Pentiment Documentary is up

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    Nobody's paying your gay-ass sidescroller, Joshua ben Söyer.

    • 3 months ago

      How is it gay? I thought chuds wanted more historical games?

      • 3 months ago

        >literal gay shit in the game
        >lgbbq propaganda at every turn
        >how is it gay?

        • 3 months ago

          This might surprise but gay people have existed through history.

          • 3 months ago


            • 3 months ago

              ain't now way blud can't get a stiffy without usopp...

        • 3 months ago

          propaganda at every turn
          >>how is it gay?

          This might surprise but gay people have existed through history.

          >This might surprise but gay people have existed through history.
          so does telling them to piss off, making their 'lifestyle' a criminal offense and making them stay away from kids

  2. 3 months ago

    sadly I played this garbage

    it has gay monks fricking inside a church, do not play

    • 3 months ago

      Can confirm, I'm one of the gay monks.

    • 3 months ago

      Does the rest of the game at least hold up though? Are the gay monks optional?

      • 3 months ago

        >Are the gay monks optional?

        Wtf does htis mean? They are characters. What kind of zoomer rotbrain you got to say "optional"?

        • 3 months ago

          You know what I mean senile boomer. Do I NEED to jerk off to GAY MONK SEX, or can I progress the game without encountering it?

      • 3 months ago

        >Are the gay monks optional?
        Stupid question. It's very much presented in the historical context of the era. They're secret lovers.
        You can literally blackmail them if you want. They obviously won't like you very much if you do.

        • 3 months ago

          BUT are they OPTIONAL?

          • 3 months ago

            Just close your eyes and cover your ears during that scene.

            • 3 months ago

              So the scene is required to progress? That's all I want to know boomer-kun. I'll make sure I have my lotion and tissues ready

            • 3 months ago

              gay monks shouldn't be in my vidya to begin with

              • 3 months ago

                Seems like it's not your vidya then.

              • 3 months ago

                if they had advertised with the gay monks then I woundlt have played it

                most other people wouldn't have played it either

              • 3 months ago

                >most other people wouldn't have played it either

                For your own mental health understand that this shithole is not representative of most people.
                Not saying it would have helped with sales, but anon ffs get outside your bubble for a while.

                Most people are normies who don't have identity politics rent free in their head all the time, I don't care which side, both are pathetic.

              • 3 months ago

                Take your own advice, your discord server does not count as "outside your bubble"

              • 3 months ago

                You can't even contemplate the idea that someone really doens't care is not on your side or agaisnt you, I rest my case.

              • 3 months ago

                I find maggots less disgusting

              • 3 months ago

                >For your own mental health understand that this shithole is not representative of most people.
                I know that moron. Ganker is actually more tolerant of gays than the average person

                if gays were so popular than the game wouldn't have hidden the fact that it has gays in it

              • 3 months ago

                >the game wouldn't have hidden the fact that it has gays in it

                But it didn't. It's an optional encounter that some players might miss completely. Should they spoiler the game to avoid enraging chuds?

              • 3 months ago

                >game tells you to poke around town to find evidence of the real killer
                >find gay monks

              • 3 months ago

                It is optional, yes. Gonna argue otherwise and claim it's a mandatory scene for every playthrough?

                >like the one who can't talk about anything else but politcs is you
                Next level moron

                Hit a nerve?

              • 3 months ago

                >Hit a nerve?
                More like you outed yourself and didn't even understand that you did.

              • 3 months ago

                Literally the opposite, which is is what why it was clever. One random word and you go feral, which is exactly the point about you being obsessed with politics.

                Get a fricking life.

              • 3 months ago

                >which is is what why it was clever.
                It really does take a genuine moron to think he's being clever when he's just certifying that he is a raging leftard upset about people disliking his ahistorical propaganda.

              • 3 months ago

                And again.
                Thanks for playing anon, it's too fricking easy.

              • 3 months ago

                >i-i was only pretending to be moronic
                >that's why I care so deeply about ahistorical homosexuality and whine about chuds
                Sure anon. Sure.

              • 3 months ago

                >that's why I care so deeply about ahistorical homosexuality
                You are the only one bringing that up. Got something to tell us, anon?
                Any repressed stuff you want to share with the group?

              • 3 months ago

                >You are the only one bringing that up.
                no, we all are. you're the only one defending it like it's your religion

              • 3 months ago

                Are those "we" in the room with us right now?

              • 3 months ago

                >You are the only one bringing that up.
                You've been whining about that this entire thread.
                You're fooling nobody.

