No hero units confirmed for TW Pharaoh

History bros... are we back?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Will the game be good?

    • 1 year ago

      >Will the game be good?

    • 1 year ago

      Lol no, because it's arcade and have the same gameplay of troy, even if there aren't heroes doesn't matter because it won't looks like: Napoleon, Rome, Medieval. I mean look at those arrows they sucks only a homosexual can support CA, at least download for free if you want to waste time

      • 1 year ago

        >it's arcade
        What does that even mean. I just want another game to feel like rome total war . I never played troy though.

        • 12 months ago

          Why not just play Rome then? I get that they have to crap out a game every year to make money, but I don't see the point in playing them.

          • 12 months ago

            New tech should take what was good and make it bigger. Instead it's used to replace what was good with shit

    • 1 year ago

      >no cavalry
      No it won't be good

      • 1 year ago

        Chariots, b***h

    • 1 year ago

      It has potential, but I'm still doubtful.

    • 1 year ago

      It'll have the same goyslop quality as warhammer did, so no.

  2. 1 year ago

    Entirely depends on whether or not I can play as the sea people and burn everyone's shit to the ground.

    • 1 year ago

      I want to play as Amalek and burn the israelites shit

  3. 1 year ago

    Why does the UI feel so Warhammerish

    • 1 year ago

      Huh? You mean Troyish, right? That's what I hate about this game, copy paste of Troy.

      • 1 year ago

        Now that you mention it, yes. Maybe it is the colours and fonts used

      • 1 year ago

        How is it a copy paste?

        • 1 year ago

          Man I hate how all modern games are getting this mobile gamelike interface.

        • 1 year ago

          Man I hate how all modern games are getting this mobile gamelike interface.

          Huh? You mean Troyish, right? That's what I hate about this game, copy paste of Troy.

          Why does the UI feel so Warhammerish

          All modern TW games have this same bloated GUI, in comparison to say Shogun 2 being the best for cleanliness while conveying the most. Its actually sort of funny, was thinking how its basically take 10 years for CA to rebuild TW back up to the basic concepts practiced in their games from 2004~2011.

          Just goes to show the post shogun 2 -> Rome II brain drain was pretty big, even funnier when you realize they fired the people that did FOTs.

          • 1 year ago

            >old good, new bad
            >actually shows modded UI
            The UI never looked like this in the sacred cow old games either you dumb fricks.

            • 1 year ago

              Bad faith

              • 1 year ago

                Shogun II is not an old total war. Rome 1 and Medieval II had the double-stack units and a very blocky ui

              • 1 year ago

                I prefer the top, it has soul

              • 1 year ago

                >shitty unit cards with 0 effort put in
                Still mad CA stopped doing stylized unit cards after all the morons complained.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah this [...]
                Also the thing that rome/med2 mods do where they just remove everything is not much UI design as lack of it and the unit cards stuck to bottom edge of the screen and floating buttons without any background or frame separating them from the rest of the screen looks moronic and at best is just compensating for the fact game has crap FoV and camera controls in the first place.

                I like the stylized unit cards too. I don't know where all those morons who apparently prefer just having the unit render slapped on the card instead of period appropriate art are coming from.

                I actually like being able to see what unit is under attack rather than having to play spot the difference between 5 units with 90% identical art.

              • 1 year ago

                It's a made up issue. You'll quickly remember which unit is which if you are using them in your armies. You can tell it apart by seeing if the dude is on a horse or what weapon he's holding and it's probably more distinctive than the unit model if anything because it's exaggerated. Cards also have unit type symbols or some other marking on them. You will rarely have multiple different kinds of units of the same type and even if you somehow managed to put 5 different kinds of spearmanii in a single army where they end up looking too similar the distinction is likely irrelevant and models wouldn't help much either.

              • 1 year ago

                It's a made up issue. You'll quickly remember which unit is which if you are using them in your armies. You can tell it apart by seeing if the dude is on a horse or what weapon he's holding and it's probably more distinctive than the unit model if anything because it's exaggerated. Cards also have unit type symbols or some other marking on them. You will rarely have multiple different kinds of units of the same type and even if you somehow managed to put 5 different kinds of spearmanii in a single army where they end up looking too similar the distinction is likely irrelevant and models wouldn't help much either.

