>play Morrowind. >join mages guild because I want to be a cool wizard. >first quest

>play Morrowind
>join mages guild because I want to be a cool wizard
>first quest
>collect some mushrooms in a swamp
>second quest
>put this soul gem in a desk
>third quest
>collect more mushrooms at a lake
why do boomers like this shit?

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  1. 1 month ago

    It gets fun after the 27th mushroom quest, I promise

  2. 1 month ago

    >waaaa I want to be le chosen one

    • 1 month ago

      nostalgia and bad taste.

      i love this take because it shows the morrowind buttholes never actually played oblivion, they just saw it had normal humans and started whining. oblivion is the only ES game where you DON'T play as the chosen one. morrowind buttholes are the kinds of people who are obsessed with minmaxing themselves into being the main character.

      • 1 month ago

        neither morrowind nor oblivion have chosen one main characters
        you were filtered by morrowind's story because you were too stupid to understand it

        • 1 month ago

          you literally kill a god. how much more of a main character chosen one can you be? doesn't matter if you "rise up" to being the chosen one, is another NPC going to do it if you take too long?

          You are not the chosen one. You are a cog in the wheels of destiny. Just because Uriel saw you in a dream, doesn’t mean you are THE Chosen One who will defeat Mehrunes Dagon.

          thank you for explaining that. you aren't the one to wear the amulet or defeat the god, you were just the most successful warrior in the campaign to hold off an invasion while the actual chosen one did what he needed to do at the temple.

          • 1 month ago

            >you literally kill a god
            You didn't play the game

          • 1 month ago

            You kill and become a god in oblivion
            Dunno why you're so adamant about a game designed for children

            • 1 month ago

              >You kill and become a god in oblivion
              that's dlc and not relevant to the champion of cyrodiil. to argue otherwise is cope.

              • 1 month ago

                It's canon

              • 1 month ago

                it's not relevant to the main quest whatsoever

              • 1 month ago

                It is when canonically the champion of cyrodiil becomes sheogorath

              • 1 month ago

                no it isn't, the emperor doesn't say "YOU'RE THE CHOSEN ONE YOU'RE GONNA BECOME THE NEXT SHEOGORATH"
                dlcs are always about escalation of the power fantasy. it has nothing to do with the main quest

              • 1 month ago

                >NO NO NO NO NO
                lol having a tantrum again?

              • 1 month ago

                sounds like you're the one having a tantrum. you've no argument for what i just said.

              • 1 month ago

                Don't worry I'll read you your favorite children's story of the champion of cyrodiil and how he was a super special snowflake but not TOO special before I tuck you in :3

            • 1 month ago

              you defeat a god and release him from his curse, and then inherit his curse.

              • 1 month ago

                you should sexfeat the god

      • 1 month ago

        neither morrowind nor oblivion have chosen one main characters
        you were filtered by morrowind's story because you were too stupid to understand it

        Isn't Morrowinds deal that you "might" be the chosen one from prophecy. And in Oblivion, that you're just one of the people who enables someone else to be the chosen one?
        It's been years, I don't remember too well.

        • 1 month ago

          >And in Oblivion, that you're just one of the people who enables someone else to be the chosen one?
          In Oblivion, you are the Chosen One, who will lead Another Chosen One towards victory. It's actually the same dumb trope done twice.

          Meanwhile, in Morrowind, it's complicated because the prophecy does not work the same way as it does in most stories. In it's story, there are potentially countless chosen ones, as the only part of the prohecy that is set in stone is a matter of certain conditions of birth. Which are met by thousands of people. The whole beggining of the story is about the empire figuring out you are a prisoner who conveniently fits those birth conditions, and they have the idea to take advantage and make you a FAKE chosen one, to help them control the Dunmer, that is why you are sent to the island and your main task is to investigate this prophecy. It's a dune-esque attempt at manipulation through religion.

          The rest of the prophency is, so to speak, "opt in". It's a trial rather than pre-destination. Any person born under the same condition can try - and eventually, one of them will succeed - but whenever it's you specifically, or not, that is not pre-determined, that is entirely up to your will and luck. If you fail - or even if you just aren't interested in fulling it, that is fine, the prophecy isn't broken because it never specifically singled you out - another one will do, eventually, because again: people applicable to enter the trial are numerous, most of them live in complete ignorance of it.

          • 1 month ago

            You are not the chosen one. You are a cog in the wheels of destiny. Just because Uriel saw you in a dream, doesn’t mean you are THE Chosen One who will defeat Mehrunes Dagon.

            • 1 month ago

              >You are not the chosen one. You are a cog in the wheels of destiny.
              No, you are the Chosen One. You are the only person who can retrieve the amulent, the only one who can close the Daedric gates, you are the one described in the titular Elder Scroll.
              Martin is the fricking absolute cog in this. He is literally the mcguffin that the Chosen one must secure on his path to his chones oness.

              • 1 month ago

                My brother, you aren’t the only one closing gates across Tamriel. You’re the only one who retrieves the amulet because it’s a game and the player needs to do something.
                You are just a very talented Blade. And without the help from the other cogs like Baurus and Jauffre, your journey would end and Dagon would succeed.

              • 1 month ago

                >You are just a very talented Blade.
                You are literal nobody who saves the world because the Emperor, who is privy to the content of the Elder Scrolls, forsaw it in his prophetic visions, and who is also absolutely 100 unnaturally gifted at everything and immune to corruption that no other man can withstand.

                The fact that you are not the one who turns into a dragon in that absolute shitshow of an ending does not change anything. You are the Chosen One, you always were The Chosen One, there never was anyone else who could save the world but you, they literally tell you this in the first 5 minutes of the game.

              • 1 month ago

                The Emperor has many dreams, of many people. Even many landscapes. He even sees the Siege Engine of Kvatch-Frickery advancing forward. Does that make the Siege Engine a chosen one? What about the soil in that plane of Oblivion? Is it chosen soil? No, that’s preposterous.
                The Emperor does not say you are the chosen one.

              • 1 month ago

                Your argument is: "An object cannot be a chosen one, therefor, a person cannot be a chosen one."

                That is some fascinating logic you have there.

                >the Emperor, who is privy to the content of the Elder Scrolls, forsaw it in his prophetic visions
                You're an idiot. The Emperor saw you because he would pass through your cell and die in the tunnels beneath. That is what he saw and that is why he said, "The stars were right. This is the day." You're not a Chosen One, you're just a confirmation that he's going to his death.

                >The Emperor saw you because he would pass through your cell and die in the tunnels beneath.
                The Emperor's path leads across yours because it was so decided before the creation of the world. The Emperor realized, upon seeing you, that you are the one who he has been told, will be the ultimate decision-maker of the future of the world. He demands that you are released, because he is fully aware, thanks to his own gift of prophetic visions, and his connections to the Scrolls themselves, because he already KNOWS that you AND ONLY YOU can find and save Martin, deliver the Amulet, hold back the tide of Oblivion, and ultimately, save the world.

                He very, VERY EXPLICITLY STATES THIS, you absolute fricking morons. He SPECIFICALLY ORDERS THE BLADES to let you follow them, because he already knows exactly what role will you play in the whole story: The one who actually does all the saving of the world. To a point where he tells you, NOT THE FRICKING SECRET SERVICE LITERALLY FOUNDED FOR THIS PURPOSE, what is the next step in the prophecy. Because he saw you, in his dreams, saving Martin, recovering the amulet etc...

                There is no fricking more textbook example of "the chosen one" than this, you fricking mongoloids.

              • 1 month ago

                >He SPECIFICALLY ORDERS THE BLADES to let you follow them
                He doesn't. That's the whole reason you go through the tutorial cave. All of them leave you behind and lock the door behind them.
                >ONLY YOU can find and save Martin
                You can't find Martin by yourself. Jauffre does that.
                >hold back the tide of Oblivion
                This can only be done by using the Amulet of Kings, which you can't do.
                >b-b-b-but individual Oblivion gates!!!
                Other people close them, plus it literally doesn't matter in the grand scheme.

              • 1 month ago

                Now you’re just making shit up, like before when you said he’s privy to reading Elder Scrolls, even though such a continued act will lead to blindness. He doesn’t say you are the chosen one.

              • 1 month ago

                >Because he saw you, in his dreams, saving Martin
                He didn't. All he tells you to do is to find Jauffre, because he's the dude with the actual information on Martin's whereabouts. If he'd seen you saving Martin, he would've sent you straight to Kvatch.

              • 1 month ago

                >Your argument is: "An object cannot be a chosen one, therefor, a person cannot be a chosen one."
                Wow you moron. That’s what you took from that? Uriel could have a dream of Jauffre sitting in his monastery twiddling his thumbs, does that make him a chosen one?
                A dream does not a chosen one make, my friend.

              • 1 month ago

                >Wow you moron. That’s what you took from that?
                That is literally what you said, child.

                >Uriel could have a dream of Jauffre sitting in his monastery twiddling his thumbs, does that make him a chosen one?
                No, but if he saw Jauffre being the one literally doing the saving of the world, then Jauffre would be the Chosen one.
                But he saw you. He saw you save the world. He knew you are destined to do that, before he even fricking met you.
                How hard is this to comprehend?

              • 1 month ago

                Again, Uriel never saw you saving the world. You’re making shit up and ignoring the facts.

              • 1 month ago

                >Again, Uriel never saw you saving the world.
                This is like having a debate with a toddler. Oh, wait, I'm dealing with a Beth drone: I am having a debate with a toddler.

                TWICE through the tutorial, does Capitan Pickard explicitly state that YOU - not the army of professional, specially trained operatives, but YOU need to go and save the world, because he saw YOU, not any of his endlessly more competent and trained special agents, in his dreams. In the same dreams that told him that he will die that night, and that will cause the whole world hang on a thread.

