>Nuclear level take

>Nuclear level take
The games need a lot less focus on combat and battling. Im not saying we need more moronic minigames like pokemon amie or camp but there should be a lot more simulation aspects and ecology and adventure/problem solving in pokemon games. The combat has been stale and outdated since like ruby/saphire and its not gotten any more interesting since then, its especially apparent during the campaign how boring this 4 menu option 4 move set 1 action per turn 1 active pokemon system is. Other people think maybe there should be action commands like mario or skill trees like other rpgs or multi monster battles etc
all these solutions are stupid because they want to fix the combat when the real solution is to have less of it. pokemon combat is extremely time consuming, its not satisfying, they are glorified cutscenes at this point.

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  1. 7 months ago

    You're absolutely right, however that would never happen.. Battles are the main method Game Freak uses for making shillmons look good. Less combat means less opportunities for CHARIZARD to look good.

  2. 7 months ago

    the combat can be sped up a bit by showing multiple messages at once like the Stadium games did

    • 7 months ago

      I absolutely believe for radical changes to the battle mechanics just to shake things up, just off the top of my head
      1) raise move limit from 4 to 6
      2) basically what said as it would speed battles by quite a bit
      3) and this is my hot take, pokemon should have all abilities available to their line. Whether they have access to all of them at the start or slowly unlock them all as they level up is up for debate, but it would make each species way more unique from each other and throw a major wrench into how people normally build teams.

      • 7 months ago

        >he thinks he can fix combat
        lol. im sure bug catcher timmy will be much more entertaining when his weedle has both runaway and shield dust as well as 6 move slots

      • 7 months ago

        >sand rush/force moldbreaker exadrill
        Yeah frick off moron. Unless you mean they can switch abilities in a menu or something

  3. 7 months ago

    I'd like a Fantasy Life style entry. Different gameplay paths to focus on with that support the other paths. Farm berries to strengthen your team, collect and craft battle items for them, actual battle-focused path. Idk.

    • 7 months ago

      A fantasy life style game where you swap between classic pokemon trainer classes like Sailor or Bug Catcher would be so cool

      • 7 months ago

        I like that.

  4. 7 months ago

    Pokémon Legends starts to do this with the research quest
    But then some people missed the battles because there’s less to actually do with the Pokemon you’ve caught and raised

  5. 7 months ago

    Pokemon turn based combat is so fricking boring holy shit.

    • 7 months ago

      the combat can be sped up a bit by showing multiple messages at once like the Stadium games did

      It's not even boring, they just make it super slow. They could have it display multiple.messages at once but they make it say everything slowly

    • 7 months ago

      >Soulsgay zoomer comes to ruin another turn based franchise with his le ARPG xD


      • 7 months ago

        >going so red with seethe that you make up an imaginary character to scream at.
        Cope. I've played thousands of hours of this and it's still boring garbage for kids.

        • 7 months ago

          Arrest, we played harder games and is for real chads.

  6. 7 months ago

    I don't know if they could be considered mini games but expand what to do on the game
    >Le cooking minigame
    Is okay for what it is but let me expand the world
    Can I put a fricking food truck/restaurant to sell my food?
    Let me purchase land and install my own Pokemon ranch with all my hostages pokemon from Home
    Let me be a breeder and sell eggs
    Let me be a photographer and see how Pokemon acts on the wild
    Made Arceus ask me to gather info about legendaries
    let me join an evil group
    let me have a partner and idk give my son his first pokemon and keep playing as him

    A lot of spin off adds so much life into the world that glueing Pokémon Snap into Pokémon Violet wouldn't be weird and the possibilities to do new shit is endless
    They could create the most random Pokemon game and if they add a new Pokemon, people is gonna buy it, there is almost no risk into try new fricking things

    • 7 months ago

      HGSS did it right with Pokathlon.

    • 7 months ago

      They can't try new things because there's only so much you can do in 3 years of development

  7. 7 months ago

    I can guarantee you that people would like Pokemon such as Meganium a lot more than right now if the games weren't so focused on battles and had other ways to use your Pokemon.

    • 7 months ago

      It would be cool if you could ride those 4 legged pokemon.
      Arcanine can supposedly travel 10 000 (over 9000 kilometers) miles in a day. It would be cool if the game allowed you to use it to travel with it.
      Or actually fly on your pokemon.

