>original gameboy had a shit screen and was too big, but it was the first version

>original gameboy had a shit screen and was too big, but it was the first version
>pocket was smaller but used a not very common battery type
>color had a color screen but the screen was smaller and arguably lower quality
>GBA had better graphics a new form factor, but still used regular batteries and no backlight
>SP had light screen and rechargeable batteries, but no headphone jack
>micro could only play GBA games
It seems like Nintendo handhelds were pretty good, but they had some flaws that prevented them from being perfect, as a form of compromise.

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  1. 5 months ago

    There is no perfection, therein the SOUL

    • 5 months ago

      jelly of that GBA micro and that game.

  2. 5 months ago

    Original Gameboy is called too big, but it's tiny compared to the handhelds people lug around these days. It's smaller than the 2DS, the Switch, the Vita, the Steam Deck, the iPhones and the Galaxies, the iPads, etc

    • 5 months ago

      The Vita is defs smaller than the original gameboy. Also it helps when it doesn't look like cheap plastic crap.

      • 5 months ago

        >cheap plastic crap
        The DMG is more sturdy than 5 Vitas combined

      • 5 months ago

        The Vita does indeed look like cheap plastic crap.

        • 5 months ago

          The 2000 maybe, but the original OLED model is awesome.

        • 5 months ago

          The Original OLED Vita is one of the most premium feeling devices I've owned. Solid build, full glass front panel, amazing display. Everything about it is the exact opposite of cheap plastic crap

  3. 5 months ago

    But AAAs are the 2nd most common battery type and who doesn't like the LCD on the GBC? It's fantastic.

  4. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      Is that a bootleg console?

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah, it's a chinese hardware clone; "GB Boy Colour". They used to be $30-40 on AliExpress, but they're closer to $80 now which is insane. I have to assume the stock is dwindling.

        Analog Pockets are overpriced trash for hipsters that freeze if a light breeze touches the cart.

        Try cleaning your carts dingus

        • 5 months ago

          >Try cleaning your carts dingus
          My carts are clean and I wouldn't be caught dead wasting money on an Analog. I just have basic adult critical thinking skills and research things before I buy them.

          • 5 months ago

            It's not a scam company bud, and I would never buy their shit.
            They provide a service you don't want, fair enough.
            Personally, I'd prefer people hated shit like the analogue pocket. It's absurd to me that people want cycle-accurate emulation on anything, but I don't get speed-running either. It doesn't seem different to me at all, and I was there when the game was new.

          • 5 months ago

            It's not a scam company bud, and I would never buy their shit.
            They provide a service you don't want, fair enough.
            Personally, I'd prefer people hated shit like the analogue pocket. It's absurd to me that people want cycle-accurate emulation on anything, but I don't get speed-running either. It doesn't seem different to me at all, and I was there when the game was new.

            I like the Pocket for the screen, there's nothing else like it on the market. If it was a software emulator I'd still want that screen.

            The Original OLED Vita is one of the most premium feeling devices I've owned. Solid build, full glass front panel, amazing display. Everything about it is the exact opposite of cheap plastic crap


    • 5 months ago

      I see you, brother.

      • 5 months ago

        This is making me sick

        • 5 months ago

          Yeah that would be the disgusting paint job I did on it back when I was obsessed with Urusei Yatsura and then had to keep going over as it peeled from my sweaty hands. Good memories of long hours on trains with that thing though.

          • 5 months ago

            I think we’ve all done something like this at one point. I had a copy of the original shantae that I peeled the cartridge label off to draw my own cool one in its place with a permanent marker. I even tore up the box to use pieces as decoration on a new box I made for it.
            I appreciate the fact that you've kept the memory alive by not reshelling

  5. 5 months ago

    Indeed, we wouldn't get a perfect handheld to play until China entered the market with all of the emulation ones, there's so many choices to think about, it's actually the worst time to be a handheld fan, since there's no dedicated ones with their own software anymore, but it's also a good time since we have a ton of different form factors and different hardware to choose from.

    I'll admit that the screens without backlight are still a major flaw for me, I can pick these up now, except for the SP, which is the best handheld of all time to me, though the OG had better form.

    Also, I know I'm in the minority here, but I prefer Game Gear over Game Boy for that exact reason really, even if the batteries suck, the fact that we get a proper screen makes a huge difference still.

  6. 5 months ago

    >It seems like Nintendo handhelds were pretty good, but they had some flaws that prevented them from being perfect, as a form of compromise.
    It doesn't change the fact that the Game Boy was the king until the PS2.

  7. 5 months ago

    >SP had light screen and rechargeable batteries, but no headphone jack
    Honestly the smallest price to pay out of them all. Too bad the market for AGS-101's is fricked and you have to spend stupid amounts of money for a nice one.

    • 5 months ago

      >have an AGS-101 in perfect condition
      >speaker doesn't work and I can't fricking figure out why

      It's not the speaker, I already tried replacing it, and it's not whatever sound chip is inside the GBA, because audio through the extension port works fine. I drives me fricking nuts.