              • 3 months ago

                optional or mandatory gay sex, makes no difference

                we should ban gay sex like in the old days

              • 3 months ago

                I'm sure you are going to accomplish a lot on your computer anon.

              • 3 months ago

                you a girl?

                your talking like a gay and missing the point, so you must be a girl

              • 3 months ago

                you a kid?

                your talking like a kid and missing the point, so you must be a kid

              • 3 months ago

                older than you son

              • 3 months ago

                And you haven't learned to use caps yet?
                School tomorrow?

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                I hope is a cute biological one

              • 3 months ago

                >I don't care which side, both are pathetic.
                t. goes into a thread to shill his side and get angry about people calling out his lies

              • 3 months ago

                >t. goes into a thread to shill his side
                I came to a thread to talk about a videogame, seems like the one who can't talk about anything else but politcs is you, buddy.

              • 3 months ago

                >I came to a thread to talk about a videogame
                And you did this by seething about people calling it non-accurate to history and claiming a bunch of lies about how historically monks were actually homos.
                Despite that being completely untrue.
                So now you're suddenly pretending to be an apolitical and that people shouldn't really care about historicity because only political dweebs do and you're totally not one despite seething about homosex inclusion earlier.
                You're "not caring" only started after you lost the argument and that's why you're transparently disingenuine as all hell.

              • 3 months ago

                >And you did this by seething about people calling it non-accurate to history and claiming a bunch of lies about how historically monks were actually homos.

                This might surprise you but you haven't been talking to a single person.
                I'm not the one of those posts you are talking about, neither I care.

                Can you understand that? In a thread about a videogame there aree people who ar enot obessed about they gayness of fictional random backgroud characters.

              • 3 months ago

                >This might surprise you but you haven't been talking to a single person.

                lmao yeah sure.
                That's why you format every single posts of yours like a raging moron like this.

                It's totally not very obvious at all that it's you even disregarding the exact 1 minute timer between posts. Nevermind that you literally haven't put forth a single argument and still keep pretending monks were homos even after being called out on it.

              • 3 months ago

                And those posts are from like 15 minutes ago and not formatted like this, so I dunno what you are going about, you are answering yourself.

              • 3 months ago

                It is impossible to "not care" about something.

                There is no such thing as "not" or "nothingness". If you can think about it, it exists. Your opinion on this subject exists, and you are here in this thread discussing it.

              • 3 months ago

                Politics and social media have rotten your brain if you really think like that.
                There's so much stuff in the world happening right now I really don't care about.
                Learn to relax and not share an opinion about every irrelevant stuff.

              • 3 months ago

                >like the one who can't talk about anything else but politcs is you

                >the game wouldn't have hidden the fact that it has gays in it

                But it didn't. It's an optional encounter that some players might miss completely. Should they spoiler the game to avoid enraging chuds?

                Next level moron

          • 3 months ago

            If you never decide to sneak into the place where they're secretly meeting, I guess so, yeah. But you'll never know where that is so I guess you'll have to make do with blackmailing them.

          • 3 months ago

            If you hide and don't mess with them fricking, you can frick one of the nuns.

        • 3 months ago

          >in the historical context
          No. It's a ripoff of Eco and that was an italian marxist making jabs at his academic and political adversaries more than anything else.
          There's no historical context for gay monks because there are no known cases of historical monks being caught out as gay (in fact they were some of the most scathing critics of diocesan/secular priests because of known cases of sodomy), in no small part due to monastery life with it's hourly prayers and strict monastic rules didn't allow for that kind of secrecy to begin with.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah. It's a similar think with the Knights Templar. There were almost certainly some who were gay or has secret wives, but their life was so strictly regimented that it was honestly pretty tricky to pull off.

        • 3 months ago

          there's more historical relevance to them killing israelites for being evil. is there a lot of that in the game?

          your dumb shit is cope. they put in gay shit everywhere because they want to normalize it, that's the only relevant context.

          • 3 months ago

            >there's more historical relevance to them killing israelites for being evil. is there a lot of that in the game?
            no, they introduced a israeli family in part 2 and they are flawless perfect people of course

      • 3 months ago

        it's a detective game and you are actively trying to get as many clues as possible, and you have to get through the gay monks to get like 3 <important clues> in <protected place that invites to exploration>

        Now the diverse Ethiopian monk who just arrived (thank you sweet baby) you can ignore if you want, he's not important.

