Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now. Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.

Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.

Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.

Piracy is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.

Piracy is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.
You wanna know why the game industry sucks? It's pirates. Buy the game, at a physical store, for retail price. Or don't play it at all. Doesn't matter how old the game is. Doesn't matter which system it's for. You don't need entertainment more than they need money.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago


  2. 10 months ago

    Piracy is the reason I have huge savings, they can jack up the price all they want I still ain’t paying

    • 10 months ago

      What are you gonna do with that money you saved that's actually more important than the employees getting paid?

      • 10 months ago

        I may give them a dollar when they begging on the streets

        • 10 months ago

          You literally are saying you're fine with people being homeless if you get to bing bing wahoo for free.
          You are objectively an awful person.

          • 10 months ago

            Thing is I don’t care, they can suck me for 20 if they want my money so bad

          • 10 months ago

            >You literally are saying you're fine with people being homeless
            Yes. Full stop, you don't need any other qualifier. Being housed is a privilege, not a right

            • 10 months ago

              Is being paid for the work you do a privilege? In all nations that aren't third-world garbage disposals, that's a right.

            • 10 months ago

              > You are only allowed rights if you have money!

              Genuine 20 IQ moment. By basic ethics, housing is a right to any individual who is part of society. It is in fact part of the fabric of the social contract that Americans have spend almost two centuries undermining at a global scale. Because people ARE society. Not economy. Not corporations. Not the United fricking Shits and it's handlers. People. So while I can appreciate that you are a brainwashed, uncultured savage that that has been bred only to consume shit like a mindless golem, that does not make you either normal, acceptable, or a positive net gain for the society you live in.

              Your attitude paints you as just another piece of shit loudmouth wannabe Walmart brand tacticool American keyboard warrior who thinks that one day, he, too will be a multi-billionaire who will have more rights than everyone else. So of course you jump in head first protecting billionaires and their social engineering bullshit thinking you're feathering your net egg like a fricking maroon. This does not automatically award you anything other than the right to shut the frick up, given the disastrous state of not only the US, but the world because of exactly your kind of attitude.

              Eat shit, homosexual. People have more right to housing than billionaires have the right to be alive, or the military has right to trillions to exploit the planet.

              • 10 months ago

                No. you should have the right to build your own shelter should you choose but you do not have a right to housing by any means not even ethically, that makes no sense at all.

          • 10 months ago

            Yeah lol. I hate poor people. I pirate things specifically because I’m a greedy piece of shit.

          • 10 months ago

            >You literally are saying you're fine with people being homeless
            Why not? The government is fine with it, so why shouldn't I be?

          • 10 months ago

            If you're homeless, you have no one to blame but yourself. Imagine being an adult and not having a single relative or friend that would take you in.

          • 10 months ago

            >You are objectively an awful person.
            Not my problem

        • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        >that's actually more important than the employees getting paid
        Employees get paid while games are being developed. Even when they aren't getting paid like how it often happens in the AAA sphere, they rarely if ever see a dime from the sales by the average dick and jane.
        You're a fricking idiot.

        • 10 months ago

          >pirates indie games

      • 10 months ago

        Employees don't get a dime extra for sales
        They were already paid when the game was made

      • 10 months ago

        buy a pc that can power through all the shit ports

      • 10 months ago

        >What are you gonna do with that money you saved
        buy more ammo

      • 10 months ago

        Buy stock and become a shareholder in their companies so they effectively work just to make me more money.

    • 10 months ago


      You've convinced me, OP. I shall only pirate my games from now on. Video games are too expensive, I must save my money for more important things.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't brag about money being saved up, you idiot. The whole purpose of copyright is to extract money from copyright infringers. Copyright holders didn't go after Megaupload cause they were stupid, they went after them because Megaupload is rich. The richer you are, the bigger target you have painted on your forehead when it comes to copyright wolves.

      You people on Ganker are either the stupidest people imaginable, or you're a copyright wolf trying to get some unsuspecting anon to admit they're rich, so they can get hauled in to pay their hefty copyright infringement fine. Most anon are safe since they're too poor to take to court and have the police visit them and blow a hole in their skull if they resist.

      • 10 months ago

        yes im sure these companies are just drooling to get their hands on anon's $10k

      • 10 months ago

        yeah thats why theres poorgays that got caught running rom sites and torrent trackers that will be paying off millions for the rest of their lives

    • 10 months ago

      I may give them a dollar when they begging on the streets

    • 10 months ago


      >”Not gonna pay $50 for our game?? Well how about if we make it $70 instead! That’ll teach those pirates for sure!”

    • 10 months ago

      I never started sailing the high seas until they jacked up video game prices in 2016 here in leafistan. That combined with modern devs shitting all over my favorite franchises made me not want to buy games anymore. Only time I buy now is on sale or from small devs that really deserve the money. AAA devs can lick my anus.


    • 10 months ago

      Not like even the smallest indie game doesn't have updates and even dlc out the ass so they are always incomplete experiences.

      but um, isn't the gaming industry bigger than ever with everyone making record revenue?

      Shhh you can't say that

    • 10 months ago

      This, if I'm already not paying you can make games cost a grand for all I fricking care.

    • 10 months ago

      OP blown the frick out

  3. 10 months ago

    Sneed is the reason suck is seed now

    Sneed is the reason frick is feed now

    Sneed is the reason Chuck is retired

    • 10 months ago

      Greed is the reason games cost $70 now. (80 for snoystation)

      Greed is the reason your games have to always be online.

      Greed is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies. (Wouldn't want unbribed reviewers to negatively review your game and call out all the israelite shit)

      Greed is the reason physical game stores are going out of business. (This is false btw. Physical will never die)

      You wanna know why the game industry sucks? It's greedy israelites.

      Fixed your post schizo. Feel free to pirate it

      • 10 months ago

        >tendie trannie
        >reddit spacing
        frick off

  4. 10 months ago

    but um, isn't the gaming industry bigger than ever with everyone making record revenue?

  5. 10 months ago

    >greedy company wants more money
    >blame consumers

    • 10 months ago

      >Pay for online
      >Pay for digital
      >Pay for DLC
      I can't blame them tbqh

  6. 10 months ago

    Actually, it's greed, they could still provide to paying customers, but they choose to care about those potential pennies.

  7. 10 months ago

    >greed is the reason games cost $70 now.
    >greed is the reason your games have to always be online.
    >greed is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    ftfy homosexual

    • 10 months ago

      even if this were true (it is not) I would still pirate

      Piracy is the reason OP's anus is stretched out to the size of a manhole and constantly prolapsed.

      >blame piracy for our israeliteery
      Don't care, not buying new shit, pirating the few ones while playing/buying/pirating the old one

      No it's not.
      Frick of shlomo

      Literally zero good arguments. Zero. Gaming has you all down so bad you'll steal for an extra shot of dopamine. That's actually pathetic.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah and your paying for it moron

        • 10 months ago

          You're an idiot. If you paid for your games, you would play games less because you'd have less of them. It would actually make your life BETTER you fricking sperg.

          • 10 months ago

            All I hear arbitrary whining

            • 10 months ago

              Low iq
              Stay off the computer

      • 10 months ago

        Pure cope

        • 10 months ago

          Pure arrest

          Couldn't care less, I haven't spent a single cent on games/movies/music in the last decade, how much money have you wasted?
          I'll always pirate everything, cope and kys.

          you first tourist.