                He KNEW he will die. He KNEW this will trigger the Oblivion Crisis. He KNEW both of this because of his prophetic visions. And he EXPLICITLY STATES, TWICE, THAT IN THOSE SAME EXACT VISIONS, HE KNEW YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO FIND AND SAVE MARTIN, AND CONSEQUENTLY, END THE OBLIVION CRISIS.

              • 1 month ago

                Repeating your lie over and over doesn’t make it true. Uriel never says this in beginning of the game.

              • 1 month ago

                >Repeating your lie over and over doesn’t make it true
                Except when it happens in the game. Then it kinda becomes true.

                The Emperor knows that you are a very important cog in the wheels of destiny. But he does not say you are the chosen one.

                >The Emperor knows that you are a very important cog in the wheels of destiny.
                So you are not the chosen one. You just are an absolutely unique individual pre-selected by some kind of predestination principle upon whom the the future of the world is entirely hinging, as it has been foretold.
                But you are not the chosen one.

                Cool. I thank you for the cooperation, I think we can close this debate.

              • 1 month ago

                Yup. That’s right. You are not the chosen one. You are one among a very important team that worked together to manage and support Martin into closing the gates of Oblivion once again.

              • 1 month ago

                What do you even say to this shit? I am asking genuinely, because at these levels of moronation, I genuinely can't be sure:
                Did you not understand that I was being ironic?

              • 1 month ago

                Within the first two minutes of playing the game the emperor of the world (voiced by one of the most famous actors irl) tells you he saw you in a dream and how you're part of a prophecy
                Oblivion is designed around sucking the players dick, it's why every quest in the game is written like a children's story, it's banal garbage

              • 1 month ago

                >Wow you moron. That’s what you took from that?
                That is literally what you said, child.

                >Uriel could have a dream of Jauffre sitting in his monastery twiddling his thumbs, does that make him a chosen one?
                No, but if he saw Jauffre being the one literally doing the saving of the world, then Jauffre would be the Chosen one.
                But he saw you. He saw you save the world. He knew you are destined to do that, before he even fricking met you.
                How hard is this to comprehend?

                I swear these posts are AI generated, no one is this delusional. The Blades keep telling you to frick off till Uriel falls under attack and hastily tells you to find Jauffre, and explains why getting the amulet to Jauffre is the most important thing in the world.

              • 1 month ago

                >The Blades keep telling you to frick off
                Because unlike the Emperor, who KNOWS YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE, they do not trust a random criminal. That is the whole fricking point, that is the whole fricking argument here:
                Uriel, the one who has ACCESS TO THE PROPHECY, keeps saying how you are important, and the blades, who don't have access to the prophecy, keep saying "We are sworn to protect you and we can't allow you to risk your own life by trusting this criminal."

                Holy shit you people are so fricking moronic it hurts. The ABSOLUTE FAITH that Uriel has in you, being further contrasted by the absurdity of it explicitly stated by the Blades, is literally the fricking proof here, you mongoloids.

              • 1 month ago

                The Emperor knows that you are a very important cog in the wheels of destiny. But he does not say you are the chosen one.

              • 1 month ago

                they hated you because you spoke the truth. Anon's now a days love the gritty nihilist views of "No one is special maaaan...It's all just...Gritty grimdark one of many heh...We're just specks of dust maaaan" but it's dumb to project that into video games especially when said games specifically single you out as the chosen one. I blame dark souls where every zoomer normie now wants to be "just some random loser" like you are in that game

              • 1 month ago

                >the Emperor, who is privy to the content of the Elder Scrolls, forsaw it in his prophetic visions
                You're an idiot. The Emperor saw you because he would pass through your cell and die in the tunnels beneath. That is what he saw and that is why he said, "The stars were right. This is the day." You're not a Chosen One, you're just a confirmation that he's going to his death.

              • 1 month ago

                read between the lines, brainlet
                uriel septim was delusional, he couldn't actually see the future, his few successful "bets" over the years convinced him that he could
                he got killed because he let it happen, he would have rather died than seen his prophecy turn out to be false

              • 1 month ago

                >read between the lines, brainlet
                Gotta love it when an Oblivion fan calls others "brainlets".
                >he got killed because he let it happen, he would have rather died than seen his prophecy turn out to be false
                He died because the prophecy stated this is where his life ends, you absolute joke of a human being. Do you moron even know what an Elder Scroll actually is?

              • 1 month ago

                i'm gonna level with you here, i'm not an oblivion fan, in fact far from it
                oblivion's story was a poorly written piece of shit, i'm just giving you a reading of oblivion's story that elevates it somewhat
                you're doubling down on the opposite and making a shitty story even worse

              • 1 month ago

                Your argument is: "An object cannot be a chosen one, therefor, a person cannot be a chosen one."

                That is some fascinating logic you have there.

                >The Emperor saw you because he would pass through your cell and die in the tunnels beneath.
                The Emperor's path leads across yours because it was so decided before the creation of the world. The Emperor realized, upon seeing you, that you are the one who he has been told, will be the ultimate decision-maker of the future of the world. He demands that you are released, because he is fully aware, thanks to his own gift of prophetic visions, and his connections to the Scrolls themselves, because he already KNOWS that you AND ONLY YOU can find and save Martin, deliver the Amulet, hold back the tide of Oblivion, and ultimately, save the world.

                He very, VERY EXPLICITLY STATES THIS, you absolute fricking morons. He SPECIFICALLY ORDERS THE BLADES to let you follow them, because he already knows exactly what role will you play in the whole story: The one who actually does all the saving of the world. To a point where he tells you, NOT THE FRICKING SECRET SERVICE LITERALLY FOUNDED FOR THIS PURPOSE, what is the next step in the prophecy. Because he saw you, in his dreams, saving Martin, recovering the amulet etc...

                There is no fricking more textbook example of "the chosen one" than this, you fricking mongoloids.

                >Again, Uriel never saw you saving the world.
                This is like having a debate with a toddler. Oh, wait, I'm dealing with a Beth drone: I am having a debate with a toddler.

                TWICE through the tutorial, does Capitan Pickard explicitly state that YOU - not the army of professional, specially trained operatives, but YOU need to go and save the world, because he saw YOU, not any of his endlessly more competent and trained special agents, in his dreams. In the same dreams that told him that he will die that night, and that will cause the whole world hang on a thread.

                He KNEW he will die. He KNEW this will trigger the Oblivion Crisis. He KNEW both of this because of his prophetic visions. And he EXPLICITLY STATES, TWICE, THAT IN THOSE SAME EXACT VISIONS, HE KNEW YOU WILL BE THE ONE TO FIND AND SAVE MARTIN, AND CONSEQUENTLY, END THE OBLIVION CRISIS.

                >The Blades keep telling you to frick off
                Because unlike the Emperor, who KNOWS YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE, they do not trust a random criminal. That is the whole fricking point, that is the whole fricking argument here:
                Uriel, the one who has ACCESS TO THE PROPHECY, keeps saying how you are important, and the blades, who don't have access to the prophecy, keep saying "We are sworn to protect you and we can't allow you to risk your own life by trusting this criminal."

                Holy shit you people are so fricking moronic it hurts. The ABSOLUTE FAITH that Uriel has in you, being further contrasted by the absurdity of it explicitly stated by the Blades, is literally the fricking proof here, you mongoloids.

                Literally just quote the piece of dialogue where he says it has to be you. All I can find is "I've got a good feeling about you bub, but I dunno why and I have no idea if you'll succeed in delivering the amulet".

              • 1 month ago

                >the only one who can close the Daedric gates
                There are several quests in the game about other people doing the same thing. One of them even involves teaching another dude about the Sigil Stones and ends with him going, "Huh! OK, I'll do that in the future!"

              • 1 month ago

                Not to mention that argonians were skullfricking the daedra so hard and pillaging the realms of oblivion, that the dremora ended up closing the gates themselves to escape the lizards

          • 1 month ago

            in Morrowind you are someone caught up in an imperial plot to infiltrate the culture of Vvardenfel, installing a leader they control to influence their society.

            in Oblivion you're caught up in a assassination plot against the emperor and are tasked in ushering in his successor.

        • 1 month ago

          >And in Oblivion, that you're just one of the people who enables someone else to be the chosen one?
          In Oblivion, you are the Chosen One, who will lead Another Chosen One towards victory. It's actually the same dumb trope done twice.

          Meanwhile, in Morrowind, it's complicated because the prophecy does not work the same way as it does in most stories. In it's story, there are potentially countless chosen ones, as the only part of the prohecy that is set in stone is a matter of certain conditions of birth. Which are met by thousands of people. The whole beggining of the story is about the empire figuring out you are a prisoner who conveniently fits those birth conditions, and they have the idea to take advantage and make you a FAKE chosen one, to help them control the Dunmer, that is why you are sent to the island and your main task is to investigate this prophecy. It's a dune-esque attempt at manipulation through religion.

          The rest of the prophency is, so to speak, "opt in". It's a trial rather than pre-destination. Any person born under the same condition can try - and eventually, one of them will succeed - but whenever it's you specifically, or not, that is not pre-determined, that is entirely up to your will and luck. If you fail - or even if you just aren't interested in fulling it, that is fine, the prophecy isn't broken because it never specifically singled you out - another one will do, eventually, because again: people applicable to enter the trial are numerous, most of them live in complete ignorance of it.

          the entire chosen one prophecy in morrowind is bullshit made up by azura intended to make you overthrow the tribunal so she can get back in power
          azura is not that powerful, she's not omniscient, she doesn't control fate, she's just a daedric prince. the prophecy was a bunch of hot air from the start
          furthermore the terms of the prophecy are poorly defined. you cobble together a bunch of cryptic verses from a random scraps scattered around, and by the end you have no idea if the prophecy is complete or if the parts you have are even being interpreted correctly
          you're not the chosen one, you never become a chosen one, you don't become anything, you're still a regular person by the end of the story
          the prophecy states that "whoever does this thing is the reincarnation of nerevar" but never actually proves it since the entire statement is meaningless and impossible to prove
          there are countless other regular people that were "chosen ones" before you and they all failed, except the prophecy has a built-in damage control clause that says this is all normal and according to plan. just two more weeks, ashlander bros!!!

