New Bethestard argument just dropped

Oh, wait, it's just the same excuse they've been using for the past 10 years!
>well just ignore it bro

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  1. 1 week ago

    actually yes you could ignore it instead of making a moronic thread about it

  2. 1 week ago

    >not knowing how to roleplay a character that leads every faction in a realistic manner

    • 1 week ago

      >wanting to roleplay as ~~*them*~~

      • 1 week ago

        yeah cant imagine wanting to be a breton

    • 1 week ago

      One of my characters was a chaotic good who wanted to hold all the power in Skyrim so no one else (with worse intentions) could, but I only did this because I can't play rpgs as sandboxes and needed a reason to play all the quests with only one character

      • 1 week ago

        Thank gods Skyrim is not an RPG, but an action with free exploration and merely small CRPG elements.

        • 1 week ago

          I guess it's a niche, I play Skyrim for the same reason I play GTA, just to frick around, but I guess it's disappointing for people who actually expected a RPG

        • 1 week ago

          Skyrim has so many problems that recontextualizing it as a non-rpg doesn't even begin to scrape the surface of everything that's wrong with it.

          It's still a buggy pile of shit, it's still ugly as shit, the music is still boring, it's still dull, the game still builds up to a boss fight that's a complete joke and reskin of the fights you've already been doing, it's not a get out of jail free card.

  3. 1 week ago

    Always hated this one
    If you can't stop yourself from joining every faction why are you b***hing as though it's the game's fault?

    • 1 week ago


      • 1 week ago

        >kill thousands of Caesar members
        >NPC talks to me
        >"uuhhhh we forgive you lol come join us lamao"
        Sounds like shit game design brother

        • 1 week ago

          >governing body forgives criminal to use him to achieve a goal
          what's the shit game design here? also they'll rescind that forgiveness if you keep committing crimes and lock you out of joining them

          • 1 week ago

            >keep working for the NCR
            >they're still ok with you being around because

            • 1 week ago

              You re the perfect spy / double agent

              • 1 week ago

                Try quadruple agent

              • 1 week ago

                Yep perfect revolver ocelot roleplay

        • 1 week ago

          Kinda maybe they didnt have time to put an ambush in the offer if you killed vulpes and was a thorn to them

        • 1 week ago

          >Literally only happens once, specifically because you have something valuable (plat chip/access to House) AND before you can actually do anything to damage the Legion too much (no Fort/Cove access)
          >Oh and if you did anything against the Legion he will call you out on it and explains that the next time you cross him he'll kill you
          This is the same as becoming the faction leaders of both the pirates and the anti-pirate police force according to Bethestards

          • 1 week ago

            >frick up legion operations in every way possible
            >ok I forgive you just blow up that bunker in which I can't send anyone because uhhhhm they'll get jealous (no I can't kill them afterwards, don't ask questions)
            >ok I heard some noises down there that means you totally destroyed that bunker (no I won't check it because I have no reason not to trust you), you can go now, I'm sure that won't cause any problems for me in the future
            bravo avellone

        • 1 week ago

          also the game literally encourages you to join a bunch of different factions through the main quest
          >become NCR shill
          >become BOS member
          >become Boomers only outsider buddy
          >become leader of Great Khans
          >become member of the white glove society
          >become member of the Kings

          • 1 week ago

            The main questline is literally to go to a bunch of tribes and integrate yourself into them to align them with your chosen faction. How is that unreasonable?

          • 1 week ago

            >become BOS member
            if you become a member after installing a new elder you'll have no choice but to blow the bunker up
            >become Boomers only outsider buddy
            there's a quest where you convince mother pearl to let a redhead from the crimson caravan onto the base so you obviously didn't play the game
            >become leader of Great Khans
            you don't even become a member of the great khans
            >become member of the white glove society
            you don't have to become friendly with any of the strip tribes doe
            >become member of the Kings
            you get a favor from the king and you can request to become a member or you can request for peace with the NCR so you don't have to kill any of the king members
            play the game moron

            • 1 week ago

              >you don't even become a member of the great khans

              talk about not playing the game

      • 1 week ago

        IF you want to
        If you don't want to then why the frick did you do it?