          • 10 months ago

            Latinx seethe

            • 10 months ago

              me: seeding
              op: seething

              FBI : glowing
              you: going to bed.

              • 10 months ago

                Latinx seethe


                It's you that makes it apparent, not us

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                Latinx seethe

              • 10 months ago
      • 10 months ago

        of course you're a fricking tendie, every fricking time

        • 10 months ago

          You are far too easy to bait.

          • 10 months ago

            >le bait
            only tendies are this mentally ill to defend corporations that don't get hurt one bit from either emulation or piracy

      • 10 months ago

        This poster is the falseflag I was talking about. He's a perpetually unhappy manchild who trolls the internet because he is unhappy.

      • 10 months ago

        So just like OP but from the side that makes sense.

      • 10 months ago

        Piracy isn't a lost sale, a pirate won't buy a game they can't pirate, they just ignore it. However a pirate, after pirating, may buy the game after if they enjoyed it enough. Not to mention revenues have been increasing and are on record to have outpaced inflation like, threefold

        • 10 months ago

          >However a pirate, after pirating, may buy the game after if they enjoyed it enough.

          I just did this with Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. If the big game devs want my money they'd better make a good fricking game instead of the slop we're seeing every year

      • 10 months ago

        You didn't have any good arguments either.

  8. 10 months ago

    even if this were true (it is not) I would still pirate

  9. 10 months ago

    Piracy is the reason OP's anus is stretched out to the size of a manhole and constantly prolapsed.

  10. 10 months ago

    There's really no point in discussing this because you can't and won't stop me.

    • 10 months ago

      >blame piracy for our israeliteery
      Don't care, not buying new shit, pirating the few ones while playing/buying/pirating the old one

      Companies would have found an other scapegoat if piracy wasn't a thing. Stop white knighting big corporations.

      >Piracy is the reason
      Shut the frick up you moron. Fricking stupid tards invaded this board with their dumbassery. Frick you.

      You got baited by a falseflag

      • 10 months ago

        Nah don't care, Frick him and frick you.

      • 10 months ago

        Merely pretending.

      • 10 months ago

        One homosexual always appears at this hour. It's fun shooting him down at every chance

      • 10 months ago

        Probably, but what's the point of a thread if not to reply to it?

  11. 10 months ago

    >blame piracy for our israeliteery
    Don't care, not buying new shit, pirating the few ones while playing/buying/pirating the old one

  12. 10 months ago

    Companies would have found an other scapegoat if piracy wasn't a thing. Stop white knighting big corporations.

  13. 10 months ago

    No it's not.
    Frick of shlomo

  14. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason
    Shut the frick up you moron. Fricking stupid tards invaded this board with their dumbassery. Frick you.

  15. 10 months ago

    The reason why games cost $70 dollars is because snoys keep buying them

    • 10 months ago

      So you think greys are future cats or what

  16. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    No it isn't. Didn't read the rest

  17. 10 months ago

    Hourly bait thread, all fields.

  18. 10 months ago

    You are right about one thing, their "need" for money knows no bounds, so it will always be greater than anything you compare it with.

  19. 10 months ago

    The inflated prices is almost entirely artificial, and just hiding behind inflation as the reason.

    • 10 months ago

      >70 dollar digital games
      But devs 🙁

      • 10 months ago

        Price of a game did rise with inflation everywhere besides the US. However in the US it didn't, so when they suddenly raised prices, they raised prices everywhere else too. In some countries games are over 100 dollars now, meaning a new game is about ten hours of labor at minimum wage. Translating cost to labour hours makes it harder to justify most games with that kind of price point

    • 10 months ago

      Remember when people thought download-only games would end up being cheaper than retail because they wouldn't have to buy discs or shelf space?

  20. 10 months ago

    Arrr, buying video games is a bit moronic I'm not gonna lie, it makes me remember when I tried to buy a PS2 and this soab is trying to sell at 200$, and the original sh2 cd at 70$. I said frick it, I'm just going to emulate. Piracy rocks

  21. 10 months ago

    If Op can explain to me how I can make sure an out-of-business game developer from 30 years ago can get my $20 for their game, I'll do that immediately.

    • 10 months ago

      Find a store that sells an old copy, contact an original dev and talk to them, or deal with it.

      • 10 months ago

        Or pirate it, left out the most obvious choice you little dick licker

        • 10 months ago

          How would they get your $20 that way dipshit

  22. 10 months ago

    >OK but this cheap plastic circle needs to be shipped
    >we need to pay graphic designers and print the manuals and game covers
    >*some time later*
    >simple box with a paper inside
    >uh, inflation

    • 10 months ago

      The color scheme and design of that package is built around working with the design of the rest of their marketing and products activating mechanisms in normies minds that causes them to associate it with other things and consume the product happily, it's not just a simple box with a couple colors and it does work for people living life on autopilot like an insect.

  23. 10 months ago

    Honestly I no longer even bother to pirate western slop. You'd have to pay me for wasting time with political garbage.

  24. 10 months ago

    fortunately the price of games doesn't affect pirates like myself

    • 10 months ago

      Arrr bucko

  25. 10 months ago


    >When there are no more new games I will
    be happy
    New games are trash

  26. 10 months ago

    Weird games cost zero dollars for me. Must be doing something wrong OP.

  27. 10 months ago
  28. 10 months ago

    Piracy on Xbox one/series still hasn't happened yet.
    I don't think PS5 privacy has happened yet, but it's a work in progress. PS4 piracy is mutually excluded from network access due to requiring older firmware that can not interact with the psn in anyway. Also you can only pirate older games.
    Switch is a valid point, however piracy contaminates your system so it will get banned - while you can contain the pirate environment to avoid this, your essentially running two switches without the cost of buying two switches

    • 10 months ago

      >wasting money on a switch at all
      >not just emulating
      You fricking nerds and you're mental defects

      • 10 months ago

        Emulation sucks ass

        • 10 months ago

          Ok well ill keep emulating and not giving Nintendo a dime and you keep whining about it on Ganker

          • 10 months ago


            >le bait
            only tendies are this mentally ill to defend corporations that don't get hurt one bit from either emulation or piracy

            I disagree

    • 10 months ago

      Because shit's not worth it. Switch happened because of interest, if it had the Xbox's Winchester it would have happened either way

      • 10 months ago

        >Muh tendie interest
        It happened because a godmode exploit was discovered on NVIDIA Tegra devices, which includes phones, those dumb windows RT tablets and yes, the switch

        • 10 months ago

          >It happened because a godmode exploit was discovered on NVIDIA Tegra devices
          wondered why happened just after switch's release?

    • 10 months ago

      >PS4 piracy is mutually excluded from network access due to requiring older firmware that can not interact with the psn in anyway. Also you can only pirate older games.
      You can pirate new games, Elden Ring is an over 9.00 game and it was dumped promptly. Of course it did need backporting to 9.00, the most recent *public* hack

  29. 10 months ago

    Jokes on them, I'll just play my backlog until their release drops down in price to 20 bucks or less.

  30. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      Why are you replying to yourself?

  31. 10 months ago

    >expecting pay in exchange for goods is israeli
    Explain to me the difference between this attitude and communism

    • 10 months ago

      Communism has too many troonys, that is its main flaw

    • 10 months ago

      The "goods" arent good enough or even real anymore (they are digital)

  32. 10 months ago


    You're a dweeb who needs a life outside of gaming lmao

  33. 10 months ago

    I will never buy a videogame again, try upscaling some money you israelite shits.