                The clarity problem doesn't come from the artstyle. In rome 1 there's units with the same model and you can still tell which is which because of the different poses.

              • 1 year ago

                this is a custom battle and you are showing a general's unit
                i would always be able to tell apart unit 1 from unit 2 because unit 2 would normally have a character portrait

              • 1 year ago

                The solution to that is called having pop-up menus when hovering your cursor over them. Consolegays need not apply.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah this

                Shogun II is not an old total war. Rome 1 and Medieval II had the double-stack units and a very blocky ui

                Also the thing that rome/med2 mods do where they just remove everything is not much UI design as lack of it and the unit cards stuck to bottom edge of the screen and floating buttons without any background or frame separating them from the rest of the screen looks moronic and at best is just compensating for the fact game has crap FoV and camera controls in the first place.

                >shitty unit cards with 0 effort put in
                Still mad CA stopped doing stylized unit cards after all the morons complained.

                I like the stylized unit cards too. I don't know where all those morons who apparently prefer just having the unit render slapped on the card instead of period appropriate art are coming from.

            • 1 year ago

              >going into preferences.txt and changing minmal_ui to True
              lmao fricking zoomers

            • 1 year ago

              >modded UI
              >The UI never looked like
              this is literally just the minimalist UI option, anyone who played medieval2 long enough would eventually find this option by browsing the setting menus

              why do clueless people feel the need to educate others?

          • 1 year ago

            warhammer has the best and cleanest UI and it's not even close
            have a nice day

          • 12 months ago

            >All modern TW games have this same bloated GUI
            You can literally shut all that shit off in Troy. It's completely customizable.

      • 1 year ago

        It's a Shogun 2 screenshot

    • 1 year ago

      copy of troy which is a copy of troonyhammer

    • 1 year ago

      Troy and Paraoh are ribs of Warhammer

  4. 1 year ago

    i really would like them to get rid of 1) unit health bars and go back to the old way of having individual soldiers take hits on their own, 2) armies that aren't dependent on a general, 3) cities that aren't limited by building slots
    >are we back
    not until there's another game set between 1100 AD and 1900 AD. seriously i wonder what sort of decision making goes into setting one in ancient egypt besides the fact that people will buy anything

    • 1 year ago

      >1) unit health bars and go back to the old way of having individual soldiers take hits on their own
      It's been awhile since I played a TW game, went back and played WH2 and it felt so hollow. Blobs of hp bars rubbing against blobs of hp bars

    • 1 year ago

      >i wonder what sort of decision making goes into setting one in ancient egypt
      dunno maybe the fact that bronze age mods are always very popular?

    • 1 year ago

      >individual soldiers take hits on their own
      That has been the case the whole time even after the series moved away from 1HP. The health bar is just the total HP of all models in the unit added up, but the damage has always been per model. Splash damage can sometimes cause a situation where damage gets spread out so you end up with 15% health but 50/100 models but if a guy gets hit for more damage than he has HP he dies. They just changed the bars from showing model% to HP% at some point.

      • 1 year ago

        >damage gets spread out so you end up with 15% health but 50/100 models
        That's the problem, m8

        • 1 year ago

          How much splash damage is even gonna be in this though? This is pre-ballista, pre-onager. Now those pesky things like history never stopped CA from putting counterweight trebuchets into 3K a thousand years before they were invented, but I don't recall a single Bronze Age projectile-based siege engine.

        • 1 year ago

          This is how every game ever works and it's really noticeable only in warhammer because it has damage over time spells and shit which is admittedly ironic considering the actual tabletop game has pretty simplistic all or nothing combat rules. In other games you don't have as many attacks hitting multiple targets and humans are squishy enough to die in 2-3 hits anyway so the discrepancy never builds up that much.

          • 1 year ago

            >This is how every game ever works
            It's not

          • 1 year ago

            >This is how every game ever works
            that's not how total war games used to work you spastic teen

        • 1 year ago

          The system didn't change, the health numbers did

          • 1 year ago

            The system changed substantially. "health numbers" weren't a concept, having 2 hitpoints was something that made some units far more survivable than others, namely generals' bodyguards.

            for the vast majority of units in most older total war games, there is only 1 hitpoint, making the combat far more granular and probabilistic, dependent more on positioning than stats.