        • 1 week ago

          because of how bethesda games are designed

          they encourage you to join most factions, because that's how you access a lot of the side quest content

          • 1 week ago

            >because of how bethesda games are designed
            Nta, that's a lazy open-world design.
            It allows Bethesda to outsource the production of generic content to outside company, and let it be played in any order without any effect on the world at large.
            Starfield got around that by literally tricking the player into infinite NewGame+.
            Beth can't do meaningful choices or specialization, can't even do levelling right.

      • 1 week ago

        No it's not. You can play a single save for hundreds of hours without joining a single faction, including completing the entire main quest line. The point of joining factions is to get some special benefit for a specific type of stat or combat style, which, if you weren't using, wouldn't even be useful.

        • 1 week ago

          >joining factions is to get some special benefit for a specific type of stat or combat style, which, if you weren't using, wouldn't even be useful.
          I hate guidegays. Why can't you just play a game without looking everything up before you do it?

          • 1 week ago

            what does it have to do with guides autismo?

            • 1 week ago

              You have no reading comprehension. As such there's no point in trying to explain further something any normal person could infer from what's already said.

        • 1 week ago

          also the game literally encourages you to join a bunch of different factions through the main quest
          >become NCR shill
          >become BOS member
          >become Boomers only outsider buddy
          >become leader of Great Khans
          >become member of the white glove society
          >become member of the Kings

          It is honestly a game flaw if none of the AI react properly to you doing so.

          >join opposite factions
          >faction invite you into a room
          >suddenly several warriors of said faction surround you
          >you are given one chance to explain yourself, play their imperfect information

          From there it depends on how many choices the devs give you.
          Would be fun to have an infiltrator choice, a double-agent choice, with winning or failure conditions like failing to maintain your reputation high enough.
          But that would also be very costly for something the players are not that likely to try on their own.

          The main questline is literally to go to a bunch of tribes and integrate yourself into them to align them with your chosen faction. How is that unreasonable?

          >mainquest grrrrrrrrrr

      • 1 week ago

        >you have to specifically go to jail to join the thieves guilds
        >you have to specifially murder someone to join the dark brotherhood
        >you have to specifically walk into a guild hall to join up with them

    • 1 week ago

      It is honestly a game flaw if none of the AI react properly to you doing so.

      >join opposite factions
      >faction invite you into a room
      >suddenly several warriors of said faction surround you
      >you are given one chance to explain yourself, play their imperfect information

      From there it depends on how many choices the devs give you.
      Would be fun to have an infiltrator choice, a double-agent choice, with winning or failure conditions like failing to maintain your reputation high enough.
      But that would also be very costly for something the players are not that likely to try on their own.

  4. 1 week ago

    how the frick am I supposed to roleplay if every fricking dialogue option is the same?
    just ignore the dialogue? close the game when the dialogue doesnt fit with how I want to roleplay?
    uninstall the game because I broke the sequence by avoiding one faction? great idea!

  5. 1 week ago

    This is what makes me seethe to hard when talking about creation club content. People seem to not understand that it incentivizes Bethesda to release incomplete games and sell the games half-baked products and sell the rest of the game bit by bit

    • 1 week ago

      That was already the case with free mods 20 years ago, you fricking moron. I get it, you want to argue against paid mods, but at least try a bit.

    • 1 week ago

      Seethe b***h

  6. 1 week ago

    moronic autismos:
    >"noooo the game forced me to do every faction and max out every skill!!!!"
    Me, a roleplayer:
    >specialized characters only doing appropriate quests
    Skill issue. Sucks to be autistic, I guess.

    • 1 week ago

      >moronic autismo
      >advanced autismo
      It is not bad to be an advanced one, but you still have to remember about this when making statements such as yours.

    • 1 week ago

      Then who is being able to join them all with ease for?

      • 1 week ago

        people who want to roleplay

        • 1 week ago

          >immersion-crushing triviality is there for roleplayers
          So the game, and it's players, are moronic.

          • 1 week ago

            There's a ton of seething in this thread and not one person has yet explained why they joined multiple factions when they didn't want to join multiple factions

            • 1 week ago


              moronic autismos:
              >"noooo the game forced me to do every faction and max out every skill!!!!"
              Me, a roleplayer:
              >specialized characters only doing appropriate quests
              Skill issue. Sucks to be autistic, I guess.