  34. 10 months ago

    As the time went on, games got bigger and fatter budgets. Sure is a sign of vidya industry doing poorly sales wise.
    You sound like some homosexual who released a shitty RPG Maker game with vanilla assets and thinks that the only reason nobody bought it is because everyone's busy pirating your masterpiss.

  35. 10 months ago

    >Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution or exhibition of videogames.
    Phew! I only download, I don't share

  36. 10 months ago

    it's funny how e-thots have started pushing this harder than copyright israelites in the past, I know of at least several japanese e-prostitutes that have threarened Ganker with legal action because they post their material on /t/

  37. 10 months ago

    We stopped using the inflation argument now?

  38. 10 months ago


    Long winded way of saying you spent the summer sucking off black guys

  39. 10 months ago

    This thread is moronic, here's an actual question: who should get the flute?

    • 10 months ago

      If Bastard made the flute, why is someone else deciding who gets it?

    • 10 months ago

      Child A because she's the cutest.

    • 10 months ago

      C obviously. It's the poorest, so I can use my influence to obtain sexual flavors

    • 10 months ago

      Anyone not answering B is moronic.

      B should give the flute to A or C, but WE shouldn't take that choice away from him.

      • 10 months ago

        A is the only one that can use it.
        We do not know the situation with B and how the flute was made, just that B made the flute. Was B forced to give up the flute? Was B not compensated? Is B an employee in a flute factory?

        • 10 months ago

          I think you're overcomplicating it a bit. The context appears to be him simply crafting a flute, being excited to play it even if he isn't the best at it, and being punished for feeling justifiably entitled to enjoying the fruits of his labor by a snobby brat (A) and a future perpetual victim (B) although I repeat myself about the two.

          • 10 months ago

            Frick, sorry but I'm tired.
            *future perpetual victim (C)

        • 10 months ago

          It says that he provided the materials for it. What fricking flute factory makes the employees supply the materials for the flutes?
          B made the flute and A and C are just Black folk trying to rob him.

    • 10 months ago

      Flute goes to A with a contract deal to give B 20% of their profits for life from their performances. C is sold off to sex traffickers.

      • 10 months ago

        >Flute goes to A with a contract deal to give B 20% of their profits for life from their performances. C is sold off to sex traffickers.
        Best answer

    • 10 months ago

      I keep the flute, as there is nobody to stop me and so I am clearly in posession of the monopoly of force.

    • 10 months ago

      A and C are Black folk
      B can just learn to play it or give it away if he wants to

    • 10 months ago

      I want to answer B, but this entire scenario is weighted and biased to assume B is supposed to justify why CEOs make millions of dollars, which B does not represent CEOs.

    • 10 months ago

      It's my flute now. Frick you.

    • 10 months ago

      Why doesn't B just make more flutes?

    • 10 months ago

      I take the flute and slice it into thirds, before handing one piece to each. Thing are now fair, I take my leave.

  40. 10 months ago

    >stares at you doing the fortnite idle pose

  41. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.

    No. Capitalism is. Capitalism always unavoidably leads to products becoming worse and more expensive.

  42. 10 months ago

    I unironically downloaded 10 more games thanks to this OP.

  43. 10 months ago

    There's no reason games should cost this much.

    They don't have to:
    >make discs
    >instruction manuals
    >seal it

    and SHIP it across the world to tens of thousands of stores.

    Games should be way cheaper now. Steam games just print money infinitely. Costs practically nothing to distribute.

    • 10 months ago

      goyims already paying for 50 different subscription services where 90% of your money goes to studio bosses and maybe less than 1% goes to the people who worked to produce the media, digital media is all just a ponzi scheme

  44. 10 months ago

    Games with freemium monetization costing $70 USD(2023) while releasing in a broken state is the reason people pirate.
    Notice how companies keep breaking record profits, despite the "massive issue" that is piracy.

  45. 10 months ago

    >greed doesn't exist
    how are people this naive?
    I mean I know some are baiting, but not all of them. similar to how many flat-earthers are trolls, some actually believe the meme

  46. 10 months ago


  47. 10 months ago

    Speaking of piracy, what was the last game you pirated and how much money did it save you? I downloaded fear and hunger termina and it saved me 20 bucks.

    • 10 months ago

      BG3, 60 euros. Good thing, too, because the game is a fricking mess and I'm dropping it for the time and waiting for the full release with a functioning final act. Piracy saves lives.

    • 10 months ago

      BG3, saved $60
      dredge, whatever it costs on steam
      A few other games.
      I haven't spent money on vidya in a while.

    • 10 months ago

      TLOU Part 1, a horrible PC port, which has only recently been "fixed", saved me $60

    • 10 months ago

      Where do you live that it's so expensive? It was like 11 burger bucks at launch.

      • 10 months ago

        I live in Florida but I'm just a cheap bastard

        • 10 months ago

          Huh, did Miro really jack up the price? Wonder if it sold poorly.

    • 10 months ago

      I wanted to toy with this music game called Fuser, but it was shut down and became abandonware. I got a copy with all progress and every microtransaction unlocked, so I saved actual hundreds at the low low cost of no online.

      • 10 months ago

        you can also add custom songs


        • 10 months ago

          I know, I'm still finding songs that somehow mix with Able Sisters.

    • 10 months ago
      Truly...a video game

      Papers Please. $10. Game has an incredibly boring, work-like gameplay loop. Kinda obvious from the name and premise, but people were praising it so much. There wasn't much to even get me invested outside of:
      >Le tyrannical government demands you to work your assigned task to feed your starving family

      • 10 months ago

        >filtered before solving any major puzzles
        Glad you enjoyed the game, anon

    • 10 months ago

      bg3, waiting for a friend to get it too so we can murder homosexuals

  48. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    >Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.
    >Piracy is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    Elden Ring and Baldur's Gate 3 were cracked on the first day of release, and yet they were sales successes
    The problem is not piracy, but that the games are really good and entertaining. see the example with Redfall
    a bad game at $70 and that has an always online mode

    • 10 months ago

      Baldur's Gate 3 wasn't cracked, it just launched without DRM on GOG

      • 10 months ago

        Doesn't that reinforce the point? If it takes absolutely nothing to pirate the game and it was still a financial success?

  49. 10 months ago

    devs already got paid
    publishers can go to hell

  50. 10 months ago

    Absolutely moronic fricking take
    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    NES games on release also cost 60-70$ and that was 30 years ago, adjusted to inflation that would be 130$ now.
    Also development costs and times has increased dramatically since then.
    >Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.
    No, that's because every other software business has moved to SaaS model which is easier (for them) to manage
    >Piracy is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    No, that's because game reviews is a dying medium
    >Piracy is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.
    No, that's because it's cheaper AND easier to distribute games online instead of printing and shipping physical copies

    TLDR OP is a knuckle dragging 60iq gorilla Black person as usual

    • 10 months ago

      Only worthwhile post ITT.

  51. 10 months ago

    If piracy were as big as a problem as you suggest then more developers would make console exclusive games, but in fact the opposite has proven to be the case. Microsoft has all but abandoned console exclusive titles and very few large budget games aren't available on PC anymore, with the exception of Nintendo which has been steadfast in it's protection of it's intellectual property.

    That's not to say piracy doesn't affect their bottomline, but the fact of the matter is you cannot grade the possible loss from piracy without making a lot of leaps of logic, like assuming that every pirated copy would have been a purchase if it couldn't be pirated, and it's not like you can get decent polling data on a subject like that.

