Next Minecraft Update

If you had the power to decide the next Minecraft update, what would you add/change about Minecraft?

No limitations.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Aether, just fricking get it over with.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick Jeb for replacing Aether with the End as well.

  2. 7 months ago

    Another useless mob or block

  3. 7 months ago

    I would literally take Terraria and make it 3D.

    • 7 months ago

      uh oh

    • 7 months ago

      Can someone post that screencap of a turboautist running 30+ instances of Terraria in the background for his extremely in-depth village LARP?

  4. 7 months ago

    For me, deep skin mechanics - scabs, zits, sunburn etc.
    Status conditions would appear when getting hurt, eating greasy food, or being in the sun for too long, but can be remedied by moisturiser that you can craft using honey combs and milk.

    Similarly, lit dryness is added like a meter next to your hunger meter and it drains when you don't drink for too long(faster if in a desert.)
    You can restore lip moisture with lip balm crafter with a slime ball and honey + iron.
    Lip drynees wouldn't matter too much, but if you eat with an empty meter, you would take damage (perhaps using text chat also to simulate talking).

    • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        My exact reaction to reading that

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      i'm so glad autistic Black folk like you don't reproduce

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      a-anon...hate to break it to you but...
      you should probably have a nice day

    • 7 months ago

      in minecraft

    • 7 months ago

      >least autistic minecraft player

    • 7 months ago

      Please come up with some more ideas and post them here. I want to read more of this.

      • 7 months ago

        For me, deep skin mechanics - scabs, zits, sunburn etc.
        Status conditions would appear when getting hurt, eating greasy food, or being in the sun for too long, but can be remedied by moisturiser that you can craft using honey combs and milk.

        Similarly, lit dryness is added like a meter next to your hunger meter and it drains when you don't drink for too long(faster if in a desert.)
        You can restore lip moisture with lip balm crafter with a slime ball and honey + iron.
        Lip drynees wouldn't matter too much, but if you eat with an empty meter, you would take damage (perhaps using text chat also to simulate talking).

        How long until some footgay will write a fivethousand character long journal about his disgusting fetish as a Minecraft feature.

        • 7 months ago

          >How long until some footgay will write a fivethousand character long journal about his disgusting fetish as a Minecraft feature.
          There is a chubbie fetish romhack of Earthbound called Girthbound.

          • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Japanese version of Girthbound should be called YO Mother.

    • 7 months ago

      Anon, what the frick?

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Better than the dripfeed bullshit Mojang puts out.

      • 7 months ago

        prease understand
        small multibillion dollar company

    • 7 months ago

      this is kino in all honesty but I know it's probably some weird sex thing for you

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      We're so fricking blessed by being in this thread right now.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Find god.

    • 7 months ago

      This seems kinda cool. All the mass-replying seems forced as usual. That or Gankereddit is so unintelligent that a slightly longer post wows and shocks them. This could be much much longer.

      • 7 months ago

        It could work for a realistic modpack but I honestly don't know any modpack that focuses on realism. I don't like RLcraft

    • 7 months ago

      Is this samegayging? It isn't even that bad. God I hate nu-/v/.
      >postin in ebin bread XDD

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      holy shit anon, your descriptiveness make me chug half a bottle of water, thanks!

    • 7 months ago

      This seems kinda cool. All the mass-replying seems forced as usual. That or Gankereddit is so unintelligent that a slightly longer post wows and shocks them. This could be much much longer.

      probably bait but

      give ONE (1) reason why the player would care about problems that are entirely cosmetic and have convoluted remedies in a FIRST PERSON GAME WHERE YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR SKIN ON COMMAND

      even the worst thing that can happen to you ingame, death, barely means anything unless you're playing on hardcore

    • 7 months ago

      okay anyone else have any suggestions?

    • 7 months ago

      This is so moronic and specific I want to see it done
      Put me in the screencap

    • 7 months ago

      ugh this reminded me of my love for greasy girls. damnit.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >Here how Ganker is homosexual troony autist heaven and how I should never visit
      >See a nice minecraft thread on the frontpage
      >Decide to visit Ganker for the first time
      >first post is fine
      >second post is fine
      >third post is fine
      >fourth post
      Goodbye, I'm going back to Ganker and Ganker

    • 7 months ago

      Okay that one caught me off guard. Good laugh for the day, thanks anon

    • 7 months ago

      actual kino

  5. 7 months ago

    I would fix water, make lighting movable and add some actual tech instead of magic

    • 7 months ago

      >fix water

      • 7 months ago

        He's probably going to say something moronic like make water source blocks not infinite when flowing down hills.

        • 7 months ago

          idk I like minecraft water physics. It's a creative solution for not requiring a super-computer to do fluid simulations.

          • 7 months ago

            I don't know if you remember, but in the very earliest versions of minecraft, you couldnt place water blocks in any way. The reason was because they would spread out infinitely both horizontally and downwards. That means you could flood the entire world just by placing a block at the highest level. It was actually kinda funny. The current way it works is a fine alternative.

  6. 7 months ago

    Delete all bloat, I.E stuff like pandas which are useless and do nothing.

    Dynamic weather(Weather is local and now on a noisemap) and Seasons

    • 7 months ago

      too many types of stones, too many useless ores, too many useless mobs, too many useless craftables. just serve to bloat the world and bloat my chests

      • 7 months ago

        Delete all bloat, I.E stuff like pandas which are useless and do nothing.

        Dynamic weather(Weather is local and now on a noisemap) and Seasons

        they're never going to remove any features. It would wind up breaking almost every map made after those things were added.
        >but fans have been able to mod that stuff out easily homosexual
        yeah and it's been over ten years since we've realized that fans can mod the game much more efficiently than the actual company

  7. 7 months ago

    Volcanoes feel long overdue.

    • 7 months ago

      I'd love an in-depth volcano update. Active volcanoes, dead volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, lava tubes, caldera lakes, etc..

  8. 7 months ago

    water physics are dogshit and should have been fixed a decade ago.

  9. 7 months ago

    Add more ore tiers or more ore in general. I want more of the mining in Minecraft. Pic unrelated.

    • 7 months ago

      Cubic chunks would be cool in making the world much deeper. Metallurgy that allows bronze and steel would be cool as well

  10. 7 months ago

    remove hunger

  11. 7 months ago

    I would make hunger even more obnoxious by adding nutrition values. These values would affect everything you do in the game. I would make the crops take a VERY long to grow. Animals would also age properly even dying of old age, the older the animal the less food. Food would also spoil unless you preserve it with salt. Salt would only be obtainable from the end in limited quantities.
    Why? Because frick you that's why, anti hunger gays seething

    • 7 months ago

      "anti hunger gays" hate how boring and simple it is, and how it's just a pointless restriction as a result.
      your changes would make them (me) plenty happy.

    • 7 months ago

      >moron thinks people don't like hunger WHATSOEVER rather than simply disliking the lazily implemented garbage we currently have
      you read the room wrong

    • 7 months ago

      Add all the autism sub systems that would be needed to run a parsed Dwarf Fortress map, including ALL types of stone, soil, aquifer, volcanoes, temperature, seasons, actual fluid mechanics, cave-ins, etc.
      Add the ability to parse a DF map.
      Add the ability to connect to DF adventurer mode live

      Just play Vintage Story if you get pleasure from wasting your time

    • 7 months ago

      >salt would only be obtainable from the end in small quantities
      this is moronic, but it is in the vein of their game design philosophy.
      They would make it so you could only get salt via a randomly generated passive animal in the wild. A rare one that only spawns in the jungle biome.

    • 7 months ago

      Nutrition values for different foods would actually be a good add. There's dozens of food sources and items, but the only one you really need is steaks from 1x1 cow farm. Most bang for your buck and very easy to acquire.
      Getting scurvy if you eat only this would actually make growing melons or other stuff important.

