>New Xbox?

>New Xbox? Pretty unlikely, Microsoft is going third party and trying to put everything on PC, maybe it'll be a streaming tablet but not a console, they just can't make it work
>New PlayStation? Maybe, but Sony isn't doing well, they have a profit margin of 3% for their games, and interest in their subscription service is really falling off, they've been putting everything on PC too
>New Switch? Oh definitely it'll come out early next year, seems like they're just trying to set the record for best selling console ever first
How the frick did Nintendo not only survive but excel at a time when the gaming console seems like a dead business ambition

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  1. 2 months ago

    Nintendo has a cult paypig fanbase that will defend it forever.

    • 2 months ago

      Wii U

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah like the Wii U that sold billion.
        Cope and seethe snoy- movies are not games.

        The GameCube bombed
        The Wii U bombed
        An uncountable number of Nintendo IPs died and never came back
        Every platform has its cult fan base but none are enough to keep the platform alive, they all die without wide appeal

        Frick off tendies

        • 2 months ago

          Eric you lost and got raped.

          Wii U only failed because tendies thought it was an add-on to the Wii.

          If they believed it then they were not "tendie" but normal people. Eric you lost and got raped.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah like the Wii U that sold billion.
        Cope and seethe snoy- movies are not games.

        The GameCube bombed
        The Wii U bombed
        An uncountable number of Nintendo IPs died and never came back
        Every platform has its cult fan base but none are enough to keep the platform alive, they all die without wide appeal

        Wii U only failed because tendies thought it was an add-on to the Wii.

      • 2 months ago

        Yeah like the Wii U that sold billion.
        Cope and seethe snoy- movies are not games.

        The GameCube bombed
        The Wii U bombed
        An uncountable number of Nintendo IPs died and never came back
        Every platform has its cult fan base but none are enough to keep the platform alive, they all die without wide appeal

        Are we memoryholing the fact that everyone thought it was a Wii add on?

        • 2 months ago

          150 million people are either a cult paypig of Nintendo or they h ave no idea what a Nintendo is, you can't have it both ways moron.

    • 2 months ago

      Yeah like the Wii U that sold billion.
      Cope and seethe snoy- movies are not games.

    • 2 months ago

      The GameCube bombed
      The Wii U bombed
      An uncountable number of Nintendo IPs died and never came back
      Every platform has its cult fan base but none are enough to keep the platform alive, they all die without wide appeal

      • 2 months ago

        And don't forget 3DS was bombing really hard too.

        • 2 months ago

          Shit I forgot about that
          It was a really moronic decision to release a console without a launch title and one that some people didn't learn from

          Wii U only failed because tendies thought it was an add-on to the Wii.

          Are we memoryholing the fact that everyone thought it was a Wii add on?

          "Wii U bombed because of the name" is the single biggest lie in the history of gaming. If it were called "The Nintendo MiniScreen" it still would have been a massivebomb. It was still a home console that could only play Nintendo games and absolutely nothing else, and it didn't have the "fitness lifestyle" selling point of the Wii to carry it.
          The Wii would have bombed without the brilliant fitness marketing campaign, just as the Wii U did. And the later year sales of the Wii reflect this reality.

          • 2 months ago

            I really want a "Lion King was not a Kimba ripoff" level expose on the absolute lie that the Wii U killed the Wii, the only people who are saying it are people who are, to this day, coping that Nintendo fricked literally every single decision up with that console, the name wouldn't even make a top five for the problems with the Wii U.
            By the time the Wii U had came out, people who played video games had realized it was a bad idea to buy a Nintendo system. Changing the name wouldn't fix that.

            • 2 months ago

              For the longest time i was at a bit of a loss as to what Nintendo's first party developers were even doing at that time because the Wii dried up and pretty much everything I remembered the DS for was a third party offering, then I recently checked the list of bestselling DS games and holy shit was it Nintendo-heavy. Really caught me off guard.

      • 2 months ago

        This person spoke the truth but he was ignored in favor of more console war shitposting.

    • 2 months ago

      Don't you get tired projecting?

    • 2 months ago

      Why do you fricking console warrior c**ts still exist?
      Grow up

  2. 2 months ago

    >How the frick did Nintendo not only survive but excel at a time when the gaming console seems like a dead business ambition

    • 2 months ago

      Nintendo switch has games, simple as.

