Owlcat's 40k cRPG

>only 8% of players beat Kingmaker
>only 12% of players beat WotR

Why are Owlcat so fricking bad at making games that are actually fun for anyone who isn't autistic enough to power game? I'm not even halfway through Wrath and can already see why over 80% of players wouldn't put up with it. CRPGs made by people who have never once DM'd

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  1. 2 years ago

    >Filtering normies and gatekeeping their game so only based autists keep playing
    Best dev studio by a long mile

    • 2 years ago

      >Actual proper use of the term "Filtered"
      Are you a wizard?

  2. 2 years ago

    Can't wait for Kerillian (Eldar) to insult everyone everywhere I go.

  3. 2 years ago

    Owlcat are shit because their idea of fun is you NEED to make a boring broken build to have fun and they are so inept at enemy encounters the only way they can think of to make shit challenging is inflating the enemies stats and putting in more. Just look at the first DLC for Wrath.
    >Level 20 and mythic Rank 10, literally a demigod (or if you went legend, a level 40 character which is even more absurd)
    >Basic b***h enemies still give you a hard time despite this
    If you like build autism you'll enjoy their games but if you just want to focus on the roleplaying of a role playing game, frick you.

    • 2 years ago

      Kingmaker and WotR are some of the first games I genuinely said 'frick it' to and set the difficulty to story, despite my rule of trying to play most games on harder or hardest difficulties. The combat is the absolute worst part of the game, generally the least important part of any CRPG, and is just the vehicle to take you from point A to B in the story while keeping you invested. Pathfinder in general, but Owlcat games especially, demand you play the game in the cheesiest or most minmaxed manner not even to excel, but just to have a fighting chance. I couldn't justify reloading over and over while blowing 30 spells to pre-buff before fighting basic enemies, so these are the first games I just straight gave up on and turned the combat off so I could at least try to enjoy the only good part about them, the story and RPG elements.

    • 2 years ago

      What makes level 40 so absurd?

      • 2 years ago

        There's a guy in Pathfinders setting who was able with his powers trick an entire nation into believing he's a living god and let him rule over them. That guy is only lvl 19. The pen and paper version of Wrath (where you're fighting demigod level threats) the npc companions who can join your party such as Galfrey or Anevia end the adventure at level 18.
        Level 40 would be absolutely fricking insane in how strong it would be.

        I'm having a blast. I hope I can finish it to improve your stats, OP 🙂

        What's Mads alignment and party?

        • 2 years ago

          >What's Mads alignment and party?
          Chaotic Good

          • 2 years ago

            WTF I just realised I can fail the main quest

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah, in kingmaker you can fail the main quest at several parts in several ways, don't let big problems in the kingdom stay unsolved for too long or you'll be fricked when you least expect it.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't worry, 90 days is plenty of time to finish most of the content in the area and do the main quest. I think I had like 20-30 days left.
              You'll run into the edgelord elf and lawtist girl later and imo the lawtist is more useful, she's a good tank. Base inquisitor class is kind of lame.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm Tactical Inquisitor, just because it seemed right for my MadsMC

              • 2 years ago

                I think most people consider sacred huntsmaster the best but tactical should be fine. Even still that's just more reason to not take the edgelord elf since you're both inquisitors, the tower shield tank would be more beneficial to you.

              • 2 years ago

                What companions you get are based on the questions you answer at the beginning right? For me it was Jaethal and Harrim in the caves.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, specifically when you're defending yourself from the gnome to the elf. One choice is between a chaotic and lawful option (breaking into the armory), the other a good or evil option (saving the soldiers from burning to death or not)
                It doesn't matter what you did iirc, it's just depending on your response one person will come with and the other will stay. Since you're chaotic good and have Harrim and Linzi I assume you picked the chaotic and good options, which Harrim and Linzi respectively like but Valerie and Jaethal don't. You can still get those two later though.

            • 2 years ago

              Don't worry, 90 days is plenty of time to defeat the stag lord.
              There's one small but very useful piece of advice I'll just leave:
              level up your kingdoms faith stat ASAP, doing so let's you do arcane shit and then build teleportation circles, letting you travel around the map much quicker and saving a lot of time.

              • 2 years ago

                This. I didn't upgrade faith fast enough and I wish I did, being able to quick jump all over the map is useful as opposed to spending 16 days having to walk to a location because you had to camp twice along the way to just a two day trek.

      • 2 years ago

        >+40 BAB. Never miss an attack again.
        >20+ saves. If you add items and attribute bonuses, you're likely never failing a saving throw again
        >At least 160+ HP, potentially more than 320 HP.
        >20d10 sneak attack damage per attack
        >Arcane and divine level 9 spells
        >Add CHA (twice), WIS and INT(twice) to AC
        >Cavalier supreme charge+spirited charge+pounce+backswing+mythic charge for full attacking with twice your mount and your own STR mod to each attack multiplied by 3 + 10d6 from mythic charge + 8d6 with the charge longspear + your athletic ranks with the charge boots.
        There are so many broken builds that are possible with 40 levels.

        • 2 years ago

          Grabbing 11 Inquisitor levels for Stalwart on yop of Evasion from other sources is hilarious as you are basically immune to all spells enemies cast.

        • 2 years ago

          How do you get arcane and divine level 9 while also getting +40BAB?

          • 2 years ago

            These are examples of some of the features you can get in different 40 level builds. I don't think you can get lvl 9 divine and arcane spells with 40 BAB, but you can easily build a level 9 arcane caster with 35+ bab.

        • 2 years ago

          can you link to such cavalier build?

    • 2 years ago

      >Basic b***h enemies still give you a hard time despite this
      the only enemies that give you trouble later in the game are either the ones infused with the same power as you or someone approaching your power level naturally

    • 2 years ago

      Why are you playing no any difficulty higher than normal?
      On normal you can literally just pick fighter and auto-level every character and still win. It couldn't be more casual friendly.