      • 7 months ago

        This is already in the game. Its called satiation or something. Steak and shit is the best, while berries and raw potato are the worst. It actually takes a decent amount of effort to farm live animals because you need to house them and breed them and wait for them to grow up, or you can set up a wheat farm and get a pretty abundant supply of mid-level food in bread and cooked potatoes.

        • 7 months ago

          Saturation. But that just makes you get hungry faster/slower and again, there's just one option that's the best and you don't need anything else.
          Different nutrition types which you all need to survive, or at least give you some buffs, would make you want and need to produce multiple types of food.

  12. 7 months ago

    more mining and more crafting
    integrate shaders and graphical tweaks from various tools in to the vanilla
    more secrets like wither, nether, deep, dark forest mansion etc

  13. 7 months ago

    revert to 1.8 combat

  14. 7 months ago

    I would add something moronic, like glass blowing or crocheting that doesn't actually offer anything of use to survival players, only to trannies who play minecraft in the same way you'd play animal crossing. Realistically I'm shocked they still haven't added real furniture of any kind. Or maybe the have, I haven't played in like 2 years.

    • 7 months ago

      I am surprised that nobody made an Animal Crossing mod in Minecraft already despite its popularity. Having iconic furniture sets would be so refreshing.
      Give me a creeper chair.

    • 7 months ago

      Adding premade furniture goes against the spirit of minecraft imo. Better to add basic blocks than can be used to make furniture. Like how signs on a stair = chair, fence+pressure plate or piston in the floor = table.
      Adding vertical half-blocks, L-shaped half-blocks, poles of different kinds, hollow blocks, being able to put carpets on stairs or the side of blocks, or place doors sideways, all that would enable endless new custom furniture and decorations created by players.

      • 7 months ago

        This is a cool concept, but I think it'll hamper the creativity of these jerryrigged "furniture" designs

      • 7 months ago

        it's an older post but this idea drives me insane. you can only spoof furniture when you're building on a huge scale, which not everybody wants to do. there's zero reason not to throw in 1x1 furniture objects, not everybody wants to make a 12-20 block high bedroom just so they have enough space to make janky-looking fake furniture. I mean, I don't think almost anything in that picture even looks good, nor does most spoofed furniture or decor. they don't care that it wouldn't be "in the spirit of the game" (the same could be said of almost anything anyone doesn't like that's been added over years), they just don't feel like adding it, just like they don't feel like doing, well, much of anything

        • 7 months ago

          please observe these couches.

  15. 7 months ago

    Add all the autism sub systems that would be needed to run a parsed Dwarf Fortress map, including ALL types of stone, soil, aquifer, volcanoes, temperature, seasons, actual fluid mechanics, cave-ins, etc.
    Add the ability to parse a DF map.
    Add the ability to connect to DF adventurer mode live

  16. 7 months ago

    make it an actual game instead of the lego set it's been for over a decade
    remember the Ganker threads where people were speculating what new mechanics or blocks notch would add next week?

    • 7 months ago

      please don't remind me of happier times, seeeecret friday updates, japan time....

      • 7 months ago

        japan time really is the lifeblood of this board
        people get mad at rostergays but that's almost always been the "best" Ganker has

    • 7 months ago

      >remember the Ganker threads where people were speculating what new mechanics or blocks notch would add next week?
      No, I was 4 years old

      • 7 months ago

        You're 17?

        • 7 months ago

          18? Minecraft came out in 2009

      • 7 months ago

        God damn im 23 and youre making me feel old. Stop it.

  17. 7 months ago

    Insert every mob vote mob
    Make Thaumcraft a part of the base game
    I will now play every update

  18. 7 months ago

    I want to build Dwarf Fortress style industry with the villagers

  19. 7 months ago

    Hire the Create developers, assign them a budget of 1 billion USD to integrate the mod into the base game and develop the next update. The rest of the developers can continue to make the next cheese block item or background animal whatever it is they've been working on for the last year and a half

  20. 7 months ago

    Built in mod support for all versions with no restrictions or guidelines
    Porn mods

  21. 7 months ago

    I haven't played in a long time but I think it would be neat to be able to create towns and villages outside of creative mode. I'd like to design houses for villagers. I know you kinda can do that in survival but it seemed really tedious.
    Then again tedium is kinda the theme of minecraft.

  22. 7 months ago

    Add all the cool bedrock exclusives like colored water in cauldrons, snow trees, and movable chests with pistons. Add functionality to fletching tables. Revert Netherite upgrading to pre-1.20. Make pandas, polar bears, and axolotls tamable if they won't drop anything useful. Remove the Sniffer. Add the Iceologer, Blaze King, Red Dragon, Copper Golem, and crabs. Add the promised warm biome and birch forest updates. Remove the shitty attack cooldowns.

  23. 7 months ago

    Add the Aether, then stop updating it and make Minecraft 2. Minecraft has enough shit in it as it is.

    • 7 months ago

      >wanting post 2009 Microsoft to make Minecraft 2
      An indie dev should make a spiritual successor to Minecraft.

      • 7 months ago

        anon, there's like 20 failed minecraft clones made by indie people. I wont count terraria, but you still easily could count it.

        • 7 months ago

          terraria is the 13th highest selling game of all time, only just falling short of surpassing gen 1 pokemon and tetris

        • 7 months ago

          It wouldn't fail if it was better than Minecraft.

          • 7 months ago

            terraria is the 13th highest selling game of all time, only just falling short of surpassing gen 1 pokemon and tetris

            I'm glad you both missed my point. Wasn't there some kickstart minecraft clone called pixel heroes or something where the dev just eventually went scorched earth after getting all the money? They all wind up this way.

            • 7 months ago

              Vintage story is the main big one I hear about.

              • 7 months ago

                Vintage Story is still in active development though?

              • 7 months ago

                So is minecraft, ostensibly, what's your point

          • 7 months ago

            >It wouldn't fail if it was better than Minecraft.
            it's hard to find any minecraft ripoff that ISN'T better than (vanilla) minecraft.
            Vanilla minecraft is barely a game, hell even back when notch owned the game he laughed at the concept of it being a game, the entirety of The End was a mean-spirited attack on the people who wanted minecraft to be more of a game instead of a lego building platform where your 'reward' for killing the enderdragon was some long pointless diatribe about the meaning of what a game was.

            • 7 months ago

              >your 'reward' for killing the enderdragon was some long pointless diatribe about the meaning of what a game was
              This is like the one thing mojang post notch fixed that was kinda fun, with that flying wing thing. Not that it was particularly useful if you were strong enough to get it at that point, but at least it was a fun reward.

        • 7 months ago

          i don't think Terraria even tries to do the same thing as Minecraft. The focus of Terraria is progression, getting better gear, fighting stronger enemies, amassing more npcs and unlocking new materials and getting more powerful. The enemies are the point of the game and the building is kind of a side thing because 2D building isn't satisfying or meaningful. The motivation to do everything is based on winning the game. The world corrupts over time so you have to actively fight the enemy and progress or you'll lose.
          Minecraft is a creative toy focused on expressing yourself by building stuff. The enemies are mindless dummies to be knocked down, an excuse to make it feel like a "game" inbetween the segments of gathering materials and arranging the materials into whatever you're building. The motivation for everything is to get more mats to build whatever you're building, the "ending" is pointless and you can beat all the "content" in a few hours with little to no effort. The world is infinite so you can just wander anywhere and it's all the same shit, just a big canvas for you to paint on because that's all the game is.

  24. 7 months ago

    Why haven't the minecraft devs made a terraria like progression?