    Regardless, if piracy was such a great concern that game publishers aren't reflecting that with their actions.

  52. 10 months ago

    me: seeding
    op: seething

  53. 10 months ago

    >X is the reason for Y
    Don't care, still doing X

  54. 10 months ago

    The fact that you'll pay anyway is the reason games cost $70 now.

    Engagement statistics is the reason your games have to always be online.

    I could write a whole post about the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.

    Digital convenience is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.

    • 10 months ago

      >I could write a whole post about the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
      Do it, I dare you. Change my mind.

      • 10 months ago

        Frick you. The whole point of saying that was to keep it concise.
        Office politics. Devs have been known to not send review copies to certain reviewers over shit like leaks or even something as petty as a difference in opinion.
        Review embargoes. These exist for the same reason as the lack of playable demos, they want you to buy the game before you judge it

  55. 10 months ago

    why would you buy games? you homosexuals don't buy music or youtube videos, and you're only buying games because very powerful companies have lobbied the government enough into making you think you have to buy this but not this even though the 2 are the same from the rights point of view

  56. 10 months ago

    nah the industry sucks because companies want money money money.. 70 isnt enough it has have a season pass micro transactions and removd content put in patches later with fixes.. -.- in the old days you got the game and that it ! working no bugs or no game breaking bugs. they had to make sure !

  57. 10 months ago


    >final troontasy 41%
    >jewkraine speakers
    like pottery

  58. 10 months ago

    Piracy was around since the beginning and some of the highest-selling games didn't need invasive anti-piracy measures to get there. See: Super Mario, Pokemon, and (maybe) Minecraft.

  59. 10 months ago

    >going to college soon
    >can't pirate shit anymore
    This is going to be hard for cool old games like LSD: Dream Emualtor.

    • 10 months ago

      >>can't pirate shit anymore

      • 10 months ago

        It's the policy of every college. There's no guarantee a VPN would work and I'm stuck on an iPhone contract (so torrent clients won't work).

        • 10 months ago

          If you hook up to a non-campus network, is it fine?

        • 10 months ago

          There's plenty of direct download sites for piracy, if you know where to look.

  60. 10 months ago

    suck a Black person dick you corporate wienersucker.

  61. 10 months ago

    I used to pirate a lot because games were expensive
    Then Steam came out and games were affordable, so I started buying them
    Early this year they raised prices, so I stopped buying and started pirating again

    • 10 months ago

      >Finding out a game on discount isn't at the lowest recorded price
      Never hit the high seas faster before

  62. 10 months ago


    >I have every final fantasy and every madden. Suck it.
    why do you like taking it up the ass for these companies? you shell out money for the same game over and over.

  63. 10 months ago

    Gotcha is the happy middle ground. I legally get free games, companies get a bunch of money from whales, whales get waifue jpgs. It's a win win win

    • 10 months ago

      Except it's designed to predate whales and shove aside the f2p players

    • 10 months ago

      Hope you got your money's worth when the game inevitably shuts down and you never see your waifus again.

  64. 10 months ago

    Its $70 because they can get away with it. Online subscription fees exist because they can get away with it. Microtransactions exist because they can get away with it. Battle passes exist because they can get away with it.

    Piracy is the reaction.

  65. 10 months ago

    games cost $70 now because people pay $70 for them
    games are always online because people bought games that are always online
    i do not give a shit about reviewers
    physical game stores are going out of business because they have been selling consoles that don't have physical media for several years

    you didn't try, but you failed anyway
    that's impressive

  66. 10 months ago

    You can have a (You), cuz you obviously don't believe your own words.
    Smug pirates are fricking buttholes though. They are like script-kiddies: just waiting to take instead of contributing to cracking.

    • 10 months ago

      >instead of contributing to cracking
      what's there to contribute anymore? Unironic question
      A lot of games are on GOG nowadays and have no DRM
      Another big chunk can be "cracked" simply by using Goldberg's emu or some other absolutely trivial way
      The only real challenge left is Denuvo and there to contribute anything you basically have to devote your whole life to studying assembly, decompiling and the like

      • 10 months ago

        Denuvo being the ever evolving lock that has actual pirates on the payroll is gonna keep pirategays on their toes. In a way, their goal is to tell you to crack every game from yesterday, just not today's. With the amount of effort it will take to crack today's game, you might as well apply for the NSA.

        • 10 months ago

          Denuvo gets cracked whitin days, are you on drugs?

          • 10 months ago

            did you come out of a cryostasis from 2018, lmao
            Dead Space remake is still uncracked
            HiFi rush is still uncracked
            Jedi Survivor still uncracked
            many other such cases

            • 10 months ago

              Hogwarts Legacy took 2 weeks to crack, RE4 - nearly 2 months

  67. 10 months ago


    if you spent even a modicum of time on a little bit of introspection you would not be such a bootlicking pussy. unironically go outside and sit in the sun, and do do or think about anything for at least 15 minutes.

  68. 10 months ago


    don't you think it's weird to be so desperate to fall for sony tactics to get a game on day one? because it's going to be weird to see their third party games like FF, stop being temporary exclusives and start coming out on PC on the same day

  69. 10 months ago

    Games are $70 now because every single fricking developer wants to make the biggest game in the world with the most pointless shit ever. Like who the frick cares if I can see the hair nostrils of a model, when all that should matter is the gameplay first and foremost. But no. The consumer market for video games wants bigger games. Better graphics. And more A list celebrities appearing in their games. On top of the absurd marketing costs to advertise these games in every corner of the market, its no wonder companies are struggling more and more. No anon. Piracy isn't killing gaming. The average video game consumer is.

    • 10 months ago

      >Games are $70 now
      except playstation ports on pc
      these things are left out by OP for convenience

      • 10 months ago

        And you left out that the game got ported to PC 2 years after release.

    • 10 months ago

      Speaking of which, one just came out yesterday and just got reviews like an hour ago.
      Was this advertised on TGA or something?

      • 10 months ago

        >trailer just shows all the DLC junk you get in the deluxe version
        That'll sell people on the $70 price.

  70. 10 months ago

    Couldn't care less, I haven't spent a single cent on games/movies/music in the last decade, how much money have you wasted?
    I'll always pirate everything, cope and kys.

  71. 10 months ago

    Yep, sounds like average AAA brainstorm.

  72. 10 months ago


    >Also FF, will never release on Playstation and PC at the same time
    Something similar was said about the PS4 ports that ended up coming to PC
    the same was said that Sony's first-party games would never come to PC from day-one, and now you see things like these
    never say never


    it is not, for the same reason other FF games have been released on other platforms
    only Sony pays for the exclusivity they want, nothing else

  73. 10 months ago

    Prove it

  74. 10 months ago

    Find me an extremely hyped game that flopped because of piracy. We see the budgets and the sales. You're just wrong.

    • 10 months ago

      Define hyped. Cause if it's hyped by media outlets and reviewers, then examples are a dime a dozen. If you mean hyped by players and word of mouth where you cannot talk a friend without them raving about a game, then you're going to have to explain carefully which games fall into this category so they can be scrutinised.

  75. 10 months ago

    OP deserves a public ban

  76. 10 months ago

    >hey, what are you doing?
    >I'm playing this game that released 20 years ago. don't worry, i bought a copy when it came out
    >well, I'm not selling it anymore!
    >you can't play it without my permission, and I don't give you permission
    >that's unfortunate. I'm still playing it

    • 10 months ago

      What gives you the right to play it anymore? If the backup you're using isn't from the original cart or CD you bought, yeah, you're stealing.