          • 1 month ago

            >the entire chosen one prophecy in morrowind is bullshit made up by azura intended to make you overthrow the tribunal so she can get back in power
            It's not complete bullshit, but you are right that it was all plotted (and is being overseen) by Azura. Who probably can change fates, but not necessarily against the will of the tribunal. Which is why the prophecy is constructed as it is. But it's also worth noting that the rise of nerevarine and fall of tribunal is written the Elder Scrolls, it's just not stating how exactly will that happen. Even Azura is beholden to the Elder Scrolls, as far as I remember.

            • 1 month ago

              >Who probably can change fates
              she simply tries to overthrow the tribunal and succeeds, that's not changing fate
              you can't just "do a thing" and say that that's changing fate, fate is by definition pre-determined
              azura can not control fate, and the tribunal can't either, despite the fact they're more powerful than her
              azura and the tribunal are not omnipotent gods, and not only that, they're not all-knowing either
              in fact most of the gods in the setting are quite human and not very capable overall
              the only truly all-knowing entities in the setting are the elder scrolls

              • 1 month ago

                >she simply tries to overthrow the tribunal and succeeds, that's not changing fate
                She is still a fricking Daedric Prince. She can change fates of people. Changing fate of other gods, be it ones that usurped goodhood unjustly is a taller order. But she is a diety in the settings for a reason.

              • 1 month ago

                >you can't just "do a thing" and say that that's changing fate, fate is by definition pre-determined
                Technically in the case of the player character they are fully free from the shackles of fate.

              • 1 month ago

                the entire chosen one prophecy in morrowind is bullshit made up by azura intended to make you overthrow the tribunal so she can get back in power
                azura is not that powerful, she's not omniscient, she doesn't control fate, she's just a daedric prince. the prophecy was a bunch of hot air from the start
                furthermore the terms of the prophecy are poorly defined. you cobble together a bunch of cryptic verses from a random scraps scattered around, and by the end you have no idea if the prophecy is complete or if the parts you have are even being interpreted correctly
                you're not the chosen one, you never become a chosen one, you don't become anything, you're still a regular person by the end of the story
                the prophecy states that "whoever does this thing is the reincarnation of nerevar" but never actually proves it since the entire statement is meaningless and impossible to prove
                there are countless other regular people that were "chosen ones" before you and they all failed, except the prophecy has a built-in damage control clause that says this is all normal and according to plan. just two more weeks, ashlander bros!!!

                >And in Oblivion, that you're just one of the people who enables someone else to be the chosen one?
                In Oblivion, you are the Chosen One, who will lead Another Chosen One towards victory. It's actually the same dumb trope done twice.

                Meanwhile, in Morrowind, it's complicated because the prophecy does not work the same way as it does in most stories. In it's story, there are potentially countless chosen ones, as the only part of the prohecy that is set in stone is a matter of certain conditions of birth. Which are met by thousands of people. The whole beggining of the story is about the empire figuring out you are a prisoner who conveniently fits those birth conditions, and they have the idea to take advantage and make you a FAKE chosen one, to help them control the Dunmer, that is why you are sent to the island and your main task is to investigate this prophecy. It's a dune-esque attempt at manipulation through religion.

                The rest of the prophency is, so to speak, "opt in". It's a trial rather than pre-destination. Any person born under the same condition can try - and eventually, one of them will succeed - but whenever it's you specifically, or not, that is not pre-determined, that is entirely up to your will and luck. If you fail - or even if you just aren't interested in fulling it, that is fine, the prophecy isn't broken because it never specifically singled you out - another one will do, eventually, because again: people applicable to enter the trial are numerous, most of them live in complete ignorance of it.

                The option to BE The Nerevarine is there when you have your last conversation with Dagoth Ur.
                The Nerevarine can reclaim his name and identity
                >"By the grace of gods and fate, I am Nerevar reborn."
                I know Ganker is low self-steem territory and love the idea of being nobody, but in the case of Morrowind, the possibility of being THE Indoril Nerevar of legends in there as an option.

              • 1 month ago

                If I tell you I'm moot before I ban you it isn't a fricking option for me to become moot, I might be saying it to intimidate you or to make you feel at peace in your last moments

              • 1 month ago

                That analogy does not make sense, the game has all sort of things that help you play as the true incarnation of Indoril Nerevar. For example the magical ring that will only recognize the true king of the chimer, or the prophecy that protected you from corprus

                >Minmaxing numbers for the smallest benefit
                This is not "smallest benefit", it's about 50% increase of viability. Given how many people keep crying that the Oblivion scaling outpaces their power growth, I'd consider this a pretty major design element and oversight.

                Planning your build is a regular part of playing an RPG, even if you are not minmaxing. System that actively punishes you for playing naturally is bad design. Oblivion fans are idiots.
                These are just basic facts of life.

                >The option to BE The Nerevarine is there when you have your last conversation with Dagoth Ur.
                I don't think that contradicts any of what any of us said. The point here that Nerevarine is someone you can only chose to become, rather than it being something you are simply born (fated?) into.
                Which just is an overal much more interesting and complex take on the usually lazy trope of prophecy.

                Essentially, rather than "being the chosen one" - in Morrowind, you are one of (potentially many) who CAN CHOSE. Which again, is a neat way to play around with the prophecy theme.

                >The point here that Nerevarine is someone you can only chose to become, rather than it being something you are simply born (fated?) into.
                I don't completely agree, that's more of a gameplay mechanic, because of course this is a videogame, but fate and destiny are a real thing in TES you can play as whatever you want, but the narrative both in-universe and meta wise supports the idea of the nerevarine being the chosen one.
                >Many fall, but one remains

          • 1 month ago

            Well by the end of the game you do fulfil the prophecy, thus you were indeed the chosen one and the reincarnation of nerevar. If you had failed then obviously you weren't since only the chosen one would have succeeded.

            • 1 month ago

              nice circular logic

              • 1 month ago

                How so anon?
                >you fulfilled prophecy=chosen one
                >you didn't fulfil the prophecy=not the chosen one
                It's not hard to grasp here.

        • 1 month ago

          To me it always was more of a story about some hero growing into the role as described in the prophecy instead of you being the one and only chosen one, i.e. if the shoe fits

        • 1 month ago

          With Shivering Isle introducing the concept of Mantling, it looks a lot like the Nerevarine prophecy is essentially an instruction set on mantling Nerevar. You walk, talk, and act like Nerevar, so you are Nerevarine and thus Nerevar reborn.

          So, yes. But not exactly.

        • 1 month ago

          the emperor literally sees you in his dreams in oblivion, and in Morrowind, you ARE the chosen one, but there have been so many people who have claimed that no one really has any faith in you

        • 1 month ago

          the emperor literally sees you in his dreams in oblivion, and in Morrowind, you ARE the chosen one, but there have been so many people who have claimed that no one really has any faith in you

          Other anons have already explained the concept of mantling, but TL:DR is you're essentially a plant because you were born with the right circumstances to fulfill the Nerevarine Prophesies.

          Uriel thinks he could use you, even if you're not the Nerevarine, to take the tribunal down a peg or two, since Morrowind's large amount of autonomy and independence has been a serious sticking point in Imperial policy for centuries - see, all the musings of how expensive the Imperial occupation force is to maintain, and complaining about how they're essentially protecting and upholding institutions like slavery and allowing the Dunmer more autonomy and self-rule than any of the other provinces. Essentially, The Empire gives more than they get under the terms of the armistice, and Uriel wants to see if he can use the Nerevarine Prophesies to change this balance of power.

          Politics isn't all there is, though. It's generally kept a bit vague about how much Uriel knew about the Sixth House and Dagoth Ur, but judging by the intelligence gathering missions Caius has you doing, it's likely Uriel's intention (depending on how much he knew) was either:
          >The Nerevarine fulfilling the prophesy and defeating Dagoth Ur, in contradiction of temple doctrine, creates distrust in and erodes the political power of The Tribunal and enables The Empire to expand their political power in Morrowind.
          >Sorting out a weird Empire-hating cult on Vvardenfell while you're there could be a bonus.

          Back to mantling. It's generally vague if you're Nerevar reborn at the start, but by the time you get Moon and Star there's very little room for doubt. The "False Incarnates" are an interesting sticking point since The Temple uses them as proof the Nerevarine Prophesies are a bunch of crap, but The Ashlanders see it as a confirmation that Nerevar is really being reborn and taking the fight to Dagoth Ur.

          • 1 month ago

            isn't mantling more like a god becomes you more than you become a god? like when the Oblivion MC mantles Sheogorath it's pretty clear that Sheogorath kinda just takes over him when you see him in Skyrim

            • 1 month ago

              Sort of. The Gods in the elder scrolls are a bit weird, especially how the divines are literally what they embody - Akatosh literally IS time, for example. Blame Lorkhan. Mantling can, in theory, apply to almost anything in TES, including concepts. There's been theories that Martin mantled Akatosh at the end of Oblivion, and that Tiber Septim mantled Lorkhan (who's state of being is even more complex than The Divines) Just going by the literal definition of mantling of essentially embodying something to the point where there is no difference between you and that, it should apply to more than just gods. After all, if the PC of Morrowind fulfills the Nerevarine Prophesies, and is recognized by Azura, and the Dunmer as a whole as being the Nerevarine, then who can say for sure he isn't truly Nerevar reborn?

