Now that the dust has settled, can we finally acknowledge that this was peak Zelda.

Now that the dust has settled, can we finally acknowledge that this was peak Zelda. Boomer manbabies hated it because it was too aesthetic and didn't look enough like bob the builder and teletubbies for their tastes.

Beware Cat Shirt $21.68

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    if you think that you obviously werent concious in the time leading up to release. this was THE most hyped game because it was a return to form after babby wind waker.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I don't think there's a single game I've been more hyped for than TP. Maybe part of it was that it was around then that vidya companies got way better at showing off upcoming stuff. When MM was in the works all the info you had was snippets from nintendo magazine and fansites that picked up obscure rumors and beta screenshots from Japan. Now it's like everything that's upconing gets bombarded everywhere and I don't really give a frick until it's suddenly out.

      • 2 weeks ago

        i was unbelievably hyped for smash bros brawl and was let down immensely

        • 2 weeks ago

          Man I completely forgot Japan Time. Honestly a better time than Brawl itself yeah lol

  2. 2 weeks ago

    No, people were generally enthusiastic about TP when it came out. It started getting unfairly maligned when people developed more self-awareness about edginess and immediately overreacted to realizing they had endorsed edgy media previously.
    The art style looked good, without any irony.
    The in-game looked bad to okay 60% of the time on account of the overall muddy visuals (thanks, vaseline filter) and a ridiculous amount of stupidly washed-out environments. And some of the character designs didn't help.
    Gameplay is where it really falls apart. Anything that works in TP is usually because the equivalent idea they were borrowing from that originated in OoT already worked and they didn't break anything essential. In fact, a few of its more annoying parts would've worked better if surrounded by more OoT-like design. For instance, the world-spanning sidequests you do to get into the later-game dungeons would work spectacularly if you were following clues in a less guided fashion and could maybe do the latter few dungeons in any order. But they're fed to you one at a time and thus amount to a lot of backtracking on an otherwise linear path to a new area.
    But TP DOES manage to assemble more of the working parts of OoT than either Wind Waker or Skyward Sword did, and I can't call the result bad just like that.

    tl;dr: It's a weaker OoT that still doesn't deserve all the hate it gets, but conversely didn't deserve all the praise/hype it got either

  3. 2 weeks ago

    No it wasn't. Zoomer Black folk will always think so because they grew up with this latecomer Zelda OoT Wannabe sequel.

    OoT was the peak of Zelda because it took what was already so timeless about A Link to the Past and just did that in 3D, but then it also evolved the storytelling from Medieval fantasy slop into a truly symbolic/thematic journey about being a child and being an adult, and kind of fighting the evil of adulthood with your desire for childish play and innocence, and that idea reverbates through EVERYTHING in the game, on top of it just being a nice game as well.

    TP is more disjointed and can't see its own forest for its own trees. It has a murkier narrative and more complicated aesthetic but the dungeons aren't always better, just more aesthetically interesting but they kinda railroaded and linearized a lot of them. Hyrule Field was made like 4x larger than OoT but with no more to do in it, and the game even lacks side-quests outside of teh Malo Mart thing.

    Ganondorf has no plot in TP so the entire story feels like it falls apart as you confront him. He didn't achieve anything and he's not really hurtingthe world when the Twilight thing is so unclear. Midna is understandably pissed, but she ended up being the only good thing about the game.

    Sorry OP, I just didn't think TP was good. It was the first game I experienced that made me a critic, and I was just 12 years old back then.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    It's my personal favorite, yes. I've played all of them. Botw is definitely my least favorite, so many time wasting mechanics and copy paste dungeon designs

    Plus.... Midna

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I love the art style but it's kinda hit and miss, the main characters are pretty anime but everyone else is a weird misproportioned caricature.

    • 2 weeks ago


      • 2 weeks ago

        ashei, rutella, link, fish girl, zelda, midna, and maybe the yetis have the only good designs here.

      • 2 weeks ago

        pure fricking kino. show me 1 character from any other zelda with half as much soul as these.

        • 2 weeks ago

          literally anybody from oot/mm

          LTTP will always be the best one

          based, but i slightly prefer oot

      • 2 weeks ago

        This is so much more SOVLful than the literal miis they use now. Matt isn't actually in the game either because that would be soulful which isn't allowed anymore.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >No great fairy

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Ordon villagers look like country bumpkins
      >Kakariko Village humans look native american (except for the bomb shop guy who looks like a southern or midwestern tweaker)
      >Castle Town residents usually look more "normal" and refined
      >Lake Hylia clowns are total freaks
      Makes sense to me tbh

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Twilight Princess but with Ocarina of Time's art direction and with all the boring wolf sections cut out = perfect game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      agreed. you can keep the transform to wolf option but never the tear collecting sections

  7. 2 weeks ago

    Weaker than OoT, MM, and WW.
    Its still a good game (compared to SS which I would call mostly mediocre), but has enough holding it back.