      • 3 months ago

        >Does the rest of the game at least hold up though?
        No, it's one of those modern Telltale-likes without actual point & click puzzles and if you actually know anything about history it constantly takes you out of it.
        The only thing I can really say about it is that the art-style is alright.

      • 3 months ago

        part one is great, part two is meh, part 3 is so fricking boring

        the mastermind was obvious from the start

    • 3 months ago

      That's ripped straight from Umberto Eco's novel like most of the plot of this game. Apparently every piece of media taking place in a monastery has to rip him off nowadays

    • 3 months ago

      Never happened in my playthrough, what dialogue options did you pick you fricking homosexual?

      • 3 months ago

        He asked the abbot where the town bathhouse was.

      • 3 months ago

        when you sneak into church library though the crypt. happens right after you frick the nun

        • 3 months ago

          >happens right after you frick the nun
          Also didn't happen to me. I feel like you can play this game way more degenerate than I did.

          • 3 months ago

            >I feel like you can play this game way more degenerate than I did.
            I just followed a guide to get all the achievements. theres an achievement for fricking the nun

            then she tells you she had an abortion in part 2

        • 3 months ago

          >happens right after you frick the nun
          You sin like that and then you act surprised more sin follows in it's wake?

  3. 3 months ago

    yeah, i played it
    it was solid. the mystery was meh but it obviously exists only as an excuse for the author to talk about the historic setting. or rather, his interpretation of it
    it checks off a few "modern" checkboxes but for the most part, it was fine

  4. 3 months ago

    Time passing ruthlessly whenever you did something which ment I had to skip a lot of quests and events I was interested in filtered me, I felt like I never got to complete any sequence of events I wanted to.

    That was mostly a me problem though, the game seemed cool.

    • 3 months ago

      >whenever you did something which ment I had to skip a lot of quests and events I was interested in
      That's the fricking point.
      Did you miss the whole game being framed by the passing of time?

      • 3 months ago

        Only act 1 was limited though. In acts 2 and 3 you had less options but the same amount of time.

        I quit and refunded after like the third american pop-history moment in the first hour.
        >feminist nuns several hundred years before they became a thing
        >gay monks in the most tightly controlled anti-gay life possible
        >gypsies who look like bollywood indians and have american hipster gnostic views instead of their actual religious ones
        >ethiopian monk somehow trudged over from the sole non-ethiopian mission in Rome across the fricking alps and into medieval bavaria
        I could go on but I had enough.
        That Sawyer showed himself to be a low-IQ moron with his justifications on twitter ("hurr just look at this one french peasant scandal that was so shocking it made news in all of Europe back in the 16th century and kept being dramatized for hundreds of years afterwards this just proves that actually Europeans were totally fine with adultery and identity theft and that this totally wasn't out of the norm") just made me more certain there's nothing of value in there if the lead narrative guy is that big of a moron.

        And how do you think gypsies look like you mongoloid?

        • 3 months ago

          >uhm acsthsually Hollywood tells me cziganys should look like they're straight out of a bollywood movie
          >no i've never seen one why?

  5. 3 months ago

    I quit and refunded after like the third american pop-history moment in the first hour.
    >feminist nuns several hundred years before they became a thing
    >gay monks in the most tightly controlled anti-gay life possible
    >gypsies who look like bollywood indians and have american hipster gnostic views instead of their actual religious ones
    >ethiopian monk somehow trudged over from the sole non-ethiopian mission in Rome across the fricking alps and into medieval bavaria
    I could go on but I had enough.
    That Sawyer showed himself to be a low-IQ moron with his justifications on twitter ("hurr just look at this one french peasant scandal that was so shocking it made news in all of Europe back in the 16th century and kept being dramatized for hundreds of years afterwards this just proves that actually Europeans were totally fine with adultery and identity theft and that this totally wasn't out of the norm") just made me more certain there's nothing of value in there if the lead narrative guy is that big of a moron.

    • 3 months ago

      >feminist nuns several hundred years before they became a thing
      She's not even feminist, she's resigned to the fact that her intelligence and knowledge will never be appreciated. She doesn't even consider fighting back against it. She just accepts it.

      >gay monks in the most tightly controlled anti-gay life possible
      More like gay monks in the most historically closet gay enviroment in history and they're still doing it secretly

      >gypsies who look like bollywood indians and have american hipster gnostic views instead of their actual religious ones
      Just one, gypsy, but fair. Also if you indulge his musings he literally gets burned at the stake

      >ethiopian monk somehow trudged over from the sole non-ethiopian mission in Rome across the fricking alps and into medieval bavaria
      They are the best long distance runners on earth, after all.

