Okay, but what are you actually supposed to do in this setting?

Okay, but what are you actually supposed to do in this setting?

Like, it's cool and all, and kinda useful as a framing device to introduce various GURPS mini-settings (even if you have to contrive things like Yrth's quantum sargasso and kick THS out) but I just don't see how you turn it into a campaign.

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  1. 1 month ago

    Are you stupid? The book throws plothooks at you for every world and I'm pretty sure there's an entire section for running campaigns, how much more handholding do you need?

    • 1 month ago

      No it doesn't?

      >The Patrol is keeping a weather eyeon this alternate, concerned that itcould slip into a global conflagrationendangering the generally lucrativetrade in fur and auroch meat WhiteStar enjoys. The Patrol also suspectsthat some Homeline traders have beenslipping the Swedes improvedfirearms and ship designs, andpossibly even blast furnaces and othercrucial war-fighting and industrialtechnologies. Tourists primarily visitwindswept Stuart Scotland, theimmense Lacota trading post nearFort-Nicholas on the upper Missi-ssippi, or the steam-powered cottonmills rising under the Pyramids ofEgypt. Centrum’s activities, if any, onArmada-2, remain mysterious,although the 1809 disappearance ofthe Spanish colony of Bahia Teresa (onthe site of Homeline’s Sydney,Australia) is suspicious to say the least.

      Is this supposed to be the plot hook? I go to an alternate universe to find the guy who's gunrunning to the 19th century Swedes?

      The campaign chapter is also mostly spent on "it could be action or thriller." There's no real connective tissue suggested (unless you count "they go to find out who Jack the Ripper is, then they go to find out if Caesar's wife really told him to stay home that day" as "connective tissue"). It doesn't even seem to meaningfully involve Centrum.

      • 1 month ago

        >Is this supposed to be the plot hook? I go to an alternate universe to find the guy who's gunrunning to the 19th century Swedes?
        Yes. How stupid are you?

  2. 1 month ago

    I've not ever read it. I'm gonna go take a look, but if there is a section about plot hooks and adventure backgrounds I'm gonna be fricking mad...

    • 1 month ago


      Okay, but what are you actually supposed to do in this setting?

      Like, it's cool and all, and kinda useful as a framing device to introduce various GURPS mini-settings (even if you have to contrive things like Yrth's quantum sargasso and kick THS out) but I just don't see how you turn it into a campaign.

      GOD DAMMIT YOU DUMB MOTHERFRICKER, Every page is literally covered in adventure hooks.

  3. 1 month ago

    Centrum and worse homies are coming and you're fighting in every timeline against them

  4. 1 month ago

    You're supposed to fight the cosmic Nazis
    But IW is incredibly boring unless you're into that sort of multiverse thing to begin with

  5. 1 month ago

    Use it as a base to run Traveller's Tale.

  6. 1 month ago

    I ran into a guy on Roll20 once, and he was considering doing some sort of Infinite Worlds game. We did some brainstorming, and this is what we came up with:

    "Big Jim's Pan-Multiversal Roadhouse"

    One day, while cutting through a wilderness road shortcut through native American land in his big-rig to make a delivery on time, a deer was stopped in the road in front of a rock formation that the road passed through. After blasting the deer with his oddly dented truck horn, a portal suddenly appeared within the passage of the rock formation, and it was too late for Jim to stop before passing through it. It turns out the rock formation is a naturally magical structure for generating portals to parallel Earths in reaction to precisely generated sounds... which, for whatever reason, somehow matches Jim's truck horn when the horn bell has one or more dents in it. Big Jim made a massive profit between selling his current delivery cargo at the parallel Earth, buying local cargo there, selling that back home, and covering the loss of his original shipment.

    Meanwhile, a local native American boy had seen everything, and reported it to the tribal elders. When Big Jim came back to try and make another run, they asked him to pull over and talk. It turns out that the rock formation was sacred to them, for that exact reason, but, after the systemic abuses of their people by the American government, they'd long since lost any ability to control the portal, and make contact with their ancestors. Big Jim was asked to join the tribe, and help them make contact. In return, he got some land to build on and stage operations from nearby, and the hot tribal priestess even became his wife. Big Jim started, "Big Jim's Pan-Multiversal Roadhouse", and has recruited some goodhearted adventurous muscle to help him do some good while turning a profit so he can keep doing more good.


    • 1 month ago

      ... continued

      Key Points:

      Big Jim finds new locations to go to by banging dents into new-old-stock horn bells for his truck, or finding other uniquely dented horn bells from the same model. Finding horn bells in new-old-stock condition can be very difficult, as they stopped making them a long time ago. So going somewhere specific you haven't been before isn't easy, even if you know the right dents to make based on the required sound frequencies.

