Based FromSoftware

59 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Any games where you can jump?

23 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

*cucks you*

60 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

ITT: Casual filters.

73 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>tfw 25yr old boomer

55 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>Remakes are bad because they cha-

62 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

>Meleefags will defend this

69 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Who has the worst taste?

24 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Do you think this is funny?

20 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Why is Scorn Guy such a sad boy?

25 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

I'm still mad.

69 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Imagine being raped by Merula

76 posts · Misc · 3 years ago


61 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Why did the SRPG genre die?

23 posts · Misc · 3 years ago

Doom peaked at Brutal Doom

57 posts · Misc · 3 years ago