              • 1 month ago

                Dagoth Ur also fully recognizes you to the point that he doesn't even called you Nerevarine but Nerevar himself.

              • 1 month ago

                >then who can say for sure he isn't truly Nerevar reborn?
                Actually, the PC can. He could be just bullshitting this whole time, he could have been doing the whole thing just for fricking kicks. One of the flawed implications of the nerevarine prophecy, and something that seems especially apparent when you talk to Dagoth Ur, is that it's implied that the Nerevarine will - either from beggining, but most likely only gradually during the process, start sharing personality, and memories, with Nerevar himself.
                This is a belief shared by the tribunal, the disidents, and even by Dagoth Ur, who treats you as if you were Nerevar, just in a new body.

                But all of this is an assumption, something that is implied, but by no means explicated, by the prophecy. In fact as the failed incarnations prove: It's absolutely not true, as some of them haven't became aware of being Nerevarine incarnates until their death.

                Whenever the PC character becomes incarnation of Nerevar in the sense that his personality melds with that of Nerevar, or whenever him being "nerevarine" is purely a status label imposed by Azura, that just literally means "some random guy I groomed into fricking Tribunal" - that is left to the player himself to decide: and the prophecy itself is written in such a way that whatever interpretation player choses, still fits and stays cannonical.

                The PC could literally just say: "Frick you, I didn't even pay attention, I don't even know who the frick you are, or who this Nevereland dude is - I just followed instructions because I had nothing better to do!" and that is still - technically - entirely fine with the prophecy itself.

                Or to put it in more pretentious way: the prophecy is specifically written to account for player's meta-gaming angle.
                This is why it's also not against the spirit of the story, if you just never complete the main quest at all.
                In such a stark contrast to fricking Oblivion.

            • 1 month ago

              >isn't mantling more like a god becomes you more than you become a god?
              It doesn't just work for gods, essentially what you are doing is becoming so like something else that the dream ceases to distinguish you as something different. It's a way to become a god as naturally all forms of reality recognizing you as a god would do that but what you do in Morrowind is much of the same. You walked the path of Nerevar that eventually you became Nerevar.

        • 1 month ago

          But you cant do that because you will run out of le mana and die to le reflect, by your own admission

      • 1 month ago

        Hero of Kvach!
        Champion of Cyrodiil!
        Henry come to see us!

      • 1 month ago

        Oblivion's conversation with the emperor in the first 5 minutes is even more egregious than Skyrim's casual revelation that you can shout, at least you have to play Skyrim for 20 minutes before you find out.

      • 1 month ago

        Man, Oblivion sure does suck

      • 1 month ago

        >oblivion is the only ES game where you DON'T play as the chosen one.

        Zoomers pretending to be boomers need to GTFO.

        • 1 month ago

          based. I love that in Daggerfall you're just some butthole buddy of the Emperor sent to do a semi-illegal mission

        • 1 month ago

          You're also a chosen one, just not THE chosen one.

          • 1 month ago

            >tfw someone asks you to do them a favor

      • 1 month ago

        you aren't the chosen one in most of the games.
        in Morrowind people just think you are. It's like Life of Brian.

      • 1 month ago

        >oblivion is the only ES game where you DON'T play as the chosen one
        "it's you, you're the ONE from my dreams"

    • 1 month ago

      >waaaaah I want fun quests and interesting plotlines
      do zoomies really?

  3. 1 month ago

    >the designers carefully considered the environments and conditions where different species of mushrooms like to grow
    >ADHD-addled zoomer brain completely fails to appreciate this worldbuilding detail

    • 1 month ago

      >collect mushrooms in a swamp
      >oh why do they want these?
      >oh neat, it's alchemical ingredients
      >nice one of them restores fatigue that could be useful
      >put soul gem in desk
      >the soul gems on the desk looks...REALLY VALUABLE
      >I could take them while they're away from the desk
      >so I have small fortune now what do I do with the moony
      >ohh I can train my skills I can be that cool wizard
      >collect flowers
      >I remember seeing them at the clothier
      >I don't even have to go very far to get these!
      >I can now craft some potions for fatigue, health, and mana
      Why do Zoomers lack immersion?

      >boring fetch quests are good if you le use your imagination and pretend they actually have substance
      Nostalgia is a hell of a brainrot

      • 1 month ago

        They're not really boring though.
        If you think they're boring then I recommend the pilgrimage for the temple. You will not get bored with that one and you can do it immediately.

      • 1 month ago

        >soft tutorials are le bad!
        >I need every game to have forced 30-60 minute tutorials that spoonfeed me all their mechanics!
        This is you

      • 1 month ago

        They do have substance though? Have you tried looking at the effects of the ingredients you're told to collect? Alchemy is a major feature of the game. Those quests are an organic tutorial for that part.

      • 1 month ago

        >boring fetch quests are good if they contextualize the game mechanics and naturally lead to your further exploration on your own

      • 1 month ago

        fetch quests
        stop playing the game like an MMO. single player games dont have "fetch quests" the way mmos hve fetch quests. in single player games they are bread crumb quests meant to get you out in another part of the world and explore as you do them, you arent suppose to b-line it to complete the quest asap like you are trying to minmax your time in an MMO. "fetch quest" is an mmo term and you are using it improperly to describe content in a single player game.'
        You probably passed like 50k gold worth of items while picking up the flowers and mushrooms, i know there is like 25k worth of items just around the starting town seyda neen

  4. 1 month ago

    >collect mushrooms in a swamp
    >oh why do they want these?
    >oh neat, it's alchemical ingredients
    >nice one of them restores fatigue that could be useful
    >put soul gem in desk
    >the soul gems on the desk looks...REALLY VALUABLE
    >I could take them while they're away from the desk
    >so I have small fortune now what do I do with the moony
    >ohh I can train my skills I can be that cool wizard
    >collect flowers
    >I remember seeing them at the clothier
    >I don't even have to go very far to get these!
    >I can now craft some potions for fatigue, health, and mana
    Why do Zoomers lack immersion?

    • 1 month ago

      children these days have literally half the brainpower we did at their age, anon.

      • 1 month ago

        They do have substance though? Have you tried looking at the effects of the ingredients you're told to collect? Alchemy is a major feature of the game. Those quests are an organic tutorial for that part.

        >just pretend the game is good lol
        i bet you scum-sucking morons love MMOs
        >whoa kill 5 boars and deliver 5 boar asses
        >wait a minute these boar asses have a description that mentions they are not native to this area HMM WOW SUCH WORLDBUILDING WHAT A MYSTERY BRAVO DEVELOPERS

        I know this might seem unthinkable to you two geniuses, but some of us like playing GOOD games, and not having to fricking pretend and imagine we are.

        • 1 month ago

          >these boar asses have a description
          lol @ fromdrones

          • 1 month ago

            Zanziboar.. forgive me..

        • 1 month ago

          >some of us like playing good games
          I will believe it when I see it

    • 1 month ago

      They're followers, not thinkers. They simply do not view themselves as free willed individuals. They're happy being sheep because they're used to being rewarded for saying the "correct" 140 character twitter take.

    • 1 month ago

      >Join mages guild
      >Quest: Collect mushrooms
      >Attentive gamer gets introduced to potions, ingredients and the alchemy system
      >Gets potion recipes and potions from Ajira as a start

      >Quest: Plant a fake soul gem
      >Attentive gamer gets introduced to enchanting, enchater NPCs, and soul gems

      >Quest: Coerce a rogue mage to pay her dues and a telvanni to join the guild
      >Attentive gamer is introduced to the games power balances, factions and of the Balmora guild leader's agenda

      >Quest: Stop a unsanctioned mage from giving restoration training
      >Attentive gamer learns that the guilds are not only places where you can find trainers

      >Aldruhn questline
      >Attentive gamer learns about dwemer research done by the MG and about dwemer history
      >This also is useful later when doing the Archmage's quest

      >Wolverine questline
      >Attentive gamer learns many tiny snippets of Skink-in-Trees-Shade research and is introduced to many of the games interests
      >Some rare books are introduced which are useful for many other quests doing with research or the vampire quests

      Absolute kino game design

      • 1 month ago

        >complex and fascinating game world
        >3 shacks with 2 npcs that spout silent, copy-pasted wikipedia entries at you

        • 1 month ago

          if you cared about it, then you would mod them to have more dialogue and a quest. the editor suite came with the game and is fairly simple to use.

        • 1 month ago

          Very based, but you got your numbers wrong it's 500+ shacks with 2500+ npcs that spout silent, copy-pasted wikipedia entries at you

          The perfect game

        • 1 month ago

          >it doesn't make sense for the NPC to be knowledgeable about the world around them
          >they should just talk about mudcrabs and dragons instead
          >and when I say talk I mean the same one line of dialogue repeated by NPCs the world over

        • 1 month ago

          >complaining about generic dialogue in a 2002 RPG

          • 1 month ago

            >it's okay that it's shit, all games were shit back then
            what a hilariously bad cope
            you are doing triple backflips to try and deny that Morrowind was just fricking bad
            Play Jagged Alliance 2. All NPCs have completely unique dialog and are completely voiced.
            Jagged Alliance 2 came out 3 years before Morrowind.

            What's your next cope? Come on, we're all waiting to laugh again. Fricking pathetic.

            • 1 month ago

              People did it back in 2002 too

              Black folk. Morrowind features a 3D worldspace and has nearly 3000 NPCs. There's no possible comparison with Jagged Alliance or Gothic.

