>No art. >No engagement. >0 hype for the release. >Playstation tweets only getting 1-2k likes at best

>No art
>No engagement
>0 hype for the release
>Playstation tweets only getting 1-2k likes at best
>Official account only has 40k followers on twitter
>0 nsfw art despite the sexualized mc
>Most major streamers called it mid at best
>no PC day1
>Only 30gb
This shit might be the biggest flop since Anthem

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  1. 3 months ago

    >No art
    surprisingly true
    >No engagement
    >0 hype for the release
    there is hype but it's much smaller than what Ganker are implying
    >Playstation tweets only getting 1-2k likes at best
    not a metric
    >Official account only has 40k followers on twitter
    that's good though
    >0 nsfw art despite the sexualized mc
    not surprisingly true
    >Most major streamers called it mid at best
    >no PC day1
    i can wait
    >Only 30gb
    not a problem

    • 3 months ago

      >not a metric
      Twitter and reddit are 2 of the most popular social medias in the entire world.

      • 3 months ago

        But my favorite youtuber told me I had to buy this to defeat Sweet Baby Inc! #GamerGate2

        asiatics have to astroturf their shitty media on social media, thankfully gaming audiences are more critical than kpoop audiences so we're not gonna bite on this shitty coomer game

        And the funniest thing is all of the unironic shills around here who probably think we can't recognize them for who they are.

        >No art
        Proof that Eve is uninspired fap bait for chudcels

        >No engagement
        Pissbaby spergcels retweeting the same pic of Eve's ass to "own da libs".

        >Playstation tweets only getting 1-2k likes at best

        >Official account only has 40k followers on twitter
        95% bots, the rest are lonely chudlets who can't handle a real woman

        >0 nsfw art despite the sexualized mc
        Even literal porn artists agree with the first point. No coom art for you chud-maestro!

        >Most major streamers called it mid at best
        Paid shills. Real streamers wouldn't embarrass themselves playing this incel slop.

        >no PC day1
        PC chuds on s*icide watch!

        >Only 30gb

        These posts brought to you by the troons at Gamingcirclejerk

    • 3 months ago

      it's made by fricking shift up, what did you expect?

      >not a metric
      Twitter and reddit are 2 of the most popular social medias in the entire world.


      Sexy AF Korean girls in body suits? Yes please! I thought the demo was fun /shrug

      and to be fair, this was pretty much the exact same thing for NIKKE. Still remember all the butthurt because the devs took their time releasing it.

      But my favorite youtuber told me I had to buy this to defeat Sweet Baby Inc! #GamerGate2

      troonybois, you lost and got raped (;

      • 3 months ago

        >groomercord raider thinks everybody is like him

    • 3 months ago

      >>No art

      • 3 months ago

        The game has 0 art

  2. 3 months ago

    it's made by fricking shift up, what did you expect?

  3. 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      You sound like you're trying to convince yourself.

  4. 3 months ago

    Sexy AF Korean girls in body suits? Yes please! I thought the demo was fun /shrug

    and to be fair, this was pretty much the exact same thing for NIKKE. Still remember all the butthurt because the devs took their time releasing it.

  5. 3 months ago

    But my favorite youtuber told me I had to buy this to defeat Sweet Baby Inc! #GamerGate2

  6. 3 months ago

    >>Only 30gb
    morons like you are the reason we get 200gb games these days despite them looking worse than games from 10 years ago and having less content too

    sekiro is less than 15gb and it's an amazing game

  7. 3 months ago

    asiatics have to astroturf their shitty media on social media, thankfully gaming audiences are more critical than kpoop audiences so we're not gonna bite on this shitty coomer game

  8. 3 months ago

    >Only 30gb
    How the frick is this bad?

    • 3 months ago

      Less data means:

      Less content
      Worse graphics

    • 3 months ago

      Games are only good if they have 100GB of uncompressed audio.

  9. 3 months ago

    And the funniest thing is all of the unironic shills around here who probably think we can't recognize them for who they are.

  10. 3 months ago

    The only thing that will flop is your stupid prediction. I'm even ready to bet you'll play it and just post this to say something that will make people respond instead of saying what you truly think.

  11. 3 months ago

    >No art
    So if I go ahead and commission a bunch of artists to draw eve does that mean the game is more popular?

    • 3 months ago

      Yes. Get to it.

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      Yes. It's a good metric to see if people actually like the character.
      That she doesn't even have a single autist who likes her is a problem.

  12. 3 months ago

    >>Only 30gb
    That's a good thing.

    • 3 months ago


      Less data means:

      Less content
      Worse graphics

  13. 3 months ago

    >No art
    There’s art
    >No engagement
    I don’t even know what this means
    >0 hype for the release
    This is a lie
    >Playstation tweets only getting 1-2k
    likes at best
    Which are still higher on likes than most of what the post in between SB posts
    >Official account only has 40k followers on twitter
    Most people don’t follow official accounts. It took Elden Ring like 3 years to reach 1 million followers
    >0 nsfw art despite the sexualized mc
    There’s NSFW art but it’s not gonna be collected on the typical Japanese leaning image boards
    >Most major streamers called it mid at best
    Citation also
    >no PC day1
    Of course you give the game away you port begging Black person
    >Only 30gb
    Thank god the Koreans are compression gods

    Gotcha, anything else?

  14. 3 months ago

    >No art
    Proof that Eve is uninspired fap bait for chudcels

    >No engagement
    Pissbaby spergcels retweeting the same pic of Eve's ass to "own da libs".

    >Playstation tweets only getting 1-2k likes at best

    >Official account only has 40k followers on twitter
    95% bots, the rest are lonely chudlets who can't handle a real woman

    >0 nsfw art despite the sexualized mc
    Even literal porn artists agree with the first point. No coom art for you chud-maestro!

    >Most major streamers called it mid at best
    Paid shills. Real streamers wouldn't embarrass themselves playing this incel slop.

    >no PC day1
    PC chuds on s*icide watch!

    >Only 30gb

    • 3 months ago

      Does nobody know what POV means anymore? Why would I be looking at this guy if I was playing Stellar Blade? Wouldn't I be looking at the TV?

      • 3 months ago

        zoomers can't into abstract thinking

      • 3 months ago

        leftists can't meme

      • 3 months ago

        He accidently screenshotted himself

    • 3 months ago

      Why would the point of view be in third person? Assuming I'm supposed to be this ugly person in the image.

  15. 3 months ago

    Daily troon coping thread? Good to know my investments are working as intended

  16. 3 months ago

    >Ass fetish game to pander to blacks
    >Act surprised when Japan doesn't like it
    lmao, there is a reason this garbage is only popular with americans, it's literally the Black person version of nier automata

    • 3 months ago


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