Pharaoh remaster is out. Is anyone playing it or planning to get it? Give me an opinion to have. >inb4 shill

Pharaoh remaster is out. Is anyone playing it or planning to get it? Give me an opinion to have.

>inb4 shill

I don't advocate buying it right now. It looks cheaply made and no hieroglyphs makes me worried for the game's future.

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  1. 1 year ago

    No more controlling your own military; regression into an auto-battler.

    This game is DoA and frankly I am not even surprised. What a fricking joke.

    • 1 year ago

      Why do they take things away that the augustus remaster of Caesar already fixed?

      • 1 year ago

        Because the Dev's idea of "fixing it" is "how do we make it so modern zoomer audiences addicted to phones won't be overwelmed?"
        Managing military too hard. Just autobattle.

      • 1 year ago

        That's exactly what I thought. Open source remake did it just fine, fixed a bunch of issues. Then these French morons just delete it completely. I'm so fricking disappointed. Perhaps someone will use Julius/Augustus to remake Pharaoh properly and we can forget this dogshit ever existed.

    • 1 year ago

      fighting was shit anyways

      • 1 year ago

        Somehow they made it even worse.

    • 1 year ago

      >See positive review score
      >Looks promising
      >Check reviews
      Yeah, I'm thinking I'll wait a bit and see how it goes. There are a lot of worrying signs around, enough that I'll either wait for 50% off or they patch it.

      Personally I don't see that as an issue in and of itself, but considering how it's apparently some cheap shit where you just bash numbers together instead of something more complex... I see it as a symptom of deeper issues.
      Also apparently no more defense towers, which is a consequence of the former... And something about having issues killing predators because there is no more combat at all. Which somewhat surprises me because do they also have no more hunters?
      Also what is with the no minimap shit anyway.

  2. 1 year ago

    I won't buy it because it looks ugly. The original Pharaoh still looks and plays great despite its technical limitations from being made so long ago. The only purpose for a remaster to exist is to look and play better than the original, and this one doesn't.

    • 1 year ago

      That's wrong. The remake's actual purpose is to:
      A. Provide braindead zoomers who don't know how file directories work the ability to play a game form 1999 on their Windows 11 PC's with widescreen monitors.
      B. Look slightly better so zoomers don't complain about "pixelated graphics".

      • 1 year ago

        that sounds about right.
        also they get criticism immunity since we wuz kangz and all that.
        and everyone playing game will get brownie points for defending it on internets.

        I'm still amused by their interview regarding visuals awhile ago, vigorously defending their "artistic vision"

      • 1 year ago

        C. Fix the persisting bugs that fan patches were unable to tack on.

        And the game utterly failed at that, having ten times more bugs than release state of Pharaoh, not to mention its final build

      • 1 year ago

        Does it really look better though? To me it looks worse.

      • 1 year ago

        Are these zoomers in the room with us now?

  3. 1 year ago

    Maybe it's stupid reason but I'll pass because of lack of support for ultrawide monitors
    I've seen people mod the beta to support even 32:9 but I don't want to deal with modding the 2023 game to support ultrawide. It should be supported by default. It's 2023

    • 1 year ago

      See look at this fricking braindead homosexual. I bet you'd eat this tripe up the minute they give you your stupid 32:9 support, not even understanding how inferior it is to the original.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe. I haven't played it so I don't know if they fricked up the gameplay but I can already tell that I prefer the visuals of the original so I won't bother with remake

  4. 1 year ago

    I refunded it. The art style is so fricking soulless and those animations are terrible. It turned me off completely. Why even bother to play a remaster of a game that looks worse than the original and yet doesn't do anything different from it, except dumbing down warfare? Frick this and frick those sponsored shills promoting this israelite nickel and dime garbage

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    It's literally a mobile game by a mobile games dev that half-way through got retooled into Pharaoh remake.
    It's bugged through it ass, while in the same time vastly simplified, so you can pull shit like finishing the mission with the pyramid complex within 3 hours without facing a single challenge.
    Considering there is original game around and GOG made it playable on modern hardware, along with 4K display, I see no fricking reason to even bother with this trash. Bugs alone and the track record of the dev of never patching shit out is enough to stay the frick out.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm sorry anon, but nowadays mobile games are better off.
      visually at least

      • 1 year ago

        aw frick didn't see the resolution

        • 1 year ago

          >a mobile game looks better
          That's pathetic.