    Also terrible intro sequence.

    • 2 weeks ago

      id say its better than ww, but definitely weaker than oot and mm

  8. 2 weeks ago

    TP > OoT = MM >>> SS > BotW > WW

    I will not play TotK.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You're not missing anything. TotK is the worst Zelda ever made and it's not even close (obviously excluding cdi shit).

    • 2 weeks ago

      TotK is a good game. It's better than BotW but it's still very familiar so if you didn't like BotW you won't like Totk.

    • 2 weeks ago

      People who shit on Windwaker are only shitting on the less serious artstyle and their opinions can be safely ignored.

      • 2 weeks ago

        you need to submit a video of yourself having FUN doing the triforce quest
        >alright lemme boot up my wii u--
        nope, in the original

      • 2 weeks ago

        Wind Wakergays hide behind the art style like the game itself does. The art style is the one thing that the game does right.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Wind waker is a great game, youre just brown.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Not even remotely. It's a mess hard carried by its aesthetics. Its dungeons are awful and its overworld is a lifeless blue void forcing a sailing mechanic so dull that they tossed it a speed up button in the HD port.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I quite like the dungeons. I like the story too. And the music kills.

      • 2 weeks ago

        no, i like the art, i just think it's fricking gay that every time i tried to explore and go to a new island it wouldnt let me and make me go to another island first which i still wouldnt be able to go to until i went to ANOTHER island before that, etc. Fricking stupid

      • 2 weeks ago

        WW's artstyle and sailing are the good parts. It's the rest of the rushed game that's the problem. WW would be good if it was an actual open sea adventure. The devs didn't have the time they needed to do that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what a terrible day to have eyes

    • 2 weeks ago

      Anyone ranking Skyward Sword over BotW is not a serious person. Twilight Princess or OoT you can argue are better for the great dungeons. MM for the atmosphere. But SS? What the frick does that game have going for it? It has 2 good dungeons max, and good is doing some serious work here. The story is horrible, the visuals look awful, they forced stupid motion controls everywhere.

      • 2 weeks ago

        BotW was better than SS. But SS is better than TotK.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I would be more likely to replay SS than BotW, so it has that going for it. But that's mostly a factor of me being unlikely to return to either and more likely to feel comfortable stepping into an old BotW save. Which in turn tends to deal with the urge to go back to it much more effectively than starting from scratch, since the Plateau is painfully better than the rest of the entire game and I'd have too much enthusiasm to put it down when I know shit's about to go downhill from there.
        TotK is more likely than either just because it has multiple high points beyond the tutorial.

  9. 2 weeks ago
  10. 2 weeks ago

    Blah blah blah blah Midna was fricking hot blah blah blah blah blah blah

  11. 2 weeks ago

    LTTP will always be the best one

  12. 2 weeks ago

    People preferring OoT to TP are the ultimate example of nostalgia goggles. TP is just a better OoT in nearly every way. The only advantage OoT had was better waifus.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ashei, Hena, Illia, Zelda, ect

    • 2 weeks ago

      oot doesnt have any god awful wolf sections or a 1.5 hour long tutorial

      • 2 weeks ago

        >oot doesnt have any god awful wolf sections or a 1.5 hour long tutorial
        TP doesn't have the water temple

        • 2 weeks ago

          The water temple is good

          • 2 weeks ago

            In the 3DS version
            TP will also be better when it gets a proper remake

            • 2 weeks ago

              Will never happen

      • 2 weeks ago

        the entire child link section is the tutorial

    • 2 weeks ago

      In many ways, TP is better. But in some ways it's not. OoT is more challenging, makes better and more frequent use of its items, and has much tighter pacing. Not to mention a better Water Temple.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >5 hr tutorial
      >bug hunting
      >wolf sections
      >Terrible pacing
      >Ganondorf was behind it all!
      >Just as easy as Wind Waker
      >Dull ugly version of OoT
      >Terrible Anime story
      >Useless items
      >Dungeons are glorified set pieces
      >Overworld is somehow worse than the N64 games.
      TP babies are hilarious.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Eh, the dungeons were good. Midna is great. Everything else like sidequests, Hyrule Castle, the NPCs, those large areas with canyons...completely garbage.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    It has a lot of things it does well, and a lot of things it does infuriatingly bad.

