and before anyone says "filtered" I've NEVER died once yet. It's not about it being hard, it's that the game literally isn't giving me as much comfort in control as it technically can allow, and it's frustrating when I take a hit that I knew was coming and made the input to dodge, but didn't work because controls are wacky and inconsistent.

I just wanna play the game man.

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  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      OP obliterated.

    • 11 months ago

      Flippy bippy

  2. 11 months ago

    git gud. I won't help you because this is Ganker and we haughtily call you bad instead of helping people eager to play games play them

    • 11 months ago

      He made his opinion about the game. We shitpost about his opinion about the game. If he wasn't so shitposty himself maybe people would have more sympathy.

      • 11 months ago

        >He made his opinion about the game. We shitpost about his opinion about the game. If he wasn't so shitposty himself maybe people would have more sympathy.

        "I'm going to liberally interpret his post dishonestly as shitposting so that I can mindlessly shitpost and make board and thread qualities shit! this will certainly encourage and foster an environment of better and more focused conversation on Ganker! I am definitely so very intelligent and not actually as much of a thoughtless npc bot as redditors and also social media sites that also just collectively jump on a dogpile b-because I just have to okay? if everybody's dogpiling it must be right! I can't think for myself! I just respond emotionally when see thing people don't like!"

        yeah, I think I won this thread. there's no counter argument for this. there's no further point in any discussion because the discussion was destroyed from the first two responses proving the exact point outlined in the OP. you guys are as predictable and moronic as you are not self aware.

        • 11 months ago

          >I win because I said so
          You ARE a reddit refugee aren't you?

          • 11 months ago

            >You ARE a reddit refugee aren't you?

            >No actual argument proving the assertion wrong despite it being backed by a paragraph full of counter arguments
            >Will respond with a "it's not worth responding to B-BECAUSE I SAID SO OKAY!?!?" tier response.

            lmao. you guys really are stupid.

            • 11 months ago

              No see this isn't debate class anon. This is a place where adults have conversations that imply an understanding of general common sense and an understood shared logic. In this case the shared logic is "This poster is a colossal homosexual and is being unreasonably moronic and Arin-like towards a game that the majority of the posters here find quite well made and enjoyable and instead of coming off with the intent of learning has formulated his own opinions about and threw them at us. Since we disagree with his opinions and find generally insulting without due cause we will call him a redditor rightfully because he's acting like one. Down to the spacing. And we won't acknowledge the fact he said he wanted help at the end of his post because the aforementioned factors contributed to the common sense conclusion that this homosexual wouldn't have accepted our help anyway."

              • 11 months ago

                >Down to the spacing.

              • 11 months ago

                He is reddit spacing!

              • 11 months ago

                reddit spacing is the worst meme Ganker has forced

              • 11 months ago

                And then

                >This is a place where adults have conversations that imply an understanding of general common sense and an understood shared logic.

                Common sense and "understood" shared logic doesn't mean anything. "Common sense" also convince people to burn witches, and "understood shared logic" led people to imprison Galileo for his findings. The fact that you're moronic enough to even make the argument says enough. So I'll just reaffirm the same thing I have been this entire time.

                >In this case the shared logic is "This poster is a colossal homosexual and is being unreasonably moronic and Arin-like towards a game that the majority of the posters here find quite well made and enjoyable and instead of coming off with the intent of learning has formulated his own opinions about and threw them at us.

                Irrelevant strawman and adhom that doesn't engage with anything posited as it is, but in the biased way that implies insecurity at being threatened for not agreeing with a perception or view of a game lmao...it's really pathetic.

                >Since we disagree with his opinions and find generally insulting without due cause we will call him a redditor rightfully because he's acting like one. Down to the spacing.

                Tribalistic, genuine subhuman tier logic and adhom that again just dismisses the reality and circumstance surrounding the engagements to appeal to one's biases.

                >And we won't acknowledge the fact he said he wanted help at the end of his post because the aforementioned factors contributed to the common sense conclusion that this homosexual wouldn't have accepted our help anyway."

                Genuine irrationality and ignoring relevant facts due to bias (called "common sense" by the moron) justifying a twisted perception of the OP's posited opinion due to an admitted inability to tolerate dissenting opinions.

                Also posits and unproven assertion that "help wouldn't be accepted anyway" with no evidence. Just assumption based on bias.

                I think that's sufficient dissection.

              • 11 months ago


                >This is a place where adults have conversations that imply an understanding of general common sense and an understood shared logic.

                Common sense and "understood" shared logic doesn't mean anything. "Common sense" also convince people to burn witches, and "understood shared logic" led people to imprison Galileo for his findings. The fact that you're moronic enough to even make the argument says enough. So I'll just reaffirm the same thing I have been this entire time.

                >In this case the shared logic is "This poster is a colossal homosexual and is being unreasonably moronic and Arin-like towards a game that the majority of the posters here find quite well made and enjoyable and instead of coming off with the intent of learning has formulated his own opinions about and threw them at us.

                Irrelevant strawman and adhom that doesn't engage with anything posited as it is, but in the biased way that implies insecurity at being threatened for not agreeing with a perception or view of a game lmao...it's really pathetic.

                >Since we disagree with his opinions and find generally insulting without due cause we will call him a redditor rightfully because he's acting like one. Down to the spacing.

                Tribalistic, genuine subhuman tier logic and adhom that again just dismisses the reality and circumstance surrounding the engagements to appeal to one's biases.

                >And we won't acknowledge the fact he said he wanted help at the end of his post because the aforementioned factors contributed to the common sense conclusion that this homosexual wouldn't have accepted our help anyway."

                Genuine irrationality and ignoring relevant facts due to bias (called "common sense" by the moron) justifying a twisted perception of the OP's posited opinion due to an admitted inability to tolerate dissenting opinions.

                Also posits and unproven assertion that "help wouldn't be accepted anyway" with no evidence. Just assumption based on bias.

                I think that's sufficient dissection.

                Also this is an axiom arguement. You will never accept my axioms and I won't accept yours so arguements will never be resolved.

                Which reminds me a thread yesterday about OoT, it was at similar hours. Could be the same?

                >he implied that it would get ported eventually, we're just waiting on him to get off his ass and do it already.
                He was baiting. It's highly likely that it wasn't, at least for this gen since the newer Nintendo system may be more close to what 3DS was

                >OoT hate
                Frick I mean it could be a raid. Its not the first time we got raided.

              • 11 months ago

                >Also this is an axiom arguement. You will never accept my axioms and I won't accept yours so arguements will never be resolved.

                That makes no sense. This has nothing to do with axioms. Also, axioms aren't even necessarily agreed on. Nor can they be appealed to in logic, your premises must be established by their basis in reality. You've established none of this. It has nothing to do with being resolved or not, you're just objectively wrong, and the fact that you deflected and appealed to axioms without offering a counter argument suggest you can't prove that.

              • 11 months ago

                You understood what I meant so I assume I don't need to explain further.

              • 11 months ago

                No I didn't, because it has no justified basis or relevance, and doesn't engage with anything I said. I don't need an an explanation, you need a response, but the fact you can't and won't provide any and are instead deflecting from it means you have no counter argument. I just love by the way how you slyly avoided addressing the entire argument by arbitrarily appealing to "axioms" without understanding their use, and meaning and that they don't determine arguments. But whatever, you're genuinely deranged and moronic, and my argument wasn't addressed anyway and won't be, so I'll just continue to throw out the same shit until you repeat the same shit and/or miss the point against. Either way, it'll establish my point as correct.

