>New """update""" for 1 year anniversary of Warhammer 3. >No new LL

>New """update""" for 1 year anniversary of Warhammer 3
>No new LL
>No new content at all
>Complete nothingburger of an """update"""
>CA so desperate they have to sand off the beta title and give everyone free IE because nobody's playing their shit game
>Wasted all their time and budget on a trailer most people will only watch once that has full voice acting (despite claims that difficulty with VA majorly slowed IE's development)
>Still no Chaos Dwarfs
Volound won

CRIME Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    And? Not like this is going to make history chuds win retroactively or make CA not make fantasy Total Wars. The best they can wish for is a remaster of Medieval 2.

    • 1 year ago

      Rent free.

      • 1 year ago

        >he calls fantasygay rent free in a histgay rage thread
        seething projection. Reply to let me know you're a Black person.

        • 1 year ago

          I'll reply to whomever I want. Can't stop me.
          It was you and only you who came out of nowhere with this stupid hisgay/fanatsygay quarreling in a thread that had nothing to do with it.
          You just can't help yourself but to shit on everyone who dares not to lick CA boot. It makes you angry to the point you have to invent some fictional eternal battle between TW fandom.
          I don't care whether you are Grace's simp or offended WH fanboy or even paid CA shill. Frick off.

    • 1 year ago

      When I first heard Franz say "STORM CLOUDS GATHER", my mind immediately went to "STORM CLOUDS GATHER OVER EUROPE", but then I realized that any hope of it being a clue to Med2 Remake was cope on my part.

      • 1 year ago

        >then I realized that any hope of it being a clue to Med2 Remake was cope on my part.
        Not only that. The line said by Klaus Franz is a reference to storm of chaos.

        You will get your Med 2 Remake, and at some point even Med 3. But you need to remember that Med 3 will always come after Warhammer. So brace your ass for the inevitable sword of Khaine reskin as Excalibur, while your king becomes a one man doomstack because he unlocked the dragon mount by winning a quest battle in Georgia he teleported over from Portugal.

        • 1 year ago

          >So brace your ass for the inevitable sword of Khaine reskin as Excalibur, while your king becomes a one man doomstack because he unlocked the dragon mount by winning a quest battle in Georgia he teleported over from Portugal.
          Medieval 3 but it's actually a Fate/Stay Night strategy game

          • 1 year ago

            Anime Total War would be cool.
            >tfw no yari ashigaru gf

          • 1 year ago

            Fate Stay Night would be awesome as a Total War game.

    • 1 year ago

      Because warhammer is exception that proves the rule.
      Warhammer "worked" because it was already existing as strategy game in tabletop form. Had its unit rosters, abilities, lore, etc.
      With anything else they would have to start from scratch. And what fantasy setting would they pick?
      LOTR? Sega can't afford it.
      Got? Shit's dead.
      Other fantasy settings are too niche to justify being picked over history.
      So sorry pal, but WH3 will be the last fantasy title. Which kinda sucks tbh, I was hopeful with troy they'd go AoM: TW direction with Troy, but that's clearly also stillborn.

      • 1 year ago

        >WH3 will be the last fantasy title.
        They can easily continue their very profitable deal with GW and make AoS or 40K. TW:W3 felt very much like AoS already, with some bizarre invading of different realms as if this was nothing and heavily personalized and talking gods.

        • 1 year ago

          >very profitable deal with GW and make AoS
          Age of Sigmar? That's just warhammer fantasy with less content.
          > or 40K
          Yes and its called Battlfeleet Gothic and there is 2 of them out.

    • 1 year ago

      I wish for the death of CA

  2. 1 year ago

    >Still no Chaos Dwarfs
    I guess that last scene dealing with a volcanic mine was some random human bandits.

    • 1 year ago

      Are they in game yet? It's been an entire year

      • 1 year ago

        calm down its on the way

  3. 1 year ago

    why are you tw gays so belligerent towards each other? it's only game. you don't heff to be med

    • 1 year ago

      >why are you tw gays so belligerent towards each other?
      A lot of the older TW fanbase feels like CA abandoned them in favor of milking Warhammergays and you can't really blame them especially considering since the "historical" TW since Warhammer have either been cash grabs Thrones of Britannia or felt Catered to Fantasygays 3k and Troy.
      Its a tale as old as any fanbase the new popular thing is taking precedent over the old less popular thing and the old fans are essentially being told tough shit either get on the bandwagon or frick off. So naturally there is a lot of animosity to go around.
      The real shame is we will never get Total War 30 years the real historically setting CA needs to give us.

      • 1 year ago

        By contrast, the very first moment I fired up Shogun 1, all I could think about was all my tabletop games, including Warhammer, should get this treatment.
        It's the old bullshit of "real wargamers don't do fantasy" / "old fart tediously obsessed with rivet counting minutiae" which I'd hoped - naively - computer gaming would leave behind.
        And yes, "pike and shot" would be awesome. FoG can only do so much.

        • 1 year ago

          The wargame space has always had a thick line between the minigays and the hex and countergays.
          I doubt they’ll ever reconcile.

      • 1 year ago

        I like both fantasy and Warhammer, but this does describe it. Warhammer unfortunately bled into 3K with single entity bullshit.
        >inb4 just play records
        Doesn't count when the game mode hasn't received any updates and you're not even getting general skills to compensate for the skills you get in Romance.

        • 1 year ago

          >CA makes game mode for histoids
          >Histoids piss and shit and say it doesn't count
          No wonder they stopped making history garbage

          • 1 year ago

            No, CA made a nu TW game, believing their own bull about the divide being about history and fantasy, when people just know nu TW is shit. The rot started in the historical games, but the subreddit gotta keep peddling a narrative that it's people annoyed at fantasy, as if that explained all the dumbing-down.

            • 1 year ago

              I think it needs to be recognized that the rot in TW was started with Rome 2, but Warhammer isn't helping. Forcing every army to have a general while also severely limiting a general's ability to gain traits and skills in ways other than the RPG tree caused a lot of weirdness in Rome 2 and Attila, and things only started to make sense in Warhammer 1 when generals became OP as frick. This creates a feedback loop in the fantasy side of things, resulting in "historical" games like Troy and 3K that have generals that are more like Warhammer's heroes than what they were like pre-Rome 2.

