>play as the Brits. >immediately invade Normandy. >take Paris within 5 turns. >victory

>play as the Brits
>immediately invade Normandy
>take Paris within 5 turns
Why is this game so shit? Why didn't Brits try this in real-life instead of trying to invade through the south?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It's historically accurate. The British were just moronic and didn't notice a simple winning strategy. Just like how Napoleon didn't think to just land his army in Britain while completely ignoring their fleet.

    • 2 years ago

      >draw giant line of infantry
      >pound enemy with artillery so he has to come at you instead of waiting
      >simply stand still as he walks into the range of your infantry
      >win every time
      Were military commanders at the time just moronic not to notice this? It's so easy

      • 2 years ago

        Napoleon did say that artillery was the queen of the battlefield, but yes, probably. People back then were stupid in general. If only they had these awesomely historically accurate Total War games to teach them better.

        • 2 years ago

          I bet the Japanesians during the Boshin War didn't even win entire battles just because Armstrong Guns exist

          • 2 years ago

            You would be unironically incorrect
            armstrong guns were OP even out here in meatspace

            • 2 years ago

              Man, Boshin casualty numbers are so ridiculously low

              • 2 years ago

                It was barely even a war

              • 1 year ago

                The game writes a check implying it was some big American Civil War-type thing but in weebanese, but it was more like a bunch of BLM riots that got immediately pooped on.

        • 2 years ago

          Napoleon was obsessed with artillery
          When he graduated from the academy he was given the rank of artillery general.
          In the Vendee he refused to take the role of infantry general, which got him fired from the military.
          So, in every battle, he either managed the artillery personally or had control over it.

          • 2 years ago

            The original asiaticclick

            • 2 years ago

              why did I laugh

              • 2 years ago

                I read about him personally managing the logistics and even uniform design.

              • 2 years ago

                >the original army painter

        • 1 year ago

          This but lowkey kind of unironically. We have so much information these days that we take for granted

        • 1 year ago

          Empire is better than Napoleon, it just had a shitty release. Darthmod Empire > Any mod napoleon

          I haven't ever played the campaign of this game.

          Does this the game simulate the shortage of horses? Like after Russia, Napoleon didn't actually lack manpower, but he lacked war horses.
          I assume it just simulates everything with "money".

          I was also thinking of trying a campaign in Napoopan, maybe with Empire afterwards, simply because I don't wanna bother with colonies until I've autism'd the smaller game.
          How's the campaign as Austria or Russia ? I feel like any other country is either ez or a slog.

          Thank you in advance Anons

          • 1 year ago

            Unify Italy, as a nation of your choice.

            • 1 year ago

              Thanks for the reply, I may actually do that as Russia because beating France as Prussia results in getting attacked by pretty much every neighbour and that became WW1 with the entire income going into the military
              Speaking of, did anyone try the WW1 mod?

              • 1 year ago

                >with the entire income going into the military
                Sounds historically accurate to me

              • 1 year ago

                Yes but what if I want peace ?

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                >play Empire
                >move out of the clusterfrick that is Europe to India
                >conquer entire India
                >Bring the religion of Portuguese Peace to the Middle East
                >conquer spain

              • 1 year ago

                i reckon one of the few ways to have fun in empire is to do a run as a european power where you have a self-imposed moratorium on expansion in europe and only expand in collonial territories.
                i had great, very intense fun in a netherlands campaign where i didn't expand in europe and tried to conquer india just on the basis of the income and production i had in sri lanka (and then all the additional provinces i took)
                it made for a very intense campaign, slow progress, constant counter attacks by ai stacks, constant peace treaties and breaking into hostilities again
                i was going to successfully conquer india too, except at one point sieges became unplayable due to lag and there was no way i could win those battles if i didn't manually control them

              • 1 year ago

                Lag, the enemy.

                Speaking of silly runs, I once did an all-coastal run where I conquered most of the ocean-adjacent provinces and maybe one tile towards the land. As you can expect right about every country hated that but had little financial power to build an army due to no naval trade.

                I was playing Danes at the time so the map looked all white at the edges with various colours in the middle. The map became my doughnut, and the coasts were #BUTTERED

              • 1 year ago

                so you played on quick combat? kek you didnt play the game son, the game played you.

