"Oh boy I want to go back to that fighting game I was enjoying last year!"

"Oh boy I want to go back to that fighting game I was enjoying last year!"

>remember that I'll have to relearn all the special inputs, target combos, bread n butters, delay cancels, frame kills, safe jumps
>... the optimal damage combos, the optimal carry combos, the full resource-burn combos
>and the counterhit properties on all my moves and how they influence what optimal punish I can get from it
>Also the +/- properties on all my moves on block so I know when I can pressure or when I will lose my turn
>Not to mention the +/- properties of the rest of the cast, remembering their gimmicks, their knowledge checks, their gameplan and win condition.

>Most of the above will need to be scoured from wikis, dedicated character chatrooms, and 2 hr long youtube guides

"You know what? Maybe I'll play something else."

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  1. 3 months ago

    Or maybe just jump in, have some fun, try to remember what you can just by playing, and little by little, between one match and the other, get reacquainted to one specific mix-up, or punishes.

    But we know you won't do that, you're just here to complain.

    • 3 months ago

      "Or maybe I'll just jump in, have some fun!"
      >gets raped by a PopularGuy Mc20%PickRate because oh you forgot how jinrai and dragonlash work
      "Okay I just need to re-lab that and then I'll be okay"
      >gets fricked by a Low Tier spamming buttslam and headbutt
      "Okay I just need to re-lab that and then I'll start having fun again"
      >gets destroyed by a Jamaican doing sways or whatever the hell his kit even is
      >etc etc
      I can understand how OP might think it's just not worth the hassle constantly having his nose in learning resource outside of the game to stand a fraction of a chance against characters' gimmicks.

      all that shit is literally tournament-level shit.
      if you actually knew all that stuff you would make out of pools at most national tournaments

      Nah that's all basic shit nowadays

      • 3 months ago

        >Nah that's all basic shit nowadays
        as someone who actually knowns most but not all of that shit in the OP, frick no
        i'm in the top 1% of the leaderboard and i still don't know some of that stuff

  2. 3 months ago

    just tackle 1 thing at a time or have a general strategy for all of them like having an easy bnb or guessing what's +/- and find people you want to beat so you have motivation to learn

  3. 3 months ago

    are fighting games the greatest midwit filter? what sort of fricking robot goes into the game expecting to learn literally every interaction? not even a real autist, that one could actually commit all the combos to memory, but inability to just *get* the basics is indicative of some mental deficiency
    why does every other fightan thread have to start with bait?

  4. 3 months ago

    all that shit is literally tournament-level shit.
    if you actually knew all that stuff you would make out of pools at most national tournaments

  5. 3 months ago

    Some of the fun in fighting games is learning and the journey, seeing how much better you became.

  6. 3 months ago

    imagine obsessing over being good rather than having fun.

  7. 3 months ago

    homie I just hop in and mash buttons lmao. Only autistic spergs care about such things like being the N°1 and best player on the server by picking meta and blablabla... which is mostly zoomers by the way.

  8. 3 months ago

    that I'll have to relearn all the special inputs
    you never played fighting games for more than 10 hours

  9. 3 months ago

    >SFV is dead
    >SF6 sucks
    what do?

  10. 3 months ago

    Frickos that complain about this shit aren't high tier anyway, yet they claim to have had the knowledge of an EVO champion

  11. 3 months ago

    sun tzu would hate starcraft

  12. 3 months ago

    >relearn special inputs
    they're like riding a bike, or do you forget how to run and jump in every platformer or aim and shoot in every FPS?
    >relearn combos
    you don't need to know anything other than a bread and butter. I've never labbed a combo in my life and only found combos by accident (and promptly forgot how to do them) but I've made it to top 8 in tournament multiple times
    >move properties
    you should just know all this by heart, it's not hard to know which moves give OTG, wallbounce, launch, or stagger
    >muh optimal punish
    you aren't getting that anyway, just win neutral it does not matter how optimal you are when brushing off rust
    >muh frame advantage
    you don't need to know any of that, just play off intuition that the big moves are + and the jabs are -, you don't need to know specific frame advantages unless you want to be optimal
    >I need muh wikis and guides
    try not being a brainlet, and stay out.

    • 3 months ago

      >just win neutral
      *skips neutral*

  13. 3 months ago
  14. 3 months ago

    OP has a point. In fightan games you get hit once and have to sit through a long combo that takes half your life bar. Sucking heavily restricts how much time you get to spend playing whereas in other games (ignoring CSGO and outliers like that) you get back into the action much faster.

    Are there any fighting games that have really restrictive combo break limits? I know most games infinite prevention is like capped at 80 hits or whatever, but are there any where if you deal a certain (like 20%) amount of damage the game just forces you back to neutral? Would be interested in seeing what that plays like

    • 3 months ago

      Play any game with either a burst system or with super aggressive scaling that makes combos either unreasonable to maintain or are tickling the opponent so softly that you're better off resetting to neutral for a mixup.
      Or play a game where the healthbars basically dont exist since winning neutral is itself a win.
      What you're asking for in health gating is unfortunately very unfun when it comes to archetypes because it means everyone's damage is normalized, so you wind up with less pronounced character identities and good grapplers simply cease to exist.

      • 3 months ago

        >burst system
        only games with these are the ones that have moronic long combos, and you only get one per round
        >super aggressive scaling that makes combos yadda yadda
        >good grapplers simply cease to exist
        as if good grapplers ever get to exist lol

        • 3 months ago

          >only games with these are the ones that have moronic long combos, and you only get one per round
          You must not play many if you think they're only ever implemented as a finite resource.
          Some games have infinite-prevention bursts, some have bursts based on combo exceeding a certain length (either by move count or hit count), some give you a separate meter that you can spend on burst specifically (as well as other actions).
          You haven't been shopping around much.

          • 3 months ago

            >You haven't been shopping around much.
            shopping around in fighting games is the bitter and crushing journey of learning that there are utterly *perfect* fighting games and they're all frickin' dead. sorry anon but I don't want to ping a discord channel and wait hours to get a match against someone who has on average 150±3 ping.

            the bare minimum i ask for regarding playercount is being able to matchmake at late hours and get a game within a minute. this eliminate about 99% of all fighting games. if you want to complain, bring it up with the FGC and ask them why they don't play the better games.

            • 3 months ago

              The real way to play fightan is with a bro so you can experience the learning process together.
              Unfortunately matchmaking systems are soulcrushing and awful at teaching you since you will eventually get curbstomped when the system has no one else to match you with.

  15. 3 months ago

    my problem with fighting games is how unintuitive and dogshit they are at actually explaining things
    its all some hidden ninjutsu bullshit

    • 3 months ago

      All devs are bastards who are too snobby to add tutorials that go into practical detail, i.e. practice against throw loops. how to deal with homosexual character gimmicks. how to fuzzy block and all that fruity shit.

  16. 3 months ago

    just accept that you don't like fighting games, its okay to not like things

  17. 3 months ago

    This is why you need friends that like fighters, and a person should just play for fun.

  18. 3 months ago

    Fundamentals will get you to the top 10% of any fighting game period
    Worry about the nerd shit when you hit that wall, but you won't because you rack disciprine

  19. 3 months ago

    >Play Tekken 8
    >get to purple ranks
    >realize I need to put 100+ hours into each character to actually get any good
    a-at least I had fun

  20. 3 months ago

    >playing online
    You're a fool. That's why you encounter sweaty tryhard competitive min-maxing gays.

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