              • 11 months ago

                >Frick I mean it could be a raid. Its not the first time we got raided.
                Oh shit;

                unfortunate, would have been nice if you could have figured it yourself, I'd just recommend you search up "begging the question" and try to apply it to what you said. I can't be bothered to explain so much here anymore. People are complaining about my "shitposting" ND "passive aggresiveness" in a thread where the first replies were berating me and calling me "filtered" when I didn't insult anybody or call anybody stupid or dumb for liking a game who's controls I'm uncomfortable with, but their bias and GENUINE mental derangement and the overall culture of this board will rationalize it as so, despite me saying I liked and wanted to continue playing the game.

                Not realizing all my shitposting and "passive aggressiveness" has been spurred on by the overwhelming irrational and negative responses that don't engage with or understand anything I'm saying SO. in short. I won't waste my time explaining and engaging in good faith even though you question is technically fine, because it's not worth the mental energy. Thank you for understanding. I hope you figure it out.

                it's actually the same as yesterday lmao

              • 11 months ago

                Even in the same topic (Kid Icarus)

              • 11 months ago

                >Frick I mean it could be a raid. Its not the first time we got raided.
                Oh shit; [...]
                it's actually the same as yesterday lmao

                i'm getting too old for Ganker now, this is very clearly just overexcited kids

              • 11 months ago

                All me

              • 11 months ago

                >This is a place where adults have conversations that imply an understanding of general common sense and an understood shared logic.

                Common sense and "understood" shared logic doesn't mean anything. "Common sense" also convince people to burn witches, and "understood shared logic" led people to imprison Galileo for his findings. The fact that you're moronic enough to even make the argument says enough. So I'll just reaffirm the same thing I have been this entire time.

                >In this case the shared logic is "This poster is a colossal homosexual and is being unreasonably moronic and Arin-like towards a game that the majority of the posters here find quite well made and enjoyable and instead of coming off with the intent of learning has formulated his own opinions about and threw them at us.

                Irrelevant strawman and adhom that doesn't engage with anything posited as it is, but in the biased way that implies insecurity at being threatened for not agreeing with a perception or view of a game lmao...it's really pathetic.

                >Since we disagree with his opinions and find generally insulting without due cause we will call him a redditor rightfully because he's acting like one. Down to the spacing.

                Tribalistic, genuine subhuman tier logic and adhom that again just dismisses the reality and circumstance surrounding the engagements to appeal to one's biases.

                >And we won't acknowledge the fact he said he wanted help at the end of his post because the aforementioned factors contributed to the common sense conclusion that this homosexual wouldn't have accepted our help anyway."

                Genuine irrationality and ignoring relevant facts due to bias (called "common sense" by the moron) justifying a twisted perception of the OP's posited opinion due to an admitted inability to tolerate dissenting opinions.

                Also posits and unproven assertion that "help wouldn't be accepted anyway" with no evidence. Just assumption based on bias.

                I think that's sufficient dissection.

              • 11 months ago

                STOP double spacing after a greentext.

  3. 11 months ago

    This game has the best and most precise camera of any game ever made.

    You are just fricking moronic and either lack fine motor control or are doing it completely wrong due to aforementioned moronation.

    • 11 months ago

      >This game has the best and most precise camera of any game ever made.


      >can't switch to opposite of direction your facing deliberately, which is a lack of control and range of movement, since adding that option wouldn't still remove the moronicly slow option of turning your character all the way around
      >somehow the most precise camera in any game probably because the moron has a narrow definition and precision and thinks using a stylus is actually so precise! despite mouses existing

      lol why am I even? if you're unironically this moronic to say this, is there any point?

      • 11 months ago

        Man, I beat the game at 9.0 or whatever the max was at like 14. God people are so shit

      • 11 months ago

        >Slide stylus
        >Camera slowly turns
        >Move stylus around fast
        >Camera turns fast
        >Flick the fricking screen
        >The camera spins like an NBA star slapping a globe
        >Combine flicking the screen with aiming
        >Pit spins on his heel for an immediate turn around
        This is the part where you cry about the controls being unintuitive until you realize
        >This combo can be used to make Pit face any direction immediately at anytime
        Then you're gonna cry about it being wonky and then everyone says "git gud" and "filtered" like every other time we've had this discussion.

        • 11 months ago

          Then add the auto aim + weapons effects
          And then added evasion frames

          Everyone knows and agrees that KIU controls are stupidly uncomfortable OP. Stop replying to dumb bait.

          You use one hand and one finger at best, it's comfortable, but unconvential which is enough to filter people like mad apparently

    • 11 months ago

      >This game has the best and most precise camera of any game ever made.
      This tbqdesu, only a moron can't flick a fricking touchscreen

  4. 11 months ago

    Bro I killed this shit when I was 13. If I could do it, you can.

    • 11 months ago

      >and before anyone says "filtered" I've NEVER died once yet. It's not about it being hard, it's that the game literally isn't giving me as much comfort in control as it technically can allow, and it's frustrating when I take a hit that I knew was coming and made the input to dodge, but didn't work because controls are wacky and inconsistent.

      I LITERALLY just said it's not about being hard in the OP and went into specifically why and you still type this...I don't know what to say.

      • 11 months ago

        And when I, and presumably he was 13, we beat it on 9.0
        The controls are VERY responsive. The game just wouldn't work otherwise.
        You're not filtered because the game is too difficult for you, you're filtered because you're a fricking moron that can't do what a 13 year old kid could do.

  5. 11 months ago

    >OP can't play a game that uses one (UNO) button

  6. 11 months ago

    The game had such dogshit hand-raping controls that when it came out it was bundled with a plastic peripheral to try and make playing it even somewhat bearable, even then moron contrarians on Ganker will try to say the controls are great.

    That withstanding, the game is still very good and worth suffering for. A port to the switch without dogshit controls would be very welcome.

    • 11 months ago

      >The game had such dogshit hand-raping controls that when it came out it was bundled with a plastic peripheral to try and make playing it even somewhat bearable, even then moron contrarians on Ganker will try to say the controls are great.

      shit like this:

      Worked on my machine.

      >This game has the best and most precise camera of any game ever made.
      This tbqdesu, only a moron can't flick a fricking touchscreen

      always rubs me the wrong way similarly to goldeneye, the fact that it took people THIS long to say that the game had garbage controls just goes to show how much nostalgia and subjectivity carries hard. When there is no reasonable standard for control, and everybody can just dismiss your complaints without engaging with them and just appeal to "it worked fine for me" when their judgement of what "fine" is, is such a low bar that the statement almost means nothing.

      I'm LITERALLY saying in the OP that I even like the game and will keep playing it, and that my problem isn't difficulty, but comfortableness and fluidity. But people are STILL deliberately missing the point it feels like *sigh* and worst of all nobody is actually even recommending any tips or tweaks, or even encouraging me to play. I thought people actually liked this game? Do people on this board not care if people actually play and enjoy games? ugh, whatever. I'll just get back to it, and bruteforce through, even though it'll be a permanently awkward experience that'll bring my enjoyment down from higher than it should be.

      • 11 months ago

        >When there is no reasonable standard for control, and everybody can just dismiss your complaints without engaging with them and just appeal to "it worked fine for me" when their judgement of what "fine" is, is such a low bar that the statement almost means nothing.
        Flicking the screen and using it to move your aim cursor is nothing but among the most intuitive ways of control. It was a non-issue with the first game that used it and neither it is with KI

        The game is comfortable, the only problem would be baby hands with joints made of flour or using the old 3ds

        • 11 months ago

          >using the old 3ds

          genuinely have a nice day moron, of course I'm using the old 3ds. Not that it matters since your response didn't address any of my complaints in the first place like the fact that no matter what you've said, the camera still can't easily switch to the opposite side your facing in hectic battle, or the fact that the dash can be moronic, all stuff that could have indicated the fact I was using an old 3ds if you actually engaged honestly instead of trying to stroke your ego because you think somebody got "filtered" in a children's 3ds game. God, Ganker is frequently filled with the STUPIDEST people that make so many presumptuous judgments, and think theyre right. Genuinely have a nice day.

