Never understood the japanese arcade hype.

Never understood the japanese arcade hype. Whats so cool about a bunch of the same boring white cab with the same fricking street fighter or robot simulator loaded onto it next to eachother, rhythm gay shit, and claw machines?

At american arcades you get lots of funky cabs games of all genres and you can drink beer, and you got all the claasics like pacman and dig dug

Mexican arcades you get cool multicades with 1000s of games on them, some of them even give you xboxes

Even pakistan yeah its rows and rows of tekken but at least has the benefit of only chargin you when you lose, japanese arcades are a dollar a pop, and pakistani cabs arent homosexual white neon plastic crap but instead theyre tradition real wooden cabs

Just an opinion from someone that actually played games. Lets be real the people hyping japanese arcades have been to maybe one in their life and its THE BEST THING EVARRR because its japanese and they got to go to japan

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  1. 5 months ago

    let’s base an entire rant on one picture of a Japanese arcade when you’ve never even been to a Japanese arcade

    • 5 months ago

      It's not even a picture of a Japanese arcade. Probably a bot thread.

    • 5 months ago

      nta, went to a number of them when i was there for a month, fricked if i can remember the name - but there was this small 2nd floor to a used game store that had a little candy section and a few arcades, spent more time there than any of the other places as it kinda just felt homely. nips playing with us there were fun despite the language barrier

      • 5 months ago

        That would be super potato. There are a lot of bigger and better arcades nearby, or at least there were pre-2020

        • 5 months ago

          think that was the one, i went to nearly every arcade i could find or that my jp resident friend knew of that wasn't advertised online etc.

    • 5 months ago

      Upon observation, the pic looks fake as shit, like it could be AI, but there are some signs that some poor motherfricker took the time to texture out some shit, so it's babby's first blender arcade.

  2. 5 months ago

    >and you can drink beer
    inb4 barcade copypasta

    • 5 months ago

      Dont knock em till you try em some time.

      Ill take an old style ale and defender over green tea and SUPER NEON HYPER BERSERK ULTRA RADIO FUN TIME POSTAR WOW!! Any day

  3. 5 months ago

    it is nonthreatening so ONNA comes to gaming and you make move like Ken (Ryu virgin loser) to further japanese population yes

    • 5 months ago

      >ken is chad ryu is loser
      Ask me how i know youre a zoomer. Hes literally red ryu dude. Everything he does is just ryu copypasted. You only pick ken when someone already got ryu

      • 5 months ago

        Ken can do what Ryu trains for 24/7 with no effort, he is simply the better man. If he trained as hard as Ryu he would like beat Madara Uchiha without problems. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.

        • 5 months ago

          I wish there was some sort of smart device technology to distinguish race based on finger prints to stop Black folk like you from posting.

          • 5 months ago

            this is the kind of schizophrenia i call quality entertainment


        • 5 months ago

          this is the kind of schizophrenia i call quality entertainment

        • 5 months ago

          >ken is chad ryu is loser
          Ask me how i know youre a zoomer. Hes literally red ryu dude. Everything he does is just ryu copypasted. You only pick ken when someone already got ryu

          Ken has better tatsu and dp but worse fireballs and more damaging but shorter reaching normals

          • 5 months ago

            The point is, Ken has a life while Ryu grinds all day yet Ken is basically equal if not stronger.

            • 5 months ago

              Schizo shit, you realise these are characters in a game right?

              • 5 months ago

                You realize that the characters in the game have written storylines right?

              • 5 months ago

                >fighting game

              • 5 months ago

                Idiots like you always post this but the reality is there are many people who enjoy the stories, and that includes skilled players.

  4. 5 months ago

    Vr demonstrates its inability to handle alternative opinions once again. Maybe Ganker isnt the right website for you Black folk try neogaf, homosexuals

    • 5 months ago

      >posts contrarian shit, gets pushback, runs away and cries

      • 5 months ago

        >speaking your mind is contrarian
        Im just being honest. You know those chink cabs are made in china, you know we didnt use them in america because one sore losers fist slam will total the cab, and the jap cab may as well have a bootleg board in it and printed out jpeg art for all the difference it makes

        I walk up to burger time, its a burger time machine even if its runnin mame internally, play burger time in japan (good luck finding it) its in one of these russian commie block frickin cabs so theres no history to it, its probably been moved from cab to cab a thousand times, like a bawd whos been fricked till shes loose and worthless and theres no fricking art just 2 stickers

        Gay as hell, how am i supposed to give a shit when i didnt play it in a sega gay city cab, how do you give a shit when you didnt grow up playing it in an ass blasted city cabinet

        Candy ass cabs more like

        • 5 months ago

          >its a burger time machine even if its runnin mame internally
          That's called a mame cab

        • 5 months ago

          >its a burger time machine even if its runnin mame internally
          Brain damage from lead exposure. See a doctor immediately.

  5. 5 months ago

    Japanese arcade were not always rows of identical looking white cabinets. There used to be more variety until the mid-2000s when many of the older style of cabinets were phased out and replaced with one of the five or so common universal cabinets they use now.

    It is a bit disappointing to see casuals gushing over retro arcades in Japan when everything is in those.
    If every cabinet in the arcade is near identical you're getting close to supergun/mame/mister territory.

    • 5 months ago

      Ive never seen any proof of this

      • 5 months ago

        Because you're a casual who has never done any research on the subject. Not spoonfeeding you.

        To be fair is a maintenance thing. They keep ones that are widely available and share parts.

        Usually back in the day, the operators just bought a cab from the same manufacturer as the board. Although chain arcades would have floors of nothing but their own cabs which is why most remaining crt cabs in japan are sega and taito

        Im not looking forward to the day the oldest cabs in service are the sega pras

        Yeah, but it's still a little bit depressing.