      • 3 months ago

        >most historically closet gay enviroment in history
        Modern academics will read letters between bros and call them gay because we live in a backwards sex-crazed society.

      • 3 months ago

        >She's not even feminist
        She literally laments gender warrior bullshit about men getting everything and voices views no woman in that environment did until south american non-nobles were allowed to become nuns.
        Noble nuns in Bavaria weren't even restricted in the way Sawyer thinks they were.
        >More like gay monks in the most historically closet gay enviroment
        Monasteries were not even remotely tolerable of homos any more than they were tolerating murderers.

      • 3 months ago

        Although in the past there were people who sent their homosexual sons to become priests, that does not mean that the norm is for them to be homosexuals who openly practice their deviations indoors.

        It's like I made a video game about a school and had teachers being pedophiles, that sure happens sometimes but representing that in such a casual way would not be faithful to reality.

        • 3 months ago

          >that does not mean that the norm is for them to be homosexuals who openly practice their deviations indoors

          But the game doesn't show it as the norm or openly practised, that's your schizo headcanon.
          They get caught and you can blackmail them.

          • 3 months ago

            >But the game doesn't show it as the norm
            It actually does compared to the reality that it didn't occur as there are no known historical cases of monks engaging in illicit relations.
            Not that it's even remotely a historical game.
            Within this one village in Bavaria you have black ethiopian priests lecturing the locals about black christianity, gay monks engaging in illicit relations within the confines of the monastery, feminist nuns going at length rants about how unfair women have it and they all speak like modern day californians. Not going into the later woman protag's painting.
            The main character also asks israelites for forgiveness for saying grace at dinner despite this contradicting both the christian view but also the fact that BOTH RELIGIONS SAY GRACE ACCORDING TO OLD TESTAMENT LAW the only difference being before or after the meal.

            It's a fricking moronic game from a current view much less a historical one.

            • 3 months ago

              >It actually does compared to the reality that it didn't occur as there are no known historical cases of monks engaging in illicit relations.

              What a dumb moronic logic. The kind of nonsense people who think themselves smarter than they are. Peak midwit.
              And I'm being honest anon, your arguments are "in my head it's happening like this, hence that's the objetive way it's presented".
              As you can see many anons are disagreeing with you, so no, not objective at all.

              And don't move the goalpost, the game shows it a a secret activity, not the norm like you literally claimed, argue out of that if you can.

              • 3 months ago

                >What a dumb moronic logic. The kind of nonsense people who think themselves smarter than they are. Peak midwit.
                This coming from someone pushing his fetish over historical reality.
                Fact is there are no known cases of monks being caught out in illicit relations in medieval times because it's a very strict regimented way of life. (incidentally another thing Pentiment gets wrong, but that's presumably because Eco glosses over it except during morning Vespers and they didn't do much more research than ripping him off)
                >As you can see many anons are disagreeing with you
                Can't say I see much of that. You're seething about it but you're also not offering a historical perspective whatsoever.

              • 3 months ago

                >This coming from someone pushing his fetish over historical reality.
                What the frick are you on, schizo?

                Talk about helping your arguments, now you look completely moronic, good work.
                I don't need to argue with posts like this, thanks dude.

              • 3 months ago

                >buttmad discord homosexual loses ANOTHER argument on V
                god i love to see it.

        • 3 months ago

          >openly practice
          There is no open practice. They go to extreme lengths to hide it from everyone else.

          • 3 months ago

            So they go to such extremes to hide it, and yet a homosexual californian 500 years in the future knows all about it from his totally unbiased sources and presents it as historically accurate.

        • 3 months ago

          >who openly practice their deviations
          They dont practice it openly, they hide at night and you can blackmail them about it.
          It's really no different in how KCD does it.

  6. 3 months ago

    Pop cult american fake ""history"" and the main mystery is one of those fake detective stories like Disco where the culprit is only introduced at the last second.

    • 3 months ago

      >where the culprit is only introduced at the last second.

      So you didn't finish the game?

      • 3 months ago

        You know full well what I mean.
        It's only possible to connect the dots near the end and the game literally doesn't give a shit if you get things right or not. Like Disco it doesn't care about the detective story itself.

        • 3 months ago

          Because solving the murders is not really what the game is about, that's just the narrative frame.

          Everythihng from the title to the themes, the backgroud lore and all the game mechanics are about the same stuff, which is not a murder mystery.

