Nioh 2

Is NG+ worth it Ganker?
Not gonna lie but fatigue settled in after the first dlc

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago

    The game doesn't even really begin until NG++++

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Sort of
    It's worth it in that level layours are the same but different enemies sometimes and they get new moves too
    Overall if you don't enjoy the gameplay, not worth it

  3. 3 weeks ago

    It's worth it if you're still engaged. If you want more, play more.
    Try out different weapons, skills, abilities, building armor sets for builds and such.
    Higher difficulties give access to far more interesting armor set bonuses, build options, remixed enemy placements and expanded enemy/boss movesets. So they'res enough variety to make it seem like a real progression of difficulty but it's still the same game with the same levels. So if youre getting bored before a finishing a single playthrough it might not keep you hooked.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Also NG+ let's you pick an choose your favorite levels to replay (to a certain extent) instead of having to redo every main mission back to back like ng

      • 3 weeks ago

        Yeah that's a very nice touch. I mostly skipped ng+ and did boss missions, then did ng++ and ng+++ proper. Some missions are just a slog.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Pretty much this. I got to nioh and the hell zone before getting bored.
      If you like arpg the game gets better and better with every loop because you have more room to do builds. But if you are a more pure action guy, the gameplay won't get much better than that.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    I'm on ng4/dream of the wise and loving every minute. New rarity past divine, vastly expanded build freedom, cursed enemies, scrolls, new enemy moves + dlc enemies in base game, new effects and sets changing up my play. If you're feeling fatigued now I'd take some time off, come back if you like combat since that's the main focus and you'll be repeating content a lot. Getting better at combat, optimising builds and just flowing through combos has me hooked.

  5. 3 weeks ago

    You weren't supposed to play the DLC on playthrough 1.

    You don't even get all of the gameplay mechanics until NG+++ anyway

    • 3 weeks ago

      >You weren't supposed to play the DLC on playthrough 1.
      all of my WHAT?
      jesus fricking christ that would explain why I am getting my ass kicked by some gigantic female monstrosity that insta kills you with a huge far reaching weapon.
      After the Nth time this b***h killed me I went on a hiatus from this game.
      is there a good mod for managing the inventory? One of the other reasons I ditched the game is that sometimes I spent more time managing the inventory than playiing the actual game.
      >also also
      which other games would you recommend for a burned out Nioh and nioh 2 player?
      Ghost of Tsushima?
      The other game with chinese lore?

      • 3 weeks ago

        >all of my WHAT?
        What he meant is that the devs tuned the FIRST dlc for people who had already gone through ng+, in regards to gear scaling.
        Particularly noticeable with Nioh 1's first dlc, a lot less with Nioh 2.
        You're having problems with the jumping b***h because she's genuinely hard (relative to the average Nioh 2 boss).
        >which other games would you recommend for a burned out Nioh and nioh 2 player?
        GoT is just reskinned assassin's creed. Not a bad game, but completely unrelated.
        Sekiro is also very different and very hit or miss on top of that: it either resonates with you or it bores you to tears. Worth trying just in case it clicks.
        Wo Long is a simplified Nioh with a deflection mechanic. I tried it because I wanted MORE Nioh, not sure you'd enjoy it if you're burned out.
        I think GoT is your best bet, something brainless is a good way to destress when you're burned out.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >which other games would you recommend for a burned out Nioh and nioh 2 player?
        the KILL CHAOS game

  6. 3 weeks ago

    >Is NG+ worth it Ganker?
    No, it's just for grinding and gameplay perfecting autism. The game stays the same, so there's no point if you're burnt out. You will be able to use more skills for more variety in gameplay and utilise different builds which do have notable impacts, but the general game is the same through all the different difficulty modes/NG+'s.
    I'd say just play the rest of the DLCs in base difficulty, then just play something else and maybe revisit it later.