    the good
    >LOTS of combat options, ball and chain for unga bungaing, hidden skills and the Finishing blow especially make combat arguably the best in the series
    >actual swimming. Yes you can do it in zora form too but in terms of jsut sheer scale lake hylia is huge, and for the rest of the series theyve never let you actually dive and swim around like you can in this game
    >great dungeons after you slog through the opening turd and get to Goron mountain
    >seriously, just looking around arbiters grounds is fun, like a real tomb
    >really, really dark tone, so if you wanted a More mature zelda, here it is. Zora queen literally executed, ganon impaled at the end of the game, whatever the frick the shadow link and EoE illia shit was, castle town people getting turned into spirits(killed?)
    >great bosses. Obviously piss easy to fight, but thats not new to the series. Great spectacle and fun fights like a dragon and death sword
    >walking on ceilings and walls with the metallic boots
    >hawkeye scope
    >motherfrickinG SNOWBOADING
    >castle town feels alive and vibrant(more on this later), tons of NPC's to talk to and walking around the city
    >dominion rod is direct upgrade to having to play the command melody over and over again in WW
    >hyrule field is really, really big. Yes, its segmented into different areas, but no shit, a GC couldnt possibly render it all without having major slowdown(which guess what, happens on dolphin without a patch)
    >super cute zelda, tru form midna is SEX, illia is cute
    >for all the bad things wolf form does(see next post), tracking illia by scent and using sense to see Death sword is a pretty good integration into the game, and coming back to ordon with the villagers all terrified of you and having to sneak into houses to kill the sparks is cool(this is the one time it was good, mind you)

    • 2 weeks ago

      the bad
      >wolf link is horrible. Having to do each new area in wolf form, only able to explore in specific spots, and searching for bugs in general just SUCKS. Sometimes the bugs arent even all in one place, like in zoras domain when youre looking everywhere and have to go to fricking castle town for some fricking reason to free the water spirit
      >combat in wolf form sucks, especially when fighting the portal beasts in an arena. Theres nothing challenging about just holding B to knock both out at once>for all the jumping wolf link can do to get towards midna, its incredibly situational, so if its not the EXACT pathway somewhere get FRICKED. Same height or distance to the top of another ledge or rock? get FRICKED
      >combat is still really easy, and the enemies kind of just stand around letting you hit them. As cool as the king bulbin fight was in the desert(it was), he kinda just stands there and lets you wail on him. Theres also an infuriating delay in unsheathing your sword, which shouldnt mean anything but when you grapple something up to you or want to immediately switch and slash with the sword, theres a very visible delay to it
      >the beginning of the game is absolutely horrible. Following that fricking baboon through the swamp lantern is slow, boring, and infuriating because of how slow he moves Having to open portals to zip around hyrule(as much as it helps by saving you time travelling) sucks because wolf form combat sucks
      >The Forest dungeon sucks, the boss isnt interesting at all, and gathering all the monkeys sucks, especially when you have to watch the cutscene every time they help you across some gap
      >the FRICKING mailman having to stop me for 20 seconds to deliver a letter Im never going to read


      • 2 weeks ago

        >the tone of the game: Castle town is captured by zants forces and enclosed in the light(?) crystal, but the townspeople go around like nothing's happened, and the only time they ever complain about anything is when the goron cant get hot spring water to his stall. Even the guards are BORED while being under zant(ganon's command). The guards are also...still there? why would ganon(zant) keep them around?
        >illia and zelda really dont do much in the story for how important they should be to link. Zelda stays captured then disappears after saving midna's life, illia has amnesia almost the entire game
        >you get bombs and waterbombs...just by buying them. wtf?
        >a lot of PoH are locked behind owl statues, so I sure hope you wrote down where they are because it'll be far far later before you can go back and get them
        >there's weird places in the game where theres rocks that cant be demolished by bomb arrows, or a ladder you cant hookshot too(the bridge)
        >the water temple sucks
        >stallord's second form sucks
        >the game holds your hand a lot
        >malo is a real piece of shit

        • 2 weeks ago

          forgot my pic

        • 2 weeks ago

          >you get bombs and waterbombs...just by buying them. wtf?
          woah, you mean you AREN'T supposed to find high explosives hidden in some random grass?

          • 2 weeks ago

            You can tell by the more serious Goron design that they also stepped up their munitions control and no one dared frick with them over that.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >stallord's second form sucks
          That shit is fun as frick dude, come on

          • 2 weeks ago

            The opening scene of Stallord was rad as frick. I never liked the fight though. Wouldve been funner as a sword battle.