              And really what's good about fantasy is what was good about TW all along. It was fun having elephants in Rome 1 and Medieval 2, and it's just as fun for the same reason playing around with dragons and griffins and giant ball things in Warhammer. Rome 1 also had a lot of basically fantasy units too, like fricking Jupiter ninjas and wardogs you'd sicc on the enemy (wardogs are historical, how they are used in Rome 1 is not). The franchise does have problems, but what matters is that everything works and that it is fun. If the community actually wants to fix things, it needs to form a united front on the issues that fundamentally don't work and thus force CA to change course. The historical vs fantasy rivalry is basically just divide and conquer at this point, ensuring TW slowly dies.

              • 1 year ago

                Got it, Rome 3 will have Scipio and Hannibal's flaming sword duel at the top of a volcano, while Cato's faction will have recycled Skaven mechanics

              • 1 year ago

                Reeee, we need to go back to pre-Rome 2 general mechanics.

      • 1 year ago

        Attila was one of the best games and people just abandoned it

        • 1 year ago

          Not quite, there's still a semi-active modding community
          For example the 1212 AD mod is active in Attila

          • 1 year ago

            But that's a small dedicated community of autists. The money is made on droves of normie morons who buy the game to play for a few minutes.

        • 1 year ago

          Attila have his flaws.
          Diseases and cold snap mechanics just force player to always build sanitary and farms.
          And perfomance is just bad.

  4. 1 year ago

    >Volound won
    You mean the schizo Black person that posts the same video over and over and who is a literal communist?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, that guy. Now imagine the absolute state of TW franchise that even such dysgenic inbreed scot as him can criticize it acutely and shatter the fanbase.

    • 1 year ago

      >Volound won
      Was there ever any doubt about this?

      >look up what volound is doing
      >he's ranting about the ukranian war and deleting his own comments after getting btfo in the replies

      • 1 year ago

        Is je defending or dabbing on ukrojews?

        • 1 year ago

          He is Z-pilled (although for wrong reasons like anti nazism)

        • 1 year ago

          He is Z-pilled (although for wrong reasons like anti nazism)

          implying there's any coherence in that shithole kitchen sink of a nation and its assblasted shills

        • 1 year ago

          He supports Russia but mostly because it’s anti-NATO (he is a tankie who wants to see communism spread forcibly throughout the world). He always whines about antisemitism and nazis whenever he gets the opportunity. He himself isn’t even israeli as proven by his DNA results he posted, just a commie golem. A narcissistic vegan Marxist who never admits he’s wrong even when it’s proven undeniably.

          • 1 year ago

            >He supports Russia but mostly because it’s anti-NATO (he is a tankie who wants to see communism spread forcibly throughout the world)
            So that explain why he's such a homosexual.

      • 1 year ago

        I find it supreme irony that the most loud mouthed histoid is a tankie.
        You‘d think a homie would learn lmao.

  5. 1 year ago

    >Volound won
    Was there ever any doubt about this?

  6. 1 year ago

    The TW team is still working on this. It's obvious that the lack of features are all in relation to the development of the Chaos Dwarfs, which we all know are coming.

    • 1 year ago

      You know whats not coming?
      >Firearm reload animations
      >Any sort of simulation instead of HP bloat
      >Units behaving like actual combatants instead of engaging in le epic 1v1 duels that were motion captured for millions of dollars
      >Kislev and Catchay not being flanderized caricatures

      • 1 year ago

        Don't forget about a good historical total war game.

      • 1 year ago

        reload animations

        • 1 year ago

          Cool, what about line of sight affecting the actually firing capability of the unit or bullets having realistic speed and trajectory?

          • 1 year ago

            First one already happens, to the point that gunpowder units can be near useless on some maps with lots of little hills or bumps in elevation
            Second is fair

        • 1 year ago

          Is it a functional animation or just for show? And is that guy still shooting through the man in front because CA can't into gun mechanics?

          • 1 year ago

            Anon, the reload animations have always been purely visual
            Yes even in Shogun 2, and Empire, and Med 2 etc.

            • 1 year ago

              No. If you moved a unit it cancelled the 'ready' or the reload depending on the type of missile weapon. If a model was 20% into a reload on a gunpowder weapon, it had the 80% left to do when it finished moving. The 'ready' was always cancelled completely, so a bow that was about to fire would have to do it all again if the model had to run with the unit between shots.

              Imagine that, CA used to have different shooting systems for different weapons. Now they all use the same shooting system since 2013.
              >Tards who think old shooting systems were 'bugged' simply never realised any of this

              • 1 year ago

                not him but i also enjoy making shit up anon, it's one of my favorite hobbies

              • 1 year ago

                Never happened

                Go do it.

              • 1 year ago

                Okay I just tested it in Fall of the Samurai
                You're wrong

              • 1 year ago

                I also just tested it in Shogun 2, with both regular and fire-by-rank and I'm right. Use more than one unit so you can group them, make sure the formations are locked so that when you move them they don't change the rank and file, then try it again without the formation locked.

                Models that shoot will have to reload when they stop moving before they can reload again, whilst others will shoot immediately because they didn't get the opportunity to shoot before. If you use fire-by-rank and locked formations, you can even have models technically 'in-combat' but not firing if the unit took losses. You then turn off fire-by-rank and the gaps in the first rank will be filled in, and some of them will then have to do their full reload before they can fire.

              • 1 year ago

                People not bothering to test something doesn't prove anything. Literally just saw it with my own eyes a few minutes ago, and have done so hundreds of times playing these games. I know how it works.

                Not at all surprising that nu TW appeals to people who don't know or care.

                >Use more than one unit so you can group them, make sure the formations are locked so that when you move them they don't change the rank and file, then try it again without the formation locked
                Sounds like a glitch based on the formation AI or something
                I tested a unit by having it fire, starting the reload animation then interrupting it with a long move order and at the end of the move order it was able to fire again

              • 1 year ago

                I can reliably do it every time, because I'm not trying to win an internet argument with some rando but find out how it works. Funny that.