          • 11 months ago

            Everyone knows and agrees that KIU controls are stupidly uncomfortable OP. Stop replying to dumb bait.

            • 11 months ago

              They are uncomfortable, but they are still extremely efficient, fast and precise. If you're not a pussy you will gladly make that trade.

              • 11 months ago

                Then add the auto aim + weapons effects
                And then added evasion frames

                You use one hand and one finger at best, it's comfortable, but unconvential which is enough to filter people like mad apparently

                see [...]
                Nobody is saying it's not uncomfortable as shit, but it's worth it to be able to do the crazy shit it let you do. If someone however says that the controls are unintuitive, broken, unresponsive, and not fun then they get dogpiled for being a moron. If they say they can't play the game because it's uncomfortable, they're a wristlet.

                You know what else is just as precise, but also infinitely more comfortable? A mouse.
                Even a proper controller with motion controls is precise enough and is also way more comfortable.
                The game is great, the controls do indeed work but if it ever gets a port/remake, just having it be playable on anything but the 3ds will make it objectively a better experience.

              • 11 months ago

                A mouse or especially motion controls are nowhere near as fast and precise as the globe spin camera in KIU. You can turn 180 degrees in a split second and immediately hit your target with perfect precision before you've even turned 90 degrees with a mouse.

              • 11 months ago

                >press a button
                >camera turns 180 degrees instantly

                The controls work great you baby. The only reason it needs to get reworked is because there's no dual screen set-up on the switch. Even when they do that it's won't be as precise or fast even with gyro. The kind of quick camera movements are impossible to have with any controls besides stylus or mouse.

                >The kind of quick camera movements are impossible to have with any controls besides stylus or mouse
                You don't even need said precision in KIU ffs.
                The port could get away just fine with using an analog to control the camera.

                >You know what else is just as precise, but also infinitely more comfortable? A mouse.
                Stylus is more precise actually; smaller, lighter and no wire. The game won't work outside the system, it was literally built for it

                Yeah. The stylus is. Not the teeny tiny handheld that you play the rest of the game with.

                Something you have to consider also is that the stylus served two main purposes, aiming AND camera control. A mouse can't do that without some serious modifications to how the game is meant to be played.
                Seriously, think logically about how the touch screen controls even COULD be ported to a mouse and then get back to me.

                Jfc. it's like nintenbabs haven't played a single fps game from the last decade.
                Did you know there are other ways you can maneuver around a 3d world without using a stylus? How about you try playing something like... idk, Half-Life or Halo? Or if you're so stuck on your nintendo platform give Splatoon a try!

              • 11 months ago

                The controls work great you baby. The only reason it needs to get reworked is because there's no dual screen set-up on the switch. Even when they do that it's won't be as precise or fast even with gyro. The kind of quick camera movements are impossible to have with any controls besides stylus or mouse.

              • 11 months ago

                >You know what else is just as precise, but also infinitely more comfortable? A mouse.
                Stylus is more precise actually; smaller, lighter and no wire. The game won't work outside the system, it was literally built for it

              • 11 months ago

                Something you have to consider also is that the stylus served two main purposes, aiming AND camera control. A mouse can't do that without some serious modifications to how the game is meant to be played.
                Seriously, think logically about how the touch screen controls even COULD be ported to a mouse and then get back to me.

              • 11 months ago

                most games call this aiming down sights.

                they hated jesus for speaking the truth

              • 11 months ago

                that's not the same thing at all.

              • 11 months ago

                ADS locks camera control TO your aiming
                The stylus doesn't do that.
                Maybe Jesus should spend less time preaching in the hills and more time in school.

                kid icarus is played with fast loose swipe movements and slow, precise aiming when you hold the stylus down.
                most shooters do exactly this, fast, loose camera control and slowing it down when you hold a button.

                The game could be ported to dual stick controls rather easily, and sakurai has actually stated the only reason they didn't is updating to use the circle pad pro would have used cpu time and required a larger update to the game than they were willing to make

                no nonsense about it being impossible or requiring massive accuracy, let's not pretend the game isn't a piss easy fest of mashing the attack button with super generous dodges until you hit very high difficulties

              • 11 months ago

                let's not even mention the autoaim and homing attacks..

              • 11 months ago

                >let's not even mention the autoaim and homing attacks.

                I'm literally OP and deliberately turned those off because I like the gameplay of aiming, and I'm still getting morons telling me their life stories of when they were 13 and played this game like I care, or like it's relevant to my point. There's barely a single mentally stable and grounded person in this thread, and they just want to blindly defend their game because Ganker has this REALLY weird insecurity about people criticizing a game they consider niche and "likeable" even in the slightest, even though the game is normie tier, simple and straightforward as frick, for God sake, the game is LITERALLY on rails half the time.

                It's like you can only enjoy niche game to be accepted, and these morons pretend they're not a glorified echo chamber that brainlessly stomps out any contention even more disingenuously and uncritically than reddit.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm literally OP and deliberately turned those off because I like the gameplay of aiming
                What a fricking idiot; they're your tools to help you smooth the jank and slight issues from controlling the game that some could have. Sakurai designed the game to be as flexible and understanding as possible and morons still find ways to complain vvv

              • 11 months ago

                >What a fricking idiot; they're your tools to help you smooth the jank and slight issues from controlling the game that some could have. Sakurai designed the game to be as flexible and understanding as possible and morons still find ways to complain vvv


                >need easy baby mode features like auto aim and homing projectiles to play the game remotely fluidly!
                >actually this is so good and a testament to its great control and precision, even though we whine like morons everyday for halo and call of duty doing the same

                it rights itself. zero self awareness lmao. isn't there a saying for this? "rules for thee but not for me"? except in regards to you special special game you're biased for! :'(

              • 11 months ago

                >need easy baby mode features like auto aim and homing projectiles to play the game remotely fluidly!
                >And yet gets filtered by that very same game.

              • 11 months ago

                I haven't seen that pic in like 9 years.

              • 11 months ago

                >isn't there a saying for this? "rules for thee but not for me"? except in regards to you special special game you're biased for! :'(
                Actually that doesn't apply since the game is a handheld so minor concessions could be needed for everyone's enjoyment. Which either way doesn't take away the challenge the game becomes in the final stages

              • 11 months ago

                >Actually that doesn't apply since the game is a handheld so minor concessions could be needed for everyone's enjoyment. Which either way doesn't take away the challenge the game becomes in the final stages

                And you could say the exact same for console. Are you actually moronic or what? Like I genuinely can't tell if you think with your head or not lmao?

              • 11 months ago

                >Anon: they just want to blindly defend their game because Ganker has this REALLY weird insecurity about people criticizing a game they consider niche and "likeable" even in the slightest, even though the game is normie tier, simple and straightforward as frick, for God sake, the game is LITERALLY on rails half the time
                >Also anon: just blindly attack the game out of his own weird insecurity about a well liked game for being straightforward and simple as frick even with its control scheme

              • 11 months ago

                >>Also anon: just blindly attack the game out of his own weird insecurity about a well liked game for being straightforward and simple as frick even with its control scheme

                >"blindly attack the game"
                >actually gives specific and pointed arguments that can reasonably be engaged with and indicate no bias
                >actually engage with responses instead of characterizing their arguments as something expressly not unlike people responding with "filtered" which implies blindness and thoughtlessness due to the fact that that point was already addressed in the OP
                >also implies the problem was about "straightforward" and "simple" when none of that was mentioned in OP
                >also implies that it's a blind attack of a "well liked" game that gets zero fricking threads on this site, also considering the fact that OP said he likes the game

                lol, this place can't even rationally equivocate. Just genuine delusional and moronation, like there's zero self awareness of the fact that they don't even understand the point of the criticism enough to point out a contradiction, hypocrisy, or equivalency.