            • 1 year ago

              >"health numbers weren't a concept"
              >Except on these units

              >the system didn't change
              >They just changed the bars from showing model% to HP% at some point.
              >even after the series moved away from 1HP
              It's just a coincidence that blob combat became a thing after moving away from individual healthed models

              Shogun 2 had plenty of blob combat

              • 1 year ago

                Shogun 2 had models fighting models in cinematic combat, actually interacting with each other and attacking/parrying
                Total War is now leaping/slashing blob vs leaping/slashing blob

              • 1 year ago

                Also Shogun 2 had an actual First Person Camera, which let you see the first person view of a unit you were observing.
                Now 'first person view' is some shitty sky cam that OMG you can zoom a bit!

              • 1 year ago

                pharaoh has matched combat too, so did rome2 and attila

              • 1 year ago

                >Shogun 2 had plenty of blob combat
                Lolwhat, Shogun 2 had by far the most lethal melee combat out of any TW game. It was lightning paced, you look away for a second and boom, you lost 50 samurai. To pretend this is the same as even Rome 2's slogfests where you just wait around for 10 minutes to see who breaks first because not even T1 units actually die fighting elites is ridiculous.

              • 1 year ago

                >It was lightning paced, you look away for a second and boom, you lost 50 samurai.
                >just like in my heckin movies
                kek all that proves that japs are moronic

            • 12 months ago

              Yes that’s exactly the same system, a unit of 100 bodyguards would start with a pool of 200 hp total, and could be whittled down to 50 men with 1hp each for a total of 50hp (or 25%) despite being numerically at 50% combat strength, which is very similar to the statistics described as a nuTW “problem” in this post.

              >damage gets spread out so you end up with 15% health but 50/100 models
              That's the problem, m8

              If you had a beefy enough general (I think you could get up to +8 hitpoints) on small unit size you could probably get to even less than 15%hp at 50% manpower. And that’s all in Rome.
              I would however agree that although the system of 1 vs 2 hitpoints per man was far more gamey than 80 vs 100 I did prefer the Rome/Medieval emphasis on unit differentiation through skill, armour and shield rather than health points like you see now.

          • 1 year ago

            >the system didn't change
            >They just changed the bars from showing model% to HP% at some point.
            >even after the series moved away from 1HP
            It's just a coincidence that blob combat became a thing after moving away from individual healthed models

            • 1 year ago

              Those are unrelated things, Rome2 had unit health but still had matched combat and people seethed relentlessly about it. They removed it in warhammer and suddenly everyone loved it all along. I don't think most people even noticed the HP either before warhammer changed how it's displayed.

              • 1 year ago

                >Shogun 2 had matched combat and individual unit HP
                >Rome 2 had matched combat
                >Attilla had matched combat
                >Pharoah will have matched combat
                Cool now bring it back to the classic damage calculations and we're back to where the franchise was a decade ago

              • 1 year ago

                Every game has individual unit HP.

              • 1 year ago

                gets spread out so you end up with 15% health but 50/100 models

              • 1 year ago

                >a person can only be dead or alive not injured

              • 1 year ago

                >an injured person won't die when hit directly with artillery as long as there are 49 other people around who weren't hit

              • 1 year ago

                You wanna play? Let's play
                >an injured person will always be able to keep fighting before dying

              • 1 year ago

                Old TW games already figured this out
                >units get "killed" in the battle
                >a % of them don't actually die, simulating injury and recovery
                >if they win: they get to use them again
                >if they lose: the injured are automatically added to the enemy's prisoners to be ransomed or killed
                Why can't they just do that

              • 1 year ago

                Prisoners were only the units "killed" when they were routing. When someone died in battle they just died.

              • 1 year ago

                In RTW and M2TW, a % of units that "die" in battle (end up as corpses on the field) end up surviving. In M2TW they went into the enemy's prisoner count automatically if their side lost.

              • 1 year ago

                Prisoners were only the units "killed" when they were routing. When someone died in battle they just died.

                Oh and 3K has capturing generals and keeps track of captives separate from casualties but I'm not sure if it works the same.