        • 1 year ago

          Some mobile devs can shit out a batter looking game. Seriously unity gays need to die.

      • 1 year ago

        What game is this?

        • 1 year ago

          Forge of Empires

  7. 1 year ago

    But you ARE shilling for this abysmal shitshow, so frick off, c**t
    TWO YEARS of fanbase feedback. Two. Years. All of it completely ignored, to deliver game that nobody asked for, with borked out features, messed up UI, art direction done by three separate departments (and it shows)... just to coast on Pharaoh's success and legacy and cash-in on it, befitting a company that makes a living off releasing games by others with minor alternations.
    I mean this shit is somehow worse than Lethis. And Lethis was what? 6 years ago? So not only they've learned frick all and then also ignored feedback they were constantly getting, but somehow regressed even from their previous mistakes
    To wit
    >Bugs, and by a trainload. Most of them require restarting the game to overcome, some require to demolish half of the city, other require to restart the mission and hope for the best
    >Mission requirements got simplified, making it a breeze to finish them, never feeling for even a second there is any sort of challenge
    >No mini-map, so you have literally no way to navigate other than extensive scrolling around
    >UI in general requires variety of clicks over tiny-ass icons, with horrendously managed menus. There was no reason to even touch that shit, but they did anyway.
    >Plethora of "I want to win, but don't want to be branded as a cheater" settings for ADD zoomers, like global employment or fixed worker rate, WITHOUT adjusting the actual gameplay around them
    >If you are going to give automated combat, then don't have combat at all, I don't even understand what's the purpose
    Literally what's other point of this game than changing the bank account on which the money from Pharaoh is flowing? It's flat-out worse, doesn't fix anything and adds things that hurt the gameplay, rather than improve it.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think creating dedicated thread to this dumpfire is somehow shilling anything.
      Do you really think some random frick especially from around here will buy it?
      I understand shillfobia, but jesus frick you people have it hard. Same shit as saying anything positive about Xenonauts 2 demo cause obviously if you don't shit on game delayed again, then you are shill.

      • 1 year ago

        >I don't think creating dedicated thread to this dumpfire is somehow shilling anything.
        That just further brands you as IQ-deficient idiot
        >Do you really think some random frick especially from around here will buy it?
        How the FRICK you even think people learned about this game other than online marketing done a year ago? What? Saw some actual adds? Promos then?
        Then there is the fricking format of your thread, the classic low-effort shill of "whad'ya think abut dis", when there is literally side-by-side thread that already is trashing the game, but under ORIGINAL Pharaoh.
        If you cared what people think, you would read that. If you wanted to push this shitshow, you'd make a new thread asking about opinion
        Drink bleach, c**t.

        • 1 year ago

          Anon, I don't think hiding your eyes and covering your ears will make game go away. Overreacting much?
          People learned it from "Popular upcoming" and/or "Popular new releases" most likely, with few gay streaming it too.
          Hell, I almost forgot about it until I seen it in upcoming.
          They have dedicated discord, meaning dedicated moronic fans too which will do it for free.
          I'm not even OP, you also overstate how much world cares about /vst/ of all things. Obviously it's not primary audience for anyone.

          You really think that any new game thread is shilling? Not just people want to talk about it? OP prolly can't browse catalogue for shit and thought there was no thread so created one anyway. It's dumb for him, but you are dumber than him, seeking shills under every corner, especially of obviously bad game.

          calm yo breasts

    • 1 year ago

      >says not to buy it
      >still shilling

      okay schizo

      get the augustus remake for caesar 3 instead, it's free and not shit

  8. 1 year ago

    Torrented the gog version. My impressions:

    >Gameplay and missions seem to be almost the exact same as the original
    >Combat is effectively gone though, what they replaced it with sucks
    >Graphics are okayish, kinda cartoony budget mobile graphics
    >Female citizens at least have decent sized breasts
    >No minimap
    >Cannot rotate map

    Eh... The people saying play the original aren't wrong tbh. The new one is really not different enough to warrant buying and even lacks in a few areas.

  9. 1 year ago

    Steam reviews dropping. Shits about to go from "Mostly positive" to "Mixed". Real disappointing.