                I...think there's a term for this...oh! uh! I think it's called! "false equivalence fallacy" yeah, that's it.

              • 11 months ago

                >actually gives specific and pointed arguments that can reasonably be engaged with and indicate no bias
                Translation: rather beligerant opinion under the impression there's no bias from the subject itself

                And I'm letting slide the blatant shitposting being passive-agressive and redditspacing

              • 11 months ago

                >Translation: rather beligerant opinion under the impression there's no bias from the subject itself

                You can't imply bias without establishing it. Or else any and every argument could be dismissed without engagement. Which wouldn't be logical. I established bias because multiple times people skipped over or ignored my points to reaffirm how great and awesome the game was and how much they didn't get filtered but I did. They're demonstrating a favourability for the game that prevents them from engaging with and understanding the reality of somebody else's experience.

                >And I'm letting slide the blatant shitposting being passive-agressive and redditspacing

                don't care lmao, go frick off and cry about it. There's nothing in logic that precludes me from shitting on disingenuous bad faith morons I don't like. You're genuinely all childish dogshit human beings unironically using crybully tier excuses to excuse your dogshit behaviour, have a nice day and cry in your grave for all I care. Won't change the fact of the matter.

              • 11 months ago

                >I established bias because multiple times people skipped over or ignored my points to reaffirm how great and awesome the game was and how much they didn't get filtered but I did. They're demonstrating a favourability for the game that prevents them from engaging with and understanding the reality of somebody else's experience.
                You're projecting your bias, homosexual redditor. The game is fine, the problem is you. It's a (You) problem.

                Now keep seething like mindbroken cultist, surely will help you

              • 11 months ago

                >You're projecting your bias, homosexual redditor. The game is fine, the problem is you. It's a (You) problem.

                Not an argument. Got to establish that that's not just your subjective perception of my behaviour. But I've said this like a dozen times already, so I'll just take my double U and dip, since it's not like you actually argued against a single point I made anyway.

                peace yo.

              • 11 months ago

                >Got to establish that that's not just your subjective perception of my behaviour.
                And you can't change it after wasting an entire thread complaining about a non issue

                The only thing in the entire game that was pure bullshit was high difficulty Hades' Heart

                But it's a cute little heart, don't you think?

              • 11 months ago

                don't bother, they're those purist type morons that think they understand the game more than the developers because they worked on it- I mean because they played it once or twice when they were 12 lmao. Nothing about their arguments or counters are actually going to be remotely rational it's just typical cognitive bias "I'm scared of change so change is bad even if...it can virtually replicate the exact same thing its actually just bad because it's not LITERALLY the exact same thing :'(" it's just am argument that appeals to the Intuiton of things not being the same, meaning they're not fundamentally or substantially the same, which isn't logically correct.

              • 11 months ago

                >let's not even mention the autoaim and homing attacks.

                I'm literally OP and deliberately turned those off because I like the gameplay of aiming, and I'm still getting morons telling me their life stories of when they were 13 and played this game like I care, or like it's relevant to my point. There's barely a single mentally stable and grounded person in this thread, and they just want to blindly defend their game because Ganker has this REALLY weird insecurity about people criticizing a game they consider niche and "likeable" even in the slightest, even though the game is normie tier, simple and straightforward as frick, for God sake, the game is LITERALLY on rails half the time.

                It's like you can only enjoy niche game to be accepted, and these morons pretend they're not a glorified echo chamber that brainlessly stomps out any contention even more disingenuously and uncritically than reddit.

                they're literally fuming because they're worse at the game as full grown adults than a prepubecent child LMAO

              • 11 months ago

                >dual stick controls
                complete downgrade in all honesty

                >let's not pretend the game isn't a piss easy fest of mashing the attack button with super generous dodges
                This stops at level 6.5 and even then a long stage like the final 9th or so against Medusa can get really difficult despite all that, on top of the game's dynamic difficulty

              • 11 months ago

                It's possible to port to a dual stick controller the same way it's possible to port a shooter from PC to console. You can do it but you will never have the same amount of control over the game as the original. It is IMPOSSIBLE for dual stick controllers to ever reach parity with mouse and keyboard, and the same is true of Uprising's touch controls. What about this do you gays not understand?

              • 11 months ago

                The game is a basically random loot generator with enormous dodges, kirby city trial multiplayer, and the ability to shoot charged homing attacks with a single input to cope in fast scrambles

                i'm tired of the fact people pretend it's some S00PER HXC 420MLG game for the past fricking decade

              • 11 months ago

                >shoot charged homing attacks with a single input to cope in fast scrambles
                Not all charged attacks have homing properties, and in a fast scrambling scenario where you are panic shooting you probably won't (or can't) wait the 2.5 seconds for it to charge up
                Also you sound like a moronic Black person

              • 11 months ago

                the dodge attack, stupid

              • 11 months ago

                Dodge attacks and charged attacks are two different things.
                But also not all dodge attacks have homing either (unless you are taking about melee which isn't shooting), so you still sound like a moronic Black person. Which is entirely unsurprising for someone irrationally seething about kids icarus of all things

              • 11 months ago

                Charge attacks automatically regen. In what scenario do you realistically NOT have one?

              • 11 months ago

                I think the charge time varies by weapon, when you are using a staff or club it takes for fricking ever to recharge

                Isn't just a fighting style for the clubs themselves? Like...Each weapon has one with some odd variations here and there. Is he complaining about options the game gives you to play it? I don't actually fricking understand.

                this is being pedantic. it doesn't matter If they largely do. and most do, are you actually moronic? this isn't even a point.

                I must have misunderstood the conversation when jumping in, I'm in the kid icarus is a great game camp. I thought the argument being made was it was too easy because you have consistent charged homing shots/ dodge shots, which is not necessarily true. You have to be petty strategic, especially on any difficultly over 5

              • 11 months ago

                Dude he's being really b***hy about all of this. Not even like a newbie but like his posting style is completely different. He fricking jumped on the game from the start and expected us to be cool with him shitting all over it and expecting us to not think he had a formed opinion about it and seeing this as yet another "game bad" thread. Not even a justified one because this game was an unironic masterpiece for its era. We don't get games with this much soul anymore. And from his OTHER posts and how defensive he is its very clear OP has formed opinions on the game that our advice isn't likely to change even if we give it. Case in point about that comment about the clubs.

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah this thread is gay as frick
                Which is especially sad as I made a kid icarus thread yesterday as I just finished it (and loved it) and the thread was almost immediately taken over by two morons arguing about zelda for literally 7 hours

              • 11 months ago

                I swear most of the anti TOTKposters are Discordtroons. Because we aren't allowed to like games anymore apparently even if they are fun. I don't even blame SyntheticMan because even other /misc/posters like shit occasionally and who the frick is going to complain about new fanservice in a game where multiple characters actively want Link's dick. Minimum 3. They also post very similar to OP where he try to use the "debate class" style of logic. Like I don't mean to go schizo but this could sincerely be a bait thread.