      Such as?
      >nintendo first party suck balls for at least a decade by now
      >second party take forever to chum anything out and results are mostly shit, entirely shit in gamefreak case
      >third party consists of rogue timed exclusivity deals like smt5, indies straight out of steam and shitton of moon only vns

      • 2 months ago

        >such as?
        >no no no those don't count
        >everyone is just wrong, critics, people, all that fun is just artificial because they suck balls lmao
        I think the actual reason is that the other 2 are actually worse, you're not competing with the mental standards of nerds, just with snoy and microshit.

      • 2 months ago

        >it doesn’t count!!!

    • 2 months ago

      They made and sold videogames

      Nintendo switch has games, simple as.

      Exclusives, fairly stable software output, affordability and being less pozzed than the competition, also having actual content for kids, content which neither Xbox nor Sony have because they’re obsessed with realism and maturity

      >How the frick did Nintendo not only survive but excel at a time when the gaming console seems like a dead business ambition
      Exclusive video games. Not their fault that the other two are run by complete morons who don't understand the industry. Nintendo will dominate next gen even harder.


    • 2 months ago

      The things is in reality, the switch library is pretty abysmal too. It's just that its competition literally has no games, whereas the switch has like 5.

  3. 2 months ago

    They made and sold videogames

    • 2 months ago

      If by games, you mean 10 year old ports, then sure.

      • 2 months ago

        150 million people are either a cult paypig of Nintendo or they h ave no idea what a Nintendo is, you can't have it both ways moron.

        Such as?
        >nintendo first party suck balls for at least a decade by now
        >second party take forever to chum anything out and results are mostly shit, entirely shit in gamefreak case
        >third party consists of rogue timed exclusivity deals like smt5, indies straight out of steam and shitton of moon only vns

        This person spoke the truth but he was ignored in favor of more console war shitposting.

        At least put some effort? Or maybe don't seethe that much?

        • 2 months ago

          >le enlightened centrist

    • 2 months ago

      This. It took Nintendo multiple generations of failure making shit games before figuring out what worked for the switch. Good games.

  4. 2 months ago

    >New Xbox? Pretty unlikely
    Microsoft announced/began teasing the next xbox two months ago.

    To answer the Nintendo question, they're just doing their own thing, which is why they are outside the traditional console cycle.

  5. 2 months ago

    Exclusives, fairly stable software output, affordability and being less pozzed than the competition, also having actual content for kids, content which neither Xbox nor Sony have because they’re obsessed with realism and maturity

  6. 2 months ago

    >How the frick did Nintendo not only survive but excel at a time when the gaming console seems like a dead business ambition
    Exclusive video games. Not their fault that the other two are run by complete morons who don't understand the industry. Nintendo will dominate next gen even harder.

    • 2 months ago

      >Nintendo will dominate next gen even harder.
      With even better and cheaper handheld PCs like the Steam Deck coming out, I sincerely doubt it. Especially considering that portables are the only trick nintendo have up their sleeve.

      • 2 months ago

        >thinks portable pcs make any difference

        • 2 months ago

          Why wouldn't they? They just need to make them a bit more compact and lighter and they will have the switch beat in every aspect.

          • 2 months ago

            >they will have the switch beat in every aspect.
            except what matters most, having video games
            nintendo's next console could be less powerful than the switch, it will have games, so it will dominate.

      • 2 months ago

        >portables are the only trick nintendo have up their sleeve.
        Their trick is having actual EXCLUSIVE software.

        • 2 months ago

          Nintendo can't even make a proper fzero and metroid sequels. But i am sure it won't stop morons from buying millions of switch 2 to play yet another mario game that will still be inferior to rayman legends, gamefreak lazily thrown together pokemon and open world slop zelds.

          • 2 months ago

            They can make exclusive games, which is something the other two morons seemingly forgot about.

            • 2 months ago

              Exclusivity isn't even the whole thing though, Nintendo software has a much lower resale rate, and it's able to keep sales up years later without discounts, it's also about the consistency of releases, you can be guaranteed that Nintendo will have 10+ exclusives in a year, but there's one other thing everyone misses, Nintendo makes games in genres that everyone else has decided are long dead, doesn't matter that Mario Odyssey sold well past 20 million units, nobody else wants to make 3d platformers because the genre is dead.

