Like that weird singing sword that you have to do religion or a strength check for. Got lucky on the STR check, made a hard save.
        I found that book of the dead gods. I smashed the lock open, and failed the religion check right after that, and stuck with that decision.

  92. 11 months ago


    where's that scene, where's my SEX with shadowfart!?
    she's saying that she "hopes we get more opportunities to snuck away" but i don't remember snucking away with her anywhere
    this act 3 is really fricking bugged

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