      • 10 months ago

        ya got a license for that backup?

      • 10 months ago

        >what gives you the right to play it
        Already paid you for the privilege, so I'm gonna play it. The entire reason why you argued that piracy was bad, as if you need to be reminded, is that the devs are being shorted the money that they deserve. Such is no longer an issue, as you have been compensated.

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        but that would imply that it's provable that my copy is different from any other copy. if it's not what I originally paid for, it's false advertising. if it is what I paid for, I already paid. If I didn't pay and I still play the game, they can suck my dick.

    • 10 months ago

      The issue with Abandonware is that people forget it's mostly an informal term and then cry foul when it starts being resold by not the original owners.

      • 10 months ago

        >>"The best part about [abandonware] is, you can play it with one hand!"

  77. 10 months ago


    >How not?
    Square owns the IP
    >all the games are on Playstation

  78. 10 months ago

    Piracy is a moral good

    • 10 months ago

      its really only acceptable if you're a neet on the brink of suicide or a 3rd worlder, otherwise its just Black person behavior.

      • 10 months ago

        Why those exceptions, anon? Shouldn't it always be bad?

  79. 10 months ago

    Just curious. What would it actually take for you to stop pirating games? Please don't say some dumb shit like nothing or I'll always pirate. I want to know what would genuinely actually make you reconsider?

    • 10 months ago

      Consistently good games, but that's not going to happen so I'll say dumb shit like nothing will stop me. Pirating the game is my demo.

    • 10 months ago

      For you to cause sufficient enough brain damage to me that it no longer appears to be an option. Otherwise, there is simply no reason not to engage in piracy if one has the means.

    • 10 months ago

      They'll stop when they die, or when AI improves so there's a surveillance state that'll automatically dock money out of their bank account or paycheck whenever they commit copyright infringement (and any false positives would have to be argued by them in a court on their own dime). In addition, if they don't have a bank account or job, drones will be sent to render them unconscious so their body organs are harvested since they no longer have human rights. This future is probably within our lifetimes with the rapid growth of AI.

      • 10 months ago

        Please don't give ((them)) any ideas

    • 10 months ago

      nothing, same with movies and music - they should all be free and without ads
      What I think deserves paying money for is "live" experiences.
      Videogames should be free but going to arcade still should cost money to use the machines because they provide you with an experience you wouldn't be easily get anywhere else
      Listening to the latest album of your favorite artist should be free, but going to a concert and seeing them live should still cost money
      Watching a movie on your couch should be free, going to it's premiere and watching it on a big cinema screen with popcorn should still cost money
      Recording of a theatrical performance should be free, going to theater to see it live should always cost money

    • 10 months ago


      >Game is shit = pirate to confirm
      >Game is good = pirate anyways

    • 10 months ago

      >What would it actually take for you to stop pirating games?
      Making them available for me to purchase at a cheap price and always be available.
      i.e. A purchase on PC that lets me just load up an emulator on whatever computer I want to play the game.
      Trying to throw it up on Steam to sell for $10 is frequently a scam. So are these $40 game compilations. There are literally thousands of games freely available on websites all over the place. You can't tell me that charging $1 or even less for a legal copy of those roms is suddenly going to bankrupt a company.

      All I want is to buy a game and then play it, download it in 10 years on a new system and play it, and downloading it in 20 years and still be able to play it. We live in a digital age. People can spend $100 a year to give everybody in the world infinite copies of anything. Don't try telling me that there's some sort of rarity to a digital file.
      The whole situation is just an attempt to make money reselling the game at some point in the future. Nobody would give a shit about some Final Fantasy 1 roms if there wasn't the chance that they could sell them once again on the PS6.

      • 10 months ago

        >Trying to throw it up on Steam to sell for $10 is frequently a scam.
        This wouldn't even be so bad if they didn't shove denuvo ontop of 20 year old ports. Like Megaman collections and Ghost Trick. So you're paying to rent the games.

    • 10 months ago

      Why would I ever pay to click a download button

    • 10 months ago

      >What would it actually take for you to stop pirating games?
      pirating games is also game preservation
      I will keep buying games and I will keep pirating games
      if you want a general answer in today's day and age, most people would avoid pirating, or do it less, if demos were released alongside the game, and games weren't a messy piece of shit at launch

    • 10 months ago

      >What would it actually take for you to stop pirating games?

      If they just gave me the games for free. I only pirate because society refuses to acknowledge that I deserve everything I want for free.

    • 10 months ago

      Nothing short of the games being free or piracy being impossible (though in that case I'd probably spend the same amount, just play less games) because even barring everything else I often pirate as a demo because why buy a game if you don't know if it'll be good or if you'll enjoy it? Stuff like reviews aren't a very good metric and can't account for personal taste while stuff like demos and refunds only really guarantee you like the first two hours of the game, not that it maintains that level of quality or doesn't have all the content frontended.

    • 10 months ago

      I'm poor, so nothing will make me stop.
      Paying for a functional internet is enough.

    • 10 months ago

      The only thing that would make me stop is losing the ability to do so all together.

    • 10 months ago

      Affordable video game prices for one, in the digital age new video games should not cost 70+ dollars. The 60 dollar price point years ago accounted for printing of physical copies and shipping of the product. Now there are no middle men and video games are more expensive.
      They also need to leave beloved franchises the frick alone. Every time I see political propaganda crammed into a sequel or remake of a game I love it makes me fricking sick. Go make your own propaganda games instead of ruining the classics.

  80. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason stuff is expensive!
    >Piracy is the reason corporations started price gouging!
    >Piracy is the reason all those heckin AAA companies spend millions on marketing and completely frick up!
    I love watching all these grifting homosexuals do mental gymnastics

  81. 10 months ago

    I don't buy Vidya but I invest in Vidya stocks so the goyim pay me every time they buy call of slop

  82. 10 months ago

    Why would I care how much they cost when I am pirating them? Enjoy lmao

  83. 10 months ago

    I think you're confusing piracy with inflation.

  84. 10 months ago

    I will pirate every single game.

  85. 10 months ago

    I buy good games. Very few games are worth buying.
    Is that my fault? Your mother chokes on my wiener too and I don't blame pirates for it.

  86. 10 months ago

    >subhuman paypig tries to justify why he wilingly allows corporations to analy frick him by blaming someone else.

  87. 10 months ago

    >literally asked by governments why they charge so much for digital products that cost far less in distribution, and with social media making marketing far cheaper and were answered "because we want to"
    The day they turn off geolocation pricing is the day i believe that piracy actually affects sales.
    Until then I'm going to pirate.

    Because i want to.

  88. 10 months ago

    I would buy every single game on PC for $30 if it came in a big box Blu-ray package with a disc.

  89. 10 months ago
  90. 10 months ago

    I don't pirate games because piracy has always been a service issue.
    And Steam offers a very convenient service for vidya. It's very easy to buy, download, update, and play your games. And games keep getting discounted over time so even if I don't want to pay for it today, I might buy it later.

    The exception is old emulated games. No Nintendo, I am not going to pay $500 for your console and another $70 to replay a game I already bought for the Nintendo 64 twenty years ago. This is predatory bullshit and you can suck my nuts.