              • 1 year ago

                >an injured person won't die when hit directly with artillery as long as there are 49 other people around who weren't hit

                >Splash damage can sometimes cause a situation where damage gets spread out so you end up with 15% health but 50/100 models but if a guy gets hit for more damage than he has HP he dies.
                >The health bar is just the total HP of all models in the unit added up, but the damage has always been per model.
                >noticeable only in warhammer because it has damage over time spells and shit (...) In other games you don't have as many attacks hitting multiple targets and humans are squishy enough to die in 2-3 hits anyway so the discrepancy never builds up that much.

              • 1 year ago

                >so the discrepancy never builds up that much
                It does

              • 1 year ago

                It really doesn't. In most cases it tracks pretty closely because guys in the front have to die for the guys in the back to be hit and the discrepancy is not really an issue in the first place other than the fact it bothers some autists who refuse to understand why it happens.
                It's really just a way you display it. In rome it didn't really matter much because it was just humans anyway but they probably needed to change that in warhammer to accommodate single entities and low model count monster units.

              • 1 year ago

                >and the discrepancy is not really an issue in the first place other than the fact it bothers some autists who refuse to understand why it happens.

    • 1 year ago

      Its meant to get woke hoteps to buy their games so they can play as kangs

      • 1 year ago

        lmao i hope the trailer kang was pozzed cgi artists portraying well "tanned" Egyptians but here he looks like nigerian prince, depressing

        neither of you are white

        • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            Amazing, I didn't think it was possible to surpass the cringe that is /misc/ but you sure showed me wrong with that video.

          • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            You need to go back

          • 1 year ago

            wew lad that's some spicy cringe

          • 1 year ago

            But it didn't happen though

          • 12 months ago

            How does this board manage to be cringier than the one dedicated to Pokemon

            • 12 months ago

              Pokemon is for normies

          • 12 months ago


            frick off back to bunkerchan

      • 1 year ago

        hoteps are too busy playing the newest NBA 2Kcurrentyear game when did they start playing strategy games?

        • 1 year ago

          Its a niche market, its for the beta anime loving nerdy blacks not the Chad basketball dunking ones.

          • 1 year ago

            Literally a fraction of a fraction of a percent of overall market share.

    • 1 year ago

      Theyre obviously planning to have 3 games focusing on greece, egypt/levant and mesopotamia to combine into a big immortal empires style campaign.

      Why sell 1 game when you can cut it into three pieces and sell 3 games?

  5. 1 year ago

    I gotta admit, it did look good. I'm not paying $110 for it though.

  6. 1 year ago

    One of my friends works at SEGA Sofia which is the studio developing most of TW Pharaoh. Basically they are an underfunded skeleton crew, they were told "make egypt game but make it earn big bux", they were given almost 0 resources and time. The game is gonna suck and be abandoned in half a year tops

  7. 1 year ago

    What do you mean by confirmed? 3K had general's bodyguard in whatever mode they clearly didn't give a shit about and put no effort into. They might have two modes this time as well.

  8. 1 year ago

    It's like no one learned anything from Rome 2. No we are not back. You'll never get a harmony of visual sequences, sounds, music, ui, and announcer after killing a lone kensai with a stray arrow. You'll never get back shamefur dispray and crisp distinct visuals. You will forever get muddly blobs under ugly ass icons, shitty animations, and jizz noodle arrows, which they tried to sneak in a little into rome remastered but thanks god there was a mod to remove that.

    You'll get a good TW game in the future from bickering AI gods developing it as a passion project on a shoestring budget without being cucked by publishers.

    • 1 year ago

      Why yes, I do want a The Five Star Stories Total War. How did you know?

  9. 1 year ago

    >300 men get shot by some arrows
    >instantly, all of their armor falls off at the same time
    Mmm I love nuTW realism
    >every arrow has a trail of cum behind it
    >giant blinking icons cover the battlefield

    • 1 year ago

      >nobody dies from the cumpact


    • 1 year ago

      >every arrow has a trail of cum behind it
      would it kill them to just do the same thing they did for shogun 2 arrows
      they just WORK

      • 1 year ago

        Double agents at CG are trying to turn nu-TW into bukkake simulator. Invincible badly arranged and animated testudos are just the foundation for a future blob of cum.