    • 7 months ago

      Because combat in minecraft is shit and it's not a fixable problem. better to just let experienced players skip the bullshit quickly

      • 7 months ago

        Just make a turn based combat system and let players choose if they want their map to have classic or turn based. Not that combat in minecraft is useful for anything anyway.

        • 7 months ago

          > Minecraft
          > Turn-based
          Black person ALERT Black person ALERT WE GOT A RUNNER Black person ALERT Black person ALERTTT


          • 7 months ago

            Wow, it's never been so easy before to tell when someone replying to me was a loony troon.

            • 7 months ago

              you'd have to have the IQ of a Black person to think they're a Loonytroon moron

  25. 7 months ago

    More inventory slots, bigger chests, perhaps larger stack sizes. Invenotry hasn't kept pace with block bloat, and backpacks/bundles just make things even more cumbersome.
    Fix ore gen. Stop trying to force caving only; being able to sustain with coal iron and diamonds at the same Y-level was comfy.
    Remove villages and structures. The atmosphere of isolation and natural wonder is ruined when you can't move 10 blocks without tripping over some "curated" "content".

  26. 7 months ago

    I'm so fricking mad this piece of shit won just because it makes armor for the wholesome chungus pupperino so I would remove it along with all the other useless mobs that don't do jack shit except look pretty

    • 7 months ago

      All the polls are fake anon, whatever wins is to make existing content less shit with minimal effort on part of the dev team

      • 7 months ago

        how does the armadillo make existing content less shit? minecraft noob here

    • 7 months ago

      People actually use wolves in minecraft?

  27. 7 months ago

    Roll the whole game back to b1.7.3 and start over

  28. 7 months ago

    Add Ender Skeletons. They teleport you when they hit you. They're also super small and hurting one aggros every Enderman in the area.

  29. 7 months ago

    I've always wanted more depth to the soil. Have different dirt have different nutrient values.
    I believe the blocks have 4 bits to work with, it may be a bit tricky to figure out exactly how to distribute them but let's say you use a bit for nitrogen (nitrogen is added by certain plants which adds gameplay value), maybe one for pollution, and let's say one for general nutrients, maybe even two bits for that.

    Then have the different plants grow differently in different types of soil. I've also kind of been wanting a dynamic ecosystem with plants growing on their own, but that may potentially be too big of a change. But it would be interesting to see what grows change when you pollute, spread nitrogen etc.

    • 7 months ago

      >Have different dirt have different nutrient values.
      mmmmm dirt

  30. 7 months ago


  31. 7 months ago

    The end needs to be updated. Also they need to make better transportation options with minecarts and rails.

  32. 7 months ago

    Complete overhaul of nether fortresses and over world villages

  33. 7 months ago

    Devs looking to butcher the enchantment system next, can't wait for it to be even more dogshit than it is now when they release the next combat update in 2030.

  34. 7 months ago

    backporting to beta 1.8.1

    • 7 months ago

      >not 1.7.3

  35. 7 months ago

    Make minecarts better, they should be at least a viable alternative to elytra. And remove ice boats.
    On that note, fix all the bugs that they kept as "features" because the community would complain if they fixed them.

    • 7 months ago

      ice boats rule

      • 7 months ago

        But they make no sense and that really triggers me. They're letting that immersion breaking bug slide because people want fast transportation when they could be fixing minecarts.
        Oh, also, add furnace boats.
        And carpets on camels.

    • 7 months ago

      >fix all the bugs that they kept as "features" because the community would complain if they fixed them.
      what, which ones? cobblestone generators and the like or pvp shit?

      • 7 months ago

        Mainly the nether roof and quasi-connectivity, but there's a bunch of other little things, mostly redstone stuff.

      • 7 months ago

        >cobblestone generators
        how is this a bug? it just exploits redstone mechanics and lava/water mechanics. Even if it wasn't intended, that doesn't make it a bug because all of the things that make it work were intended.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh, and also, just add all real life animals that aren't super obscure.
      If they're adding endangered animals, at least add the ones everyone wants to see. Aren't african savanna animals endangered? Brown bears are in trouble or something, no?

      • 7 months ago

        the problem is they can't let those animals be useful or it's "offensive" or "sets a bad example". Polar bears can't drop pelts to make cool armor or bear claws or some shit, they have to drop fish otherwise kids will learn hunting and killing polar bears is cool. Turtles can't drop their shells, they have to drop bowls or grass. Ocelots, bees, frogs, can't give em drops. remember, video games influence real life behavior, that's why Mortal Kombat spawned a generation of serial killers.

        • 7 months ago

          I just want ambient animals. They don't need to help you with anything, just have them live in an ecosystem. But yeah, they wouldn't add exotic meats or ivory, sad. Maybe they would add game meat, I just wanna hunt deer.
          On the topic of ethics, they should make villagers not work without proper living conditions, kids are enslaving them in work camps, what kind of example is that?

          • 7 months ago

            All they'd have to do is make them fantasy creatures instead of real ones. instead of Elephants we could have the Charger, a giant elephant-rhino that chills out in mud pits and chucks you with its giant tusks or something. Get your exotic meat and ivory from there. If you kidnap a babby you can domesticate it as a mount but the mother will go berserk and attack. Maybe it has a carapace you can use for armor too, wow. amazing zero effort idea i came up with in five seconds, hire me mojang

            nah, instead they decide to do this with a fricking armadillo and have it drop oblivion horse armor for your dog

    • 7 months ago

      I'm still mad about the time they showed water flowing through fences/bars, just to remove it when the autists screeched

  36. 7 months ago

    >Nobody noticed the Shadow of Israphel reference

    • 7 months ago

      I didn't care about those basedtubers and their gay LP back then and I don't care about it now.

    • 7 months ago

      I noticed 🙂

    • 7 months ago

      Do they even still play minecraft I thought they just did gmod or something nowadays

      • 7 months ago

        Simon doesn't even show up on videos anymore so gmod is the only thing they can do

        • 7 months ago

          Don't they have like a dozen other people there doing 7 other minecraft series.
          Or did those all stop too

          • 7 months ago

            Not sure. Regardless, none of them are interconnected or scripted so there's nothing interesting about them compared to the hundreds of Minecraft SMPs on Youtube

            • 7 months ago

              >Regardless, none of them are interconnected or scripted
              granted it's been several years ago by now but I remember even later on they had duncan doing stuff with that asian girl with a mild plot

              • 7 months ago

                I think that was some of the last bits of scripted Minecraft content to come from them. I wonder why they stopped doing it. I would imagine doing scripted Minecraft would be more enjoyable than actually having to play Minecraft for years and years

      • 7 months ago

        Main cast only plays Minecraft mini game shit or on special occasions
        Simon never plays
        Duncan plays with Ben and Ravs
        Sjin came back on his own and is playing Minecraft stuff right now

    • 7 months ago

      I noticed 🙂

      >SoI was 11+ years ago
      fricking take me back

    • 7 months ago

      >tfw the Sultan dies

    • 7 months ago

      i can tell it's the same seed now that you mention it
      but im old enough to have watched the seananners letsplay

    • 7 months ago

      Noticed it was the same seed but didn't think to mention it

  37. 7 months ago

    If I were in charge I would add nothing
    Fix bugs and make money
    There's no point in wasting time and money adding shit to it when the community already does it for free

  38. 7 months ago

    Plot down the biggest problems facing the game and try to fix it all instead of sweeping it under the rug and ignoring it in service of useless gimmicky bullshit nobody but 3 people will actually use

  39. 7 months ago

    Definitely a weather update.
    Snow Biomes need blizzards
    Desert and Badland Biomes need sand storms
    Intense tropical storms for Jungle Biomes

    I dont know why its such an afterthought, I look at the 3 type of weather minecraft currently has and it seems like notch never finished it and mojang are too afraid to make changes to it when it would be a pretty good update to the game

    • 7 months ago

      Youre right, it would be a good update
      That's why itll never happen or they put those three you put forth up to a vote and only implement one of them

    • 7 months ago

      sorry sweaty the noise from rain harms autistic children's ears and is unsafe. Next update will add two new colors for wool obtained by befriending an exciting new mob, the Alpaca. as well as add new safety features to single-player chat. Please clap.