    • 10 months ago

      >The exception is old emulated games. No Nintendo, I am not going to pay $500 for your console and another $70 to replay a game I already bought for the Nintendo 64 twenty years ago. This is predatory bullshit and you can suck my nuts.
      I'm willing to pay for the game if I want to play it, but I refuse to abide by their idiotic restrictions. aka "you can't play it on a non-nintendo platform" or "you can't make copies for personal use" or "if we take the game down, you don't own it anymore". Screw that, what gives them the moral right to rip away a game that they were already paid for?

  91. 10 months ago

    Everything you say is a lie because its literally been proven with studies that piracy does not lower sales
    Seethe more israelite

  92. 10 months ago
  93. 10 months ago

    Publishers dont deserve to eat
    Shareholders dont deserve to eat
    I wish they all go homeless and get raped by a pack of wild Black folk

  94. 10 months ago

    Games did cost $70 in the early 90s. Did someone mention this yet? I didn't read a single post ITT. Get a job.

    • 10 months ago

      >Games did cost $70 in the early 90s
      That was only because of how expensive cartridges were to manufacture.
      Once CDs became the norm, game prices stabilized at $60.

  95. 10 months ago

    You haven't been able to pirate on Xbox in over a decade and prices still went up
    Frick off

    • 10 months ago

      This. And look at denuvo. If it's the ultimate solution to fight piracy, why are game prices still going up?

      >m-muh inflation
      That's not an excuse. You should be making profit even if inflation was 10 times worse. Stop passing the bill to the customer.

      • 10 months ago

        >Stop passing the bill to the customer.
        Remember when people said digital games would result in savings because they could cut costs due to a lack of disc/cartridge/case/manual/all the costs associated with physical goods?

        Nope. It all went back into the seller's pockets instead

        • 10 months ago

          >Remember when people said digital games would result in savings because they could cut costs due to a lack of disc/cartridge/case/manual/all the costs associated with physical goods?
          Yeah, I wonder how digitalgays cope. The next step is advocating for muh server storage costs

          • 10 months ago

            >I wonder how digitalgays cope
            The ones who are against piracy are definitely pulling out all the stops. They've already worn out the inflation excuse, maybe they can use politics to justify costs next.

  96. 10 months ago
  97. 10 months ago


    When games stop being made it will be a happy day for the world

  98. 10 months ago

    Let's just point out the actual giant elephant in the room few wanna point out and get it over with: None of these anti-piracy measures would be needed if it wasn't for games costing 6 gorillion dollars to make due to A.) devs with visual/audio files being giant tards with BUT IF IT ISN'T AS BLOATED/UNCOMPRESSED AS POSSIBLE IT WON'T LOOK PURDY ENOUGH, B.) said devs trying to force bleeding edge-tier graphics that literally only the 1% giga PC gayman rig spergs are obsessed over instead of optimizing things and spending way too long/much on such, C.) spending millions on voice actors who get paid way too much for what is essentially a few hours of dialog at most unless it's an RPG game (and usually if it is people will switch to Japanese voices unless not available), and D.) Devs/Publishers being conned by marketing con artists who insist you have to spend endless money on marketing when in truth you can just post footage on youtube or get some content creator there to post/shitpost about it for ez small chump change in comparison.

    If it wasn't for those things making games stupidly expensive to make , could have vidya be cheaper than $60 each, or even down to $25-$30 max and thus much more likely people buy your vidya unless they're actually mega poorgays or BRs who were going to pirate either way on their McDonalds Wifi connection. And thus much less need for DRM shenanigans that make anons REEEE for eons on here.

  99. 10 months ago

    >games consistently achieve record level sales
    >games aren't selling! piracy is doing too much damage! it's the consumers' fault they have to raise prices!

    • 10 months ago
  100. 10 months ago

    >Get game for free
    >Buygay pays 60$ for game
    >Company kvetch about pirate chads
    >Raise price to compensate
    >Get game for free
    >Buygay pays 70$ for game

  101. 10 months ago

    Did pirates force these companies to prey on people/children via microtransactions too?

    Either way something tells me their profits will be ok.

  102. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    They cost 70 bucks because china engineered a virus that fricked the economy. Not only are you wrong in your assessment of piracy and its impact on the industry but you're also a giant homosexual.

  103. 10 months ago

    you are literally moronic
    shabbos goy

  104. 10 months ago

    Not really. It's photorealism and advertising budgets going nuts, and the dollar losing a big chunk of value.

    I would take $100 and no DLC over the current model where it's $70, but there's a battlepass and a store and so on.

  105. 10 months ago

    >Greed is the reason games cost $70 + 40 dollars for DLC + 30 dollars for DLC+ 30 more dollars for DLC x 2 if you actually want all the DLC
    >Greed is the reason your games have to always be online.
    >Greed is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    >Greed and the stupidity of retailers not signing deals to act as publishers to make sure they keep having stock to sell you is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.
    >You wanna know why the game industry sucks? It's greedy bastard investors and C*Os fricking not just this industry to hell but all of them who previously never would've gotten away with it until they saw the game industry did.

    • 10 months ago

      Greed is okay when I do it. I deserve all of the video games and all of the money and all of the everything because I'm me.

      • 10 months ago

        Nice projection. I don't pirate games I'm just pointing out your corporate shill delusion.

        This would happen even if there were ZERO piracy.

  106. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    games are more complex now and actually as expensive as other things are in terms of inflation over the past 20 years. a few games back in the 90s even went for 50-90 dollars depending on the game.
    >Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.
    on the one hand this is a big reason but also publishers want you using their launcher because its free advertising every time you log in.
    >Piracy is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    >Piracy is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.
    thats the internet in general. streaming and digital downloads from legitimate sources did more damage than piracy, you could get roms and download movies off the internet since forever,

  107. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason buying games sucks
    guess I'll pirate then

  108. 10 months ago

    I don't have a problem paying for games, and I think you shouldn't either

    >always online
    >say word money stolen moderation
    >forced patches
    >anticheat in single player
    >intrusive DRM
    I will not pay for this, and I think nobody should pay for this

  109. 10 months ago

    They can make it $100 and that won't convince to buy these games instead of pirating them, so I'm not sure how's that going to help.

  110. 10 months ago

    this is bubba, and this is a bean burrito from taco bell.
    let's see if bubba wants a bean burrito.
    gonna get it?

    good boy, bubba!

  111. 10 months ago

    you can't farm clown awards on Ganker, what are you doing

  112. 10 months ago

    Ignoring the fact this is a troll thread, let's talk live service games for a moment, gacha, cod, Madden whatever.
    Personally, I will always be baffled (not really) that these games ever close down their online only stuff (gravity rush anyone?) As long as interested parties still exist.
    These things could be given to the community to host if companies don't want the fractional cost burden as well.
    >But these things cost moneysl
    Well then where is my 70 dollars going homosexuals?

    • 10 months ago

      They close it down BECAUSE people want to play them. So instead of just incurring some server costs, they can charge 70 bucks for a new installment of the same game you've already played. It's an economic wet dream, where you pay full price for the privilege of renting a game that will be shut down in a year, so you have to pay 70 dollars to renew. And that's just one game.

  113. 10 months ago

    Piracy leads to higher prices. Higher prices lead to more piracy. The cycle continues indefinitely until only the rich pay while the rest enjoy for free. Piracy is a means of freedom.