              • 11 months ago

                >Like I don't mean to go schizo but this could sincerely be a bait thread.
                It's not entirely outside the realm of possibility
                It was bizarre last night, my kiu thread got taken over within 20 posts by zelda shit, I went to bed, and they were STILL going when I woke up 6 hours later. There were like 7 actual posts about kid icarus mixed in between walls of schizo rambling about zelda

              • 11 months ago

                Which reminds me a thread yesterday about OoT, it was at similar hours. Could be the same?

                >Pray thisu game on the 3DS whire you stirr can, aru...
                months after the eShop and 3DS online is closed
                Jokes on him, I have my physical copy complete with trading cards from the game and nintendo power. There's nothing they can do to take this from me. Also, he implied that it would get ported eventually, we're just waiting on him to get off his ass and do it already.

                >he implied that it would get ported eventually, we're just waiting on him to get off his ass and do it already.
                He was baiting. It's highly likely that it wasn't, at least for this gen since the newer Nintendo system may be more close to what 3DS was

              • 11 months ago

                If the Switch 2 has dual screens it would be perfect for KIU. I'd literally cum my pants on the spot if this happened.

              • 11 months ago

                >Not all charged attacks have homing properties
                All dodge attacks have homing properties, anon

                >press a button
                >camera turns 180 degrees instantly

                >The kind of quick camera movements are impossible to have with any controls besides stylus or mouse
                You don't even need said precision in KIU ffs.
                The port could get away just fine with using an analog to control the camera.

                Yeah. The stylus is. Not the teeny tiny handheld that you play the rest of the game with.

                Jfc. it's like nintenbabs haven't played a single fps game from the last decade.
                Did you know there are other ways you can maneuver around a 3d world without using a stylus? How about you try playing something like... idk, Half-Life or Halo? Or if you're so stuck on your nintendo platform give Splatoon a try!

                >press a button
                >camera turns 180 degrees instantly
                Congratulations, now you can't use the stylus to aim

              • 11 months ago

                >now you can't use the stylus to aim
                Good. That's the entire point 🙂

              • 11 months ago

                Then you can't aim at all. Make no mistake, using the 3ds nipstick for it is sufering of the highest degree

                >Actually that doesn't apply since the game is a handheld so minor concessions could be needed for everyone's enjoyment. Which either way doesn't take away the challenge the game becomes in the final stages

                And you could say the exact same for console. Are you actually moronic or what? Like I genuinely can't tell if you think with your head or not lmao?

                Correct, comparing handhelds with console games is a mistake

              • 11 months ago

                Your supposed to use both you moron. Stylus for aims and the quick camera reset to reorient yourself.

              • 11 months ago

                Or you can just map the camera reset to a double tap(?) instead of fricking over with the already efficient controls

              • 11 months ago

                >Correct, comparing handhelds with console games is a mistake

                That's not what happened. But if you need to redefine reality to cop a win, then I don't really care to engage any further since it just means you still haven't addressed my argument, and you are unironically to delusional to ever realize you're wrong lmao. Half fun with your argument against no argument kehehe

              • 11 months ago

                >That's not what happened.
                Anon literally brought Halo into it

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah, and you didn't show how that was invalid just said "Yes you can't compare it because I said so, therefore you're wrong, because I shifted the goal posts of the discussion conveniently!"

                the point of the comparison is not that hard to understand. But the fact that you couldn't actually provide any argument for it and had to just appeal to "say so" says more than enough. You have no argument.

              • 11 months ago

                >and you didn't show how that was invalid just said
                You have years of the console fps' issues you don't even need to pull this card now

              • 11 months ago

                >You have years of the console fps' issues you don't even need to pull this card now

                begging the question.

                if you can figure out why this fallacy applies, I will genuinely be impressed enough to engage further, because it will have shown that you actually have the capacity for logical thought and good faith.

              • 11 months ago

                I don't see any fallacy, care to explain?

              • 11 months ago

                unfortunate, would have been nice if you could have figured it yourself, I'd just recommend you search up "begging the question" and try to apply it to what you said. I can't be bothered to explain so much here anymore. People are complaining about my "shitposting" ND "passive aggresiveness" in a thread where the first replies were berating me and calling me "filtered" when I didn't insult anybody or call anybody stupid or dumb for liking a game who's controls I'm uncomfortable with, but their bias and GENUINE mental derangement and the overall culture of this board will rationalize it as so, despite me saying I liked and wanted to continue playing the game.

                Not realizing all my shitposting and "passive aggressiveness" has been spurred on by the overwhelming irrational and negative responses that don't engage with or understand anything I'm saying SO. in short. I won't waste my time explaining and engaging in good faith even though you question is technically fine, because it's not worth the mental energy. Thank you for understanding. I hope you figure it out.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago


                shut rhe frick up, you morons constantly cry about leftists and sjw's crying about tone then harp on it like genuine subhuman morons. frick off I will and can talk anyway I want to be because it shouldn't fricking matter since I didn't fricking say anything wrong fundamentally, and the fact you're using your moronic arbitrary perception to view it however way you want makes you no different from the moronic woke people you constantly cry about on front page, frick off, you're all genuinely disappointing worthless morons and you deserve ever retort to come out of jy responses.

              • 11 months ago

                You know what. You win anon. This place is a shithole and we are all animals. In fact you shouldn't be here. Go someplace with a higher intelligence so you can ask questions and the like and discuss.

              • 11 months ago

                I think I'll stay just as long as I need to constantly address and harass the morons no matter how much they don't want to listen, just to make it clear and open to everyone how moronic they are, and how much zero self awareness they possess. Why? because I can, and you shallow morons so desperately don't want genuine in depth discussion here so I'll brute force it. Just to shit up a couple of threads with some real and true shit, because I have that power.

              • 11 months ago

                >you morons constantly cry about leftists and sjw's crying
                you're the only person in this thread bringing /misc/ cancer into it. nobody before now brought up anything like that.

              • 11 months ago

                >you're the only person in this thread bringing /misc/ cancer into it. nobody before now brought up anything like that.

                don't care, that wasnt my argument, and is moronic, because you need to talk about what people talk about to address it, but it doesn't matter, because like I said. it was irrelevant and skips over my point.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not even the one arguing with you, I just don't want this thread to get even more schizophrenic with the addition of /misc/ to the discussion.

              • 11 months ago

                >I'm not even the one arguing with you, I just don't want this thread to get even more schizophrenic with the addition of /misc/ to the discussion.

                fine. it's kind of hard to tell with so many contrarian negative responses dogpiling me.

              • 11 months ago

                Why you try to separate, homosexual? Your pseudo intellectual blabbering doesn't disguise your self-loathing projection. See you tomorrow at this same hour, you're here forever Black person

              • 11 months ago

                >Why you try to separate, homosexual? Your pseudo intellectual blabbering doesn't disguise your self-loathing projection. See you tomorrow at this same hour, you're here forever Black person

                How are you morons so lacking in self awareness lmao? Jesus fricking Christ. Nobody is hiding anything, I literally just said I'll counter all you morons till I win, and I already won the thread lmao. Genuine mental moronation, like unironic sub 70iq behaviour.

              • 11 months ago

                >I win! No guys seriously I win!

              • 11 months ago

                >You have years of the console fps' issues you don't even need to pull this card now
                Give us an example and tell us how KIU fixes it with the stylus controls

              • 11 months ago

                With precision on the reticule control.

              • 11 months ago

                >All dodge attacks have homing properties, anon
                No they don't
                Pandoras claw back dodge literally just shits a ball of fire in front of you that doesn't move
                Several of the clubs don't even have projectiles with their dodges

              • 11 months ago

                this is being pedantic. it doesn't matter If they largely do. and most do, are you actually moronic? this isn't even a point.