      • 7 months ago

        >new mob, the Alpaca
        i think minecraft already has those

  40. 7 months ago

    I really dont know why the two most controversial updates to the game on Ganker are hunger and combat?

    Hunger actually made the game have some basic survival mechanics, and its really only something you need to manage on an occasion. Hunting, farming, and ranching are a huge aspect of the game that is given a purpose because of it.

    Meanwhile prior to the combat update, battles where decided on who could just click the fastest. Auto clickers and kill aura was so fricking overpowered if someone dared to use it. And now there is the depth of having shields as a new gear type, and having to time your attacks to maximize damage.

    Am I wrong in thinking you guys just don't understand the changes? Because if you want to talk about bad changes to the game we can discuss Phantoms, Netherrite, and just how overpowered villager trading is.

    • 7 months ago

      who the frick cares about pvp

      • 7 months ago

        technoBlack person fans, rest in piss.

    • 7 months ago

      While hunger and combat took a little getting used to after hundreds of hours of spamclicking and being able to pull steaks out of your ass to instant-heal, I did end up enjoying Minecraft more after those updates.
      A small sadistic part of me misses machine gun skeletons though

    • 7 months ago

      just moronic purists as usual, if mojang listened to them then we would sitll be stuck on vers 1.0

    • 7 months ago

      Because hunger/combat/"survival" shit are just annoyance mechanics that get in the way. They aren't fun, they're just chores. Nobody goes hunting mobs or does the combat for fun. Nobody has fun managing stacks of food that all does the same shit. Nobody has fun watching their hunger bar, walking slower or avoiding jumping to conserve food.
      and if you progress past the point where those chores stop mattering - why have the chores?
      yeah farming can be comfy but realistically you can live on like 1 patch of potatoes forever. Farms are aesthetic and built for fun, not because the hunger mechanic exists. similar to how people build forts and castles even though mobs can't path in or attack your base. Or how people make big sailboats even though they can't move, with functioning cannons they can't aim.

      The way to make hunger good is to make it a buff, simple as. let food buff you, increase the buffs when you have more variety in you diet. There's a few mods that do this and it's fun and encourages a big ranch and complex food manufacturing.
      The way to make combat fun is you can't, just stop trying. Minecraft combat is either trivial or bullshit, no inbetween, just give up. Not even mods can fix it, no mobs or weapons or combat overhauls make it fun and challenging. Better to add procgen dungeons or something to mess around in if you want to pretend you're playing Block Souls for 5min before getting bored and going back to building

      • 7 months ago

        Your argument against hunger is stupid
        Its a mechanic that adds urgency to the game, are you supposed to just walk around aimlessly with the only inconvenience being mobs? now you have reasons to harvest food, grow farms, build ranches and if you actually understood how the hunger and saturation work then you would know its easy to take advantage of and manage.

        • 7 months ago

          You don't need a fricking "reason" to do something fun in vidya. if you like to farm you'll make a farm for fun, you can design it to be automatic or autistically large or aesthetic or whatever. Video games don't have to fricking lead you by the hand and force you to do everything, there's this thing called your IMAGINATION that you can use to have FUN in VIDEO GAMES
          Mindset like this is why half of vidya games are a "cinematic experience" with a 30 hour long tutorial now, jesus christ
          >reasons to harvest food, grow farms, build ranches
          1. I want to build a fricking ranch in the building game
          2. that's the only reason

          This is why Skyrim and Fallout 4 had a long predetermined unskippable intro, people can't imagine playing Morrowind and writing their character's backstory into the custom class box, using their imagination to have fun in a game that's minimal but open-ended. Yes I am seething

          and think about it, if the point is the inconvenience creating a challenge, why is it so simple to manage? It's the worst of both worlds, a shallow chore that adds nothing. At least the mobs are a decent prop for your imagination to craft defenses against, or use your new gear on, at least they move around and you interact with them. the food bar just says "oops you've played the game too much sweaty, time to remember the way you're supposed to play the game!!!" so you crack open your double chest of 25565 [food item] and waste a few seconds

          • 7 months ago

            Sounds like a you problem.

            • 7 months ago

              No argument you've lost that argument

            • 7 months ago

              I hate it too

      • 7 months ago

        If its about avoiding the chore, then why not just play creative mode.
        Minecraft is a survival game, and surviving has a few chores associated with it to keep your player alive.
        The hunger is extremely minor compared to other systems games have. You only need to eat food once every couple hours if you are playing normally.

        Even before hunger was added, you had the threat of hostile mobs, is that supposed to be a chore too?
        Or do you just not understand that minecraft is a survival game?

        • 7 months ago

          >Or do you just not understand that minecraft is a survival game?
          minecraft isn't even a game
          notch himself seemed to hate thinking about it as a game
          does no one remember the original implementation of the end?

      • 7 months ago

        just play creative then

    • 7 months ago

      Survival mechanics belong in an immersive simulator game. We all thought minecraft was moving in that direction, that it'd end up like a 3D dwarf fortress with more simulated mechanics. machines, towns with people, fluid dynamics, and so on.
      it ended up staying as 3D Lego. except now you have to stop and eat your Verification Steak every 5 minutes to continue playing with the lego, or else you get teleported somewhere else with all your lego bricks dropped on the floor and the timer is reset pointlessly.

    • 7 months ago

      They're shit because they're gameplay changes in name alone since there is no gameplay to go with them.

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >just how overpowered villager trading is.
      Takes hours upon hours to get a full trading hall, it really isn't. You also need to either set up zombie villager curing or a raid farm to reasonably supply more than a single player without it taking dozens of hours of playtime.
      If they don't bother to completely revamp the enchantment system, especially by reducing not only the level cost, but getting rid of the "too expensive" bullshit and having a maximum cost to combine, then I will mod back in the current trading system.
      Thing is, the devs would rather nerf and add some complete garbage system(like their proposed changes to the enchantment system), and I guarantee they won't improve the enchantment table + anvil.

    • 7 months ago

      No strong feelings on hunger, it's basic and boring, but whatever

      But the Combat update was fricking garbage. Not because old melee combat was better (it wasn't), but because Minecraft combat is still a pile of steaming shit, despite having been """updated"""

    • 7 months ago

      >run out of food
      >better eat
      >continue walking

      • 7 months ago

        wow just like in real life

      • 7 months ago

        Walking doesn't deplete the hunger bar, running, jumping, and swimming do.

    • 7 months ago

      If I want to play pvp, Minecraft would be my last choice of game to do it in.

  41. 7 months ago

    I can't stomach modern-minecraft's bullshit any longer, if I had enough free time to play a sandbox game it would probably be something more autistic like vintage story or even better one of the old mods that started the trend like terrafirmacraft. Less gay shit like the fricking sniffer that gives you fricking decorative plants, more actual substance

  42. 7 months ago

    Undo every shit "update" and force everybody back into 1.7.10

  43. 7 months ago

    Genuinely, just add this fricking item. Make it so you can't use it within a minute of being in any combat, I don't know, I don't care. It's already so fricking hard to find anything interesting when exploring and I have to walk 20,000 blocks round trip and these morons wonder why people bumrush a mending elytra

  44. 7 months ago

    >beds: removed
    >sprinting: removed
    >hunger bar: removed
    >phantoms: removed
    my new generation of zoomers will rule the night, and release kino unto this earth

  45. 7 months ago

    I would make it so the game gives me money at regular intervals.
    Also I would make rivers push entities as if there's a current. I think there was a mod for that

  46. 7 months ago

    In built mod support.

