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UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    I-I dunno Dutch, it
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    seem like
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    all our plans
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    aren’t working
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    very well lately
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    maybe we should
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    head somewhere
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    quiet and not
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    cause any
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    more scenes
    >*gang shoots up a town*
    so the law gets off our tail.


    • 7 months ago

      I’m afraid…
      *gets anally raped*

      • 7 months ago

        Not funny.

    • 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago


  3. 7 months ago

    >*massacres an entire town*
    >*massacres a second town*
    >*massacres an another town*
    >*massacres a yet another town*
    >*massacres a yet another town*
    >*massacres a yet another town*
    >*kills the richest man in the country*
    >*pisses off the US Army*

  4. 7 months ago

    I'm not sure how to feel about Dutch's epilogue scene.

    • 7 months ago

      Same, felt like Dutch and John went off on better terms when Dutch probably should have left the game entirely after Arthur’s death (or maybe just shown up in a post-game cutscene).
      Having him shoot Micah instead of having a cool one on one duel with him felt a little lame, still a fantastic game.

      • 7 months ago

        >fantastic game

        • 7 months ago

          hating RDR2 doesn't make you cool. let's hear your top games of the past 5 years.

          • 7 months ago

            >RDR2 is a fantastic game

            RDR2 was the worst game i have ever played.
            It was the shittiest of the smelliest of all the turds, but wrapped with pretty graphics.

            quite possibly the worst written game in the world, with the most unlikable characters ever written.

            >80% of literally ALL the games dialogue is about:
            >blacks are abused by bad whitey
            >indians are abused by bad whitey
            >women are abused by bad whitey

            there is a feminist parade mission.
            and a whole series of "save the prosecuted indians" missions - best part - you cant even run through these missions.

            the game blocks my walk fast/run buttons, and forces me to slowly walk up a mountain for 30 minutes, while im forced to listen to dialogues how bad ebil whiteys are prosecuting the poor indians.

            >arthur the dumbass homosexual is rampaging around america murdering people and saying killing is bad

            when he said he's dying from the coof i thought:
            >good, just die already and let the game finish you insufferable homosexual

            little did i know, that wasnt the end.
            i had to press X for an hour and watch a house get built as John.

            >but but but but this is a 100/100 game!
            >look at how horses shit melts snow!

            frick off.

            • 7 months ago

              Imagine being so much of a Chud that you can't even enjoy legitimately great games (or movies) anymore. There is definitely lots of annoyingly woke media and wokeness usually doesn't do the writing any favors but you gays think that anytime a black person shows up it's automatically trash. The funny thing is 2 mostly just continues themes from the first game (this includes most of the "wokeness" as well and the gang's hypocrisy), but that game gets a pass because you frickers didn't have the brainworms yet back then so you remember it fondly.

              • 7 months ago

                /v/ermin can’t enjoy games that don’t have a dedicated button for yelling slurs at NPCs.

            • 7 months ago

              I said let's hear your top games of the past 5 years

              • 7 months ago

                that anon was not the one you originally replied to, I am. And frick off, I won't answer your questions since you have no taste, chud.

              • 7 months ago

                thought so

  5. 7 months ago

    I'm afraid I have to insist, we just have to let this go.

  6. 7 months ago

    RDR2 was the worst game i have ever played.
    It was the shittiest of the smelliest of all the turds, but wrapped with pretty graphics.

    quite possibly the worst written game in the world, with the most unlikable characters ever written.

    >80% of literally ALL the games dialogue is about:
    >blacks are abused by bad whitey
    >indians are abused by bad whitey
    >women are abused by bad whitey

    there is a feminist parade mission.
    and a whole series of "save the prosecuted indians" missions - best part - you cant even run through these missions.

    the game blocks my walk fast/run buttons, and forces me to slowly walk up a mountain for 30 minutes, while im forced to listen to dialogues how bad ebil whiteys are prosecuting the poor indians.

    >arthur the dumbass homosexual is rampaging around america murdering people and saying killing is bad

    when he said he's dying from the coof i thought:
    >good, just die already and let the game finish you insufferable homosexual

    little did i know, that wasnt the end.
    i had to press X for an hour and watch a house get built as John.

    >but but but but this is a 100/100 game!
    >look at how horses shit melts snow!

    frick off.

    • 7 months ago

      >80% of literally ALL the games dialogue is about:
      >blacks are abused by bad whitey
      >indians are abused by bad whitey
      >women are abused by bad whitey
      If you want that to be copy pasta you should actually say things that are true.

      • 7 months ago

        it is true.

  7. 7 months ago

    If I play RDR is it going to feel dissonant as a continuation of the story of RDR2? I figure it might since it came out 8 years earlier and not necessarily with the idea of a future prequel in mind.

    • 7 months ago

      not at all. The end credits of RDR2 are the very beginning of RDR.

      • 7 months ago

        I guess I was mainly wondering about things like whether Arthur (or Charles for that matter) get mentioned at all in RDR or if RDR2 basically retconned them into existence.