          • 3 months ago

            >Because solving the murders is not really what the game is about, that's just the narrative frame.
            It's a fake detective game.

            • 3 months ago

              Seems like you were expecting a detective game.
              The question is why?And how is that the game's fault?

              • 3 months ago

                >The question is why?
                That's how it was sold. As a detective mystery.
                It wasn't until post-release they started admitting it wasn't really.

              • 3 months ago

                >That's how it was sold. As a detective mystery.

                Honestly? Kinda dumb but I guess there's few options to market a niche game such as this.
                Also mostly The Name of The Rose's huge influence.

    • 3 months ago

      father thomas was there from the beginning moron

    • 3 months ago

      Play the game before you post, moron.

  7. 3 months ago

    >This thread
    >I can't believe that the church most known for willfully hiding priests that rape little boys might have secretly gay monks

  8. 3 months ago

    I don't play indie trash made by autistic far leftist commies

    • 3 months ago

      Yes you do. You just don't know it. Almost none of your vidya, let alone any other culture you consume, was made by rightoids because they are, by definition, at odds with the very concepts of civilization, culture and abstract thought.

      sadly I played this garbage

      it has gay monks fricking inside a church, do not play

      As historically accurate as it gets.

      • 3 months ago

        >e-everything is actually left
        >i-it's historically accurate
        Frick off and die.

  9. 3 months ago

    Peak adventure game. Josh is the ludomeister.

    • 3 months ago

      >adventure game
      It's one of those dogshit CYOAs with nearly no branching like Pillars of the Earth, except less historical, not an adventure game.

  10. 3 months ago

    Literally who?
    oh... LOL

    • 3 months ago

      Irrelevant numbers.
      Game was funded by Microsost and released on GamePass day 1.

      It's a small miracle MS decided to bankroll such a niche game.

      • 3 months ago

        MS funding AA projects is why Xbox doesn't have a strong mainstream title anymore

        • 3 months ago

          This doesn't even clasify as AA, it's an indie game paid by MS.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah but the polish and features are above indie

        • 3 months ago

          This. They should be funding games like Stellar Blade, but since they're against female beauty it will never happen. You will get games like Fable with an uggo female lead that people will refuse to play let alone buy.

  11. 3 months ago

    This game sucked but I'll watch the documentary anyways because I respect Josh Soiyer

  12. 3 months ago

    Don't listen to Zoomers trying to badmouth this game, they just can't handle reading dialogue with no voice over.

    • 3 months ago

      Would you say the game is... kino?

      • 3 months ago

        I'd say it's skibidi rizz if that convinces you.

        • 3 months ago

          sheeeeeesh wishlisted

  13. 3 months ago

    Oh, neat.

    Yes, I did play it and loved it. Though I will never replay it again because I find it bullshit you are forced to pick two innocent (for the murder at least) each time.

    It really is a game born out of someone's immense fascination on the subject and I can see Josh Sawyer cracking up his whole bookshelf on life and religion in middle ages germany for this game. The characters were so and so, the world building fantastic and the twist was sad and believable.

  14. 3 months ago

    I enjoyed Pentiment quite a lot tbh but I have no desire to replay it, it dragged on a bit towards the end.

  15. 3 months ago

    No it looked boring and apparently it is full of homosexuals and Black folk. Not for me

  16. 3 months ago

    So tired of californian understanding of history

    • 3 months ago

      Frick you homosexuals, it's one of the better games depicting a medieval/early modern setting. Or do you prefer the hollywood version of peseants dressed in brown eating mud after they've tended to their pig shit farms?

      • 3 months ago

        How is cum drinking black monks any better?

        • 3 months ago

          Ask your father.

        • 3 months ago

          I think you played a different version of the game than I did, maybe you had some mods enabled or something.

        • 3 months ago

          Show me the monk please. I haven't played it yet.

        • 3 months ago

          The "black" monk Sebhat is a reference to Saint Moses, and also in actuality an Egyptian Coptic who was an emissary of his autocephaly to Rome. It's a contrivance for him to show up at the monastery but it's not an ahistoricism -- the only people who likely would even be able to give it this kind of background would have comprehensively studied classical Roman and early to medieval Christian history. The gay monks are a reference/rip-off of Eco's Name of the Rose; these relations are known to have happened in real monasteries of the period, but typically they would be homoplatonic without sexual contact. The only aggravating "artistic liberty" is with the gypsy and his impossibly dark skin for the ethnic group. Don't b***h about something like history before you know whether you're actually knowledgeable about it.