      No one remembers, not even the Federal Government or the native Americans, but the intended way to open the portal to the ancestral home of this tribe of native Americans, and other related locations, was by blowing into a specific, unusually underaged, dinosaur skull. Once Big Jim and the gang realize this, they can arrange a museum heist to get it, if they don't come up with a better idea. The reason the dinosaur skull is so underaged is because it's from a parallel where this species of dinosaur survived, and were tamed by native Americans, who then used them as mounts, manipulating portals and shifting goods around, much like Big Jim, albeit with a more ecological footprint.

      Thematically, the goal here is to have a hard-working, blue-collar, "The A-Team" version of Stargate SG-1: Portal to a place in cool trucks, cars, and motorcycles, try and make a profit, realize the locals have some trouble, fix it for them, and leave as big damn heroes while also making a huge profit that's of no real bother to anyone except maybe the inflation rate back home. In the meantime, confront big, massive organizations that completely outscale Big Jim's operation, and win anyway. Not only does being part of a smaller organization mean that the players can better steer the direction of the game, but also the moral direction of the organization. Of course, it also means that the threats they face are that much bigger, tougher to beat, and more rewarding when they fall.

    • 1 month ago

      ... continued

      Key Points:

      Big Jim finds new locations to go to by banging dents into new-old-stock horn bells for his truck, or finding other uniquely dented horn bells from the same model. Finding horn bells in new-old-stock condition can be very difficult, as they stopped making them a long time ago. So going somewhere specific you haven't been before isn't easy, even if you know the right dents to make based on the required sound frequencies.

      No one remembers, not even the Federal Government or the native Americans, but the intended way to open the portal to the ancestral home of this tribe of native Americans, and other related locations, was by blowing into a specific, unusually underaged, dinosaur skull. Once Big Jim and the gang realize this, they can arrange a museum heist to get it, if they don't come up with a better idea. The reason the dinosaur skull is so underaged is because it's from a parallel where this species of dinosaur survived, and were tamed by native Americans, who then used them as mounts, manipulating portals and shifting goods around, much like Big Jim, albeit with a more ecological footprint.

      Thematically, the goal here is to have a hard-working, blue-collar, "The A-Team" version of Stargate SG-1: Portal to a place in cool trucks, cars, and motorcycles, try and make a profit, realize the locals have some trouble, fix it for them, and leave as big damn heroes while also making a huge profit that's of no real bother to anyone except maybe the inflation rate back home. In the meantime, confront big, massive organizations that completely outscale Big Jim's operation, and win anyway. Not only does being part of a smaller organization mean that the players can better steer the direction of the game, but also the moral direction of the organization. Of course, it also means that the threats they face are that much bigger, tougher to beat, and more rewarding when they fall.

      Damn, that's cool. I'd play it.

  7. 1 month ago

    >homosexual is given multiverse setting
    >One that also works as alt-hist, too
    >Needs hand-holding to figure out what to do
    Conquering the Land of the Dragonlord is always a good start

    • 1 month ago

      Do you even know the setting?
      The "multiverse setting" is hampered by forcing the player to be pawns of a corporate entity with several limitations.

      • 1 month ago

        Nothing forbids you from playing as the Time Nazis thoughever

        • 1 month ago

          >infinite worlds, infinite possibilies
          >choose between corporate pawn and nazist pawn
          I'm sure you can see the problem.
          Mind you, the worlds themselves are interesting, but to enjoy them you probably need to throw away the Infinite-Centrum-Reich framework and start anew.

          • 1 month ago

            Then create an organization from the timeline Indiana Jones-6 and go rogue? You don't have to adhere to the canon 100%

      • 1 month ago

        >Do you even know the setting?
        Ironic, given you are utterly clueless about it, on even most basic fricking level.

        >infinite worlds, infinite possibilies
        >choose between corporate pawn and nazist pawn
        I'm sure you can see the problem.
        Mind you, the worlds themselves are interesting, but to enjoy them you probably need to throw away the Infinite-Centrum-Reich framework and start anew.

        Suit yourself
        If only you weren't forced into any of those choices. If only the game explicitly noted that in the first fricking chapter...

        • 1 month ago

          >nooo you're wrong, not me!
          >nooo i don't have to explain myself!

          • 1 month ago

            >Didn't read the rulebook
            >Bitches about things that are explicitly explained in it
            >Gets pointed out like a gay
            >Goes for his 10 GB wojak folder to cope, seeth and dilate

            • 1 month ago

              Still waiting for an actual counterpoint to my post.
              Read the book, anon-kun.