            • 1 week ago

              >not one person has yet explained why they joined multiple factions
              They actually didn't JOIN. They merely roleplayed a character TRYING to join. It's only by the game being moronic it resulted in actually joining.
              >when they didn't want to join multiple factions
              Do you understand the difference between a character wanting to be rich and a character being rich? It's the difference between going on an adventure for loot vs picking a character with an aristocratic background.
              Without that understanding, you couldn't understand any game or story, and maybe not even the experience of living on Earth.

              • 1 week ago

                >They merely roleplayed a character TRYING to join.
                Then he is moronic and is bad at roleplay, if he blindly clicks on a thing, that, as he is well aware, will lead into mechanically joining the faction. In such a case he had to roleplay all necessary dialogues in his head and frick away from NPC.

              • 1 week ago

                >Then he is moronic and is bad at roleplay
                Not if the game is that moronic. If it is it would be moronic for the character to not take advantage of it, and for the player to not notice the game is moronic.
                >if he blindly clicks on a thing,
                Black person, what are you talking about? Blindly?
                >as he is well aware, will lead into mechanically joining the faction.
                You don't know that he knows that. Could be his first time through.
                >In such a case he had to roleplay all necessary dialogues in his head and frick away from NPC.
                No idea what you're talking about

              • 1 week ago

                That is because you are bad at roleplaying too.

              • 1 week ago

                Well, if you're just larping as moronic, you're better at it than your character makes itself out to be.

              • 1 week ago

                >You don't know that he knows that.

                My brother in christ, pretty much all of the joining of factions in the game happens through a dialogue choice that references joining the faction, such as "I'd like to join." or "I'm interested in joining."

              • 1 week ago

                And the reason to expect the result from the character asking for moronic things, to be those things happening, is if the game is moronic (or just the character he's talking too. Maybe Bethesda games aren't moronic. Maybe they're just games inhabited by moronic characters).
                Which he might not know first time around.

              • 1 week ago

                It is reasonable to expect you to be able to join a faction if there is no outright negation of that fact being mentioned in the dialogue beforehand, like the npc going "Ugh, you're X? Get outta my sight." the moment you initiate dialogue.

                Now, whether or not such interaction missing is an unforgivable game design flaw is another argument entirely.

              • 1 week ago

                >It is reasonable to expect you to be able to join a faction if there is no outright negation of that fact being mentioned in the dialogue beforehand, like the NPC going "Ugh, you're X? Get outta my sight." the moment you initiate dialogue.
                The stilted badness of bethesda rpg's doesn't start there, sure. But the player could either be giving it the benefit of the doubt, or going on with the roleplay regardless.
                >Now, whether or not such interaction missing is an unforgivable game design flaw is another argument entirely.
                If roleplaying and/or immersion is part of the goal, and the world feeling entirely unnatural and synthetic isn't, I'd say it's deserves being pointed out.

                It is highly improbable, that in year of Oblivion release date, let alone further time, dude knows, what roleplay is, but don't know about video game gameplay mechanics and how to get around them in roleplaying. Even if somehow he gets timetravelled from the year of the first D&D release and is instantly put in front of Oblivion, he is not that moronic not to find out, that taking a quest usually leads to plot development.

                >OK. You're right about everything. But it was always moronic so it's to be expected.
                A lot of peoples first elder scrolls (that they even heard of) was skyrim. So, no. You're wrong on that, too.

              • 1 week ago

                No, dude, you are not right about anything. You don't know how to roleplay solo, especially in CRPGs. You, most likely, don't know how to roleplay in TTG. And you definitely are not right about people, who had their first ~~*RPG*~~ being Skyrim, understanding or even knowing what roleplay is. Come back when you are over 18 years old.

              • 1 week ago

                And the reason to expect the result from the character asking for moronic things, to be those things happening, is if the game is moronic (or just the character he's talking too. Maybe Bethesda games aren't moronic. Maybe they're just games inhabited by moronic characters).
                Which he might not know first time around.

