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  1. 10 months ago

    I legitimately encountered this for the first time only last week and I have 800 hours in this game. Technically more since I used to play it on xbox.
    I always fight the powder gangers in Goodsprings so I’m not sure what triggers it.

    • 10 months ago

      It's specifically a location near the east outskirts of Primm if you have a reputation of Shunned or lower with their faction.

    • 10 months ago

      Location matters for hit squads.

      • 10 months ago

        Wish the others had rep and would send hit squads too. Hit Squads I'd love to see:
        >Mr. House
        >Great Khans

        btw any mod that re-enables these?

        IIRC they don't operate like the other kill teams and function more like overworld encounters in fallout 3

        • 10 months ago

          You mean like the Talon Company hits quads? Those guys have set spawn locations, usually at metro entrances.

          • 10 months ago

            Oh I just meant random encounters in general (just locked to one locationof course). The real hit squads have a lot of extra stuff going on the powder ganger encounter dosen't.

    • 10 months ago

      It's the only Powder Ganger Assassin Squad in the game and they, probably mistakenly, locked it to a point on the map nobody has any reason to go to

      So instead of a tutorial on faction hitmen, it's some weird easter egg

      • 10 months ago

        Where do they spawn? I didn't even know this existed and I would've played NV at least 20 times.

        • 10 months ago

          If you're still here, they spawn on a ledge overlooking Primm just outside of town on the left side of the highway facing south.

          • 10 months ago

            Cool. Thought I knew NV back to front. I'll check it out if I ever reinstall it again.

      • 10 months ago

        Typical obsidian competence. 70% of the map only functions as a one-time visit because they don't set any enemies to respawn in the area, so there's no reason to ever do anything but fast travel.

      • 10 months ago

        I always got it cause I always go that specific route

  2. 10 months ago

    Never gets old when something blows up

    • 10 months ago

      You eyeballing me?

  3. 10 months ago

    holy shit skibidi powder gangers???

  4. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >he can't rotate layers

      • 10 months ago

        It was obviously done in MS paint you mong

  5. 10 months ago

    Wish the others had rep and would send hit squads too. Hit Squads I'd love to see:
    >Mr. House
    >Great Khans

    btw any mod that re-enables these?

    • 10 months ago

      I really wish they fleshed out the other two tribes of Vault 15 raiders. It didn't have to be as extensive as the great khans, but these guys were supposed to be these crazy raider tribes who were feared across the west for decades and are only not dying out because of the encroachment of civilization, but they're literally just a few scattered static encounters in-game with like zero lore or any background. Frick, the fiends got more character development than they did and those guys were literally just fallout 3 raiders but less contrived.

      • 10 months ago

        The original Viper lore is they became snake worshipping cultists until the BoS basically wiped them out. The New Vegas lore is all three tribes were in decline with the rise of NCR but finally broken by General Kimball driving them out of California for good, with only the Khans retaining a cultural identity because they're literally based on one guy remaking the whole tribe after everyone was killed.

      • 10 months ago

        The Jackals and the Vipers? Yeah they get nothing and as far as I remember no one even references them in dialogue. Vipers were supposed to have a Snake cult too, so they'd have a meaningful theme. Jackals were cannabals.

        The Fiends and the Scorpions had more planned for them, but was cut. Scorpion guy seems to be a merchant, and the gal was the leader who'd have a minor quest for her. Scorpitions at least get mentioned in dialogue, and they're wimps so honestly feel bad about killing them and wish I could avoid it and befriend them.

        Also not joking, but I was legitimately thrown back when you could talk to the Fiend front gate guard, as I actually thought that Raiders were not capable of complex thought or speech. I started with 3 and assumed they were always chaotic evil damaged morons from the radiation.

        • 10 months ago

          The Raiders in Fallout 3 are specifically a clan called the Warheads who just attack everything on sight and officially their headquarters are Evergreen Mills. Don’t ask how I know the Warheads thing. Bethesda at least improved by explicitly naming raider groups and giving them personalities Fo4/76 onwards. Blood Eagles, Pack, Operators, Disciples, Forged, Press Gangs, Colters Crew, Gunners and Triggermen as well as others are a big step up over just “Raiders”, though I suppose it’s a colloquialism for everyone in myriad nameless gangs across the wasteland.

          • 10 months ago

            The gunners are actually meant to be mercs. It's never explained why they're always hostile to you/everything else.

            • 10 months ago

              Because Bethesda are creatively bankrupt and just dressed the already one-dimensional, inexplicable Talon Company in green.

              • 10 months ago

                It's actually even worse then talon company. They at least had an "excuse" to be after you and even had an HQ and leader of some kind. The gunners are just kinda there in 4.

              • 10 months ago

                The talon company will still spawn throughout the wasteland and be hostile even if you have neutral or evil karma.
                From a world building perspective, they're completely nonsensical, especially when you find them all over the DC ruins for no given reason.

              • 10 months ago

                >all over the DC ruins for no given reason
                They were hired to clear out the Super Mutants

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah but that's about all the info you get on them. Who hired them? Why? Who in the world has such a hateboner for you and enough resources to command an entire army of mercenaries to frick you up? None of it gets answered because Fallout 3 and 4 both have this bad problem of ADD world building, where they start with a cool idea, get bored and run off to throw spiders at girls, and don't flesh anything out or explain anything.
                It's as moronic and inexplicable as a fully functional luxury resort full of rich c**ts who don't actually do anything in the middle of feral ghoul country.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's as moronic and inexplicable as a fully functional luxury resort full of rich c**ts who don't actually do anything in the middle of feral ghoul country.

                Funny shit is that if you plop that location down into New Vegas proper that entire location and its inhabitants makes perfect sense. Oh and the Oasis fits Nevada or California WAY better than the Capital wastelands. It makes more sense Harold only traveled a little bit rather than travelling across the entire USA.

                There's actually a few locations in FO3 that fit New Vegas way better.

                >all over the DC ruins for no given reason
                They were hired to clear out the Super Mutants

                And why in the hell are YOU not allowed to join them to clear out super mutants? On paper there's no reason for you two to fight, if anything be allies. They should only turn hostile if you piss off that rich butthole and his business guy for not blowing up Megaton.

              • 10 months ago

                >The talon company will still spawn throughout the wasteland and be hostile even if you have neutral or evil karma.
                >From a world building perspective, they're completely nonsensical, especially when you find them all over the DC ruins for no given reason.

                They're clearly meant to be analogous to Blackwater operators. I think they're cool, and yeah, lame they're not fleshed out. They're combat armored operators and New Vegas is sorely lacking strongly armored units to fight. One thing FO3 gets right is: here's a bunch of super mutants, humans, ghouls, feral ghouls, all armed to the god damn teeth. And underground tunnels act as actual levels with the possibility of ambushes.

                Most of New Vegas and its DLC's are giant open plains firing upon lightly armored raiders (powder gangers, Legion, Vipers, Fiends, etc).

                >Followers of the Apocalypse hitsquad
                >fast travel somewhere
                >suddenly locked into dialogue with a labcoated NPC
                >proceeds to lock me in unskippable dialogue for half an hour about how I’m perpetuating cycles of violence, with detailed stats and charts on how I have made the Mojave a worse place
                >proceeds to let me off with a warning as they don’t believe in violence
                >have to watch them walk into the sunset before I can regain control

                Actually a Followers hit squad would make snese, but it wouldn't be them because they're pansies. It would be someone who supported them, so they hired mercs to whack you.

                >"The followers did nothing but good, and you wiped them out? What kind of psycho are you?"
                ><lie>I didn't do it
                >They had it coming
                ><attack>You're next
                >I'm sorry. Any way I can make this up? Promise I won't do it again

              • 10 months ago

                >One thing FO3 gets right is: here's a bunch of super mutants, humans, ghouls, feral ghouls, all armed to the god damn teeth. And underground tunnels act as actual levels with the possibility of ambushes.
                This is the main reason I like Tale of Two Wastelands. It genuinely makes Fallout 3 better because the Super Mutants are much tougher in New Vegas.

              • 10 months ago

                >mostly lightly armored raiders
                I was so excited when I could finally use all my ap rounds I had hoarded when fighting the bos

              • 10 months ago

                >Most of New Vegas and its DLC's are giant open plains firing upon lightly armored raiders
                homie exclusively stuck to the roads that the tutorial character explicitly says are mostly safe. In that opening area around Primm and Nipton alone, there is Jackrabbit Springs (powerful Supermutants), Mesquite Mountain Crater (powerful Feral Ghoul Reavers), Mesquite Mountain Campsite (Giant Radscorpions), the Cresent Canyon (Golden Geckos), and Morning Star Caverns (Nightstalkers). There is also Primm Pass that has a wandering Deathclaw you can fight for a shortcut.

              • 10 months ago

                >Talon Company
                might honestly be the most moronic thing bethesda has ever put into any of their games

              • 10 months ago

                Fallout 3 crawled so New Vegas could talk. You can see how Obsidian recycled concepts from 3 including Talon into New Vegas. Talon Company became The Legion. Regulators and Riley's Rangers became NCR.

              • 10 months ago

                The Legion was a thing since Van Buren, albeit it was different. At least some concepts went from it, really.
                Personally Van Buren was a nice way to end the setting, it had that finale aura to it.

              • 10 months ago

                I know that, but in-game the way the dynamics play out and the hit-squad dynamics. You had the "good guy" faction of Regulators who'd send hitsquad at you if your karma was too low, and the bad guy faction send hitsquads if your karma was too high. good guy faction wants Fingers to turn in, the other wants something else.

                New Vegas recycles all that but actually gives them more grounded reasons for doing any of this instead of vague abstract ones.

                The NCR is recycled from these factions in 3:
                >Riley's Rangers
                >Regulators (who are so paper thin as a faction. Who funds this shit?)

                While the legion:
                >Talon Mercs

              • 10 months ago

                Are you moronic? NCR has been a fleshed-out faction since F2. F3 basically took a mangled version of F2 and layered on a bunch of irrelevant headcanon factions on top. The headcanon factions were so poorly thought out and dull that not even Bethesda wanted to keep any of them for F4.

              • 10 months ago

                >The headcanon factions were so poorly thought out

      • 10 months ago

        >Frick, the fiends got more character development than they did and those guys were literally just fallout 3 raiders but less contrived.

