Neverwinter Nights

The vanilla campaign isn't that bad, I had fun.

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  1. 1 week ago

    awful game
    dnd sucks as vidya

    • 1 week ago

      fpbp, but I will say they did a pretty good job with the Hordes of the Underdark exp. The normal campaign and the rest can get fricked though

  2. 1 week ago

    funpilled blastmaxxer

  3. 1 week ago

    played it in multiplayer with a friend a couple of years ago
    I min/maxed the shit out of it while my friend tried to play as Aragon

  4. 1 week ago

    Same here. It's not as good as BG2, sure, but I don't care, I enjoyed it as a whole: story, companions, music, etc. Same as I enjoyed the "story" of the IWD games.
    What pissed me though is that SoU and HotU were not direct continuations of the original campaign.

    • 1 week ago

      do you recommend any campaigns aside the official ones?

      • 1 week ago

        Not anon but I quite liked Honor Among Thieves

      • 1 week ago

        Aielund Saga was pretty good. It was fairly long though, so be warned.

        • 1 week ago

          How long are we talking about?

      • 1 week ago

        It's originally in French, but "Le Bâtard de Kosigan" is a must-play. It's been translated in English years ago, I was a part of the translation team.

        • 1 week ago

          Sounds kino, might check it out, I've been on a binge of playing old games.

      • 1 week ago

        Play the Stefan Gagne mods

        EE1 - Elegia Eternum
        EE2 - Excrucio Eternum

        Penultima ReRolled (really clever 'hub world' system)

        Hex Coda

  5. 1 week ago
  6. 1 week ago

    post you're are toons

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Playing through Swordflight as a fighter / cleric

      • 1 week ago

        You have something against paladins, anon?

  7. 1 week ago

    The vanilla game is such a slog through. It's more fun co-op but most things are better co-op. It gets the job done but it's a C+ tier at best.

    • 1 week ago

      It's basically a placeholder to show off the Aurora toolset.

  8. 1 week ago

    Are any of the living multiplayer servers any good? They always sounded neat but I never found the time to get into it.

    • 1 week ago

      Not sure but you're way past the gold ol days. I'm curious if anyone knows this as well

    • 1 week ago

      there's only 2 with players left afaik arileth and is fantasy the other is horror they're both fun, imo the best module was battle of the dragons but that's long gone

      • 1 week ago

        how do these even work
        you just hop in a session and chat people up into allowing you in a campaign or do you need friends

        • 1 week ago

          they're just persistent mmos anon you probably will need to watch or read a guide, years ago you'd have friends explain to you how to play
          when I first played them as a teenager people would talk more in game so I learnt from a stranger and then I would teach friends and so on
          aside from those the modules are self contained you don't need a DM for them that's why nwn was good though it's a bit shitty alone when you've played it with others
          2 is a bit better in the sense you can have 4 party members...and I could be wrong coz I'm going by memory it has so e good modules like water deep, baldurs gate, pool of radiance etc. just go to a module site and browse or think of DND campaigns/games/books you like someone has probably made it for one of the games and you definitely need the CEP I'm not sure if it's included in the EE
          tbh these days I just play it on my phone when I'm on the train or in the office or on the couch watching tv now but I've played it on and off for about 18 years so I enjoy it

          • 1 week ago

            I see
            thanks for the explanation

    • 1 week ago

      Theyre all text roleplay, for the record

      Ravenloft is still really active. Pretty difficult to start out. but inevitably you will see just how fricking shit the admins and DM team is and leave the server.

      Other servers are for finding lesbian futa ERP partners, but tbf people already do that on ravenloft too.

      • 1 week ago

        >Pretty difficult to start out. but inevitably you will see just how fricking shit the admins and DM team is and leave the server.

        Covers Arelith pretty well, too
        But there's nothing quite like it out there especially if you find the right group of people on there

  9. 1 week ago

    underdark is good
    everything else is bad

    • 1 week ago

      Shadows of Undrentide was ok

      • 1 week ago

        I liked it, but the companions were kinda meh. I liked Dorna, and Xanos was surprisingly cool with an interesting concept, but not being able to have Misha join you was a dick move.
        I am, i suppose, one of the few that don't like Deekin, he can go sit on a big rusty pole or a splintery post for all I care. I view him as a meme on par with that moron Minsc.

  10. 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      Main theme and pub music are better 😉

  11. 1 week ago

    you know who else has fun? people who play Baldur Gate 3 you fricking Black person

    • 1 week ago


  12. 1 week ago

    What class did you play?Any combo you liked?

    • 1 week ago

      human male fighter stunlocking people with knockdown
      I liked using Linu as my party member because buffs, heals on top of being fairly tanky
      the AI was kinda shit though, specially with Sharwyn. I think it has something to do with her invisibility skill, it makes her do nothing most of the time even when I commanded her to attack the nearest enemy

      • 1 week ago

        >human male fighter stunlocking people with knockdown

        Ah a classic...When i unlocked to my barbarian back in the way it was very fun.

