Oblivion is still the best TES


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  1. 2 years ago

    Contracting vampirism makes you Bogged

    • 2 years ago

      I believe this was a subtle Easter egg the developers put into the game. They wanted everyone to know the boggs were actually vampires.

    • 2 years ago

      IIRC that's a bug which was never fixed, that reverts your face to the default face. There was some simple save/reload trick that changes it back.

    • 2 years ago

      >Being a vampire turns you into a Skyrim character

    • 2 years ago

      >that shit on the left
      this is why I don't want character creators to exist. people shouldn't have that power

  2. 2 years ago

    >Reddit wackywoohoo simulator
    Trash. Not RGB.

  3. 2 years ago

    Every single tes game ever released was trash. Morrowind peaked at a solid 4/10 if we're being generous

    • 2 years ago

      >Every single tes game ever released was trash
      I only played Skyrim, no idea why I visit TES threads, but wasn't Daggerfal a fantasy version of "No Man's Sky"? How did the series ended up like this?

      • 2 years ago

        Daggerfall's most praised feature is the "biggest map in the entire series"... which is kind of pathetic once you realize its just empty spaces after empty spaces and every town is a copy of the previous one...

        • 2 years ago

          pathetic as a bunch of tards circlejerking about their five square mile continent?

        • 2 years ago

          Confirmed for never played it, Daggerfall is the best game in the franchise hold back by the technology at the time. Things you have in Daggerfall no other TES game provides:
          >different kingdoms with different economic structures
          >kingdoms in relation with each other refuse to make business with you if you behave badly in one kingdom, neutral or rival kingdoms do not
          >there are entire banking systems that work much like irl banks
          >you can buy pirate ships and seal with them
          >there are court hearings for crimes you commit where you actively take part in persuing the judge
          And so on. It is a literal Fantasy life simulator

      • 2 years ago

        >No Man's Sky
        was there a point to that game?

    • 2 years ago

      name some good games, then.

    • 2 years ago

      Romanian confirmed.

  4. 2 years ago

    >writing that guides you by the nose and never lets you think or find things out for yourself
    >factions have been retconned to suit whatever the writer wants them to be for the sake of their shitty linear story
    >new faction lore has been utterly disregarded in the development of the factions so they feel hollow and generic
    >scaled loot means you have to purposefully wait to get the powerful version of items, this moronic system also means if you're a mage and do the mages guild you'll have shittier mage items than a fighter character that did the mages guild after he did the fighters guild
    >on that note there aren't any skill checks or anything stopping fighters from doing the mages guild, mages from doing the fighters guild, thieves from doing the arena, etc.
    >the scaled enemies also facilitates your character's ability to do anything and never have any restrictions placed on you so no content feels meaningful, everything down to boss fights are tailored to your current level
    >even then the scaling is extremely bloated and gives enemies way too much health, even after your damage is maxed out they keep gaining health with each of your levels, this makes fights with generic enemies unbelievably tedious
    >uncreative samey dungeon design that copy pastes enemies everywhere
    >the devs were so afraid of giving the player decent loot they seemed to forget making sure the player can actually reasonable obtain certain items, for instance the alchemy sets which are absurdly hard to complete and require several dungeon delves (yes, random dungeons are the ONLY way to get the good alchemy gear) to obtain
    >moronic faces that the moronic devs ZOOOOOOOM into for absolutely no fricking reason, no game has ever been so moronic that it does something like this no matter how proud they were of their facial animations
    >ugliness fricking everywhere, ugly armor, weapons, locations, clothing, enemies, etc
    I could go on, but what's the point? Everyone sane knows this game is trash.

    • 2 years ago

      >100% it's awful
      caves are bad, ayleids are mid. Morrowind dungeons aren't much better. Skyrim's are pretty OK though
      But somehow it manages to be fun. It's WAY worse than Morrowind, and also worse than Skyrim.