              • 2 months ago

                Honestly this is why Nintendo sales are so impressive. You got to try pretty hard to find them at a bargain which pretty much means all the sales are at full price where as their competitors cut their prices less than a year in on some occasions. At this point I can’t imagine paying full price for a PS game since in a few months you can probably get it for half off.

            • 2 months ago

              >exclusivity is good
              >egs tries to do exclusivity
              >gets shat on
              Threadly reminder that it is okay when nintendo does it.

              • 2 months ago

                Steamdrones shit on Epic, not me.
                Then again, they're just stores at the end of the day, not platforms. Not sure why they seethe so much.

              • 2 months ago

                Nintendo exclusives are things they make themselves. The closest to to a money hat they did this gen was SMT V. EGS just pays to not have games on other services

              • 2 months ago

                That was a pretty big moneyhat, simultaneous worldwide was just unheard of for even Atlus at the time.

              • 2 months ago

                >exclusivity is good

                >it is okay when nintendo does it.
                it would also be ok if nu-sony or microsoft did it, but they're too incompetent
                not the same, their "exclusives" are not pc exclusive, you simply cant buy the game on other stores (>pc >buy lmao)

              • 2 months ago

                How the frick having something on different store is different from having something on different console?

              • 2 months ago

                Because the platform is PC, it's on PC. Who cares if you can only buy it on EGS or Steam.
                That has nothing to do with first party games being exclusive to a console.

              • 2 months ago

                Egs, steam, GOG, uplay, origin, all of these are on windows PC. Meanwhile all three console platforms have use different OS, API and for the switch, a completely different architecture. That's not even remotely the same.

              • 2 months ago

                Because it cost you nothing but time to have access to these stores while it cost you time and money to have a new console.

          • 2 months ago

            homie did you forget about Metroid Dread
            >nooo it doesn’t count it needs to be specifically tailored to my autistic demands!

      • 2 months ago

        You mean the Deck that has the same battery life as a release day Switch from 2017 where newer models have more than 3 times the battery life?

        When will people finally learn that battery life is a major, MAJOR factor for handhelds, as important as raw power?

        • 2 months ago

          The deck is just a first gen brick, obviously it's inferior to the switch in many aspects. They will only get better in time.

          >they will have the switch beat in every aspect.
          except what matters most, having video games
          nintendo's next console could be less powerful than the switch, it will have games, so it will dominate.

          With a handheld PC you have access to the largest exclusive games library in history. No first party dev will be able to compete with that. A good handheld PC with a form factor and better life similar to the switch will instantly make it obsolete.

      • 2 months ago

        I'm sure Nintendo is shaking from all of those 2 million decks sold and the dozen sold from the other brands.

      • 2 months ago

        Basically, why get a Switch 2 when you can get a Steam Deck for around the same price but it's much more powerful and has a larger library of games. Nintendo are walking into a fight they've already lost.

        • 2 months ago

          The same can be said for the Switch and Steam Deck years ago, yet the Switch still sold itself into the second best selling console. Why didn't sales stagnate if the existence of a portable PC is "sure" to kill a portable Nintendo console's momentum?

          • 2 months ago

            Because the Steam Deck released too late. The switch has momentum and word of mouth from 2017.

          • 2 months ago

            The sales comparison doesn't really make sense here. The Deck not only released much later, but was never properly marketed, never sold in retail and in typical valve fashion, they failed to meet demand in its first years. Bot none of that really matters.
            What's important is that Valve has created the core infrastructure for this tech, moistly by making linux a viable platform for gaming.
            The genie is out of the bottle and other companies have already started doing it. By the time switch 2 comes out, it will be too late.

            • 2 months ago

              Except they'll be competing with each other, not the Switch 2. It's a different market and Valve knew this.

            • 2 months ago

              For this to work the competition has to be the and more importantly be known. Most normal people aka Switches main audience have no idea these alternatives exist and they have what a year at the most to change that. Power doesn’t matter for most people in comparison to to branding and convenience. Nintendo’s brand is the strongest it has probably ever been and since the console is weaker then its competitors they can crank out games much quicker. As long as they don’t make it too expensive and bulky the convenience factor will stick around too.