    • 2 years ago

      What fun builds are you playing that don't work at high levels? I know a fair few that do and aren't boring

    • 2 years ago

      >"Basic b***h enemies still give you a hard time despite this"
      >He doesn't one-shot Balors

    • 2 years ago

      >if you just want to focus on the roleplaying of a role playing game, frick you
      Well it's a videogame, not a roleplaying game. If you want the roleplaying game, play tabletop.

  4. 2 years ago

    Are you excited for your used goods sister of battle waifu anons?

    • 2 years ago

      Why is this a reoccurring trend with Owlcats romances? All of them bring up their ex or find some way to inform you they aren't a virgin, like Camellia knows after a murder getting a dicking calms her down.

      • 2 years ago

        There's a few who are virgins, but it tends to tie into the world/characters. Most of the people you meet or can romance are experienced adventurers or people who've been on the road and fighting for years. The youngest romanceable companion I can think of is well into their late 20s. Expecting people who are living day-to-day in a dangerous line of work to also be virgins or not having experienced lots of what life has to offer is a bit naïve, and unless it is a part of their actual lore (that one chick who believes in saving sex for after marriage if I recall) then there's not really must justification for them being inexperienced.

      • 2 years ago

        A writer for sure has a fetish for it. The least you get is Galfrey telling you she kissed a knight one time but Galfrey's romance is shit because she's barely there for 90% of the game, and 5% of her time being present is malding over how you've shown her up that she starts looking for shit to strip you of command and everyone thinks she's being fricking stupid.

      • 2 years ago

        I can understand having an issue with wenduag or valerie, but camellia just asks you to frick her when you find her out, I don't think there is any intentional fetish apart from the fact that she's crazy and also wants to frick the commander.
        I also don't need to have sex to know I would like too.

      • 2 years ago

        It's called "this character doesn't only exist as a checklist you have to work on until you have sex". You gays would complain about fricking Viconia these days as being "cuckshit". Maybe Mass Effect is more up your alley.

        • 2 years ago

          >"this character doesn't only exist as a checklist you have to work on until you have sex"
          That's literally every crpg ever, including Viconia. The only difference is that in Owlcat games (and other modern crpgs) other NPCs got to work on that checklist before you.

      • 2 years ago

        There's a few who are virgins, but it tends to tie into the world/characters. Most of the people you meet or can romance are experienced adventurers or people who've been on the road and fighting for years. The youngest romanceable companion I can think of is well into their late 20s. Expecting people who are living day-to-day in a dangerous line of work to also be virgins or not having experienced lots of what life has to offer is a bit naïve, and unless it is a part of their actual lore (that one chick who believes in saving sex for after marriage if I recall) then there's not really must justification for them being inexperienced.

        I can understand having an issue with wenduag or valerie, but camellia just asks you to frick her when you find her out, I don't think there is any intentional fetish apart from the fact that she's crazy and also wants to frick the commander.
        I also don't need to have sex to know I would like too.

        It's called "this character doesn't only exist as a checklist you have to work on until you have sex". You gays would complain about fricking Viconia these days as being "cuckshit". Maybe Mass Effect is more up your alley.

        why are you obsessed with sex?

        • 2 years ago

          I'm not, I am just responding to another anon.
          The romances are such a small part of the games anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          You literally just replied to a post making fun of people being obsessed with sex by asking why he's obsessed with sex.

        • 2 years ago

          Because that is the only thing the western world seems to value

      • 2 years ago


        You know that most women in real life lose their virginities around age 14 or 16 right? You know that most women in their late twenties have had dozens, if not hundreds of different dicks inside them right? Just wanted to lyk

        • 2 years ago

          Only in the most disgusting third world countries and the filthiest western cities is that true.

        • 2 years ago

          You know that most people play fantasy games to not have to deal with real life bullshit, right?

        • 2 years ago

          Real life ain't a porno man.

          • 2 years ago

            What does any of what I said have to do with porn? I knew girls who literally had blowjob tournaments during high school parties. At the sports camp I went to the older girls would sneak into boys tents during camping trips to get dick. I'm just stating facts; a decent majority of girls lose it before they're out of high school. Not even trying to blackpill anyone, not even saying that I agree with it, but it's the truth.

          • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              >tfw 30 year old virgin
              right. I'm gonna go kill myself now. later guys

    • 2 years ago

      None of the party members are likely going to be (good) romance options.
      >SoB is likely to be celibate or at the very lest very conservatice about sex
      >Psyker is unsanctioned daemonbait
      >Eldar would either laugh at you oreave at the mere thought of sleeping with you

    • 2 years ago

      Why is this a reoccurring trend with Owlcats romances? All of them bring up their ex or find some way to inform you they aren't a virgin, like Camellia knows after a murder getting a dicking calms her down.

      I wonder how they will find a farmer to cuck you in space

      • 2 years ago

        It still amazes me the glitch that people dealt with at launch bothers people far more when it comes to "muh cuckold" and not Octavia.

    • 2 years ago

      Having a SoB companion would be fun, tbh

      • 2 years ago

        It'd be fun until she interrupts your date to tell you about that time she got gangbanged by Imperial Guardsmen

        • 2 years ago

          I just want a qt fundamentalist that gets really mad when I do something heretical like holding hands

  5. 2 years ago

    >See dead guys.
    >Sleep expecting boss battle.
    >I get railed.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sees corpes scattered around a campfire, with the game telling you their faces are scared shitless
      >Decides to take a nap right there

      • 2 years ago

        I expected a boss, and I got the CEO.

  6. 2 years ago

    because those Black folk just want to create characters and play a couple of hours with it
    the entire fame of those shit games are about the autism of character creation

  7. 2 years ago

    I'm having a blast. I hope I can finish it to improve your stats, OP 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      Also, good timing on both fronts.