              • 11 months ago

                Isn't just a fighting style for the clubs themselves? Like...Each weapon has one with some odd variations here and there. Is he complaining about options the game gives you to play it? I don't actually fricking understand.

              • 11 months ago

                Those are among the few with specific effects. I recall a staff doing a shield or so, might be wrong since can't into staffs

                It's required for higher difficulties and because it feels good to control, obviously.
                A city trial multiplayer would be spending some time gathering stat ups and competing in a randomly chosen challenge. If items appearing in the arenas makes it city trial then so is any Smash vs match with items on. not that I'm opposed to a city trial mode being added in a remaster, that would be fun as frick.


              • 11 months ago

                >with enormous dodges
                That you apparently struggle with according to the OP lol. Insisting the game is super easy and still struggling with it isn't le epic own like you think it is.
                >kirby city trial multiplayer
                fricking lmao have you even played the game? It's 3v3 and free for all. Not similar to city trial at all. Poor smashbaby is getting the game confused with Sm4sh multiplayer.
                btw, nobody has said anything about the multiplayer being super hardcore, they're just mocking you for sucking at the game.

              • 11 months ago

                I'm not OP, you angry baby.

                If the game isn't hardcore, why does it require "S00PER HIGH PRECISION"?

              • 11 months ago

                It's required for higher difficulties and because it feels good to control, obviously.

                >fricking lmao have you even played the game? It's 3v3 and free for all.
                >ignoring all the power ups falling down during the fight
                C'mon now, don't deny that sakurai loves to put as much city trial he can at every chance but god forbid him from making it an entire fleshed out game on its own

                A city trial multiplayer would be spending some time gathering stat ups and competing in a randomly chosen challenge. If items appearing in the arenas makes it city trial then so is any Smash vs match with items on. not that I'm opposed to a city trial mode being added in a remaster, that would be fun as frick.

              • 11 months ago

                >fricking lmao have you even played the game? It's 3v3 and free for all.
                >ignoring all the power ups falling down during the fight
                C'mon now, don't deny that sakurai loves to put as much city trial he can at every chance but god forbid him from making it an entire fleshed out game on its own

              • 11 months ago

                >That you apparently struggle with according to the OP lol. Insisting the game is super easy and still struggling with it isn't le epic own like you think it is.

                lmao, genuinely deranged since that dude isn't even the OP, I am. But if you had a modicum of capacity for logical thought, if something was "easy" and you were struggling with the controls. It would imply that the controls are separate from the difficulty of the gameplay you moron. If you are wearing uncomfortably tight shoes while playing soccer and score a hat trick, or never lose possession, and still complain about the match, then you have every right because it has nothing to do with the game. But with your comfortability.

                You are genuinely moronic.

              • 11 months ago

                >let's not pretend the game isn't a piss easy fest of mashing the attack button with super generous dodges until you hit very high difficulties

                Lol the game is hard as frick past like difficulty 6. It's impossible at 9 in the later stages. Even 4 is pretty challenging on most stages after the introduction, I would only consider it "piss easy" at level 2 or 2.5, which is quite literally journalist mode

              • 11 months ago

                >I would only consider it "piss easy" at level 2 or 2.5, which is quite literally journalist mode
                he's clearly playing at that or even lower if he's b***hing this much and still claiming the game is easy and he hasn't died.

              • 11 months ago

                ADS locks camera control TO your aiming
                The stylus doesn't do that.
                Maybe Jesus should spend less time preaching in the hills and more time in school.

              • 11 months ago

                >You know what else is just as precise, but also infinitely more comfortable? A mouse.
                Imagine this homosexual trying to use a mouse on a portable game, like he's sitting on the train trying to set up a little table for his mouse and keyboard so he can connect them to his 3DS to play handheld games.

            • 11 months ago


              They are uncomfortable, but they are still extremely efficient, fast and precise. If you're not a pussy you will gladly make that trade.

              Nobody is saying it's not uncomfortable as shit, but it's worth it to be able to do the crazy shit it let you do. If someone however says that the controls are unintuitive, broken, unresponsive, and not fun then they get dogpiled for being a moron. If they say they can't play the game because it's uncomfortable, they're a wristlet.

          • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >This game has the best and most precise camera of any game ever made.


        >can't switch to opposite of direction your facing deliberately, which is a lack of control and range of movement, since adding that option wouldn't still remove the moronicly slow option of turning your character all the way around
        >somehow the most precise camera in any game probably because the moron has a narrow definition and precision and thinks using a stylus is actually so precise! despite mouses existing

        lol why am I even? if you're unironically this moronic to say this, is there any point?

        Nah you are just fricking moronic. Literally low IQ. You talk like a five year old. It's no wonder you can't figure out how to use the camera even though the game spells it out.


        And by the way, this game has the fastest 180 degree manual camera turn of any game ever made other than PC shooters if you max out mouse sensitivity and sacrifice precision for speed

  7. 11 months ago

    > and before anyone says "filtered" I've NEVER died once yet.
    This means literally nothing if you don’t have the difficulty scale set to max.

    • 11 months ago

      >This means literally nothing if you don’t have the difficulty scale set to max.

      Irrelevant to the point. That just reinforces this even more. And I can't believe where unironically using moronic difficulty modes as measure of "difficulty" the frick? God of War 2018 on "Give me God of War" mode and Skyrim are harder games than Dark Souls then. What a midwit surface level take.

      • 11 months ago

        >I put the game on baby mode and didn’t die once guys I’m good at it
        You’re a moron

  8. 11 months ago

    classic filter cope post. almost makes me want to play it again. Some of the final levels are literally impossible to beat at 9 though since you will either die without the right weapon on the rail section or you wont have your comfy style weapon for the ground section.

    • 11 months ago

      Just don't be a club shitter.

      • 11 months ago

        I wish I still had the weapon fusion guide from the old threads. I probably do but don't want to look for it.

        I fricking hate using clubs.

      • 11 months ago

        honestly, half of my problem is probably that I mindlessly fused weapons and now only have a club.

        I'll make it tho.

        • 11 months ago

          Grind chapter 20.
          The big boy angels with super armor are going to be painful but you won't have to worry about a flying section.

          • 11 months ago

            Oh wait, fighting Palutena is gonna be an issue.

  9. 11 months ago

    frick remake on switch fricking when?

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Actually never. Sakurai doesn't care about remastering it

  10. 11 months ago

    skill issue
    Have a pity (You)

  11. 11 months ago

    Worked on my machine.

  12. 11 months ago

    The only real crime of this game is breaking the L button.

    • 11 months ago

      Thankfully repairing the shoulder buttons are literally the most easy repair on the new 3ds (xl especially)

  13. 11 months ago

    The only """bad""" thing about the game controls are that air sections control more perfect than anything else I've ever experienced so the ground sections feel janky in comparison

  14. 11 months ago

    actual skill issue

    git gud

  15. 11 months ago

    I played this game on the old 3ds at the age of 12 without the stand and I could handle myself perfectly fine online and in the campaign. Just stop fricking b***hing, use your brain, and git gud.
    btw there's no way you're struggling with the controls that much and never dying. You're either lying or playing on some baby shit like 2.0.

    • 11 months ago

      >I played this game on the old 3ds at the age of 12

      Underage B&

      • 11 months ago

        Uprising came out nearly 12 years ago.

  16. 11 months ago

    Just use it like a trackball.
    Left stick is smash bros dashing.


  17. 11 months ago

    Just wait for the Switch port you frickin sperg.

  18. 11 months ago

    I'm left handed. Had a handle on the controls within the first ground level. Controls were fine, great even.