          • 3 months ago

            Black person worship isn't history, it's Californian homosexualry

          • 3 months ago

            >it's not an ahistoricism
            Yes it is.
            Only a single Ethiopian is even claimed to have travelled beyond Rome during Medieval times and that's assuming you take a non-peer reviewed american "luther studies" journal's citations at their word, with no other known mention of their primary sources yet demanding that we "Honor the Reformation's African roots" and claiming the Reformation came about because of Luther's personal love for Ethiopian Christianity.
            They didn't even travel to Portugal despite that being the only nation they had actual relations with.

            • 3 months ago
          • 3 months ago

            >but it's not an ahistoricism
            It very much is. Anyone can tell you as much outside of california.
            >these relations are known to have happened in real monasteries of the period
            This is a blatant lie. There are in fact not a single known case of this happening recorded anywhere. The monks were usually the ones raising internal complaints against diocesans within the catholic hierarchy over sodomy.
            >but typically they would be homoplatonic without sexual contact.
            "Homoplatonic". You mean male friendship without a single ounce of homosexuality involved.
            >The only aggravating "artistic liberty"
            All of it is nonsensical bullshit of the worst kind.
            >is with the gypsy and his impossibly dark skin for the ethnic group.
            Wrong skin, hair, religious views and hipster american ones in their place.
            >Don't b***h about something like history before you know whether you're actually knowledgeable about it.
            Fricking ironic.

  17. 3 months ago

    >documentary for game that nobody played

  18. 3 months ago

    It's a point and click visual novel. I enjoyed the art direction and I did feel compelled to finish the game and see the story to completion. However there is very little branching choices and those don't even really effect the outcome.

  19. 3 months ago

    I like how KCD portrayed monk life much better.
    Just dudes playing dices and drinking wine in secret at night.
    No need for homosexualry shit.

    • 3 months ago

      bro one the new monks was a guy who have been sent to the monastery after his noblemen parents found out he's gay

      • 3 months ago

        I like how KCD portrayed monk life much better.
        Just dudes playing dices and drinking wine in secret at night.
        No need for homosexualry shit.

        you know what?
        I take it back
        It was completely optional thing that you can find out and it was done pretty realistically

      • 3 months ago

        >bro monks live totally free and without supervision particularly sinning new ones
        Benedictine Monasteries have nearly a hundred rules they have to follow, including presence before others with strict punishments.
        They have very strict rules for anyone spending their first 12 months there where they're treated as a guest and not a real monk.

        And that's assuming it's one of the pre-1500 ones and not one of the reformed monasteries that took an even stricter view.

      • 3 months ago

        "Henry can confront Lucas about his 'proclivities', which the novice considers a test of his faith. He swears that he never committed the cardinal sin of laying with another man, simply confessed his desire when his father tried to arrange a marriage, resulting in him being sent to the Monastery to avoid a scandal. Lucas appears resigned to this arrangement, as being a homosexual in that era would have been an intolerable sin, and brought great shame and probably persecution on him and his family."

        and the gay knows it's bad and want to repent to god and that's why he's in a fricking monastery because he couldn't bear to get in an arranged marriage by his dad

        that's the only footnote that gay should get in history and the game treated it perfectly

        • 3 months ago

          More anachronistic nonsense. In medieval times you were simply a sodomist sinner who couldn't control his urges.
          You weren't "a homosexual" in that era. That's a modern libertine invention of the 19-20th century britbongs misreading the greeks.
          That's why you don't find any homosexual "male-only" writings from before modern times. Only greeks going on about their preference for pederastic relations with young boys.

          • 3 months ago

            Usually they would just call you a sodomite and castrate you unless you were a king.

          • 3 months ago

            Re "before modern times": just off the top of my head, you can 'woman-hater' accounts from Edo-period Japan in the Nanshoku Okagami. Regardless of how applying 'homosexuality' to pre-modern contexts is anachronistic, we know that pre-modern homophilic men still experienced this urge and that it would be considered a moral failing or hazard in medieval Europe.

            >it's not an ahistoricism
            Yes it is.
            Only a single Ethiopian is even claimed to have travelled beyond Rome during Medieval times and that's assuming you take a non-peer reviewed american "luther studies" journal's citations at their word, with no other known mention of their primary sources yet demanding that we "Honor the Reformation's African roots" and claiming the Reformation came about because of Luther's personal love for Ethiopian Christianity.
            They didn't even travel to Portugal despite that being the only nation they had actual relations with.