  8. 2 years ago

    Those games are like 80+ hours so I'm surprised the stats are that high in the first place.

  9. 2 years ago

    I really enjoyed Kingmaker, but for whatever reason I dropped out of WotR almost immediately after getting my powers.

    • 2 years ago

      One of my main issues with Wrath is it feels like they gimped the role playing to double down on the build autism. They never should have changed how alignments are. Before you could get a lot of responses that all march a specific alignment (you might get two different options that are just *attack bandits* but one might be LG and one CE because your doing it to either rid the world of bandit scum or just to satisfy your bloodlust) but in Wrath everything has to be broken into either Good/Evil, Lawful/Chaotic and as such feels more like stereotypes (chaotic is usually just being a dick to people, evil is just edge, good is a bleeding heart and lawful has a stick up it's ass) and then further impacted by the mythics locking you to certain alignments (which makes sense for some but I think a more neutral approach for a Lich for instance could be cool, instead of "undead MUST be evil" so you have to kill everyone instead of it being ends justify the means)

      • 2 years ago

        You literally have more choice in WotR than in KM in terms of choosing your dialogue options. Also the alignments don't really feel like stereotypes, since a (Good) choice can be quite different depending on what kind of Good you're going for and the writers reflect that, for example in the Angel of Mercy or Angel of Retribution paths.

  10. 2 years ago

    Because they make games aimed at a certain type of player, people who genuinely enjoy classic CRPGs with a high difficulty, length and complexity, you fricking homosexual.

  11. 2 years ago

    No one plays their games for the story/writing, just build autism. When you reach level cap there isn't much point in keep playing.

  12. 2 years ago

    Their yes are insanely long bro

  13. 2 years ago

    >there's a Patches cameo in the story mode dungeon DLC

  14. 2 years ago

    >tfw didn't even get the Kingdom in Kingmaker
    I'm gonna pick it up again... someday.
    After Tyranny, because it's the much better game.

  15. 2 years ago

    I don't know jack shit about 40k setting. Are romances even possible in it? I thought it's just about burly men in ugly armor bolting space orks to death.

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't know jack shit about 40k setting. Are romances even possible in it?
      They are, but they're often shortlived and not very "romantic", more like practical. Dan Abnett likes to insert relationships like these into his stories and almost all of them are just treated as a normal thing that can happen, but it never interferes with the military duty or anything like that.

      • 2 years ago

        >Dan Abnett
        I will never forgive him for killing off the hot amazon warrior princess by having her fricked up by Tyranids.

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on the companions. From the splash art:
        >space wolf
        99% no for fem and 100% for male. Space wolves are the more down to earth sm chapter compared to others, but their daily rituals and the fact that they are giant super humans who may or may not have been chemically castrates, kills any romantic vibes. My guess is spess wolf will be your drinking buddy, downing gallons of fenrils ale in one sitting.
        >bolter b***h
        Depends on the order. Most are non celibate, but like sm the militant orders enforce a rather strict discipline with daily rituals. Could either be a flowery romance with constant "this is heresy, babe" bullshit.
        >eldar/exodite gf
        No fricking way. That's like asking a human chick to frick a stray dog. At best the eldar girl will mock your monkeigh ways
        Probably handholding with the constant threat of awful smells,bleeding walls and three john denver christmas specials.

        Romances can happen, but expect it to be grimderp. Nice things almost never happen in 40k and if they do, they go sideways real quick.

        • 2 years ago

          Eisenhorn and Bequin is the greatest love story ever told in 40k and they still had no chance right from the beginning so yeah, I really don't think there will be romances similar to the Pathfinder games in Rogue Trader.

          • 2 years ago

            The leak that came out shortly before the official announcement made a big deal talking about romances iirc.

            • 2 years ago

              What leak? Can't find anything on that.

        • 2 years ago

          Seeing how the SoB is part of a rogue trader crew I kinda doubt that she's "normal".

        • 2 years ago

          >No fricking way. That's like asking a human chick to frick a stray dog. At best the eldar girl will mock your monkeigh ways
          ...depends, is it a white chick?

          • 2 years ago

            Craftworld eldar are your super puritan no fun allowed quaker types that control their emotions at all times.
            Exodites are eldar amish that ride dinosaurs and call in the equivalent of desert storm if their worlds are in peril.
            Ynnari are the new kids that hang out with himans and their boss yvraine has the hots for a literal demigod human.

            Then there are the dark eldar, that are fricked up in the head. They do moronic shit like willingly graft genestealer shit onto their bodies, snort space cocaine off an etherals butthole and probably rape murder humans. The last part is less socially acceptable for dark eldar than the first two things.
            The only smart dark eldar, lelith haruspex, joined the ynnari. She usually kills space marines half naked.

            So i dont kmow anon, you tell me if love can bloom

        • 2 years ago

          I can get behind a light femdom romance with an eldar girl where she makes fun of your small human penis, steps on your monkey balls and shit. Knowing owlcat that's more likely to happen than a romance with a normal girl which isn't a bawd.

          • 2 years ago

            CW Eldar mentally and emotionally handicap themselves to not go off the deep end since their psychic abilities render them hyper-emotional.
            The fact they're including a CW Eldar st all is frankly bizarre because they tend to throw in an entirely separate identity to go into fights just to cope with all the bad shit that goes down, and breaching the 'mask' drives them insane.
            It's going to be REALLY weird to see how Owlcat tries pulling it off.

            • 2 years ago

              She's clearly a ranger. Their 'path' is essentially not doing a path while still being loyal to a craft world, it's like CWE rumspringa

    • 2 years ago

      The RPG isn't about space marines, which are akin to a religious orders, so regular characters can have romances.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Several factions don't really allow have leeway for it but regular humans can still do it.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think space marines frick but other people do. Also your a rogue trader, so your usually some rich kid who since your on the fringes of imperial space get to hang out with xenos and frick em without some inquisitor arresting you unless you end up become a chaosgay. They'll sperg out but they can't really do much.