        • 2 months ago

          And yet the Deck still failed to so much as even dent the Switch's momentum the average person has no interest in the Deck and hard core PC players have no need for it if they have laptops that surpass it in ever way.

      • 2 months ago

        I like the Steam Deck but it's a niche piece of hardware. You're not going to see kids getting one for Christmas.
        It's like wondering why people use iPhones when Graphene OS exists.

  7. 2 months ago

    >Xbox literally confirmed that they are making a new xbox
    >Sony has PS5 Pro and PS6 in the making

    • 2 months ago

      PS5 Pro's going to be a gigantic flop though since there's no games for it.

      • 2 months ago

        GTAgays are going to eat it up, specially because Microsoft has no plans for Pro console.

        • 2 months ago

          GTAgays are normalgays, and they're not paying $700+ for a console. It'll flop HARD.

          • 2 months ago

            >not being paypiggies
            Pick one.

            • 2 months ago

              They'd buy GTA VI even if it was $150, but they're not spending that kind of money on the console.

              • 2 months ago

                >They'd buy GTA VI even if it was $150, but they're not spending that kind of money on the console.
                >literally have the most expensive SHITphone that goes over 1000 dollars
                Kek. You understimate them.

              • 2 months ago

                The Insomniac leaks showed less than 15 million people bought a PS4 Pro. It only sells to hardcore snoys, not normalgays.

              • 2 months ago

                >It only sells to hardcore snoys
                Which no longer exist, due to Sony destroying the PlayStation brand by cucking everything out to PC. I legit don't know who will buy that pos.

              • 2 months ago

                >PS4 pro
                >didn't have a GTA release
                >Xbox also released a pro console
                Microsoft has no plans for a pro console this gen and normalgays will eat it up to play GTA.

              • 2 months ago

                GTA won't move the needle. The audience is limited for a pro console unless the base console isn't good in the first place like what happened the Xbone and the One X where the One X did do over 30% of overall Xbone sales and even then Microsoft doesn't see a reason to do a Series X Pro. Both current consoles are "Good enough" and a Pro doesn't make sense outside of bilking fanboys again since normalgays will see a $599 Pro console and say "lol no". Microsoft's just outright skipping a pro and going next generation in 2026. There's that little market for a Pro

              • 2 months ago

                Microsoft's big frick up this cycle, among other frick ups, was that the series s wasn't portable. Next iteration of xbox is rumored to possibly have a portable version. Will it take from nintendo's marketshare? Probably not. But it'll likely be more technically advance than the switch 2's rumored tech.

                Gta will save sony is the latest cope.

              • 2 months ago

                Their big frick up is having no games. And now they want to nuke their brand by releasing the few they had on competitor platforms. It's over for Xbox, the console platform. Imagine buying the biggest publisher in the industry and doing NOTHING to try and compete.

              • 2 months ago

                The big frick up is being Microsoft, they have a shitload of games, they had a shitload of games already coming for Xbox Series, but every single one of them shat the bed, as is the standard for Xbox.

              • 2 months ago

                >already coming for Xbox Series*
                *And PlayStation? You never know now with these bozos running the company. It's dead, for real this time. Xbox will simply be another EA.

              • 2 months ago

                I also find it funny how Phil said good game don't move players, but now 90% of Diablo 4 players are playing on an Xbox. It is officially an Xbox title now.

              • 2 months ago

                Because Phil is a moron.I play on PS5 and even I know that Phil is full of bullshit. They literally have infinite money and some of the most recognizable IPs in gaming.

              • 2 months ago

                If only they had the balls to make the next one exclusive. But no, at the rate he's destroying the Xbox brand, Xbox will be just a publisher by the time V comes out.

              • 2 months ago

                Because Phil is a moron.I play on PS5 and even I know that Phil is full of bullshit. They literally have infinite money and some of the most recognizable IPs in gaming.

                seriously, these gays had everything to dominate the industry alongside nintendo moving forward

              • 2 months ago

                Western devs don’t know how to budget which is why games can’t be exclusive anymore. Spider-Man 2 cost like over 300 million and I don’t even know if that includes marketing. Compare that to BoTW which needed like 2 million units to make a profit, given it outsold the Switch for a while it wouldn’t surprise me

              • 2 months ago

                (Cont) If it broke even on the people who brought it without a switch.

