Oblivion + mods = greatest RPG of all time

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>Now the greatest RPG of all time

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  1. 4 years ago

    And without it it's #3. Still pretty impressive.

  2. 4 years ago

    I actually like the vanilla leveling system, a system that encourages to be extremely efficient, don't risky overlevel or don't level up (but still increase your skills) it's pretty unique and actually fun if you want to go deep into the game but I can understand why many people got fricked by it

    • 4 years ago

      No, it’s a deeply unfun system, frick you.

      • 4 years ago

        It's fun if you know what you're doing

        • 4 years ago

          Then that's a flaw with the game. If you have to meta-game to have fun, it's fricked. I like Oblivion but the level system is shit.

          • 4 years ago

            I honestly doesn't see the problem aside from fixed loot, my first character was bard so my increasement in spacecraft kind of fricked from optimal build and mountain lions were too strong but I still beat the game with no problem because I realized the wake up call to focus on more combat oriented skills

            • 4 years ago

              >increasement in spacecraft
              Did your bard take fricking aeronautic engineering courses in the Imperial University for making Da Vinciesque flying machines?
              I know, I know its speech but come on is christmas

              I wish there were more games with RPG leveling mechanics centered in WHAT you do, in what actions you perform rather than ginving XP and stats per kill/quest. But what happens in Oblivion and Skyrim is the enemy level scaling. Its so dissonant to rush quest without encountering more than scamps, and in other playthrough grind levels as a mage and see the classic Bandits in Glass Armor around every corner.

          • 4 years ago

            >learning to play is metagaming

            • 4 years ago

              >having to note down all your skill increases and make an extremely unintuitive custom class none of the mahjong skills of which you use often isn’t meta gaming, the devs totally intended this

              • 4 years ago

                >Oblivion mahjong

        • 4 years ago

          It disables good roleplaying

        • 4 years ago

          >uh oh, just gained 10 points in block skill, time to interrupt this adventure in order to go jump off a cliff repeatedly to level my acrobatics skill and then cast a light spell over and over to trigger a level up
          Yeah, so much fun.

    • 4 years ago

      Oblivion's leveling system is one of the most moronic in all of gaming. Pick class skills you'll seldom use and you'll effortlessly become overpowered. Or just don't sleep.

    • 4 years ago

      The problem with it is that the game doesn’t encourage you to use it in the effective way, picking a class to play with that class’s major skills will frick your game up despite that being encouraged. The vanilla levelling isn’t hard once you know how to use it, but if you find it fun you’re probably autistic, and Bethesda clearly fricked up their intention with it, the class system and major skill implementation as it was cannot have been intentional.

      • 4 years ago

        >What mods should I use to unfrick it?
        I want to answer this, but my last Oblivion install was years ago, and new mods have been released since. I will go looking for updated vital mods soon, because I want to play it again.
        One thing you can do is hit the Nexus and look at the Top Downloads list. That often gives a good idea of the must-haves.

    • 4 years ago

      The leveling system is bad and works the opposite of how it was intended. But the level scaling is the worst part, because it means everything stays static and boring. Even if you abuse the system to never level it just means you’ll be fighting rats and scamps forever.

  3. 4 years ago

    >can't fix the abhorrent voice acting
    >can't fix the shit world map design
    >can't fix the floaty combat

  4. 4 years ago

    >include neat art of the various classes
    >in a game where classes not only don't matter but it is actively bad to choose the skills you would use as you major skills
    >in a game where everyone just makes custom classes regardless, even if the above was not in play

  5. 4 years ago

    the story is still trash, the voice acting is still trash, the combat is still trash

  6. 4 years ago

    Oblivion is fundamentally shit and no amount of mods can fix fundamentally shit games.
    Sorry, boo.

    • 4 years ago

      You're thinking of skyrim. No matter how many mods you throw at it, the combat will always be half assed and the official quests+DLC will be forever dogshit

      • 4 years ago

        Both Skyrim and Morrowind have better mods.

  7. 4 years ago

    Guess you really have to a boomer to enjoy this game.

  8. 4 years ago

    Essential mods to remove shit tier level scaling while keeping with the same vanilla tier?
    Basically, I don't want to see shitty bandits wearing glass armor if I hit some obscure milestone or meet sponge enemies if I delay the main quest for too long

    • 4 years ago

      Still think glass armor is a stupid as frick idea.

      • 4 years ago

        Glass isn't real world glass.
        Ebony isn't real world ebony.

    • 4 years ago


  9. 4 years ago

    Even with mods it is worse than Morrowind or even skyrim because those had better mods.

  10. 4 years ago

    What fricking mods butthole

    • 4 years ago

      MOO + Ultimate leveling are the big ones.

  11. 4 years ago

    I'd rather replay vanilla oblivion than modded skyrim honestly

  12. 4 years ago

    My exact thoughts but on Skyrim

  13. 4 years ago

    I bought Morrowind but I didn't know I have to download a shitton of mods to make the game decent, I feel lazy to do it tbh

    • 4 years ago

      That’s true for all TES games.

    • 4 years ago

      you can play it vanilla with morrowind code patch, and, optionally, mge xe
      that's literally all you need for a first playthrough

    • 4 years ago

      There are less than half a dozen mods you need, and none of them are large, most are just a single file, stop being a homosexual.

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