    • 3 weeks ago

      the first ng+ is not very different but the ones after that have new mechanics, different enemies in each level and the bosses have new attacks

      • 3 weeks ago

        I would probably not be able to list specific differences anymore, but none of them were so drastic that they change the baseline gameplay or experience. They add more fun for people who enjoy the combat and want to continue playing with it, but It's an exaggeration to say something like "it's an entirely different game." Someone burnt out or who is not already a big fan by the end most likely isn't going to change their tune with the further difficulty modes.
        I mean unless they really love putting stats on equip together since that's when it mainly starts, I guess.

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Tell me about this game, I heard it has insane game mechanics, but all I know is that it's just sekiro

    • 3 weeks ago

      The first lesson to learn is that whenever anyone makes a comparison to Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro or Elden Ring they're completely full of shit and suck at both games that they're trying to talk about.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Also this
        The similarities begin and end with bonfires, respawning enemies and stats scaling weapons. Beyond that it feels like a diablo type game but the action is developed and front n center.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >but all I know is that it's just sekiro
      Sekiro is very tight in hoe the whole game is built around aggressive parry play. This feels more like a standard team ninja action game with a ton of systems and mechanics. There's stamina but a core mechanic is doing a timely action that regains a bunch of stamina, every weapon has a big skill tree full of moves and passive and usually play different from other weapons. There's 3 stances which are just ways of accessing all these different skills but there's other systems where you gain bonuses through switching so you're juggling a few systems must switching stances, regaining stamina and deploying active skills and general attacks (each stance has a light and heavy attack chain) besides that there's a ton of systems around diablo itemisation autism and effects to the point you can build an op character around something as silly as throwing shurikens, then there's collecting enemy soul cores and using their attacks like it's some pokemon shit. There's a lot of systems to consume, manage and get better at. I don't think it feels much like souls at all since the whole core of the game is the combat and not the world. It's a mission based game too. Not to everyone's taste but I love it

    • 3 weeks ago

      it ain't sekiro, not comparable, it's probably the most deep ARPG out there, movesets, stats, gameplay mechanics that become available only after you finish a playtrough.
      The only negative thing i could say is that the game is still based on stance breaking, which is annoying on a first playtrough because you don't have the tools to break enemy stances effectively and so you'll never finalize a build until you have divine items unlocked.
      Game is respec friendly so don't worry about that, you can respec everything and you should experiment, certain skills can be upgraded, poison can be kept indefinetly on an enemy as long as you whack him with a weapon with said effects applied, parallisys is a meme, plenty of late game enemies resist everything so invest in buffs, they get you pretty far.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Agreed about the stance breaking. As you get better the game gets easier but also more punishing for slip ups. First time you encounter yatsu no kami you die maybe 20 times, ng++++ he can one shot you but now you immediately break his ki, apply some 3 status effects and pop confusion on top of that, break his stance and by then you've built up 9 stacks of versatility for maximum damage and now you're going through combo after combo, guardian spirits, feathers and soul cores to just completely slap him around in under a minute because you know when to block, when and how to dodge, you're ki pulsing, fluxxing, flux 2ing.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Okay lobosjr

    • 3 weeks ago

      >it's just sekiro
      Lmao what the frick, they play nothing alike.
      You want a Nioh comparison? Monster Hunter meets Devil May Cry.

      • 3 weeks ago

        You're gonna have to explain that wild comparison, anon.

        • 3 weeks ago

          I suppose he's referring to the blend of combo-based combat married with stamina management and many enemies having breakable parts

        • 3 weeks ago

          Take mh's combat (very distinct high skill ceiling weapons, stamina management, meaningful inventory, fairly punitive damage received), make it as fast and comboish as dmc, and set it in levels with actual mobs on top of the bosses.
          Farming, spreadsheeting and all that shit are basically the same as in mh.
          Stylin' is optional but optimal because of versatility and a couple other skills.
          Honestly, I just can't think of any better comparison. It's certainly much closer than any From game, that's for sure.

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's really nothing like Sekiro.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    A lot more specialist builds open up in the last 2 NG+ cycles so if you want more content or just want to see what the endpoint is for a build it's kinda worth it.