        I fully believe that the Fiends were meant to be a joinable faction with proper rep. There's a lot of talking with them, they get a full back story, with Great Khan armor you can talk to the 4 fiend leaders too but can't do anything with them. Pretty sure this is the more fleshed out Fiends go:
        >side with them
        >flip the assassinations around, so you gotta take out 4 NCR officers instead
        >fiends make you a member
        >do drug runnings with them
        >teach them how to make chems
        >they reward you with chems every 3 days like other factions

        Not super crazy, but some rewards.

        • 10 months ago

          I think fiends were just meant to be evil cartoon villain enemies to show the dichotomy between the puppy kicking cannibal druggie raiders and groups like vipers or khans that just wanna hang together because all the other establishments suck.

          Goddamn stop simping for him, it's not a good look. You can easily go and look up a lot of who wrote what, and with Sawyer and Gonzales at the head of the team Avellone's contribution was minimal.

          Even the biggest thing in New Vegas lifted right out of his VB work, the Legion, was modified beyond basically all recognition by Sawyer himself.

          That's like saying Tim Cain's contribution to the IP is minimal. All the official credits would completely ignore any actual reference to Avellone's other contributions not directly related to the short development of NV, and completely disregard all his work that was referenced most likely during the development. He's obviously been around the IP for a longer time than Gonzales so it's perfectly natural to assume he'd help brainstorm ideas considering how good a grasp he has on some of the concepts in NV like currency for example.

    • 10 months ago

      do you want Easy Pete to come after you?

      • 10 months ago

        >do you want Easy Pete to come after you?

        It'd be another level 1 encounter, with a gang led by Sunny Smiles out for revenge for siding with the powder gangers. If she's dead it's no names. Not a tough encounter at all just people wanting revenge for fricking up such a peaceful community.

        Most of those wouldn't make sense

        House specifically says you will pay but there's no reprecussions for betraying him at all. There's cut hitsquad led by Victor. Boomers are big weapon users, but there's no penalty for fricking them up and killing them all. Imagine a squad of dudes are out to buy supplies, comes back to see everyone dead? They'd set out to frick up whoever did that.

        • 10 months ago

          >House specifically says you will pay but there's no reprecussions for betraying him at all. There's cut hitsquad led by Victor. Boomers are big weapon users, but there's no penalty for fricking them up and killing them all. Imagine a squad of dudes are out to buy supplies, comes back to see everyone dead? They'd set out to frick up whoever did that.
          Victor's ambush was meant to take place in the Lucky 38 not outside. It's also made clear House has aimkted number of troops and can't properly control his bots outside the strip untill the endgame. The boomers are strong but are entirely centralized inside one self sufficient camp they repeatedly tell you they never leave. The ncr and legion are able to endlessly throw goons at you because they're the only 2 factions so big you can't reasonably dismantle them as you play.

        • 10 months ago

          > Easy Pete? Oh that's easACK

          • 10 months ago

            mfw Hard Peter comes for revenge

      • 10 months ago

        >make enemies with Primm
        >Primm Slim comes after you

        • 10 months ago

          The games Primm-ier hit squad

          • 10 months ago

            You son of a

        • 10 months ago

          >popup tells you that Primm Slim is, slowly, coming for your ass
          >nothing happens all game
          >think you're safe as the endling slides play
          >the final one that never changes loads up and

          And so the Courier's road came to an end... at the hands of Primm Slim. Due to his slow speed, some crooks got away without a scratch but not the Courier. Justice for Primm was finally mete.

          • 10 months ago

            >Howdy partner! Welcome to the Vikki and Vance Casino
            >BANG BANG BANG

      • 10 months ago

        >make enemies with Primm
        >Primm Slim comes after you

        Benny shall come back as Bennyto Mushyourbeanie in... The Platinum Chip!

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Most of those wouldn't make sense

    • 10 months ago

      >Followers of the Apocalypse hitsquad
      >fast travel somewhere
      >suddenly locked into dialogue with a labcoated NPC
      >proceeds to lock me in unskippable dialogue for half an hour about how I’m perpetuating cycles of violence, with detailed stats and charts on how I have made the Mojave a worse place
      >proceeds to let me off with a warning as they don’t believe in violence
      >have to watch them walk into the sunset before I can regain control

      • 10 months ago

        I was actually thinking they would just anal probe you, but that's more of that fallout 2 cult thing, what was their name again?

        • 10 months ago

          The Hubologists?

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah, those ones.

    • 10 months ago

      Theres no way some of these “factions” have the numbers of resources to sent out Hit Squads. The Khans are on their last leg, towns arent going to send out people after being brutalized by one man and even the smaller gangs are a pitiful nuisance you only see in the early areas. The only ones I could see doing it is The Followers or maybe even House sending a lone Securitron backed up by members of the Three Families.

    • 10 months ago

      Boomers would just lock their door back, reinforce their artillery and wait for you to pass by then proceed to shoot 200 mini nukes at you

    • 10 months ago

      >vengeful buzz at you

      • 10 months ago

        *run like a b***h*

    • 10 months ago

      >Mr. House
      RobCo arsenal like Assaultrons, duh.

    • 10 months ago

      It bothers me that Mr. House doesn't send out hit squads. Pre-release screenshots even show the Courier fighting securitrons in the wasteland.

    • 10 months ago

      I wish I could side with vipers and jackals and that they had quests. Last stand against NCR of the people of same vault. Or at least Fiends. With Fiends there are mods that make them friendly under right conditions and restore some dialogue.

      • 10 months ago

        That and I have a fetish for dirty Fallout raider b***hes.

        • 10 months ago

          >This is what I been waiting to see! A big bad Khan bringing in the medicine! How about you toss some psycho my way?
          If this was Fallout 2 you would, without a shadow of a doubt, be able to barter some drugs for her sucking your dick

          • 10 months ago

            Well, with some modding you can get tha experiance... And make her a companion too.

            • 10 months ago

              Coomer mods in New Vegas are very disappointing
              There's 457 mods with the wildest degenerate shit imaginable like pregnancy and secret stats that increase your character's chances to get raped but like one mod from 2012 if all you want is some sex with women integrated into quests and dialogues

          • 10 months ago

            >Raider b***h high on psycho with your dick in her mouth.

            Anon... do you have a castration fetish?

            That and I have a fetish for dirty Fallout raider b***hes.

            I wish I could side with vipers and jackals and that they had quests. Last stand against NCR of the people of same vault. Or at least Fiends. With Fiends there are mods that make them friendly under right conditions and restore some dialogue.

            The game badly needed a Raider companion, and one of the 4 Fiend leutenants would be perfect.

            >Violet requires a constant supply of psycho, and has her dog
            >Driver needs downers, tags melee and umarmed, complains about all authority and hates the followers
            >Cook Cook is heavy weapons guy, perk is he's an expert chef and can prepare meals from almost anything, including from corpses

            • 10 months ago

              Get Cyan raider girl mod. Her mod also adds cut Fiend dialogue and ways to make them friendly.

              • 10 months ago

                >Her mod also adds cut Fiend dialogue and ways to make them friendly.

                If I'm not mistaken, it's technically not cut, just so out of the way to gain access to no player would stumble upon it. I think you need good rep with the Khans and to don Khan armor around the Fiends and they will start talking to you.

                The issue is that this dialogue and quest-line goes nowhere so if you want to 100% the quests, you need to kill the fiend leaders. My guess is fully fleshed out, you could side with the Fiends to put a bounty on NCR officers.

                >Cook Cook: Oh Major Dhatri put a price on my head? How about I double it if you give me HIS head. And I'll make you up something real nice afterwards. How about that? Yeah how about that.
                >get to chill, eat food, trade slaves, with your buddy cook cook around a camp fire

              • 10 months ago

                They are disbaled at least, I think. It also adds back/enables dialogue of that one mormon ghoul ex friend of Nephi too. Where he mentions Driver Nephis backstory.

            • 10 months ago

              >Anon... do you have a castration fetish?
              Just convince her to take some Med-X first and she'll be pliable and soft for rhe blowjob
              Take psycho when it's time for the rough sex and you'll both go at it until there's friction burning

          • 10 months ago

            I know that they look like
            >imagine the smell
            So it's just a fantasy, but still, dirty raider bawds make me act up sometimes.
            This is F4 story, but it works.
            archiveofourown org/works/28048863 Why does Ganker think that archiveofourown is a spam?

            • 10 months ago

              >fallout 4 lets you become a raider
              >they feel like cartoon characters instead of degenerate outlaws like in NV

    • 10 months ago

      >Vipers and Jackals
      Brutalised by the NCR, barely gangs anymore, who the frick would they send after you?
      Drugged out morons that stick to West and North Vegas ruins. Why would a bunch of druggies send a bunch of druggies to scour the wasteland looing for you?
      All their power comes from their artilery, so that would result in you randomly getting blown up in the open-world
      What, the place doesn't even have 20 people living their and aren't rich enough to afford bounty hunters
      >Great Khans
      Still recovering from the NCR rape session
      I barely remember this dudes, don't they only show up at like 2 or 3 places on the map?

    • 10 months ago

      If you have a negative enough rep with Freeside you can get an angry mob sent after you. Nobody ever gets it because just taking about 40 minutes to run through Freeside and solve literally ALL of their problems gives more XP than any area in the game so you're literally giving up 3+ free levels to get vilified. If you're playing a female courier and you have Wild Wasteland active they're also accuse you of being a witch. I also remember a vigilante squad coming after you out of revenge for Goodsprings if you completed Run Goodsprings Run AND have Very Evil karma while walking near the Emergency Services Railyard (abandoned train station near Primm Pass), but I think that one was added by the jsawyer mod IIRC.

      • 10 months ago

        I deliberately do the most cruel/nonsense playthrough I can and even I've never seen this angry mob shit

        • 10 months ago

          Must also have been added with Jsawyer.

    • 10 months ago

      Mr. House wouldn't make much sense. The only motivation he'd need to send a hit squad after you would be shit you do after you kill him. And he's not a vengeance seeking moron either. Once you kill him, he just sends out his obituary and goes 'well who cares what happens now, I'm dead."

      • 10 months ago

        He could try to kill you when you blow up the securitrons under Caesar’s fort.

        • 10 months ago

          He actually kinda does but it's cut content if you blew up the fort Victor would ambush you in the Lucky 38 lobby.

  6. 10 months ago

    Skibidii bop bop yes yes

  7. 10 months ago

    *shoots you with the cowboy repeater*
    *shoots you with the cowboy repeater*
    *shoots you with the cowboy repeater*

    • 10 months ago

      >fires back with the based scoped trail carbine blowing your head off

      • 10 months ago

        I'm just gonna say it
        Marlin made better guns than Winchester

        • 10 months ago

          Marlin still makes better guns than Winchester

          • 10 months ago

            That's true

  8. 10 months ago


  9. 10 months ago

    >liked the mafia themes in New Reno
    >basically doesnt exist in NV outside of one casino led by 2 trash mobs

    • 10 months ago

      New reno grew up organically into what it is. New Vegas is a 200 year old autistic cyborg forcing a bunch of tribals to play dress up.

