New xenoblade 3 info
Colonies seem to be ranked from the Castle, the center of the nation. The lowest rank is called "Clod", the highest rank is "Golden", and the next rank is "Silver"!
There are two ways to connect Arts combos. One is "Break" to break the enemy, "Down" to make the enemy fall, "Stun" to stun the enemy, "Burst" to deliver a powerful blow, and so on! If the burst is connected, the enemy in a state of rage will be calmed down and an item will be dropped!
I will also introduce another way to connect combos. The "break" that destroys the enemy and the "down" that causes the enemy to roll are the same, but after that, the "rising" that launches the enemy and the "smash" that slams the enemy do a lot of damage. I want you to find your favorite combo, smash and burst!
The two combo routes can be directed by a strategy. You can choose between a "smash combo," which emphasizes damage, or a "burst combo," which emphasizes additional effects, and your friends will decide on their arts at the right time. It's a great feeling to work with your friends!

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  1. 2 years ago

    Japanese """""""humour"""""""

  2. 2 years ago

    I wonder how long the intro will be before the two teams meet each other.

    • 2 years ago

      I imagine about as long as 1's intro was. It will probably be a quick tutorial on battle basics with the three Keves people before they get selected for the special mission and sent off away from Colony 9. The Colony will then move to the Yrza Plains, leaving the group behind. We know that Colony Gamma is in the area we meet Vandham, so it probably doesn't take long to get some tutorial battles, moving to playing as the Ourorboros in a small 'boss' fight against D just to preview that and then we get the whole group from then going forwards. 30 minutes at most, I would say. Fastest that a game would take to get to the real stuff, but all the other unlocks will happen over the course of the game.

      • 2 years ago

        It seems like we should get some scenes from the Agnus team's pov beforehand

        • 2 years ago

          I think they might do that right before the two teams collide, but I don't think we will get to properly play with the Agnus side until after they all come together.

  3. 2 years ago

    Is there a translation for what they're saying in this video?

    • 2 years ago

      It think this is the translation:
      Noah looks down
      Lanz: What is it?
      Noah: Where are we on the scale...?
      Eunie: Are you talking about colony rank? Right now we're clay, but we're going to make it to steel, isn't that right?
      Noah: No, wait, let me...
      Riku: That? No matter how you look at it, they deployed a silver class, meh.
      Noah: Silver?! Why would they send that here?
      Lanz: Seriously, what's wrong? Let's be grateful for the backup.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Actual way to take enrage off enemies now
    Oh that's cool. I always found it interesting how Shulk's Monado Purge in XC2 was the only way to de-enrage an enemy and wondered if they'd fiddle around with the concept more.

  5. 2 years ago

    These tent villages and mech are really shit, I wanted more towns, seeing Fonsa Myma for the first time in Xenoblade 2 was great, I wanted more of that, an even larger town with more windy main streets and twisting back alleys, with small details like an open marketplace or a theatre, but now all we get are these mechs with a few tents, like nobody actually lives on the surface of the planet.

    Does anyone else find it funny that Eunies outfit just has a hole for her breasts to pop out of, like if she didn't have anything underneath the jacket her breasts would just be out.

    • 2 years ago

      We know that the two nations have a capital and The Lost Numbers have their own city as well. I'm expecting more than just the colony settlements, it's just going to be the most prominent thing.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't know man, X had just NLA and the shitty modular settlements, and this game is looking to be focusing on having just a giant world, even though it still looks really tiny.

        • 2 years ago

          Cammuravi's mecha gets an upgrade

  6. 2 years ago

    >the game stinks
    >there's a Black person
    Oh, that's why

  7. 2 years ago

    >it doesn't NEED to not be censored
    >it doesn't NEED to not be woke
    >it doesn't NEED to have a good localization
    >it doesn't NEED to feature attractive characters
    >it doesn't NEED to have minimal tutorials
    >it doesn't NEED to have an easy to understand battle system
    >it doesn't NEED to get rid of field skills
    >it doesn't NEED to have unique upgrade mechanics
    >it doesn't NEED to have good voice acting
    >it doesn't NEED to have towns
    *****YOU ARE HERE*****
    >it doesn't NEED to have good side quests
    >it doesn't NEED to have a good story
    >it doesn't NEED to be a good game
    >it doesn't NEED to sell well

    • 2 years ago

      >"Okay there are sexualized designs BUT THEY DON'T COUNT IF THEY'RE NOT HUMAN"
      >"Okay so there are sexualized human designs BUT THERE AREN'T ALTERNATE OUTFITS"
      >"Okay there are alternate outfits BUT NONE OF THEM WILL BE SEXY!"
      >"Okay the game already on pace to have more pre-orders than 2 BUT IT STILL WON'T SELL AS WELL!"
      >"Okay so there are sexy alternate outfits BUT THE GAME WAS STILL CENSORED IN THE DESIGN PHASE!"
      >"Okay the game wasn't censored in the design phase BUT UNCENSORED PYRA AND MYTHRA WON'T BE DLC!"
      >"Okay Pyra and Mythra are uncensored and DLC BUT IT WON'T SELL AS WELL AS 2!"
      >"Okay it's the best selling game in the series bu- ACK!

      A clash of titans

  8. 2 years ago

    >"Okay there are sexualized designs BUT THEY DON'T COUNT IF THEY'RE NOT HUMAN"
    >"Okay so there are sexualized human designs BUT THERE AREN'T ALTERNATE OUTFITS"
    >"Okay there are alternate outfits BUT NONE OF THEM WILL BE SEXY!"
    >"Okay the game already on pace to have more pre-orders than 2 BUT IT STILL WON'T SELL AS WELL!"
    >"Okay so there are sexy alternate outfits BUT THE GAME WAS STILL CENSORED IN THE DESIGN PHASE!"
    >"Okay the game wasn't censored in the design phase BUT UNCENSORED PYRA AND MYTHRA WON'T BE DLC!"
    >"Okay Pyra and Mythra are uncensored and DLC BUT IT WON'T SELL AS WELL AS 2!"
    >"Okay it's the best selling game in the series bu- ACK!

  9. 2 years ago

    Current on chapter 3 in Xenoblade 2
    Need some tips with gacha
    I can save scumming DLC gifts

    • 2 years ago

      don't bother with grinding gacha until post-game
      don't give too many blades to rex later on he gets an ability to use anyone else's blades.

    • 2 years ago

      don't bother with grinding gacha until post-game
      don't give too many blades to rex later on he gets an ability to use anyone else's blades.


      • 2 years ago

        The one you feed it or some rare monsters you kill on the way?

        • 2 years ago

          The one you feed to get bigger for the questline, it becomes the easiest superboss to grind for cores later.

          • 2 years ago

            btw What kind of Blades I should gave Nia? Healer type?

            • 2 years ago

              healers on nia
              attack on zeke
              defense on morag

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