        Gonna try Ranger in a new SoU run...You people have any tips?Shadow dancer works with the class?

  13. 1 week ago

    is there even a reason to get remaster? it's the same exact game but the publisher is double dipping

  14. 1 week ago

    Someone should really make an isometric game where you have combat like in BG and NVN but also have lots of skill checks like Planescape.

  15. 1 week ago

    There was an Eye of the Beholder mod that was awesome. Well there was two but one was shite.

  16. 1 week ago

    wasn't there a fanmande BG2 game remade in the neverwinter engine?

  17. 1 week ago

    I wish any of my friends would play a campaign coop with me, feelsbadman

  18. 1 week ago

    I always wanted to like this game, even way back when it was first released but to this day I still cannot build my own character. With so many options it feels like half of the fun is making builds that work but I just can't make heads nor tails of how to properly spec my dude. Additionally, since the campaign is linear, certain classes just don't work well throughout whereas others are overwhelmingly superior, I think clerics were one of the top classes for the original campaign? I never played dnd though and math was always my weakest subject, still enjoyed the game when I was a moron kid but as a moron adult I just can't get the same mileage out of it.

  19. 1 week ago

    Why isn't NVW2 on Steam?

  20. 1 week ago


  21. 1 week ago

    Should I play it fairly?
    When I played it as a kid I used console commands to get ridiculous stats and imported OP custom gear from the campaign builder.

    • 1 week ago

      the game gives you a frickton of gold, there's no need to cheat

    • 1 week ago

      You were dumb as a kid just like me, i did the same.
      I tried it again a few years ago and the game is pretty easy and more fun playing it fairly.

  22. 1 week ago

    i love NWN. infinite replay value and comfy as frick

  23. 1 week ago

    Play the Stefan Gagne mods

    EE1 - Elegia Eternum
    EE2 - Excrucio Eternum

    Penultima ReRolled (really clever 'hub world' system)

    Hex Coda

  24. 1 week ago


    • 1 week ago

      The old original was fine, lots of secrets and riddles, but they've basically remade the same game series two times now

  25. 1 week ago

    Are there any good servers that are just action/dungeon crawling? I'm not big on RP

  26. 1 week ago

    How do I play RTWP games?
    I have all the old crpg games but I cannot get the combat. Is like and rts but you can stack orders while in pause ?

    • 1 week ago

      for this one in particular you can treat it like a diablo but you can pause to select stuff since it's mostly single character

      • 1 week ago

        The pause is just there to remove the need for mechanical skill in managing multiple characters at once.

        Damn, I ask same like a year ago and someone put and explanation so complicated that I don't remember a single thing, thanks anons
        This also applies to the others games or only for Neverwinter?

        • 1 week ago

          It applies to pretty much every CRPG that isn't explicitly turn based.

    • 1 week ago

      The pause is just there to remove the need for mechanical skill in managing multiple characters at once.

    • 1 week ago

      >How do I play RTWP games?
      If you haven't figured it out by now, then it probably isn't for you. Don't worry, you aren't the only one. A lot of people simply cannot grasp party-based real-time combat for some reason.

      That said, I played the game when I was 16 way back in 1997. It was my first RTwP CRPG and didn't have a problem at all... but I also played a lot of action games, shooters and RTS, so I was already used to fast-paced combat.

    • 1 week ago

      In NWN, you can stack certain commands like spells or feat activations, but basic things like movement or attack orders will clear the queue.

  27. 1 week ago

    It is ok. I found it to be rather bland.

    The SoU and HotU expansion, however, are excellent. Quite literally BG2 levels of goodness.

  28. 1 week ago

    What are the best community modules for levels 15+?

  29. 1 week ago

    Do any of these dnd crpgs play decent on a steam deck?

  30. 1 week ago

    >install PRC mod
    >spells aren't in spellbooks still
    fricking moronic

  31. 1 week ago

    *manhandles you*

  32. 1 week ago

    more singleplayer rpgs that look like 25 yo mmos?
    i already played neverwinter nights, kingdom of amalur, ff12 and dungeons of sundaria

  33. 1 week ago

    >The vanilla campaign isn't that bad
    frick off, the thing was such a awful slog to play even back then when I was goddamn 12 years old with ton of time

  34. 1 week ago

    agreed anon. it's a really comfy game I didn't mind the water haven creatures

  35. 1 week ago

    The first few level is hard man

    • 1 week ago

      I thought the last few fire giant and lizardmen encounters were tougher

  36. 1 week ago

    I will check this out, along with Icewind Dale. I originally overlooked them because they didn't have a plot. But right now I think making a custom character/party and dungeoneering would be fun.

  37. 1 week ago

    Thinking about starting a new multiplayer server... are there many people with CEP3? I know there's a way to let people download it directly from me and I have the bandwidth, but is there a guide on how to set that up?

  38. 1 week ago

    Did you kill her?

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