      • 10 months ago

        >200 year old

        • 10 months ago

          Nobody but you cares about semantics that specific and ultimately meaningless, Robert.

          • 10 months ago

            w r o n g

            >200 year old

            I care.

            • 10 months ago

              le anime gif! XD

              • 10 months ago

                Anime weebsite my guy

    • 10 months ago

      It’s meant to be like a futuristic Western

    • 10 months ago

      fallout 2 feels like a theme park with every location being something new and wacky

    • 10 months ago

      I think Sawyer specifically wanted to avoid repeating the mafia spoof of 2, that's why the Omertas don't carry tommy guns

    • 10 months ago

      Pre-war gansters were a moronic idea, just like having towns full of drug and gambling addicts who somehow didn't get simply murdered and eaten by their non drug-addled neighbors.

    • 10 months ago

      Fallout 2 is a good game, New Vegas is not.

  10. 10 months ago

    imagine the world we could live in if avellone actually fronted a successful obsidian entertainment instead of falling out into obscurity with 0 resources and with your name forever tarnished because of some stupid bullshit

    we'd have new vegas 2 and 3 and arguing between them like between DASgays

    • 10 months ago

      Avellone has made it abundantly clear he's a George Lucas type who needs others to keep him in check.

      • 10 months ago

        I disagree with that. You can read FO Bible and see he has good ideas and is an excellent world builder. Also wasn't he main writer on all the DLC? I honestly can't say if the main campaign or the DLC campaings are my favorite NV.

        • 10 months ago

          The way you worded that is making me think you're up to no good here anon

      • 10 months ago

        >3 DLCs to to the story of a beat poetry anarchist homie's story of... whatever the frick it is who also has perfect 10 specials because he's that SPECIAL for no descernable reason

        Those DLC's had elements that were good, but it's no coherent, nor is it a proper ending. Lonesome Road has "this is meant to be post-game DLC, but it'd be too hard to record thousands of lines for every possible end-game faction so we're making this not end game"

        It'd be cooler if Ulysses was a proper anarchist, who just wants to watch the world burn. He leads a team of Marked Men (ghouls hit by a specific type of nuke and endlessly want to engage in war). A bunch of Marked Men hit squad comes and fricks up your faction with casualties. He threatens to nuke New Vegas unless his demands are met. You team up with the faction you sided with to go and frick him up and end this.

        The actual final battle is pretty cool conceptually. A big temple, some guy acting as the big bad, and ICBM's ready to launch. As proper end-game content, it should be:

        >launch to New Vegas
        >Launch to Sandy Shores
        >Launch to Legion capital

      • 10 months ago

        lol imagine saying this about the guy who wrote torment.

        • 10 months ago

          Oh yes, Planescape: Torment. Cut content due to scope creep and deadlines that couldn't be met. The entire worldbuilding thing handled by just reading a Planescape player's guide. An insistence on making everything an inversion of common fantasy tropes just to be contrarian. And for my favourite direct example: not one but two characters that fall in love with you no matter how you've treated them, or if you've even spoken to them since you got them into your party.

          Bonus round: I liked all the things in PST he recycled blatantly into Kotor 2

          • 10 months ago

            those are all normal for any game that's not pong

    • 10 months ago

      Avellone's major contributions to vanilla New Vegas were Legate Lanius, General Oliver, Cass and a script for Ulysses The Legion Companion We Never Got that was so long it was literally impossible to get it in the game

      • 10 months ago

        I am under the impression the majority of NV setting is credit to him. He wrote up the FO BIble which was supposed to be a supplementary document to Van Buren's developers which then ended up being brought along when the ideas were eventually recycled into FONV.

        • 10 months ago

          homie don't fellate him and the Bible like this goddamn. Van Buren had a complete design document of its own, you can look it up any time.

          • 10 months ago

            His ideas would've been incorporated into the design doc. That's the reason the bible was written (along with acting as a compendium for all the questions he kept getting) from what I recall.

            JSawyer doesn't really attribute much to him beside the DLC writing and few characters in the main story, and apparently much of the core NV was written by "area designers" but there is no word on what they were working with. It's why I said there's a good chance much of the stuff he wrote eventually made it into the core NV, implicitly or not, and it's foolish to try to discredit him when he's obviously done a lot in the IP.

            • 10 months ago

              Goddamn stop simping for him, it's not a good look. You can easily go and look up a lot of who wrote what, and with Sawyer and Gonzales at the head of the team Avellone's contribution was minimal.

              Even the biggest thing in New Vegas lifted right out of his VB work, the Legion, was modified beyond basically all recognition by Sawyer himself.

            • 10 months ago

              Area designers write and design specific areas of the game, like Black Mountain. They're tasked with creating something but making it coherent to the entire game. The big difference between 3 and new Vegas is that in 3 area designers just made random bullshit. Other than the core storyline, nothing at all fits into 3. You get completely random whacky areas left and right that don't fit into anything. With New Vegas they tried to tie almost every area into the NCR vs. Legion storyline going around. They also wanted areas to reflect various factions, so they got 2 Super Mutant zones (one peaceful, the other hostile). Sadly, no Ghoul city.

              JSwayer's job is to oversee this, approve them, and weave it into the greater narrative. Caring abou the setting is the big difference between 3 and new vegas.

              • 10 months ago

                I like muh random wacky wasteland.

              • 10 months ago

                Same tbh
                NCR vs Legion is pretty fricking lame tbh, a fun journey is better than a well-written journey

              • 10 months ago

                I had no problem with wacky in FO2, even the wackiest of wacky place aka .the yakuza/mob town had Myron who's a great character. Or the sergeant. New Reno in general is a ton of fun. The game is a good evolvement over Fallout 1 meanwhile 3 does nothing but try to recreate 1 and its dilemmas in a shallow way, it's like a shitty FO1 wax museum.

              • 10 months ago

                I enjoyed Fallout 3 but didn't like Fallout 1
                Should i give it another chance?

              • 10 months ago

                u should play it regardless its a good game, great crpg and not even long, i liked fo2 better though

              • 10 months ago

                But i did play it(years ago)
                I didn't enjoy it so i dropped it at Mariposa

              • 10 months ago

                FO3 is like a Fallout-dressed theme park

              • 10 months ago

                Meanwhile FNV is a boring walking simulator. Good one, McFly.

              • 10 months ago

                >FNV is a boring walking simulator
                You can always tell the zoomers due to their inability to keep the anachronistic terms when trying to criticize a game

              • 10 months ago

                You wouldn't say that were you to be stripped and forcefully put into a simulation pod with doctor Braun, boy!

              • 10 months ago

                NV feels cohesive and I think a lot of it is due to Avellone's/Sawyer's influence. Avellone for authoring much of the existing reference material and Sawyer for having the express vision on how to apply it all into a cohesive product. I don't buy the reductiveness people have against Avellone when it's pretty clear he's done a lot for the IP and having read some of the bible and seeing how effortlessly he can explain things away I think there's a bit more than what any official credit listing says.

              • 10 months ago

                seems nothing more then bandwagoning on the avellone hate after he got metood. His contributions is pretty self evident from the fact NV draws heavily from salvaged material of the van buren design docs which in itself was extensively pen and papered to flesh out more in Black Isle. Avellone was one of the leads in that world building.

                Part of the reason they could pull of the NV so fast was that the pre production did not have to start from literal zero as they got ideas from earlier material and technical tools like assets from F3 libraries

              • 10 months ago

                which was my point all along in this thread, but for some reason people dont see his name everywhere in the credits so it automatically means his contributions are minimal

      • 10 months ago

        >Legate Lanius, General Oliver,


        >Cass and Ulysses

        Bad. That's totally his self-insert (super smart Black who has it all figured out and lectures the player character) and Cass is his waifu. Cass is such an obnoxious person that I can't stand her when it's obvious we're supposed to find her endearing. That being said, women like her do exist, but I do everything to avoid them. Ulysses feels like some fanfic character who was the best fighter at the Sonic Academy. The frick does he have to do with the proper NCR vs. Legion war? Sorta kinda, but he isn't inserted properly.

        • 10 months ago

          The generic VA butchers the delivery, which makes the writing look moronic instead of stylistic.

        • 10 months ago

          >That's totally his self-insert
          I tought it was Arcade Gannon tbh

          • 10 months ago

            Arcade Israel Gannon was one of Sawyer's character in the Fallout PnP RPG. Jean-Baptist at the Silver Rush, too.

            • 10 months ago

              >there’s a quest where one of Sawyer’s PnP characters murders Sawyer’s waifu Cass
              Genuinely what did Joshn mean by that?

              • 10 months ago

                Cass is also the only companion NPC that will occasionally get dissed in quests too. Wonder if it's passive aggressive shit?

                NV feels cohesive and I think a lot of it is due to Avellone's/Sawyer's influence. Avellone for authoring much of the existing reference material and Sawyer for having the express vision on how to apply it all into a cohesive product. I don't buy the reductiveness people have against Avellone when it's pretty clear he's done a lot for the IP and having read some of the bible and seeing how effortlessly he can explain things away I think there's a bit more than what any official credit listing says.

                Avelone has some of the worst characters under his felt, and worst DLC (old world blues).

                There is nothing funnier than killing all the powder gangers dressed as a powder ganger with a silenced pistol.
                They literally don't even fight back or suspect anything as their allies die "mysteriously"

                That's the entire game, and it kind of breaks everything. you can empty the world with the 22 and no one will question or bat an eye on anything. Like you can kill 99.99% of the entire NCR faction, but there will be a single NCR quest giver left. They will then just give you the quest and talk about the NCR forces as if they're still there. It's very immersion breaking so I avoid this.

              • 10 months ago

                >superlative adjective
                cool I can do it too. Avellone has the best DLC and characters under his belt. And it's true.

              • 10 months ago

                Old World Blues has the worst writing and story telling in the entire Fallout canon. Worst than the worst in 3 and 4 by far. Also even worse, it objectively breaks the New Vegas setting by creating a faction more powerful than everyone else by far, and by having them have more energy and resources than anyone else. Why fight over the Hoover Dam when the Think Tank has nuclear reactors that have 1000x the power, will likely last a millennia, and have tech that blows everyone else out of the water. The plot of OWB is enough to be its own new game. Legion, NCR, Brotherhood, would all be fighting over this place. Legion would have the stated goal of burning it to the ground.