              • 1 year ago

                G'day c**t, you sound like a right proper gent so allow me to apologize if my post was misleading. Getting high on vacation is an amazing feeling and I do wish right about everyone in this thread the chance to have 3 weeks off.

                Happy New Year and fatter wallets btw, thanks all for the answers! Really helps a lot.

                I did try the campaign map aswell, pretty fun playing a government that doesn't frick up every 5 years because of elections or rat poison in the absinthe, but like the other Anon said it's pretty wild how you may simply beeline to enemy capitals sometime and win in like 10 turns

              • 1 year ago

                >Speaking of, did anyone try the WW1 mod?
                The great war? Yeah it's actually pretty fun. A little railroaded so you get things like bolshevik revolutions as a Russia who owns Berlin and Vienna, which hilariously enough also spawned rebels in those two areas because they're apparently coded the same as Saint Petersberg, but the battles are pretty fun. Though the AI still uses outdated tactics so every battle is early ww1 for them. Even with early game artillery you can see sub 100 casualties for full army wipe battles if you get a few of them.

              • 1 year ago

                So artillery = win against the A.I. most of the time?
                Also do you get like a civil war event regarding the ruskies or do they become commies by default?

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah. Like I said even the starting artillery is absurdly strong. As Russia I punched into the heart of Germany and took Berlin with my starting army after merging them because they start with a couple shrapnel artillery. I built only a handful of units I actually used in battle until the revolution.

                The revolution has two stages. One is a "soft" revolution where every city gets absurd unhappiness for two or three turns then goes back to normal. Second is the hard revolution where you get a civil war event that spawns full stacks outside of your capital. And apparently any city marked as a capital because they spawned in Berlin and Vienna as well. They aren't actually that dangerous if you already prepared for it but I also didn't play long after I beat the revolution because I already won ww1. Maybe it gets worse afterwards. The worst part of Russia I experienced was the debuffs leading up to the revolution. I already had Berlin by the time the debuffs started hitting
                so they didn't matter too much, but one really hurts your armies and one cripples your economy.

              • 1 year ago

                Well thank you for the detailed response. I haven't played Napoopan much so few epic stories for now.
                The part about full stacks appearing at all three capitals is funny tho, but I can picture it's a feature instead of a bug, because otherwise it may have been too easy a revolution to deal with.

      • 2 years ago

        It would work once. The second time I'm going to bring more lancers and hussars than infantry
        Also all infantry will be loose order windgun jaegers that napoleon hated haha
        >It had a 20-round magazine, and could fire as quickly as the user could pull the trigger. The gun could drive a ball through a plank (or a man) at 100 paces, but it was a delicate weapon. Quiet, and without a tell-tale cloud of gunpowder smoke, the windbüchse did not work after rough treatment, something that was inevitable in battle. Napoleon Bonaparte hated them and decreed that any captured “assassin” with an airgun was to be executed, not treated as a soldier."

        • 2 years ago

          Based anon larping about how great a commander he would be in this fictional situation based on a joke about how stupid TW tactics would be irl

          • 2 years ago

            total war multiplayer

      • 1 year ago

        they literally did that though

      • 1 year ago

        there was only about 1200 cannon at borodino and over 250,000 men and over 50,000 cavalry. goodtimes

  2. 2 years ago

    Empire is better than Napoleon, it just had a shitty release. Darthmod Empire > Any mod napoleon

    • 2 years ago

      Are you seriously implying that a player-led britain in darthmod couldn’t just conquer one province France in 5 turns?

  3. 2 years ago

    Total War, fun series... until you realise how to beat it. Then it's either pathetically easy or just an exercise in machochism as you bash your head against its cheating moron AI.

    • 2 years ago

      Agreed. Legendary Shogun2 was a headache but immensely satisfying once completing it
      >spoiler: everyone eventually declares war on you

      • 2 years ago

        Is it even possible to consistently beat Shogun2 on legendary? I've won maybe two campaigns on legendary, started and abandoned countless. It seems like it's just a toss of the dice whether or not the AI will doomstack you to death all together on both ends, or if you'll get at least the few turns of breathing room you need to actually keep your economy and army alive

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't achieve or try that with every faction, but yes, absolutely.
          > It seems like it's just a toss of the dice whether or not the AI will doomstack you to death all together on both ends
          Just become friends with AI? In S2 it's shockingly easy. At which turns do you usually give up?