  19. 11 months ago

    It's a shame we'll never get a port or remake.

    There's SO much content.

  20. 11 months ago

    Are you that one moronic who said Ocarina of Time was garbage? No wonder

  21. 11 months ago

    I only hate the touchscreen camera controls because I feel like I'm going to puncture or put a gash in the screen flicking it around as much as I need to.

    • 11 months ago

      No, they thought of that ahead of time with very durable and scratch-resistant material for the bottom screen.
      Then they lost said tech and thought making the switch a touch screen was a good idea without it.

  22. 11 months ago

    I dont know what your problem is, OP, you get used to it, you will learn how to flick and touch the screen the right way and it will click. Now let me tell you some actual bullshit
    In Hewdra's boss battle it sometimes shoots at Pit while it's under water, so you dont know where the projectiles are until they suddenly appear half a meter from under you
    That one level, you know the one, Black person archers can just decide to fly out of range and shoot at you from a safe distance until they randomly decide to get into hitting distance, and sometimes they just randomly shoot again into the sky if you dash into them. Also I could never learn how to fight Pit's Body well, partly because the level is such a slog to go through.
    Moonman's fight if you go without a homing weapon, dude can just hit you in the darkness and there's nothing you can do about it.
    Also the space kraken fight, though im willing to admit I was just shit at it, I would just spam the shield and shoot it until one of us fell.
    Some weapons are just shit, Poseidon's cannon is the worst shit ever, the best homing in the galaxy means nothing when the fight last 4 times as usual even when all the bullets hit.
    It's okay, OP I believe in you, sooner or later your wrist will not cramp and you will be able to paly indifinitely and you will feel the kino that is being able to fight The Great Sacred Treasure at 9.0 and win.

    • 11 months ago

      the lack of amazon pandora and phosphora art is a fricking crime that I'll never forgive artgays for

  23. 11 months ago

    Why doesn't OP give 9.0 a shot and see how easy it is?

  24. 11 months ago


  25. 11 months ago


  26. 11 months ago

    Use a thumb stylus. Was consistently doing well in MP and all of the credit goes to the thumb stylus

    • 11 months ago

      >Use a thumb stylus. Was consistently doing well in MP and all of the credit goes to the thumb stylus

      What's a thumb stylus? I've just got the basic Nintendo 3DS XL stylus?

      • 11 months ago

        It's that thing that came with the original DS. It was a black strap that had a round plastic bit on the end you used a little plastic slider to tighten it around your thumb so the plastic bit worked as a stylus. It was honestly perfect and i have no idea why they stopped bundling them with the systems after the original DS, probably just cost cutting bullshit.

  27. 11 months ago

    The only thing in the entire game that was pure bullshit was high difficulty Hades' Heart

    • 11 months ago

      True, I still haven't cleared that on 9.0 yet. I don't have enough autism to fuse a weapon good enough to get through that bullshit.

      • 11 months ago

        Past 7.0 difficulty on chapter 19-end not even a God tier weapon will save you, at that point its all skill
        It's the air sections that always get me, the last couple are fricking insane

        • 11 months ago

          It won't save you, but it sure as hell would help. Sadly, I lost my old save file with all my good weapons.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah, Hades Heart is very easy if you learn to stick to the corners and use a good homing weapon, fricker will come straight at you and you just need to evade dash into it and repeat as many times as needed and then shoot over the "labyrinth" and your bullets/arrows will go down to hit it without needing to face it in a corridor. In the end I found it easier than several bosses.

  28. 11 months ago

    Remember, Gaijin...
    Pray thisu game on the 3DS whire you stirr can, aru...
    >several months after the eShop and 3DS online is closed
    I wirr not make a port...FRICKA YOU.

    • 11 months ago

      If he makes a port EVER I will officially take back 40% of what I have said about him.

    • 11 months ago

      >Pray thisu game on the 3DS whire you stirr can, aru...
      months after the eShop and 3DS online is closed
      Jokes on him, I have my physical copy complete with trading cards from the game and nintendo power. There's nothing they can do to take this from me. Also, he implied that it would get ported eventually, we're just waiting on him to get off his ass and do it already.

  29. 11 months ago

    >Anon having a fricking 20+ post seething meltdown
    >over kids icarus uprising
    I can handle a certain degree of contrarianism homosexualry but this is almost sad even for Gankereddit

    • 11 months ago

      >Anon having a fricking 20+ post seething meltdown
      KIU is truly part of the holy trinity of filtering control schemes

      • 11 months ago

        >the holy trinity of filtering control schemes
        what are the other two?

        • 11 months ago

          Gyro controls and ?????

          • 11 months ago

            Tank, in my opinion.

            • 11 months ago

              That's the one I was forgetting! Thanks, namegay

  30. 11 months ago

    i recently installed this game on my 3ds undubbed and after a couple of hours in i realized the game basically has a completely different translated script and that it's incredibly difficult to keep up with subs which are not even accurate. so i reinstalled it in english. sucks because i liked the jp voices a lot.
    anyway gut gud gay. it's a lot of fun.

    • 11 months ago

      In fairness the English VAs did a decent job. Like above average for western dubs.

    • 11 months ago

      The dub is awesome imo
      One of the very rare cases of the sub and dub being great like yu yu hakusho

    • 11 months ago

      The dub is leagues better just for Hades alone. Best nintendo villain ever and it's not even close.

      • 11 months ago

        My favorite parts of the game are when you are fighting the aliens and have the whole God squad including hades just paling around on your bottom screen
        Frick, even though I just finished it I already want to replay it

        • 11 months ago

          Even when they aren't on the same side the gods mostly just shoot the shit and shit talk each other, I love it. The only ones ever taking anything seriously are Pit and sometimes Palutena, maybe Viridi if the forces of nature are getting their shit pushed in too hard. Hades doesn't take anything seriously until Medusa punches his head off and pisses him off.

          • 11 months ago

            I laughed so fricking hard I almost dropped my 3ds during one of these
            >pit: "oh look, an exotank!"
            >hades: "oh look, who cares"
            It's not even a particularly great or clever joke but the line delivery and banter between the characters is just too fricking good

    • 11 months ago

      What baffles me(not in any bad way, it's just weird to me) is that in the dub in one confrontation with Hades, Hades ends up sneezing and Pit going gesundheit while in the original jp script it was Pit the one who sneezed and there's even an exclusive portrait of him sneezing not used anywhere else in the game which of course cant exist in the dub. I just wonder what was the point of it all.

  31. 11 months ago

    I'm not sure KIU would even work with gyro.

  32. 11 months ago

    I don't buy Sakurai's excuses for not being able to make a port.
    >"Too expensive!"
    Literally how?
    >"I don't have a team!"
    Has he even reached out to the old dev team? Why wouldn't Bandai-Namco be able to help?
    >"The controls wouldn't be any good on Switch!"
    How could it be ANY worse than the original?
    He has so many excuses ready at his disposal, but doesn't elaborate on any of them. I think we need to realize that Sakurai just wants someone else to do it.

    • 11 months ago

      >"Too expensive!"
      >Literally how?
      You're in the era where work is deemed as expensive as excuse. But it must be something along the lines of rights, like those VAs like Troy Baker that are full homosexuals now. Uprising's main draws was its rare VA job and any change would hinder it. Sure, you can always count with Pitty pat and Scott Bullock, but the rest?

      If the Switch 2 has dual screens it would be perfect for KIU. I'd literally cum my pants on the spot if this happened.

      >Switch 2
      >it's literally 2 Switch stitched togheter

  33. 11 months ago

    Honestly, what made me drop kid icarus uprising was the automatic difficulty adjustments.
    I am fine with getting killed and learning the hard way, but making the game easier is patronizing and more frustrating.