  114. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    wrong dipshit, 70 is just what they think they can get away with atm, they will increase it.
    >Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.
    wrong again, dlc, battlepass, microtransaction is why.
    >Piracy is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    nope that's just because most of them make really shitty games.
    >Piracy is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.
    no publishers were trying to get rid of those long before now so they could get their "cut",
    >You wanna know why the game industry sucks? It's pirates. Buy the game, at a physical store, for retail price. Or don't play it at all. Doesn't matter how old the game is. Doesn't matter which system it's for. You don't need entertainment more than they need money.
    all incorrect, piracy is the best thing that ever happened to gaming and still is. you know neither history of the gaming industry or business in general. game publishers have always sucked total dick and piracy is the only thing keeping them even close to honest go frick yourself.

  115. 10 months ago

    games being low effort cashgrab trash is why games get pirated
    make a good game, charge $15 for it and i'll buy it
    not paying over $15 for a game, let alone a bad game
    also give me demos and free trials
    let me play an hour or two and decide if I want to part with my money

  116. 10 months ago

    Piracy is the reason this industry exists.
    Without children getting addicted young using piracy adults would not play this crap and certainly would not pay 70$ for it.

  117. 10 months ago


  118. 10 months ago

    I was never going to buy your game. You lost exactly $0 from piracy.

  119. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    piracy is the reason games cost $0

  120. 10 months ago

    >devs switch from cartridges to CDs
    >"the cost of producing games has gone down!"
    >said reduction in cost never translates to the customer
    >digital distribution becomes a thing
    >producing games is cheaper than ever, you dont even need to print the games in physical format
    >this doesn't translate to the customer either
    >they jack up the price
    >implement a dlc store to israelite the frick out of customers
    >also season passes

  121. 10 months ago

    not my problem, cant wait to pirate starfield day 1

  122. 10 months ago

    But I don't buy $70 games, always online games or physical games in the first place. You could magically switch disable all forms of piracy and that wouldn't change.

  123. 10 months ago
  124. 10 months ago

    piracy is the reason games cost 0 dollars now
    get fricked. i haven't paid for shit in years, and the few things i have bought i buy with daddies money.

  125. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


  126. 10 months ago

    I don't give a frick. These prices are balanced around the median salary of an american that earns 50k per year, I will be lucky to earn that in 5 years. Regional pricing doesn't work because I'm in a shithole country in europe so I guess my euro has the same value as a german's euro that earns 4 times more than me for the same wagie job. I have no reason nor motive to support the devs these last years after what unplayable products they have released.

  127. 10 months ago

    Games would cost $200 if cracked free copies didnt exist.

  128. 10 months ago

    The vast majority of games on PC are still $60, not 70, despite it being far easier to pirate on PC than on console. $70 games are a console thing. You can't blame piracy for this.

  129. 10 months ago

    >ps5 exclusive game is $70
    >no way to pirate it

  130. 10 months ago

    Bro piracy is almost a dead hobby you got be trolling.

    • 10 months ago

      >dead hobby
      maybe for shit brained morons such as yourself.
      go pay another 15.99 + tip for a month of gamepass, gay.

      • 10 months ago

        I think you would actually have to be delusional to make the claim that piracy is more popular than ever. It peaked long ago and has lost a ton of relevance. Fact.

        • 10 months ago

          source: my stinky unwashed fat neet ass

          • 10 months ago

            Zoomers don't remember the early internet lol. You're actually a clown. If 1 dollar gates clowns like you it's probably worth it ha. Music, then it was the movies. Then games. It's died down. A lot. Your absolutely foolish.

            • 10 months ago

              Very, very low IQ post.

            • 10 months ago

              piracy died down because of companies like Netflix offering a fair price to access of a good selection of movies.
              Now you have twenty different streaming platforms and half of them enforce draconian rules and charge ridiculous pricing.
              If you can't see why piracy is becoming popular again then you are a braindead frickwit.

            • 10 months ago

              >source: dude trust me, I 'member
              You have 0 actual statistic to back up your claims

              • 10 months ago

                This homosexual still thinks its 2015 when Spotify and Netflix were extremely successful.

            • 10 months ago

              You don't remember the early internet.

            • 10 months ago

              > t. Subhuman 12 year old

  131. 10 months ago

    So if piracy is the reason for rising video game prices are Black folk the reason for irl inflation then?

  132. 10 months ago

    Current best game, bg3, is 60$, perfectly good offline and DRM-free
    Previous best game, elden ring, was 60$, perfectly good offline and DRM-free
    Best game befpre that, witcher 3 was 60$, perfectly good offline and DRM-frer
    You see, it's not your cope and shit. Good games sell, and I'm more than happy to buy them. It's the israelites that want to take your money and give as little as possible in return. I'm not wasting money on shit like that.

  133. 10 months ago

    >game goes to $70
    >"it's because of INFLATION"
    >people don't buy it because inflation can't impact data
    >"it's because of higher development time and costs!"
    >people don't buy it because games hit a satisfactory end point in graphics and gameplay at the end of PS2. Everything since then has just been nice but unnecessary

    It's all so tiring

  134. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now
    so what, increase the price all you want it doesn't stop me from pirating

  135. 10 months ago

    Games are so expensive now because they have 4000 man dev teams and blow infinitely more money on advertising nobody watches to make soulless shlock that nobody but console players buy because the latest system doesn't have old (better) games designed by teams of fewer people that actually care about the thing they are making.

    • 10 months ago

      As an addendum
      I do not pirate videogames
      And if you pirate modern games you're an even bigger idiot than the people that actually pay for them.
      My point still stands that they are shit

      • 10 months ago

        >And if you pirate modern games you're an even bigger idiot than the people that actually pay for them.
        Please elaborate, I could use a good laff right about now.

        • 10 months ago

          You're actively engaging with shit games, that even you recognize aren't even worth the price on them. People that don't know better at least have that excuse.

          • 10 months ago

            You never know if they’re actually shit or not unless you give them a spin. I’ve definitely played games that Ganker has claimed to be garbage only to find that they were amazing, and vice versa.

            Your reasoning for this is inherently flawed.

            • 10 months ago

              >I’ve definitely played games that Ganker has claimed to be garbage only to find that they were amazing
              Give a few examples of AAA that fit this criteria.
              Not pixelshit indie roguelikes or whatever, AAA.

              • 10 months ago

                I actually really loved both Heavy Rain and The Last of Us (original). I can't think of any other big and mainstream series that I would list, though. I did like Skyrim when it came out, despite my jaded feelings for it a decade later.

            • 10 months ago

              >How was I supposed to know the bag labeled shit was shit just like the other 400 bags of shit
              >I need to shove my hand in it to check
              Your reasoning is the one that's flawed.

              • 10 months ago

                >playing a videogame is the same as sticking your hand into a bag of shit
                As long as it’s free, then no harm done. Who knows— you may even be the kind of cretin who enjoys feeling up poopoo.

    • 10 months ago

      buying consoles doesnt even make sense anymore.
      at one point a console was a solid alternative to a PC for convenience and price point. now they are all glorified DRM machines that almost cost more than their PC counterparts. I was a consolegay until this generation and once Microsoft starts forcing Win11 I am switching to Linux.

      • 10 months ago

        I'm not gonna buy raytracing AI hardware or get windows 11, either.

  136. 10 months ago

    I'm not buying your goyslop. It's not even worth pirating.

  137. 10 months ago

    Romero made enough off share ware to give away a ferrari.