  8. 7 months ago

    it's weird that we don't have actual sidequests like legends arceus was the closest we got but it could've been better. most "sidequests" in Pokémon are just little events like go give thing to person B and then person A gives you a revive as a reward

    • 7 months ago

      Crazy then how we just had a thread yesterday about how people apparently spend 80 hours on Pokemon "sidequests" kek
      Never change /vp/

    • 7 months ago

      The side quests were a chore in legends arceus though since you had the run up to them and then return to them every time, so there's too much friction for anyone but autists to want to complete more than 5. Could be good tho

    • 7 months ago

      Most sidequests in Arceus were literally that. Show me a Starly and I'll give you 5 Poke balls. Shows me a male and female Wurmple and I'll give you a revive.

  9. 7 months ago

    I unironically have always wanted Pokemon to go the life sim route. Give me more mundane, chill things to do with the squad. What disappoints me the most about the nugen games is they actually have a lot of things I want to become standard- camping, cooking, the Pokédex being an interactive field work activity, interacting with your Pokemon in real time… but the games are such dogshit because they focus first and foremost on the garbage comp shit. Legends is good because it strips that shit out. It still needed more battles, sure, but the focus it placed on actually interacting with Pokemon in the wild was kino.

    Give me Pokemon Ranger, but instead of drawing fricking circles make it a Legends game where you ride out into the nature preserve with a handful of hand-raised Pokemon to help stranded hikers and tourists, relocate invasive species, beat up poachers, and otherwise document and interact with wild Pokemon. It would be perfect.

    • 7 months ago

      >interactive field work activity
      >interacting with pokemon in real time
      unironically pokemon snap64. I remember the awe i felt completing evolution rituals for pokemon or making them compete over food or watching them interact in the same habitat. You only had a few inputs, but that was all you really needed since the game was so interactive. that being said i found the new pokemon snap pretty tedious. the pokemon anime and manga showed a lot of examples of trainers stewarding or assisting pokemon they coexisted with. solving their problems or learning more about them. why is that so lacking in the games? they even rolled back HMs, an immersive way to interact with pokemon that allowed your party to help you with your adventuring outside of combat. what a joke

      • 7 months ago

        Based, Pokemon Snap was amazing. I like the new one for its novelty but I the additional grind was kind of fricked up. They really turned what was like a five hour game into a fifteen hour game.
        Instead of HMs being removed entirely, they should have been abilities every Pokemon could learn to use outside of their normal quartet of moves. I like what Legends did with letting you direct your Pokemon to break rocks, shake trees and bust down walls, that kind of thing should be expanded on. Give Pokemon more things to do that are useful outside of battle.

      • 7 months ago

        HMs were good NGL. They just needed to make it so that it existed outside of your Polemons base moveset of 4. The Poke ride stuff feels so much less interactive

  10. 7 months ago

    >but there should be a lot more simulation aspects and ecology and adventure/problem solving in pokemon games
    Let's not.

    • 7 months ago

      Why not? Tell me why you think those things are bad.

  11. 7 months ago

    Hear me out. You're a pioneer in an area that has been shrouded in mist up until recently.
    It is Pokemon, except much more like Runescape.
    Instead of skills, you have Pokemon Type Mastery. You gain Mastery as you use Pokemon, not just in battle, but also whilst foraging, cutting wood, mining and more. Wild Pokemon require much more taming before they're usable, so you get to borrow docile ones from other pioneers in the beginning.

    • 7 months ago

      sounds decent

  12. 7 months ago

    I think they are testing waters with PLA and trainer battles not being mandatory in SV. Battles in game are just slow, not specially challenging and overall boring, they just feel like filler content. Also, imo kids these days don't really like turn-based combat, at least as it is in games like pokémon. Maybe it's anecdotal but my little cousins have been really into pokémon lately (anime and TCG) and when they realized I was playing the games they asked me to let them play, but they lost interest pretty quickly when faced with multiple trainer battles in a row.
    They should shift focus to exploration, the environments, pokémon interactions, etc. But battling is a core element to the series so i don't think they should just ditch it, but rework it to make the combat gameplay more engaging.
    That said, I guess introducing big changes in such a franchise may be difficult, and even if they decide to make this shift, I doubt they could really make a fully-fledged experience since GF is clearly struggling with game development.

    • 7 months ago

      I was with my little Aoomer cousins (aged 10 and 8) on Thanksgiving and they told me they only watch the anime and collect the trading cards. They have never played an actual Pokemon game before.

      Also the 8 year old's favorites are Charizard and Pikachu.

      • 7 months ago

        get them into pokemon SPE. they cover a lot of the content of the games

  13. 7 months ago

    Just pray for more Legends styled games, and pray even harder that they actually give them some development time
    PLA shifted its focus to the pokemon, the actual appeal of the series, while also modernizing the combat for once in this series' god forsaken life so it isn't as slow as it was on the fricking gameboy. It still needed like two more years of development but I was glad to see at least someone at gamefreak has a rough understanding of what I actually like about pokemon and the kinds of improvements I'd like to see

    • 7 months ago

      PLA shifted it's focus AWAY from Pokémon imo, since they're expendable in that game.

