Overdone RPG tropes that make you instantly lose interest

>humans are a young but promising start-up race

>elves are agile, graceful and intelligent

>dwarfs are stocky grim scots who like beer and gems

>orcs are stupid and rough brawny greenskins

Any overdone RPG tropes that make you instantly lose interest in a setting?

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  1. 3 years ago

    >setting's main church/cult is very clearly Christianity inspired

    I don't mind your typical pious paladin trope, but come on it's a fricking fantasy world, you think you could change it up a little? Give it some flavour instead of generic monotheistic "source of light" stuff.

  2. 3 years ago

    >Humans are human, pretty much controll everything
    >if elves aren't in ghettos, they're basically Indian wanderers that are permanently assmad at humans
    >Dwarves are super political shitflingers with a strict caste system
    Dragon Age Origins unironically did all of these races the best, except for Orc.

    • 3 years ago

      But dragon age elves quite literally live in ghettos.

      • 3 years ago

        He said if you illiterate.

    • 3 years ago

      dragon age elves literally live in ghettos, though

  3. 3 years ago

    >Catfolk are furries
    Completely uninterested.

  4. 3 years ago

    People who catalog and think about "tropes" are so fricking midwit. The complaints about the cliches come up more than the cliches do, goddamn narrative hipsterism.

    • 3 years ago

      The whole creatively-bankrupt gaming industry works on tropes you bafoon. Not a single modern RPG has any truly original ideas left and simply copy the basic ass D&D template for world building. It's fricking dire because it really shouldn't be this hard to come up with some new stuff, but because video game productions these games cost a fricking fortune to make, they want secure returns on their investments, so they go with the most safe possible way of making money.

      • 3 years ago

        The human race works on "tropes" moron, it's called Monkey See, Monkey Do. Get over yourself, shit would be incompetent no matter what because most people who want to make video games for a living are morons.

  5. 3 years ago

    I don't mind standard race tropes as long as something interesting is done on top of them. Too many games will build their setting entirely around proprietary lore, but the lore will only involve two or three genuinely interesting elements and everything else will be bog-standard. I think that, ideally, either all the lore needs to be interesting, or the stereotypical bits just shouldn't even be questioned or talked about and should remain background details.
    The bigger problem I have is the number of games that don't even try to do anything more interesting than stock archetypes with their worldbuilding. Pillars of eternity, for example, has humans, elves, dwarves, strong tall guys from a tribal culture (Polynesian half-orcs), halflings (but they're tribal and hairy), and godlike (the Mary-sue class).
    All of these other than the Aumaua (who are too close to just normal Polynesians) are well executed in pillars 1, but by the same token, we should expect that they could just as easily have engaged with more dynamic or interesting race ideas that require specificity and context to even make sense, like the Dunmer in morrowind, whose entire culture is so wrapped up in their environment and history that you can't really explain why they do half of the shit they do by saying something like "oh, they're basically Chinese/Mongols/Arabs/Polynesian/etc".
    What's worse is that pillars is the best at this of the recent crop, most other rpgs just slap together some basic b***h tabletop tropes and leave it at that. And the ones that aren't fantasy tend to just have all u humans, all of the same culture. Disco Elysium had great worldbuilding in the background, but the result was basically a slightly askew version of the modern world, which was great for stuff like Harry liking Disco communicating significant information even without context, but meant that the game wasn't really straining to achieve anything within the actual realm of fiction.

  6. 3 years ago

    Best settings with playable bug people?

  7. 3 years ago

    I think an underdone trope is scantily-clad angels or angel-like beings.
    Pretty much the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers from Oblivion’s Shivering Isles plug-in.

  8. 3 years ago

    how does every thread end up talking about trannies and politics

  9. 3 years ago

    Humans are ruled by lick kings and necromancers whose short lives will end in eternal servitude in the undead armies

    Dwarves are xenophobic isolationists who have lost most of their splendour to Orcs and a pointless war for extinction against dragons and giants

    Elves are seafarers from archipelagos off the continents who engage in trade and piracy with the other races.

    Orcs are coal and blackpowder industrialist warmongers engaging in war for slaves and resources with the other races and each other, particularly what remains of the dwarves.

  10. 3 years ago

    >Any overdone RPG tropes that make you instantly lose interest in a setting?
    Zoomers who dont have opinions of their own but regurgitate reddit and youtuber-tripe.

  11. 3 years ago

    >>humans are a young but promising start-up race
    is that ever even the case? humans are always the most spread out and successful culture in every fantasy world. elves are dwarves are all dying in their mountain forests or something.