              • 1 month ago

                Correction, Morrowind features a fricking awful 3D worldspace (not that it has anything to do with what we're talking about anyway) and those 3000 NPCs?
                Maybe 300 of them have actual dialog, and out of those, maybe 50-100 have actual unique dialog, and as for voiced dialog, I'd be surprised if there's even more than 10.

                In JA2, if we ONLY count hireable mercs, which have dozens and dozens of completely unique lines, there's over a hundred of them. And then there's NPCs.

                Your moronic argument is like saying Minecraft has NPCs. Technically true, yeah, but it doesn't fricking mean anything and you know that. 99% of Morrowind NPCs are wordless enemies or static idiots with wikipedia lines.

                Just give it up and admit Bethesda is fricking shit and they always were.

              • 1 month ago

                >maybe 50-100 have actual unique dialog
                In Vivec City and Balmora alone there are more than that. Does Morrowind's success cause you so much butthurt you have to resort to lying?

              • 1 month ago

                You sound like a child stomping his feet and screaming because he has no argument. Embarrassing

              • 1 month ago

                Not an argument, morrowotroon

              • 1 month ago

                have a nice day zoomer israelite.

              • 1 month ago

                Don't you have a new Vegas thread to shit up with your troony obsession homosexual?

              • 1 month ago

                You're pathetic.

              • 1 month ago

                Did they really need all of them though
                Half of them sits inside random shacks you have zero incentive to break into 24/7

          • 1 month ago

            People did it back in 2002 too

            • 1 month ago

              Comparing gothic to that shitpile Morrowind is insulting.

      • 1 month ago

        >This also is useful later when doing the Archmage's quest
        Nobody, and I mean NOBODY has ever completed the disappearing of the dwarves quest for the Archmage without using a guide. Nobody.

        • 1 month ago

          You can complete it on accident by just doing the mq

        • 1 month ago

          It's literally given to you as a joke, Trebonius doesn't want anyone taking his position. You talk around and find out he sucks ass and gives out ridiculous quests to EVERYONE. You can't complete the quest until later anyway, so the game directs you to a different quest giver. It ends up like an over-arching "kill Ganon" open world quest, so it's one of the more memorable quests of the game.

        • 1 month ago

          I'm pretty sure I did on my most recent playthrough. It helps that I was doing Telvanni stuff, too, so I had been in cahoots with Baladas, who helps out with that quest.

        • 1 month ago

          I completed it back in the day and I only had dial up back then at university.
          Did the one to kill all Telvani masters as well.

        • 1 month ago

          How? That's the easiest in all of MG considering you only need shit you've already had in your hands and you merely have to take it to people who have already yelled "ask me about dwemer and dwemer accessories" directly into your ear.

          The only Morrowind quest that requires a guide is the Mournhold matchmaking shit and you can still fail that one even with a guide open.

        • 1 month ago

          The only time I needed a guide in Morrowind is that stupid poem quest in the main quest that had you searching for where the past Nerevarines were or some shit. Literally cased at least three biomes going back and forth trying to find that hidey hole

        • 1 month ago

          When I played the game for the first time I was an absolute hoarder and completed it by accident. A guide told me how I did it because I couldn't figure it out.
          t. absolute new player

      • 1 month ago

        I replayed the MG questline last week and god damn it's simple but great. A lot of the missions also telegraph future problems and give tips/hints about things like levitation, invisibility, telekinesis, charm, divine/almsivi intervention and more.

        It's super well designed.

      • 1 month ago

        You could argue in favor of Oblivion's quests in the same way.

        • 1 month ago

          morrowind's mage guild gives you introduction quests that subtly teach you game mechanics. oblivion's just instantly sends you out to caves to kill bandits and zombies.

          • 1 month ago

            >ooh the quest introduces you to over-encumbrance and drowning!
            >ooh the quest introduces you to feather and waterbreathing spells!
            >ooh the quest introduces you to disgruntled guild members who abuse their power and who turned on the mages guild and joined the necromancers!
            >ooh the quest introduces you to black soul gems!
            Same shit, you're just biased.

            • 1 month ago

              >morrowind teaches you to pick mushrooms and turn them into healing potions
              >oblivion teaches you to not breathe water
              the demographics here are very clear.

            • 1 month ago

              Eh, these seem to just be a coincidence, I bet they didn't care about gameplay at all when writing these, and that well ring was clearly just a joke.

              But okay, the black soul gem foreshadowing and necromancer altar quests were pretty neat, I'll give you that. One of the only genuinely interesting MG's quests. Too bad Mannimarco was moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                >Eh, these seem to just be a coincidence
                .. the quest takes place in a guild hall devoted to Alteration. Feather and waterbreathing belong to that school. Coincidence?

        • 1 month ago

          >Go look for some mage in cave

          >Bring back a staff

          >Kill a rogue mage that kills travelling merchants
          >(Why the frick is the mages guild involved in this? If a rogue warrior is killing merchants is the fighter's guild the only one who can intervene??)

          The quests are funny and memorable but they absolutely don't teach you nothing and have barely to do with anything magic. Even worldbuilding is scant or plain nonsensical, the entire game is like this.

          • 1 month ago

            >Kill a rogue mage that kills travelling merchants
            Who's known to use frost magic so you're given frost shield scrolls to protect yourself
            >ooh the quest introduces you to damage mitigation and preparation!

            Do we really have to go over every single quest while you nitpick

    • 1 month ago

      Zoomtards need to be spoonfed. Their faculties have atrophied to the point of disability, like the fatties in Wall-E.

    • 1 month ago

      zoomzooms wouldn't even be able to beat morrowind without a video walkthrough. Most of them can't even read.

    • 1 month ago

      Mega based. I wish I could play this for the first time again.

    • 1 month ago

      Much like IRL, the Zoomer doesn't comprehend why they do things. They simply act out of rote conditioning.

      When presented with the option of comprehension, they rile in pain, as if they were attempting to articiculate a muscle that simply has never been used.

    • 1 month ago

      I am convinced that Zoomers are simply not fully-formed people.

      They lack certain aspects of the human condition that seems to be shared by every other generation before them.

      Things like: wonder, imagination, curiosity, drive and introspective all seem to be absent.

      The only hint of human emotion comes out when they see a bad 3D render of a human head sticking out of a toilet or someone references the state Ohio.

      • 1 month ago

        Ohio is so much better than people give credit.

  5. 1 month ago

    >fourth quest
    >get a bowl for me
    >fifth quest
    >oh frick go find my thesis paper around

  6. 1 month ago

    >be initiate
    >surprised about being told to do initiate tasks
    Zoomer brain needs more fortnite stimulation

  7. 1 month ago

    You're helping a dirty khajit alchemist cheat her exams. Its not sophisticated but its cool. Don't worry, the alienated mage guild leader sends you out into a suicide mission for mage guild dues next

  8. 1 month ago

    Morrowind has terrible questing but morrowboomers aren't ready to admit all the fun they had was all inside their heads

    • 1 month ago

      Most of the fun I've had my entire life has been inside my head. Is that bad or something?

      • 1 month ago

        Imagination is free

  9. 1 month ago

    >third quest
    >collect more mushrooms at a lake

    Everyone who plays this game does it like this:
    >install graphical herbalism mod (or don't and have to pick everything as container)
    >mage class [wizard, apprentice, attronach or horse] birthsight
    >run around seyda neen gather all mushrooms
    >run towards balmora, not travel and gather all flowers
    >run into balmora mages guild, enter guild and drop off mushrooms to khajeet lady
    >replace soul gem
    >run to khajeet lady and drop her flowers
    >run around searching for scrolls (one under bed one between barrels)
    >??? (promotion, promotion, promotion...)
    >khajeet lady quests completed now never continue because you don't know where that blasted telvanii is and go kill some rats for fighters guild and kwama poachers, as well dwemer cube quest from cosades, now with loads of money go dungeon diving

    • 1 month ago

      This, except none of that stuff, I go to Ald'Ruhn and I steal everything in the mage guild.

      • 1 month ago

        I deliberately ommited it because its too easy to hoard empty every single house and out of eyesight place as long as you don't sell merchants their own shit.

    • 1 month ago

      >Start game with custom class
      >Just steal shit
      >Make money
      >On my adventuring I always collect wild ingredients for easy alchemy
      >Steal alchemy tools
      >Pick one pawn broker or general store to never steal from but always offload goods
      >Find an empty building to call home and stash my shit there

      All without mods.

    • 1 month ago

      How I play
      >gather everything in seyda neen
      >strider to balmora, steal everything
      >learn mark and recall
      >travel to caldera and set mark at creeper
      >proceed to visit every other city one by one looting everything that I can steal and recalling to creeper to sell it

      • 1 month ago

        This is how I did it in my first ever playthrough as an absolute newbie. Except I sold everything to Arille.

      • 1 month ago

        I wasn't smart enough to mark/recall at Creeper so I hopped back and forth with silt striders on my first playthrough

        I am convinced that Zoomers are simply not fully-formed people.

        They lack certain aspects of the human condition that seems to be shared by every other generation before them.

        Things like: wonder, imagination, curiosity, drive and introspective all seem to be absent.

        The only hint of human emotion comes out when they see a bad 3D render of a human head sticking out of a toilet or someone references the state Ohio.

        I'm 24 (still a zoomer) and I played Morrowind for the first time when I was 11, got to be a level 70-something Argonian Battlemage over several months. Oblivion gave me more of a sense of wonderment I recall but Morrowind still captured my imagination really well. I imagine that OP is either trolling or a moron, I beat the first 2 Fallout games when I was like 15 and people complain about them all the time on here.