      • 5 months ago

        The screen on the GBA needs even more light to reflect the same intensity of colour back as the GBC, the jump to the GBA SP screen was really colossal.
        The Micro had digital volume control, I love that stuff and I keep wondering why the DS and Lite went back to analog slider. I loved the Micro screen back then when I was young and my eyesight was actually really good, nowadays I genuinely can't see it for shit. Also cramped hands.

        Have you put a tester to the resistors near the audio area? There are good circuit board schematics on the net to guide you too. I doubt it's any of the capacitors since you say there is still audio via the port.

        • 5 months ago

          >I keep wondering why the DS and Lite went back to analog slider
          Dude, that shit drives me NUTS.

        • 5 months ago

          I feel like that is a common issue with the 101s for some reason. I got a 101 for around $98, after shipping and taxes, and felt that the audio was slightly lower than on my 001 from Japan. I was playing Metal Gear Solid GBC on it last night and forgot about it as it sounded fine later I guess. Maybe try cleaning the contact pads on the motherboard?

          I've tested it a few times
          >zero corrosion
          >speaker is functional, I've swapped it around with other SPs to check
          >audio capacitor perfectly within tolerance
          >all the continuity checks out and there's even voltage on the speaker pads
          >headphone audio through the charge port and volume control is 100% functional, so the audio circuitry is fully functional otherwise
          Pretty much all of the easy fixes are completely ruled out. It's just something on the speaker output circuitry specifically that's faulty.

          It did work at one point, I bought it new back in the day and it worked fine for around a month until the speaker just stopped. It's been my designated "trading pokemon with myself" gameboy ever since.

      • 5 months ago

        I feel like that is a common issue with the 101s for some reason. I got a 101 for around $98, after shipping and taxes, and felt that the audio was slightly lower than on my 001 from Japan. I was playing Metal Gear Solid GBC on it last night and forgot about it as it sounded fine later I guess. Maybe try cleaning the contact pads on the motherboard?

    • 5 months ago

      You might as well use a DS instead. I wouldn’t bother trying to buy a AGS-101.
      I did get an AGS-001 recently and I’m perfectly happy. I like being able to turn the light off and play that way most of the time. When I do use the light, angling it ever so slightly backwards from me pretty much negates the blue coloring from the front light. The premium for an AGS-101 doesn’t seem worth it at all.

      • 5 months ago

        >You might as well use a DS instead.
        DS screens are garbage and I want a system with a native 3:2 display for GBA.

  8. 5 months ago

    >not common
    bruh, everyone had stacks of these in the 90s

  9. 5 months ago

    I grew up with an SP and never cared about the lack of headphone jack. There is an adapter that lets you use the charging port as a jack but who has even seen on of those lol. My SP still works but has been replaced by a 3ds

  10. 5 months ago

    >color had a color screen but the screen was smaller and arguably lower quality
    Says who? I'm curious, because I've only heard people say that the GBC screen looks gorgeous in person.

  11. 5 months ago

    This is exactly why Anbernic, Miyoo, PowKiddy etc. exist

    • 5 months ago

      I love my RG ARC-S

  12. 5 months ago

    I want to get a system to play all my gameboy games, but I'm a bit stuck. Should I get the Analogue pocket or should I mod my SP?
    >Analogue Pocket
    Larger screen, built in flash cart, potential to play games other than gameboy, though I'm not sure how much I would use that.

    >Modded SP
    With a metal shell, ips kit, new buttons, headphone jack, usb c, etc. Would cost about the same as an analogue pocket, but with superior form factor (imo). I like to play with the SP on my desk like a tiny laptop sometimes. The smaller screen is a bummer though.

    • 5 months ago

      Analog Pockets are overpriced trash for hipsters that freeze if a light breeze touches the cart.

  13. 5 months ago

    was smaller but used a not very common battery type
    it used aaa batteries which are just as common as aa batteries. if this is the only "flaw" you can find in in gbp then the gbp was flawless.

    • 5 months ago

      >gbp was flawless
      Nah. First of all no unlit GB is flawless, and the Pocket screen is prone to developing lines much worse than the DMG or GBC.
      And despite the AAA batteries being "common" they're also weak as shit and make the system pretty much unmoddable because anything stronger than the OEM screen will drain those tiny AAAs in like an hour.

      • 5 months ago

        >modding your handhelds
        Just use a chinkheld if you're not going to play it the way it was meant to be played.

        • 5 months ago

          Stop being a baby, there are lots of broken screens out there that are better off replaced than tossing the whole system in a landfill.

          • 5 months ago

            Okay, that's fair.

          • 5 months ago

            >tfw tried buying gameboy with broken screen for modding
            >after cleaning the system the screen suddenly worked
            >this has happened multiple times
            Fricking Nintendo and their indestructible old consoles.

  14. 5 months ago

    iirc, the micro has the hardware necessary to play gbc/gb games, nintendo just decided to make it impossible for whatever reason. maybe one day there'll be a mod that'll make it the definitive gameboy.

    • 5 months ago

      That is false, it is lacking the Z80.