            Again, he is not an actual Ethiopian. He is a Coptic Egyptian, likely from Upper Egypt, but called Ethiopian as an exonym in the context of medieval Europe. His skin colour and hair texture reflects this. Ironically the depiction of dark-skinned people comes only when the Bavarians are imagining the scenes he relates.

            >but it's not an ahistoricism
            It very much is. Anyone can tell you as much outside of california.
            >these relations are known to have happened in real monasteries of the period
            This is a blatant lie. There are in fact not a single known case of this happening recorded anywhere. The monks were usually the ones raising internal complaints against diocesans within the catholic hierarchy over sodomy.
            >but typically they would be homoplatonic without sexual contact.
            "Homoplatonic". You mean male friendship without a single ounce of homosexuality involved.
            >The only aggravating "artistic liberty"
            All of it is nonsensical bullshit of the worst kind.
            >is with the gypsy and his impossibly dark skin for the ethnic group.
            Wrong skin, hair, religious views and hipster american ones in their place.
            >Don't b***h about something like history before you know whether you're actually knowledgeable about it.
            Fricking ironic.

            I know by you saying "There are in fact not a single known case of this happening recorded anywhere" that you don't actually know anything on this topic. We have multiple documents dating from early to medieval Christianity concerning the problems and dangers of male cohabitation, complaints from abbots and monastic fathers on the peril of carnal relations in those environments. Go contact an actual historian at an institution of your choice who has studied original documents and archives and you'll know this.

            Black person worship isn't history, it's Californian homosexualry

            There are thousands of years of Christian history preceding you.

            • 3 months ago

              >Regardless of how applying 'homosexuality' to pre-modern contexts is anachronistic, we know that pre-modern homophilic men still experienced this urge
              They experienced the urge to frick children you mean. Since that's usually what sodomy cases were about.
              >He is a Coptic Egyptian
              He is explicitly from the Ethiopian Church in Rome and mentions Ethiopian foods and his art is based on Ethiopian manuscripts you massively dishonest homosexual.
              >I know by you saying "There are in fact not a single known case of this happening recorded anywhere" that you don't actually know anything on this topic.
              In other words, you're preparing to lie but cannot actually cite anything.
              Feel free to cite a single case of monastic monks in medieval times being caught engaging in sodomy.
              >concerning the problems and dangers of male cohabitation
              Then cite them. Because we have no known cases of monastic monks being caught out in illicit relations due to how strict and regimented their lifestyles were while we have plenty on priests among the laity.
              >Go contact an actual historian
              Feel free to do so and cite a single source for your claims or continue being labeled a piece of shit liar, even if that has already been made self-evident to anyone reading this like your portrayal of the Ethiopian in contrast with the actual game and the devs behind the game saying as much.

              • 3 months ago

                >Because we have no known cases of monastic monks being caught out in illicit relations
                Sure, but don't you think it's plausible that two gay monks banged inside a monastery sometime in the last thousand years?

              • 3 months ago

                Read up on monastic rules. Short answer no. That's why we don't have any examples of it.

            • 3 months ago

              >Again, he is not an actual Ethiopian. He is a Coptic Egyptian, likely from Upper Egypt, but called Ethiopian as an exonym in the context of medieval Europe.
              He's explicitly Ethiopian (from the Horn of Africa) you mong. The game even renders him in solomonic dynasty art style.

              • 3 months ago

                >He is explicitly from the Ethiopian Church in Rome and mentions Ethiopian foods and his art is based on Ethiopian manuscripts you massively dishonest homosexual.
                I am actually incorrect on this after double-checking his scenes and lines; the injera reference does cement it. My apology and thanks for the correction. With this being the case it still doesn't come across as inappropriate besides being a contrivance. The "Ethiopian Church in Rome" is referring to the Santo Stefano degli Abissini, which would be rededicated to Coptic Ethiopians the 15th and 16th centuries, when contact was established with Christian Amharas and other East African Christians through the Iberian navigations.
                >Then cite them. Because we have no known cases of monastic monks being caught out in illicit relations due to how strict and regimented their lifestyles were while we have plenty on priests among the laity.
                Shenoute's Canons, Peter Damian's Liber Gomorrhianus as the most suitable come to mind. Concerned with the issues of carnality and sodomy in early Christian monasticism and medieval European society, respectively. "And for those among us, rather man or woman, who shall be caught being friends to their neighbour in physical desire, they will be cursed in all their deeds that they do. But if they are in ignorance, be them free from all the curses that are written down."
                I told you to contact an actual historian because they have access to original documents on this in the Greek and Latin which for the most part aren't accessible outside of university libraries and intranets. And for it to be one of your choice because this would be corroborated regardless of which institution or expert you'd consider trustworthy.

