>Penny is trans. >Iono is trans. >Rika is trans. >Eri is trans. >Grusha is trans

>Penny is trans
>Iono is trans
>Rika is trans
>Eri is trans
>Grusha is trans

Why are like half the characters in Scarlet & Violet trannies? And I'm not even counting the new ones they're adding in the DLC, or the random NPCs/trainers that look clearly trans/androgynous.

How much did GameFreak get paid by their ESG masters to force like 10 billion troony characters into the new games?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Incoming Reddit troony defenders.

  2. 10 months ago

    Learn what trans means

    • 10 months ago

      This isn't just something I've made up. Google all of those characters I listed and you'll find endless discussion by troons who are claiming them as "obviously trans" or "trans-coded". If trannies themselves think the characters are trans then how can they not be?

      • 10 months ago

        This isn’t unique to Pokémon. These people do this for every franchise. I’ve seen them argue that Columbo is trans, that Jesse from Breaking Bad is trans, Bart Simpson, list goes on, you should let them live in your head rent free like this.

      • 10 months ago

        >if mentally ill twitter users say it, it must be true!
        Do you really believe this?

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago

          >2019 was 3 years ago
          It's over

      • 10 months ago

        And here you are, doing that. You people insist characters are trans just as much if not more than the troons do. Go outside.

      • 10 months ago

        >If trannies themselves think the characters are trans then how can they not be?
        If they think you are trans, do you suddenly become trans?

  3. 10 months ago

    is trans
    >>Iono is trans
    >>Rika is trans
    >>Eri is trans
    is trans
    Citation needed.

  4. 10 months ago

    Grusha is not trans, he is a beautiful twink who is regularly pegged and facesat by Katy.

  5. 10 months ago

    is trans
    >>Iono is trans
    >>Rika is trans
    >>Eri is trans
    is trans
    none of this is true

    • 10 months ago

      If it's not true then why can't I type any of these characters names into google without "trans" coming up as an automatic suggestion?

      >inb4 "its based on your google history"
      I don't have a google account, but just to be sure I also tested it in incognito mode. Same results.

      Like it's a bit weird how there's millions of tards on the internet inventing headcanons for why all these characters are supposedly trans, but the minute anybody opposed to it brings this up, you just say "omg take your meds" as if we simply invented this.


      • 10 months ago

        obsessively googling trans cartoon characters is peak egg behavior

        • 10 months ago

          So now you admit the characters are trans despite just 5 minutes ago insisting otherwise? Do you have dementia?

        • 10 months ago

          Whoever took the word egg and made it a troony term needs to kill xemselves

          • 10 months ago

            everybody that uses that word that way needs to kill themselves

          • 10 months ago

            What other type of person do you want to use egg for?

      • 10 months ago

        Because redditors look for homosexuals and trans people everywhere even if that wasn't the intention of the author.
        They'd probably call Ash trans because he pretended to be a girl one episode.

      • 10 months ago

        Being trans is literally trendy for teens. Most Pokémon fans are kids and teens. They just think being trans is cool and hip.
        >Like it's a bit weird how there's millions of tards on the internet inventing headcanons for why all these characters are supposedly trans, but the minute anybody opposed to it brings this up, you just say "omg take your meds" as if we simply invented this.
        What does that even mean? Are you schizophrenic?

        • 10 months ago

          >Being trans is literally trendy for teens. Most Pokémon fans are kids and teens. They just think being trans is cool and hip.
          This "trend" has been going on for 10+ years now. Is it really just a "trend" or is it just the new normal? I don't see any sign of this shit dying down.

          >What does that even mean? Are you schizophrenic?
          I'm saying that when trannies themselves spam their headcanons about "X character is trans" everywhere, you people are silent. But as soon as somebody points out what they're doing and is critical of it, you act like we've just made it up.

      • 10 months ago

        homie did you even READ the fricking posts you linked there? 99% of people in the comments said "Nah she's not trans, there is not a single proof, you're reading too much into this". You really see ONE schizo scream OMG SHE IS TRANS JUST LIKE ME FR FR and suddenly think, I quote, MILLIONS of people think like this? Just how fricking stupid are you? Shut the frick up, oh my fricking god. All you do is spread their mentally ill headcanons. Fricking stop.

    • 10 months ago

      they might as well be considering how shit theyare

  6. 10 months ago

    Reminder that nobody cares and everyone is suck of hearing about it. Even among Republicans, people don't give a frick about this culture war. Over half of Republicans don't even give a shit about this, noone cares, you're just psycboticlaly obsessed. You are not "fighting the good fight", you are not a "silent majority", you are an obsessed little reactionary that's terminally online, and everyone is sick of your shit. Even other people who are also terminally online here ITT are calling you out. Give it a fricking rest already.