              • 1 year ago

                nooo you weren't supposed to prove his moronic nostalgia fantasy wrong anon
                don't you know the good ol days were better?

              • 1 year ago

                People not bothering to test something doesn't prove anything. Literally just saw it with my own eyes a few minutes ago, and have done so hundreds of times playing these games. I know how it works.

                Not at all surprising that nu TW appeals to people who don't know or care.

              • 1 year ago

                >reddit spacing
                >nu TW
                Please go back

              • 1 year ago

                >Use more than one unit so you can group them, make sure the formations are locked so that when you move them they don't change the rank and file, then try it again without the formation locked
                Sounds like a glitch based on the formation AI or something
                I tested a unit by having it fire, starting the reload animation then interrupting it with a long move order and at the end of the move order it was able to fire again

                I just tested it again
                My front rank fired, began reloading, I ran backwards a bit then my front rank fired again
                Reloading is DEFINITLY visual in FOTS, the only actual difference in gunpowder units is the back ranks not firing

              • 1 year ago

                Okay maybe I should have typed slower.
                Use more than one unit. You need to use more than one unit so you can use formation-lock group, which is *necessary* to remove the move-order causing models to change their place in the formation. With formation-lock on the move-order makes the units keep their shape, so none of the models that didn't fire end up on the front rank when the order finishes.
                You literally posted a pic showing you aren't even trying to be honest or think about it here. I've done it again and I'm just aghast that this is CA's new audience that they always wanted, that understand anything.

              • 1 year ago

                nice goalpost shift, histsister.

              • 1 year ago

                You're desperate because there was no goalpost shift.
                I said earlier how to test it robustly, but morons gonna moron. Basic truth hasn't changed at all: old TW reloads on guns can be delayed indefinitely by move-orders because they aren't just animations(and I've been doing it again, successfully, because I am actually trying to do it). Going back into custom battle, the reloads are segmented: the entities that just fired stay where they are for a few seconds to finish part of the reload before they move again, then can only do the remaining segments once they've stopped.

              • 1 year ago

                It was literally tested in this thread
                Every unit has a "reload speed" that is actually just a firing speed, the reload animation is purely visual
                Tested and confirmed

              • 1 year ago

                And yet I could delay the reload in Shogun 2 indefinitely.

                so is it a bug or not a bug? not that anon i need to know what the frick you mean

                Not a bug, it's just how reloading used to work before the great dumbing-down happened in Rome 2, where every missile weapon was forced to use the same shooting system. When guns came back in WH1, they were not spared and simply use the same type of cooldown.
                When you issue an order to a gun unit in Shogun 2 after it just fired, all the models that shot have to finish the first part of the reload before they will move, often meaning that another model will take their place on the front rank when they arrive at the location first. The chances of this happening are reduced if you get more models to fire and use formation-lock(which in Shogun 2 needs at least two units to form a group), so then you can clearly see how the reloading behaviour works.

              • 1 year ago

                the coping continues

              • 1 year ago

                >Was literally tested and proven wrong
                >Anon continues to deny reality
                This simply proves my hypothesis that Shogungays haven't actually played the game they constantly suck off in at least a decade and are literally running on pure nostalgia

              • 1 year ago

                what did you expect? they're fricking moronic

              • 1 year ago

                >Every unit has a "reload speed" that is actually just a firing speed, the reload animation is purely visual
                >Tested and confirmed
                This absolutely makes sense from the programming perspective.

              • 1 year ago

                It's been that way for just about every Total War game, even ones entirely without reload animations
                As far as I'm aware the only time animations have ever meaningfully affected gunpowder units was Platoon Fire and Fire by Rank in games like Empire

              • 1 year ago

                so is it a bug or not a bug? not that anon i need to know what the frick you mean

              • 1 year ago

                I just tested it again
                My front rank fired, began reloading, I ran backwards a bit then my front rank fired again
                Reloading is DEFINITLY visual in FOTS, the only actual difference in gunpowder units is the back ranks not firing

                It's over for us.......

              • 1 year ago

                Never happened

      • 1 year ago

        >noooooooo warhammer factions can't be flanderized caricatures that's totally against the theme of the setting

        • 1 year ago

          >Grim HRE inspired faction with realistic looking armies armed with weapons inspired by renaissance
          >Inspired by France, Knights and peasant armies armed with period inspired weapons
          >Le bare-chested half naked epic slavs with gun axes and all women elite unit with ice armor

      • 1 year ago

        >Wasted all their time and budget on a trailer most people will only watch once that has full voice acting (despite claims that difficulty with VA majorly slowed IE's development)
        Trailers are almost never done by the company who makes the games. It requires an entirely different skillset to their permanent workers insofar that it's faster and cheaper to commission it from an animation company.
        This doesn't excuse Creative Assembly for being shit, it just proves that other companies exist who can get shit done.

        >Kislev and Catchay not being flanderized caricatures
        >in Warhammer
        What did he mean by this?

        >Grim HRE inspired faction with realistic looking armies armed with weapons inspired by renaissance
        >Inspired by France, Knights and peasant armies armed with period inspired weapons
        >Le bare-chested half naked epic slavs with gun axes and all women elite unit with ice armor

        >le Grim HRE with a hammer wielding madman on the back of a griffon and magicians so realistic they cast fireballs
        >le bare-chested half naked epic late roman germanic viking barbarian berserkers led by Sauron on a flaming horse
        >le Tolkien elves
        >le Tolkien elves but they eat people and are naked
        >le Tolkien elves but allied with Treebeard
        >le Aztecs but lizards
        >le Roma Vampires
        >le Mummy Returns
        Imagine being nogames.

        First one already happens, to the point that gunpowder units can be near useless on some maps with lots of little hills or bumps in elevation
        Second is fair

        >on some maps with lots of little hills or bumps in elevation
        Total War has always had terrain issues but Total Warhammer really takes the cake by making everywhere either a mountain or the perfect airfield.

        implying there's any coherence in that shithole kitchen sink of a nation and its assblasted shills

        Remember when controversial buttons were worn by punks to offend, not because they believed in any of it?

