Pillars of Eternity

This is on sale. I'm currently playing Divinity 2 and enjoying it a lot, will i like this? Is it worth it?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 weeks ago

    It's much drier but very pretty
    Takes itself seriously, which honestly, I think is very charming when compared to the Divinity games
    RTwP, though, if that's a deal breaker for you

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Takes itself seriously
      Best part about the game, which is utterly RUINED in the sequel

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Takes itself seriously
      this is exactly why i like it in spite of its flaws
      all writing since this game came out in RPGs has deteriorated to the same tryhard marvel quippy shit
      except starfield, i guess, bethesda just write bland stuff that's worse than what ChatGPT would come up with

      >Takes itself seriously
      Best part about the game, which is utterly RUINED in the sequel

      don't even bring up that sequel man
      i was so hyped for pillars 2 and wanted to see some lore things and the way it was handled was unforgivable
      sawyer, if you're reading this, eat my ass

      • 2 weeks ago

        What did you dislike about Pillars 2? I never managed to finish it because I got so bored.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >What did you dislike about Pillars 2?
          (NTA) Almost everything, especially the change of setting and atmosphere and the "refining" of the RPG system which just made it feel like a console RPG

        • 2 weeks ago

          Dragging my poor watcher into this mess.
          First time I played I just asked to return to the wheel.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Takes itself seriously
      Best part about the game, which is utterly RUINED in the sequel

      >Takes itself seriously
      this is exactly why i like it in spite of its flaws
      all writing since this game came out in RPGs has deteriorated to the same tryhard marvel quippy shit
      except starfield, i guess, bethesda just write bland stuff that's worse than what chatgpt would come up with
      don't even bring up that sequel man
      i was so hyped for pillars 2 and wanted to see some lore things and the way it was handled was unforgivable
      sawyer, if you're reading this, eat my ass

      I see a lot of people describe this game as one that "takes itself seriously", even watched a review yesterday that says the same thing. What exactly does that mean? No room for jokes? Full focus on narrative?

      • 2 weeks ago

        There absolutely are jokes. I think people are so used to either dark and edgy fantasy on one side, and colorful, quirky and silly fantasy on the other side. Or heroic marvell-adventures.
        PoE is just dry, grounded, wordy certainly, and serious. But not entirely without humour.

      • 2 weeks ago

        It doesn't have a party full of snarky buttholes, everyone has their own personality. The in-universe lore and storyline are pretty good, though it can get a bit confusing until you get later in the game and finally realize wtf is happening

      • 2 weeks ago

        It doesn't try to undercut itself at every turn with humour and irony

      • 2 weeks ago

        there are jokes but they're rare and when they're done it's usually gallows humor
        the characters don't make light of their predicament, they're quite serious about what's going on and what they've gone through

        What did you dislike about Pillars 2? I never managed to finish it because I got so bored.

        this is going to be extremely nerdy and autistic, but everything they did with eothas
        i was a big fan of the lore they came up with for the first game and i knew eothas was going to play a big part sooner or later, and the fact that they just turned him into some shitty generic bad guy was beyond disappointing, it crippled my enjoyment of the game
        beyond that i wasn't at all a fan of the tropical setting and all the pirate stuff, and i found a lot of the writing to be cringy
        i'd unironically rather play numenera twice over than touch pillars 2 again

  2. 2 weeks ago


  3. 2 weeks ago

    No romance, no witty, self-aware jokes and stupid humour, no barrel-meta. Finetuned, elegant mechanics, good amount of reactivity, well-made classes and in general good game design, beautiful world. You'll hate it.
    One thing that really is the games weakness is that the world can feel drab and the main conflict not urgent enough. It's a cool idea, but the game doesn't emphasize it enough.
    Still great game. Most here dislike it for silly reasons.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    Much better than divinity because it doesn’t try to pander to the reddit audience

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I could never get into it. The combat is pretty complicate, but the world is so boring that it never really motivates you to take the time to dive into the mechanics.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Only CRPG I've ever finished. Really liked it. Highly recommend for $20 - $30.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I found it a struggle to get through. There was so much dialogue that it bored me. Play Tyranny instead. It's shorter, more fun and has comfy music.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I detest that art style

      • 2 weeks ago

        The in game art style is the exact same as pillars.

        I see a lot of people describe this game as one that "takes itself seriously", even watched a review yesterday that says the same thing. What exactly does that mean? No room for jokes? Full focus on narrative?

        Because it's overcomplicated and overwritten, it's got a serious vibe like you're being spoken to by your old dying history teacher at school. There are light hearted characters and moments, but it's so intense with the amount of words and lore it throws at you.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >The in game art style is the exact same as pillars.
          Absolutely not. Gets your eyes checked.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    I liked it. The nontraditional classes and weapons are fun to use

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Found it too dour for my tastes. Also didn't like the class system they came up with.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I like it a lot. Get the expansions too because that's where the game peaks.
    If only the more refined mechanics of Deadfire could be backported.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    Its booooring
    I really tried to give it a shot, got just past the city and havent opened the game since. Its just so bland.

  12. 2 weeks ago

    It's a fun nu CRPG full of soul. I liked it.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    You might like it if you just like CRPGs in general but the combat is pretty meh compared to DOS. RTWP is already a flawed system to begin with and this game has the BG1 issue of being littered with boring trash fights unlike DOS where the majority of the fights are quite memorable. I'd actually recommend checking out Pillars 2 first, it has a turn-based mode built in and overall much tighter gameplay systems, at the expense of a worse story (though better setting imo) and the crappy naval combat that is best avoided.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Ignore anyone that has a gold name. They're kickstarter backers who have put their donut steel characters in with unnecessary lore.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I only played the original game but it was pretty good from what I remember

  16. 2 weeks ago

    What's it like playing a less "traditional" wizard class in PoE 1 and 2? I noticed there's a lot of spells revolving around attacks or status ailments that are AoEs around your wizard so I assume there's some kind of intention for building short range or melee but I always stick with "low armor ranged caster" since it's pretty easy to manage aggro

    • 2 weeks ago

      >PoE 1
      You can make it work and it can be fun, but if you want a warrior/mage you could just play the Cipher which is purpose made for that.
      >and 2
      The multiclass is great. Use it.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Josh Sawyer is pretentious. I can barely remember anything about

    • 2 weeks ago

      being pretentious is not a bad thing
      his main fault is that he's a good corporate drone and a "team player" which means he'll defend garbage even he would privately admit is terrible (like pretty much all the writing and romances in deadfire)

  18. 2 weeks ago

    While the story isnt an edgy and grim with clown characters like in divinity, its extremely dry, even if it is better. Gameplay is honestly way worse

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