    • 10 months ago

      They do care, but they have no way to fight back. You literally get your bank accounts cancelled if you talk, lose your job, and have your life ruined by people who have complete power over you and everything. The fact that a blatantly biased survey isn't more skewed is telling in itself.

      No one actually thinks trannies are women

      • 10 months ago

        That's not even remotely what I said or what the image is talking about, you fricking moron. This graph is about republican politicians talking about wokeness. What, you think over half of all Republicans are telling DeSantis and MTG to shut the frick up out of fear, to protect them? "Oh DeSantis please stop talking about wokeness, if you do they'll cancel your bank acount!" Fricking obviously not, dumbass.
        >No one actually thinks trannies are women
        Pic related. Go the frick outside, and learn that you people are in a harsh minority, even within your own party. No one else gives a frick about this stuff, you're just mentally ill and obsessed.

    • 10 months ago

      That's not even remotely what I said or what the image is talking about, you fricking moron. This graph is about republican politicians talking about wokeness. What, you think over half of all Republicans are telling DeSantis and MTG to shut the frick up out of fear, to protect them? "Oh DeSantis please stop talking about wokeness, if you do they'll cancel your bank acount!" Fricking obviously not, dumbass.
      >No one actually thinks trannies are women
      Pic related. Go the frick outside, and learn that you people are in a harsh minority, even within your own party. No one else gives a frick about this stuff, you're just mentally ill and obsessed.

      Why do you only complain about the culture war when it's "anti-woke" people talking about it, but you don't say a word about the millions of morons screeching about "trans rights" at every single opportunity?

      • 10 months ago

        >why would someone only care about the thing that actually happens every day on this board
        You're so smart.

      • 10 months ago

        >why do you call me out for things that I do? Why not call out people who aren't here for things that also aren't happening here?
        Is this a serious question? Or are you just grasping at any straw you can think of.

        • 10 months ago

          Do you think Ganker is the entire world or something? Most social spaces in the real world are overtly leftist/progressive. You're much more likely to run into an SJW-type person in real life than you are a "chud".

          • 10 months ago

            Do you just not understand the conversation? Or are you only pretending to be moronic.

  7. 10 months ago


  8. 10 months ago

    how can iono be trans with that vig pair of breasts?

  9. 10 months ago

    Literally none of these characters are trans. GF even had to make a public statement so confirm that Iono was not fricking trans.
    Why the frick are you parroting headcanons of the deranged? Stop giving them the attention they crave so badly. You are literally spreading their mentally ill propaganda with this very thread.

  10. 10 months ago

    Why you homies are so scare of characters that are from a japenese game there for they allut to some desings aspects for frick sake.

    Iono=internet idol
    Penny=the quiet girl
    Rika=literally the definiton of tomboy, why to you homies think she is a fun favorite of japanese girls ??????????
    Eri=big imposing girl that is actually really gentle
    Grusha=the cute boy

    Every fricking exemple i gave are media tropes ! In fact you can pick up a bunch of characters from other media that followed the same quirks !!!!!

    • 10 months ago

      They not trannie or someshit, in fact you guys forget theres a character on this franchise that literally was this so called "troony" and i never saw one homie here say one world about her !!!!


      • 10 months ago

        Anabel is not trans and being a model doesn't make you one either. Stop being a homosexual.

        • 10 months ago

          Thank god you get why iono is girl.

          • 10 months ago

            I don't know what this weeb shit is and it's not relevant to my post at all.

      • 10 months ago

        Tell me, tell me one character on japanese media that also is like that !!!!!!
        You guys probably will have 3 or more exemples, is a trope a desing quirk thats why people like the characters of this franchise !

        • 10 months ago

          I’m sorry but trannies don’t say more than three sentences irl. Young, weak characters that are prostitutes of the entertainment industry. Stay there unless you’re washing the makeup off your face.

      • 10 months ago

        >in fact you guys forget theres a character on this franchise that literally was this so called "troony"
        Yeah, that one Beauty in XY.

  11. 10 months ago

    Are these trannies in the room with us?

  12. 10 months ago

    You know Rika is just a reverse trap, right?

  13. 10 months ago

    Does it ever cross your minds that the game developers themselves might have progressive thoughts and intentionally create characters that can be read LGBTQIA+? There might even be LGBTQIA+ developers working there right now.
    Maybe Japan is not the kind of chud utopia you imagined and the people are just normal people like anywhere else, huh?

  14. 10 months ago

    >character X is [HEADCANON]

  15. 10 months ago

    Someone post that comic about a MIGAchud painting trannie and getting triggered by it

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