    • 1 year ago

      There are only this many accounts from employees of the dev company to pretend it's awesome and great remake.
      GOG was rough from the start, because they didn't bother to cover up there, too

  10. 1 year ago

    I'm surprised anyone was interested knowing it was the Lethis devs behind it. They had a pretty terrible record of ignoring all feedback (particularly with serious technical issues) and Lethis today is still a skeleton of a game. Did anyone really think this would be any different?

    • 1 year ago

      It was a massive red flag for me and I'm glad I didn't get too invested. What'll really suck is this will kill any proper attempt to patch the old game, you'll just be told to play the remaster.

      • 1 year ago

        This. All I want is a slightly modernized old version of Pharaoh. Scale the UI, support higher resolutions out of the box etc.

    • 1 year ago

      They are a small indie dev team releasing their first game and attempting to bring back the impression style of gameplay. It was forgivable then because you could tell there was an attempt and dedication to the finer details so when they got hired by a big dev team people where thinking they'd have enough budget and time to fix a game that was already made. Sadly it looks like they are just incompetent and unambitiouse losers who can't be assed to do anything more complicated that retracting sprites.

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm surprised anyone was interested knowing it was the Lethis devs behind it.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think anyone was interested to begin with. The game had contentious reception on announcement and it only went worse from there. So by the time it premiered, most people that weren't completely fricking new to the whole subject just shrugged, if at all noticing the game is out.

      They are a small indie dev team releasing their first game and attempting to bring back the impression style of gameplay. It was forgivable then because you could tell there was an attempt and dedication to the finer details so when they got hired by a big dev team people where thinking they'd have enough budget and time to fix a game that was already made. Sadly it looks like they are just incompetent and unambitiouse losers who can't be assed to do anything more complicated that retracting sprites.

      >They are a small indie dev team
      They aren't. And weren't. What they are is being a sub-division of a sweatshop producing metric frickload of mobile trash. Lethis was a red flag by itself

      • 1 year ago

        >Triskel isn't a small indie dev team.
        Yes they are.
        >What they are is being a sub-division of a sweatshop producing metric frickload of mobile trash.
        Name those games then. Their site and google searches gives me 4 games, 1 one which is a france only mobile game set in their Lethis world
        >Lethis was a red flag by itself
        It really wasn't.

  11. 1 year ago

    Why cant I rotate the view? Wtf?

    • 1 year ago

      small indie studio prease understand

    • 1 year ago

      No combat either. Shit init.

  12. 1 year ago

    >playing game
    >suddenly encounter game breaking bug
    >no cheat code or debugger or anything to skip over it

    Fun, turns out there is a monument bug where your pyramid gets half way built and then stops forever. destroying it and rebuilding it doesn't work reloading doesn't work you're just fricked lol.

  13. 1 year ago

    I have a bunch of vermin tamed in my animal traps (cave spiders and toads mostly), anything fun I can do with them?

    • 1 year ago

      Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door. The Dwarf Fortress thread is two blocks down.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh wow, what an idiot. Wrong tab.

        You can set up a silk farm with the spiders(expensive and hard to come by), just see about silk farming in the wiki
        Toad skin is somewhat valuable if i recall correctly

        Thanks bro, I'll check the wiki.

    • 1 year ago

      You can set up a silk farm with the spiders(expensive and hard to come by), just see about silk farming in the wiki
      Toad skin is somewhat valuable if i recall correctly

  14. 1 year ago

    so with this being a piece of thurd, with which game i start from these? I only played caesar 1 decades ago.

    • 1 year ago

      Caesars 3(Best mod support) or Emperor: Rise of the middle kingdom(less buggy overall)

      • 1 year ago

        >Seriously suggesting to anyone C3
        >Especially because of mods that render the game broken and laughably easy
        Augustus gays are the worst, closely followed by Julius gays

        • 1 year ago

          what is wrong with Augustus?