              • 2 months ago

                Series S being portable would have made it around the power of a PS4, third parties already now don't want to support the actual Series S, even though they have the data that shows that it's the overwhelming majority of the Xbox userbase, do you think any of them would support a device with a gap so large? and if Microsoft thinks they can muscle in on Switch territory they are even dumber than previously though, Nintendo could very easily tell third parties that they can either put their games on the Xbox portable or the Switch 2, and third parties would have to get big handouts from Xbox to choose their portable over the Switch 2, but worse yet that would just further Nintendo's dominance, third party games are already long forgotten on Nintendo hardware, another gen and it would be as if they never existed.

          • 2 months ago

            This. PS4 Pro didn't move the needle when Red Dead 2 came out. PS5 Pro won't move the needle with GTA VI.

            • 2 months ago

              >Red Dead
              Red Dead sold like shit compared to GTA 5. GTA is the normalgay game.

  8. 2 months ago

    I'm pretty sure either this or at most the next gen will be the last for non-handheld consoles in general. And good riddance.

  9. 2 months ago

    >Nintendo not only survive but excel at a time when the gaming console seems like a dead business ambition
    It didn't, Nintendo home consoles have died. Nobody noticed that there will never be a new Nintendo home console again. Only portable "hybrids" from now on

  10. 2 months ago

    You have good games with bad stories, but a good story won't save your bad game.

  11. 2 months ago

    New Xbox will be hybrid mini PCs where you can access Windows store, itchio, epic and steam

    PlayStation 6 will be just a modular console

    • 2 months ago

      Xbox already has said they will not stop making consoles. Sarah Bond herself explicitly said that they are going to focus more on Xbox consoles and create more reasons for purchasing one.

      Unlikely. Console-only features exist because of there being only one store. For example, quick resume would not work with more storefronts.

      Series S being portable would have made it around the power of a PS4, third parties already now don't want to support the actual Series S, even though they have the data that shows that it's the overwhelming majority of the Xbox userbase, do you think any of them would support a device with a gap so large? and if Microsoft thinks they can muscle in on Switch territory they are even dumber than previously though, Nintendo could very easily tell third parties that they can either put their games on the Xbox portable or the Switch 2, and third parties would have to get big handouts from Xbox to choose their portable over the Switch 2, but worse yet that would just further Nintendo's dominance, third party games are already long forgotten on Nintendo hardware, another gen and it would be as if they never existed.

      Yea, 75% of Xbox userbase is on an S console.

  12. 2 months ago

    Nintendo is the only company making games

  13. 2 months ago

    Continued investment into themselves and (most of) their IPs effectively insulating them from any troubles with third parties. Never bought into the hype over graphics so their shit is relatively quick and easy to produce. Never got distracted with wanting to be a multimedia centre instead of purely a game console.

  14. 2 months ago

    oh look another tendie cultist thread, trannies are done with the dilate session

  15. 2 months ago

    Nintendo switch solves the problem of having some games on portable with you saves and exclusives on that and wanting to play games on the TV. It actually solves a long running problem. How many of you had portables with exclusives and you ended up at home on the couch playing on a tiny portable in front of a nice TV? I did.

    PlayStation and Xbox are just walled garden PCs at this point. Playing games on a TV has much better answers than buying a dedicated console now with things like steam big picture.

    PS and Xbox have been the same thing since the first version, just incrementally better with each version.

    The major selling point was always better graphics but it's not with it anymore and a lot of indy and AA games don't have graphics that that advantage of better hardware.

    • 2 months ago

      >Nintendo switch solves the problem of having some games on portable with you saves and exclusives on that and wanting to play games on the TV
      It's truly amazing, and Switch 2 will finally give it the power needed for developers to waste resources rendering some obscure shit, leaving you with 30fps sub 720p Xenoblade again. but I digress, just having the option is amazing, now it's all consolidated in one place, it's truly the future of consoles, and with the rate that ray tracing is evolving, by the time Switch 3's hardware is available you will be able to do full path tracing on games.

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