People consider these the worst of the series, why is that? Which should I play when going through the series?

People consider these the worst of the series, why is that?
Which should I play when going through the series?

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  1. 2 years ago

    You just posted why

    • 2 years ago

      Is it that theres two? 3,5, and 6 arent hated on as much and also are split in two.

  2. 2 years ago

    They filtered plebs who didnt have the skill to continue beating the games on ng+3
    Also they required you to have irl freiends who played the games to unlock a lot of the coolest features.

    4 was the best selling in Japan for a reason. Most customization, best souls of the series, infinite repayability, massively varried folder creation, best net design in the series, best undernet in the whole series, the only game in the series where you can actually face npc navis that 99% of people actually use in the game (with the mini exception of being able to fight the programs in 1), I could go on forever.

    Yes the theme park robot section is a slog to have to play through. Yes you have to replay the game in order to unlock every soul. Boohoo.

    • 2 years ago

      I know nothing about the game. Can you help me understand the customization and souls that you think is good? And when you say NG+ how does that work for a game in this series? What are you missing out on with only one version?

      • 2 years ago

        Each version past 3 (so 4, 5 and 6) has different "souls" (they give them new names each time). Thats really the only relevant difference. But it does make a huge difference how each game plays.
        NG is exclusive to 4. The other games dont offer it. 4 is unique in that it is a tournament arc and your opponents are random. You need go to through at minimum 3 playthroughs to unlock every soul. Viruses get stronger each NG cycle.
        You should start by playing 2 and 3 to get familiar with the series and what chips you like using.
        Then you can decide which souls and their abilities you want and choose a version to play.
        For instance many choose the version that has Protoman because they like playing with sword chips.
        Those people are gay.

        • 2 years ago

          >You should start by playing 2 and 3 to get familiar with the series and what chips you like using.
          Is 1 not good or just very different?

          • 2 years ago

            1 has a very shitty internet layout compared to later games and no way to run from battles without using the Escape chip. And some of the dungeons are annoying. Other than that it is what it is, the baseline for the rest of the games.

          • 2 years ago

            1 is very lacking in quality of life and the balance is very off. For example in 1 you can use 10 of the same chip. You are limited to 3 copies in the rest of the series.
            Its not bad by any means and there is a remake that uodate it to the standard of 2+ (that is essentially emulator only) but its so unpolisjed compared to the rest of the series it isnt worth playing as your first experience.
            The story in each game is very self contained as well so you arent really missing anything plot wisr.

            • 2 years ago

              >You should start by playing 2 and 3 to get familiar with the series and what chips you like using.
              Is 1 not good or just very different?

              Ignore the tard saying to skip 1. You NEED to be play 1 first because going back to it after how much the other games improve is painful as frick. Since it's your first one you probably won't notice the lacking stuff as much

              • 2 years ago

                That risks somebody starting with 1 and disliking it.
                1 offers almost nothing and is entirely skipable. Anybody who loves the franchise enough to play it but cannot go back to it after playing the other games can emulate the remake crossover with starforce.

              • 2 years ago

                1 is perfectly fine as your first game and a good intro to the series. The annoying stuff it does (mostly the internet being meh) aren't even likely to be that noticed if you play it first and can be fixed by just opening up the various maps on gamegays if you REALLY get lost.

              • 2 years ago

                4 feels like a soft reboot (mechanically/structurally) with really mediocre writing, underbaked mechanics, unsatisfying scenarios, and a heavy reliance on multiplayer to a fault.

                It feels like the first game in a trilogy (4-6), instead of the successor to 3 which built off every game before it incredibly well. You should still play it though. Every game has a sick final boss and music, and 4 is pretty short too since it's supposed to be replayed (you'll have no fricking desire to replay it).

                What this anon said. 1 should take you like 12 hours at the most? It's an incredibly short game, and is more dated than painful. The games don't have amazing writing or anything like that, but what's there is nice, and I don't think I'd have enjoyed 2 or 3 as much if I didn't have the foundation of the first game to go off of.