          • 1 year ago

            What's wrong with Julius? I thought it was a 1:1 recreation
            >t. never touched C3 in my life

            he's a gay

          • 1 year ago

            What's wrong with Julius? I thought it was a 1:1 recreation
            >t. never touched C3 in my life

            They are set of mods that pretend that C3 not only is a good game (it's easily the weakest entry in the whole franchise, all the way until truly abysmal C4 came out), but that by adding to them random smattering of mechanics from later titles, it can be improved.
            What it is in reality is nostalgia bait few homosexuals had for C3, except they've played it once again in their mid-20s, realised it's shit and rather than move on with their lives, dedicated it from that point on to "save" the game, because they just couldn't accept the focal point of their childhood was a mediocre game.
            I can get Pharaoh gays. I can get Emperor gays. Hell, I can get even Zeus and C1 and C2 gays. Those games have solid reasons why someone could enjoy them or find them worth replaying for decades.
            C3? It's the epitome of "I played it when I was 6 and I got brain damaged by it"

            • 1 year ago

              Looks like C3 broke a buck

            • 1 year ago

              No idea how you got to this conclusion but you do you, I prefer Emperor but c3 is my second favorite. Also didn't play it as a kid, played it as an adult

        • 1 year ago

          What's wrong with Julius? I thought it was a 1:1 recreation
          >t. never touched C3 in my life

    • 1 year ago

      Take a coin
      Heads - you play Emperor: RotMK
      Tails - you play Pharaoh, the original one
      There is literally no other way to decide which one to go with first.

  15. 1 year ago

    Steam reviews say it's buggy as frick. How does that happen? Didn't they just overhaul the graphics with what looks to me like nothing but a less appealing "sidegrade"?

  16. 1 year ago

    Military DLC when?

    • 1 year ago

      Working as intended. :^)

  17. 1 year ago

    Anyone wanna do Emperor multiplayer?

  18. 1 year ago

    they just used single dude carrying stuff for monument construction.
    it's hilarious how sad this game is.

    • 1 year ago

      >the chad teamwork vs the virgin lone wolf

      God this games a disaster.

      • 1 year ago

        I heard that you can't even kill crocos and wildlife such via police either.
        outstanding, really.

        • 1 year ago

          I heard the same. Also apparently houses don't consume pottery and other things. They get some and then never need any more ever again.

          >What is QA
          >What is beta testing

          • 1 year ago

            beta testing nowadays done by steam userbase after release
            they don't really mind, even in this case.
            that's why we can't have nice things.

          • 1 year ago

            >apparently houses don't consume pottery and other things
            What the frick?

            • 1 year ago

              Be very careful and never ever break what you have

              Wash it. Ancient Egyptian laundromat dlc coming soon!

              Drink the piss. Keep drinking and drinking in an endless cycle of piss. Essentially what playing this game is like anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm sure that drinking the piss has some deep religious implications in the ancient Egypt

        • 1 year ago

          Hold on need to reinstall Pharaoh and build a 10,000+ slum city with only police stations for employment and see how long I can hold off pharaoh's invading armies with police brb.

    • 1 year ago

      That is so sad.

    • 1 year ago

      I heard the same. Also apparently houses don't consume pottery and other things. They get some and then never need any more ever again.

      >What is QA
      >What is beta testing

      >apparently houses don't consume pottery and other things
      What the frick?

      holy fricking shit I hope they all go bankrupt

  19. 1 year ago

    I've put 20+ hours in. The nostalgia and cozy aspect of it keeps me playing.

    It's easy like the original was. Once you get import/export rotation going, the city runs itself and it's impossible to lose at that point. It's similar to the OG in that most campaign missions are sitting for 30 minutes watching a monument slowly build while you do something else.

    People are b***hing that the military was redone, but the original military sucked. The new mode isn't much better but it's not worse either.

    There are a ton of bugs that need to be worked out, which I'm hopeful the dev will do.

    >Some missions will bug out, you'll send military to aid in a siege and get both messages that they were successful and failed.
    >If it takes multiple Ferry crossings, gathering npcs will cross, but delivery NPCs will be stuck.
    >Police do not attack predators, and you no longer have military units. If you don't disable predators they will chain eat people without any options.
    >I got soft-locked on a mission, in that I lost a trade partner due to low kingdom rating (Which IMO, was pretty high), and didn't get them back when I raised it to 99. IT was the only trade partner for gems, which I needed to finish a monument. The mission was now impossible to finish.

    It's only 18 bucks, and good for the brief nostalgia. Hopeful the devs fix a few things.

    • 1 year ago

      Literal downgrade

    • 1 year ago

      >it's only 18 quid for a game that's a buggy unfinished mess and a downgrade over the original product released 24 years ago (that you can buy for quarter the price), so you should totally buy it and hope the devs fix the issues after they've been ignoring feedback for 2 years
      Are you actually on a payroll, or is this a copy-pasted steam review?