        • 1 year ago

          >What did he mean by this?
          That he is correct
          >le Grim HRE with a hammer wielding madman on the back of a griffon and magicians so realistic they cast fireballs
          Mudcore HRE with a mediocre Emperor carrying a fake hammer. Said Emperor is carried by Elven and Tzeentchian schemes. He has a unique mount though. Having few mages most populace will never even meet was the extent of fantastical elements. Etroony design styles started to creep later in so they started to get flanderized with unfitting garbage like Demigryphs, Luminarks or mechanical horses. Continuing this awful design philosophy they were meant to get their own version of Chaos Warriors but GW decided that they don't want to pretend anymore and made them for AoS instead.
          >le bare-chested half naked epic late roman germanic viking barbarian berserkers
          Nothing wrong with this
          >led by Sauron on a flaming horse
          Direct opposite of Sauron in villain terms and on a cool horse. He got later flanderized to garbage levels with overdesigned dragon which replaced his modest horse
          >le Tolkien elves
          >le Tolkien elves but they eat people and are naked
          >le Tolkien elves but allied with Treebeard
          >le Aztecs but lizards
          >le Mummy Returns
          Garbage factions
          >le Roma Vampires
          Kislev should be a peak mudcore faction with malnourished and poor troops and not more magical than elves. Ice Mage here and there and that's it. Bear only for Boris.
          Cathay immortal superheroes are cringe and shouldn't exist at all. Their flying cities and rocks are cringe and shouldnt be a thing. Retconning all technological achievements to them is cringe. Magical mech is cringe. At best it should have been some unique and janky steam powered creation. Their basic troops look ok though.

          Overall Konstaltyn is the only good addition and fitting Warhammer

          • 1 year ago

            an impressive display of shit taste, please sign up for canadian healthcare asap

            • 1 year ago

              kys aostroony

            • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                The funny thing is the mutt is right about Canadian healthcare.
                They decided to dive down the slippery slope Dr Kevorkian opened up and arrived straight at the government trying to get poor people to euthanize themselves lol

              • 1 year ago

                not just poors, pretty much everyone they can. when intentionally killing your patient is a valid medical outcome, what other treatment can even compete? it's cheap and 100% effective

              • 1 year ago

                The funny thing is the mutt is right about Canadian healthcare.
                They decided to dive down the slippery slope Dr Kevorkian opened up and arrived straight at the government trying to get poor people to euthanize themselves lol

                >actually believing what Fox News tells you

              • 1 year ago

                >believing literally any US media whatsoever
                protip: they all fricking lie, that's why i don't read them or watch them lol

          • 1 year ago

            Finally somebody says it like it is

          • 1 year ago

            >He got later got ruined to garbage levels by Geedubs terrible handling of Storm of Chaos
            Should have just let Grimgor kill him and create a new big bad for Chaos.

          • 1 year ago

            8E era had some good stuff, Tamurkhan's book was good

        • 1 year ago

          >What is WFR?

      • 1 year ago

        found the volound homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        units don't do 1v1 duels in warhammer unless they are monsters or heroes
        soldiers don't do that anymore since shogun

        • 1 year ago

          You can just mod it in

          • 1 year ago

            God you Shogun weebs are fricking annoying
            Troy had that exact feature but I bet you never even played it because Troy is a """"fantasy"""" game

            the guy i replied to was mad that warhammer has 1on1 duels so i told him that's not a thing and he is a moron that doesn't play any games

        • 1 year ago

          God you Shogun weebs are fricking annoying
          Troy had that exact feature but I bet you never even played it because Troy is a """"fantasy"""" game

          • 1 year ago

            oh im not a shogun fanboy, i am telling him that units don't do 1 on 1s anymore
            i didn't play troy to be honest cuz of the whole epic store shit but you are probably right

          • 1 year ago

            >Troy had that exact feature but I bet you never even played it
            Neither did anyone else, to be fair

            • 1 year ago

              I played it and I enjoyed it

              • 1 year ago

                You don't exist.

      • 1 year ago

        >he's complaining about Kislev and Cathay being caricatures when Bretonnia is something out of Monty Python and the Empire of Man is the HRE but somehow worse due to vampires and demons.

        • 1 year ago

          it's twitter commie garbage talk that he stole off volound, ignore him

      • 1 year ago

        >Any sort of simulation
        Black person I know you haven't played any old total wars, in fact go download the hyper realistic game that is Medieval 2 and experience the amazing almost life like battles between tiny mount and blade warband models and struggle and contend with the sentient medieval 2 ai capable of quick lightening maneuvers in battle and long term deep strike operations on the campaign map with Machiavellian political schemes that will leave you speechless.

  7. 1 year ago

    You should die for daring to mention ecelebs. Slit your throat

  8. 1 year ago

    IE being given away should have happened when it was added as an apology. Everything they do is far too late to have an effect.

    • 1 year ago

      It's great regardless because game is now playable standalone and nobody has to bother with shit RoC. Neither players nor CA. Game has a good campaign in a vanilla form now. And while making updates and dlcs CA don't have to cramp all other factions in RoC map anymore.

      And Bretonnia is a free base game faction for owners of TW:W3 now as well.

  9. 1 year ago

    >Volound won
    We already went over this a year ago
    None of the moronic critiques that guy made has anything to do with the trouble that WH3 has been in.
    It's like making cutting corners on the foundations when building a house and some moron comes along and says the house collapsed because you painted it green instead of blue.

    • 1 year ago

      >the house collapsed because you painted it green instead of blue
      that's fricking moronic anon, green iz best

  10. 1 year ago

    Volound never understood how games work. He made some autistic marathon video on the testudo formation and was complaining about how numbers and modifiers are LE BAD, arguing that old total war games were essentially programmed with magic or some bullshit. What a fricking moron.

  11. 1 year ago

    Admit it, he was right.