  15. 5 months ago

    Right way to play is
    Super Gameboy 2 for Gameboy games (and certain color ones)
    GBA SP for color games
    GBA Micro for Advance

    • 5 months ago

      false, original gbc for color games or micro, as the colors are displayed incorrectly on a gba sp. See pokemon yellow.

      • 5 months ago

        You can't play gameboy or color games natively on Micro though

        • 5 months ago

          Goomba kind of sucks too, it's tolerable but not a great solution.

          • 5 months ago

            I can't even get it too work. Does it only work on certain flashcarts?

            You don't want to anyway, the screen is just too small.

            skill issue

            • 5 months ago

              Goomba should work on anything, what cart are you using?

              • 5 months ago

                EZ IV

        • 5 months ago

          You don't want to anyway, the screen is just too small.

  16. 5 months ago

    >pocket was smaller but used a not very common battery type
    the only cel more common than AA was AAA, and there have always been more AAAs in my home, even to this day with eneloops

    the only downside to AAA was the short play time with each pair, making it necessary to scavenge them from every single remote control in every single living room. It was very rare to see one that didn't take AAA. Color got it right with the AA bulge and comparatively miraculous battery life

  17. 5 months ago

    Sony does what Nintendont

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Well yeah, over a decade later. By this time though we also had DS Lite which also had a decent enough backlit display and native GBA support

      • 5 months ago

        Sir that's a gb game.
        Not sure if the ds could do gb with a rom cart?
        Either way I own most of the Nintendo hardware they made, and without a single doubt, I fricking love using my pspgo over everything else. The size of it is perfect, and the screen is insanely good. Like it gets near oled blacks somehow, which makes the borders left and right a non issue.

        But I do enjoy playing with physical carts also and my go to is my shit ags 001 sp from my childhood. I made a shitty adapter that charges and has headphones, but there's mods to do 3.5mm + type c idk, screen is shit and battery life is mid

    • 5 months ago

      PSP was the first serious handheld
      >Great hardware
      >great library
      >great build quality
      Sony was a hardware company first that didn't lose as much as nintendo that's why nintendo consoles had worse build quality

      • 5 months ago

        Too bad about the whole "most atrocious LCD display known to man" problem the 1K had.

      • 5 months ago

        Yet most people were only buying them to be emulation machines in the West and MonHun machines in Japan.

  18. 5 months ago

    I hate zoomers that pretend to have been alive during a time period they have zero frame of reference for. have a nice day NOW

  19. 5 months ago

    Yeah. It's nice to not deal with any of that shit anymore.

    • 5 months ago

      >literally cant play any nintendo carts whatsoever

      • 5 months ago

        What do you mean? I'm playing gameboy games right now

      • 5 months ago

        I sold all my carts and just play ROMs now. Still have access to all my games + games I never could/would own, and I made bank off selling my shit. Sorry you're still a slave to materialism instead of just playing the games.

        • 5 months ago

          Base emuchad

    • 5 months ago

      ...but having to deal with a shitty D-pad instead?

  20. 5 months ago

    gameboy had a shit screen and was too big, but it was the first version
    i still use it the most out of all of them
    best soundboard, best grip
    was smaller but used a not very common battery type
    AA? what the frick are you on about mongoloid
    had a color screen but the screen was smaller and arguably lower quality
    it was fine unless you wanted to play at night
    or in a dark room
    >>GBA had better graphics a new form factor, but still used regular batteries and no backlight
    we all used 3rd party wormlights
    >>SP had light screen and rechargeable batteries, but no headphone jack
    two versions, one with a decently upgraded screen that had some compromises on response timeblur but it was "brighter"
    could only play GBA games
    wrong, any gba flashcart+goomba could push gb titles as well
    i had a lik-sang gba flashcard that could play movies, music, and emulators in 2005

    stop making homosexual threads
    you are a moron

  21. 5 months ago

    I'm starting to work on these and get to knew the internals and my favorites are by far the OG gameboy and the gameboy color. The way they are packaged in their shells is honestly...elegant.

    Not a Nintendo fanboy even.

  22. 5 months ago

    How is the Game Boy Color's active matrix screen "arguably lower quality" than what came before it?
    Most moronic shit I've ever read.

  23. 5 months ago

    What's the go-to screen mod for Gameboy Colors?

    I've got one in good condition but the screen has some sun damage, I might replace it some day.

    • 5 months ago

      Do you mean vinegar syndrome?
      It's not actually burned by the sun or anything. It's just the adhesive on the polarizer breaking down. Buy a new polarizer sheet on aliexpress and replace the fricked one.
      Best GBC screen is a GBC screen.
      Get a worm light if you must play in dark, lampless areas.

      • 5 months ago

        >Best GBC screen is a GBC screen.
        Unlit screens belong in the past. Old game consoles are good. Old unlit handheld screens are for contrarian ludites.

        • 5 months ago

          I have every different version of gameboy and a few modded backlit ones (gba, a few gbc) and the vast majority of the time I play a regular unmodded GBC because the screen puts the least strain on my eyes. If I feel like playing at night or something I might pop it into one of my gameboy SP, but the GBC is so unironically good that I have bought several of them

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