  47. 7 months ago

    Make it open source.

  48. 7 months ago

    Full bowel movement simulation and diapers and stuff that controls how liquid the stool is like laxatives etc.
    Also IBS as possible rare enchantment on pants/leggings

    • 7 months ago

      We already have a fetish post, thanks

      • 7 months ago

        How come Minecraft doesn't have weight gain mechanics?
        As your character gets fatter how about she gets slower but gains armor points and has the hunger bar drain faster?

  49. 7 months ago

    Resize the game so that the player is approximately 3 blocks high and 2 blocks wide, adjust block breaking times to compensate
    Terraria / Starbound scale feels better for building IMO

    • 7 months ago

      >Resize the game
      ... why?

      • 7 months ago

        >... why?
        Terraria / Starbound scale feels better for building IMO

    • 7 months ago

      That's stupid. But I do want a mod that makes most blocks into eighths. Terrain just generates like that and you can carry 512 in a stack.

  50. 7 months ago

    Yogscast world

  51. 7 months ago

    I'll try and play Minecraft every few years and it always goes nowhere. It's so tedious. You find a nice area, build a base... and then realize the massive tedious tasks ahead of you. And then you quit. Only to do it all again in another two years.

    No thank you, I refuse. Minecraft is dead.

  52. 7 months ago

    I would make an update about towns and npcs. Villagers would have more tasks to do, would listen to the player if the player made a special item. Villagers would actively tend to crops, gather extremely basic materials (wood/cobblestone), and equip more items. The player can promote villagers to guards to defend the villagers to guards and give them gear. Every so often either a monster or human raiding party would attack the village the player has taken an interest in and the player and guards can fight back.

  53. 7 months ago

    >ctrl f "end"
    >ZERO anons talking about an end update
    give the end the same treatment the nether got, give me a single reason to ever be there beyond beating the game and end cities

    • 7 months ago

      They already messed up the desolation of the nether. Please, don't touch the dimension that's supposed to look like the definition of desolate any further.

      • 7 months ago

        The nether was only useful to get a stack of blaze rods once for ender eyes/potions and you never came back unless you were autistic/played multiplayer and had stuff super far away to fast travel to or you were extremely autistic and needed quartz for redstone shit. At least there's a reason to actually go back in the nether at this point in and it has a nice survival challenge attached to it for those who care. Pretending the nether update was bad was the dumbest meme anons ever drummed up, I never spent more than a hour or two in the nether before then per world depending on how long it took me to find a fortress and after I had a survival world that functioned entirely inside of the nether.
        There's no reason to go the end at all.
        And desolation is a bad excuse to have an empty dimension with no content. Retool it into a harsh alien looking landscape with unique looking mobs instead of featureless masses of end stone.

        • 7 months ago

          >And desolation is a bad excuse to have an empty dimension with no content. Retool it into a harsh alien looking landscape with unique looking mobs instead of featureless masses of end stone.
          moron take, in a game about fricking imagination and creativity.
          even with these moronic content updates there is still no reason to stay in end or nether and just use them for a silly resource farm shit to frick off back to overworld, working the same way as it was when added in the game...

          • 7 months ago

            >there is still no reason to stay in end or nether
            If you want netherite (which serves a purpose in survival mode by being immune to burning), you have to spend at least a few hours in the nether.
            There's a lot of blocks you just can't get anywhere else or farm, like blackstone.
            It also serves as a survival challenge.
            I would prefer a dimension that serves at least some purpose in survival instead of being a glorified progression requirement for the elytra, and it's impossible to survive in the end without outside resources, on top of there being no reason to.

            • 7 months ago

              >If you want netherite (which serves a purpose in survival mode by being immune to burning), you have to spend at least a few hours in the nether.
              >There's a lot of blocks you just can't get anywhere else or farm, like blackstone.
              >It also serves as a survival challenge.

              • 7 months ago

                it took you 50 minutes to put forward this?
                if no features added matter, then there's no point in doing anything but just digging a 1x2 hole in the ground and saying "I win", and anything that doesn't facilitate that doesn't matter

              • 7 months ago

                >it took you 50 minutes to put forward this?
                i have games to play and alt tab when something important isn't happening, so yes.
                >if no features added matter, then there's no point in doing anything but just digging a 1x2 hole in the ground and saying "I win", and anything that doesn't facilitate that doesn't matter
                >no features
                elaborate because features is a wide array of things, it's for dumb silly community imposed "challenges" which are mainly autistic ways of play a fricking sandbox or new shit to help people's creativity with builds that doesn't need moronic contrived ways to be acquired?
                one of them got fricking phantoms added in the game.

              • 7 months ago

                features as in a single reason for a survival player to be there for an extended amount of time
                name one reason for someone to base in the end, and even if someone wanted to base in the end, they couldn't without outside resources
                and if the dimension was meant to uninhabitable, then it should be more hostile instead of incredibly boring
                right now, you can play a survival world in the nether and be fine if you work hard enough at it without needing anything from the overworld
                the end as it is is not "desolate and lonely" on purpose, it's empty because mojang couldn't think of anything to put on the outer islands except end cities.
                before the outer islands, it was fine because it was just meant to be an arena, but it's clearly half finished as is, it's 32 million blocks of end stone

              • 7 months ago

                >name one reason for someone to base in the end, and even if someone wanted to base in the end, they couldn't without outside resources
                the frick did i tell you up above? creativity, same way as in nether.
                >and if the dimension was meant to uninhabitable, then it should be more hostile instead of incredibly boring
                you missed the anons saying that the ender dragon and the end dimension was added because notch was annoyed at the adventureBlack folk asking for a feeling of closure in the game or what? nether expansion for elytra and ender chest is too obvious to be another "here's your adventuring shit, gays" since on older versions you can mine end blocks aside from bedrock altars and move that shit to overworld, now you can do that ritual to resurrect the ender dragon because muh boss fight again, mojank is leaning towards muh epic adventure with each update ever since 1.13.

                not him but i found this
                >Other people's mods (blocks, items, tools, etc.): While we have taken inspiration from community mods in the past (and added horses from Mo'Creatures in the past), we are no longer adding community-made mods to the base game of Minecraft. Please contact the talented community creators of these mods and ask them to take a look at the modding API documentation at
                so basically if you suggest something and it's in a mod already, it's a no
                of course that doesn't mean they won't add things from mods. Mods had copper for eons and it was added as a new ore. There were autistic Bee mods for years too and bees were added, just in a very different way.

                so this means mojank will only add mod items if they feel like it might serve a dumb purpose? because copper in regular MC is only for decór blocks whereas under notch it would be added if it were cool, with the possibility of even using the damn thing as a armor even if impractical, fricking hell.

              • 7 months ago

                >the frick did i tell you up above? creativity, same way as in nether.
                A practical reason to do it in survival, like resources or mobs you can't find anywhere else.
                And even if a player wanted to, they couldn't because there's no way to get wood or stone, there's no way to respawn there if you die, and there's no food other than chorus fruit which is worse than watermelon slices and has a downside attached in teleporting the player.
                None of this is a problem if it was meant to be hostile and dangerous to the player, but it's not that either, it's just completely empty.
                It doesn't need to be "adventure themed", but it has to serve an actual purpose other than just having the elytra. A survival player has no reason to ever go back after getting one, just like how you have no reason to go back to the nether after getting blaze rods before the nether update. The end was fine as just the main island, but now there's 31,999,000 blocks in every direction that look and act completely identical while serving zero use to the player.
                >but you're supposed to use your imagination
                imagination doesn't stop the overworld from having multiple biomes and more than two monsters in it

              • 7 months ago

                >adventuring shit in extra dimensions is more important than creativity and imagination in a game about placing blocks that happens to slowly change it's goal towards adventure without a set focus
                do you want to go back to the first reply or do i need to quote it to you? you keep going on with this thing about the extra dimensions needing a reason to be adventure worthy even though they weren't created with that in mind, going so far to mention the expansion content updates which still makes them not viable to stay in other than building some shitty materials farm, say what mods you use so at least it'll make sense.