    • 1 year ago

      I wouldn't know what he said in the first place, because he's too much of an insufferable homosexual to listen to for more than a minute.
      I seriously don't understand how you can create a successful e-celeb career, if every time you realize there might be a potential counterpoint to what you just said, you feel inclined to mention it by creating a strawman, voicing it out in a mocking voice, then getting angry at that very same strawman you just created in your head and lashing out at it. It's fricking negative charisma, same shit T90 does for AoE2.

      • 1 year ago

        Mockery is what we do. He's also probably autistic. You don't get 15k hours in Warhammer 2 without some level of autism.

        • 1 year ago

          >He's also probably autistic
          There's no "probably" about it the man is a autistic strategy gamer, he streamed TW2 while state of origin was happening this bloke is a spaz.

          • 1 year ago

            >while state of origin was happening
            The what was happening?

            • 1 year ago

              Its a rugby thing

            • 1 year ago

              Massive rugby event that happens every year, even people who never watch rugby usually watch it with friends or family, this dork was playing the tomb kings instead lmao.

              • 1 year ago

                You not only know what he was doing at that time but you also remember what faction he was playing.
                I think it says more about you than LoTT

              • 1 year ago

                I remember it specifically because i came home a little drunk from watching it at a bar with some friends and went on my laptop and saw he was streaming, i even asked him in the chat if he watched it and he just said he doesn't care, there's something charming about autists that are just unabashedly massive dorks lmao.

              • 1 year ago

                It's not the fricking Superbowl, anon. No matter how much you want it to be. Hell the only player I know is Wally Lewis, because Agro back in the day was obsessed by him.

              • 1 year ago

                I mean it pretty much is for us, more people watch it than the NRL finals.

              • 1 year ago

                >even people who never watch rugby usually watch it with friends or family
                no they don't

              • 1 year ago

                Yes they do

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                yeah nah

              • 1 year ago

                nah yeah

              • 1 year ago

                nah yeah nah

              • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >shill game before release while knowing it's shit
      >sperg out about game being shit to save face after release and getting his cut from key sales

  12. 1 year ago

    Volound is right about total war

    • 1 year ago

      >Volound is right about total war
      yeah Z

  13. 1 year ago

    why is this game so much worse than wh2? i hate the ui, the new factions and the cartoon graphics.

  14. 1 year ago

    >60 factions to play
    >giant map
    >game is still boring and souless
    I really wanted to like this game, I even finished chaos realms campaigns with Kislev and the Ogres and IE as Karl and a bunch of other factions. Even Rome 2 is more exciting for me, and I don't even know why.

    • 1 year ago

      Lack of taste probably

    • 1 year ago

      Because it's just a blob fest. You can own half of the world and the only change is that your numbers are bigger, there is no RP to be had in this game.

      • 1 year ago

        They tried to make the game about more than blobbing twice, everybody hated it.

    • 1 year ago

      I agree with

      Because it's just a blob fest. You can own half of the world and the only change is that your numbers are bigger, there is no RP to be had in this game.

      I blame lack of internal politics and politics in general. And most of all immortal Legendary Lords. Karl Franz who is just a man holding an electoral office is functionally no different from an immortal God-king like Malekith. I'd prefer if there was no such focus on LLs. Karl should be able to die and be replaced by some fat, corrupted, incompetent and easily manipulated puppet. If Malekith was killed his empire should crumble into a variety of warring states etc. This is why I like CK2 mod so much actually. It feels more like Warhammer world ironically enough with his lack of focus on herohammer, even though it doesn't have actual battles. TW:W feels more gamey than any other TW. Every faction even starts as a single city now. I wish they leaned more into simulationist aspect. Same problem I have with Bannerlord. I need respite from battles sometimes. I need better context for battles. Otherwise it gets boring fast.

      I would even argue there is no diplomacy in TW:W at all. It's instead an anti-player bias mechanic, which you can only slightly influence and you have a pretty UI for. Everyone will betray you eventually, sooner or later. Other factions don't try to prosper, they try to frick over you. There is functionally no downside to a trade agreement in game, but other Order factions are reluctant to give you free money, because it would aid you. Factions will hate you if you grow in power, because game tries to make difficulty harder for you if you are stronger, even though there is no believable reason for those factions to dislike you. Enemy AI will ignore his actual and closer enemy and instead send his army across the world at you because it's purpose is to frick over you and not to achieve it's "realistic" goals. Hell, if you aren't at war with anyone, game will roll a dice roll and force one neutral (or even allied) faction next to you to attack you.

      • 1 year ago

        Even the Medieval 2 mod did a better job of representing inter-Empire politics

        • 1 year ago

          >Even the Medieval 2 mod did a better job of representing inter-Empire politics
          Didn't it literally just split the empire into several parts like Warhammer does?

          • 1 year ago

            It also had actual elections and other interactions jury-rigged via the vanilla Papacy mechanics if memory serves me right. Then again I haven't played that shit in over a decade so if you've got the receipts you can blow me the frick out.

      • 1 year ago

        >Hell, if you aren't at war with anyone, game will roll a dice roll and force one neutral (or even allied) faction next to you to attack you.
        Last night I started a new campaign as the Daemon Prince. My only army was to the far west, and suddenly I noticed a Beastmen horde wandering around raiding my east. I didn't have time to go kill them all so I somehow argued them into a military alliance. Three turns later, they immediately attacked my capital and were wiped out by the garrison. What the frick.

      • 1 year ago

        Is this a mod?
        They turned total war into a full blown arpg?

        • 1 year ago

          It's a mod some anon is working on. He also made framework to import music and sounds into the game called libsneedio or something like this

          • 1 year ago

            He also did the original Knights of the Round Belly mod

          • 1 year ago

            Is there any link to it or is he still working on it?

      • 1 year ago

        >Factions will hate you if you grow in power
        Not my undead homie Khatep, he likes you more the more power you have. At least in 2.