                However, it has some GOOD going for it:
                >here's a bunch of scary as mother frickers zombies to fight (since the base game Reavers are pure wimps) and some robots to fight
                >heavily rewards cowboy players, Animal Friend (making nightstalkers passive helps a lot) and robot-science focused players
                >a charismatic cowboy survivalist and a science nerd will breeze through it
                >only place with endless waves of robots to fight
                >has actual bosses

                The bad:
                >basically "pay to win" DLC with a bunch of unbalanced perks, player home with all the immenities you'd ever want, ruining any survival element
                >all the whacky Rick and Morty npcs
                >no option to burn Big MT to the ground
                >bosses are just giant versions of other bosses in a big simple arena

              • 10 months ago

                Would you say the opposite of this would be something like Dead Money?

              • 10 months ago

                >several insane pre-war mad scientists are being distracted by one mostly insane pre-war scientist who’s also a druggie so they don’t use all their fantastic tech to fricking kill everybody and also keep the spearchuckers calling themselves “civilizations” away
                Big Mountain makes perfect sense for what it is. The Brotherhood are scavengers who’d get torn apart and lobotomized if they actually tried to do anything. Maybe the Enclave at their peak could have done something but they’ve had their ass beaten to the point of irrelevancy twice now.

              • 10 months ago

                Christine and Ulysses walk in and out of Big MT. If the major factions (who seem like idiots for not even realizing Big MT is a thing) like House, Brotherhood, Legion, or NCR, put their minds to it, they'd set about infiltrating and destroying it.

                I wish the Independent ending had a little more going on instead of only being a None of the above option

                Benny Bing really sells the idea of Independence though. I think people off him when they first meet him, so they never get to see Benny try to plead with the player to continue his life's work. Benny's end-goal is a bit vague as to what he wants but he says that Vegas will finally start "swinging" with proper independence. I take that to mean they can go all out with expanding the casinos, condos, and making it the stable profitable destination in the wastes. Actually put that money into expanding Vegas into something decent than sitting on your asses. But it'd mean it turn into some big mafia run town with no one acting as a check.

              • 10 months ago

                big mt. is a candidate for NCR interest but it's hidden from their scouts so far, and out of reach of legion's scouts assumably, or if any scouts get sent there they are easily repelled by the forced lobotomization and scouts being lost during war is nothing of interest to either faction so it's pretty easy to see why it has remained hidden

                later on it could become a point of conflict, but that's not the focus of NV, and same could be said about the sierra madre. canonically only the courier goes there and brings nothing back and is probably just glad they're alive. mind you a lot of this deals with a lot of writing in games complication like details needing to be condensed out and suspension of disbelief. you could easily write stories that are strictly bound in the main story or extensions and strictly follow its rules but should you? especially if you have multiple DLC lined up? nah, people really hate stories that need DLC to finish the full narrative (broken steel cough cough) and i tend to agree, it just makes the whole design process a lot simpler as well since you just focus fully on delivering a self contained (more or less, since LR exists) experience
                >all the whacky Rick and Morty npcs
                different strokes I guess, Ireally really enjoyed mobius and klein, does help that they had some of the best voice work in the whole IP, right up there with the enclave sergeant. also the reason they are wacky and the reason mobius fights them is explained in-lore and all have plausible explanations and imo having the cohesion of the narrative helps sell the character to me a great deal, beside the great voice work

              • 10 months ago

                Old World Blues isn't meant to be taken too seriously, it's like the Mothership Zeta of New Vegas, but in any case the whole place is more of a containment prison for the Think Tanks and a cut ending has you free them, after which they ravage the wastelands for their experiments. It's basically a ton of forbidden experimental tech that is unlikely to be encountered in the wastes (because the good karma ending has the Courier gradually introduce some of the tech into the wasteland, presumably those that increase welfare) and most of it is pretty much unusable for anything else other than harmful things.
                >plant samples were taken from the Big Empty to Vault 22 and it infected and killed everyone in there
                >Big Empty scientists placed whatever the frick the Cloud was made of into the Sierra Madre's ventilation, provided hazard suits that accidentally or deliberately had their seals corroded shut by the Cloud
                >cyber-dogs that are very often aggressive
                >technology that replaces someone's brain but if there's no connection to the original brain the result is a violent lobotomite following their base instincts
                >bleeding edge auto-doc variants that had very little opportunity to be deployed pre-war, a lot of them are non-functional
                >suits that will take over the wearer's motor functions in order to fight or flee, accidentally set to fighting 24/7, no command to shut it off
                >literally created the cazadores and night stalkers that terrorize the Mojave
                It's a jail for geniuses. People will presumably stumble upon it but it's not the only scientific faction in the series with tech that blows off everyone else in the wasteland, and it's not THAT far from other pre-war shit that was produced, such as robots of varying sapience that DO run on nuclear power. Why weren't they just scrapped for their nuclear reactors?


              • 10 months ago

                a lot of the tech i feel is not good enough to have a transformative effect like the synth tech for example
                >the cloud
                zyklon b but in fallout
                >the holo emitters
                piss poor range, emitters easy to destroy, countered by emp most likely, battery life?
                not to mention how much power would a hologram be able to transmit, gameplay balance wise they're strong but that doesn't mean it's strong in lore necessarily
                >sierra madre vending machines
                they don't create energy only transform it, and the chips that feed the fabrication process are finite

                the auto doc is probably the most usable invention, considering they became widespread

              • 10 months ago

                >Also even worse, it objectively breaks the New Vegas setting
                All of the Avellone DLCs do that. Unlike Honest Hearts which is set on a real place with a laser focus on a person and their personal struggls, they all feel more like fairy tales than a gritty post apocalyptic story. The themes are meta-pervasive and seek to influence the environment and atmosphere, the human element is very diminished.

              • 10 months ago

                >(old world blues).
                you misspelled honest hearts

        • 10 months ago

          what does ulysses being a nog have to do with him being a self insert kek chris is white

          • 10 months ago

            >what does ulysses being a nog have to do with him being a self insert kek chris is white

            He's a white guy, and his self-insert is a super smart anarchist black guy modeled after black nationalist anarchists and slam poets. It's leftist shit.

      • 10 months ago

        >companion Ulysses had so much dialogue he couldn't fit in the game
        >Cass has the most dialogue out of all the companions
        >the DLCs having characters that don't speak like Christine and Dr. 8 was a way for Avellone to not completely inflate the DLCs' filesize with dialogue audio files
        >Lonesome Road has one speaking NPC so all of the dialogue can be his
        why does he write so fricking much

        • 10 months ago

          Ideas guy with absolutely no filter

        • 10 months ago

          I thought Christine was so they didn't have to do lip animations. My understanding is that any custome character they have to make unique modelling for their faces/mouths. That's why the DLC's go out of their way to give an excuse to not see people's faces OR to have a generic ghoul or super mutant character.

          >Joshua Graham has face bandages
          >Christine has vocal chords messed up
          >Elder Lyons appears as a static image when talking
          >The Think Tank are all flying machines with static images
          >Ulysses famously has a mask
          >God/Dog is a generic supermutant model
          >the Sierra Madre ghoul is a generic ghoul model

          Any I'm missing?

          • 10 months ago

            >companion Ulysses had so much dialogue he couldn't fit in the game
            >Cass has the most dialogue out of all the companions
            >the DLCs having characters that don't speak like Christine and Dr. 8 was a way for Avellone to not completely inflate the DLCs' filesize with dialogue audio files
            >Lonesome Road has one speaking NPC so all of the dialogue can be his
            why does he write so fricking much

            Christine's deal is that Bethesda gave him a hard limit on the amount of voiced dialogue he could have and he overwrote that limit enough to 'cleverly' have her be mute most of the DLC

            And if you've seen the text files you don't need to look too hard to find out where he went wrong. Dean has double dialogue on almost every dialogue choice after the first conversation split between "Dean likes you" and "Dean hates you".

          • 10 months ago

            lip sync has been automated with middleware plugins for aeons in games my dude

            • 10 months ago

              and in that day and that version of gamebyro it was a specific problem with costum characters my dude. The thing about Ulysses wearing always the respirator was bought up specifically that they could not get the lips to sync properly in time for release

              • 10 months ago

                >and in that day and that version of gamebyro it was a specific problem with costum characters my dude. The thing about Ulysses wearing always the respirator was bought up specifically that they could not get the lips to sync properly in time for release

                Oh thanks, nice to confirm that. It's a bit immersion breaking how all the DLC characters go out of their way to not speak on screen.

          • 10 months ago

            >stops being usable or relevant by level 10 thanks to DT
            "Superior" my ass.

        • 10 months ago

          because he likes to write, anon

  11. 10 months ago

    >these gays still obsessing over an rpglite looter shooter from 15 years ago or whatever
    Boomers were people obsessing about games from the early 90s in 2007 on here too like this?

  12. 10 months ago

    Avellone's writing is easily the worst part of the game, not that i find the rest of the writing that much better tbh, but the parts he did are just noticeably shitty in my opinion

    Except Honest Hearts i guess.

    • 10 months ago

      Honest Hearts was Sawyer and Gonzales

      • 10 months ago

        Ah i see

  13. 10 months ago

    There is nothing funnier than killing all the powder gangers dressed as a powder ganger with a silenced pistol.
    They literally don't even fight back or suspect anything as their allies die "mysteriously"

    • 10 months ago

      kek I used to do that every playthrough. Massacred every one in the prison stealthly and kept Eddie alive so I could still do his quests. Then, in when the NCR were going to raid the prison, I'd blow Eddie's head off, switch to an NCR uniform I was keeping, and stealth kill every last NCR trooper that invaded. So much loot... so much 5.56mm ammo. I used to do it all before I even started the Goodsprings quest.

  14. 10 months ago

    Real cowboy use .357

    • 10 months ago

      >.357 is the most successful pistol round in killing someone in a single shot
      Kneel, autogays

  15. 10 months ago

    >a civil fnv thread with no pronouns
    Then I'm gonna come out and say it: house ending is best ending, you can't refute this

    • 10 months ago

      Theres nothing to really argue about here, his personality flaws (petty, vindictive, self-aggrandizing) don't really matter because you have what is functionally a veto over anything moronic or spiteful he may do (like wipe out the kings). They make you boom-boom the steely brothas just to give him a potential negative.