  12. 3 years ago

    Let me guess, you ignore racial crime statistics and think your "pibbie" is cute

    • 3 years ago

      Where do you think all the half orcs are coming from?

  13. 3 years ago

    >ugh i frickin hate tropes!!!
    is there a more midwit, intellectually immature opinion to have?

    • 3 years ago

      >is there a more midwit, intellectually immature opinion to have?
      The opposite "if it's not tropes, it's bad" is equally worthless.

    • 3 years ago

      >is there a more midwit, intellectually immature opinion to have?
      I guess disliking the same 20 narrative that get regurgitated over and over in videogames because devs are too creatively bankrupt to create an original narrative that has something to say instead of being a ripoff of another tolkien ripoff makes me a midwit and intellectually immature.

      • 3 years ago

        yes that is literally what i just said. thanks for elaborating

      • 3 years ago

        >something to say
        Yeah, this is super important to a role playing game. Hearing what the writer has to say about some shit that's been said elsewhere, totally creative.

        • 3 years ago

          Definitely more creative than not even attempting to craft something with personality because they know that are hordes of lemmings like (you) who are happy to eat whatever shit gets shat on their plate as long as it reminds them of Tolkien or DnD.

          • 3 years ago

            Let the industry burn and all failed writers hang. Go with God, young fantasizing fool.

          • 3 years ago

            You never even read Tolkien.
            And you don't know anything about D&D.

            The hallmark of a lemming is being unable to form your own opinion and relying on people to you think are smarter to form it for you.
            People like you should be retroactively aborted due to advanced brainrot.

          • 3 years ago

            You're mixing aesops with political propaganda.

      • 3 years ago

        >has something to say

        This is what's unironically wrong with modern fiction. Moralizing or subverting, not just wanting to tell a great story or create a new modern mythos or contemporary saga. All cynical idealism and no sincerity.

        • 3 years ago

          A dying civilization has nothing of value to say.

          • 3 years ago

            >A dying civilization

            So all of them?

            • 3 years ago

              No. >:(

  14. 3 years ago

    >humans are a young but promising start-up race
    >elves are agile, graceful and intelligent
    >dwarfs are stocky grim scots who like beer and gems
    >orcs are stupid and rough brawny greenskins

    All these but with a smiling muscular Russian guy.

    • 3 years ago

      >humans are slavs
      >elves are asians
      >dwarves are indians
      >orcs are islanders
      How mad would everybody be?

      • 3 years ago

        Sounds cool.

  15. 3 years ago

    >elves are the master metal workers and live secluded in the mountains
    >dwarfs are nature worshipping, boar riding angry hairy squats that lives in the jungles
    >humans are primitive ooga boogas that hunt giants and giant animals and live on the frozen tundras
    >gnomes are the technically advanced race of the planet, having great cities fueled by fey magic
    Rate my OC donut, Ganker.

  16. 3 years ago

    When will there be
    >Humans are the oldest and experienced
    >Elves are young and ugly
    >Dwarves are tall and live in the sky
    >Orcs are extreme pacifists isolationists

  17. 3 years ago

    Mechanics>Narrative. Can we get the ability for players to be creative with the RPG part before b***hing about the fluff?

    • 3 years ago

      You can run an RPG without any mechanics at all. Why don't you fluff your brain with some birdshot?

      • 3 years ago

        Wrong board bro, we talkin' vidya here.

  18. 3 years ago

    >pointy ear humans
    >short humans
    >green humans
    no wonder they are races
    where are other sentient species
    give me rpg with flying magical sentient dolphins

  19. 3 years ago

    There was an Interview with Bernhard Hennen, one of the largest and most sucessfull german fantasy authors. Essentially, he got big by writing about typical tolkin elves and fake vikings. What he said was, people who read fantasy want fantastical stuff... but this fantastical stuff should feel familiar. So medival european setting + core fantasy races with some changes here and there. Because thats what the majority of people want. He tried to change it and got the sales numbers. Add gunpowder and firearms into your medival fantasy settings? You lose thousands of readers. Have a east asian setting with historically accurate character names? You sales drop. The more "unique" you go, the more readers drop your work. Thats just a simple fact of life (or should I say, business). And, frick me, the guy was totally right. D&D, Warhammer, Warcraft, Dragon Age, almost every big successful fantasy franchise falls into the standard-fantasy-with-minor-variations-category.

    Thats why you get european medieval fantasy + core races again and again and again. It sells. Its what people want. Go niche, go broke.

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