      • 1 year ago

        >Enemy AI will ignore his actual and closer enemy and instead send his army across the world at you because it's purpose is to frick over you and not to achieve it's "realistic" goals.
        Kek, It was extremely noticeable when I was playing chaos in TW2 and had every single faction that was aware of me(i.e. at war with me) instantly converge on my position from turn 1. It was pretty funny when you're only about ten turns into the game and have at minimum five full empire stacks coming straight for you ignoring everything else. The anti-player bias was probably the thing I hated the most since it was neither fun nor challenging, and it sure as frick wasn't immersive. I don't even remember if I found a mod to fix it or not. Not sure if such a mod is even possible in the first place. It's not the only game where such a bias exists, but it is the most egregious example of it that I can think of.

      • 1 year ago

        Was playing bretonia last night and festus, silvania, the moronic golden boy of slanesh, the bird with two heads, manfred von carstein, malekith, wulfrik, and the everchosen, decided out of nowhere to declare war on me and walk over the empire and the wood elves not even taking their cities just to fight me, seeing multiple vampire stacks ignoring altdorf and running to parravon elevated my pressure.

  15. 1 year ago

    3K2 when

  16. 1 year ago

    different teams work on different things, the big update and LLs shit is for april as its still being worked on
    this small update that made the campaign free is from a different team

  17. 1 year ago

    TWW still has more content than every history game

    • 1 year ago

      >Stat bloat and moronic minigames
      Id rather have proper simmulation for 10 units than whatever modern TW's are with 100's of reskinned units

  18. 1 year ago

    >1200+ hours in Total War Warhammer 2 and 3 combined
    >still going strong, love it
    sucks for you guys I guess

  19. 1 year ago

    I have been playing a lot of TW empire lately with Darthmod, lots of tw youtubers are trying to push it and nap as of late.
    Also some new advances with modding the game engine and shilling mods for the two games
    I just cant play any other tw other than maybe shogun 2 after the campaign im playing in empire. yes the game has bugs and its old and clunky but I just love naval battles and the gunpowder smoke
    Its just over for historycels i guess

  20. 1 year ago

    I really loved TWW for a time but then I got into DEI and now it’s hard to go back

  21. 1 year ago

    3K's diplomacy and campaign layer gives me a lot of hope for whatever the next game is. I know history fans didn't like the more powerful generals but that was always going to happen in a 3K game, its basically demanded by the setting. TW3 is fun, but its pretty clear that stapling three games together and three engine forks has massively overtaxed their team and it'll probably be another year or more before they're actually able to address issues and make updates with alacrity (and they were never code wizards to begin with)

  22. 1 year ago

    >Volound won
    No he did not.
    Also it's not a nothingburger. They made IE free for people who don't own the two previous games. Thus they made it more accessible for people. This is big.
    And Chaos Dwarfs are coming in April. The teaser for them will be in March. Also the damn Roadmap will finally appear when CHorfs get released.

    • 1 year ago

      >They made IE free for people who don't own the two previous games
      And Bretonnia is free too for owners of only TW:W3. This free IE is underestimated. A big Empire/Vampire/Bretonnia/Dwarf only update like Champions of Chaos could release right now and they wouldn't need to waste time, effort and money on putting them in that shit Realms of Chaos campaign. Southern Realms could be always somewhat justified in RoC only campaign as a mercenaries, but now there is no issue with this whatsoever. Even fricking Araby could be made lol.

      • 1 year ago

        This deconcentration means that we will get now stuff that is related to IE exclusively.
        Araby is now not anymore in the realm of impossibility. Southern Realms too especially that the guys working on Warhammer 4th ED RPG released new info on their colonies in Lustria.
        Not to mention Cathay's neighbors too.
        The future is bright. But before that we will still get some of those DLCs related more to the RoC campaign. Apart of CHorfs we still need Kislevite and Cathayan stuff. Ogres still don't have their complete roster.
        Now the Empire, Brets, Dorfs, Greenies, Elgi and so on...oh they too will need an update. And probably once The Old World will roll out is when they will get newer stuff. Stuff which will land in game 3. For them all as well as for everyone appearing in game 3 from the newcomers.

        Also have a Dawi Keg Dog.

      • 1 year ago

        The problem with Araby is that you'd need to kick out de Lyonesse from her current position. It feels like she was put in the game to purposefully invalidate Araby. They should be getting the Cathay treatment, not "oh no, we can't do that, what if it offends Muslims?"

        • 1 year ago

          Muslims like the GLA, they wouldn't care about Flying carpets and what not.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah. Really they only care if you directly insult Mohammad, his relatives, or capital A Allah.

    • 1 year ago

      >Also it's not a nothingburger. They made IE free for people who don't own the two previous games. Thus they made it more accessible for people. This is big.
      So can I access all the factions in IE ?

      • 1 year ago

        If you have the DLCs for them
        You have to own Warhammer 3, and then you can play any faction who you own the DLC for
        What it really means is that if you use CreamAPI you can get everything just by owning Warhammer 3, or if you aren't a pirate you can buy 15 dollar DLC packs instead of 80 dollar games
        And of course if you don't care about playing a particular faction you can just ignore it, since you can always fight against it in game whether you have the DLC or not

      • 1 year ago

        No. You can only access the base game 3 factions + Ogres if you pre-ordered them with the game and got them for free in IE.
        If you want to play as Karl, Thorgrim, Grimgor, Mannlet, any other game 1 faction or race, not to mention game 2 stuff, then you need to own the games and the corresponding DLCs if you want to play as specific DLC factions and races.

        • 1 year ago

          >the games and the corresponding DLCs
          You just need the DLCs
          The base games only get you the base game lords, but if you own a DLC without owning the base game its from you get access to the races from that DLC, the lords and units from that DLC, and any FLC that race ever got
          So if you wanted to play Skaven for example and only had Warhammer 3, you could just buy Prophet and the Warlock to get Ikit plus most of the weapon team units and also any Skaven FLC (Tretch and Skaven Cheiftan heroes)
          It's basically not worth buying game 1 or 2 anymore, because all you get are the base game lords of those games who are all largely shit

          • 1 year ago

            What's the point of having the races unlocked if you cannot play them?
            It's a fricking scam, I don't understand how people legitimately defend this bullshit.

            • 1 year ago

              No dude, you unlock the races of any DLC you have
              You don't need the base games (beyond Warhammer 3) at all
              At this point, Warhammer 1 and 2 are just 8 packs of generic lords

          • 1 year ago

            So wait. It's even more deconcentrated?
            OK, that' even better.