        • 5 months ago

          Ive never seen any proof of this

          You can find footage and photos of old arcades in Japan


          • 5 months ago

            The two cabinets featured most prominently in that video, the Tecmo Urban and the Capom New Concept II, are extremely uncommon to see in Japan today.

            • 5 months ago

              Only capcom cab i saw while i was in japan was a single status cab.

              I was hoping to see a capcom impress.

              • 5 months ago

                To see old Japanese cabinets you need to go to China. The Japanese arcades sent the cabinets to China to be recycled, but Chinese arcade operators pulled them out of the junk yard and put them back into service.

    • 5 months ago

      To be fair is a maintenance thing. They keep ones that are widely available and share parts.

      Usually back in the day, the operators just bought a cab from the same manufacturer as the board. Although chain arcades would have floors of nothing but their own cabs which is why most remaining crt cabs in japan are sega and taito

      Im not looking forward to the day the oldest cabs in service are the sega pras

    • 5 months ago

      >until the mid-2000s
      That's when arcades died. It's just that Japan decided to make them a zombie instead of letting go like everyone else.

  6. 5 months ago

    this is like saying "who needs competitive fighting games and all these arcade exclusive titles when you've got space invaders and skeeball!?"
    barcades are for normies

    • 5 months ago

      Fightans might as well be a single button game for all the difference it makes. Literally a contest of who can fire ball faster. Most boring shit ever, literally just pour toekns in mass to win the game. The deepest pocket wins thats why 90s games frickin blew

    • 5 months ago

      Ideally you'd have competitive fighting games, a good variety of games in general, along with skeeball.

      Skeeball rules.

    • 5 months ago

      but space invaders is frickin awesome

  7. 5 months ago

    I see value in both. Candy cabs are easier to move around and look better when swapping out games. I'd take a generic candy cab sans marquee than a battered old Big Blue cab lazily converted for the hundredth time.

    • 5 months ago

      >sans marquee
      I intend to buy a candy cab in the near future and rotate pcbs, and collect the art for each game. Ive got a board rn and art on the way.

      • 5 months ago

        And display the art on the cab, of couse

        Candy cabs look too plain and incomplete with out them for me, but with them it just really sets the whole thing off

      • 5 months ago

        I don't think a lot of people realize that candies do actually have marquee holders and a space to swap out instruction strips. For home use, I definitely prefer candies. I have three as well as three wooden (lightgun) cabs, and the candies are easier to move around yourself, and if you're swapping games regularly, make more sense when there's no mismatch between side art and the game. It's not a bit deal, but I admit that it feels weird to play Virtua Cop 2 when I swap it into my dedicates The House of the Dead cab. Feels way more ghetto than playing a game in an undressed candy.

        • 5 months ago

          I notice everytime an american buys a candy they never put art on it or if they do they do its custom / repro art.

          Im so tired of seeing capcom art stretched to fit sega marquee holders. Only sega made their art to fit the blast marquee, everyone else capcom, konami, namco, or whoever usually had universal uhhh quadrilateral? Squarish rectangle art to fit any cab.

          • 5 months ago

            >Im so tired of seeing capcom art stretched to fit sega marquee holders.
            That's just some lazy homosexual. I could make a new correct sized marquee in Gimp in a half an hour.

            • 5 months ago

              Im talkin about that photo shop stuff dude

              Yeah it can be done but why redesign the art in the first place? The blast city marquee space even says "display card space" and shows a rectangle to fit normal marquee shapes. No reason to redesign the marquee in photo editting software

              • 5 months ago

                From the word stretched I thought you meant taking the Capcom art and doing a crude stretch that ruins the aspect ratio.

                As far as the Blast City having the correct display space already there for the Capcom art I'd probably use the original art, but I can see the preference for having a bigger marquee as long as it was redone properly. It's not like such things were unheard of in commercial arcades.

        • 5 months ago

          >I have three
          I really want a candy cab for myself. What's the best way to go about obtaining one, and what should I go for? Are there any buyer's guides floating around out there?

          • 5 months ago

            >What's the best way to go about obtaining one
            This is highly location dependent so you need to provide a rough location in order to get a good answer here.

            • 5 months ago

              Midwest USA. Might be moving within the next few years, but I don't know where to.

              I can't really help too much, my experience is from 10+ years ago. One came from local Craigslist, the other two were from Ken/thegameroom, back when he'd sell them for generally reasonable prices. Probably the best bet would be looking around for group buys/container imports, either through forums or Facebook.
              I'd still like to get a Viewlix at some point.

              I see. I'll look around. Don't think there's much here but doesn't hurt to search.

              • 5 months ago

                >Midwest USA
                Your options are more limited.
                You will likely have to buy from a fellow arcade player instead of an importer.

                Are you more interested in the form factor of the sit down cabinet for gameplay purposes, or are you more into the idea of having an original OEM Japanese arcade cabinet just because it is cool?

              • 5 months ago

                >Are you more interested in the form factor of the sit down cabinet for gameplay purposes, or are you more into the idea of having an original OEM Japanese arcade cabinet just because it is cool?
                The latter, but both. The gameplay experience is important too, but if I only wanted to sit down and play arcade games I could just buy a stick or build one myself.

              • 5 months ago

                I will say that you never know. The Neo Candy that I got on Craigslist back then was local to me, and I'm in the DFW area. Apparently it was being used in a church of all things.

          • 5 months ago

            I can't really help too much, my experience is from 10+ years ago. One came from local Craigslist, the other two were from Ken/thegameroom, back when he'd sell them for generally reasonable prices. Probably the best bet would be looking around for group buys/container imports, either through forums or Facebook.
            I'd still like to get a Viewlix at some point.

          • 5 months ago

            Depends on how much money you want to throw at it.

          • 5 months ago

            >I really want a candy cab for myself. What's the best way to go about obtaining one, and what should I go for? Are there any buyer's guides floating around out there?