      • 2 years ago

        >But somehow it manages to be fun
        To each his own but I think it's one of the worst RPGs I've ever played, and not just because I don't personally like it but because there are glaring design flaws. It's like if holding right in a Mario game moved you left. Just blatant moronic mistakes that no game should make. That, and it's an shitty sequel. If it was a standalone game I probably would've never thought about it again after playing it a while back.
        Also Morrowind had much higher highs for dungeons. The lows were still pretty low with generic copy pasting and scaled loot/enemies boringness. Generally though Morrowind's scaled enemies were less punishing and scaled loot more rewarding, so at least you get a lollipop for your trouble, and the dungeons were usually shorter so they were less grating over time. The actually rewarding scaled loot in Oblivion took longer to kick in and the tedious combat and weaker utility items made it less interesting. Finding 8 mugs of Sujamma is infinitely better than finding 8 bottles of Ale, or finding a Scroll of Hellfire vs a Flash Bolt scroll, etc. And the generic enemies being equipped with the best armor ever felt really cheap. If you found an enemy in a Morrowind dungeon equipped with ebony armor or something you knew he meant business cause he EARNED that armor somehow, in Oblivion every random homosexual has whatever armor your level says they do in order to increase the "challenge" and it's extremely stale. I'm sure you know this, however.

      • 2 years ago

        Morrowind's dungeons are much better, even the levelled loot is better.

    • 2 years ago

      They really fricked the factions up in Oblivion. In Morrowind you really felt like you were a part of organizations bigger than yourself. The Great Houses had entire cities under their control, the Temple had a huge presence, the Legion had their forts. They all had meaningful ranks that meant new trainers, new merchants, and in the case of the Houses, a new settlement built for you like many other members had, and the ranks ensured the player can only get promoted if they actually have the skills and reputation. They had roles in the main quest that would alter how you solved things if you were a member of one. They warred with each other. You could be barred from entry before even joining for pissing them off or being a member of another Great House. They had uniforms/clothing styles. They had interesting and real history behind them. Even if they weren't at war with each other a lot of them still hated each other and thus hated you for being a member of their ideological enemy. Sometimes when you did quests for other factions or just random side quests you'd get reputation with them cause you did something they liked. NPCs spoke about the factions like they were really there. The stories of the factions were so intertwined with each other and the world that only after completing all of them do you really understand them all. There are even hidden factions, which were short but interesting. The only game that can really touch these factions are Fallout New Vegas's. Oblivion's factions are just there because they are. They exist purely to tell their uninspired stories and don't give a shit about establishing themselves or any sort of world building. If you aren't currently a member of a faction they may as well not even exist.

      • 2 years ago

        the imperial city prison of the capital of the empire has a grand total of 3 prisoners including you
        bethesda doesn't give a frick about world design after morrowind

        • 2 years ago

          Tell me about it. The cities in Oblivion practically felt like templates and barely had anything to set them apart, it felt so fake.
          >walled in
          >castle with a count/countess and a small dungeon
          >one or two beggars
          >a fighters and mages guild even if they don't have any quests there
          >one or two inns
          >a chapel
          >every building must be the same medieval architecture but each city has to have a different style
          Also the non-city/town settlements were vastly downgraded too. In Morrowind you had the 4 Ashlander camps, the Dren plantation and other plantations, the farms, the player's Great House settlement, etc. In Obivion you have generic 2-4 building settlements that all looked the exact fricking same and barely seemed to serve any purpose.

          • 2 years ago

            >In Obivion you have generic 2-4 building settlements that all looked the exact fricking same and barely seemed to serve any purpose.
            The purpose is to get fricked up as quests require. There's no world building or rationale for them. Even Skyrim is better with mines and lumber mills and so on.

          • 2 years ago

            I was under the impression that the cities in Oblivion were larger and felt disappointed by how small Skyrim's are in comparison.

            But looking at those pics they're the same, only the castles in Oblivion make them see bigger.