    • 2 years ago

      They were bought because they climbed on 3 being the peak, you stupid fricking cum guzzling Black person. Both games barely had enough Navis to fill 1 tournament, imagine getting buttfricked by only fighting generic "Heal"Navis. Amazing script work btw, worst coloring palette of the entire series. They really tried to make you waste massive amounts of time on the backtracking filler. We already had a tournament arc in 3, why center an entire game on that fricking trash again? Tournament arcs are for homosexuals and you're a disgusting shit eating sodomite and you should have a nice day. Also Dark Chips are trash and the entire thing sucked. 3 would have been the perfect send off. And the series never recovered from the waste that was 4.

      • 2 years ago

        I am a 3 fanboy. No need to get so ass blasted. Of the nu games 4 was the best, easily. 6 sucks balls.

        • 2 years ago

          Real tired of you BN4 subhumans trying to even pretend they weren't a massive pile of filler shit and taking a shart on the buildup the series had. And you're not the first one that tries to say they're a 3/6 fan whenever they get called out. BN4 was so horrible it made the series bleed to death.

          • 2 years ago

            Best selling install in Japan, the only place that matters.
            Plus the ability to activate 4.5 operation. Man. 4 was so good. Especially how you got to go all over the world again.

            4 also had the best final boss in the entire series, easily.

    • 2 years ago

      It was the best selling because 3 was fricking good so people was yuped for the next game...then it turna out to be utter shit and it made the next games have constant declining sales. BN6 was awesome but peiple was so bitter over BN4 that the sales were abysmal.

    • 2 years ago

      I only played 1-4. Going by memory here. The game was fine for the most part. Everything describes is correct. Except having to go through the game again made repeated sections repetitive. The tournament sections are way overdone. You don't get to fully unlock the game without going through it 3 times. Also each variation of enemies appear commonly only in that NG. So NG is Met1. NG2 is Met2. NG3 is Met3. You absolutely must know someone with the opposite version to fully enjoy.

    • 2 years ago

      >4 was the best selling in Japan for a reason. Most customization, best souls of the series, infinite repayability, massively varried folder creation, best net design in the series, best undernet in the whole series, the only game in the series where you can actually face NPC navis that 99% of people actually use in the game (with the mini exception of being able to fight the programs in 1), I could go on forever.

      I think one of the critical reasons it was succesful in Japan was:
      > not anchored down by a horrific localization that feels like it was crammed through pre deep-learning era automated translation tools and then touched up by undergrad students on a shoestring budget.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Which should I play when going through the series?
    none if you want to play them in console, since the collection comes out in 2023. otherwise you should play them all, preferrably in order although you could start with 3. there's a DS remake of the first one called Operation Shooting Star, which has a bunch of QoL improvements. there's an unofficial English translation patch, just look it up

    • 2 years ago

      I meant which of versions should I play.

      • 2 years ago

        the one with the cooler name

  4. 2 years ago

    Just play release order.
    If you don't have the urge to finish the early games then you can skip to 3 without really missing too much. 3 fleshes out the gameplay pretty significantly and is just an all around contender for the best game in the series. It's also not really split into two versions. One of them just straight up has more content than the other so it feels more like Pokemon Emerald vs Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire if you get what I mean.
    4is hated because it's story feels like filler, the translation is way worse than the other games, it's way buggier than the othher games and it doesn't have enough content to justify being split into two versions since you end up doing a lot of generic filler sections over and over.
    5 and 6 are both better than 4 in all of these regards and are muchmore worth playing, especially 6 which is probably the closest to 3 in overall quality.

    • 2 years ago

      If you had friends and unlocked the other navis you didnt get any generic filler sections. Bet you didnt know when you linked with anogher player with a different version you unlocked their navi stories did you?

      • 2 years ago

        Nope I wasn't aware. My friends were moronic and all started and stopped having only played 3.