      • 10 months ago

        >They make you boom-boom the steely brothas just to give him a potential negative.

        yes Man spells it out clearer (they have the same databank and calculations for plans). Yes Man says that the Brotherhood will be their #1 enemy since the bots, Lucky 38, mainframe, etc are all old world tech that the Brotherhood would gladly like to control for themselves. And we already saw a simple Follower hack into the system and create the Yes Man. Brotherhood are 10x more technologically sophisticated and would do even worse. Brotherhood would make it their undying goal to either destroy or control New Vegas for themselves.

        The NCR-Brotherhood alliance is the best end for them, since it's slowly integrating the Brotherhood as a sub-unit of the NCR (heavy weapon users and research).

        Would you say the opposite of this would be something like Dead Money?

        I really, really, like Dead Money. Only real flaw is that it doesn't seem to integrate itself into the main story and it sets up some lame end-goal apocalypse for no reason. Tying Frederick Sinclair ot House would have helped. Like make them explicit rivals (both had similar plans), and maybe have them fight over the same woman.

        • 10 months ago

          >NCR-Brotherhood alliance
          It's a truce made by a man still terrified of NCR's ability to storm his bunker and kill everyone inside. McNamara is still ardently in favor of the BoS, their mission, and trying to find the other chapters that fled California after the war.

          Hardin doesn't go for it because he's not a pussy. Colonel Moore doesn't go for it and tries to smear your name in NCR for getting Hsu to agree behind her back. Both sides have plenty of people waiting for a chance to break it off.

          • 10 months ago

            >It's a truce made by a man still terrified of NCR's ability to storm his bunker and kill everyone inside. McNamara is still ardently in favor of the BoS, their mission, and trying to find the other chapters that fled California after the war.

            The genius is that the Brotherhood THINK they are independent, but it's part of a slow goal of integration into NCR. Doesn't happen over night, but they will begin to rely upon the NCR more and more, and have to trade technology more and more. They do more patrols, take out more raiders, provide more security. They get to build new bunkers, get paid steady wages, etc. It's slow boiling frog so at no point do they say "we are now part of the NCR", but they defacto become it.

        • 10 months ago

          >The NCR-Brotherhood alliance is the best end for them, since it's slowly integrating the Brotherhood as a sub-unit of the NCR
          It not even an alliance, it's a truce.
          You're just delaying their conflict

      • 10 months ago

        He's not petty, he's not that vindictive plus he regretted Benny's betrayal (a note in his dialogue file), and self-aggrandizement isn't inherently bad, especially when one can back it up.

        • 10 months ago

          >He's not petty, he's not that vindictive plus he regretted Benny's betrayal (a note in his dialogue file), and self-aggrandizement isn't inherently bad, especially when one can back it up.

          For the shorterm I think House is great for the Mojave but he loses me once he starts talking about the future. His plan is to build up science and industry not to benefit everyone, but to create a space program with the end goal of creating generational starships. So presumably him and his rich elite will get to frick off while the rest of everyone suffers. It shows that he considers earth a failed project which doesn't sit well, and doesn't care that there are literal slums within eyesight of his casino.

          • 10 months ago

            >It shows that he considers earth a failed project
            Isn't he right though? The reason the Great War started was due to competing powers fighting over dwindling natural resources.
            Since everyone got set back to the stone age and 99% or more of the planet died, there's no real shortage of resources, but if normality is ever restored it's simply a matter of time

            • 10 months ago

              Actually there are likely shortages already, both created as in whoever holds the resource pool, the easily available resources vs extraction only, and the actual ones.

          • 10 months ago

            You presume much, and yet presume little.
            Recall how large is Earth as a planet. It will take some time and resources to fix it entirely, even with GECK-ing it up.
            Likewise, some rich elites won't necessarily amount to much unless they are actual elites with actual skills, and one issue in Fallout is that such elites are in extremely short supply, between military and science elite in NCR, BoS, Shi, some exemplary Followers, and the Institute there's quite literally no one else.

  16. 10 months ago

    >starts working on the second game, which is a notable shift in tone and atmosphere from the first
    >spends years writing the series Bible like hes the lead writer of the series
    >pours his heart into the third game
    >it gets cancelled
    >gets relegated to doing busywork on the new third game while the old hands from the first game do all the heavy lifting
    >total creative freedom finally given in making some post-game DLCs
    >just apes his own work from the original third game and a companion he was too autistic to finish within the boundaries set
    >says in an interview the final DLC fulfills a small part of his wish to see the whole setting reduced to nuclear rubble once more
    >leaves Obsidian shortly after

    The sad story of the Boy Who Thought Fallout Was His. Mogged by Sawyer and quit in a huff.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh right the Tunnelers
      Dude's final gift to anyone who cares about Fallout Lore was a race of mutants who breed like rabbits and will overtake everything someday

      • 10 months ago

        It's because the original ending of Van Buren on BOMB 001 had no golden ending, you HAD to nuke someone no matter how well you did.

        But you can't have a DLC that ends with you being forced to nuke the main game world space, so it had to be reduced to new areas and you had to be given an out with ED-E. And ED-E that was created specifically for the DLC, of course.

  17. 10 months ago

    I wish the Independent ending had a little more going on instead of only being a None of the above option

  18. 10 months ago

    >Mr Pete, I need your strongest Dynamite

    • 10 months ago

      [Explosives 17/25]

      • 10 months ago

        >Pete there's a gang of armed psychopaths on their way to the town planning on killing us all and taking it over. Please for the love of god bring up your stache of dynamite so we can have some hope of defending oursevles.
        >Pete: No

        • 10 months ago

          TOO DANGER'US.

  19. 10 months ago

    i know this is an NV thread but i got fallout 3 working on windows 10 and i am happy. my old ini files must've been in the documents or steam must've improved the install - regardless, i just thought i'd let you sirs know. i've never been able to get it working properly although i never really tried that hard cuz i'd just play NV instead

    • 10 months ago

      Bethesda just randomly decided to update the game one day. Bad news is the update broke the Fallout 3 script extender

      • 10 months ago

        Rolls you back to while also removing GFWL the same as the patch did

  20. 10 months ago

    >backlog with more games than there are stars in the universe
    >itching to do another playthrough

  21. 10 months ago

    Boxcar companion mod is needed

    • 10 months ago

      >Boxcar companion mod is needed

      A powder ganger who endlessly complains would be hilarious.

      >Great more fricking bullshit. What have you got me into?
      >You really gonna let them go? Without asking for compensation? We busted our asses to rescue them and you just gonna let them go? Jesus-fricking-Christ!
      >Fricking zombies? First the legion, now zombies? What have you got against me anyways?
      >Hey just because I used to rob transports, don't mean I wanna be fighting no super mutants man.

      • 10 months ago

        What THE frick dude????
        That would be so racist, stupid chuds want a black comic relief companion, alright nazis, follow your leader and kys!!

        • 10 months ago

          >What THE frick dude????
          >That would be so racist, stupid chuds want a black comic relief companion, alright nazis, follow your leader and kys!!

          Unironically read in Boxcar's voice.

  22. 10 months ago

    Legitimately what was Benny's plan going to the Fort? Did he think the Legion would just let him frick around in the bunker for free?

    • 10 months ago

      >Legitimately what was Benny's plan going to the Fort? Did he think the Legion would just let him frick around in the bunker for free?

      You can ask around a few people and they give more details. Benny used a stealth boy to hop on one of their boats, then when he got to shore he put on a Legion uniform. What gave him away was his non-legion hairstyle so they busted him. Yes, he could have stealth-boy'd his way into the bunker and made it out.

      • 10 months ago

        >Yes, he could have stealth-boy'd his way into the bunker and made it out.
        He couldn't, Benny mentions that the boat ride took all the stealth boys he had
        >What happened after you fled the Tops?
        >It took every Stealth Boy I had to cross the river at Cottonwood Cove. That was a close shave, riding a boat full of Legion boys.
        >Once I was across, I changed into a uniform I swiped off a dead Legionary outside Nelson. Tried to sneak into the bunker, but that didn't work out.

  23. 10 months ago

    >Play NV exactly once over the course of once
    >Sister gets me to play it again a few weeks ago
    >Find that I remember jackshit about the plot. Just remember a few memorable side quests.

    Bros it's like I'm playing it for the first time again. Feels good.

    • 10 months ago


      how big is her wiener?

  24. 10 months ago

    Why has no WRPG even come close to being as good as NV? It's embarrassing at this point.

    • 10 months ago

      Serious themes and grey morality are a no-no.
      Goyim need to believe everything is black and white, good and bad.

      • 10 months ago

        That is correct, almost all things are indeed, rather firmly, either in one or in the other category.
        Actual moral grey area is something that is extremely rare and complex.

      • 10 months ago

        homie the NCR vs the Legion is the most straightforward good vs evil you could have without resorting to literal Nazis
        Even the F3 Enclave is (slightly) more grey than this shit and they literally want to poison innocents

        • 10 months ago

          >legion areas literal have no thieves or armed thugs that can take control of areas making people pay for passage through
          >meanwhile NCR has this even in their capital
          sounds kind of grey to me.

          • 10 months ago

            areas literal have no thieves or armed thugs that can take control of areas making people pay for passage through
            Because the thieves and armed thugs got recruited into the Legion, where do you think they get so many people?

            • 10 months ago

              >The state integrated the thieves straight into the government, what an improvement!

              >>The state integrated the thieves straight into the government, what an improvement!
              Literally yes. They no longer rape, murder or loot the citizens of the state and instead do it to foreign powers

          • 10 months ago

            >The state integrated the thieves straight into the government, what an improvement!

        • 10 months ago

          >homie the NCR vs the Legion is the most straightforward good vs evil you could have without resorting to literal Nazis
          The NCR is literally an invading army bullying and conquering a foreign nation. They constantly ask you to do shady shit.
          Imagine a game where you help the CIA deestabilize third world nations by assassinating their leaders abd defending it as good guy behavior

          • 10 months ago

            >The NCR is literally an invading army bullying and conquering a foreign nation.
            Nothing says invading like having to vote them to take you over. Of course the Ganker chud tries to spin the fascist faction into the good guy

            • 10 months ago

              >Nothing says invading like having to vote them to take you over
              That never happened, did you play the game? The locals don't want the NCR. Freeside doesn't want them, North Vegas doesn't want them, Westside doesn't want and the Strip definitely doesn't want them
              There's dialogues and quests specifically telling you this.
              >Of course the Ganker chud tries to spin the fascist faction into the good guy
              NCR is closer to fascism than the Legion, imbecile. Rome wasn't fascist

          • 10 months ago

            >The NCR is literally an invading army bullying and conquering a foreign nation.
            What sort of childish political outlook is this? Yes, he's not right about NCR to say the least, but how exactly do you think nations operate in most cases?
            You talk like a journalist making a headline statement.