    • 11 months ago

      I found it to be a nice incentive to get better and alternatively if someone just wants to play for the story and jokes and shit it allowed them to do so.

    • 11 months ago

      that's the best part though, the game calls you a pussy and there's nothing you can do about it other than git gud.

  34. 11 months ago

    This game is complete trash. Don't let the hive mind here gaslight you.

  35. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Making Pyyrhon's theme slightly evil sounding was a very nice touch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeXkBgweNs4. You initially just pass it off as a boisterous theme matching his KABLOOEY KABLAMMY personality, but then it comes back when he assimilates and it sounds much more menacing https://youtu.be/vSYPfPZLvOs?t=179.

  36. 11 months ago


  37. 11 months ago

    Viridi's so cute, a little genocide is forgivable! I want her life-draining, heart-shooting tattoo on my arm!
    Also op is a homosexual

  38. 11 months ago

    schizophrenic thread

  39. 11 months ago

    >two schizo meltdowns two nights in a row at the exact same time in specifically kid icarus threads

  40. 11 months ago

    Dark Pit is the best character in Uprising next to Hades. Smashies have no idea how based this guy was, completely flips the Dark Character trope on its head by making him as heroic as Pit.

    • 11 months ago

      He's one of my favorite rival characters of all time. His banter with Pit and their eventual friendship in the chaos kin arc is so great. My only issue with him is that I wish he was in more of the game. I wish he had shown up to fight with the crew during the aurum arc or something.

      • 11 months ago

        Speaking of Dark Pit Amazon Pandora doesn't get nearly enough artwork.

      • 11 months ago

        I want to play as Pittoo more. I was hoping, that if the game were to get a rerelease that maybe we'd get some extra chapters with him doing miscellaneous missions, cause apparently he's waging under Viridi now.
        Must suck losing your infinite flight and being stuck with the same issue as Vanilla Pit after mogging him for so long

        • 11 months ago

          Dark Pit now feels insecure because he can't last as long as Pit anymore with the power of flight, of course.

        • 11 months ago

          The best part about playing as Dark Pit is how the other gods bantered with him.
          shows up
          >Oh, it's you
          >Our hero's looking a little more goth today. I hope the stresses of life haven't got you down, that would be ever so tragic.

      • 11 months ago

        >Then it's time
        >Time for what?

    • 11 months ago

      >tfw lower ruins
      >super armor ogre club
      >have to pass this absolute wiener sucker

  41. 11 months ago

    >Nintendo themselves admit the controls are so shit and inaccessible to left handed people that they design a peripheral just for that one fricking game
    >Gets them to finally admit that one joystick on a handheld is a moronic idea in general
    >Ganker STILL defends them like it's a family member and blames everyone else but them
    Cult like behaviour.

    • 11 months ago

      Lefties aren't "people".

    • 11 months ago

      Lefties aren't "people".

      People make mistakes. Like you two when you decided to post.

  42. 11 months ago

    This thread is so unbelievably moronic and absurd because I literally said I liked the game and would even continue playing it but just wanted a way to comfortably play it, and somehow I'm being blamed for the responses, for daring to "criticize" the game and point out my problems, since you can't get help if you aren't specific about the problems, but it was all useless and pointless because morons already decided beforehand that I actually wasn't asking for help just because I implied there was a problem with their pet game. Genuinely so ridiculous how much mental illness goes unchecked here, and a bunch of people just game on to affirm the same moronic perception until it became "reality" so wacky. It's like you guys don't care about anything. I sometimes genuinely feel like I'm inhabiting somebody's schizophrenic "reality" when I come on this board. But schizophrenics have almost zero self awareness without the intervention of a psychologist, and even then some are so moronic it doesn't matter. So I guess it's my fault for assuming any of you were sane.

    Thanks, that's all. I think I'm gunna take an indefinite break from the game. Just finished the Hedrew Boss and didn't die, but came close because the dodge button wasn't triggering sometimes for some reason, I had to do the stop and flick thing I talked about multiple times. Whatever. I think the club weapon is fricking with my inputs somehow, because I don't think I remember it feeling this sluggish in prior land sections. Whatever tho. No point in playing this game any further right now.

    • 11 months ago

      If you like the game then play it. Why should what we say matter?

    • 11 months ago

      You're daring to criticise a Nintendo game and by extension Nintendo in the Nintendo safe space. The same board that sent them a thank you card just for existing.

  43. 11 months ago

    Anybody else play through the whole game just using the silver bow as a crutch. Just dashing forward and one-shotting most things was about the only way i could get through levels iirc. I think the Palutena bow was pretty fun too, but other than those i sucked with most weapons

  44. 11 months ago

    Frick, I even just tried to stop playing the game, and just got a new weapon and now want to try it out in action, this shit is bad for me, since I'm literally pushing through uncomfortableness at the thought of possible enjoyment, which will just make me more triggered that I can't properly enjoy a game I want to enjoy. Ugh. Whatever

    Anyway, does anybody know how to get better weapons? Do you just play? I accidentally converted my club into hearts because of how much it triggered me instead of fusing it with my new weapon and now I have a weapon that's like 30 points weaker (claw) and the next chapter is gunna raise my intensity to 3.5 lul. I checked the hearts shop, but everything is too expensive for me right now.

    (only nice non deranged people, that actually like the game and like facilitating an enjoyable experience for new people respond.)

  45. 11 months ago

    Why are women so infatuated with this shota?

    • 11 months ago

      They aren't per se. Yaoi isn't about fricking the guy its about seeing the guy get fricked.

  46. 11 months ago

    Hades's Belly is a GOAT track

  47. 11 months ago

    Nobody has answered this but...so is this basically a game that should be played with the auto aim and auto fire option turned on? Or just auto aim?

    • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        can't tell if this a troll answer or not but okay...then I won't I guess...

        • 11 months ago

          It's not, you should be able to aim and your charged shots home in anyways.

  48. 11 months ago

    KI:U thread? Posting best girl

    • 11 months ago

      Raw sex.

      made me redownload the game today, first time i've played in years
      gonna get back in the groove and flex on OP by getting 9.0 before the thread dies

      You carry the hopes of all anons. Godspeed.

  49. 11 months ago

    not quite sure what it is about this game that always feels so off and awkward, I can't tell if I'm insane for feeling this way while everybody else is acting like they have no problems. ughh, it's just so frustrating, sometimes it feel like my reticle wanders off, but I don't know if that's my fault or not.

  50. 11 months ago

    made me redownload the game today, first time i've played in years
    gonna get back in the groove and flex on OP by getting 9.0 before the thread dies

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      good luck

    • 11 months ago

      there we go, victory is mine

      • 11 months ago

        Good job anon, only 24 more chapters to go

      • 11 months ago

        the fabled good at vidya poster, well done

      • 11 months ago
  51. 11 months ago

    Just finished Chapter 4, and man, I genuinely like this game a lot. I wish the controls didn't frick with me so much lmao, I have NO CHOICE now but to take a break, since my fingers are hurting a bit now. Got a lot of cool new weapons. Don't exactly know what to do with them. I want to fuse. But then again, fusing got me the club in the first place and now I dread and fear fusing. We'll see later tho maybe.

  52. 11 months ago

    man i used to get mogged in full nipp lobbies so hard when this came out

  53. 11 months ago

    dead thread huh

  54. 11 months ago

    >got 9.0 deathless
    >it was a 7.5
    can equipment lower rank

  55. 11 months ago

    the writing is fricking insufferable if you're not a child/teen. It's like 80s saturday morning tier but without the charm of being shitty on purpose

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