      • 2 weeks ago

        The forest temple is awesome. The monkeys were actually involved in the dungeon progression, unlike gorons in oot fire temple. The monkey leader uses the dungeon item to fight you, and you rescue him from the mind control, he then pays you forward during the boss fight in one of the most interactive boss fights in the entire series. Every dungeon is similar to this kind of thing.
        and if you want a challenge then play hero mode, I died a lot at the beginning for the first half of the game.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Not him but I thought the forest temple was both boring aesthetically and mechanically BUT it was so cool to see a Zelda dungeon for the first time with GC level graphics so I have very fond memories of it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Well I like the dungeon more than anything in oot. I also saw the rest of his wall of text, and I see he's moronic and nitpicky.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >wolf link is horrible
        I wouldn't say "horrible", but they're definitely my least favorite parts of the game. The nice thing is that the bug hunts usually are pretty linear and easy to follow. As long as you remember to check the map occasionally, it's unlikely you'll miss any.
        >combat in wolf form sucks
        Yup. Wolf Link should've been able to do the Poe throat rip animation on any enemy as his version of the mortal blow. Maybe it would've been too violent for the age rating, I dunno.
        >combat is still really easy
        Yup, but it's a Zelda game so that's not too surprising.
        >the beginning of the game is absolutely horrible
        Disagreed - I love the beginning of the game. It's a slow start, but I like how it eases you into the world and gives you time to get immersed. It nicely sets up most of the cast, even if some of them will sadly be shafted (it literally feels like the devs or writers forgot Ilia existed and needed to come up with the quickest possible way to remove her from the story).
        >The (___) dungeon sucks
        Disagreed again - all the dungeons are solid by 3D Zelda standards. Could they be more challenging? Sure, but Zelda isn't aimed at a hardcore audience. It's meant to be easy enough for kids to pick up (even if TP had a slightly higher age rating).


        • 2 weeks ago

          the bad
          >wolf link is horrible. Having to do each new area in wolf form, only able to explore in specific spots, and searching for bugs in general just SUCKS. Sometimes the bugs arent even all in one place, like in zoras domain when youre looking everywhere and have to go to fricking castle town for some fricking reason to free the water spirit
          >combat in wolf form sucks, especially when fighting the portal beasts in an arena. Theres nothing challenging about just holding B to knock both out at once>for all the jumping wolf link can do to get towards midna, its incredibly situational, so if its not the EXACT pathway somewhere get FRICKED. Same height or distance to the top of another ledge or rock? get FRICKED
          >combat is still really easy, and the enemies kind of just stand around letting you hit them. As cool as the king bulbin fight was in the desert(it was), he kinda just stands there and lets you wail on him. Theres also an infuriating delay in unsheathing your sword, which shouldnt mean anything but when you grapple something up to you or want to immediately switch and slash with the sword, theres a very visible delay to it
          >the beginning of the game is absolutely horrible. Following that fricking baboon through the swamp lantern is slow, boring, and infuriating because of how slow he moves Having to open portals to zip around hyrule(as much as it helps by saving you time travelling) sucks because wolf form combat sucks
          >The Forest dungeon sucks, the boss isnt interesting at all, and gathering all the monkeys sucks, especially when you have to watch the cutscene every time they help you across some gap
          >the FRICKING mailman having to stop me for 20 seconds to deliver a letter Im never going to read


          >The tone of the game
          Zant's invasion covered the land in Twilight and turned all the people into spirits. Most of them aren't even aware that this happened. They're continuing to go about their lives as spirits even as the world turns to shit around them with no idea it's even happening. The guards aren't serving Zant - their dialogue indicates that they're confused and just trying to survive as the castle is overrun with shadow creatures. Zant doesn't care what happens to the commoners and soldiers of Hyrule. He just wants to cover the land in Twilight.
          >Ilia and Zelda don't do much
          Yup. It's kinda understandable but still disappointing.
          Yeah, this has always been kind of annoying in Zelda games. At least you never really need to buy anything besides some stuff for sidequests, so money doesn't end up mattering much.
          >Rupee messages
          Yup, no defending this.
          >you get bombs and waterbombs...just by buying them. wtf?
          What's wrong with this?
          >a lot of PoH are locked behind owl statues, so I sure hope you wrote down where they are because it'll be far far later before you can go back and get them
          It's pretty easy to grab them all while running back and forth across Hyrule doing side quests. All the side content links together pretty nicely in that way.
          >there's weird places in the game where theres rocks that cant be demolished by bomb arrows, or a ladder you cant hookshot too(the bridge)
          Yeah, that's weird.
          >stallord's second form sucks
          Why? It's pretty easy.
          >the game holds your hand a lot
          Yup. But again, it's a Zelda game.
          >malo is a real piece of shit
          Yup. And we love him for it.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >>you get bombs and waterbombs...just by buying them. wtf?
            also this is how it was in alttp and zelda 1. its fine and makes sense.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    It was the best traditional 3D Zelda game, it is just OOT but better in pretty much every way. Yeah there's the wolf gimmick but it is pretty unobtrusive. It was the last Zelda game that felt like a Zelda game.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    >too aesthetic
    Stupid zoomer revisionism.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    I really like it because it is basically another OOT, not a big fan of the wolf stages though

  18. 2 weeks ago

    One thing I'll say that goes unmentioned enough about TP is that it's a very good looking game. Upscaled to 1080p it still looks fantastic today. I would argue it even looks better than BotW although that's obviously in large part because BotW's world is massive in comparison.