                It is highly improbable, that in year of Oblivion release date, let alone further time, dude knows, what roleplay is, but don't know about video game gameplay mechanics and how to get around them in roleplaying. Even if somehow he gets timetravelled from the year of the first D&D release and is instantly put in front of Oblivion, he is not that moronic not to find out, that taking a quest usually leads to plot development.

    • 1 week ago

      Always hated this one
      If you can't stop yourself from joining every faction why are you b***hing as though it's the game's fault?

      a good roleplaying game has consequences for the decisions you make instead of forcing you to play pretend. It's an RPG, not a sandbox

      • 1 week ago

        Black person YOU joined every faction

  7. 1 week ago

    >it's garbage by design!!!

  8. 1 week ago

    >being able to sneakily rule all of them
    >being able to rule them all and then make them all join forces as they're loyal to you
    >it being as easy to join and rule any one of them at any point regardless of what others you're part of or ruling
    Pants-shittingly moronic.

  9. 1 week ago

    >join space pirates, killng dozens of UC soldiers in the process and take over the UC vigilance
    >UC still lets me join the vanguard
    >they even make a small comment about how they didn't agree with how I handled the pirate situation

  10. 1 week ago

    I still think that it's stupid that in Skyrim you are Dragonborn but also billion other chosen one things in every guild.
    Never realized that people actively defend it in Ganker. This board has quite silly takes

    • 1 week ago

      >but also billion other chosen one things in every guild.

      • 1 week ago

        Dark Brotherhood and Mage guild at least. I got bored in all honesty because I leveled up Alchemy too much and everyone became sponges. Guess I shouldn't have roleplayed as alchemist

  11. 1 week ago

    It's a sound argument. If you are bothered by the fact that a game allows you to do something (note: allows, but does not enforce) and you do it, it is then moronic to be butthurt about it.

    To toss in one of those dreaded food analogies, you don't throw a hissyfit at a buffet if they allow for more selections than what you would want on your plate. Or at least one would hope you do not do that.

  12. 1 week ago

    the game is literally designed for you to join virtually every faction lol

  13. 1 week ago

    playing hybrid builds and joining multiple factions is the fun part of tes games, opens up a lot of character options as opposed to deciding in the first 5 seconds if you're a 'warrior', 'mage' or 'thief' and being railroaded for the rest of the game down a preset path

  14. 1 week ago

    On my current New Vegas playthrough I'm aiming to nuke the NCR and Legion before going to House cause all will be forgiven. I basically plan to try and get the most fricked up self defeating ending possible, basically this

    (minus having the Khans ally with the NCR that's just gay)
    Although I'm really struggling to think how to do all that and have the Brotherhood ally with the NCR

  15. 1 week ago

    it's true though. this is the perfect system, rp autists can rp whatever they want, chuds like me can just enjoy all content without the need to create 10 different characters

  16. 1 week ago

    >want to roleplay as a student in a magic academy
    >what? you attended a 2 lectures and completed 3 quests? congratulations you've just become the leader of the establishment
    literally fanfic-tier writing

  17. 1 week ago

    Bethesda games are all secretly set in Japanese cultures, they don't care about how smart it is to make you leader they just feel honor bound to honor you with leadership even if you do nothing with it

  18. 1 week ago

    >make character
    >male nord (white) with a sword and shield
    >be dragonborn
    >join stormcloaks
    >join companions
    >join dawnguard
    Based and the official correct way to play skyrim btw.

    >new character
    >male breton (white) with illusion magic and sneakery/bows
    >don't do story, no dragons about
    >join thieves guild
    >join mage college (don't complete) for spells and stealing their shit
    >join brotherhood
    >join vampires

    Two entirely distinct characters with different playstyles and roles.
    You guys just suck at these playing these games correctly.

  19. 1 week ago

    This doesn't really fix the issue of becoming the leader of the faction in the first place.

  20. 1 week ago

    I just want a game that has the Bethesda-style of open world but is an actual rpg with no level-scaling bullshit
    I’ve already played Morrowind to death

  21. 1 week ago

    >walk into a tavern
    >hey want to commit some motherfricking crimes
    >only options are 'yeah' and 'later'
    >can't report him to the guards because casuals would get mad about getting locked out of doing everything on one character
    Nice roleplaying game

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