            • 10 months ago

              >What sort of childish political outlook is this?
              It's called "the truth"
              >but how exactly do you think nations operate in most cases?
              By using their military power to get what they want. Doesn't mean it's not bullying and conquering just because "everyone does it"
              >You talk like a journalist
              What an offending remark. You talk like a gay and your shit's moronic

              • 10 months ago

                It's the word bully that bothered me the most, I can't recall when I seen someone who wasn't a kid or a soccermom.
                Regardless, though he wasn't correct, the point about good and evil still applies, as the very operation of entities is predicated on using force. It's the force that's the most basic quality.
                That doesn't automatically make it or conquest, bad. Same goes for murder, which, like destruction, is not in fact automatically evil.

              • 10 months ago

                >It's the word bully that bothered me the most, I can't recall when I seen someone who wasn't a kid or a soccermom.
                I'm sorry your life experiences have left you trauma over a specific word
                >Regardless, though he wasn't correct, the point about good and evil still applies
                It demonstrably doesn't.
                >as the very operation of entities is predicated on using force. It's the force that's the most basic quality.
                Then why is the Legion use of force bad? What makes it bad?

              • 10 months ago

                It demonstrably does because one entity is clearly worse in regards to the quality Americans like to tout as the cornerstone of their nation.
                >Then why is the Legion use of force bad? What makes it bad?
                It's not. Legion isn't evil because it uses "some" force broadly speaking, but what, how and to what end.

              • 10 months ago

                >because one entity is clearly worse in regards to the quality Americans like to tout as the cornerstone of their nation.
                No? Life as a legion officer is much better than for the lowly farmer? And regardless, since when "adherence to the American Way" a measure for good and evil?
                >Legion isn't evil because it uses "some" force broadly speaking, but what, how and to what end.

              • 10 months ago

                >Life as a legion officer is much better than for the lowly farmer?
                Some rightly would disagree, some killers included.
                >since when
                Since all the time, in spite of their hypocrisy. Freedom and slavery are ill-compatible. You either get one, or another, or a joke.
                What "why"? Do I need to explain to you every lack that Legion has as a structure?

              • 10 months ago

                >Some rightly would disagree,
                And some wouldn't, throwing any objectivity of the matter into the trash.
                >Since all the time
                "all the time" is not a date.
                >Freedom and slavery are ill-compatible
                And? What determine freedom as good and slavery as bad? And of Freedom isso good how come the NCR is good if it doesn't let Mojave govern itself?
                >What "why"?
                Why are it's uses evil?

              • 10 months ago

                >And some wouldn't, throwing any objectivity of the matter into the trash.
                To you, perhaps, it is so, but that's to be expected from someone who can't reconcile that plurality of opinions in an objective rational reality is exactly that.
                I know your type, unless God Itself comes to you, it is pointless to talk to people who ask why but are not willing to challenge it themselves, it'll barely work were one to write millions of words to explain things.
                Answer your own question yourself.

              • 10 months ago

                >that plurality of opinions in an objective rational reality
                Prove to me the objectivity, cause it sounds like you're just having a mental breakdown due your inability to even follow up on your own crap points.
                >it is pointless to talk to people who ask why but are not willing to challenge it themselves
                Lmao, thanks for wasting my time by being such a b***h.
                Next time don't post anything and the world will be a better place

              • 10 months ago

                Explaining the issues of true morality is like explaining why the color red is in fact red. It can be done, but it is not possible without exceeding information propagation capabilities.
                Naturally, you shall cop out like all others, as is evident from your stance, asking for proofs instead of making one yourself.

              • 10 months ago

                >Explaining the issues of true morality
                What true morality? What determined it as true? Can you prove it?
                >Naturally, you shall cop out like all others
                Jesus what a cope
                >I don't need to prove my claims, it a cop put asking me that.
                Well then, why do suck so many dicks every day?

              • 10 months ago

                Memes and buzzwords, indeed.
                Alright, state, word by word, what is the meaning of the word morality. State the most proper, oldest if need be, definition of morality.
                Copy-paste, I don't care, state it, then I'll try pointing fingers.

              • 10 months ago

                >Memes and buzzwords, indeed.
                Who are you quoting.
                >Alright, state, word by word, what is the meaning of the word morality

              • 10 months ago

                I didn't ask you to ask why, I asked you to post it so that you can see.
                Are you a bot?

              • 10 months ago

                >I didn't ask you to ask why
                Well, this isn't the Light Brigade and you're not Lord Cardigan, I can reason why

              • 10 months ago

                >Mojave govern itself?
                There is no Mojave, a pile of entities moving their own way only kept stable because there's House keeping stability in a casino city.

              • 10 months ago

                >There is no Mojave, a pile of entities moving their own way only kept stable because there's House keeping stability in a casino city
                Okay, then why can't they govern themselves

              • 10 months ago

                They can, in their locales, which will last only until they can't anymore.

              • 10 months ago

                >They can, in their locales
                The NCR doesn't allow that

              • 10 months ago

                So? Left to their own devices they'll just remain irrelevant, become their own NCR, or eventually die out.

              • 10 months ago

                So they're not commited to freedom, which the other anon argued was evil

              • 10 months ago

                It is evil, and they are not committed to it correctly, but they are committed to it more than not, and in comparison, which is an important thing in the Wasteland, where natural conditions are all over place starting and ending with kill or be killed on sight as the most sure warrant of one's continuous existence.

              • 10 months ago

                >they are committed to it more than not, and in comparison
                But House is more committed to it then then, and the independent ending is the most committed to the idea
                Would that mean it's the Good™ ending?

              • 10 months ago

                Independent ending is as House described, a vanity project, as the two are the same, but Independent is weaker, and can only be made better with headcanons.
                Likewise, freedom alone isn't sufficient, freedom alone life doesn't make, and being independent to others doesn't actually mean being freer in the long run.
                House (somewhat stable status quo) > Yes Man (a casino city without visionaries shall extract chumps mercilessly by design) > NCR (slowed bleedout unless otherwise) > Legion (mediocre rot at the precipice of more evils)

              • 10 months ago

                I don't really necessarily disagree with anything, but it's offtopic from the original discussion

              • 10 months ago

                You asked, I answered. NCR isn't all that good, but it's better than Legion, and in that original post the point was about good and evil, which it is.
                Game tries to portray House as a worse option than what he actually is, while portraying NCR and Independent as better ones, which is sufficient for an appearance of supposed more struggle, but not in practice.
                The practical struggle is more of a broader picture, as NCR and Legion are those 2 entities in the background, the massive primary players in the region, and one is worse than another in regards to freedom, slavery and all that, whereas the other is bloody.
                That both are lacking is irrelevant to what they are in spirit, regardless how little do both live up to theirs.

              • 10 months ago

                >supposed more struggle

              • 10 months ago

                >You asked, I answered.
                I didn't really.
                >NCR isn't all that good, but it's better than Legion, and in that original post the point was about good and evil, which it is.
                It isn't though, because the original point was that there's no gray, and that NCR vs Legion was like Rebels vs Empire in Star Wars. If the NCR is just "better" than the Legion, then it isn't a good vs evil conflict, it's grey, where the NCR is shades lighter.
                >Game tries to portray House as a worse option than what he actually is
                Yes and it even contradicts itself for that to happen

              • 10 months ago

                Grayness is merely a muddled line of uncertainty, when you can't clearly assess what are the consequences.
                When you examine grayness in-depth, the likely many things that make it up will teeter to one or the other side more, ultimately.
                Or in other words, moral grayness is when a select moral conundrum's state isn't apparent, which in no way implies that it's equally non-apparent to all who observe it or participate in it.

              • 10 months ago

                Or to put it in other words once more, moral grayness is a perceptional and complexity issue in complex environment. Analyze it extremely well, and it will stop being so.

              • 10 months ago

                >Analyze it extremely well, and it will stop being so.
                Not at all, the analysis only allows you to pick a side that better suits you, it doesn't change the nature of the conflict or those that fight it.
                The NCR remains not-good and the Legion remains not-evil

              • 10 months ago

                That's because you don't analyze it to see what it is, but rather to pick what suits you. Or in other words, it's not a good analysis.
                That not-good is indeed not good, but that not-evil is merely evil with minor concessions.

              • 10 months ago

                >That's because you don't analyze it to see what it is, but rather to pick what suits you.
                Because that's all you can do. They're not mathematical formulas, you think probe their objectivity beyond what you can see and hear and smell and think and all of that comes with your bias
                >Or in other words, it's not a good analysis.
                It's literally the best possible analysis, and it remains that it doesn't change the nature of the factions.
                >That not-good is indeed not good,
                Then by that already it's not a good vs evil conflict.
                >but that not-evil is merely evil with minor concessions.
                Making them not-evil. And they're not in anyway "minor"

              • 10 months ago

                >Because that's all you can do. They're not mathematical formulas, you think probe their objectivity beyond what you can see and hear and smell and think and all of that comes with your bias
                No, that's merely what you think you can do. You simply don't bother.
                >the best
                Not even close.
                >by that already it's not
                It always is, good and evil and their conflict are cosmic things, the battles are not limited to clear cut situations, but even unclear situations are clear in actuality to the sides themselves.
                And the concessions are ultimately minor, yes, and ones that don't change the rot within.

              • 10 months ago

                >that's merely what you think you can do
                Nope, that's all you can do. You're limited by your senses and your organic brain.
                >Not even close.
                It is, though.
                >It always is
                It isn't though, as you yourself admitted the NCR isn't good, how can it be a comic representation of good?
                >And the concessions are ultimately minor, yes
                They aren't, unless you missed one of the main themes of the game

              • 10 months ago

                Well, you're free to believe what you believe to your own detriment.
                It's not a representation of anything. It simple stands closer to the side of good, which is enough to count it as one.
                And, yes, the concessions are minor. They're just enough to stand. No concession to good can outweigh evil, as neither is weighted, both stand on their own.