  10. 1 year ago

    They've set the game so far back in time that it might as well be fantasy. Still, better than actual fantasy I guess.

  11. 1 year ago

    lmao i hope the trailer kang was pozzed cgi artists portraying well "tanned" Egyptians but here he looks like nigerian prince, depressing

    • 1 year ago

      more like nubian/kushite

  12. 1 year ago

    how to play shogun 2 without crash on modern pc

    I'm genuinely asking help

    • 1 year ago

      Enable windows 7 compatibility.

      I feel you anon I got a new PC and tried to run Napoleon on it only for it to not work on 11.

  13. 1 year ago

    I don't understand the point of making an argument that at its best boils down to "it's not that much worse or as different from the old stuff as you think". How about you make an argument for how it's better or even deserves to exist, period?

    • 1 year ago

      it allows for units to be damaged by environmental things like fire and now sandstorms without dying immediately

      • 1 year ago

        And that is useful how exactly? How many battles were won by sandstorms injuring people or the nebulous "fire"? Actually nevermind that, what the frick are you even talking about, units are being damaged by sandstorms, holy frick this is moronic. Just slap a debuff on them like the good old days and call it at that.

        • 1 year ago

          >units are being damaged by sandstorms, holy frick this is moronic.
          have you experienced one?

          • 1 year ago

            Have you? How many people die from the sandstorm itself directly? Not from exposure, starvation, dehydradation, but from the sand hitting you in your face? The wear it does on you is better represented not by HP but by this little thing called "stamina" that we have had in this series for a while now.

    • 1 year ago

      Because this isn’t an argument thread, it’s a “everyone with an opinion different than mine is stupid” thread

  14. 1 year ago

    IT'S UP

    • 1 year ago

      Frick off gay.

      • 1 year ago

        Make me Black person b***h

    • 1 year ago

      This gay and his infinite autism does more harm for the cause than he helps. Wish he would just khs

  15. 1 year ago

    Barely got into TW but good to see that gone

  16. 1 year ago

    TW has always been a flawed series, yes even R1 and M2TW, especially without mods. I'll still play all of them though because there's nothing quite like it.

  17. 1 year ago

    >female generals
    >egyptians as Black folk
    no, history bros never stood a chance

    • 1 year ago

      There were female generals in TK

  18. 1 year ago


  19. 1 year ago

    Damn, I cannot wait to play as the legendary egyptian dude who can fill his majesty bar on the campaign map to cast historical things that do historical stuff like shattering entire armies through historical attrition or unlock the lastest historical technological advancement of +3% army range. This truly is the historical experience.

    • 1 year ago

      have a nice day

      • 1 year ago

        i think my autism has gotten worse
        i recently tried to play atilla (shills here recommended it) but i uninstalled it in a fit of rage when i realized that vertical archer shots caused full damage... even in medieval2, vertical shots had a massive accuracy and damage malus

        yes i do realize that it's also like this in shogun2, but you would expect improvement after so many years and not regression
        in fact shogun2 removed lots of cool features, such as archers having their range affected by elevation or archers being able to shoot sideways or backwards instead of only forwards

        mumu ogun thunderstrike your family

      • 1 year ago

        Cope CA troony, your game is shit

        • 1 year ago

          i dont know if pharoah will be good, but his complaint is basically the entire series
          like play something else, it's clear you never liked it
          if you want super realistic shit go play a game that has that
          this is a game where generals issue orders telepathically and diplomacy is done using faster than light communications

          • 1 year ago

            >the entire series
            newbie frick off back to paradox cash grabs, these games used to be good, CA's laziness as making "diverse" factions just turned them into shitty low effort pseudo strategy games.
            Their combat is now closer to regular RTS without reaching their qualities. And the so called campaign mechanics are just super powers that only you have to deal with that offer no real interaction with other factions. The less shared mechanics the game have the less strategy is involved because you just play your own game and sometimes you fight a low tier AoE4 battle against a reskin of your own faction with stat bonus or malus.
            And Warhammer players won't buy your scam, they did not buy it the last two times and they won't buy it now either, they're in for the setting not the gameplay.
            >this is a game where generals issue orders telepathically and diplomacy is done using faster than light communications
            Not the point. Gameplay features to make things conveniant have never been criticised. Playing your own seperate game while not interacting with the rest of the world to get shitty uninspired number bonuses is the issue. Previous entries made stuff like traits and technologies meaningful. It made player's decision matter.