                Walking doesn't deplete the hunger bar, running, jumping, and swimming do.

                >Walking doesn't deplete the hunger bar, running, jumping, and swimming do.
                in new versions, old versions it drains even while afk.

                mod api for the windows edition.

                >letting people mod minecoins away
                never ever, java got it's modding api project killed too.

              • 7 months ago

                I blatantly said it doesn't need to be adventure themed but that it has to serve a purpose to survival players. You could remove the entire end dimension and nothing of value would be lost. It's not "desolate and moody, it's so empty it makes me feel lonely and this is a clear design choice (it isn't it's just empty)"
                And the nether does have some unique bonuses for living in it while being viable. You don't need to sleep at all because there's no nighttime, and you don't need to make a farm for food being hoglins spawn using hostile mob rules instead of passive mob rules. Pillager patrols won't spawn either.
                Adding stuff to the end won't suddenly ruin the sandbox nature of the game, it's actually adding sand to a box made out of end stone and nothing else.
                It has nothing to do with adventure, but the fact that there's no fricking point to ever go there, so there's no reason to make anything there other than vanity, and practicality is the main driving force behind the idea of survival minecraft. And even if you had the vanity, it would still not be good because there is nothing there to build with, and there's nothing there to survive with. It's like playing in a fricking superflat world with the redstone ready preset.

  54. 7 months ago

    Hireable villagers that can be given simple chores to handle, like strip mining a certain area or tending to crops

  55. 7 months ago

    seasons as promised back then
    more nice ambient mobs and if they can add a use to the game for the better
    cave biomes because we need the caves to be actually not empty
    the aether would be amazing too!
    more sculk things like actual growth and development like the parasite mods and so

  56. 7 months ago

    I'd add a feature that made me able to travel back in time to stop my dad from mocking me while I played minecraft. He called me a homosexual for playing a "girly game" whatever he meant with that.

  57. 7 months ago

    I would shut down the servers and delete every version of minecraft
    because you need to actually make your own actual good version of minecraft instead of sperging out on mods

  58. 7 months ago

    Just port create into main game with no changes, for beginning

  59. 7 months ago

    -foliage growth and foliage fall that comes with said seasons, you already have the code from sakura leaves falling, sprouting leafs in fall and falling leaves in autumn shouldnt be too hard.
    -Complete overhaul of farming system, foraging, food, and friendly mobs just to spite gays who make autofarms.
    -You'll now have to tend your farms manually, redstone induced block updates will not actually water, break, or irrigate farmland anymore. Weeds will grow now, crops will die with the seasons turn.
    -friendly Mobs need to be given troughs to drink from, the troughs need to be filled with food and water every day. This will constrict people who hoard food and make it more important to trade and rather than people walking around never having to think anymore with stacks and stacks of steak, they'll have to actually manager their animals.
    -Hunger drains a bit slower now to compensate, but low hunger will affect your ability to fight and your strength. This will make potions more important and effective.
    -redo mining. At this point we need something, easier crafted tnt maybe, a new mining enchantment for multiblock break, or make blocks have weak points that cause entire large sections of stone to crumble away and break, or allow the player to level up a mining stat. Or maybe charge up your pick for a bigger swings. Waiting to get a beacon for large clearing jobs is outright moronic, a lot of people play in survival only.

    They already took my idea for lowering the floor/raising the world height to make progression a bit harder, thank god. Take some of these too.

    Angry redstone autists incoming.

    • 7 months ago

      Sounds like you don't want a sandbox game

      • 7 months ago

        Sounds like you want a game that plays itself for you.

        • 7 months ago

          No homosexual, we want *choices* for what kind of experience our game is. Also known as a sandbox.

          • 7 months ago

            >No homosexual, we want *choices* for what kind of experience our game is. Also known as a sandbox.
            shame that is not what modern mojank wants, they want to railroad the frick out of you with inane bullshit like archeology by tossing in items they think it's good like making emeralds of all items to be on some bumfrick ocean gravel spot.

        • 7 months ago

          Sandbox games are about the freedom to do whatever you want within the confines of the game, which is what Minecraft has been about for going on 15 years.
          Your proposed changes strip that away entirely and turn the game into something it's not meant to be. Your mentality is what's leading to proposed changes like the enchantment ones which are worse than the current system.
          You can limit your experience to make it more challenging. Don't impose your run-of-the-mill Harvest Moon clone on the rest of us.

  60. 7 months ago

    Fortnite of all games proved that going back to basics and preserving the iconography of the game can be wildly successful.

    Similarly, in order to preserve the games health, first order of business is to remove an overwhelming majority of the "features" added after 1.12 from the main game. Because completely removing them will still piss off a few idiots, those removed features are turned into toggleable extras that can be enabled for a world (I.E. bonus chests, and bundles)

    These "removed" features would be (off the top of my head):


    Ice-boat skating

    Piglins and everything related


    Wardens and everything related

    The stupid fricking quicksand snow

    Pandas, dolphins, turtles, polar bears... All the mobs added to make PETA happy

    Cherry Blossoms, and mangroves

    A shit ton of blocks

    ...and likely more.

    All of these bloat the game more than add to it, and more damningly, they make Minecraft's iconography more confused. Diamond needs to be the best gear, zombie pigmen are what infest the nether. Things and ideas that are almost instantly associated with Minecraft need to be maintained if you want to bring people back.

    Second order of business is to fix and balance problems the game has. For this there are quite a few mods that could pretty much be integrated into the base game that do this well for example:

    Better combat mod: pre 1.9 or post, Minecraft combat has always felt crappy. This mod makes it not crappy

    Aileron mod: balances elytras, makes them a less dominating item

    Cammie's minecart tweaks mod: a much needed minecart buff.

    Not a mod, but change ore distribution to be closer to what it was before caves & cliffs.

    After all that, I'd say that Minecraft could go on for decades with only bug fixes and optimization.

    • 7 months ago

      >add beaches back to the game (seriously how have proper beaches been out of the worldgen for 12 FRICKING YEARS)
      >make cubic chunks and distant horizons officially part of the game. implement bigger height variation in terrain
      >hire whoever does the optimisation mods for fabric, get them to implement those improvements into the game
      >harder difficulties now affect mob AI. creepers will try to breach through walls if they're aware of you and you're behind one. spiders will shoot webs at you to slow you down. zombies will clump together and form hordes of 10-20. etc.
      >add proper rivers that flow through terrain, move entities a certain direction, will form waterfalls and lakes
      >make loot from uncommon structures much more interesting. why is shit like Mending most common in villages, as a renewable resource, where you can avoid a lot of the hardships of early game? it's bullshit.
      >add all mobs that've been voted on by the public. no more dumb popularity contest shit. do some fricking WORK mojang.
      >move phantoms to the end
      >beds can only be slept in to skip time once a in-game week, no more trivialising nighttime horrors

      playing minecraft with shitty artificial difficulty mods is moronic because these artificial difficulty shit tries to railroad you in a specific path in a fricking sandbox every fricking time, dumb Black folk.

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          >deflecting the point
          try harder.

      • 7 months ago

        Play creative mode on peaceful if you're so scared of challenge in your sandbox, pussy.

        • 7 months ago

          >making enemies have gay cop-outs in combat is having challenge
          Black personhomosexual.