            Craigslist, Group buys from Arcade groups, and online arcade businesses that sell them. However expect to pay a premium for shipping depending on where you live. If money is less of an issue then you should be able to acquire one without too much fuss.

            However if you are hunting for a very specific candy cab model, then that can be an issue. Some candy cabs are more common than others. If you are picky, then it's going to take time and money.

          • 5 months ago

            Don't go for a Blast City unless you really need 15/24/31khz compatibility. They have a lot of design flaws and are difficult to find spare parts for. That being said, they're one of the easiest cabs to get through a narrow doorway.

            Egret 2s are great cabs because it's so easy to rotate the monitor, but good luck ever finding one.

            Astro City's are good overall cabs because they are built to last and there are plenty of spare parts around.

            If you buy a candy cab though, expect to have to work on it at some point, so know what you're getting yourself into.

  8. 5 months ago

    Vietnam is where it's at. And if you know, you know.

    • 5 months ago

      >giant touchscreen games
      Soulless Dave & Buster's garbage.

      • 5 months ago

        LOL guess you don't know. I've seen women blow dudes right next to their husbands just so they can keep playing.

        • 5 months ago

          When i go to an arcade im not trying to see 3dpds frick eachother that sounds gross not kino

        • 5 months ago

          >either rat for dinner (AGAIN...ugh...) or random horny tourist pays for another round of my favorite generic blown-up mobile game
          Is this what counts as kino to normalgays?

  9. 5 months ago

    idk ive seen some rad fricking arcades on GCCX too
    mostly gone by now id imagine, but they did exist

  10. 5 months ago

    Making fun of Japan on here is guaranteed replies lmao, should have shoehorned making fun of the genesis sound chip and OOT into this post also

  11. 5 months ago

    Modern Japanese arcades are like 4 floors of claw machines, some networked Gundam shit in the basement, and some racing/rhythm/nesicaXlive shit on the top floor.

    • 5 months ago

      Nesica is alright for taito type x / x2 / x3 games imo since its running natively. Id rather play a dedicated one, given the choice but still im fine with it

      Having the option to play retro shit on nesica is nice but it is no substitute for the real deal, its just emulation. Its not the og board. Doesnt have the history, shouldnt even be played on the lcd cabs the ttx boards are usually in

    • 5 months ago

      There are still a number of retro arcades in japan. Two mikados one in takadanobaba one in ikebukuro, hey, gigo 3 in aki, box q3 and space shuttle in nagoya, that one showa themed one in odaiba

      All i could think of top of my head

      • 5 months ago

        I see most of them on Game Center CX.

  12. 5 months ago

    Your zoomer ass will never experience having only a NES/Master system at home and going to an arcade with neo geo games with detailed sprite work

  13. 5 months ago

    oh yeah? do american arcades have 10 yen flipper games?
    didn't think so!

    • 5 months ago

      The one near me had these old type of games

  14. 5 months ago
  15. 5 months ago

    You don't understand it because the games they run most likely don't appeal to you. This thread became redundant when you listed everything you like about other regional arcades.

  16. 5 months ago

    you haven't lived until you've walked through a smoke filled arcade surrounded by just-off-work salarymen playing digital mahjong.
    (It sounds like I'm being sarcastic but I'm not)

  17. 5 months ago

    When I visited, the best time I had was playing on the SF4 cabs. The rhythm game floor in one of the akihabara gigos was also tons of fun.

  18. 5 months ago

    >huge screen
    >seated gaming
    >big enough for easy multiplayer
    >clean look
    gee I wonder why people like them

  19. 5 months ago

    For the anons who don't know what we're talking about here is an example.
    There is no such real marquee of Super Street Fighter II X to fit a Blast City cabinet. Someone made this up in photoshop/gimp.

    • 5 months ago

      And here is a Blast City with the more typical style of Japanese cabinet marquee installed.

      Thanks a lot i was too lazy to post examples. Side note japanese marquee for grandmaster challenge is painfully boring, which is weird because the japanese super sf2 marquee has great portraits of the cast on it

      From the word stretched I thought you meant taking the Capcom art and doing a crude stretch that ruins the aspect ratio.

      As far as the Blast City having the correct display space already there for the Capcom art I'd probably use the original art, but I can see the preference for having a bigger marquee as long as it was redone properly. It's not like such things were unheard of in commercial arcades.

      >It's not like such things were unheard of in commercial arcades

      • 5 months ago

        Previous pic was ssf2, heres the sf2x gmc one

        Big fricking why

  20. 5 months ago

    Having the audacity to post a wall of text full of shitposting and whining when getting called out. Shameful display OP.

  21. 5 months ago

    And here is a Blast City with the more typical style of Japanese cabinet marquee installed.

  22. 5 months ago

    Sometimes I think about getting a really cheap and small monitor to sit on top of my CRT monitor which I can use to display marquees and instruction cards while I'm playing arcade games.
    But it's too silly for me to pursue.
    Maybe if I find something at a thrift store for five bucks.

  23. 5 months ago

    >At american arcades you get lots of funky cabs games of all genres and you can drink beer
    Zoomers will never experience getting out of school on Friday and heading down to the arcade at the mall for Pacman and a pint.

    • 5 months ago

      I do miss the social experience of it all. Nowadays the only social anything people seem to care about is online. Yeah it's super cool you can go onto any console and play someone in another part of the world but without the face to face aspect it still feels so impersonal. I remember having real arcade rivalries with kids at the other school.

    • 5 months ago

      >Zoomers will never experience getting out of school on Friday and heading down to the arcade at the mall for Pacman and a pint.

      For me it was getting off of school, and heading to the local 7-Eleven store which had some cabinets. Marvel VS Capcom 1 and 2, Raiden, and a Neo Geo (with SNK VS Capcom and METAL Slug) . Other local kids from other schools would show up and we would have rivalries and friendships develop while gaming. You just can't get that while gaming online. It's not the same and very impersonal.