        • 2 years ago

          Yup. Like I said in my first post, 4 really heavily relied on interacting with another player. You unlocked all of their content, including their Navis in Higsbys tournamnent board, a whole host of special chips most people probably didnt know existed (unoess they had a gameshark).

          The other big one is the E Reader which let you fully customize megaman, unlock 4.5s style of gameplay including playing as other navis, ect.

          4 was an incredible game. It just suffered in the translation to American audiences where less people had a friend that played it, lack of E Reader, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            Agree to disagree on it being incredible but there are plenty of games in long running series like Dark Souls 2 I think get unfairly lambasted.
            I don't dislike 4 though. I played the shit out of it when it first came out and I think stuff like dark chips are kind of a cool idea even if they totally break the game. For permanently lower max HP they fricking better
            4 just never felt as polished or complete to me. It felt more like the middle third of another game from the series.

  5. 2 years ago

    battle network 2 is literally the best but you should play 1 first to understand the story

  6. 2 years ago

    They're 'bad' because they do a lot of borderline stupid things. Also I should point out that 'bad' is still like a solid 6/10 game.
    Also you should literally play all of them. It's nice seeing the series actively evolve as it goes along (even with 4 being a bit of a set-back) and the storylines are all connected / there's a natural progression in the character's relationships with each other.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Felt short
    >Dark chip abuse
    >Unimpressive Final Boss
    >Post-game? What post-game?
    >Tie-in with a literally who game

  8. 2 years ago
    Give a look for yourself without having to go through the suffering firsthand.

  9. 2 years ago

    It may be the worst, but being the worst game in a megaman series means being a 7/10
    Its playable and has really solid combat, soul unison is really strong, anubis/poisonpharoah are buffed to remove i-frames, allowing more fun gimmicks vs bosses
    gundelsol was introduced, fighting normalnavis etc

    The flaws?
    The internet looks really basic and round compared to 2-3, needing to rebuild the C-slider and getting the NebulaID every playthrough (38000z x 3 = 114000z)
    Some keyitems/upgrades are locked behind multiple playthroughs, and require you to get the item in the previous playthroughs. This means youll have to spend upwards of another 80-100000z on just unlockers not to mention backtracking to the same areas at least 3 times
    The story is atrocious
    Some of the most annoying viruses in the entire series and some virus battles in late NG++ are downright unwinnable, unrunnable until 2nd-3rd even at 1000 base HP, AND un-sneakrun-able
    Black Earth is a pretty meh postgame considering BN3 had the secret area with 4 bosses
    Compression codes were removed, really painful considering how big the programs are in BN4
    No real dungeon comps. At most we get are the toyrobo comps
    Tournaments suck, especially when you arent guaranteed to see every unique scenario in 3 runs

  10. 2 years ago

    BN6 > BN5 > BN4 = BN2 > BN1 > BN3

  11. 2 years ago

    4 is not as bad as 1 but it does have a lot of experimental bullshit that didn't work well.

    The game is centered on tournaments, and basically every opponent you can be randomly matched with has their own story scenario attached, so in a way the story you get on each playthrough has a lot of randomized elements. This might be cool, but also you need to complete certain ones of these to unlock all your form changes and the full post-game area, which means you have to restart your game on New Game+ twice in order to get them all, and you will also be repeating a lot of scenarios you already did during those runs.

    The actual gameplay is mostly fine and like I said it's better than 1. But the amount of times you have to repeat the same scenarios over again if you want to unlock all the form changes and fully 100% the game makes it extremely annoying to play.

  12. 2 years ago

    I'd also like to add that originally 3 was going to be the finale of the series and it wraps up all the mysteries and plot points that were set up, so with 4 they introduce a new villain and everything and so if you just came off 3 it feels kinda like hacky writing.

  13. 2 years ago

    kids games

  14. 2 years ago

    Loved star force. Tried battle network and I didn't care for it.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sorry for your dumbed down baby taste

      • 2 years ago

        It is what it is.