      • 2 years ago

        >get to hang out with xenos and frick em
        You wish, mon'keigh.

        • 2 years ago

          You WILL take this human wiener and you WILL like it and you WILL meet my mom.

  16. 2 years ago

    >insert fanfic rules and abilities on to monsters and encounters that wouldn't have them in an actual campaign at loads of levels
    >wonder why people find your games tedious and unfun even on normal difficulty
    >drones defend it buy telling people that don't like it to play on story mode
    Shit game, shit developers, people still blatantly ignore bugs in kingmaker and wrotr. It's pretty sad

    • 2 years ago


      Because they make games aimed at a certain type of player, people who genuinely enjoy classic CRPGs with a high difficulty, length and complexity, you fricking homosexual.

      These games are literally not made for you on a fundamental level.

  17. 2 years ago

    Blah blah blah blah

  18. 2 years ago

    No playable chaos or necrons, no buy.

    • 2 years ago

      They already said in an interview that there's going to be a chaos route.

      • 2 years ago

        And the US is "going to" have a civil war, the key words being GOING TO.
        NO PLAYABLE CHAOS OR NECRONS, NO BUY! stupid shill c**t.

        • 2 years ago

          >still falls for marketing lies despite owlcats nefarious track record of dishonesty and shoddy workmanship
          >still trusts big business that has, currently does and is GOING TO continously frick you over at any chance
          Shiggydiggy shill troon.

          Are you okay, anon?

        • 2 years ago

          Literally the lowest IQ post on Ganker right now.

    • 2 years ago

      They made it pretty clear chaos was going to be a option in the trailer, and then outright confirmed it later.

      • 2 years ago

        >still falls for marketing lies despite owlcats nefarious track record of dishonesty and shoddy workmanship
        >still trusts big business that has, currently does and is GOING TO continously frick you over at any chance
        Shiggydiggy shill troon.

        • 2 years ago

          Could you finally get a tripcode so I can filter you from any and all CRPG threads?

        • 2 years ago

          I didn't say it would be good, I just told you that they claim it'll have a chaos route. Calm down schizo.

      • 2 years ago

        All things considered, a rogue trader falling to chaos is ass.
        If you get too involved with other xenos, you get a scolding by the ordo xenos and a team of desth watch space marines gets rid of your alien friends on the ship.
        If you cheat the administratum, the ordo haereticus will kick your door down, have his sisters of battle entourage kick you in the balls and the collect the fine owed to the adminustratum.
        If you, emperor may have mercy, fall to chaos and even worse, get demons, the ordo malleus shows up and cleans house. That means a grey knight strike force going to town.
        So remember kids, cheating the tax man or boning aliens may be bad, but not ad bad as chaos.

        • 2 years ago

          OG Rogue traders with full letters of Marque signed by the Emperor himself can go into open war with the Inquisition with no repercussions other than assassinations and shit which is nothing new for them. If the inquisition doesn't like a powerful enough trader they have to do stuff like groom a successor who fits their needs and then back him in the eventual crisis that occurs. Even if one of the OG's falls to chaos it'll just mean going to war with them clearing the rot and then John Jackass the XXXXXVXIth will show up with his fleet of trade ships showing how he's got the best claim to the title because of all the gunds he has and taking over.

          • 2 years ago

            Keep in mind this only counts in systems outside of the Imperiums control and the Inquisition still has the last say to decide if someone is acting against the Imperiums interests or not. Rogue Traders have a lot of authority but they're absolutely not untouchable.

          • 2 years ago

            Correct, that is more going into the age old question of "how much power does an inquisitor really have?" Rogue traders are powerful but the inquisition is not powerless. I was rather illustrating with how much dumbassery you could get away before shit goes down.

  19. 2 years ago

    Part of the problem is difficulty settings. They want you to get invested in a character when you have no clue if you're playing on the correct setting, they're all either half assed sleeping through the game mode or spreadsheet autism. Beyond that, NONE of these games teach the player their systems and frontload important decisions on you that you basically make blind unless you have a players handbook on you.

  20. 2 years ago

    >why don't normies beat 80 hour long CRPGs
    Gee anon it's a giant mystery

  21. 2 years ago

    I have gathered a homosexual and added him to my party.

    • 2 years ago

      He's unironically based as frick and can only be romanced by female characters. He was my favorite character next to Jubilost and Nok-Nok.

    • 2 years ago

      Ironically he's actually the straight option.

    • 2 years ago

      He's a cute femboy, too bad my character is evil

  22. 2 years ago

    where are you getting your numbers from?
    i've beat both
    on b***h difficulties
    i think the biggest problem is too many options.
    you get stuck wanting to do twenty things and can only do one.

  23. 2 years ago

    The sidestory dlc in kingmaker (where you was the second in command of the other baron) was pretty enjoyable and had a nice length. Wish they did more dlc like that.

    • 2 years ago

      Through the ashes for Wrath is meant to be that and it's getting a follow up.

  24. 2 years ago

    Just imagine the sex

    • 2 years ago

      It's sad how many people got filtered by the "badass female barbarian" stereotype so they missed out on the twist later in her storyline. One of the best characters from both games.

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Owlcat don't let you romance her
      >Fans ask why
      >"Oh well Paizo wouldn't let us!"
      >Fans ask Paizo
      >"Huh? We don't care, we let them do whatever they want."
      Fricking OwlBlack folk denying my a barbarian gf.

      • 2 years ago

        The real answer is that Amiri's bodycount isn't nearly high enough for her to be an Owlcat romance.

  25. 2 years ago

    The Pathfinder games do something with the companions that many other RPGs have forgotten how to do: they have an actual character arc and don't reveal their entire personality in the first few hours. They're very similar to some of the most beloved Baldur's Gate characters in this, like the dumb but brave Minsc who turns out to be a lot wiser and kindhearted than he initially let on, or Viconia who hides her vulnerability behind emotional manipulation.