              • 1 month ago

                The rulebook tells you you don't have to be an ISWAT member, you dingus. That's like 3rd paragraph of the text.

              • 1 month ago


                >infinite worlds, infinite possibilies
                >choose between corporate pawn and nazist pawn
                I'm sure you can see the problem.
                Mind you, the worlds themselves are interesting, but to enjoy them you probably need to throw away the Infinite-Centrum-Reich framework and start anew.

                . You can do that, then you don't really need the book anymore.

              • 1 month ago

                >Continues to confirm he didn't read the book
                If only it contained something more than 2 pages to describe ISWAT and half page to describe Reich-5... I mean it's not like it's 243 pages long and five different expansions came to it or something.
                The frick are you even trying to achieve here, you moron? This is so blatantly clear you are utterly clueless, you can't even make a semi-coherent bait out of your wild claim, and yet you keep posting things that aren't simply wrong, but are addressed in the book you are b***hing about. Really, what's the end game here? What? "Infinite Worlds le bad"? Like no shit, Sherlock! The entire point of making IW was so that they don't have to make setting books, akin to 3e, and just call it a day by releasing expansions and edition updates for their pre-existing settings, while IW being a catch-all bag for whatever left. Which only further paints you out as a clueless idiot, since this is basic knowledge since what? 2008? 2009? Were you even a thing back then, or still just sperm?

              • 1 month ago

                >The book is useful if you ignore its content
                Yeah, sure mate. Next thing you will say Banestorm and its Ministry of Serendipity makes sense.

              • 1 month ago

                >Things nobody even implied, not to mention said
                ... so you've been arguing with voices in your head this whole time, then?

  8. 1 month ago

    >can play it as interdimensional Cold War spooks (for any side)
    >can play it as time cops or pseudo-inquisitors rooting out subversive influences
    >can play it as time-traveling/dimension-hopping treasure hunters
    >can play it as historical mystery solving squad
    >can play it as patriots for Earth nations like Britain or Germany or Russia ensuring your country is supreme in all timelines
    >can play it as League of Extraordinary Gentlemen multiverse edition
    >can play it as regular-ass isekai
    >can play it as the natives getting invaded/colonized by outworlders
    >can basically run any sort of game you would run in a space setting except with modern/pre-modern tech levels

    OP is a gigantic fricking homosexual

  9. 1 month ago

    The biggest problem I have with Steve Jackson Games's settings is that there's no blatantly obvious "Team Good Guys" to join; it's moral ambiguity all the way down. Which works just fine if you like political intrigue in your game, but if you'd rather just protect and serve the people of "Good Guy Land" in heroic fashion, you're out of luck. Why would I want to play in GURPS Banestorm, where every nation is compromising to heroic ideals? Why would I want to pick any of the 3 major factions in GURPS Infinite Worlds, and morally compromise my adventuring the same way I would have to in real life? I wouldn't go so far as to say the settings are unusable, but they're certainly lacking options for more idealistic players to grap onto; and that's a damn shame.

  10. 1 month ago

    Has anyone ever used (either) Illuminati card game player factions as powers in a multiversal setting?

    "We were doing pretty well on the mission, until the Church of Elvis and Antarctica Nazi strike teams showed up..."

    "Who knew that Charlie Chaplin was a MiB temporal agent?"

    • 1 month ago

      >Has anyone ever used (either) Illuminati card game player factions as powers
      >in a multiversal setting?
      No because multiverses are gay.

      The modern occult-horror-slash-action setting I use is inspired by both the Illuminati: New World Order game as well as the Illuminatus novels it itself is based on. That and a bunch of other conspiracy theories/schizolore/modern folk tales. In my last campaign, the primary antagonists were a Cult of the Frog God.

      • 1 month ago

        >No because multiverses are gay.
        Not really.
        Unless someone is coming from (or promoting) a gay universe.
        Most normies couldn't comprehend or visualize a fraction of what a simple 100 timeline parallel universe would be like to live in. They're usually mindblown by experiencing an elementary Mandela Effect cosmology.

  11. 1 month ago

    Sometimes. I are too confused.

  12. 1 month ago

    Create albinoids

  13. 1 month ago

    >Kanye-10: Kanye wins the election.
    >Chandler-3: dimensions get merged.
    >Beast-9: nuclear war destroys civilization; Mr. Beast goes nuts and forces survivors to take part in challenges to the death.
    >Zyklon-4: ol' Benny gets really mad about Biden.
    >Lucifer-6: evil dimension. Lucifer managed to take Big-G's place as the monotheistic god.
    >Yaqub-2: the NOI won the 2ACW and has its own dingy caliphate.
    >Skelter-1: world where servile blacks serve white cult.

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