  19. 2 weeks ago


  20. 2 weeks ago

    There's a lot of things that make TP a good game, and really soulful. I do not expect Ganker to have discerning taste to know that.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Ganker has horrendous taste.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'd wager most of Ganker doesn't even know about rollgoal in TP. A completely hidden long series of mini-games with useful rewards.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    If it didn’t have that shitty wolf form, it would be good

  22. 2 weeks ago

    Why would you want to take the rupees from a chest if you're full on rupees. How the frick is that even a slight, are you moronic.

  23. 2 weeks ago

    Hey Link. Buy something.

  24. 2 weeks ago

    It literally has a baby that looks like one

  25. 2 weeks ago

    Frick off troony.
    TP = the worst LoZ game ever.

  26. 2 weeks ago

    Love the game but hate the pacing. HD alleviated this by making the stamps replace some rupee chests....but then forgot to make the stamps actually useful when miiverse shut down. So thanks guys now I have one extra useless chest to find with the double clawshots instead of the only one that doesn't just contain rupees that won't fit into your wallet. Or the literally useless rod that has LIMITED uses or the Sol sword upgrade that's only used for a single dungeon.

  27. 2 weeks ago

    is it bad that the motion controls on the wii made this game a lot more fun for me

    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      the gyroscopic controls on Wii U are excellent too

    • 2 weeks ago

      I played this only on the Wii, I feel like I would have liked it a lot more on a Gamecube controller.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    It's easily the best Gamecube standard Zelda game... by virtue of its competition being an unfinished pile of dogshit that's completely style over actual substance.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    Skyward Sword was definitely an improvement in the art style department

    • 2 weeks ago

      all the characters in SS looked israeli.

  30. 2 weeks ago

    TP signaled the end of my enjoyment for the franchise. It's a fine game, but it caved too much to fan backlash on WW. WW isn't great (I'd even say TP > WW), but WW feels like an organic failure and TP feels like a boardroom coming togsther and saying "we gotta make OoT2". No main line Zelda before it (except Adventures of Link? Not a loresoomer) had the feeling of being a direct sequel and continuing on the story of the prior game. Some really kick-ass dungeons, though.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Every Zelda game before it tied into the overarching stories for the series. Zelda 2 was a continuation of Zelda, Zelda 3 was a prequel to Zelda, Zelda 4 was an interstitial to Zelda 2, Zelda 5 was a prequel to Zelda 3, Zelda 6 was a follow up to Zelda 5, Zelda 7 was a far flung sequel to Zelda 5.
      At the very least Twilight Princess doesn't involve much of any of what came before it, it mentions a triforce, but it's unimportant, it has a mastersword, but it gets upgraded into the light sword, princess Zelda simply exists and that's all really. The only big element of it was Ganon being the big player for the climax.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Personally i think the best part is you defeat ganonDORF not his ragetard ganon mode. Speaks volumes that hes fully conscious.

        • 2 weeks ago

          you do get to go beast vs beast, and swordsman vs swordsman, the whole encounter was exciting. I don't get why Zant being a phony with borrowed power upsets anyone.

          • 2 weeks ago

            The only issue i uad was them introducing ganondorf so early. I knew halfway through the game, right after i get the master sword, thats who the villain actually is regardless if ive played Zelda before or not. He definitely should've been reserved for the end

        • 2 weeks ago

          I liked how Ganon summons a bunch of ghost rides for his horseback phase with zero explanation except for that it's rad

      • 2 weeks ago

        What I want to convey is no game before in the series felt like it owed so much of its identity to a predecessor. Earlier games tinkered with the Zelda mythos or eschewed them entirely (LA, MM) that made mechanically similar games feel incredibly distinct. TP just seems content to be edgy/dark OoT instead of its own thing. Why couldnt we just be Link in the Twilight Realm without the wolf shenanigans and have Midna and Zant instead of Zelda and Ganon (who feel shoehorned in at the end)? Why do we need OoT Link as an NPC? I just wish the team was confident in their work standing on its own. Again, it's not a bad game, it just was the start of the series creative stagnation for me.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >TP just seems content to be edgy/dark OoT instead of its own thing.
          I do not understand? how is MM not edgy dark OoT? what about all the direct references to OoT that WW makes? you seem stuck on this notion that TP has to be OoT for some reason, and I do not see any correlation outside Ganondorf? TP has a lot, and I mean A LOT of unique flair that IS uniquely its own, from characters, to story, to dungeon designs, its transformation, the combat, the overworld, ect.

          • 2 weeks ago

            MM is an impending apocalypse scenario, the horror/darkness permeates the entire game's core emotional impact. That is not the same shit as scary Link laughing jump scare in TP. Direct references to the legend passed down from OoT is different then a canonical appearance of a past PC showing up onscreen; it's the difference between show and tell.

            >have Midna and Zant instead of Zelda and Ganon
            like right here you said; and I'm left wondering about the other games. how about: why did Tetra have to be Zelda? why did Ganon have to be the boss of OoT to save Zelda? why did Agranihm have to be Ganon in disguise?