  10. 1 month ago

    >initiate at the fighter's guild
    >lol go kill some rats

    You're a fresh starter, of course you're getting the shit jobs. Even the thieves guild gives you a shittest as the first job, to see if you have a brain in that head of yours.
    I find it amusing that you're helping a student frick over another student. The mages guild might not be corrupt in the same way as the fighters guild is, but there's some underhanded things.

    • 1 month ago

      >of course you're getting the shit jobs.
      Yeah but getting five fetch quests in a row is not fun compared to the things other guilds offer you at the beginning. And after these fetch quests (that involve only alchemy at best, zero magic involved) you apparently have contributed enough to the guild to be eligible to become Evoker or something (assuming you meet the stat requirements too)

      • 1 month ago

        >fetch quests
        That's a fair point. Admittedly I think a lot of the mage guild quests in general require some fetching - they just require more underhanded-ness rather than going to a place and blasting away with your spells. It's definitely a more bureaucratic guild than the others are.

  11. 1 month ago

    >2nd quest
    >become the richest homie in all the land

    • 1 month ago

      The joke is that even with high speechcraft and mercantile skills you can't sell that shit for its real price to anyone because no one can pay for it. Nor you can pay for using that shit because enhancements are ultra expensive.

      • 1 month ago

        >The joke is that even with high speechcraft and mercantile skills you can't sell that shit for its real price to anyone because no one can pay for it.
        I'm creeping!

      • 1 month ago

        low IQ

  12. 1 month ago

    You learn that the Balmora mage guild is completely dysfunctional, thats the joke.

    • 1 month ago

      You have a good memory, outsider.

    • 1 month ago

      >mages guild is full of morons and one dark elf just trying to get people to pay taxes
      >fighters guild is just a legal bandit hideout

    • 1 month ago

      I'm a new player, and I loved Morrowind for exactly that.

  13. 1 month ago

    have a nice day ADHD zoomer homosexual

  14. 1 month ago

    Yeah you are an initiate and will get initiate tasks. Soon enough you will be going after rogue wizards for Ranis Athrys and visiting Dwemer ruins for Edwinna Elbert.

    What's your problem, zoomzoom?

    • 1 month ago

      >What's your problem, zoomzoom?
      He is used to games like Fallout 3, where the second quest after tutorial gives you the most powerful weapon in game and let's you face the second most powerful enemy in the game.
      Or Fallout 4 where you get power armor, a minigun, and get to shred a deathclaw into pieces in less than 15 minutes after booting the game.

      Bethesda has been systematically conditioning these kids that something epic and awesome must happen in the first less than an hour, otherwise the game is shit. Their ADHD has been fed and groomed by 20 years of brain-dead gaming, where literal documents written for american teachers to help them deal with ADHD patients are being used instead of design documents.
      This kid has not ever been asked to exercise patience in his life. His school never asked for it, his parents never asked for it, his entire life is defined purely by on-demand on-line entertainment: there is literally nothing in his life that would ever ask him to control himself for this long.

  15. 1 month ago

    It's funny how the arch mage uses you like a glorified hitman to kill Telvanni members. I preferred to join House Telvanni itself and then challenge him to a fight for the position of arch mage to loot his staff and necklace.

  16. 1 month ago

    >he didnt already have the mushrooms and flowers from the walk to balmora

  17. 1 month ago

    >noooo why does this guild treat me, the novice errand boy, as a novice errand boy?!?!
    >I should be immediately roped into an epic story about a bad guy's conspiracy and become the guild master within 3 quest just like in muh shartrim!!!!!!

  18. 1 month ago

    you'll soon come to learn that a big number of people who praise a lot of old games only do so to appear hardcore and intellectual, not because the old games were any good.

    see: Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1-2, Deus Ex and many others. All awful games.
    There's a lot of old games that are fantastic, but people latch onto the 'classics' simply because they grew up with them, not because they're objectively good. Morrowind is fricking awful in almost every single metric you can look at, and that is in a very mediocre series as it is.

    • 1 month ago

      >zoomzoom homosexual posts zoomslop tranime and zoomzoom opinion

      • 1 month ago

        >the 'intellectual' shitting and pissing himself trying to think of a single actual word to type amidst all the buzzwords circulating in his rotten brain
        good show

    • 1 month ago

      I unironically agree with you, but can you recommend some actual good old games?

  19. 1 month ago

    >join a bureaucratic Imperial organisation
    lol, perhance even lmao

    Telvanni gang was here

  20. 1 month ago

    >start new job
    >wtf why are they giving me menial work and not cool stuff right away

  21. 1 month ago

    >play morrowind
    >okay i wanna play a pure mage
    >cast 3 basic spells, out of mana
    >find out I need to then spend the rest of the day sleeping to recover mana
    >find out i'm expected to minmax low cost spells and spam them 24/7 as the main way to level my magic skills, because, no, the devs were too fricking stupid to make xp gain be linked to mana cost
    >unironically uninstall the game there and then
    here I was thinking if I went a pure mage I would at least have a semblance of combat that isn't shitty hitroll spam, but it turns out Morrowind couldn't even do that, right
    Garbage game

    Oh, and the copy paste wikipedia dialog is one of the worst things I've ever seen in gaming. have a nice day, Morrowgays.

    • 1 month ago

      It continues to boggle my mind how I could play Morrowind just fine at 10 years old, but even older kids these days struggle to understand some basic concepts such as "being weak at level 1". What the frick happened?

      • 1 month ago

        >What the frick happened?
        7th generation of consoles and everything that came with that. Also, social media and general dissolution of education and child-rearing standards probably contribute to the problem.

      • 1 month ago

        what part of anything in that post even suggests the problem is 'being weak' you actual clinical moron?

        the problem is that the gameplay is intentionally designed around me standing there, casting piss poor firebolt 3 times, pressing rest, and doing this literally 500 times to level up my skills.
        And even a fricking toddler could see that is dogshit design and the most unfun garbage possible, but clearly your brain isn't quite at a toddler's stage yet.

        • 1 month ago

          If you actually picked a race/class/birthsign combo that has good starting magika you can cast like 30 weak firebolts, it's not the game's fault that you built your character stupidly and made them suck at the main thing you want to do.

    • 1 month ago

      ye and even when your magicks become powerful 90% of end-game enemies reflect your shit.

    • 1 month ago

      ye and even when your magicks become powerful 90% of end-game enemies reflect your shit.

      i guess todd howard really was right to dumb it all down for morons like these.

      • 1 month ago

        It doesn't get any more 'dumbed down' than spamming firebolt and rest, anon. Try again.
        You're the moron huffing glue at the back of the bus calling all the normal kids stupid.

        • 1 month ago

          Eat shit zoomer gay. Your mind is like a brick. Go play modern goyfare, thats were you belong, filthy call of duty audiance pleb.

          • 1 month ago

            No argument, huh? Just like everyone else in the thread.
            I hope you're proud, even in a fanbase of morons, you're among the dumbest. Enjoy eating shit and bragging about how much better you are than everyone else.

        • 1 month ago

          if you are having mana problems it is because you are dumb and are the reason the new games are dumbed down.

    • 1 month ago

      your mage build sucks

    • 1 month ago

      >>find out i'm expected to minmax low cost spells and spam them 24/7 as the main way to level my magic skills, because, no, the devs were too fricking stupid to make xp gain be linked to mana cost
      It's like this in Oblivion and Morrowind too, dumbass. In Oblivion it's even worse because some magic skills just take way longer to train than others, like Restoration. Meanwhile you cast five Conjuration spells and you've gone up a level.

      • 1 month ago

        Oblivion and Skyrim, I mean

        • 1 month ago

          Magic is legitimately terrible in skyrim, especially with how hard it is to level, and there's no reason to use basically any of it.

      • 1 month ago

        >In Oblivion it's even worse because some magic
        Also, Oblivion massively over-corrected the issue of trainers in OG Morrowind (which honestly wasn't an issue in the first place, due to trainer cellings and obscene cost scalining) by reducing the number of skill points you can train to 5 per level.
        Which actually actively encourages you to mimax as frick to make sure you don't lose those precious free skill points, meaning the optimal way to play is to delay leveling up until you reach that skill point quota.

        Which is just a cherry on top of the ballance nightmare that is Oblivion.
        God that game was so, so fricking stupid. Fo3 may be the dumbest game ever made by humans, but damn oblivion is close behind it.

        • 1 month ago

          >actively encourages you to mimax
          No it doesn't. Try being less autistic anon.

          • 1 month ago

            >Anyone who has even cursory understanding of game design is autistic
            I love how this board was largerly taken over by wanna-be fratboy causals who are too cool for videogames because that shit is for nerds!

            • 1 month ago

              It's a roleplaying game. Minmaxing numbers for the smallest benefit is autistic, and ruins the game.
              >i'm in a middle of a quest but my paladin has to grind misc skills and fast travel to a trainer real quick
              Then you come here to complain how the game apparently injected you with a lethal dose of autism and forces you to not just have fun with roleplaying

              • 1 month ago

                >Minmaxing numbers for the smallest benefit
                This is not "smallest benefit", it's about 50% increase of viability. Given how many people keep crying that the Oblivion scaling outpaces their power growth, I'd consider this a pretty major design element and oversight.

                Planning your build is a regular part of playing an RPG, even if you are not minmaxing. System that actively punishes you for playing naturally is bad design. Oblivion fans are idiots.
                These are just basic facts of life.

                The option to BE The Nerevarine is there when you have your last conversation with Dagoth Ur.
                The Nerevarine can reclaim his name and identity
                >"By the grace of gods and fate, I am Nerevar reborn."
                I know Ganker is low self-steem territory and love the idea of being nobody, but in the case of Morrowind, the possibility of being THE Indoril Nerevar of legends in there as an option.