  26. 2 years ago

    >pick up kingmaker
    >go for the strength based fighter classic
    >go the the spider cave
    >spiders rape me and the barbarian's strength stat
    >"haha it only +1 back per rest haha!"
    >potion seller at the trading post sells restoration potions but I don't have enough gold to cover all the stat loss
    >progress through the game a little more, recruit the female tank, clear the fog, kill the boar, get some magic items for the party
    >start to think maybe things aren't so bad
    >party is fatigued after clearying sycamor map
    >have a fricking nightmare
    >not only am I still fatigued but I also now have the exhausted debuff
    >strength basically doesn't exist

    This filtered me. I know I can just rest again, but I don't care. Why give the first chapter a time limit if you're also going to arbitrarily waste the player's time?

  27. 2 years ago

    The final area of Kingmaker was a slog. I even turned on story mode with a good build through core.

    "Core" in wotr was much more brutal in the mid game, but they did a bunch of balancing since the game came out. People still argue about Aeon's usefulness, but if skyrocketed in being useful period with recent dc changes and other things.

  28. 2 years ago

    D&D 3.5 was built for munchkins
    Not surprising a game that straight-up *yoinks* D&D 3.5 ruleset and tweaked it enough to become the legally distinct Pathfinder rule system continued the trend of being a system for munchkins and powergaming, and only OP meta-builds can fully complete a campaign whereas subpar role-playum builds would end up too crippled by subpar advancement to clear.

    • 2 years ago

      t. Neoseeker monk/alchemist dip homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      I cleared both games on Unfair without minmaxing and with several classes. I didn't even dual-class. Unironically git gud.

      • 2 years ago

        >people complain about encounter stats in a mythic-level game
        >don't bother buffing or debuffing with a cleric
        >don't bother buffing or debuffing with a wizard
        >don't even hex with a witch or shaman
        >and finally don't think about why "use magic device" exists and why there are a frickton of scrolls and the ability to scribe your own scrolls
        Do these people even like RPGs?

        • 2 years ago

          >Do these people even like RPGs?
          No they don't, they like B-tier trash like Mass Effect or Dragon Age.

        • 2 years ago

          metamagic rods are basically a cheat code

  29. 2 years ago

    I wanna lawful evil monk/devil. Do I have to go lawtist again?

  30. 2 years ago

    you act as if niche games like CRPGs having low clear percentages is something exclusive to Owlcat.

  31. 2 years ago

    >load up character creation
    >pick a magic user
    >you need to pick a feat with a bow icon because you're supposed to know it effects spells
    No, I don't think I will be playing this

    • 2 years ago

      >I am illiterate and/or too lazy to look something up for 5 seconds in a 200 hour long CRPG
      Another moron filtered out, good.

      • 2 years ago

        >feat's own discription doesn't mention anything about spells
        >feat even specifies "weapon"
        Or the classic:
        >game wants you to pick a magic school focus
        >can't see what spells you'll get to use or what school they will be part of

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, you have to doublecheck some information, almost like a real PnP.

          • 2 years ago

            In a real PnP you double-check from the fricking rulebook you have in your hand, which lists every single facet of the game. Owlcat are either too fricking incompetent to give the player basic information, or think somehow knowing I'll be able to cast X spell at level 5 will ruin my immersion, so they hide it.

            • 2 years ago

              You mean like the Pathfinder 1e rulebook which is available online completely for free and that Owlcat uses as a literal direct transcript source for their tooltips, even including rare spelling errors?

              • 2 years ago

                >you just have to google the answers bro
                >even though it's a direct transcript bro
                So what, either owlcat are dogshit at copying down information into their game OR the pathfinder 1e rulebook doesn't give the player basic info? No matter how you try and flip this, requiring your players to google basic information is horseshit design. The games have as much clarity as a turd.

              • 2 years ago


                The game is for people who *want* to do research and theorycraft extensively. It's not supposed to cater to newcomers. I really don't mean that in a hostile way, but there are plenty of other games out there for you to enjoy, this one is for us CRPG autists.

                Also yes, it's directly from the rulebook, check it for yourself here: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2017/01/PFRPG_SRD.pdf

        • 2 years ago

          That's fair about the feat description, it does specify "weapon" which is misleading to new people. However, unless you want to fire rays at people instead of the vast amount of other shit wizards can do it really isn't as important as you say.

        • 2 years ago

          I agree the text could be updated, but there is a green hadn with a thumbs up on the feat to literally tell you it's worth taking it for your class.

    • 2 years ago

      >feat's own discription doesn't mention anything about spells
      >feat even specifies "weapon"
      Or the classic:
      >game wants you to pick a magic school focus
      >can't see what spells you'll get to use or what school they will be part of

      In a real PnP you double-check from the fricking rulebook you have in your hand, which lists every single facet of the game. Owlcat are either too fricking incompetent to give the player basic information, or think somehow knowing I'll be able to cast X spell at level 5 will ruin my immersion, so they hide it.

      The game is for people who *want* to do research and theorycraft extensively. It's not supposed to cater to newcomers. I really don't mean that in a hostile way, but there are plenty of other games out there for you to enjoy, this one is for us CRPG autists.

      • 2 years ago

        The game wouldn't have 7 separate difficulty settings, all of which being completely customizable, if it's not supposed to cater to newcomers. Why have a story mode specifically designed for people unfamiliar with the game if you're then going to absolutely nothing to teach them?

        • 2 years ago

          They had to throw journalists a bone after all. Making enemies so piss easy that you can ignore most spells or feats is also a way to reduce complexity, so instead of "teaching you better" they simply sidestep the problem. If that's good or bad is up to newcomers I guess, but again Owlcat makes it very clear time and again that they make games for hardcore players, not casuals, even if they implement options to make it more accessible (because it's potentially free money for extremely little effort).