        • 2 years ago

          Shogun 2 has to be played aggressively, get your armies going and just expand. Alliances aren't meant to be kept, treaties should just buy you time while you deal with another more immediate threat, the AI doesn't honor treaties and neither should you, just me mindful of hurting your honor too much. Also, bribery and selling agreements also stops you from going broke and being backstabbed too soon. Don't establish vassals until you become shogun (a year or so after taking Kyoto), or realm divide will make them stab you in the back, the only exception to that is if you need some extra honor.

          • 2 years ago

            not that anon, my main problem with shogun 2 is having to sit an army in a city for turns on end waiting for it to become loyal . I know agents exist but it still takes a large chunk of my army that could be doing more expansion

            • 2 years ago

              Just recruit Yari Ashigaru and when the debuff goes away send them to reinforce your main army/pacify a city conquered in the meantime.

              • 2 years ago

                but... I wasted all my income on yari ashigaru, I cant afford to keep more

  4. 2 years ago

    napoopan always has problems on windows 10 for some raisin
    weirdly enough med2 doesn't

    • 1 year ago

      >weirdly enough med2 doesn't
      I've had issues with certain things happening too quickly in Medieval II, but that had more to do with the fact I was running it on a Ryzen rig than that I was running it on Windows 10.

  5. 2 years ago

    Use the Darth Mod and play as Scotland. Won't be so easy.

  6. 2 years ago

    All Total War AI is shit. Just don't play them. They aren't real strategy games. The same hammer and anvil tactics work for each game.

    I guess you could play multiplayer but who has time for that.

    • 2 years ago

      stainless steel AI is really good

      • 1 year ago

        Its shit.
        When you get good generals they retreat as soon as your troops and their troops touch.

    • 2 years ago

      >The same hammer and anvil tactics work for each game.
      They don't work in empire, napoleon, or shogun 2. the former because guns basically completely invalidate melee units and the later because cavalry are literally paper against the cheapest unit in the game to the point where most battles you dismount the cavalry after killing archers because dismounted cavalry are just a smaller samurai squad which are infinitely more useful.

      • 2 years ago

        >cavalry are literally paper against the cheapest unit in the game to the point where most battles you dismount the cavalry after killing archers because dismounted cavalry are just a smaller samurai squad which are infinitely more useful.
        That's not true at all, cavalry charges are strong in that game, and Yari Cavalry especially destroys units from behind, that's their intended role. I don't know why people act like Yari Wall makes Yari Ashigaru unbeatable, it's strong but their morale is still miniscule and they only need to be caught in the flanks or rear to rout within seconds, just because the AI would rather charge them head on instead of properly flanking doesn't mean cavalry units are useless.

        but... I wasted all my income on yari ashigaru, I cant afford to keep more

        Expand more, it is the best way to make money.

        • 2 years ago

          The charge is strong but if you try to retreat cavalry to charge again you're looking at potentially heavy losses due to the way combat works so unless they route instantly you're in a way worse position than if you simply dismounted your cavalry behind the enemy and charged your now samurai units into them. The only downside to turning your cavalry into samurai is they can't chase routing units as easily. If a unit would route from cavalry they'd route from the samurai and if the unit doesn't route then the samurai will fare way better in a fight.

          • 1 year ago

            >retreat cavalry to charge again
            You hardly ever need to do that, between archers/matchlocks softening their lines, the ashigaru pike wall and the high killing power of cavalry there are few units that won't rout within seconds, you just have to time your charge well.

  7. 2 years ago

    I haven't ever played the campaign of this game.

    Does this the game simulate the shortage of horses? Like after Russia, Napoleon didn't actually lack manpower, but he lacked war horses.
    I assume it just simulates everything with "money".

    • 1 year ago

      No it doesn't. This is total war. It's not a grognard game. Everything is an abstraction. I would wait for Napoleonic Wars version of Grand Tactician or an Ultimate General: Napoleonic Wars instead.

