Never played a MH game before, just bought the base MHW. Any tips?

Never played a MH game before, just bought the base MHW. Any tips?
I think that i'm gonna main the GunLance, gonna do a Squall kinda character. Is it a good weapon?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Gunlance is all right early game but falls off as you get farther in. Avoid using the defender weapons and armor as much as possible, they'll just carry you through the base game and make everything super easy.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah i'm using them right now. A lot of systems of systems in this game. Should i stop to farm for the better itens, or should i wait for end game?

      • 2 years ago

        Farm for better items, the defender gear is unbalanced and not how the game is meant to be experienced imo. Build your armor skills however you like, but the most important ones for damage are critical eye, attack boost, tenderizer, and crit boost. Also sharpness is the most important stat on your weapons, more so than affinity or attack.

        • 2 years ago

          Less sharpness less damage, right? I don't really understand affinity. The gunlance has threee shelling options, which one is the best one?
          Also testing Charge Blade and Switch Axe are they good choices, or at least better than the Gunlance?

          • 2 years ago

            Less sharpness means less damage and your weapon will be deflected off the hard parts of monsters.

            Affinity is just your "critical hit" chance so the higher the better.

            Normal type shelling is widely considered to be the best.

            ALL weapons are good weapons. Just play whichever you think is coolest.

      • 2 years ago

        All weapons are good.

        Defender items were added with the release of Iceborne for people to speed through to the new content. As a new player you shouldn't use them because they are above the power curve. Like the other anon said you won't learn the game proper if you use them.

        Less sharpness less damage, right? I don't really understand affinity. The gunlance has threee shelling options, which one is the best one?
        Also testing Charge Blade and Switch Axe are they good choices, or at least better than the Gunlance?

        Shelling types have their own niches in how they're best played but in practice it won't matter until later in the game where you can build sets with specific skills to properly benefit from their unique features. Higher shelling level and higher raw damage on the weapon will be more interesting to you as long as the weapon has decent sharpness. For example a weapon with a large green sharpness might be better than one that has just a little bit of blue sharpness and small green sharpness because it means you'll be sharpening way too much.

        Don't forget to eat a meal before you go on a hunt and remember that while on a hunt eating meat/rations will increase your max stamina until 150 (default bar is 100) and max potions can increase your health to 150.

    • 2 years ago

      How is IG?

      • 2 years ago

        IG is sort of the opposite, it's harder on start because your kinsects are going to be really slow and it'll be tough to keep your extracts up. In the late game though IG is really good.

        • 2 years ago

          Nice, I love the weapon. I heard it struggled to do dps but apparently they very recently discovered that with a slow kinsect you can do a lot of damage.

    • 2 years ago

      Farm for better items, the defender gear is unbalanced and not how the game is meant to be experienced imo. Build your armor skills however you like, but the most important ones for damage are critical eye, attack boost, tenderizer, and crit boost. Also sharpness is the most important stat on your weapons, more so than affinity or attack.

      Low Rank is an extended tutorial for newbies to get accustomed to the weapons and mechanics, don't worry too much about grinding.
      Don't use the defender items, they trivialize the base game.
      Some weapons are more broken than others but they're all viable as long as you feel comfortable with the moveset. DPS is for speedtrannies.

      I have 300 hours in the game and I have no idea what the frick a defender item is

  2. 2 years ago

    World is literally from ground up designed for new players, all monsters are somehow slower than in the old games even though the player is more mobile than ever, healing is easier than ever, there are mantles to make things easier, skills are easier to get than ever and weapons are just spamming 1-2 attacks

    You don't need tips

    • 2 years ago

      Is just that talking abou the games that you are interested in is something fun, you know?

    • 2 years ago

      This, if anything we should gaslight OP to make it harder for him

      Never played a MH game before, just bought the base MHW. Any tips?
      I think that i'm gonna main the GunLance, gonna do a Squall kinda character. Is it a good weapon?

      Using mantles reduces your chance of rare rewards

  3. 2 years ago

    Farm for good weapons, but dont put too much effort into your armor until you get into High Rank, make sure you have a good defense and thats it
    once you get into High Rank, all your Low Rank armor is dogshit

  4. 2 years ago

    MHW is shit, because of the claw.

  5. 2 years ago

    >just bought the base MHW. Any tips?
    Refund it and play any other MonHun lmao

  6. 2 years ago

    Yeah dont use the damn Defence items

  7. 2 years ago

    Low Rank is an extended tutorial for newbies to get accustomed to the weapons and mechanics, don't worry too much about grinding.
    Don't use the defender items, they trivialize the base game.
    Some weapons are more broken than others but they're all viable as long as you feel comfortable with the moveset. DPS is for speedtrannies.

  8. 2 years ago

    the game doesnt do a good job at teaching you the weapon movesets, watch a short guide on youtube for your weapon of interest. besides that just explore on your own. flashbugs are nice for blinding flying monsters and making them drop back down. dont worry too much about knowing what all the items do, just figure it out one at a time

  9. 2 years ago

    >Is gunlance good
    Yeah, it's solid. The thing about gunlance shelling is you ignore a monster's hitzones (monsters take different damage percentages depending on what part of the body, what type of weapon;sharp/blunt/projectile, and what type of element). With shelling, you'll always have fixed damage unless you build for artillery/eat for bombardier to further increase it. But that's a lot of info to learn at the beginning so don't worry about that until you start getting comfortable. Regardless, just unload your shells into monsters and watch them melt. Like the other anons have said, defender gear (the blue knight gear you pick at the beginning) and defender weapons (you have to smith those) make the game way too easy and will carry you to endgame. Problem is, you'll never learn monster movesets and how much damage they "really" should be doing, so you'll learn to be sloppy and then get filtered in Master Rank if you get Iceborne. You should watch a tutorial on gunlance but you have 4 main playstyles depending on which funlance you use.
    >Normal Shelling
    Perform a melee combo and then unleash all of your shells at once. Rinse and repeat.
    >Wide Shelling
    Poke, shell, poke, shell, rinse repeat
    >Long Shelling
    Hold down the shelling button (B for Xbox/ O for PlayStation) and just do that. Spam that charge.
    >SlapLance (not official, just fun)
    Doesn't use shelling and just uses the melee combo to beat the monster to death. Pretty fun when using Gunlances with massive raw damage.
    Don't worry too much about farming unless you really want something in Low Rank. By the time you'll hit High Rank, you'll be starting over more or less. Same with Master Rank (Iceborne). Just take the game at your own pace and enjoy the ride.

  10. 2 years ago

    Try all weapons. Eat before quests. Tend to your farm. Do the optional quests.

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