          • 2 years ago

            your game not working and needing to research what is and isn't functionally implemented isn't for "hardcore players"
            either is straight up incorrect tooltips, or needlessly hiding information that would otherwise be provided to you

            • 2 years ago

              Alright buddy then go play something else and frick off. The game is shit and doesn't work and yadda yadda, back to Dragon Age with you.

          • 2 years ago

            It felt like Owlcat really tried even without journalist-mode difficulty. Hell they even give you an Illusion-specialist Wizard in a game where they throw a ton of DC-increasing items and feats at you while making big bosses vulnerable to Phantasmal Killer and Weird.

            • 2 years ago

              A casual player will probably not even make the connection between DC stacking and spells like that.

        • 2 years ago

          I've never felt like games with enormous amounts of customizable difficulty options actually made the game more approachable to me. I feel like I have normal tastes in difficulty, I like being moderately challenged, not breezing through the game or beating my head against a wall, and all these extra difficulty options do is make it harder to figure out which one would work for me because all I know is that I don't want to pick the easiest or hardest. Just give me either one difficulty or the standard Easy-Medium-Hard.

          • 2 years ago

            Normal, and if you find it too difficult there is are sliders to reduce manually the damage and stats of enemies, or increase them of course.

  32. 2 years ago

    owlshit and CRPG are enough to make me not wnna play it, even if is 40k

  33. 2 years ago
  34. 2 years ago

    Imagine being such a fricking autist that you go on a crusade for YEARS against a game company because their characters had sex before meeting the PC.

  35. 2 years ago

    Huh? I thought slavery didn't exist in Pathfinder

    • 2 years ago

      Owlcat came out with that after Wrath of the Righteous came out.
      Not sure how much it would affect Owlcats games anyway as they're both in 1E Pathfinder, while Paizo is on Pathfinder 2E.
      Also Paizo also decided that Phylacteries are now just called Soul cages.

      • 2 years ago

        Odd thing to retcon (?)

        • 2 years ago

          It's stupid as well since one of the more interesting nations in the setting is a evil devil worshipping slave using nation.
          Although I've seen conflicting stuff with someone saying it's not retconned and they just aren't going to focus on it (because apparently too many bad guys were just bad because "he use le hecking slavery and such), and some saying it is completely retconned.

      • 2 years ago

        What's wrong with phylactery?

        • 2 years ago

          Phylacteries are a israeli thing.
          It could have just been a non issue if Owlcat didn't make it so Pharasma is the super duper special god so because she's all about death that means ALL undead MUST be evil.

  36. 2 years ago

    Will I be able to do business with xenos/chaos cults? Want to deal in only the finest black market shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Rogue Traders literally get a certificate saying they can. It's part of their job to do so.
      >Chaos cults
      Keep quiet about it and don't allow over half the party to know and sure, assuming the Inquisitor doesn't find out.

  37. 2 years ago

    Are kingmaker and WotR really that anti-casual, or is all the complaining coming from people trying to play the game on the highest difficulties?

    • 2 years ago

      You can adjust almost every single parameter individually in terms of difficulty, but when you play it on easy mode then you will miss out on what many people consider the actual core of the whole experience. These games are intentionally a "slow burn".

    • 2 years ago

      The first 6 or 7 levels of Unfair is really stupidly unbalanced, but after that your feats come online and you start getting the right stat increases and control spells so it really isn't so bad. If someone's playing on just normal or core difficulty I can't imagine what there even is to complain about.

      • 2 years ago

        Never forget that Kingmaker basically got reviewbombed because people were unable to get past the swarms at the beginning, no matter the difficulty. Compared to most CRPGs of the past 15 years or so this is a hardcore experience for people who aren't into CRPGs. Something like Pillars of Eternity is a joke even on the highest difficulty compared to the Pathfinder games.

  38. 2 years ago

    The reason why is because these games copy too much from tabletop

    In a typical tabletop session you don't have to worry about having a "bad build" or "needing to powergame". You have a DM, they are going to modify the adventure based off of all of the players on the table. If you have a player who wants to play a character who is bad at fighting, but good at negotiating, then they can have a session zero with the DM and the other players and they can have a collective agreement that this character is okay. The DM can modify the adventure so this character has more moments to shine, even in a campaign that may normally be combat focused, while also having moments where they take a backseat and more combat focused characters prevail.

    You can't do that with a video game, in a video game all of the content is already generated. So there are only a set number of ways, a set number of builds and characters that can "win" the game. You can even get softlocked if you have the wrong build

    The solution is to stop trying to make a 1:1 representation of tabletop, because that isn't feasible. Take elements from tabletop that are meaningful, dispose of those that can't be mimicked in a game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Take elements from tabletop that are meaningful, dispose of those that can't be mimicked in a game.
      So exactly what Owlcat has been doing and what fans like about the games?

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know about rogue trade but only a complete moron would play a pathfinder or DnD game and not focus on combat. 95% of the rulebook is directly or indirectly about combat.

    • 2 years ago

      Have you tried playing something else than DnD?

  39. 2 years ago

    Once you know the game mechanics enough, any build is viable in normal as long as you're not purposefully fricking up your party members too.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean unless you're ramping up the difficulty you can take a cleric for buffs and then a bunch of melee and just slap outflank and seize the moment on everything and win. If someone's trying to play on Unfair or the one just below it without having an in-depth knowledge of char-op then I have to question their sanity.

  40. 2 years ago

    I want to play these games but anytime I get halfway through the feat tax and number bloat always makes me throw on the backburner

  41. 2 years ago

    I would be fine with those games if it didn't have management bullshit

  42. 2 years ago

    What's the coolest class to play Wrath? Was a Rogue in Kingmaker

    • 2 years ago

      Make a Sanctified Slayer You dumpster out like 600 damage a round as a shield basher.