      • 5 months ago

        Personal fighting game scene still exists, but you need to go out of your way to experience it, it's less of a "wanders into building" kind of thing.

        • 5 months ago

          The fighting game scene isn't friendly to casuals. It's morphed into a bunch of hardcore and semi-hardcore players just fighting eachother. There's no path for a casual person to just walk up and put a quarter in a machine and have a chance or winning. This was also why fighting games flatlined in popularity after the mid 90s.

          After Street Fighter 2 came out and other fighters, everyone was new and having fun. Then players became hardcore and mastered the games. They began to utterly stomped any casual who didn't dedicate hours of practice each day to the game. Casuals left. Thus sales dipped and flatlined. Not sure how they can solve this issue but no one wants to drop a quarter just to get their butt beat in 30 seconds.

        • 5 months ago

          arcades made it accessible for everyone though. if you want to go to a FG local you need to bring your own stick or pad and everyone there already grinds the game. locals is where you compete and netplay is where you train. with arcades everyone just went to the arcade to play with mates or w/e and the facilities were built to do that.

          taking FG's out of arcades also let power hungry morons turn it into their personal clique. i've seen a few fighting game locals where anyone new is shunned and because they don't look like malformed troons. been playing and entering tournaments for FG's for over a decade and the most fun i have ever had with them was at some church charity event with a SF2CE cab and a bunch of boomers talking about how they used to play it in the 90's. very friendly and fun conversation that i never ever gotten from a FG local.

  24. 5 months ago

    >Japanese arcade:
    Fun, quality games that people would actually want to return to the arcade multiple times to practice and master.

    >Non-Japanese arcade:
    moronic games that only people wanting to kill a few minutes would play. Or they are memers playing games like Pacman thinking they are having a cultural experience.

    • 5 months ago

      Op was baiting but both have... or at least, had something to offer. Non japanese arcades are dead now mostly, they lack curated line ups, often have poor maintenance

      But at their peak, and i can only speak for american arcades as its what im familiar with, they were good -- not japanese game center level but we had some good arcades. Lotta good games came out of the west too like bubbles, 720, rampart, gauntlet, joust, smash tv, its good shit

  25. 5 months ago

    How do people manage to give a shit about 80's arcade games? I'd take the rows of Street Fighter and Neo-Geo over damn near any of them

    • 5 months ago

      Why do people complain about banks of sf and never complain about the giant sit down racers? Even just 4 of those eats up so much floor space just to facilitate 4 players

      • 5 months ago

        Because racers are cool as frick bro. Especially the motorcycle ones.

    • 5 months ago

      Was going to suggest you try those bit Generations on GBA or those Bit.Trip games on Wii and later, but it really just comes down to this:

      If you don't get Pong or Pac-Man, you'll never get any other 70s-80s game, either.

  26. 5 months ago

    Every single episode I've ever watched of Gamecenter CX arino goes into random little local arcade game centers and there's tons of random weird and unusual quirky cabinets and games. The frick are you b***hing about.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah OP has no clue. I doubt he ever played in an American arcade either in their heyday. They weren't all "le fresh prince neon lights and funky carpet" stuff. There is no one universal style of "arcade" in either country.

    • 5 months ago

      That's for TV. Those types of arcades are uncommon in Japan.

  27. 5 months ago

    >Whats so cool about a bunch of the same boring white cab with the same fricking street fighter or robot simulator loaded onto it
    The Japanese are all about conformity. That's why their cabinets all look the same. They even copied each other's white color and didn't even both using other colors to stand out.

    That's why North American arcades and European arcades in the 80s and 90s were so much better. So many unique looking cabinets. Many of the Japanese arcade manufacturers would make big and cool looking variants of their arcade cabinets that they only sold overseas. The Japanese just kept the white candy cabs instead.

    • 5 months ago

      >a wooden tree stump with shitty ass controls is better than a nice sit down cab with good buttons and controls,

      Idk man american cabs always looked tacky in comparison imo.

      • 5 months ago

        Its not our fault you went to ghetto arcades where the owner didn't maintain the cabinets.

        • 5 months ago

          Even when the owner maintained it, I feel like they still look like ass. The japanese knew how to design something that was both tasteful and practical too.

          • 5 months ago

            >The japanese knew how to design something that was both tasteful and practical too.

            The Japanese WERE the ones that designed most of those Western cabinets. All those Sega and Namco cabs, SNK Neo Geos, and Capcom Big Blue cabinets dominated arcades with their cabinets.

            And many of you need to stop idealizing candy cabs. The Japanese chose industrial grade plastic for their cabinet shells because it was cheaper. They don't have lots of wood available in Japan like other countries do. So wood is more expensive. Also Japan has humid tropical weather which is bad for wooden cabinets if there's no air conditioning. Too much humidity warps and will rot the wood.

  28. 5 months ago

    >At american arcades you get lots of funky cabs games of all genres and you can drink beer, and you got all the claasics like pacman and dig dug
    You forgot to mention more than half the time the arcade stick/buttons are malfunctioning thus negating the experience. Enjoy giving a free quarter away.
    >Mexican arcades you get cool multicades with 1000s of games on them, some of them even give you xboxes
    Poorly running raspberry pi's that take 20 minutes to scroll through a game to pick and can't even run at a consistent 30fps with screen tearing all over the shitty LCD screen and massive input lag. I'll keep my quarter, thanks.

    • 5 months ago

      >You forgot to mention more than half the time the arcade stick/buttons are malfunctioning thus negating the experience. Enjoy giving a free quarter away.
      You think this doesn't happen at Asian arcades? It happens everywhere.

  29. 5 months ago

    going to buy a dynamo cabinet and take a skill saw to the bottom to reduce the height by 16 inches.