            If you don't understand that then good for you, go buy Number goes up and bar fills up but this time it's Egypt : Total War. And don't forget to prepurchase the shitty faction unlocker, they'll be on your computer but you won't be able to play them if you don't pay that extra $20. Also do not forget the blood pack.

            • 1 year ago

              >those games used to be good
              have a nice day you delusional homosexual

            • 1 year ago

              >these games used to be good
              when lmao

              • 1 year ago

                >those games used to be good
                have a nice day you delusional homosexual

                >gets btfo
                >w-well these games were never good anyway!
                lol, lmao even.

  20. 1 year ago

    Looks kino.

    • 1 year ago

      I do like the customisable bodyguard units.

    • 1 year ago

      Matched combat is back for better or worse
      Wall sapping is back (sorta), might be done on campaign map rather than real time.
      Forts buildable on campaign map, monuments, wonder if we'll get spy towers.
      Settlement burning (like attila), we already know there will be grass fires and such.
      Siege ladders are back and need to be built before attacking again.

      the unit sizes look small but I dont know enough about the bronze age to know if this is normal. Some of the lighting also looks weird like pic related. Also the UI looks horrid. At the end of the day it looks better than 3 kingdoms and Troy and has features from Attila.

      • 1 year ago

        >the unit sizes look small
        you can change the unit size in every single total war

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I get that, just saying they normally show their "large" to "ultra" unit sizes, all of these are like sub 80 man units..

          • 1 year ago

            literally the only unit below 80 are chariots you fricking moron

          • 1 year ago

            gameplay preview clearly shows units with 120 men, with elite units having 80–90 men

            • 1 year ago


  21. 1 year ago

    Any other time, I would be hyped as frick for Bronze Age TW.
    Imagine if they announced it after Attila or something. You'd know it would be at least decent. I'd be all over it.
    But now - after the debacles that was Britannia and Troy?
    Yeah, it's gonna be garbage. It just looks like a budget release and I honestly don't get why they even bother. Nothing like a full blown return to history TWs (Medieval 3/Empire 2) will ever get the hype for the series back.

  22. 12 months ago


  23. 12 months ago

    The only people who think Troy was bad are people who never played it

    • 12 months ago

      I gather Creative Assembly playerbase is just as infected with autism as the Paradox one?

    • 12 months ago

      but everyone played it because it was free

    • 12 months ago

      it was literally free on epic, because no one would ever actually pay for that trash

      • 12 months ago

        t.rannyhammer goyslopper

  24. 12 months ago

    can I play as the c pipo at least?

  25. 12 months ago

    You guys play Total War: Troy?
    TW: Pharaoh is basically a copy+paste of that engine, including this new resource system (instead of just gold).
    In Total War: Troy there are 3 mode selections:
    Historical: with generals being attached to a unit of bodyguards like in classic TW titles
    Truth Behind The Myth: Heroes are individual units and strong as hell, but everyone is still human.
    Mythological: Literally mythological monsters and stuff like that are available in this mode.
    I am thinking TW: Pharaoh will follow a similar method as Troy. PS TW Troy is a much better game than people give it credit for. Grossly overlooked because people thought it was too limited in scale.
    A lot of people are theorizing that they're going to combine Troy and Pharaoh into an "Immortal Empires" like map, similar to what they did with TW Warhammer titles. They probably have plans of adding more regions in the future with new titles. They know how profitable the DLC packs are for TW Warhammer and they will probably follow that plan with their new TW titles now too.
    The resource system in Troy is a lot better than the gold only system. It makes trading a lot more interesting and engaging, ESPECIALLY as a horde faction.

  26. 12 months ago

    i just want bigger armies and better ai. this shit has been the same game with the same limitations for almost a decade

  27. 12 months ago

    now hold on for a second
    you do be saying?

  28. 12 months ago

    i see it has 5 types of resources unlike the warhammer one that i only played. Whats the best total war in terms of economy management?

    • 12 months ago

      Total War doesn't really have economy management. Troy was when they introduced the resource management system and every other game is just (build +money building)

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