  61. 7 months ago

    >add beaches back to the game (seriously how have proper beaches been out of the worldgen for 12 FRICKING YEARS)
    >make cubic chunks and distant horizons officially part of the game. implement bigger height variation in terrain
    >hire whoever does the optimisation mods for fabric, get them to implement those improvements into the game
    >harder difficulties now affect mob AI. creepers will try to breach through walls if they're aware of you and you're behind one. spiders will shoot webs at you to slow you down. zombies will clump together and form hordes of 10-20. etc.
    >add proper rivers that flow through terrain, move entities a certain direction, will form waterfalls and lakes
    >make loot from uncommon structures much more interesting. why is shit like Mending most common in villages, as a renewable resource, where you can avoid a lot of the hardships of early game? it's bullshit.
    >add all mobs that've been voted on by the public. no more dumb popularity contest shit. do some fricking WORK mojang.
    >move phantoms to the end
    >beds can only be slept in to skip time once a in-game week, no more trivialising nighttime horrors

  62. 7 months ago

    Revert to Beta 1.7.3
    License and release the source code under GNU GPLv3
    License the Minecraft copyright under the Creative Commons Zero (public domain)
    This is the only good answer

  63. 7 months ago

    1) remove and replace all current mobs except bees, dolphins, bats, and butterflies
    2) remove and replace all current structure spawns except trees, fossils, shipwrecks, aerds, and graveyards
    3) remove infinite worldgen
    4) redo worldgen from the ground up
    5) focus on the idea of generating "planets" and continents, the infinite spongeworld where oceans are just ponds in an endless wetland is shit. give continents two or three large biomes each based on temperature and put smaller ones along the border, with asymmetry of biomes and distinct coastlines the focus
    6) ditch perlin noise, frick perlin noise, kill perlin noise, decapitate perlin noise, end perlin noise
    7) return to world size generation (small, medium, large, etc) and connect the edges of the map in some way
    8) remove all other realms (nether, end)
    9) unflatten oceans and deep oceans and instead allow them to undulate
    10) base mobs and biomes on random fusions - eg, shark wolf, painted snail, bull salamander, coral desert, cherry plains, crystal mountain - decided during terrain generation which have local populations
    11) curate a few universal mobs, like bees, dogs, etc
    12) start difficulty peaceful for three nights, do one night of darkness and danger, then fluctuate difficulty level and hostile mob and evil mob presence over time
    13) base evil mob theme around service to randomly built end boss - flame king, sand kraken, bone dragon, trash witch, etc
    14) human npcs are cute and cool but largely non interactive
    15) human npc settlements are rare world features and resemble player skins
    16) beating final boss allows you to upload your world "tendency" IE continent layout, mobs, biomes, bosses for other players to check out and start a new world or continue playing in current one

  64. 7 months ago

    More stuff for building and interior decoration. Building a cool house is nice but its always only cool on the outside. I want proper chairs, tables, cozy things to enhance the multiplayer experience. Things that would bring that feel of small rpg starter town, for example

    • 7 months ago

      check out cocricot mod, especially version 1.12 cocricot

  65. 7 months ago

    Make the game as anti-speedrunner as possible

    • 7 months ago

      what's even the point of tweaking the game against speed runners? they are autistic and are better left off ignored as they tend to keep themselves contained.

      • 7 months ago

        Also speed runners will always find some new exploit. Trying to patch them out is just giving them new challenges which they actually like.

  66. 7 months ago
    Anonymous (They/Them)

    Improved cooking and spices, adding specific condiments and spices to different foods has different effects ranging from simple health boosts to potion-like abilities. The trade-off for being more tedious to craft/cook tons of food and collect tons of shit would be that you could stack these, whereas you can't stack potions.
    Saltflats would be added in the same update, as well as new crops for collecting these herbs and spices, and they'd also be very integrated into villager trading.
    For an example of how a condiment could effect foods differently
    >Honey on an apple gives you 5 more hunger points than usual and directly heals 2 hearts. Honey on mutton gives you 1 extra hunger point.
    >Pepper on a rabbits foot would give you jump boost 2 and fire resistance, salt on a rabbits foot would do nothing, you need to figure out which combinations of spices and ingredients have which effects through experimentation.

    • 7 months ago
      Anonymous (They/Them)

      Different amounts of spices/condiments would also have different effects, it'd be like entering cheat codes.

  67. 7 months ago

    >If you had the power to decide the next Minecraft update, what would you add/change about Minecraft?

    • 7 months ago

      They did that with MoCreatures to add horses, they'd have to nerf a bunch of aether stuff to add it

      • 7 months ago

        >they'd have to nerf a bunch of aether stuff to add it
        explain what need nerfs since most of the new dimension mods of old did add new shit that surpassed diamond, i've hardly bothered wtih aether as it conflicted with rediscovered.

      • 7 months ago
        Anonymous (They/Them)

        it's official mojang policy not to do anything that a mod has already done because they're moronic. if you don't want a feature in the game you just have to make it a mod. This is why they shoot down everyone asking for basic shit like vertical redstone because mojangs design philosophy is needlessly limiting and they refuse to ever just add something without there being a catch. They also refuse to add onto pre-existing systems like brewing or enchantment because that would imply they didn't get it right the first time.

        • 7 months ago

          Has mojang ever said anything like this anywhere? Because a lot of features they could have added would have actually been useful for fans, and to intentionally neuter their creativity just because a mod did it first is the most moronic shit I've ever heard.

          • 7 months ago
            Anonymous (They/Them)

            Its on the rules for their feedback page and some other places too.

            • 7 months ago

              I believe you but I've never seen this and don't know where to find it. Got a link or something?

              • 7 months ago

                not him but i found this
                >Other people's mods (blocks, items, tools, etc.): While we have taken inspiration from community mods in the past (and added horses from Mo'Creatures in the past), we are no longer adding community-made mods to the base game of Minecraft. Please contact the talented community creators of these mods and ask them to take a look at the modding API documentation at
                so basically if you suggest something and it's in a mod already, it's a no
                of course that doesn't mean they won't add things from mods. Mods had copper for eons and it was added as a new ore. There were autistic Bee mods for years too and bees were added, just in a very different way.

        • 7 months ago

          Vertical redstone is in the game.
          You can send signals instantly with walls, scaffolding, and observers.

  68. 7 months ago

    add an angel realm counter to the nether

  69. 7 months ago

    Penguin and sex

  70. 7 months ago

    I would allow you to place minecart tracks on the sides of blocks and upside down facing in any direction with automatic connection rails between.
    In other words, you can now effectively create roller coaster like minecart tracks that maneuver in every direction and can pull off tricks. I would then sit back and wait for the next great era of Roller Coaster Tycoon type maps.

  71. 7 months ago

    Oh great, another removed feature.

  72. 7 months ago

    more villager mechanics.

  73. 7 months ago

    (you) Ganker!

    What are the best (almost essential ) mods for more features, like new biomes/animals/crafting/enemies etc

    Just ones that feel quality > quantity, both is great if possible

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      In terms of QoL or feature features? From more to less in line with the base game:
      Rubidium / Embeddium is just a huge fps boost if you can't run Optifine.
      Farmer's Delight is one of the most polished mods I've ever played, it's like if pam's harvest craft was actually good.
      Supplementaries adds a bunch of features that should just be in the game, like hanging signs swinging when you walk under them, or a globe that shows your coordinates.
      The Abnormals set of mods are all interconnected with each other and have good features, like an underwater shark monster that you can craft a trident with the teeth it drops, or making it so you get bad omen from burning an ominous banner with a flint and steel instead of killing a raid captain.