    • 5 months ago

      you know you could just use a stool

    • 5 months ago

      Or you could just buy a tall chair/stool like a normal person.

      • 5 months ago

        If I can do that then what is the entire point of owning a sit-down candy cabinet?

        • 5 months ago

          >If I can do that then what is the entire point of owning a sit-down candy cabinet?

          From my arcade experience, people import candy cabinets into the USA because they like the way candy cabs look. They like the sleek white minimalist design.

          And not all candy cabinets are sitdown. Some were standing cabinets like pic related. Sega and other manufacturers even made optional risers for their candy cabinets to give them an extra 1 to 2 feet in height

          • 5 months ago

            Don't go for a Blast City unless you really need 15/24/31khz compatibility. They have a lot of design flaws and are difficult to find spare parts for. That being said, they're one of the easiest cabs to get through a narrow doorway.

            Egret 2s are great cabs because it's so easy to rotate the monitor, but good luck ever finding one.

            Astro City's are good overall cabs because they are built to last and there are plenty of spare parts around.

            If you buy a candy cab though, expect to have to work on it at some point, so know what you're getting yourself into.

            Does anyone have experience with candy cabs from non-japanese manufacturers? picrel is from Taiwan, but honestly I wouldn't mind one as long as it has a crt and I can swap out the controls for sanwa parts. Given they are cheaper than sega or namco's offerings.

            • 5 months ago

              Have you consider buying the Unico Nova Blast? All steel construction with paint powder coating. Fully Jamma and Neo Geo compatible. You can even swap the new control panel, and put in an Old Sega Blast City/Astro Control panel as they have the same dimensions and connections as old Sega candy cabs. Screen is also 4:3 flat screen that can play native resolution without stretching or black bars, and has filters to mimic CRT looks. Also has a working coin slot to use for credits.

              • 5 months ago

                No I haven't. I didn't know they were making candy cabs with LCD panels nowadays. But I'm deadset on having a real CRT though, even if the panel were of good quality.

                I appreciate the recommendation though.

              • 5 months ago

                Not that anon, but as the previous anon who mentioned having a few candies, I was interested in this because i still want another cab to leave vertical. Unfortunately the high price combined with LCD only makes it a definite no-go for me. If you want an LCD cab, legit Viewlix cabs aren't much more than one of these.

              • 5 months ago

                >Not that anon, but as the previous anon who mentioned having a few candies, I was interested in this because i still want another cab to leave vertical. Unfortunately the high price combined with LCD only makes it a definite no-go for me. If you want an LCD cab, legit Viewlix cabs aren't much more than one of these.

                The thing you aren't taking into consideration is availability and the cost of shipping a Viewlix cabinet. When you add in shipping the price of a Viewlix increases much more than a Nova Blast. Shipping from Japan isn't worth it unless you get a group buy to fill a shipping container full of cabinets.

                Someone in Ohio is going to have a tougher time getting a Viewlix than someone in California or Coastal city. If you are looking for a specific Viewlix model, the resellers in America sometimes don't have it available and you must wait until they restock or look to buy one privately from a collector. Which could take months or longer. With a Nova Blast, it's available immediately. You can walk into a store and buy it, or order it online and shipped right away.

                With a used Viewlix from Japan there is no warranty. You get what you get it. Chipped paint or dented cab? Too bad. Fix it yourself. With Nova Blast, you have a warranty and a live company to help you. Chipped paint, dented case, or monitor broken? Just call them for a warranty replacement. They are based in America so it's fast.

                I'm not insulting Viewlix owners. I own 2 candy cabs. I just want people to be aware that there are pros and cons here. If you have money and don't care, then get what you want.

                I'm probably going to get a Nova Blast because it's pre-wired for any board I want to insert. Jamma, Neo Geo, etc. I have several CPS2 and CPS3 boards laying around and it would be nice to have a sturdy dedicated cab for them. Not constantly have to swap them out of my other cabs.

            • 5 months ago

              >Does anyone have experience with candy cabs from non-japanese manufacturers?

              My friend bought some knock-off Chewlix (wannabe Chinese Vewlix) cabinet for very cheap. I was not impressed. They certainly LOOK almost the same as a true Japanese Taito Vewlix cabinet. But when you start using it, the whole thing feels very cheap. The Chinese used much cheaper metal and materials. The metal is so much thinner for the, case and you could literally bend the coinbox door open with your fingers if you wanted to do so. It's like thin sheet metal.

              I hear many people buy these cabinets and mod them with better materials, but I don't see much point. With the amount of money you spend with shipping and investing into upgrading it with better parts, you could have just bought a real used Vewlix candy cab.

              I had the choice I would just buy a used candy cab somewhere, or buy an American made cabinet like Unico's Nova blast. Or even just buy a pedestal style cab (pic related), and hook it up to an LCD or CRT of your choice. That way you can keep the pedestal and screen seperate.

              Or just custom order a cabinet to be made to exact specifications and put your own CRT TV inside it.

            • 5 months ago

              They're good for a first cab. Certainly better than anything that passes for a cab these days.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm still looking for offbrand models. I know of the Ok-Baby but I know other countries produced their own variant of the Japanese candy cab.

              • 5 months ago

                I saw one for sale here called a Big Century recently.

                >there are no candy cabs in ohi-
                Alright, so what's a fair price for one of these frickers

                >Egret 2 $3000 - Astro City $2000 - Blast City $1500
                That would seem to be the approx. market value right now. Seems like they go up in price every time one sells though.

              • 5 months ago

                >Big Century recently
                Thanks I will look into that. Looks like there is a big century 20 which looks good for small spaces.

              • 5 months ago

                >those prices
                Jesus fricking christ. What happened? And why are Blasts the cheapest? I definitely remember those running for a good bit more than Astros

              • 5 months ago

                2020 and inflation happened. It's crazy prices in all hobbies now.