    • 1 year ago

      >but the original military sucked.
      In all honesty what was so bad about the military? I never had any issues with it. It deffinatly did not have any depth to it but I never had any problems.

      >There are a ton of bugs that need to be worked out, which I'm hopeful the dev will do.
      First off the bugs people b***h about in the original Pharaoh I I don't think I've ever seen or at lest have happen to me. I guess those bugs are common? Even still Pharaoh has like, 3 bugs compaired to this remaster. Plus these devs are fricking moronic so here is just a breif history of their programing compitence.

      >Lethis apparently uses it's own engine, which was made by someone who they hated so much that they where fired soon after release. The code was apparently so busted and moronic that the devs honestly have no idea how to use it and bunch of shit is hard coded for some reason.
      >Their second game used to have combat similar to undertale, but for some unknown reason they could not sync up the animations to the actual hit boxes, so instead of fixing it they just took it out all together. Other similar mini games have issues reading and registering player contact and it was simply not fixed.
      >Their 3rd game was France only because apparently it was too difficult to port it over to other countries.

      This is such a massive disapointment that I'm not even going to bother refunding it. Aside from me feeling like I desever to be punished for such a clear israelite grab but I'd rather not be tempted in to buying it again, thinking it will be good now that I've waited.

      • 1 year ago

        Why would you buy/preorder it? Just I had seen WE WUZ trailer I knew it's gonna be trash.

        • 1 year ago

          I had hope for some reason.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, you know what they say about hope - pirate first.

      • 1 year ago

        >not even going to bother refunding it.

        And that's what they're counting on. And that's why they'll keep on making crap games and not fixing them. Because thousands of others like you did the same thing.

      • 1 year ago

        please anon just refund it and if you wanna try it again later just pirate it

    • 1 year ago

      why rely on nostalgia which half-baked remake brings when you can always launch an original?
      It looks worse.
      It has less narration.
      It has less content.
      It has less features.
      It has way more bugs.
      There literally no redeeming qualities.

      Nice reddit spacing bait post tho

    • 1 year ago

      The original military was absolutely fine homosexual.

      Paying 18 bucks for some dev to shovel shit down your throat says you need to go back. You didn't even just download the gog version lmao.

  20. 1 year ago

    You know what? I'll say it.
    The military in Pharaoh wasn't bad. It was boring, but it wasn't bad.

    The main issues people had with it were
    -It was a nearly identical copy of Caesar 3's military, which was good enough for a game where combat wasn't the main focus.
    -The only innovation it added, boats, were janky and hard to control.
    But you know what? That isn't a military problem, that's a control and UI problem. Exactly the kind of thing a Remaster is supposed to fix.
    Smoother scrolling, better unit control, grouping, pathfinding etc would have resulted in a basic but otherwise perfectly functional military system.

    And the game really is lesser for it. Because while the military system wasn't a big part of the game, it was fully integrated with the challenge of the game.
    Like choosing where to settle your city based on where you expect to be attacked from. Getting proper labor to your towers. Balancing your economy with getting your army up in time. Setting up a weapons industry for advanced units. And so on.
    The main point of the military was to add another level of challenge to influence you in how you'd build and develop your city, and that it did just fine.

  21. 1 year ago

    they just had to fricking remake it, they literally just fricking had to copy it and make a new version compatible with windows 10/11 and fix the bugs it had. that was it, that was all that was strictly required. instead:
    - more bugs than old version, some of them completely inexcusable both in how they present themselves and in how you literally have to not have played this game for more than 10 minutes to not spot some of them
    - auto-resolved battles, like holy shit you have to be braindead to think this is a good idea
    - mobile game graphics, you have such an iconic game like pharaoh and you think it's a good idea to change graphics/style? lmfao holy shit, what double digits iq does to a mf
    - you manage to frick up the fricking hierogliphs in the menu holy fricking shiiiiiiit REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    this game was not made by a professional dev team. this game was not made by a bunch of amateurs/ex modders/etc that loved to make things like that and just found out starting a profession required way more resources. this game was made by straight-up moronic mongoloid spastic braindead clowns

  22. 1 year ago

    Thinking about playing the original.
    Does it run well on current systems?
    Is there a widescreen/HD patch similar to the HoMM3 one?