        • 7 months ago

          RDR is based on an awesome old movie called The Wild Bunch. the focus is on about 5 characters total so not all the characters from the gang in RDR2 are included in RDR1 and it focuses on who was still alive at the end of RDR2.

    • 7 months ago

      RDR is all about things that happened in the past which they turned into RDR2

    • 7 months ago

      Not at all actually. Storywise the two connect perfectly with the epilogue of 1.

      There are couple of dissonant hiccups obviously, mainly because you'd think the characters would mention events, but 2 was written well enough to minimize this.
      Having just replayed 1 myself I was surprised how little there actually is in that regard.

      Keep in mind though. 1 is much LESS of a game. People put it on a pedestal for being more "gamey" whereas 2 is more "sim-like" but that's actually not true for 1. 1 is just emptier. 2 filled the gaps.
      If you're one of the people saying that 2 is nothing but riding around empty areas, then brace yourself because 1 is LITERALLY that for the most part as its missing 90% of the "along the way" filler 2 added.

      You're gonna be riding through the same empty areas for most of the game, seeing the same 3 roadside events that repeat 1hr into the game already, while having no relevant side activities to spice things up along the way.
      Oh and almost every mission in 1 is ending in an escort to point x escape.

      Still a good game but 2 is just better in every way.

      • 7 months ago

        If 2 is better in every way than 1 must be a pile of shit

  8. 7 months ago

    You had to be completely moronic to follow Dutch, what a goddamn fool he was

  9. 7 months ago

    >dutch went le coo-coo on the coconut because... because he had to
    Fricking hacks. And don't bring up "oh he bumped his lil noggin during the trolley thing". He was acting like a fricking moron way before that. Why did they even rob the trolley place in the first place? Because he trusted some dude he just met that they kept thousands in a fricking trolley depot? What kind of fricking idiot believes that???
    Rockstar has no fricking clue what to do with RDR2 they just knew they had to make Dutch "le crazy bad man" and wrote utter shit.
    Frick you.

  10. 7 months ago

    Did anyone feel the urge to leave the fricking globohomosexual gang after the first chapter? I couldn't stand any of them apart from Micah which says a lot considerng he is just a caricature of a character.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm racist as frick but I'm not brainwashed as much as you are to the point I clench my butthole every time I see woman or Black folk.

  11. 7 months ago

    Why aren't they saying Black person every 30 seconds?

    • 7 months ago

      half of the country fought to free slaves. over 500,000 whites died to free slaves. 50% chance they were for freeing slaves and likely had no compassion for plantation owners seeing as how they treated the braithwraights.

      • 7 months ago

        >half of the country fought to free slaves. over 500,000 whites died to free slaves
        >to free slaves

        • 7 months ago

          Are you unaware of how big the abolitionist movement was even at the founding of the country? The ONLY reason slavery was even allowed was to get the southern colonies on board, and even then it only lasted 100 years before it was outlawed nationwide.

          • 7 months ago

            >nononono, we were actually against slavery for the most part, those bigoted southerners are at fault!

      • 7 months ago
  12. 7 months ago

    It's a foid """game"" AKA a soap opera.

    • 7 months ago

      arthur dying made people sad?
      he was an insufferable homosexual, when he died i actually clapped from happiness.
      >im arthur im depressed because crime is bad
      >brb im going to kill 900 people and listen to some cult leader called dutch say he has a plan
      why is writing in modern games so dogshit.

      • 7 months ago

        He's hot.
        That's all they care about.

      • 7 months ago

        are you moronic? how can't you understand something so basic in storytelling

  13. 7 months ago

    I don't respect anything where the protag is all "I just want to leave this life behind... I need to start over... I don't think I can keep going like this..." and then they accept fifty more missions to shoot people for loose change. Go get a job you homosexual.

  14. 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      We ain’t so good at making threads any more, Dutch.

  16. 7 months ago

    Wait till find Lincoln was a dictator that force schools to include him in daily prayers.

  17. 7 months ago

    Not really just a RD2 thing but god damn the "magnetism" of movement really pissed me off. Couldnt go off trail even a bit and they really wanted to automate it for me thouse causing me to bounce from side to side off invisible walls alot. Witcher 3 did something similar. Maybe its just me but I frickin hate that shit in games. Either just make it a frickin no control custscene or just let me move as I please. Frick.

    • 7 months ago

      >the "save the indians" missions
      >im forced to get off my horse at the bottom of a mountain
      >now i have to slowly walk to the top of that mountain, it takes 30 minutes, while an old indian chief explains how the poor innocent goody goody indians are mistreated
      >he's talking in the slowest way possible, 1 word takes him a fricking minute

  18. 7 months ago

    playing gta5 now and trevor literally says this exact same line in the exact same tone and context

  19. 7 months ago

    >I'm on the right side of history

  20. 7 months ago

    >game keeps throwing the klansmen random event at me trying to bait me into killing them
    >Never bother the boys and let them have their innocent fun
    The game must have some sort of flag where if you see the event and don't engage it just ups the encounter rate. I'm seeing them all over the map when it gets dark. Like every little forest they show up in

    • 7 months ago

      there's several events with the Klan, not just one or two

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