            • 2 years ago

              Those are oblivion versus morrowind cities, not skyrim. I think the poster was trying to show that cyrodiil's are samey while vvardenfell's are diverse. To me, he only shows how very, very small all of these alleged cities are. Oblivion was at least headed somewhat in the right direction in that the map is a couple of times larger, meaning that the cities are more spread out. In morrowind there's only a 60 second run between each of these fricking places.

              You know Morrowind actually did this first. In one of the first Fighters Guild quests there are some Thieves Guild members who have been kidnapping and feeding the guards of a mine to some slaughterfish in their hideout, and after you kill them you might spot a chest at the bottom of the deep pond they were keeping the fish, and it's trapped with a damage fatigue spell so when you try to open it you pass out and drown. Probably die too as you'd be fairly low level. I guess they put it there as a final frick you if anyone wiped them out or if they ever left.
              Also that kind of quest is why I can't take Oblivion seriously, check it
              >the moronic mage who tells you to get the ring hasn't removed the body of the apprentice who was last told to go get it making his moronic plan make no sense, would he send ANOTHER apprentice down there if you drowned too somehow?
              >the moronic mage who drowned somehow was so moronic that he didn't just drop the heavy ass ring and preferred to drown
              >the moronic mages who knew about the apprentice's disappearance and even fricking say the well water tastes weird don't look down there for a body
              >the moronic mage who you need the key from knows the last apprentice disappeared doing this but sends you anyway even though they're all suspicious about his disappearance
              They can't even write a short and simple fetch quest without 48 different holes appearing in their paper thin writing
              >implying morrowind's guilds don't require you to prove yourself, even requiring actual skill checks to rank up
              >implying House Telvanni wasn't set up in much the same way Oblivion's Mages Guild was with low ranking members getting errands before the opportunity to offer yourself as a Mouth appears
              Obliviongays. Delusion incarnate.

              There's no difference. You do a few errands and, despite being an adventurer constantly on the move with no responsibilities, they make you guildmaster for some reason. It's ridiculous.

              The Mages Guild in Oblivion was not only shit (repetitive dungeon after repetitive dungeon, terrible end boss, forgettable and annoying characters, baby simple writing, no actual choices presented to the player, moronic reward scaling, etc) but it's the biggest waste of potential in the entire game. Necromancy is always seen as an inherently evil act in almost all fantasy settings but in Cyrodiil there are actually legal ways to practice it, so what do they do when it comes time to write for Oblivion? No it's illegal and evil and shit because... I dunno we wanted to ruin Mannimarco and have a bunch of boring dungeons. All the mages who practice necromancy in the game are automatically hostile and evil, and it's fricking stupid and a complete waste of a unique idea. Frick off.

              additional moron here I guess

              daggerfall wants a word

              If technology is so much better now, especially with neural networks, I wonder why no one has developed another 60 thousand square mile map to romp around in. Sad!

              • 2 years ago

                >keeps calling people moronic instead of stating why one of the most disliked factions in oblivion is good
                >massively copes by saying "all that image actually shows is how small Vvardenfell is! Oblivion was right for making the world bigger and emptier!"
                Yep, you're a homosexual.

              • 2 years ago

                >Those are oblivion versus morrowind cities, not skyrim
                I'm aware. Oblivion cities still feel more complex than Skyrim's, imo.

              • 2 years ago

                >Oblivion was at least headed somewhat in the right direction in that the map is a couple of times larger, meaning that the cities are more spread out. In morrowind there's only a 60 second run between each of these fricking places.
                Morrowind's slower walking speed and fog makes it feel longer until you get some Speedy Gonzalez enchantment. The map size isn't even that different.

          • 2 years ago

            Suran is comfy.
            Telvanni cities are only nice to look at and are absolute ass to navigate.

            • 2 years ago

              Them being ass to navigate on purpose because the Telvanni hate outsiders was a nice touch. But for me Balmora was always home

      • 2 years ago

        A murder hobo being appointed a guild leader is utterly nonsensical, and morrowind was where this stupidity started.