    • 1 year ago

      >Does it run well on current systems?
      mostly, yes. but you can run into hiccup once or twice, and prolly should not bother try to alt-tab often, and save on occassion
      >Is there a widescreen/HD patch similar to the HoMM3 one?
      not to that extent, it's very basic one, just changes resolution. so if you want bigger UI choose smaller widescreen resolution

      • 1 year ago

        Does the gog version include it? i know they do that sometimes for some games.

      • 1 year ago

        >Does it run well on current systems?
        >Is there a widescreen/HD patch similar to the HoMM3 one?
        However, I'd say that it's the worst entry of the four Impressions games I played (Caesar III, Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor). Building monuments is really fricking boring since you just secure steady income, resources and workforce in the first hour and wait 4 for the monument to build. So if you bounce off this one I recommend trying out Emperor.

        Wow that patch is hard to find. Dead links everywhere. I'll keep searching though.

        • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      >Does it run well on current systems?
      >Is there a widescreen/HD patch similar to the HoMM3 one?
      However, I'd say that it's the worst entry of the four Impressions games I played (Caesar III, Pharaoh, Zeus and Emperor). Building monuments is really fricking boring since you just secure steady income, resources and workforce in the first hour and wait 4 for the monument to build. So if you bounce off this one I recommend trying out Emperor.

      • 1 year ago

        Not really interested in the ancient China setting.
        Maybe I'll get Caesar III. I had the demo of it (I think from PCMagazine) and I remember playing it constantly but being a stupid kid and having no clue what I was doing.
        I'd probably enjoy it a lot more now 20 years later since I'll understand what's going on.

        • 1 year ago

          Tough luck, because C3 is a shitshow in vanilla and a fricking joke with BOTH of the meme mods.
          Your choice is literally either Pharaoh for the superior monuments and Emperor for superior gameplay.
          And if Emperor had just Pharaoh's trading system, rather than the shitshow from Zeus, it would be peak Impressions city builder in every regard.

          • 1 year ago

            How is C3 a shitshow?

            • 1 year ago

              Because as people often mention, it's an object-placement game. The whole challenge comes from two factors:
              - you've got smaller starting budget
              - you need to place your buildings in such a way they fit into the map and the employment walker can still reach nearby house (and unlike Pharaoh, industrial ghetto is inefficient, as it forces the buildings to cycle workers)
              On top of that, there are only 10 missions to be played, completely borked walker AI, no roadblocks and everything being one big proof-of-a-concept game. If you want to play C3, but good, play Pharaoh.
              >b-but mods
              Mods were made by complete idiots who decided that adding roadblocks and global employment is going to improve the gameplay, rather than making it brain-dead.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm annoyed by people thinking mods "fix everything".
                as well as "wow, I needed this QoL" and shit, when it just trivializes gameplay game had.

                Thanks to all that we have shit we have today.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't think the trading in Emperor was that bad, outside of really cramped maps

      • 1 year ago

        don't bully pharaoh, anon
        each person has their own preferences

  23. 1 year ago

    does it even have gardens though
    gardens were the surefire way to boost desirability and without even that, i wasnt optimistic

    • 1 year ago

      yes all the decorations are in

  24. 1 year ago

    I gave up on it

    >mission 3 or 4 cant be completed cause it asks for more than one type of entertainment building yet you can only build 1 kind
    >trading is completely fricked, trade caravans go to the nearest werehouse from the map exit
    >they dont go to anywhere else so if its full or doesnt accept whatever you are importin you are fricked
    >Trade caravans also get blocked by roadblocks so you have to build a bunch of warehouses near the exit of the map this is the most moronic shit in history
    >when you import/export too many kind of shit the game gets bugged and you dont get everything you wanted per month bricking your run
    >in the 6th missions i think where there are crocodiles i was importign food from 3 sources yet never got what i wanted
    >on top of that after an event all my fishing docks stopped working permanently
    >also policmen for some reason didnt kill crocodiles
    overall the game is a buggy mess piece of shit of a remake

    • 1 year ago

      >mission 3 or 4 cant be completed cause it asks for more than one type of entertainment building yet you can only build 1 kind
      That's the very hard difficulty bug from 1999, isn't it? I was wondering if they would fix it

      • 1 year ago

        Why are the same fricking bugs still in the game from 1999 lmao....

        I noticed that placing a plaza on a road that already has a plaza charges me money. This maybe applies to other buildings as well buy I remember the plaza thing being there in the 1999 version too. Minor bug but still, you'd think they would fix this shit in a remake.