              • 3 months ago

                >With this being the case it still doesn't come across as inappropriate besides being a contrivance.
                >Shenoute's Canons
                Non-European and discussed male-female cohabitation not homosexuality. I can tell you picked this off from an /r/askhistorians post to boot along with the Hersiesios (not "ersiesios" as your filename suggests) quote being from the same post.
                >Peter Damian's Liber Gomorrhianus
                Is a book BY a monk denouncing sodomy in the diocesan priesthood, not among other monks. More quoting something you haven't actually read.
                >I told you to contact an actual historian because
                Because you clearly don't know frick all about the subject and just ripped out the first redditpost you could find when searching gay monastics, ignoring that it was a revisionist attempt by a plebbitor in the first case and not dealing with monasticism in the latter.

  20. 3 months ago

    we wuz monks n saints n shiet

  21. 3 months ago

    How would you rate the historical accuracy of the setting in this game on a scale of 1 to 10?

    • 3 months ago

      I'm not a history buff, but I'd give it a 5/10

    • 3 months ago

      50 Cent: Blood on the Sand is a more accurate take on medieval history by not actively lying about it.

      • 3 months ago

        What did soiyer lie about? Isn't the game set in renaissance?

        • 3 months ago

          Just read the thread. It doesn't touch on everything but it mentions plenty of issues.

    • 3 months ago

      The Roman gods/early Christianity stuff is well done, and it's the true meat of the game, not the murders.

  22. 3 months ago

    Why is it that not a single one of the "stop it with the politics guis" posters actually start out like that and it's just blatant bunkertroons who resort to it after they lost?

  23. 3 months ago

    I think I skipped a humble choice because this was in it.

  24. 3 months ago

    It’s been on my backlog for a while, I just haven’t gotten around to it. Too busy with schoolwork to justify sitting down and dedicating some real time to playing it.

    • 3 months ago

      It's like 6 hours long, and even the third act should be shorter.

      • 3 months ago

        No shit? Dayum, I oughtta blast through it real soon then. For some reason I was under the impression it was long as hell like Disco Elysium.

  25. 3 months ago

    Too american for me. They feel like modern liberals rather than real medieval people.
    Even something as simple as having no more than two kids is a big tell that they don't really get it.

  26. 3 months ago

    Removed from all the extremely coincidental progressive aspects localized entirely in some bumfrick nowhere village in the Alps where there is a *double monastery*, the game is extremely frontloaded. I was genuinely really invested with the story with Act I, especially with the artsy set pieces. But after that, Act II and III just shits itself with everything Act I built up while assassinating Andreas's character.

    The WORST offense is the ending. It's extremely idiotic that the idea that a priest would be protecting people from the "truth" of a Roman statue becoming folklore because anyone with any passing knowledge of the history of the village - which many characters ACTIVELY SHOW - would be able to connect those dots. And its played up to be this huge thing that would somehow destroy the community. Absolute dogshit ending written by a midwit who thinks that all Christians are incapable of individual thought.

  27. 3 months ago

    I did and it was garbage. not good as a point and click game, not good as a detective game, not good as a narrative game. It's a half assed interactive documentary with a shallow storyline shoved in. Oh, and 0 replayability

  28. 3 months ago

    Wasn't this made by a gay guy? Josh Sawyer of Obsidian, or something?

    • 3 months ago

      Nah he gets upset if you call him gay. Like real upset despite having publicly abused his employees for not adding in enough gays.
      That said he's a genuine public porn-addicted onlyfans simp and has been hinting at trooning out recently.

      • 3 months ago

        I just wanted to play games made by heterosexual white (and east asian) men.

        • 3 months ago

          You still can. Just don't buy anything out of California and nothing AAA.

  29. 3 months ago

    I'm probably one of the 3 people on Ganker that enjoyed this game. It's very well made and the OST is a banger, I'd just chill around the village listening to it sometimes. Part 3 sucked though

    • 3 months ago

      Also I don't remember seeing gay monks, only the monk and nun couple that left the abbey to live together, but I know this game has a shitload of stuff I probably missed, so it definitely isn't something that's pushed in your face.

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