                >The option to BE The Nerevarine is there when you have your last conversation with Dagoth Ur.
                I don't think that contradicts any of what any of us said. The point here that Nerevarine is someone you can only chose to become, rather than it being something you are simply born (fated?) into.
                Which just is an overal much more interesting and complex take on the usually lazy trope of prophecy.

                Essentially, rather than "being the chosen one" - in Morrowind, you are one of (potentially many) who CAN CHOSE. Which again, is a neat way to play around with the prophecy theme.

              • 1 month ago

                You get a point or two of damage headstart by grinding before you reach the damage cap. Totally negligible waste of time. You really need that damage, use potions or enchantments, or turn down the difficulty. Or use a more specialized class.

                Funny how Oblivion is for casual xbox kiddies, yet still filters you unless you grind and spreadsheet your way through the game. Autists gotta overcomplicate everything.
                >if i waste my time i can get just one more point!

              • 1 month ago

                >Totally negligible waste of time.
                Damage is irrelevant, because that one is very easy to level up manually. Other skills, however, are not, and that is where training starts to matter drastically, because those extra 5 skill points per level in something like restoration do make a massive difference.

                By the way, to me none of this mattered because somehow, I managed to make a spell that literally 1 shot every enemy in the game around the time I got to like level 7, because the game is an absolute fricking trainwreck, genuinely one of the worst designed and ballanced RPG's ever shat out on this planet.

                But that does not change the fact that this particular design decision is also, absolutely fricking attrocious, made by mongoloids who would literally not be able to design a single feature right if the continued existence of earth was hinging on it.

                It's true that since EVERY decision Oblivion makes is a bad one, many ATTROCIOUS decisions get kinda canceled out by other ATTROCIOUS decisions.
                But we are here to discuss (and therfore, analyze) games, and the process of an analysis is a process of breaking it into individual features, and exploring each on their own.

                Level-caping training in Oblivion, is - on it's own - and inherently mindbogglingly absolutely moronic idea, and no amount of Beth drones making noise are going to change that fact.

              • 1 month ago

                What annoyed me more than the enemies scaling is how quest rewards scaled. Did a quest too early? Congrats, now the reward is dogshit, should have waited until level 20 to do anything. Worse yet it's when a quest is started so if you start something, drop it to go do some other shit for a while and then come back it's even worse.

              • 1 month ago

                >What annoyed me more than the enemies scaling is how quest rewards scaled.
                As I said, Oblivion is terrible on literally every level. We'd die of old age before we'd list everything it does wrong.
                One thing has to be handed to Bethesda, and Todd. Their ability to purge any form of talent from their ranks after Microsoft and Sony chatted them up, is amazing. I don't think any other company was as efficient at removing any semblance of "problematic" capacity to actually critically think among it's ranks as Beth was in those years between Morrowind and Oblivion.

              • 1 month ago

                You see the brain drain in tribunal and bloodmoon, those expansions are incredibly lazily done with level scaling out the ass

              • 1 month ago

                >You see the brain drain in tribunal and bloodmoon, those expansions are incredibly lazily done with level scaling out the ass
                I'm not sure if I would call those expansions lazy, though I'm absolutely not implying they are good. Mournhold - maybe. The 4 quarters, the absolutely abysmal proportions of it - just... adamantium armor alone shows you how absolutely, absurdly rushed that all was.

                Bloodmoon, I think, had other problems than being lazy or rushing shit. I still can't put my finger on what exactly was so bad about it, maybe because I've only played through it properly only once - I avoided it on my subsequet playthroughs, and on my more recent ones, I literally can't play it, it tends to not like the sets of mods I use nowdays.

                I remember the amount of effort that went into shit like managing your village being quite impressive. The map was boring compared to base game because it was just bland EU fantasy shit, but the whole werewulf implementation felt quite substantial as an idea, the new assets were often very well made... Damn. I don't remember shit about it, honestly, other than vague impression that I should like it, but I really fricking don't want to play it anymore.

              • 1 month ago

                Bloodmoon is terribly samey, running around solstheim it looks like daggerfall, not to mention there's wolves and bears every 5 square feet
                The werewolf thing eh, it's not nearly as deep as vampirism in vanilla Morrowind, and daggerfall had were bears as well as werewolves
                Going to try tomb of the snow prince one of these days

              • 1 month ago

                >never level up by picking weapon skills you'll never use, or just never sleep
                >become god
                great game design!

              • 1 month ago

                >villain corrupts people into becoming ashlander zombies by turning them into sleepers
                >main character achieves nerevarine awakening via being an outlander who never sleeps
                L U D O




              • 1 month ago

                >5 skill points per level in something like restoration do make a massive difference.
                Oh yeah? What's the difference?

              • 1 month ago

                >Oh yeah? What's the difference?
                Are you asking me what do skills in Oblivion do? I would assume you had at least that basic knowledge, otherwise, why would you be in this discussion?

              • 1 month ago

                I do know, that's why a "massive difference" sounds curious.

              • 1 month ago

                >sounds curious
                It really does not sound curious at all. 5 points PER LEVEL is the difference between zero and maxed out in 20 levels.

                That is one entire skill line maxed out before mid-game. In a game where in many cases, increasing your skill is done through virtually nothing but pure, mindless grind, that actually quite significantly changes your experience, and the proportion between time spend meaningfully, and time spend doing actually immersion-breaking exercises only to keep your build leveled with the game's constantly rising enemy scale.

                Again - of course, I'm fully aware of the trap that I'm setting up for myself. You can and should immediately shout:
                "What "time spend meaningfully" are you talking about, this is Oblivion, everything you do is shit!"
                And yeah, you are right, but as I said: the point of videogame discussion is analysis, breaking game systems into individual components, to see EXACTLY what does not work. So while the argument that everything else in Oblivion is shit too is valid, it does not invalidate my point at all.

              • 1 month ago

                Wait wait wait. Is this about some autistic "i gotta get all skills maxed out at 100" number obsession?

              • 1 month ago

                >Wait wait wait. Is this about some autistic "i gotta get all skills maxed out at 100" number obsession?
                No, it's not.
                You are literally waffling at this point. You have not said a single substantial thing for an hour, you are literally just desperately misinterpreting what I'm saying in a bit for time.

                Do you have the fricking balls to actually say something of worth, or not?

              • 1 month ago

                Why the frick do you need to train restoration to keep up with enemies? Having it as a major skill is entirely sufficient.

              • 1 month ago

                >Why the frick do you need to train restoration to keep up with enemies?
                I gave that skill as an example. The fact that you need so desperately to be just obtuse and annoying proves my point better than I could, honestly.

              • 1 month ago

                ..well what is a skill that requires you to max it out with training in order to survive

              • 1 month ago

                >..well what is a skill that requires you to max it out with training in order to survive
                I'd ask "what the frick are you even talking about?" but we both know you don't know either.
                Again, keep desperately peddling for time, bethBlack person. I'm sure Toddy will personally be very grateful to you defening a 20 years old pile of dogshit.

              • 1 month ago

                You've been saying you need to grind and train and max out skills for "massive differences" to keep up with enemies.

                Then you backpedal when asked about it.

          • 1 month ago

            it does. if you dont level efficiently, the world will outlevel you. you have to focus on leveling your combat skills as fast as possible above all else.

  22. 1 month ago

    >anon gets handheld to show him where specific types of mushrooms are
    >this is bad
    Do an alchemy you moron.

  23. 1 month ago

    morrowind is just a bad game

  24. 1 month ago

    >play skyrim
    >rolling with the sneaky bowman unique build
    >want to become archmage of the wizard college
    >learn one fire spell
    >kill lots of dreugr
    >3rd quest is to become archmage
    >become archmage
    >still only one spell

    • 1 month ago

      Lol all you gotta do is shout and they let you in. You know, your gary stu magic power Bethesda lets you unlock if you complete even step one of the main quest.

      • 1 month ago

        Going to the mountain and learning shouts from monks is not first quest down the mq line.

        • 1 month ago

          You unlock shouts from your first dragon kill, or when you enter Bleak Falls Barrow or find some other Draugr wall. I forget, since it’s a shit game, but either way it’s handed to you on a platter whether you want it or not.

  25. 1 month ago

    >he actually believes the emperor's bullshit about dreams after he pulled a huge psy-op in vvardenfell to install an agent of the imperials as the dunmer's beloved reincarnation of the nerevarine

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        You can't just say "perchance".

        • 1 month ago

          le epic reddit moment XD

  26. 1 month ago

    >join guild with no experience literally just the fresh new guy
    >wtf why are they making me do mundane tasks
    What did you expect exactly?

  27. 1 month ago

    Meanwhile Skyrim is all
    >join college of winterhold
    >investigate the dangerous derelict ruins
    >yada yada three quests later
    >you are now appointed as guild master
    I must have done very well in college

  28. 1 month ago

    >We're watching you. Scum.

  29. 1 month ago

    Playing a wizard in my first playthrough of morrowind was great fun.
    >start off weak as shit
    >often times run from fights using invisibility or levitate or some other way to avoid fighting because everybody beats my ass
    >use these spells to get into a cave I absolutely shouldnt be in for my level
    >find gear way above my paygrade
    >sell it and never have money problems again
    >level up a little more
    >enchant an amulet with a damage health spell.
    >no casting animation so I can just machine gun death bolts from my amulet
    >kill everything in my path until solstheim where the reiklings have an innate 50% spell reflect and I have to go back to running from fights with invisibility/levitate
    I really wanna try it again in VR

  30. 1 month ago

    >all the quests in Seyda Neen are significantly more detailed, mechanically complex, and open-ended than every single other quest in the game
    What a shocking coincidence that all these quests are located at the beginning of the game where reviewers would be most likely to play them. This isn't dishonest game development at all.