              • 5 months ago

                >What happened?
                Increasing scarcity and container costs going through the roof
                >And why are Blasts the cheapest?
                Because with the age these machines are now, people are placing more value in cabs that are easy to fix and find spare parts for.

  30. 5 months ago

    >At american arcades you get lots of funky cabs games of all genres
    Ticket redemption games for toddlers, cruisin' blast, terminator salvation, the list goes on

  31. 5 months ago

    There's still a hole in the market for a wooden flat pack arcade kit which replicates the size and form factor of a candy cabinet (buyer provides their own CRT).
    I know it would sell well. There's huge demand for candies in the retro market these days. More than there ever was probably.

    >stupid anon you can't make a candy cabinet out of wood
    o rly

    • 5 months ago

      >There's still a hole in the market for a wooden flat pack arcade kit which replicates the size and form factor of a candy cabinet

      It's called the Unico Nova Blast or Arcade 1up XL.

      >(buyer provides their own CRT).
      Not happening. In the real world CRTs are very rare now. They aren't even sold in stores anymore. Most people have thrown theirs out years ago and places like Goodwill don't accept or sell CRTs. You need to understand that you are a hobbyist and in the minority. This isn't 2010 anymore with CRTs still floating around everywhere.

      >o rly
      The outside generally needs to be industrial grade plastic.

      Besides a very few specific models, the inner frame of candy cabs generally use as little wood as possible. The most popular candy cab models mostly focus on having a metal frame. And very little wood except for a few pieces piece for mounting the boards.

      • 5 months ago

        >Not that anon, but as the previous anon who mentioned having a few candies, I was interested in this because i still want another cab to leave vertical. Unfortunately the high price combined with LCD only makes it a definite no-go for me. If you want an LCD cab, legit Viewlix cabs aren't much more than one of these.

        The thing you aren't taking into consideration is availability and the cost of shipping a Viewlix cabinet. When you add in shipping the price of a Viewlix increases much more than a Nova Blast. Shipping from Japan isn't worth it unless you get a group buy to fill a shipping container full of cabinets.

        Someone in Ohio is going to have a tougher time getting a Viewlix than someone in California or Coastal city. If you are looking for a specific Viewlix model, the resellers in America sometimes don't have it available and you must wait until they restock or look to buy one privately from a collector. Which could take months or longer. With a Nova Blast, it's available immediately. You can walk into a store and buy it, or order it online and shipped right away.

        With a used Viewlix from Japan there is no warranty. You get what you get it. Chipped paint or dented cab? Too bad. Fix it yourself. With Nova Blast, you have a warranty and a live company to help you. Chipped paint, dented case, or monitor broken? Just call them for a warranty replacement. They are based in America so it's fast.

        I'm not insulting Viewlix owners. I own 2 candy cabs. I just want people to be aware that there are pros and cons here. If you have money and don't care, then get what you want.

        I'm probably going to get a Nova Blast because it's pre-wired for any board I want to insert. Jamma, Neo Geo, etc. I have several CPS2 and CPS3 boards laying around and it would be nice to have a sturdy dedicated cab for them. Not constantly have to swap them out of my other cabs.

        very dumb posts

        • 5 months ago

          >nothing of value to add
          Everyone ignore empty posts like this.

  32. 5 months ago
  33. 5 months ago

    japanese arcades are awesome because at least in a major city there is guaranteed to be one within walking distance to you.

    you can just pop in on your way to the konbini and play a couple rounds of third strike with a sweaty otaku its awesome. all i ever want to play is third strike so thats good enough for me.

    there are also arcades with plenty of vintage/weird games still in them, but they are more uncommon these days. mikado & some of the old taito-rebranded sega arcades in Akihabara still have some crazy stuff. Got to play Typing of the Dead, OG cab hang-on and outrun, Crazy Taxi, and lots of other rare strange ones I can't remember the names off.

    compared to American arcades where you drive in your Hummer for 20 minutes to a Dave n Busters to play the Flappy Bird game or The Simpsons beat 'em up or whatever.

    • 5 months ago

      I've seen the same in Korea. Lots of arcades everywhere and they were always full with high school students and men in suits on their way back home.

      Shit only really works like that in walk-able cities I guess.

    • 5 months ago

      Arcades used to be in malls (usually in/beside food courts) and other shit near where kids go in America before they mcfricking died and became boomer nostalgia shit. Well malls are half dead too.

      Well I mean there was a time you would find arcade machines in every convenience store, theater, family restaurant, mini-golf location, and so on, and not just barcades and bowling alleys.

      • 5 months ago

        >there was a time you would find arcade machines in every convenience store
        No, just no.
        Theaters, yes.
        Pizza places, yes.

        But not in every convenience store by a long shot.

        • 5 months ago

          I dunno, at a time there was always at least one in most take away and convenience stores where I lived

        • 5 months ago

          >But not in every convenience store by a long shot.

          I can't say every store. But There was a time when arcades were so popular they were in a lot of convenience stores and grocery stores. This was back in the 80s and early 90s. Walmart still has a few arcades.

        • 5 months ago

          I'll take your word for it but the two main chains here did and I feel like the independent one near the closest high school did.

        • 5 months ago

          Our Big Lots had that Simpsons arcade cabinet.

          • 5 months ago

            Big Lots is a huge box store, not a convenience store.

  34. 5 months ago

    Any room with a single working DDR machine in it is a good arcade. End of story

  35. 5 months ago

    Yeah okay stinky

  36. 5 months ago

    >you will never play Aqua Jet while listening to soulful jap fusion songs with the dedicated cab
    My future will forever be incomplete

  37. 5 months ago

    >there are no candy cabs in ohi-
    Alright, so what's a fair price for one of these frickers

    • 5 months ago

      What facebook group is that? Ohio isn't too far from me so I could be worth the drive.