  9. 3 weeks ago

    I love nioh even when it throws shit like this my way

    • 3 weeks ago

      The cart is honestly the only sort of threatening thing there. The big boys can be baited into doing their dumb windmill attack, making them a non-threat for a while as you run off and deal with something else

  10. 3 weeks ago

    you don't have to replay every single mission, it's like a 'completion bar' thing until you can jump to the final level and just repeat this process until you get to the highest difficulty and get the best gear, it's what I did

  11. 3 weeks ago

    I think that the enemies in the game are pretty lacking, slapping monkey heads with high attacks and shooting ranged dudes before engaging with the 10000th yoki is bretty boring, bosses are cool, but there's so much you can do with the tools you have available and so you can't really make em too deep, there ain't going to be a vergil 2 here sadly, feel like damage and damage sponginess is overtuned all aroud though, would'have preferred that bs to be relegated to ng+, i suppose koei likes their games to be trials by fire but damn, this game requires some unreasonable willpower sometimes.

  12. 3 weeks ago

    anyone else here not autistic like me and just does the first playthrough of the game and doesnt frick with the endless grinding and ng+ bullshit?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Feel like you need to really like the gameplay to do ng+

    • 3 weeks ago

      Like all singleplayer or singleplayer adjacent games those guys left years ago when the threads started to slow down and they had their fill, now it's just avid fans who at least dabbled in the autistic waters (but not necessarily people who know what they're talking about).

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, I'm moronicly autistic and finishing up ng++++ then doing underworld. For me the game is very charming and the gameplay loop is super fun. The builds are the cherry on top for me. The combat as well I'd like to see more of and try all the weapons. The kusa is crazy fun

    • 3 weeks ago

      right here brother. if i want loot autism i'd go play a game about loot autism

  13. 3 weeks ago

    I like the ng+ levels because it asks of you to master your combos even more to style on monsters and it adds all the diablo autism on top of it for bullshit modifiers.
    It's like two games in one. One that's the base game with it's balancing, and the next 200hrs in the game where you keep going further and further mastering your weapons and optimizing your shit.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    >having trouble with a boss
    >invite a visitor
    >he throws 3 shurikens and kills that moronic snake
    At that point I got hooked, never summoned again.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah dex is op as frick early on

      • 3 weeks ago

        The feathers just shred any yokai out of ki

  15. 3 weeks ago

    Yes and no. The game gets better each ng+ BUT you'll be spending most of it just running to the bosses anyways. Nioh is such a terribly designed game

    • 3 weeks ago

      Ignoring the level isnt very good criticism

      • 3 weeks ago

        Aw jeez maybe don't make me do it 3 times before doing it for real then!

        • 3 weeks ago

          You dont, its called new game for a reason moron. What, do you b***h about ng+ in souls games too?
          >"Bruh wants me to do the level again skull emoji"
          Lmfao get real

  16. 3 weeks ago

    I think im pretty close to finishing 1. For two should i just speed through ng so i can start a "true" playthrough since evryone keeps saying the game doesnt actually start until ng ++++ and shit is locked for your first playthrough

    • 3 weeks ago

      Just play 2 normally first, they're exaggerating.

  17. 3 weeks ago

    What are the best weapons in the first game? I need to start a new save since I lost mine and have to rush through it for the DLC since I enver did it
    I was thinking dex for ninjutsu for yokai but not sure on human bosses

    • 3 weeks ago

      if you want to go full moron, focus magic and do slow, attack down, defense down on everything

    • 3 weeks ago

      Odachi is stupidly OP since it's basically axe with spear hitboxes and speed but doesn't bounce off walls. I think most phantoms carry Taro Tachi on low difficulties.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    If you're already fatigued, no.
    Otherwise pushing through all the way to the depths is fun as frick.
    Dream of the strong is very weak though..

  19. 3 weeks ago

    I dunno. Do you only play Diablo through normal difficulty then quit after?

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Getting from NG+ to NG++++ is really easy, takes like 3-4 hours. I was surprised that I got like 300m exp from one enemy in the first mission kek.

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