              • 10 months ago

                >you're free to believe what you believe
                You've been given plenty of time to provide irrefutable evidence. You simply failed to do so.
                >It simple stands closer to the side of good
                >which is enough to count it as one.
                No it doesn't. That simply marks it as a better alternative
                >And, yes, the concessions are minor
                Nope, they're big and fundamental to the thematic of the game

              • 10 months ago

                Are you even capable of answering your own questions or is pointless restatement all you can do? How exactly do you expect to grasp any complex moral rationales if you will continue to gimp yourself like that?
                It's good to count as one simply because the range of possibilities it can create allows for more outcomes with better future, and its spirit is better than not, among other reasons because it at times tries to pretend to be better than what it is, which some people take seriously and in turn realize.
                Is irrelevant, what matters is the nature of actors in the game and their consequences. What Legion does is subpar, incompetent and ultimately lacking in regards to their environment, they're a mediocre pastiche at best. All that it does can be done better without any evil baggage that they engage in.

              • 10 months ago

                >Are you even capable of answering your own questions
                They're your statements, why does everytime I ask you to explain them you throw a hissy fit? Stop assuming I'm obligated to take what you say as fact and work from there.
                >Is irrelevant
                No it isn't, it's literally a core aspect of it.
                >What Legion does is subpar, incompetent
                They're demonstrably more competent than the NCR. Every new post you make, it becomes clear you haven't really played the game

              • 10 months ago

                Some things are too hard for me to explain, and some are unwise to explain.
                But more than that I find your approach laughable. I don't ask others to explain things to me, or care for facts, I simply keep on thinking until I walk past them.
                Competent at statecraft doesn't make a political entity a better or a desirable one.
                Singapore is an orderly place, but it's not a good one.
                Roman Empire too, was impressive, but it was not good.

              • 10 months ago

                >Some things are too hard for me to explain, and some are unwise to explain.
                Really? Going with the "my brain is just too advanced for you to understand" cope?
                >I simply keep on thinking until I walk past them
                Hahahahhaha. Jesus.
                >Singapore is an orderly place, but it's not a good one
                Right. What's an example of a good and desirable one then?

              • 10 months ago

                >What Legion does is subpar, incompetent and ultimately lacking in regards to their environment
                They’re literally winning the war without player involvement. Oliver thinks the Legion is incompetent while everyone who actually has to fight them is terrified of them.
                Legionaries are actually incredibly well trained and experienced due to the lifelong slave soldier thing and this is reflected in their higher base stats.

              • 10 months ago

                >and this is reflected in their higher base stats.
                Not him but this is actually a neat detail, I didn't know that was the actual case.
                I also remember once encountering a random patrol fight beyween NCR troopers and Legion recruits and the legionaries actually did scavenge the service rifles off their victims' bodies once they closed in and killed them.

          • 10 months ago

            Also they are ill comparable. NCR has some of the similar issues such as it needing an enemy to operate, economics based on fueling a rapid expansion, but US modern is pretty much an instrument of chaos.

            • 10 months ago

              >Also they are ill comparable
              They really aren't. The comparison is blatantly obvious.
              >but US modern is pretty much an instrument of chaos.

              • 10 months ago

                What "right"? NCR is just a corrupt US simulacrum but with a number of differences, US IRL is a tool long since before WW2, trying to keep its economic bubble afloat is just a pretext that's fulfilled additionally.

              • 10 months ago

                >US IRL is a tool long since before WW2,
                A tool by whom anon?

              • 10 months ago

                Likely occult and otherwise esoteric entities, as well as opportunists keen and smooth enough to dance around them.

          • 10 months ago

            The NCR is the lesser of two evils except even their worst pales in comparison to the Legion’s best. People can use cut content as an example but any players first interaction with them is their men cackling about how they played a cruel game of lottery against an entire town and butchered and burned their bodies in front of each other. They threaten you and call you names and brag about their endless slaughter.

            • 10 months ago

              >The NCR is the lesser of two evils except even their worst pales in comparison to the Legion’s best.
              But you understand how being the lesser of two evils doesn't make you good, right?
              Regardless, the Legion came off much more cartoony than they should've to a point where I think even Sawyer regretted it.
              The problem with the NCR - Legion conflict is that the qualities of the Legion is something you hear but don't really see, why their worst aspects is constantly on view, meanwhile the NCR has the opposite problem, with many of their faults being just talk, and a lot even get brushed aside for the endings

            • 10 months ago

              I will say you can't defend the Legion as any force of "good" in any traditional sense, but I will give Caesar for thinking outside the box. His plan is so batshit and unorthodox it MAY very well work. His plan is to not simply just be Mr. Badass Raider and conquor everything. His goals is ends justifies the means and who cares about suffering in the short term?

              The Synthesis he seeks is the creation of a Rome, a capital where the Legion transitions out of Taliban style raiders to a proper civilization. And then where does it go? Even he doesn't know, and that's the point. You force history to create something new and dynamic through Thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis.

              I even think if the Legion lose, he may have "Won". First, the changes to the NCR may be the actual "synthesis" he seeks (unlikely). The more damage on them the more they would reform, collapse, or change. Or more likely the Legion themselves settle down and turn into a proper civilization and reform.

        • 10 months ago

          >literal nazis
          I hope for your sake that your post is bait

          • 10 months ago


            • 10 months ago

              You type like a gay

    • 10 months ago

      There are thousands of games that are better. Why does this barely functional shitpile get put on a silver platter? Is it just older zoomer/younger millenials' babby's first RPG? Babby's first game where you can skip the gameplay with speech checks and hear a bunch of hollywood actors read paragraphs of rambling text?

      • 10 months ago

        >Babby's first game where you can skip the gameplay with speech checks and hear a bunch of hollywood actors read paragraphs of rambling text?
        Yes, but it's important for roleplaying and also it helps that you can approach at least some quests differently, have different solutions.

  25. 10 months ago

    every playthrough of new vegas i slaughter all the powder gangers i can find

  26. 10 months ago

    Easily the most dogshit overratted game this board goes stupid for even to this day. Its actually crazy the level of genuine mental disablility it takes to reach such levels

    • 10 months ago

      Yess contrarian, you say this every thread. We know dad didn't love you and you need attention from the internet instead but find some new material to get it

  27. 10 months ago

    I feel sad that the game is broken for me. I’m like 40 hours in and can’t go to see Caesar without being attacked (even though I let Boone go and have the Mark of Caesar). I could just eliminate everyone, but then I would fail all of his quests. Sucks. Last time I played this was in 2010.

  28. 10 months ago

    >check the thread
    >it is indeed filled with trannies posting
    what about new vegas attracts them like moth to a flame?

    • 10 months ago

      >convinced by trannies that a game with no trannies is a troony game
      you're easily influenced aren't you. or just a shitposter.

    • 10 months ago

      >what about new vegas attracts them like moth to a flame?
      I don't know anon, tells us what made you cut your dick off and we can start from there

  29. 10 months ago


  30. 10 months ago

    you did beat every caravan player, right?

  31. 10 months ago

    t.Joegurtha Cobb

  32. 10 months ago

    I only just realized, Fallout New Vegas is as old as Fallout 1 when New Vegas came out.
    I remember Fallout 1 and 2 seemed ancient to me at the time. It still feels like just yesterday I was reading the blog posts in the lead-up to Fallout New Vegas. That was 13 years ago. Where did the time go?

    • 10 months ago

      >Where did the time go?

    • 10 months ago

      games have stagnated. modern games feel the same as they did a decade and a half ago.

  33. 10 months ago

    Do people really gang up with the powder gangers? I did it for one playthrough and still defended goodsprings on my evil characters

    • 10 months ago

      Its fun with low INT as it makes your dialogue with the Powder Ganger leader make you sound like a dumb cartoon henchmen and he calls you dumbass a bunch.

    • 10 months ago

      >Do people really gang up with the powder gangers?
      I did once and felt awful.
      It's very unnatural because, unless you're evil for the sake of evil, there's no reason to help Cob, since he's an butthole. The game also just seems to forget about their victory since Goodsprings basically turns into a ghost town (there's a mod that fixes that, adding Powder Gangers to some houses, redecorating the place like a raider hideout and having Cob take Easy Pete's hat as a trophy)
      But their questline in the prison is a lot more organically integrated with finding Primm a sheriff and going to the Mojave outpost

      • 10 months ago

        You can join powder garbages without doing Joegurtha Cobb's quest, bit still. I like to infiltrate Powder Gangsters and then betray them to NCR and loot the prison and then kill Cobb.

      • 10 months ago

        >But their questline in the prison is a lot more organically integrated with finding Primm a sheriff and going to the Mojave outpost

        Yeah, you can min-max the game by going to Primm, getting the sheriff, then going to the prison, doing the Powder Ganger quests to be on their good side. You can even stop here, and periodically get the rewards (just some dynamite and ammo, but not worth it but amusing to stock up on early game). THEN you go and betray them to the NCR (NCR won't raid unless you start the powder ganger questline which might be an oversight). THEN you go to good springs.

        My only complaint is that there's no peaceful solution - trick Joe Cobb to leave, intimidate him to leave, or just tell him to go to the powder ganger vault.

        Also because of how some of the rep system works the ear/dogtags quests for NCR and Legion won't offend each other. You can do the same with the legion: do their quest-lines, gain all their rewards and become idolized. Then betray them to the NCR. Then betray the NCR.

      • 10 months ago

        >It's very unnatural
        eh, you do bad stuff and you're rewarded by getting together with the guys who do bad stuff, i think it works

        also cob isn't 100% unjustified, his gang controls the roads around goodspring which makes harboring the caravan trader that killed his men a transgression

        • 10 months ago

          >eh, you do bad stuff and you're rewarded by getting together with the guys who do bad stuff, i think it works
          Sure, but I feel like even evil people understand gratitude and debt. Theirs no real reason to side with Cobb even if you didn't however, because there's nothing really valuable in Goodsprings.
          I suppose, however, it could be played as siding with the most powerful faction around that will open some opportunities, but even then it's a stretch because Cobb doesn't wanna take over the town, it's a thing you suggest. I really feel an option to go after Ringo and negotiate with Trudy to give him up would've been a better option, you'd still get negative reputation with the town, since Sunny and maybe would always defend him, but it'd just make more sense

          • 10 months ago

            >Sure, but I feel like even evil people understand gratitude and debt
            That's a basic quality, but there are exceptions to that too. Not all people care about gratitude

          • 10 months ago

            from a lore point of view there's a lot of gain in hustling goodspring with your illicit road tax shit or whatever the cobb gang had going on, you're not competing with NCR or Legion so it's all just free real estate when you're essentially a private militia

            from a player's point of view the motivations are the emotional gratification of getting to gang up on the weak, right after you've been ganged up by benny or because you've elected to play a low morality character, or because you want to explore the powder ganger content which there is a decent bit early on

            • 10 months ago

              The issue is that Goodsprings and Victor just saved your ass, nursed you back to health, equipped and trained you, and got you back on your feet. Doc Mitchell and Sunny Smiles are the two most blatantly altrustic characters in the entire game with zero agenda going on. All goodsprings wants to do is trade water and gecko hides with the outside world. That's it.