        • 2 years ago

          Well when you say you tried Battle Network do you really mean 1? Because yeah that can be really hard to get into if you're used to how Star Force works. Maybe try 2 or 3 since those are a lot more modern in how they work and feel and are still good to play

          If you DID try those and it was a no go then yeah, sorry.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah it was 1. I was incredibly bored with it, didn't feel it worth the slog.
            I assumed 2 or 3 would've really needed you to have played 1. Maybe I'll give them a shot then.

            • 2 years ago

              Ahh. 1 isn't BAD but the others are just so much better. Storywise you'll miss out on some characterization and not have any idea who some characters are but it's not a HUGE issue. I'd give 2 a solid try at least.

              Personally the first one I played was 3 and while I went back and liked 1 as added context for a lot of later stuff, it's not 100% required.

            • 2 years ago

              Remember, a deck with only 1 or 2 letter codes is really important to play fluidly, even if the individual chips are weaker you will still be wasting a ton of time if you can only one 1 chip per turn

  15. 2 years ago

    play both

  16. 2 years ago

    the other games all have a proper plotline, dungeons and shit like that
    this one instead has a dumb tournament plotline that only exist so that capcom could cut corners, franchise fatigue also started to settle in general
    to top it off, this is when the series started pulling the double version bullshit officialy (there were 2, megaman battle network 3 games, but the 2nd version of megaman battle network 3 came out later and was treated more like "emerald" than "ruby & sapphire")

  17. 2 years ago

    I get the hate for BN4 but i think there is not enough hate for BN5. Playing as other Navis suck when you can't customize them and BN5 chips are as bad as BN4 you don't have access to any good chip untill post game You stuck with shitty folder throughout the whole game. Remeber Meddy? Remember that mission when they forced you to use her in the map with Dominerd THE ONLY KIND OF ENEMY THAT CANT BE KILLED WITH THROW WEAPON?

    They did this on purpose just to mess with you

    • 2 years ago

      Really? If anything I think BN5 is way overhated because people were filtered by the mission stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        Same. I can understand why people didn't like it, believe me, but I thought the missions were actually pretty fun. Using Navi's special abilities and playing as them (even if it did feel a tad superficial) was still really fricking fun for me.
        I guess it's just a matter of taste.

      • 2 years ago

        The worst part of 5 is that the Colonel route is canon despite Proto and Chaud being way cooler.

    • 2 years ago

      The worst/best thing about 5: it feels like 3/4th of the chips are S-coded.

      • 2 years ago

        And that's a good thing since Sword builds are truly the master race in every game

  18. 2 years ago

    5 sucked because the folders relied on crosses too much but being forced to use other navis took away 90% of the functionality of your folder. Which is why S code ended uo the only playable folder for story.
    In its defense I always felt like 5 was the best in terms of finale.
    I cant be the only one that thinks that the final 3 games should have gone 6 -> 4 ->5.
    6s story makes way more sense as a gap filler between 3 and 4. And 5 having you actually command a unit of navis feels like a real good sendoff for Lans character.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Like 2 dungeons, but 2000 times you have to go to the back of park area
    >Want all the cool Double souls or to make any progress jn the post game? Enjoy playing mostly the same game 2 more times to get the other 3 souls we denied you on the first playthrough.
    >Hope you have this spicific random chip already, or else you get to play the world's worst game of hide and seek with the virus that drops it
    >Story is do some tournaments lol and then there's that meteor we've been pretending to care about for 30 seconds every 5 hours og gameplay
    >There's a way to brick your Cartridge if you try to use the hyped up version linking feature in the wrong way, because QA is for people who have time
    There's probably more I missed, but that should give you an idea.

    • 2 years ago

      >Hope you have this spicific random chip already, or else you get to play the world's worst game of hide and seek with the virus that drops it

      It's even worse with the black bomb chip since you don't even know what you're looking for and it's unique to a single locked piece of data somewhere in the ass end of the net.

  20. 2 years ago

    I mean, they're not great, but nothing is worse than 1.

  21. 2 years ago

    Reddy for Meddy. BB4 has fun souls even if it lacks Meddy soul.

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