    • 5 months ago

      You're not going to get a "fair" price when it comes to something like this. You expect to bend over and take it in exchange for getting the thing you want.

    • 5 months ago

      2500 is west coast price so if that's actually in Ohio it's fair. I wouldn't pay up front though frick that. Pictures of actual item or sit and spin.

      >The japanese knew how to design something that was both tasteful and practical too.

      The Japanese WERE the ones that designed most of those Western cabinets. All those Sega and Namco cabs, SNK Neo Geos, and Capcom Big Blue cabinets dominated arcades with their cabinets.

      And many of you need to stop idealizing candy cabs. The Japanese chose industrial grade plastic for their cabinet shells because it was cheaper. They don't have lots of wood available in Japan like other countries do. So wood is more expensive. Also Japan has humid tropical weather which is bad for wooden cabinets if there's no air conditioning. Too much humidity warps and will rot the wood.

      You're confusing fiberglass and plastic. Not all Japanese cabs were plastic. Astros and blasts were fiberglass. Namco cyber lead and Capcom impress were plastic. Most pre 1990 were solid metal tanks. You can't really generalize like this.

      • 5 months ago

        And there were all kinds of other wooden cabinets.
        I just don't agree with that anon who's always posting about the climate in Japan and Japan not having wooden cabinets. There are two dozen good counter-examples. It's a nothing-burger.

  38. 5 months ago

    Japanese arcade
    >New games
    >Rhythm stuff all over the place blasting weeb music
    >Retro shit in candy cabs that are taken care of
    >UFO catcher games with random ass gimmicks to scam you
    American arcade
    >Barely exist
    >Either barcade with varying degrees of maintenance and hardware molesting, or claw games or similar to scam the frick out of normalgays and children
    Mexican arcade
    >NEO GEO at some place
    >Play game
    >Get suicide bombed

    • 5 months ago

      >American arcade
      >Barely exist

      You aren't going to the right arcades. There are around. There are several different categories in America and you need to actually search for them on Google.

      If you want to play old school games then:

      -Retro Arcades / Freeplay Arcades
      -Arcade Museums
      -Pinball Arcades (pinball machines with some video arcades)
      -Some Mall Arcades still exist
      -Theme Park Arcades

      Below are "Amusement Centers":

      -Dave and Busters with mostly ticket games but a few video games like light gun shooters and drivers.

      -Round 1 Entertainment (mix of ticket games, claw games, rhythm games, and some joystick games)

      • 5 months ago

        You're telling me that I have to plan a gay ass road trip and spend god know show much on gas just to play random roulette with arcades that probably don't maintain their games well? You say this as if half the arcade listings on google are still open and/or aren't lying out their ass about their game selection and presentation.

        • 5 months ago

          >You say this as if half the arcade listings on google are still open and/or aren't lying out their ass about their game selection

          Dude you sound like a whiny woman. It's NOT hard. Open up Google maps. Type in "arcades near me" in the search bar. Then look up arcade you want and their website if they have one.

          Look at photos of their arcade on Google reviews or Yelp photos.

          Or look up "<insert arcade name here> tour" on YouTube. There's an entire sub-culture on YouTube of people giving tours and walkthroughs of arcades. This is like 10 minutes worth of work at most.

          • 5 months ago

            Last time I did this, half the arcades weren't documented and were mostly lying out their ass, at best they're some barcade that's hit or miss, on average it's some shitty kiddy sports center where they don't maintain shit, at worst it doesn't exist anymore or the owner was lying out his fricking ass with a picture of another arcade or some random book cover.

            • 5 months ago

              Gonna samegay, I did this, and the nearest result was some place that closed 30 years ago.

            • 5 months ago

              Tell me what city and state you live in. I will look at arcades near you right now.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not doxing myself

            • 5 months ago

              use this website to look for arcades though its mostly rhythm people will also update it with normal games too

              • 5 months ago

                Thanks, at least this doesn't lump in shit like escape rooms, amusement venders and random game shops, and the occasional candy shop.
                Also, shit, things are pretty dire in my area

  39. 5 months ago

    I've always wanted to open an arcade but it's just not a good idea financially

    • 5 months ago

      Having private arcade collection and running an arcade business are two very different things.

      Running an arcade is just like running any other business. You have to really desire it, and be willing to do the research and work to make it successful. It's a grind.

      Look at Galloping Ghost. He researched cities and areas that would best work for an arcade, did a an in depth cost analysis, and made a full business plan. He was the first arcade to launch with a "freeplay" model in the USA. So many other arcades at the time made fun of his idea and said it would never work.

      It took him 10 years, but now he's the biggest arcade on earth, very successful, and many new arcades and barcades are trying to copy his idea. But it took him 10 years of blood and sweat to make it happen.

      Are you willing to do the same? It doesn't sound like you are.

      • 5 months ago

        >He was the first arcade to launch with a "freeplay" model in the USA
        This is not true. Nickel City arcades did that for many years before.

        • 5 months ago

          >Nickel City arcades did that for many years before.
          Nickel city is where you pay a fee at the door and all Machines are 5 cents per credit. Similar idea, but not quite freeplay like Galloping Ghost where all machines are free.

          Side note:
          Nickel City is fun because they take all those fun coin drop machines that Dave and Busters don't want anymore. Coin drop machines aren't compatible with the card scanner systems they are using now. So places like D&B are retiring coin drop machines. So no more of Those coin pushes that you used to see.

          • 5 months ago

            >all Machines are 5 cents per credit.
            Only the premium machines up front. In back were 30+ machines set to free play.