              The rewards are incredibly paltry in comparison with betraying your entire friends. Even if you're a jerk raider, why not have goodsprings on your side? There's no positive reason to betray them.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah but it's pretty much only there for rp purposes. There's zero benefit to siding with them unless you really want a bunch of ncr gear early.

  34. 10 months ago

    >constant ambushes: the game
    and people want more?

  35. 10 months ago

    I'm Cook-Cook b***h, better not forget it.

    • 10 months ago

      >that feel when no cannibal rapist Mr. T companion

  36. 10 months ago


  37. 10 months ago

    Post that Fiend Grindset video ..

    • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago


  38. 10 months ago

    realistically with heavy modding can i use a riot shotgun, metal armor and junk rounds for new vegas?

    • 10 months ago

      >realistically with heavy modding can i use a riot shotgun, metal armor and junk rounds for new vegas?

      After the ASL finished, I went and did groceries and while there I was thinking: does New Vegas have a Riot Shotgun? I was thinking about how I'd love to have a proper RE4 setup going.

      >TMP (stats the same as maria, with a laser, and a stock mods)
      >Riot shotgun
      >Battle Rifle with scope
      >Silver Ghost USP handgun

      • 10 months ago

        There’s a shotgun literally called Riot Shotgun, yeah. It’s a 12 gauge that holds 12 rounds that I ALWAYS end up using because frick me it’s overtuned.

        • 10 months ago

          You think that gun is overtuned? The Classic Weapons Mod adds a USAS-12 that does like 300 damage, "balanced" by how little armor shotgun ammo penetrates armor and DT. Take the right perks and that damage mitigation disappears completely. Also the YUP fix everyone recommends makes beanbag ammo actually function, so this thing is a tranquilizing elephant gun if you want to do the world's most terrifying nonlethal run.
          >mfw shooting someone with a slug and they backflip 3 times before hitting the ground

        • 10 months ago

          It's so tempting to always to a shotgun build with that since it really is ridiculously overpowered. It trivializes the whole game.

        • 10 months ago

          its pretty strong for how early you get it (lvl 12? or something so basically as soon as u get to vegas) but late game its pretty useless since you're better off just spamming survivalist rifle AP or crit build same weapon

          the shotgun knockdown perk lets you kinda trivialize some fights that are otherwise annoying potentially like the big roboscorption or the legendary deathclaws

          • 10 months ago

            If you get the 2 (3?) big shotgun perks they become the most broken weapon type in the game next to explosives.

  39. 10 months ago

    >people so buck-broken by liberal western society that they defend NCR doing all the same shit that's led to their current waning empire

    • 10 months ago

      >Muh cycles
      >Muh repeating
      Continue eating dirt, you tribal dipshit. I'll continue having running water, plumbing, electricity, schools and a society.

      • 10 months ago

        Don't forget to eat your bugs and suck the girl wiener

      • 10 months ago

        >I'll continue having running water, plumbing, electricity, schools and a society
        No you really won't lmfao, Chief Hanlon is probably the only intelligent NCR person you talk to outside of maybe Hsu and he's positive the NCR will run out of water and power relative to its population very soon. Enjoy the mass die-off as brahmin barons bribe, steal and hoard that shit. No parallels to real life either, your empire will surely last forever Amerifat.

  40. 10 months ago



  41. 10 months ago

    How come they didn't have the guys at Vault 19 be part of the Powder Ganger faction? Cooke is literally the reason they are all free after all. It would have added at least a little more depth to what is probably the most useless faction in the game.

  42. 10 months ago

    Viper waifu

    • 10 months ago

      Nice, but watch out for snakes...
      Also, what mod(s)?

      • 10 months ago

        changes up Viper armor, gives them bone weapons and poison
        also a similar mod for Jackals, lot of raggedy robes, coyote heads, melee-focused weapon leveled list, etc.
        both of them are kind of mediocre but it's a step up from vanilla

        • 10 months ago


  43. 10 months ago

    Using an alternate start mod to play an ex-convict powered ganger who redeems himself as an NCR explosives expert. Kino

  44. 10 months ago

    I've never encountered this before. Guess I got to try it out.

  45. 10 months ago

    you guys should play some DUST

    • 10 months ago

      Been meaning to but haven't gotten around to it yet, how viable is a melee build in that mod?

      • 10 months ago

        It's viable but guns are way better.

        • 10 months ago

          Just like Vanilla then

          • 10 months ago

            The real mvp skill in dust is repair because it effectively doubles damage of all combat options, ammo is very scarce and weapons break so fast it puts system shock 2 to shame. If you want hard mode don't put points into repair, it is game breakingly powerful.

            • 10 months ago

              >The real mvp skill in dust is repair
              Like vanilla again. There's not armor repair kits (and even the mod that adds it make it as sparse to find and buy as weapon repair kits) so with repair you can avoid the prohibitively expensive repair costs and profit a lot more from your loot.
              If you take Jury Rigging, it's basically infinite money

              • 10 months ago

                >prohibitively expensive repair costs
                >squats behind repairman
                >steals all of the money back
                >sells off pristine gear
                >makes 75k by level 20
                Heh, nothing personnel.

      • 10 months ago

        Ammo is rarer in Dust and most of what you find is junk ammo. Being somewhat proficient in melee or unarmed is pretty much required even for guns builds.

    • 10 months ago

      I like actually playing New Vegas, and Dead Money is literally my favorite DLC to the point where I unironically love the gameplay. One of my favorite pastimes is getting myself into conventionally unwinnable situations and trying to figure out how to emerge victorious, like that time I whacked a hitsquad by crippling their right arms with a cleaver and yoinking all their weapons once they drop them.
      Is DUST for me? Am I gonna feel right at home in it?

      • 10 months ago

        You'll fit right in.

        • 10 months ago

          Wee, I'm gonna go try it then, 'preciate tje confirmation.

          • 10 months ago

            The only advice I will give you is to not look up guides of any kind, DUST is best experienced blind. Look up info only after you've beat the game once or twice.

            • 10 months ago

              That's actually going to be hard, because I'm also an optimization autist and the other day I literally spent a bunch of time with a pen and paper doing math on how to 100 every skill I have on several of my characters, and since New Vegas is notoriously bad at explaining mechanics and offers no takesy backsies ever, I spend a lot of time looking shit up on the wiki to find out things like crit damage and crit chance multipliers, or proc chances for various perks, or hidden passives. But I will do my best to heed your advice.

              • 10 months ago

                I enjoy minmaxing too but I had more fun in DUST with first time unoptimized character than the hyper optimized build I've made later, that does not happen very often.

              • 10 months ago

                I'll do everything in my power not to peek.

    • 10 months ago

      Next time I play NV I was thinking of playing it right after.

    • 10 months ago

      no thanks

  46. 10 months ago

    Post raiders.

  47. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >people cry about BG3 gay companions
      >gay mcscience dicksuck exists as well as brotherhood of dyke
      It's always funny how NV always gets a pass.

      • 10 months ago

        Neither of them hit on you and Arcade's homosexualry is like one lime of dialogue

        • 10 months ago

          Veronica not being player sexual and instead making the Courier play middleman with her girlfriend was probably Sawyer's idea, if we're being real.

          • 10 months ago

            >making the Courier play middleman with her girlfriend
            You don't even do that. She and her girlfriend already split and don't mention each other. In fact, players exaggerate how much they really meant to each other, to Veronica is mostly a bittersweet memory of a first love that ended abruptly and for Christine is just the incipient incident that made her dislike Elijah, long since surpassed by much realer shit

      • 10 months ago

        BG3's entire advertising campaign hinged on being able to frick a literal animal. Meanwhile Sawyer was so autistic about romance in vidya almost always being poorly handled that he made none of the companions romanceable.

        • 10 months ago

          based Sawyer

          • 10 months ago

            He is 100% right about vidya romance always being handled horribly. It is already nearly impossible to have an RPG player character grow organically without forcing a whole backstory and personality onto the PC; but on top of this, you have to make the PC have an organic relationship with a companion complete with any expectations that would come along with a realistic relationship. Even Mass Effect, which was basically a space dating simulator with some background plot, was barely able to capture just a slight bit of that organic growing relationship feeling. Most players didn't care, preferring to joke about blue tiddies and shit like that. In reality, most players really just want well-written characters that you have the option to frick; not an actual romance. Games shouldn't try to force some dumb relationship dynamic, it should just be blatant about the whole thing and let the player RP as a manbawd instead.

            • 10 months ago

              Thanks for the essay, normalhomosexual.

              • 10 months ago

                You're welcome

      • 10 months ago

        >only 1 perk every two levels
        >plenty of very useful perks adding new fun ways to play the game
        >take the "confirmed homosexual" perk because he needs to show his love for man meat
        >"wtf, I can flirt with a homosexual who otherwise doesn't say a word to me?"
        lmao, what a humongous homosexual

      • 10 months ago

        New Vegas has homosexuals. Balding Gays 3 has outright fricking homosexualRY. Capiche?

      • 10 months ago

        You can kill all of them

        • 10 months ago

          This is another thing that's great about NV, can pretty much kill everyone besides a few kids (there are mods for that anyway) and Yes-Man, and even then, you can off him, he just respawns.
          That sort of freedom leads to both good challenge runs or roleplay opportunities.

        • 10 months ago

          You can be particularly cruel to Veronica by killing the BoS and describing it to her before killing her. Hell, even doing Veronica’s quest doesn’t give her a happy ending, she’s truly made to suffer.

          • 10 months ago

            >option to describe killing the BoS in excruciating detail to Veronica
            >but no option to describe plowing Christines ass in excruciating detail to Veronica
            Not enough suffering for this dumb lesbian

          • 10 months ago

            you can also sell arcade into slavery

  48. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      In divisiveness he's up there with Miyazaki and Kojima

  49. 10 months ago

    Doing a kino Johan playthrough. Having Boone shoot Manny, helping the Legion to a certain point (only to further terrorize the NCR). I started with TTW, and it works because you can convince an NPC to kill themself, but I've erased everyone and my name from DC. Now I got shot, and was saved by Doc Mitchell, who I don't hurt in anyway. Time to side with Elijah and punish the Mojave.

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