      • 7 months ago

        >The Abnormals
        Is there any good documentation on these mods? They sound interesting but I could never find anything directly stating what each mod adds

        • 7 months ago

          there's some showcase videos out there but most of the stuff can be learned by just looking at the crafting recipes, but there's some weird stuff like sand and gravel being renewable by putting them in a bubble column with upgrade aquatic
          this is a decent showcase video

          • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      honestly there aren't many good mods out right now
      the "favorite" mod included in every pack like thaumcraft used to be is now create, but it doesn't add any real substance, only visually impressive ways to automate things that either already could be automated, or didn't need it

      alex's mobs and caves are really good

      • 7 months ago

        >doesn't add any real substance
        huh? you can make a tunnel borer train that lays its own tracks and builds up slopes under itself
        you can make a working windmill that actually spins and grinds grain into flour using the energy
        hell, the very idea of moving contraptions in general doesn't exist in vanilla, it adds so much to the game. Yeah vanilla can do a lot of obscure shit, but some things create can do simply aren't possible in vanilla or require command blocks, duping tnt, etc.
        If you've only tried ore automation and conveyor belts then yeah I can see why you'd get that impression

        • 7 months ago

          >>huh? you can make a tunnel borer train that lays its own tracks and builds up slopes under itself
          >you can make a working windmill that actually spins and grinds grain into flour using the energy
          for what?
          it's neat to look at, but it doesn't add much substance to the game

          • 7 months ago

            >for what?
            To make train tracks to travel somewhere?
            to make higher quality food for you to eat?
            I don't get it, what counts as "substance"

            • 7 months ago

              goals beyond vanilla
              like thaumcraft had endgame recipies that you had to progress through all the mods mechanics to access
              and on top of that, once you made those things you could unlock a new area with new bosses.

    • 7 months ago

      Create is the highest quality mod overall, by a good margin
      Quark is good for vanilla+ feel, just adds a lot of no-brainer features and a few decorative blocks
      Chisels & Bits is pretty much essential if you like building with details

      Oh The Biomes You'll Go (overworld/nether/end)
      Infernal Expansion (nether)

      Alex's Mobs

      Tinker's construct? I don't know, maybe Create counts as "crafting"

      Yung's Better Dungeons/Strongholds/Mineshafts

      Farmer's Delight
      any grave/corpse mod

    • 7 months ago

      This mod is uber comfy and was made by the people who made Supplementaries.

  74. 7 months ago

    Delete the game off of every platoform possible and harass/sue any modders for the game.

  75. 7 months ago

    Revert to 1.8 combat and the game is perfect

  76. 7 months ago

    Remove hunger.

  77. 7 months ago

    Create is the single best mod every made for the game and should be integrated into the base game.

    • 7 months ago

      Factory autism should stay in the realm of mods.

  78. 7 months ago

    mod api for the windows edition.

  79. 7 months ago

    >That'll be $30 please

  80. 7 months ago

    I turn it into Factorio in 3D

    • 7 months ago

      Create already exists.

  81. 7 months ago

    Make traditional transport useful again and/or nerf elytras
    Introduce new methods of mining that are not "build an eff5 diamond pickaxe with a haste beacon and mine everything in one game tick". Blast mining is only worthwhile if you are using a TNT duper device to blow entire chunks to smithereens.
    Make a new dimension that's actually challenging now that the overworld, nether and end are all trivialized by netherite armor and full prot4 enchantments.
    Basically stop progressing horizontally with moronic cosmetic changes, animals that have no use, and other shit which is functionally worthless (spyglass, everything from copper, etc). Make some vertical progression to give another endgame to conquer.

    But if all of that is too hard just raise the inventory limit by another row, since there is so much trash taking up space in your inventory that mojang WANTS you to use but you never will since you can only carry so much shit and you're locked into some things already.

  82. 7 months ago

    Gun update

    • 7 months ago

      >techguns was the best gun mod ever made
      >stuck in 1.12

      • 7 months ago

        >playing past 1.12.2

        • 7 months ago

          Create alone invalidates any previous version
          only the extremely autistic double digit iq stick to old versions these days

          • 7 months ago

            Its not even that amazing. Yeah its a good tech mod. But there is little in it that can't be done with other mods and its on a pozzed version.

  83. 7 months ago

    >no limitations
    okay, mojang works for a year instead of one week a year and puts thaumcraft 4 into vanilla 1.7.10, then they re do every update after 1.7.10 up to the current version with more thaumcraft content incorporated into each update in various ways.

  84. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      I watched that video too

  85. 7 months ago

    I would add sex and pregnancy system.

  86. 7 months ago

    just add more tacky shit ad infinitum. biomes, dimensions, animals, etc.

    Minecraft is a finished game and it did what it set out to do.

  87. 7 months ago

    Story mode

  88. 7 months ago

    Another boss fight and area. Volcanos would be cool, or an island biome with a boss fight.

    Temperature mechanics, Winter/Summer cycle.

    I would like to see more RNG with netherite armor and I would like it to be much better than diamond armor.

  89. 7 months ago

    Wizard and magic n shit.

  90. 7 months ago

    >No limitations.
    Remove useless things I don't like, add useless things I do like. Add useful things I do like, make useful thing I don't like impossible to add later.

  91. 7 months ago

    I would add stone brick types for all the stones, a silverfish clone for the Nether that drops an ingredient for a new type of potions that gives your weapons Fire Aspect/Flame, a new mob that can smelt ores if you feed it coal (only ores, same efficiency as a furnace) and can be told to take ores and coal from a chest, a tree visual design overhaul because the trees in Minecraft are shit especially the oak trees, and an End overhaul including a dragon fight overhaul because the End is fricking boring garbage all the way through. Frick Mojang

  92. 7 months ago

    Zero new content, just spend 2 years or so fixing the technical side of the game

  93. 7 months ago

    Make the game actually run good. Rework the engine entirely. Make chunks 3D or remove them entirely, make the nether/end travel seamless, increase the height/depth massively, make some changes to redstone to make it faster and more powerful, fix minecarts so they don't randomly get stuck sometimes, raise mob cap, render distance and simulation distance massively.
    It's fricking 2023 and the game still works with limitations set in 2009 by one guy who just cobbled this game at home. Fix that.

    • 7 months ago

      What's funnier to me than Minecraft still running on one man's code is Microsoft essentially rebuilding the game with all their resources for Bedrock and somehow making a buggier version

  94. 7 months ago

    Remove hunger, smooth lighting, and the end

  95. 7 months ago

    I would add a hostile overworld cave mob, more mineshaft variety + better loot, nether mines, and a zombie pig.

  96. 7 months ago

    Players would be able to build a town with specialized NPC's who can do some stuff.

  97. 7 months ago

    Lean more into the redstone potential. Make Minecraft more like factorio/satisfactory.

  98. 7 months ago

    I've unironically predicted 4 of the last major updates, either i'm extremely predictable or i'm altering reality subconsciously and i'd like to think it's the later.

    I don't think we'd ever get it but i want large movers like Create mod so you can make larger mechanisms, doors, drawbridges, things like that. That would be fun. The world is really static and large moving things are cool.

    The other thing i'd like is if the enchanting system was changed to be more dynamic with more enchants, maybe enchants you can only pick up from certain biomes etc. You could use a (hidden) points system so you could have trade offs between certain enchants, higher level sharpness but you're locked out of higher unbreaking mods or you could add specialty mods like 'lightning aspect' that shocked adjacent mobs or enchants that gave more building range etc. If you went all out you could set it up so you could have different sets / classes of enchants for specific purposes building / defence / damage etc.

  99. 7 months ago

    More RPG mechanics. Get quests from villagers. Add ruins to break up the barren map. Lore chests like ARK. Give me reasons to explore beyond the bare minimum to beat the Ender Dragon.

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