          • 1 year ago

            personally i creamapi'd everything but you can buy shit if you want

  23. 1 year ago

    >hyped for totalwarhammer III
    >heh no way are they going to make it about daemons man, they are fricking moronic and no one likes them
    >cant wait to play kislev, chaos dwarves, and nippon!
    >kislev exists but has ELITE FEMALE WARRIORS
    >game is about fricking CHINKS after just making a CHINK game that bombed
    >CHINKS also have female warriors and kpop dragons

    i just dont understand why a company finds its impossible to understand their own success

    • 1 year ago

      >not RPing as Slannesh and seducing Kislev female warriors

    • 1 year ago

      oh go frick yourself, game has nothing to do with chinks or kislev for that matter
      they just exist as factions in it, cope and seethe

    • 1 year ago

      kislev has 2 warring factions, one is a patriarchy and one is a matriarchy
      you chose the matriarchal one and are now seething

      • 1 year ago

        not true their units have female warriors in them, probably because of ww2 snipers or some shit, they also say comrade all the time which is absurdly moronic.
        new factions are generally shit imo, im just playing bretonia as they are flc

        • 1 year ago

          im glad there isnt a 4th game, because they would definitely go even further than this in it. People who hope for a faithful recreation of 40k - forget about it.

          • 1 year ago

            Shut the frick up secondary

        • 1 year ago

          im glad there isnt a 4th game, because they would definitely go even further than this in it. People who hope for a faithful recreation of 40k - forget about it.

          They have female warriors because Kislevites, like all the Chaos Warriors, Norscans etc. are all 7 foot tall muscular ubermensch descended from Scythian nomads
          An average Kislevite woman is taller, stronger and tougher than an average Empire man
          Also Kislevites only allow women to be ice witches because the original ice witch was female

          The Cathayian female troops on the other hand can only be justified by the fact that the Dragons literally do not give a single shit about their subjects and are perfectly willing to throw their breeding stock into combat against literal monster because humans and other mortals aren't really people to them

          • 1 year ago

            yea yea and they also probably had foreign students and merchants so why dont we make half of them black aswell, or are you racist or something?

            • 1 year ago

              No, there are two faction in Warhammer Fantasy that have blacks in them and neither exists in game.
              The most infamous is of course the Pygmies, who look like something out of Tintin or Asterix and Obelix and have been thoroughly buried by Games Workshop. They were later semi-reborn as Lustrian Halflings, but even that hasn't been acknowledged by GW for a long time. Bloodbowl was the most recent mention that Pygmies got, where apparently they were all eaten by the Amazon team and thus will never appear in game.
              The second faction with blacks in it is Araby. Araby has a mixture of black slaves and free black warriors from the Southlands, whose art appeared prominently in the Blood on the Reik sourcebook. These Southland Warriors were massive blacks, easily the size of Chaos Warriors, who typically wore lion skin cloaks and fought alongside the Arabyian forces as auxiliary troops
              If we do get black people in Total War Warhammer it will almost for sure be as part of an Araby dlc

        • 1 year ago

          im glad there isnt a 4th game, because they would definitely go even further than this in it. People who hope for a faithful recreation of 40k - forget about it.

          i said it before and i will say it again
          keep your mental illness where it belongs, aka Ganker

          • 1 year ago

            i wish they would keep theirs where it belongs too

        • 1 year ago

          they say comrade? oh my god warhammer is using absurd stereotypes to describe cultures? say it aint so

          • 1 year ago

            yea, the culture of soviet union to "describe" russian kingdom, monarchy that soviets hated the most. I doubt theres anything as moronic in the game when it comes to real life cultural references

            • 1 year ago

              the british being orks is not moronic?

              • 1 year ago

                NTA but why are you trying so hard to be a dishonest weasel. It’s really annoying and I would not have a conversation with you.

              • 1 year ago

                eat a dick mate, noone is being dishonest

        • 1 year ago

          im glad there isnt a 4th game, because they would definitely go even further than this in it. People who hope for a faithful recreation of 40k - forget about it.

          only women are allowed to do magic in kislev (GW probably banking off old slavic witch shit) so in this case for an elite magical guard it does make sense in-universe for them to be women.

  24. 1 year ago

    Does W3 even add anything that W2 didn't have? Other than giving you roster for Kislev, that is (couldn't care less, I play various elves and Tomb Kings, sometimes Lizardmen when bored).

    • 1 year ago

      Massive diplomacy improvements, facelifts for a ton of factions, massive IE map, siege rework, 8 player simultaneous turn campaigns, domination mode multiplayer, visual improvements, Daemons, Kislev, Cathay, Ogres, WoC rework, free IE for anyone who owns Warhammer 3

      • 1 year ago

        >siege rework
        That's one way to put it

      • 1 year ago

        >Massive diplomacy improvements
        You mean actual improvements, or 3K-style "improvements" that everyone get jello in their pants about, but was just as borked as any other TW game?
        >rest of the list
        You didn't mention anything of any value or importance

        If you're talking specifically about Elves, TK and Lizardmen, they haven't been completely DLC-level reworked but they've all had pretty large improvements
        For Lizardmen Saurus units no longer rampage, Nakai and Tehen's campaigns have been fixed (Nakai's vassal can't be declared on by AI plus he gets more income from it, Tehen gets new rewards from his sacrifices and there's more skaven around for his missions) and the faction effects of each LL have been improved
        For Dark Elves, their slave economy was reworked to be less OP, they can't send slaves to specific settlements anymore but they get a new diktat mechanic where they can spend slaves on settlements to get 1 of 3 fairly strong bonuses, a bunch of their units were made tougher, murderous prowess was made longer lasting and stronger, Morathi is a psuedo-Slaaneshi faction and Lohkir starts in Cathay
        High Elves have an easier time trading with the trade rework and martial prowess got a bit better, Imrik benefits the most from trade changes because now he can trade with Ulthuan after he confederates Caledor
        For Wood Elves, Orion and Durthu got more stuff to make them unique, Orion gets upkeep reduction for having more wars plus gets more stuff during Wild Hunts and now starts with Wild Hunt active and can teleport turn 1, Durthu gets more powerful spells for having casters in his armies
        Tomb Kings get earlier access to their good units, plus healing was reworked in game 3 which they benefit from. In MP, Tomb Kings are considered S tier now

        Sounds like worth pirating then. I wasn't expecting any dramatic changes in the gameplay loop or factions, since both GW and CA are infamous for their lazyness, but this does sound at least worth checking out.