        • 1 year ago

          I bet majority of work was done via just copying game logic.
          so outside introducing new bugs on top of unity bullshit, old game logic brought new ones cause no one bothered to test

          • 1 year ago

            I think you're right. Lazy pieces of shit -_-

    • 1 year ago

      >Trade caravans also get blocked by roadblocks
      hahaha what the frick?
      Did they even play the game through to completion at least ONCE before release?
      I'm always fascinated by how games release with such blatantly obvious bugs.

      • 1 year ago

        >Did they even play the game through to completion at least ONCE before release?

        I think we all know the answer to this by now lol

      • 1 year ago

        Anon, don't you know that the first quarter after release of any game is what today passes as beta testing? And that assuming the dev is interested in fixing the game.
        Do I need to remind you they didn't patch Lethis to this fricking day, despite having a thorought list of bugs from own playerbase?

        • 1 year ago

          >of any game
          anon, I understand your general dislike of modern times in games all too well, but that's not always the case
          Sometimes people still release perfectly working games, with at best few hiccups.
          It's a rarity tho

  25. 1 year ago

    Oh hey, the devs actually made a post yesterday
    >Several players voiced their concern and frustration regarding the lack of mini-map but also native ultrawide support. Today, we can confirm that we started working on both features that will provide a better player experience.
    See, they just simply didn't realize people want minimaps in their city builder game. Honest mistake.
    >We remind you that any change brought in-game needs to be fully tested and approved before we deploy it. That's why we cannot give any ETA at the moment but we will do our best to bring the mini-map and native ultrawide support as soon as possible.
    Lol. Lmao even.
    >Regarding the military system, we need more time to investigate and consider all improvements that could be brought to it before saying more. However, here also we can confirm that it will be improved in the future.
    3 years in the making, working on foundations made 24 years ago. You can wait a little longer, right?

    • 1 year ago

      it's just attempt stopping getting negative reviews via appeal towards naive steamgays

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like they plan to do frick all but want the negative review's and people refunding to stop until they make back enough money. Then they'll stop pretending to give a shit completely.

      • 1 year ago

        If anything, I'm actually confused they are doing any sort of damage control at all.
        Both the dev and the publisher are infamous for their "make game, push it out, never patch, move on to next project"

    • 1 year ago

      >still no talk of steam cards
      NO BUY

  26. 1 year ago

    62% and dropping lol

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe when the rating drops low enough, the Pharaoh's army will come to conquer the studio.

      • 1 year ago

        Sorry, but that was removed in the remake.

      • 1 year ago

        Sorry, but that was removed in the remake.


    • 1 year ago

      But why?

      • 1 year ago

        cause after initial nostalgia rush and fanboys left their positive reviews - actual people started playing the game
        And found out they've been sold Early Access title of a remake which removes significant amount of features, looks very different to say the least, and overall easier/broken beyond bugs.

        • 1 year ago

          >cause after initial nostalgia rush and fanboys left their positive reviews - actual people started playing the game
          GOG didn't have this problem, especially since Pharaoh is one of their all-time best sellers. People slammed the game right from the start.

          • 1 year ago

            active people on gog actually play games more often than not and know first game.
            steamgays not so much

  27. 1 year ago

    If you replace the "haraoh" with "enis" you get something really funny.

    • 1 year ago

      And more accurate

    • 1 year ago

      One thing I remember from the original is there is a kid named "wenis". I think hes one of the basket carrying kids.

  28. 1 year ago

    It's pretty absurd how much they managed to screw up, how they had the audacity to release this rushed mess, and how much denial and gaslighting they're dishing out. Maybe they even thought they did such a good job with it and can't comprehend where the criticism is coming from. And the more people poke around, the more bugs and issues manifest. It's like something from a cartoon.

  29. 1 year ago

    I was watching a let splay trying to decide if I wanted this or not, and suddenly realised does it not have the era start cutscenes in like the original? I used too love those as a kid.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Well thats dumb. If you're making a bad game at least make it nostalgia bait

        • 1 year ago

          game also misses like half of narration. I think all post mission stuff at least

          • 1 year ago

            Oof! It just keeps dropping. Glad I refunded this shit.

            • 1 year ago

              yea, watching number drop a bit satisfying a little
              tho I did noticed that number fluctuated a bit and was set back once as if about 30+ reviews disappeared.
              maybe just imagining things

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