            I was focusing on TP specifically, but you're right. I like Tetra as Zelda because she chooses to forgo her newfound identity at the end, when I think most children's stories would go the opposite direction. But I'm being biased here. Zelda would do good to sideline Zelda/Ganon more often. We've got some really good games without them.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Aonuma had the thought one time that, its named Legend of Zelda, so Zelda has to be an integral part of every edition to the franchise from now on
              Youll never get another game without Zelda with that gay as the director.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Link’s Awakening, Majora’s Mask, and Twilight Princess all sideline that b***h hard
                >Get strange new worlds, mysterious dark aesthetics, sexy imps, revenant Link, and god-tier dungeons like Stone Tower Temple and Snowpeak Ruins
                >two even get non-Ganon final bosses
                >get wild crossover stuff like the Hero of Time beating the shit out of Nightmare and Mitsurugi in Soul Calibur
                >push the titular girl to the forefront
                >get on-rails corridors of SS, the ocean-sized puddle of BotW, or the somewhat less of a puddle but still too big for the content has TotK
                >you’re never getting a storyline that isn’t Zelda and Ganon again, because Fujibayashi and Aonuma introduced the Demise curse and Zelda literally being God and also an ancient alien now too.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I think it's too early to say Nintendo wont get more creative with characters in the next game. BotW's was somewhat bland yes, but TotK was an asset reusing sequel so that doesn't really say anything. Working off a sample size of 1 to form long term conclusions is a tad ridiculous.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Zelda being a god alien is fricking moronic. Its like they took notes from a Neil Breen movie.

            • 2 weeks ago

              JUMP SCARE?? hahahaha. It was a thematic moment where the great spirit was describing what happens when someone with darkness in their heart obtains the sacred relic triforce. It's more elaboration on why bad things have happened when Ganon obtained it in previous games. The horror of the sequence is when Link is notably drawn into the darkness too. The scene ends with Link wearing a terrifying grin and then immediately stops and begins a worrisome face. It's a theme that had been explored in Zelda 2 Adventure of Link, when the triforce manifested dark link, an entire alter ego borne out of his darkness, and perhaps in Majora's Mask when Link dons the Oni god mask which also demonstrates tremendous grave powers. stay in school brother

              • 2 weeks ago

                >theme that had been explored in Zelda 2 Adventure of Link, when the triforce manifested dark link, an entire alter ego borne out of his darkness
                it wasnt that deep

              • 2 weeks ago

                and neither is healing the souls behind the masks in MM. you're talking jumpscare, that game literally does one everytime you put a mask on. just because.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >oni god mask
                Bitch, come the frick on. It's Zelda, speak English. As for the rest, TP sets its mood a sledgehammer. Zant killing Ganon (?!) by snapping his neck after you fight f o u r different forms is completely unnecesary shit. The whole game just gives off a teenager's understanding of what is effective horror, which is a shame when MM mogs it effortlessly in that department.

                Note that before TP, we didn't have a need for a different Link to ever be shown before people started wondering about a timeline (WW lampshaded this with the tunic in the intro) . It was just here's Link, also Zelda and Ganon are probably here too, go play mostly the same story beats but hopefully we put in enough thematic elements to distract you from any feelings of deja vu. TP is a mechanically fine game amd even has some of the better elements of the core gameplay found in the series. It's just dull and drab a lot of the time when it comes to the fluff.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's Zelda, speak English.
                it's literally the Oni god mask, the frick are you talking about. Oni is English. In Japanese it's 鬼 おに

              • 2 weeks ago

                its fierce deity in english. oni isn't english, thats the romanization of おに. oni is not an english word

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oni is English, in Japanese it's 鬼 おに

              • 2 weeks ago

                Oni is not an english word. That's like saying por favour is english

              • 2 weeks ago

                no, because por favour in English is please; if you please

              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                Black person are you so stupid you don't get that por favour is Spanish

              • 2 weeks ago

                鬼 おに is english. you literally just used it in an english sentence, dumbass.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >have Midna and Zant instead of Zelda and Ganon
          like right here you said; and I'm left wondering about the other games. how about: why did Tetra have to be Zelda? why did Ganon have to be the boss of OoT to save Zelda? why did Agranihm have to be Ganon in disguise?

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Some really kick-ass dungeons

      Only Snowpeak and Arbiters really.

  31. 2 weeks ago

    TP has some of the worst art direction in the series. The characters are ugly as sin.

  32. 2 weeks ago

    It's a good game, maybe even a little underrated for the series but I wouldn't say it's peak. TP went through a difficult dev cycle and it shows in a few areas like the wolf form being a cheap gimmick that you only use to run faster until you get Epona's whistle. There's no Gerudos in the game just an empty desert with one dungeon. Gannon was shoehorned in at the last moment just to try and live up to the spiritual successor of OoT label and it kind of ruins Zant. The horseback fighting is pretty bad and lastly there's no side quests other then collectathon shit like get all these bugs to expand your wallet to hold all these useless rupees.