      • 7 months ago

        PLA is largely about developing the pokedex on your own by researching pokemon behavior
        This isn't done very well, so it's mostly just catching x amount of the same mon, but that was the point of the game

        • 7 months ago

          They dont have the technology and frankly the effort to make a game about documenting the ecology and behavior of 1000+ monsters. The best they can do is make it a mobile game quest and have you repeat an action over and over for rewards

          • 7 months ago

            There's a dexcut for a reason anon. PLA only had 200 some pokemon, and not all of them will appear in the wild since they're evolutions or some such.

            • 7 months ago

              PLA should've been the first dexcut game since it would've made sense based on the setting

  14. 7 months ago

    Side games exist for a reason.

    • 7 months ago

      No they don't anymore. Really it's an industry-wide issue where spinoffs these days are mostly reduced to mobile games that get content updates every so often before shutting down, rather tighly-crafted experiences with clear-cut start and end.

  15. 7 months ago

    Combat is a staple part of the series that is integral to it, just as much as catching. otherwise it just becomes a lifesim animal crossing like game that happens to have monsters in it. What they should do is add another route for replayability like maybe a contest route, which people have been asking for since gen 3. It would add a ton of replayability and be a new step for the franchise.

    The lack of focus on battling is part of why I disliked PLA. Pokémon felt more expendable and like tools than ever in that game, and it countered what I like about Pokémon. Finding a special Mon and raising it is better than having it as a tool

    • 7 months ago

      >finding a special pokemon and raising it
      so that it can spam its stab move at every opponents super underleveled and moronic animals until they all faint with very little resistance? So that you can subject your animal to 20 second per attack combat that the player cannot realistically lose unless they hamper themselves?

    • 7 months ago

      >otherwise it just becomes a lifesim animal crossing like game that happens to have monsters in it

      Holy frick no one likes the spreadsheet simulator gameplay, people always wanted more adventure and exploration, interacting with pokemons and their lore. Of course, we want battles, but PLA did a move in the right and necessary direction.

      • 7 months ago

        then play AC or some other chore simulator game and leave Pokemon

  16. 7 months ago

    >you are an affiliate to the government
    >your job is to capture a variety of pokemon to send them to various ventures, a more advanced version of SwSh pokejobs and LA requests
    >it's not an once-and-done deal, you are explicitly suggested to venture deeper into the wild to get more species and stronger pokemon, including duplicates of species that you already got, that will perform better
    >as you get more and better pokemon, your buildings get upgraded for various benefits. There's some vague Suikoden inspiration thrown there because sure why not.
    >you can fight pokemon on the wild to capture them, but there are also more peaceful methods to lure them
    >you manage the operations so that pokemon are satisfied and perform better, ie you should avoid pinning all the work on the electric plant to a single pokemon working 24/7

  17. 7 months ago

    The only people who could be considered as having a negative IQ are pokemon fans who somehow think the battling system is bad and needs to be changed

    • 7 months ago

      Why? Most of battles are just boring filler. And even the important ones aren't that of a challenge. It doesn't require any skill, you don't need to think a strategy or carefully build a team. There's no engagement in this kind of gameplay. It needs to be tweaked in some way, it's getting stale.

    • 7 months ago

      The battle system is slow, boring, and braindead for the campaign and it devolves into basically the worst parts of Magic: The Gathering on multiplayer, with stale teams, repetitive meta, "infinite" grind for perfect teams (no one actually grinds, people save edit and lie about it), and it plays almost like a card game with reads and counter reads. Hell, at this point Hearthstone is a more dinamic and intelectual game.

      Romhacks who up the challenge usually just make the games become a slog of grinding and comphomosexualry, and would be better as a gauntlet mode.

      • 7 months ago

        >compares the game yo magic and hearthstone
        Anon you are the problem

      • 7 months ago

        Another example of comphomosexualry ruining someone's enjoyment in Pokemon. Get rid of the mind poison anon

  18. 7 months ago

    The big issue for GF is that Pokemon's gameplay is its own very specific THING oriented around specific moves that do specific things in accordance to specific types and specific stats, and the identity of the series is so heavily tied to that gameplay and the ability to trade Pokemon up through gens and keep using them in the same familiar gameplay that they can't just toss it out and innovate a new one from scratch the way other RPGs can. They can add and rebalance and (nowadays) remove shit, but the core gameplay needs to be the same because the core gameplay is what Pokemon IS. Changing it would be like Street Fighter deciding to scrap the one-on-one fighting and make a Musou-inspired game instead. Maybe people would like it as a spinoff, but one-on-one 2D plane fighting is just what Street Fighter IS.