      • 2 years ago

        >Giving up Judgements

        • 2 years ago

          I'll take studied target and combat style feats over judgements any day.

  43. 2 years ago

    >decide I want to be a aeon at launch
    >Feel like a Judge with a spear would be fitting and kino
    >Sentences, one of the things I gain from giving up other benefits don't work
    >Lose interest and stop playing
    How buggy is Wrath now?

  44. 2 years ago

    Idk it just get tedious. You walk somewhere, oopsie doopsie here's a fight. Oh you didn't pre buff? Guess you lose. Reload, prebuff and don't even take damage this time.
    Deadfire sucks in many departments but at least they have the best crpg combat (not a high bar but still)

    • 2 years ago

      >not walking around buffed 24/7

  45. 2 years ago

    where in the fug is the g'noblin treasure

    • 2 years ago

      That dungeon is fricking tedious

      • 2 years ago

        turns out I already frickin' had it too

  46. 2 years ago

    CAn i play ork?

  47. 2 years ago

    they're bad at delivering a functional, finished product, and in an industry where the largest volume of sales is at launch, that's going to really hurt the number of players that finish the game

  48. 2 years ago

    owlcat developers are very sane people

  49. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Leave the cave and feel stupid for posting this

      • 2 years ago

        HELLO BOZO

  50. 2 years ago

    Does WotR get good at some point? I have just been placed in charge of the crusade and I'm considering quitting.

    It has been such a let down this far. Kingmaker was much better and engaging

    • 2 years ago

      WotR is a much more focused experience in the beginning but it opens up the same way as Kingmaker once you reach Act 3.

    • 2 years ago

      WotR is like a reverse Kingmaker, with the beginning having the shittiest companions and encounters and becoming much better later on, while Kingmaker is absolutely amazing in the first half but becomes a slog towards the end.

  51. 2 years ago

    People drop these games because they're bad, not because you have to supposedly "powergame" them, especially when difficulty settings exists and the games are already extremely easy outside of the hardest difficulty.
    Only 8% of players beat Kingmaker because it was a bugfest for the longest time, that soured the reception immensely as the game was literally more gamebreaking bugs than game, and after over a year there's still plenty of annoying bugs.
    Only 8% bothered to get to the end because there's only so many trash mobs hordes you're willing to suffer through, most people drop it at around chapter 4 because by that point you're probably extremely tired of dealing with generic undead hord #341342 or generic spider stage #245489, in maps that are more often than not also copypasted.
    This is without mentioning the godawful kingdom management minigame, which outside of being bugged to hell like the rest of the game was also pseudomandatory unless you turn to lose condition off, which doesn't sit right with a lot of people, partly because even at its best it's still fricking garbage.
    People drop these games because they're overall extremely poor quality and much, much longer than they need to be considering the actual content variety in them, or lack thereof, anyone can google generic Arcane Caster build#4 or Earth Kineticist autowin builds, but guess what, the game isn't endearing or interesting enough to even bother with that for most people.

    • 2 years ago

      Calm down homosexual, go play some Mass Effect Andromeda or whatever.

      • 2 years ago

        >Go play a third person shooter

        >People drop these games because they're overall extremely poor quality
        t. played maybe two or three CRPGs in his entire lifetime

        I played a lot more CRPGs than you do, Owlkiddy

        • 2 years ago

          Seeing how you think that the Pathfinder games are "extremely low quality" you'd have to avoid the majority of CRPGs out there, especially older ones.

          • 2 years ago

            With some 30 years of hindsight I have now?
            Yes, I completely agree, most of what people consider CRPGs is low quality trash with a couple of otherwise great outliers,
            This ultimately doesn't change the fact that Owlcat is the Troika of the current generation, so again, very low quality for the subgenre's average and notorious for their disastrous launches, poor coding and overall awful ideas, and I'm fairly sure that in 20 years or so they'll get the same exact lip service from people who never actually played the games too.

            • 2 years ago

              >I have nothing but disdain for this genre and its fans, please consider me an expert
              Very cool, now please leave, I'm sure you have some FF thread to shit up.

              • 2 years ago

                No, and I don't even care about those people, maybe you should join them since you care so much about them.

                Post top 3 rpgs

                Having any sort of top whatever is for plebs, but you wanna ask what's a good example of an RPG?
                Nethack is a good RPG, Ultima 5 was, for the most part, a good RPG, Caves of Qud is another good modern RPG, so is something like UnReal World.

              • 2 years ago

                I love the old DOS Wizardry games and I can still see a lot of value in more modern CRPGs, you sound like a pretentious fart trying to impress the "youngsters" by naming games that are (rightfully) considered classics but also very different and in some aspects outdated from something like the Pathfinder games.

              • 2 years ago

                Not really, because otherwise I'd be doing lip service for bioware trash like Baldur's Gate and the likes.
                Nobody cares about Nethack nowadays, I could write a fricking essay about how terrible Ultima 7 is, despite that I still think Ultima 5 was an excellent game for its time despite some glaring flaws that most people won't talk about because again, these games get nothing but lip service 90% of the times, I don't care about impressive anyone in this shithole.
                But if you want me to play the devil's advocate, sure, janky and shitty as the PF games can be they still won't ever hold a candle to true, undiluted garbage like Arcanum or NWN2, I have no issues in admitting that, I also much prefer PF games to Larian's garbage, at least PF games have some decent gameplay and quest design once in a while.
                Does that make them more than what they actually are? No, they're still largely mediocre and that is reflected in the fact that the vafst majority of the customers didn't even go further than chapter 3.

                >Nethack is a good RPG, Ultima 5 was, for the most part, a good RPG, Caves of Qud is another good modern RPG, so is something like UnReal World.
                You either have genuine autism or you're a pretentious midwit who thinks that listing hardcore RPGs that sacrifice EVERYTHING ELSE in favor of mechanics can be compared to something like Kingmaker.