    • 2 years ago


  5. 2 years ago

    It's got it's flaws but it's a very good time with some mods and a fun build
    Breton Atronach heavy armor build, so i can absorb spells ez without having to worry about my health
    Having a blast with the Mages Guild, even though it is pretty poorly written. I wish I could join the Necromancers instead of just destroying them. It just seems like to big a leap for the mages to go from angry about necromancy/levitation ban --> worshipping Mannimarco king of worms. Maybe the COK could join the Necromancers undercover, along with the guy who is an insider in that one quest. You could join the moderates and stop Mannimarco from the inside, then leveraging your power to reallow necromancy in the Mages Guild, thus rejoining the guild after Mannimarco is finished off. Also wish there were less Ayleid dungeon crawls and more of count Hassildor, because he is the only competent and interesting NPC in the whole questline.

  6. 2 years ago

    after replaying all of the ES games I can say that I don't think any of them are all that enjoyable. Daggerfall was unironically my favorite.

    • 2 years ago

      high IQ poster

      Morrowind's dungeons are much better, even the levelled loot is better.

      anyone who takes the """dungeons""" in the later titles seriously has the attention span of a fricking gram cracker

    • 2 years ago

      I played all of them too. In terms of fun
      1. Skyrim
      2. Oblivion
      3. Daggerfall

      I never played a modded version of Oblivion so that might change things. Specifically the attribute system and efficient levelling is why those games got boring after awhile. Daggerfall got boring simply because every quest was just going to a dungeon, but at least it wasn't 90% fetch quests like Morrowind's shitty ass.

  7. 2 years ago

    ngl, it's awesome once you fix the level scaling

  8. 2 years ago
  9. 2 years ago

    The only time I played oblivion was on ps3 a decade ago. What are the must have mods if I go back to it.
    Mainly looking for stuff that improves the rpg mechanics and makes the world more immersive.

    • 2 years ago

      Better Cities is my favorite.

    • 2 years ago

      +5 to all attributes, Ascension (and his recommended mods), and bug fixes. That will make levelling more relaxing and combat more engaging. I would also look up guides to boost performance because the game lags if you plan to do a long playthrough, similar to Fallout 3 and NV.

      • 2 years ago

        >+5 to all attributes
        Literally autistic and deprives you of all autonomy when deciding how to level your character. Just use a level scaling fix mod like a normal person.

        • 2 years ago

          Please defend efficient levelling. Please explain why that stress is worth a +5 in willpower.

    • 2 years ago

      Better Cities, Midas magic, Immersive weapons (just for fun), SnusDungeons (warning: buggy), and the Ayleid overhaul. I'm also using a gfx mod, a mod that adds a companion and the mod that adds Elsweyr.

    • 2 years ago

      IMO Oblivion is over-modded by most players. The vanilla game is a great experience if you just fix the level scaling.
      This is literally the only mod I'm using, and I'm having a ball:-

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, this one looks neat but i've actually been using another similar mod, it basically does the same thing but loot is also included, so every time you raid a dungeon loot is also randomised so there's an equal chance of finding either crap or something amazing, really makes every dungeon dwell a unique adventure. Since the person who made it took it down from nexus, here's a link, and yes it works for SI too! If you use Wrye Bash, dont include leveled lists in the Bashed Patch, mod wont work then.
        anonfiles com/IaX5B22cy8/Unleveled_Lists_1.01-48442-1-01_zip

        • 2 years ago

          Also forgot to mention that it also affects merchants too, so that means you can actually buy high tier gear from NPCs too, if you're lucky enough to have it spawn in their shops

        • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          Let's see here

        • 2 years ago

          is there any difference between that one and this one? Both delevel dungeon loot, merchant inventory, creatures, and NPCs.


    • 2 years ago

      Maskar's and/or Oscuro's overhauls(more enemies, items, no level scaling), Less Annoying Magic Experience(adds a lot of spells, revamps damage and effectiveness and makes enchantments visually appealing), Oblivion XP if you don't want to grind useless skills to level up, Better Cities for quests and the namesake(also adds books from previous games and other fan works), Oblivion Character Overhaul

      watch this video

      • 2 years ago

        Overhaul mods are playtested by literally one person and completely frick up the game.