    • 7 months ago

      They did it with PLA and although it didn't sell as much as your average pokémon paired games, it sold waaaay more than pokémon spin off and about as much as a third version/remake. So yeah, I think they could gradually focus less on battling without losing their public.

      • 7 months ago

        It sold because it's a high quality game and not chibi or mobile shit

  19. 7 months ago

    You say that and yet you let pla flopped. You gays reap what you sow

    • 7 months ago

      PLA didn't flop.

      • 7 months ago

        >worst selling mainline Pokémon game on switch
        >even bdsp outsold it
        >i-it didn’t flop
        it’s funny how pokegays only "buy it anyway" if the game is dogshit and whenever they see a good game like pla, they avoid it like the plague because "muh charizard isn’t in it" and shit

        • 7 months ago

          >worst selling mainline Pokémon game on switch

          It is not a mainline game

  20. 7 months ago

    I want the battling and everything to stay intact, the gyks the league all that, but I just want there to be other things to do too. The different competitions, different places to explore, off the beaten path, secret hideouts. Just let me live in the pokemon world, in game.

  21. 7 months ago

    We need to be able to use our Pokémon for more different kinds of things besides Pokémon Battles and to be able to do more stuff in general, whether in the main games, in spin-off games or side games.

    Not every Pokémon can be good at Pokémon Battles. That's exactly why we need more stuff to do with our Pokémon, so they can at least be good for something.

    • 7 months ago

      Shame the Contest feature has been ignored in the future instead of being reworked to be as deep as battles

      • 7 months ago

        When I said about us having more stuff besides Pokémon Battles, that's the best example I think of. I really wish Pokémon Contests were more of a thing. I'd really like a side series in which we do Pokémon Contests instead of Pokémon Battles. It would be so good, but I don't think that will happen.

        It would've been amazing if we could have had Pokémon Contests be as in-depth as Pokémon Battles and a competitive scene for Pokémon Contests where Pokémon that are usually not good in battles are great or even OP in contests. I really like the idea of there being a contest meta.

        Pokémon Contests are just one thing. There's lots more they could do too. It's just what I'd like the most.

  22. 7 months ago

    >we need HM slaves back
    Can we not?

    • 7 months ago

      oh no, does having to use cut on one of your pokemon make it take longer to beat battles that you couldnt possibly lose without severe brain damage? i guess we should just remove all imersion and adventure from the game so that you can use all 4 of your move slots in battles made for moronic children.

      • 7 months ago

        >does having to use cut on one of your pokemon make it take longer to beat battles
        Unironically, yes. It's a slot that could be used for type coverage. Now I have to switch pokemon so I can 1-shot that shitter just because there may be a rare candy behind a bush on the next route.

  23. 7 months ago

    Still don't know why a giant farm like area with different biomes where all your boxed Pokemon go to and you tend to it and customize isn't a thing. Poke Pelago was the closest thing we got but I'm imagining something much more robust.

    • 7 months ago

      There was a digimon ds game with a similar concept.
      It was pretty fun.

      • 7 months ago

        most of the digimon games have a feature like this

        • 7 months ago

          No, just the Digimon Story series and a couple of mobile games.

  24. 7 months ago

    >PLA t-totally flopped guys!!
    One version, 15 mil. Gigantic success, beloved everywhere, got people back into pokemon after all the disasters post gen 5.

    • 7 months ago

      no one tell him that gen 5 sold less than literally all the games after it

  25. 7 months ago

    this thread is full of b***hes that never went online

  26. 7 months ago

    >multi monster battles
    battling with your whole party at once would unironically be good though
    you could actually build a team with actual synergies beyond "if the opponent sends in something with a type disadvantage i'll switch out to another mon", and shit like plus, minus, friend guard, helping hand, etc, won't be entirely useless for 99% of campaign

    • 7 months ago

      >battle with multiple monsters against lobotomized underleveled robots using combat that was outdated in 2002

  27. 7 months ago

    >catch monster
    >no battles so nothing to train them against
    >they just never evolve
    >learnset is pointless because less battles

    • 7 months ago

      rare candies

      having shelgon vs having salamence

  28. 7 months ago

    >there should be a lot more simulation aspects and ecology and adventure/problem solving in pokemon games
    This is why you have no gf.

  29. 7 months ago

    The combat isnt an issue, we just need more modes than singles and doubles. Tera raid battles were a fun step in the right direction but they feel shallow. They need to focus on and improve on co-op multiplayer more.

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