        • 1 year ago

          Improvements as in having vassals no longer breaks diplomacy and you get more control over ally armies plus you get to recruit allied units
          In Warhammer 1 and 2, factions could declare war directly on your vassals so any agreements you had with those factions didn't matter, they wouldn't see the vassal as a part of your empire they'd just see a small weak faction that they don't have an NAP with. Basically, you'd ALWAYS get declared on by all your allies and neighbors in late game if you had a vassal. It completely and utterly broke any campaigns that depended on vassals, like Warriors of Chaos and especially Nakai for the lizardmen, both of whom were horde factions with much weaker vassals
          Now vassals can't be declared on at all, the overlord must be the target of any war declarations. This makes having vassals be worth it, since they're now basically military allies but better in every way.
          You can also now see exactly what your allies are planning because the game will show you their intended moves for the next few turns, and you can both give them orders which they actually follow now unlike in Warhammer 1 and 2, and you can take direct control of their armies. To prevent this being OP there's now an alliance resource you both passively generate with allies and can also earn through the new allied missions, which you spend to give AI orders etc.
          With certain algorithm changes, AI allies are also less likely to declare on allies of their allies meaning it's way safer to have multiple allies (but it can still happen if the AI REALLY hates them, so don't for example ally both dwarfs and orcs)
          Finally, allying a faction no longer makes it harder to confederate them and it no longer disables their AI bonuses

          TL;DR in previous games diplomacy was something you should completely avoid, it no longer actively penalizes you in 3 and actually has benefits

        • 1 year ago

          >Sounds like worth pirating then.
          Yeah, except it's not cracked yet.

    • 1 year ago

      If you're talking specifically about Elves, TK and Lizardmen, they haven't been completely DLC-level reworked but they've all had pretty large improvements
      For Lizardmen Saurus units no longer rampage, Nakai and Tehen's campaigns have been fixed (Nakai's vassal can't be declared on by AI plus he gets more income from it, Tehen gets new rewards from his sacrifices and there's more skaven around for his missions) and the faction effects of each LL have been improved
      For Dark Elves, their slave economy was reworked to be less OP, they can't send slaves to specific settlements anymore but they get a new diktat mechanic where they can spend slaves on settlements to get 1 of 3 fairly strong bonuses, a bunch of their units were made tougher, murderous prowess was made longer lasting and stronger, Morathi is a psuedo-Slaaneshi faction and Lohkir starts in Cathay
      High Elves have an easier time trading with the trade rework and martial prowess got a bit better, Imrik benefits the most from trade changes because now he can trade with Ulthuan after he confederates Caledor
      For Wood Elves, Orion and Durthu got more stuff to make them unique, Orion gets upkeep reduction for having more wars plus gets more stuff during Wild Hunts and now starts with Wild Hunt active and can teleport turn 1, Durthu gets more powerful spells for having casters in his armies
      Tomb Kings get earlier access to their good units, plus healing was reworked in game 3 which they benefit from. In MP, Tomb Kings are considered S tier now

  25. 1 year ago

    No chaos dwarf no buy. Has been my policy. Frick you. Give me those dwarfs

  26. 1 year ago

    >1 year later
    >still no chorfs
    what went wrong?

  27. 1 year ago

    They killed their franchise for a kid's game. How funny.

  28. 1 year ago

    im actually enjoying it. They did many qol changes, especially the diplomacy. Now you can become filthy rich just striking non aggression and alliance pacts without the need to guess how much money they could give as well. Trade pacts limit im not sure about tho.

  29. 1 year ago

    What's the most vanilla faction in the base game?

    • 1 year ago

      Vanilla for what?

    • 1 year ago

      empire, high elves or cathay

      • 1 year ago

        No Cathay is really defensive and positioning heavy

        • 1 year ago

          it's the closest thing to it in 3 if you don't own the previous games

    • 1 year ago

      Empire > Bretonnia > High Elves > Kislev > Cathay > Tomb Kings

      • 1 year ago

        dude that's like saying parthia in rome 1 was vanilla or something
        that shit is pure cavalry and micro heavy, it's also pure suffering to play

        • 1 year ago

          It's the thing Med 2 players would be easily the most familiar with and in MP it's mostly peasant infantry

          • 1 year ago

            There's huge dufference between medieval, rome and wh cavalry.
            Did you even play more than one of those titles?

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah, but all differences can be easily modded out

              • 1 year ago

                Well, i get lost.

              • 1 year ago

                "Most vanilla" means what's the normalest faction to play, it doesn't have anything to do with being modded or not

              • 1 year ago

                >means what's the normalest faction to play
                I still can't get.
                What is "normalest"?
                HE with their reliable front- and back-lines is perfectly normal for TW gameplay.
                On top there's doom- and meme- stacks, which also perfectly normal for TW gameplay.
                So, why Empire and Brets, who have some problems with top-tier frontline, is more "normalest" than HE?

  30. 1 year ago

    Is Warhammer 3 still a buggy piece of shit?

    • 1 year ago

      not really, i haven't run into any bugs playing IE

  31. 1 year ago

    Is there any reason to get this if I already have TW1&2? Do the diplomacy changes really impact the game THAT much?

    • 1 year ago

      New map, new factions, and yes the diplomacy changes are massive in that they make it actually worth pursuing now

  32. 1 year ago

    Whats with the random crashes in this game? I just won a battle and it crashed while being in the loading screen and now i have to fight this shit again

    • 1 year ago


  33. 1 year ago

    Your chaos dwarfs

    • 1 year ago

      Frick off homosexual

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