    • 2 years ago

      This guide is not only easy to follow, but is also a very good curation of mods: https://medium.com/the-backlog-gog-com-stream-team-blog/an-oblivion-modding-guide-9274b2640231

      Be sure to follow the Better Cities addendum: https://medium.com/@dizzy_plays/an-oblivion-modding-guide-better-cities-ea8809e6739e

  10. 2 years ago

    Best is Skyrim. Morrowind is second. Oblivion have too many flaws, first of all design.

  11. 2 years ago

    It wasn't even the best when it was released so how is it "still" the best? The only good thing about it is that it has become "good" because the next one was so much worse.

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    Oblivion is worse than Skyrim and Morrowind. If you like it you are moronic, it has two good questlines and all else is monumentally shit, plus it ruined the setting forever.

    • 2 years ago

      >worse than Skyrim

      Absolutely not. Skyrim just dumbed down game mechanics much further than Oblivion ever did, and rural Norway is every bit as boring and bland as English countryside.

  13. 2 years ago

    I honestly can't understand why they couldn't keep Cyrodil as rainforest/jungle or keep anything non-generic about Cyrodil in general.

    Did they really think everything non-generic medieval euro fantasy would scare away Xbox morons?

    • 2 years ago

      Oblivion came out at the height of the Lord of the Ring movies.

    • 2 years ago

      It would work well as sub tropical and mediterranean, south europe inspired with some wacky jap stuff here and there to spice it up.
      Todd making it not Britain fricked High Rock and Summerset. I hope one day they go back to it and retcon it all over again

      • 2 years ago

        It should have had greek and roman architecture in an area resembling brazil.

  14. 2 years ago

    furthermore, 18,000 dead Black folk

    • 2 years ago
      The Red Barron

      I don't kneel very often, but wow

    • 2 years ago

      >0 murders

  15. 2 years ago

    For me it's Morrowind but I still deeply love Oblivion despite its many flaws and I've gone back to it more often. Oblivion is a fine example of a game that's more than the sum of its parts

    • 2 years ago

      Wow what a generic quote that could come from literally any forgettable fantasy film

      • 2 years ago

        It's called sovl, you wouldn't understand

        • 2 years ago

          You can easily look up the definition of soul and soulless to find out you're wrong

          soul /sōl/
          emotional or intellectual energy or intensity, especially as revealed in a work of art or an artistic performance. AKA Morrowind with its brilliant alien world and interesting culture

          soulless /ˈsōlˌləs/
          lacking character and individuality. tedious and uninspiring. lacking or suggesting the lack of human feelings and qualities. AKA Oblivion with its computer-generated homogenized world and people, Lord of the Rings plagiarizing, complete lack of distinct or creative culture, bland and unremarkable stories, etc.

          >n-no! soul is... is... its what I say it is!! its a generic broken ugly game for 7th generation children!!! its a game that doesnt try to stand out!!! its a game that even the creators admitted was too generic!!!

          • 2 years ago

            If Oblivion doesn't have soul then explain this

            • 2 years ago

              >bugs that you've seen before in a hundred other broken shitty messes are soul!
              Wrong. You had the definition right there and you still couldn't grasp the concept.

  16. 2 years ago

    Shivering Isles was a dogshit slog but the rest of the game was good

  17. 2 years ago

    Fallout 3 was an even better TES game.

  18. 2 years ago

    No but the Mage's Guild questline is fricking kino, especially when compared to Morrowind's or Skyrim

    • 2 years ago

      What? The Mages Guild questline was shit

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      you're moronic

      • 2 years ago

        morrowind's very first mage guild quest:


        >ring is cursed with increased weight
        >picking it up likely means you'll have to drop everything, counter it with magic or sink and drown
        >corpse of the last moron sent inside
        >YOU FRICKING Black person YOU SENT ME TO DIE
        >he he lmao

        • 2 years ago

          >counter it with magic or sink and drown
          Or you could simply make sure the carry weight of 150 doesn't weigh you down by leaving your stuff in a safe spot or carrying very little. You don't need magic for the quest.