    I do think it has the best aesthetics though and obviously Midna is fantastic. I also appreciated the bittersweet ending.

  33. 2 weeks ago

    One of the best looking Gamecube games. Not a bad looking launch title for Wii either.

  34. 2 weeks ago

    8.8 posting caused irreversible damage to the board.

  35. 2 weeks ago

    my issue is that everything outside of dungeons in tp was soulless dialogue and hand holding. the story and characters were so forgettable as well.

    • 2 weeks ago

      The mayor was memorable, having you swear to take his secret to the grave. The reveal that Rusl was the masked member of the AL was cool, he's Link's father figure. Telma has a very comfy bar, and nonchalantly hits on Link he should tap it. The mailman had a lot of personality, stopping you with his wonky music and jarring mannerisms to deliver you letters. Hena goes on dates with you and comments on everything you catch, she's quirky and fun, she snaps a photo of Link and the hylian loach and puts it on the wall, and she will say thanks whenever you look at it. I could go on, you f n shitter.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Hena is best girl.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Shes pretty rad, but that picture doesnt flatter her.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I could say this about every Zelda but it had interesting characters...they just don't really DO anything.

      The rest of the resistance
      Ronado (shaman) and his daughter
      The Ordon kids

      Seriously the Yeti get more screentime than all of these characters combined

      • 2 weeks ago

        Illia is very involved with the main story for half the game, she has many cutscenes, she has multiple quests, and her role is resolved and in return you obtain an item to call your horse from anywhere with one button press (much better than playing a song each time! fight me in rl). Rusl is Link's rolemodel, he chimes in multiple times throughout the start of the game, he is defending his baby against wolf Link, and you borrow his sword and shield to start your adventure. He later is revealed to be the final member of the Adventurer Guild, and helps you investigate and access the lost woods leading to the temple of time and master sword. Ronaldo is a good guardian, he has multiple sequences earlier on in the game. He defends the children from the roaming twilight beasts, and he is the one who brings up seeing Bo and asking about his techniques for dealing with gorons. We even get a mention of Telma crushing on him hard.
        again I could just keep going, idk how it's possible to be so opinionated and yet so ignorant about these things. The characters are more involved than a lot of games in the series.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Way better than the latest games. Way better than any SS character for sure, save for Groose or Impa.

  36. 2 weeks ago

    >Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
    >Twilight Princess (2006)
    The horse riding in TP felt a bit lacking/dated by comparison

    • 2 weeks ago

      still better than red dead redemption

  37. 2 weeks ago

    One of the weakest 3D Zelda games. Why do TPgays always need to ask for reassessment more than any other Zelda?

    OOT > MM >> TotK >/= WW > BotW > TP >> SS

  38. 2 weeks ago

    Besides link, midna and Zelda every one is ugly

  39. 2 weeks ago

    I loved twilight princess I understood skyward sword going back to a cartoony look because the Wii was so underpowered but Zelda on Wii U should have gone back to the realistic style of twilight princess

  40. 2 weeks ago

    I don't get how people like TP. It's the most on-rails linear game in the entire series.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sometimes thats just fine.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Zelda isn't as non-linear as you seem to believe. People who seem to imply it is, always out themselves as someone who just fricks around and brings the pace of the game to a halt.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wind Waker

      People who shit on Windwaker are only shitting on the less serious artstyle and their opinions can be safely ignored.

      is insanely on rails. They basically tease you with an open world, and then force you to go through the first three dungeons. If you try to go anywhere else the game turns you back around and forces you to go in a straight line. By Dungeons & Dragons terminology, THAT is what is literally railroading. Twilight Princess doesn't present any other options, so it can't be "railroading" it can only be linear, and every Zelda that comes to mind is linear. You do the game in the sequence the developers have designed them.

    • 2 weeks ago

      non linear games suck ass. open world was a mistake that made games shit and made normies get into video games. the high IQ autistic male prefers very difficult level-based play, which is why hotline miami became such a cult hit. no woman or normie is playing that.

  41. 2 weeks ago

    >Now that the dust has settled, can we finally acknowledge that this was peak Zelda.

    TP fans really like to seek approval for their game on Ganker huh?

  42. 2 weeks ago

    It genuinely has some of the best dungeons in the series and the setting is insanely comfy.

  43. 2 weeks ago

    >Boomer manbabies hated it because it was too aesthetic and didn't look enough like bob the builder and teletubbies for their tastes
    They were literally the ones who shit on Wind Waker before both of these games released what are you talking about

  44. 2 weeks ago

    >Zant killing Ganon by snapping his neck is completely unnecesary shit
    It was his way of exerting his own power over his god he worshipped, who turned out to be a false god. it's thematic.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >have this power over the eternal host of the Triforce of POWER in the afterlife
      Damn, you really think with this much ability he could've stopped Link and Midna dead in their tracks or subjugate Link and Zelda as spirits like the rest of Hyrule. Anyway,

      • 2 weeks ago

        It wasnt really Zant killing Ganondorf, as much as the master sword in his chest. I think it was more symbolic.