      • 1 year ago

        neither of those simulate horses as a commodity

  8. 1 year ago

    Both Napoopan and Empire are on sale and I feel like getting only one. Which should I get?

    • 1 year ago

      Empire has a better campaign, Napoleon has better battles. Literally everyone is going to tell you this and it's because it's true.

      • 1 year ago

        so Empire with DarthMod then?

        • 1 year ago

          No get Napoopan, DarthMod is overrated.

  9. 1 year ago

    >has the most kino game trailer ever made

  10. 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    I call upon the 1000s hours in one game, the barons and gamer-girls of cheese, what are the best cheeses you found in Med2, Napoopan and Empaya?
    Please and thanks

    • 1 year ago

      Depends on what you mean by "cheese"

      • 1 year ago

        Kinda like

        So artillery = win against the A.I. most of the time?
        Also do you get like a civil war event regarding the ruskies or do they become commies by default?

        How to cheese the A.I. in manual battle, if there's any units best fit for that etc
        I remember having a fight that was impossible via autoresolve but charging cavalry into the 10 times larger army caused the enemy to rout and became an easy win

      • 1 year ago

        holy shit, legend is still at this? how the frick does he do it? he's got a wife too and looks like a completely normal guy. how the frick does he have the energy to play warhammer 20 hours per day and edit videos for the remaining 4

        • 1 year ago

          I just went back to look and fricking prince of macedon still makes videos too, I was watching him before my balls even dropped. Total War youtubers, man.

          • 1 year ago

            >Prince of Macedon
            LMAO I always remember this guy claiming to have won something like 1000 Rome TW online battles without losing once. He's dumb as frick, but made great videos.

            • 1 year ago

              Maybe he always alt+f4s when he's about to lose?

      • 1 year ago

        Legends sounds so fun in those old vids, doesnt hold back and drops jokes effortlessly.
        Watch any of his recent vids and weep, he sounds so joyless and removed its not even fun to watch

        • 1 year ago

          >Watch any of his recent vids
          No. Go jerk off over your e-celeb somewhere else

    • 1 year ago

      Spam heavy cavalry. Or spam crossbows if you're Milan
      >Napoopan and Empaya?
      Just make a giant line of line infantry and let the enemy walk into it

      • 1 year ago

        holy shit, legend is still at this? how the frick does he do it? he's got a wife too and looks like a completely normal guy. how the frick does he have the energy to play warhammer 20 hours per day and edit videos for the remaining 4

        I just went back to look and fricking prince of macedon still makes videos too, I was watching him before my balls even dropped. Total War youtubers, man.

        Thanks, I got some answers and two total war channels to check out! 😀

    • 1 year ago

      >Napoopan and Empaya?
      Huge group of line infantry, and once you have access to it, huge group of light infantry. Then just saturate whatever comes in your direction with concentrated fire.

      • 1 year ago

        Can you elaborate? I always found light infantry absolutely worthless, because they have less firepower and you don't need mobility anyway since the enemy will just walk into your guns
        I only played Empire though, if it's a Napoopan thing I wouldn't know about it

        • 1 year ago

          haven't played napoopan in years but IIRC, light infantry have a light formation mode where they spead out and makes it so regular infantry have a harder time hitting them, and on top of that the whole unit gets to fire while in light formation, not only the front row. so light infantry crushes line infantry in a 1v1.
          i still wouldnt recommend making a whole army of them since they gets rekt by cavalry, but i always liked to mix up 3 of them or so and use them to flank the enemy line

          • 1 year ago

            >and on top of that the whole unit gets to fire while in light formation
            Holy fricking shit, really? Gonna install Napoopan and try that shit out this evening

            • 1 year ago

              Yeah I tried it with 10 light infantry vs. 10 line infantry. Doesn't really work 1v1 because the line infantry has too much morale, and numbers
              So I understand how they're great for flanking but not as OP as I thought

  12. 1 year ago

    They did, there was a whole campaign of coastal raids that were called "amphibious descents".

    The issue is that successfully landing a sizeable army and securing a beachhead against a comparable superpower is not exactly something trivial to pull off. And even worse, if it goes wrong, your whole army is wasted - which is in fact what happened during some of the "descents".

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