  40. 5 months ago

    One bit of the history of arcades that gets neglected, particularly of the fighting game community, is that if you were a hardcore arcade gamer it wasn't a given that your favorite arcade was local.
    If you read interviews with the best players of the 90s and early 2000s they talk about driving 1-3 hours on the weekends to play in the best arcades. They were dedicated.
    It wasn't as easy as walking or driving 15 minutes down to the local store.
    And most of these guys lived in southern California where arcades were much more common than in other parts of North America.

    The idea that in the past the hardcore arcade gamer was spoiled for choices and the local arcades had "everything" is a bit of a myth. If you were lucky enough to live near a mega arcade it could be true, but for most people their local arcade was a modest set-up.

    • 5 months ago

      I think it largely depends what year you are talking about. Up to about 1995, arcade cabinets were everywhere. Street Fighter 2 cabinets were in so many places. Arcades, landromats, 7-Eleven, grocery stores etc. If you just wanted to play the game, then sure you could find a cabinet and some players to fight. Some local areas even had their own "local champ" who came by several times a week fought challengers from the area. Usually a slightly older teenager or a young adult.

      Above that, certain arcades in cities would run their own unofficial Fighting game tournaments. This was local players usually, and advertising was done by word of mouth. Like an arcade posting a flyer on their window.

      If you wanted to go to a specific gathering where all the "top pros" from the country (or like the West Coast) hung out, then you needed to go a specific arcade in a specific city in a specific state. For West Coast it was California in Socal.

      From 1996 onward, arcades started to slowly close and get removed from places. So it became harder to casually find matches. The scene mostly died out by 1999/early 2000s. Most people were playing at home on Dreamcast or doing online play.

      Only gathering together IRL for big tournaments.

      • 5 months ago

        >Up to about 1995, arcade cabinets were everywhere
        This is not really true.
        If you experienced it you lived in a large, dense city.

        • 5 months ago

          >This is not really true
          Yeah, they were everywhere in the early 2000s too.
          I grew up in a shitty destitute little town in southern Italy and there were at least three arcades, and many bars had a cabinet or two.

  41. 5 months ago

    I want to open a barcade but one just opened near me so I have to go somewhere else

    • 5 months ago

      Just offer games the other barcade doesn't have. My city has multiple barcades. One has a lot of Pinball and 90s machines. The other focuses on classic 80s games and stuff like skeeball.

      • 5 months ago

        It looks like they’re mostly focused on boomer classics. They’ve got prime real estate though and they’re connected to a food joint and a bowling alley. I’m probably going to go check it out soon.

        I’d love to focus on arcade fighting games (and perhaps other multiplayer games) but I’m not sure if attracting the fightan gaym crowd is a good idea.

        • 5 months ago

          >I’d love to focus on arcade fighting games (and perhaps other multiplayer games) but I’m not sure if attracting the fightan gaym crowd is a good idea.
          I've personally seen it done. If you truly love fighting games and it's what your passionate about then go for it.

          But you better pick an area for your business that has a fighting game player base. Because you will rely on just them for income. From a business owner perspective, I think hyper focusing on just fighting games is not enough to truly thrive. Not you unless you pick a very good area with a strong FGC. You need to have some variety in my opinion. Fighting games tend to be hostile to outsiders and noobs. So you will have a hard time attracting general gamers if you just focus on the FGC. And god help you if you focus on something like super smash Brothers for Nintendo. That fanbase is just...not normal. The best arcades are the ones that have offer a little of everything. Fighting game tournaments, racing games, 80s and 90s classics, etc. The lore variety the better. That way you hold events for different games.

          Some places like Galloping Ghost offer prizes for the top scoring players for games (like free membership). One funny one prize is the hardcore belt. Galloping Ghost literally gives you custom wrestling style belt and your name on the wall. The gold belt gets you free entry into the arcade, but you must accept a challenge from any customer that wishes to challenge you during on business hours. And you must defend your title on the game

      • 5 months ago

        It looks like they’re mostly focused on boomer classics. They’ve got prime real estate though and they’re connected to a food joint and a bowling alley. I’m probably going to go check it out soon.

        I’d love to focus on arcade fighting games (and perhaps other multiplayer games) but I’m not sure if attracting the fightan gaym crowd is a good idea.

        There's a barcade in my city that's pretty fun. Flat fee for entrance, and all the games are free play. I'd say 90% of the arcade games they have are 2 player, and some are up to 4 (like the Simpsons beat em up game). They have pinball machines, too, but I'm not really into those.

        • 5 months ago

          If the pinball is free then I bet they get a crap ton of play and need constant maintenance.

  42. 5 months ago

    I lived near a city with a population of about 30,000 in the 90s.
    The only arcade machines were at the cinema, front of wal-mart, bowling alley, roller skating rink, and a couple of pool halls.
    None had more than ten machines.
    If I went to the next city over the situation was similar. An hour and a half away to the "big" city in my state there was an actual shopping mall with a real arcade with about 30 machines. We went to that mall once a year to do christmas shopping and I'd get maybe 15-20 minutes in the arcade. Later after I was a college student in that same city I found out they had a separate local arcade with about 50 machines. It was a run down ghost town by the time I was able to drive over there myself. It went out of business a couple of years after.

    • 5 months ago

      Unfortunately, the 90s was the final decade because the big arcade crash.

  43. 5 months ago

    >the beat up cabinet at the front of the dingy pizza shop
    bros... take me back...

  44. 5 months ago

    This is interesting.

    • 5 months ago

      more information here


  45. 5 months ago

    >Whats so cool about a bunch of the same boring white cab
    The Japanese love conformity and not standing out. So everything has to match or look similar.

    The West loves unique designs. Thars why every cabinet is different or at the least the artwork is different for each cabinet.

  46. 5 months ago

    not a single burger king or mcdonalds in sight, this arcade sucks

  47. 5 months ago

    Any good repositories of pictures of Japanese arcades in the 80's or 90's? Hell I'd take American ones, too.

    • 5 months ago

      None exist afaik. We should make one.

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