        • 2 weeks ago

          I think it's silly and overdone any way you slice it, but I don't "get" TP.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It wasnt really Zant killing Ganondorf, as much as the master sword in his chest. I think it was more symbolic.

        I thought it was just his life force tied to Ganon's, and so by killing himself, that left Ganon no other way to cling to life, which is why he died right afterwards.

      • 2 weeks ago

        no I do not, because Ganondorf was in the final throws of clinging onto life. that's why and when Zant finishes him, he of his own volition asserted his agency over his false god he naively put his faith into. it's on point

        • 2 weeks ago

          The last time we see Zant before this he is utterly obliterated by the Fused Shadow, one of the two most powerful artifacts of the realm. Yet somehow we're shown him "symbolically" killing Ganon after Link/you slog through four phases of a boss fight. The last time we see Zant he's utterly convinced in his faith that Ganon will revive him if he dies. What has he done in the writing to earn an a completely nonsensical appearance after death? Why do I want to see him again? What do I gain from knowing that after he and his false god got utterly buttfricked by Good he gets a moment of personal redemptjon? I do not give a shit about this character at this point in the game, but TP saves it for the peak of the climax.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >The last time we see Zant he's utterly convinced in his faith that Ganon will revive him if he dies.
            quite poetic that Ganondorf sees Zant before he keels over himself

  45. 2 weeks ago

    TP would have launched Zelda as a franchise past the stratosphere if it was released after Majora's Mask. It seemed like when Wind Waker was announced instead, a drastic shift happened and it was never the same afterwards

    • 2 weeks ago

      The reason why BotW was able to expand Zelda so much is because while it does have plenty of linear challenges, particularly the shrines, divine beasts, and some of the side quests, you don't have to do any of that stuff and can just frick around in the world if you want. My at the time 4 year old niece absolutely loved BotW. No way in hell could she ever do a shrine, but she didn't care, she enjoyed messing around with the chickens, sticking fires in peoples houses or whatever. Twilight princess never had this kind of potential to expand the audience to awful players.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I respectfully disagree

  46. 2 weeks ago

    reminder we do not know what Kokiri eat, but we know Ordon is famous for their pumpkins.

  47. 2 weeks ago

    No, it's not. But neither is Wind Waker. I'm a millennial homosexual who played both these on the GameCube and I pretty much played TP on autopilot because everything about it felt so hollow. Wind Waker I tried to force myself to like when it was new, but now that I'm 20 years out I can admit it was not at all up to the standard. But because I'm a millennial homosexual, I'm just going to straight up say that I think peak Zelda is easily the three GB portables, Ocarina or Majora. Anything else is either just good (NES games), middling (ALttP, anything on the GBA), bad (SS, DS games), or something that just feels so different it's hard to rank it (TOTK). BOTW I also don't know how to rank because I fricking loved it but it's not Zelda at all.

  48. 2 weeks ago

    Zelda 2 is God tier, no this is not a meme or bait.

    It just gets unfairly hated because of its difficulty, it's haters just got filtered.

  49. 2 weeks ago

    No. The hunt for the light bugs ruined this fricking game.

  50. 2 weeks ago

    Funny enough I've been replaying tp over the last few days, and it's fricking great. The dungeons and aesthetic and combat kick ass. The story is interesting and I like the characters. The only real bad things I can say about it are how annoying the poes can be with wolf form, sometimes the finish blow just doesn't work. And frick rollgoal, what an absolute piece of shit. Sorry cute fishing girl, your game is fricking trash. The fishing is cool though.
    Even the first dungeon was cool, I liked it more than I used to. Still the least neat, but still fun enough.

  51. 2 weeks ago

    Do you think this game will be brought over to the Switch 2? Hopefully not locked behind some Gamecube NSO subscription

  52. 2 weeks ago

    It's even worse than Wind Waker.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Not true, and you say that like Wind Waker is bad.

  53. 2 weeks ago

    I played the game literally the day it came out, the things I didn't like about it were basically just
    >Wolf sections fricking suck
    >Combat gets way, way too easy after a certain point
    >The coolest fricking items in the game like the spinner and clawshot have very limited use
    >Last minute reveal about Ganondorf which also suddenly makes Zant into a pushover b***h despite how threatening he'd seemed up to that point
    Otherwise it's a pretty solid game overall, but those issues seriously hold it back for me. Definitely not on-par with the cream of the crop Zelda games like OOT or LTTP. I'd plant sow my seed into the deepest depths of Midna of course.

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