  31. 1 month ago

    >noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I want to immediately investigate a ruin and kill an ancient undead lord and also discover an artifact of immense power and then two quests later become the guildmaster

  32. 1 month ago

    That was based, though. Zoomer Game:

    >join mage guild in cutscene (no choice is given)
    >you're instantly promoted to leader
    >first quest has you lead the mages in a battle for the fate of humanity, against the evil white nazi transphobe faction
    >that's it, there are no more quests

    • 1 month ago


  33. 1 month ago

    Is there a way to modify FOV that doesn't involve downloading some kind of patch? It's not a dealbreaker or anything, I was just wondering.

    • 1 month ago

      If using OpenMW, you can change FOV in the display settings in-game

      • 1 month ago

        Perfect, thank you

  34. 1 month ago

    I love Morrowind: the best game ever made

  35. 1 month ago

    Yeah, Morrowind rocks

  36. 1 month ago

    Ah yes, Oblivion.
    >make a warrior
    >simply hit mobs with sword and win game, ez
    >run around some more, athletics goes up... OOPSIE!
    >try using an axe or mace or (lol) hand-to-hand... OOPSIES!
    >raise armorer to repair your own items ... OOPSIES!!!
    >use a shield and max out your block... OOPS!!!

    • 1 month ago

      >using a skill raises it
      Yeah, that's how TES works.

      • 1 month ago

        Hmm yes. And something else also happens in Oblivion.... A little OOPSIES

      • 1 month ago

        Oops, I picked too many locks in the Imperial City Market and may have snuck around too much and raised my sneak skill. I was also engaging in the speechcraft skill and levelled that up a fair bit too, to get better prices for my stolen gear. After selling them, I realized I had also been levelling up my mercantile.
        Why are there minotaurs on the roads all of a sudden?

        • 1 month ago

          What's the problem? If raising your sneak skill that much leveled you up, then you're a thief so you can sneak around the minos.

          • 1 month ago

            Anon it's broad daylight outside and the roads are supposed to be safe. Sneaking around in the bush seems dangerous.

        • 1 month ago

          I hated Oblivion's level scaling system as much as anyone but that won't happen unless you're deliberately power-leveling non combat skills. The main issue with it is that it gets boring and removes the sense of progression.

          >oblivion is the only ES game where you DON'T play as the chosen one.

          Zoomers pretending to be boomers need to GTFO.

          huh, daggerfall looks kind of good in its original resolution.

          • 1 month ago

            >looks kind of good in its original resolution.
            there's options in DFU to configure the renderer to closer-match the original

        • 1 month ago

          uhhhhh just use that mercantile to buy an elven sword! who cares if it still takes 500 hits to kill the average enemy you will encounter!

          • 1 month ago

            Anon I had to keep repairing my Elven Longsword because everything is so spongey and ended up gaining like 6 armorer levels... I don't think I'm going to make it...

        • 1 month ago

          really simple fix, don't sleep and level your other skills.

    • 1 month ago

      in my opinion Daggerfall has the best leveling system out of all the games.

  37. 1 month ago

    There is joy in repetition, you know.

  38. 1 month ago

    >be me
    >conlang gay
    >want to help the Skywind project with my conlangs
    >easy mode is only native pronounciation of names, hard mode is translating books and adding battlecries
    >would probably can hours of work

  39. 1 month ago

    I don't think people realize how absurdly rare open world games of this caliber were in the past. It seems bad now only because the AAA companies have gotten big enough money to make them more often and with more content which means even more $.

    So yeah. Thank you AAA companies for being rich. You can know proceed to do a 180 about how you feel about the shittier parts of Morrowind that were a result of budget. Or alternatively you can try to persuade us that quest design somehow doesnt cut into budget.

  40. 1 month ago

    Insane how shitty Morrowind looks and plays compared to Splinter Cell.
    It makes Morrowind look like a mid 90s game in comparison. Both got released in the game year

    • 1 month ago

      >Insane how shitty Morrowind looks and plays compared to Splinter Cell.
      Why the everloving frick would you compare Morrowind to Splinter Cell you fricking mongoloid?

      • 1 month ago

        >Why the everloving frick would you compare Morrowind to Splinter Cell
        Because Splinter Cell has aged better than morrowind.
        You know, what? People would have been fine with Morrowind, if you boomers were realistic about its jank.
        You either nostalgia gayging so hard that the rose tinted glasses have burn your retinas, or you are avoiding being honest about its issues on purpose, so that you can act holier than thou.
        Its one of these two.

        • 1 month ago

          >Because Splinter Cell has aged better than morrowind.
          Is Splinter Cell an open world sandbox RPG?

    • 1 month ago

      Based Splinner Cell chad. Now that was a series that was ahead of it's time... until... Double Agent...

  41. 1 month ago

    >guild makes the intern do basic low level shit
    Sounds realistic to me

  42. 1 month ago

    Spear, Blunt, Axe, or Long Blade bros?

    • 1 month ago

      Unless you just want to go for pure roleplaying, and don't give a frick about stuff like late game min-maxing, Spear and Medium Armor are two skills to absolutely avoid in Morrowind. The reason is simple: They just kinda forgot to add good late game items to these classes.
      Long swords are unsurprisingly, by far the most abundant type of gear in the game, so if you want to not worry about regularly coming across solid new tiers of weaponry, they are your best option.
      They are kinda boring though.
      Blunt is fun because of the insane staggers you can deliver with two handed hammers. There aren't that many good ones in the late game either, but unleashing hammer-time is to stunlock Almalexia is never not funny.

      • 1 month ago

        >just finished making a Spear and Medium Armor Argonian battlemage character

        • 1 month ago

          Literally did the same thing on my first run of the game.
          Look, it's not like it's impossible to have fun with that class, and it's also really not that hard to switch. In fact, if you want to go into real min-maxing, you ironically don't want a good weapon, and you don't want your most used skills being tagged as your major and minor. The whole system is - if you really want to game the frick out of it - completely, 100% counter-intuitive and kinda messy.

          But yeah, you'll be struggling for gear a lot more. Unless again, you just don't switch your focus, which isn't hard to do. Remember that trainers exist, and that if you get enough dosh, you can literally increase any skill from 0 to 100 just by spending money.

      • 1 month ago

        Spear isn't that bad even in vanilla. Daedric spears exist and bitter mercy isn't bad if you don't feel like enchanting your own shit. Sure it's no longblade but longblade overshadows pretty much every weapon type. Medium armor definitely sucks ass in vanilla though, even if the expansions help fix that a bit.

    • 1 month ago

      Whichever weapon type you like or fits the character you want to be
      It really doesn't matter, you can make anything viable in morrowind

    • 1 month ago

      Unmodded? Spear until you max stamina.

    • 1 month ago


  43. 1 month ago

    Nah, the game's good. You're just trash at life, cannot accept your mistakes, and learn from them.

  44. 1 month ago

    I cant imagine the levels of disappointment Gen A must feel after hearing that morrowind is the greatest game ever from youtube and reddit and then they play it and its the most boring shit ever.

    All video games age like milk.

    • 1 month ago

      How can something that doesn't real feel disappointment? And zoomers can't feel beyond what they are told to feel anyway.

    • 1 month ago

      Even with openMW its still shit.
      Which is hillarious because DFU has made Daggerfall arguably one of the best Elder Scrolls games.

    • 1 month ago

      they become delicious cheese??
      Morrowind can be cheesed???
      dopest game ever, SKOOMA PRIDE SKOOMA PRIDE

  45. 1 month ago

    Meanwhile, in the Skyrim mage's guild...

    • 1 month ago

      To be fair the winterhold questline was blatantly unfinished. Everything about the psijics there is just a huge dropped plot point

      • 1 month ago

        >To be fair the winterhold questline was blatantly unfinished.
        While that may be true, the issue is that this isn't just a problem of Winterhold. It's problem of literally every single major quest chain. The werewolfs? Same thing? Dark Brotherhood? Same fricking thing.
        Every single quest chain in Skyrim starts with a trivial task, and before you finish your FIRST FRICKING MISSION, the game stops in it's tracks, so that someone could appear, and speak for 4 minutes about how you are actually the most important person ever, and how you just set into motion some super vague super important shit.

        Because they are literally afraid that if the game does not affirm that whatever you are doing is actually the most important shit ever, and you, the player, the most important person ever, you'll drop it, because if YOU AREN'T A SUPERHERO SAVING THE WORLD ALL THE TIME, WHY BOTHER?!

        And they clearly aren't wrong in their fears, considering OP.

  46. 1 month ago

    >I've reached Vivec, after collecting mushrooms and flowers I'm ready to knock out more serious quests from the leader himself
    >trebonius, what menial task do you have for me?
    >Solve the mystery of the Dwarves.

    • 1 month ago


  47. 1 month ago

    >play skyrim
    >have "secret" thieves guild and dark brotherhood thrown in my face by main quest line after finding a drug addict in a sewer
    >assume this is the awful new storytelling morrowindgays talk about
    >decide to boot up morrowind for first time
    >have "secret" thieves guild and dark brotherhood thrown in my face by main quest line after finding a drug addict in a sewer

  48. 1 month ago

    Why do people talk about "efficient" leveling to make oblivion's scaling less ass? Even if you get +5 to 3 attributes every level and perfect your combat skills you're still not going to come even close to matching the bullshit amount of health enemies have.
    The only way to beat the leveling system is to never sleep, Major skills that you don't use, or just lower the difficulty slider.

    • 1 month ago

      git gud

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