  138. 10 months ago

    only the worst israelite owned companies are raising prices so only they will be the ones to eventually fold and pull shareholders when they realize games aren’t insanely profitable anymore after all the poz they’ve shoved in them
    in the meantime I’ve been loading up retroarch with good games

  139. 10 months ago

    >Game industry bad
    Must be the pirates

  140. 10 months ago

    what are you talking about?
    piracy very explicitly reduces the cost of games
    I might have bought bg3 if it were 20 dollars
    I sure as hell will pirate a game that's 70 though

  141. 10 months ago

    Wrong on every level, moron.

  142. 10 months ago

    300 replies and literally every single one is bait

  143. 10 months ago

    Piracy isn't the reason for physical dying, though. When Steam came along, publishers tried so hard to keep their cut from developers by selling physical copies in stores, but Steam users had already tasted awesomeness (probably about 2007, when I started using it, actually) and didn't want to have to deal with that shit anymore.

  144. 10 months ago

    No, it's not.

  145. 10 months ago

    You should make a thread you know at the very least the most minimal thing about instead you choose this theme and now you look like an idiot.

  146. 10 months ago

    Piracy isn't real.

  147. 10 months ago

    Games are heading toward 80 dollars and it's not because of piracy

    It's because of greed. They push at you and when you offer no resistance they keep pushing. I can see 90 from here because of morons like you.

    • 10 months ago
  148. 10 months ago

    >digital sales for years have made companies loads of money over physical sales
    >inflation happens
    >ramp up prices twice the inflation rate minimum
    >DLC prices doubled

    They're scum is what it is.

  149. 10 months ago


  150. 10 months ago

    >Piracy is the reason games cost $70 now.
    >Piracy is the reason your games have to always be online.
    >Piracy is the reason companies aren't giving out as many review copies.
    >Piracy is the reason physical game stores are going out of business.
    >You wanna know why the game industry sucks? It's pirates. Buy the game, at a physical store, for retail price. Or don't play it at all. Doesn't matter how old the game is. Doesn't matter which system it's for. You don't need entertainment more than they need money.
    No, that is greed

  151. 10 months ago

    A single absolutely atrocious game released on the NES accounting for inflation costs about $160 dollars. Currently a single game should really cost about $460 with the increased costs, you really shouldn't be disagreeing with me on that as you'd be a hypocrite.
    Seems like you should be thanking pirates that you aren't paying that fair price. Thanks to pirates the price is still so low.

  152. 10 months ago

    Even if it's true, I can still download anything I want from 1337 or emulate it.

  153. 10 months ago

    shut up nerd

  154. 10 months ago

    Kys op. Games were 70 bucks as far back as the snes era. The only difference is they want more to adjust to the raising costs of their dev teams and shipping costs for physical product. Or are just greedy Nickle and dime c**ts.

    If these Black folk want less piracy, they should be offering digital versions for cheaper at launch. Seeing as there's no shipping excuses there.

  155. 10 months ago

    >Can get something for free with 0 consequences
    >spend 50-70 euros on it when the free option exists
    I pirate games, music, software, books
    I went through college without paying for a single book or program
    There's no reason to pay for digital goods
    It's also more convenient to just download qbittorent and click a magnet link than it is to
    >Want to watch specific movie
    >Not available on any of the streaming services you're already paying for
    >Have to search online where it's available
    >Install the app for this new streaming service
    >Make an account, add payment option
    >Choose a membership option
    >can finally watch the movie

  156. 10 months ago

    i only spend money on genshin b***hes, otherwise i just pirate.
    that reminds me i've added few games to my steam wishlist instead of just pirating them. time to update my seedbox.

    • 10 months ago

      >Spending money on mihomosexual games

  157. 10 months ago

    piracy costs the developer the same amount as not playing the game at all.

    and some developers, moronic as they may be, interpret that as not continuing ideas that were in a game that was easily pirated.

    also piracy isn't that much of a deal anymore; most of these goddamn games are online all the time now, require subscriptions, make hand-over-foot bullshit money in DLC purchases, or you'd probably just get a virus if it's a PC game off some torrent site.

    Games won't be $70 for long. The value of USD has halved since 2020, when games were $60. This sense of economics hasn't hit all industries simultaneously, but they'll be $120 soon, before DLC. Before Tax. Before Tip.

    • 10 months ago

      With the collapse of China the US dollar has been going back up and will continue to do so since China is in freefall atm, they're going full dystopia and it's insane. They've been straight up telling the public "expect everyone you is a spy, your parents, your friends, your lovers, they are all spies, report everything they do"

  158. 10 months ago

    >I wonder why games are shit now
    >surely pirating everything has no bearing on this fact, actually studies say piracy is le good!
    And other copes you tell yourself.

  159. 10 months ago

    it costs 70 dollars because sony did it first with their games as a excuse of "games are too expensive" when none asked them to spend 200m on a single videogame. Then EA followed, shortly after rockstar and ubisoft and now everyone else is doing $70 games

  160. 10 months ago

    Piracy is always morally correct, but especially because of moronic shills like this.

  161. 10 months ago

    I'm not going to defend piracy but arguments you listed are bullshit. Companies being companies, they are just greedy and the bigger they are, the worse they ends. They would happily implement always online even if there was no piracy, they would gladly increase the costs even if there was no piracy because "muh lost sales".

  162. 10 months ago

    that's a lie, prices are rising in every sector. Companies play this guilt game all the time to browbeat consumers into being docile. The biggest factor contributing to the price of video games going up is the consolidation of the industry into fewer and fewer mega-corporations, who have an increasingly easy time setting the terms of the market between them as they gobble up all their competition. Their rent-seeking interests line up against those of the consumer, and they will begin to push for shit like gaming-as-a-subscription-service across all formats. Cap this

    • 10 months ago
  163. 10 months ago

    if you want an example of how greedy game companies have become, look at how long it takes them to put out a discounted reprint range now.
    >PS1, PS2, PSP, and PS3 all got Greatest Hits about 2-3 years after release
    >PS4 didn't get it until 5 years after release
    >No sign of it coming to PS5 after 3 years
    >GB got Player's Choice 7 years after the US release
    >SNES got Player's Choice 5 years after the US release
    >N64 got it at an unknown date
    >Gamecube got it 2 years after release
    >GBA and Wii got it 5 years after release
    >3DS and Wii U got it 4 years after release
    >Switch still hasn't got it 6 years after release

    • 10 months ago

      There's really no point in discounted rereleases when physical is dead. Just put it on sale.

  164. 10 months ago

    I enjoy stealing and the more valuable the product is the better it is.
    The rest about ideological, politics, economy shit I don't give a single frick about it.

  165. 10 months ago

    Even when publishers did cope never said anything about piracy. They always hide behind development costs.

  166. 10 months ago


  167. 10 months ago

    Games cost 70 bucks for the same reason woke shit is in every game. Because gamers allow it and continue to fully support it. If people had standards and didn't buy overpriced garbage then none of this shit would be a problem.

  168. 10 months ago

    >games are lazier and buggier than ever, so buy them and support this trend in order to fix them!

  169. 10 months ago


  170. 10 months ago

    Nope. It was proven that piracy has no effect on sales.
    It's just companies being greedy. As always.

  171. 10 months ago

    I don't care. I'm a kleptomaniac with hundreds of games and roms stored on an external drive that I don't even play, just looking at the directory listing makes me happy. The games that I did pay for are just impulse purchases I made while browsing second-hand marketplaces so the publisher didn't get anything from that exchange either.

  172. 10 months ago

    >denuvo literally killed piracy
    >few crackers left are corrupted and inefficient
    >companies still blame piracy for bad sales
    maybe try making a good game worth buying at full price next time homies

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