                And you're a genuine midwit if you think those games sacrifice anything but graphics compared to something like Kingmaker, which still has terrible warcraft tier art direction in the first place.

              • 2 years ago

                >I hold nothing but distain for this genre, its fans, this thread, this board and literally any game except the ones I personally favor for reasons that are almost entirely disconnected from the other games in question, making it obviously a matter of preference instead of quality, so listen to my opinion on this or else!

              • 2 years ago

                Lots of assumptions you're making there, too bad they're wrong

              • 2 years ago

                If everything is shit, including games that are regarded as classics by both critics and players alike, then it cannot be "mediocre" or "average", you pretentious homosexual. That's not what these words mean.

              • 2 years ago

                Why are you even in this thread dude? You are obviously not even the target audience for this, you might as well go into a Valorant thread and start talking about Wolfenstein 3D or something since they're both shooters.

              • 2 years ago

                >shitting on BG and Arcanum while praising DOS spreadsheet simulators

              • 2 years ago

                Pseud homosexual. Nobody who actively plays something like Ultima 5 in favor of other games would post on Ganker nowadays.

              • 2 years ago

                >Nethack is a good RPG, Ultima 5 was, for the most part, a good RPG, Caves of Qud is another good modern RPG, so is something like UnReal World.
                You either have genuine autism or you're a pretentious midwit who thinks that listing hardcore RPGs that sacrifice EVERYTHING ELSE in favor of mechanics can be compared to something like Kingmaker.

            • 2 years ago

              Post top 3 rpgs

    • 2 years ago

      >People drop these games because they're overall extremely poor quality
      t. played maybe two or three CRPGs in his entire lifetime

      • 2 years ago

        even people who like these games won't hesitate to admit that they're horrifically broken at launch

        • 2 years ago

          Of course I am aware of that, I played both of them at launch after all, but I also recognize a moronic hater when I see one. Do I like the games still being buggy? Of course not, but as a RPG veteran I'm kind of used to it by now, as sad as that may sound, and I'm able to look past it to see how much the game has to offer.

          • 2 years ago

            they really don't have much to offer beyond build autism, and a power fantasy in WotR. The stories are shit, the companions aren't much better, and frankly Pathfinder sucks as a system if you want to do anything besides build autism

            • 2 years ago

              >they really don't have much to offer beyond build autism, and a power fantasy in WotR.
              So they do offer something.
              >The stories are shit
              I disagree.
              >the companions aren't much better
              I disagree even more, the only companions that suck ass are Octavia, Regongar, Seelah and Sosiel. Everyone else is either a solid archetype or genuinely great.
              >and frankly Pathfinder sucks as a system if you want to do anything besides build autism
              Which these games excel at, again this is not a negative but a positive for many people.

              • 2 years ago

                You take that back. He's by far the best "righteous" character and should have been the paladin instead of Seelah.

              • 2 years ago

                "Muh" sibling was and never will be an interesting character story.

              • 2 years ago

                Sosiel is a fricking butthole under the facade, he's the "nice guy" that's not actually nice at all.

              • 2 years ago

                >Sosiel's personality trait is getting irrationally violent whenever something doesn't go his way
                Uh, Owlcatbros...?

              • 2 years ago

                I agree that the games excel at build autism, but as previously stated, that's about all they do.

  52. 2 years ago

    >why over 80% of players wouldn't put up with it
    nauseating wokeshit
    annoying dialog
    janky, broken and boring HoMM ripoff side game that takes up at least a third of your time

    those are my reasons. except for the last couple of hours which got really repetitive, playing Kingmaker was bliss

  53. 2 years ago

    Remember what they took away from you!

  54. 2 years ago

    That's actually higher than expected. I loved both but I haven't finished either. Played them both for 100 hours and took a break to play something else but they're very hard to get back into once it's been a while.

  55. 2 years ago

    I haven't even gotten past act 3 in either game because I keep restarting to either optimize my build, or most recently because I didn't get high enough affection with Nyrissa to Romance her.

  56. 2 years ago

    The kingdom management system is fricking bad.

  57. 2 years ago

    no cap swangin that chainsaw like FUU

  58. 2 years ago

    they better allow me go full slaneesh and turn my party into an un willing frickest as one of the endings
    i trust the fetishists in owlcat to do it

  59. 2 years ago

    People completing a game isn't a measure of the game's success. It's not a useful metric in any way. It doesn't tell us anything about the people who buy it, since it only tells us about this one game. It doesn't tell us anything about the game itself, since it only requires a person get the achievement for completing the game. And yet, they bought it. Some enjoyed it, some did not. Some fell out of playing it because something new came out, or life happened. Or it ended.

    I really wish people would stop reading into statistics that ultimately mean nothing, but that's what you're trying to do. Have a nothing conversation that ultimately will go nowhere and mean nothing. You will not get these moments back, and you will die. Oh well.

    • 2 years ago

      Because it's bait, nobody using this is interested in a genuine discussion. That goes for all boards and all topics.

  60. 2 years ago

    I prefer playing troony, despite the fact that i fricking hate troony. Better system and less buggy than the Owlcat games. And that's funny, since Obsidian is usually the kings of jank ass CRPGs and buggy games.

    • 2 years ago

      Well yeah, if your system is as shallow as that then were won't be as many bugs, obviously.

  61. 2 years ago

    For autistic people
    For woke dipshits

    Very small demographic

  62. 2 years ago

    Completed Kingmaker but took a break from WotR at the climax of Act 1, I think. The story just didn't grab my attention like Kingmaker. I prefer the characters found in 1 also.
    The thought of having to do more town management also has me hesitant to go back in.
    Will give it a few more months.

    • 2 years ago

      WotR becomes great once you reach Act 3 in terms of story. It also opens up way more at this point. Management is way less time consuming than in Kingmaker too.

  63. 2 years ago

    The Kingdom management in Kingmaker was literally the worst part of the game and why i stopped playing

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