          • 2 years ago

            I know, it's the first part of that same sentence

        • 2 years ago

          You know Morrowind actually did this first. In one of the first Fighters Guild quests there are some Thieves Guild members who have been kidnapping and feeding the guards of a mine to some slaughterfish in their hideout, and after you kill them you might spot a chest at the bottom of the deep pond they were keeping the fish, and it's trapped with a damage fatigue spell so when you try to open it you pass out and drown. Probably die too as you'd be fairly low level. I guess they put it there as a final frick you if anyone wiped them out or if they ever left.
          Also that kind of quest is why I can't take Oblivion seriously, check it
          >the moronic mage who tells you to get the ring hasn't removed the body of the apprentice who was last told to go get it making his moronic plan make no sense, would he send ANOTHER apprentice down there if you drowned too somehow?
          >the moronic mage who drowned somehow was so moronic that he didn't just drop the heavy ass ring and preferred to drown
          >the moronic mages who knew about the apprentice's disappearance and even fricking say the well water tastes weird don't look down there for a body
          >the moronic mage who you need the key from knows the last apprentice disappeared doing this but sends you anyway even though they're all suspicious about his disappearance
          They can't even write a short and simple fetch quest without 48 different holes appearing in their paper thin writing
          >implying morrowind's guilds don't require you to prove yourself, even requiring actual skill checks to rank up
          >implying House Telvanni wasn't set up in much the same way Oblivion's Mages Guild was with low ranking members getting errands before the opportunity to offer yourself as a Mouth appears
          Obliviongays. Delusion incarnate.

          • 2 years ago

            That's really cool but the mage guild questline is complete ass in Morrowind, unlike in Oblivion.

            • 2 years ago

              The Mages Guild in Oblivion was not only shit (repetitive dungeon after repetitive dungeon, terrible end boss, forgettable and annoying characters, baby simple writing, no actual choices presented to the player, moronic reward scaling, etc) but it's the biggest waste of potential in the entire game. Necromancy is always seen as an inherently evil act in almost all fantasy settings but in Cyrodiil there are actually legal ways to practice it, so what do they do when it comes time to write for Oblivion? No it's illegal and evil and shit because... I dunno we wanted to ruin Mannimarco and have a bunch of boring dungeons. All the mages who practice necromancy in the game are automatically hostile and evil, and it's fricking stupid and a complete waste of a unique idea. Frick off.

            • 2 years ago

              What are you talking about? The Oblivion quests are complete garbage, legitimately the worst in the series.
              >but in Morrowind you have to start off collecting flowers!
              No shit the entry-level apprentice tasks are entry-level. If you can't be bothered picking mushrooms you can just instantly teleport to the next city over and start doing archaeology quests there.

            • 2 years ago

              >Mage's Guild in Oblivion
              >A bunch of fetch quests and dungeon romps in bland ruins and caves vs. the blandest, evil-bad guy group
              >No opportunity to join the Necromancers
              >None of the necromancers feel weird about going from mages guild members to fricking Mannimarco king of worms in no time
              >No skill requirements, you don't even need magic as it is all provided to you by quest givers if required.

            • 2 years ago

              Mages Guild in Morrowind has multiple endings. Does a single Oblivion guild have that?

  19. 2 years ago

    daggerfall wants a word

  20. 2 years ago

    Every single elder scrolls game is trash in its vanilla state.
    Oblivion can be modded into some mediocrity. 4/10, It was fine once I turbomodded its main flaws away.

  21. 2 years ago

    Literally the only good thing about Oblivion is the Dark Brotherhood questline

  22. 2 years ago

    Did you know? Save for the celebrities, all four voice actors for TES4 were unpaid interns.
    The writers were handsomely compensated with a signed Collector's Edition of the game and a t-shirt.

  23. 2 years ago

    TES III was, best Morrowzoomers know it.

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