>play text game. >I can write several paragraphs in under a minute

>play text game
>I can write several paragraphs in under a minute
>other players literally take 5-10 mins to write like 3 sentences
>noitce it's all the young players who are dogshit at writing
>onlt my other group composed of people in their 30's and 40's can be expected to actually have good text game (I'm 29)
What the frick happened? Is it because text forums have died out or are English classes just utter shit nowadays?

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  1. 2 years ago

    We grew up in a bubble of textual peer-peer communication. Voice and video are now eating back into that communication time for younger people.
    t. 34 year old

    • 2 years ago

      30 here, of my nieces and nephew, ONE has actually bothered learning to write because she used to idolize journalists of the past though now she is aspiring to other career paths because the recent shit with WaPo writers has convinced her that journalism is dead
      Everyone else I know of the younger generations don't know how to type anything longer than a text message.

  2. 2 years ago

    >What the frick happened?
    You've got at least a decade of experience on them in the text chat pen and paper realm. You can read the posts and organize your thoughts faster and more efficiently develop a response. You weren't feeling the same way when you were younger because you were mostly interacting with people who were about as new as you were.

    Be patient. Give them time and OOC feedback. Let them grow as players and develop their style Given time they'll catch up.

  3. 2 years ago

    >>I can write several paragraphs in under a minute
    [x] Doubt. Because "a decent" typing speed is like 80 wpm, even if you're exceptionally good with 120 wpm that's barely ONE paragraph. So either you're lying or you're moron that doesn't know difference between paragraph and sentence.

    • 2 years ago

      >exceptionally good with 120 wpm
      Okay the frick is this?
      At my peak I was 120, I'm only about 110 now, but I remember in computer classes 20 years ago you weren't considered hot shit unless you could get over 140 wpm.
      Have people slowed down that much?

      • 2 years ago

        My speed's 148wpm

      • 2 years ago

        >I can write several paragraphs in under a minute
        90 wpm is a normal typing speed when you're not creating new material.

        140 wpm is considered hot shit if you literally type for a profession. Note I said Type and not Write, as typing at that speed generally means you're copying material or recording something being said.

  4. 2 years ago

    >using text instead of voice
    For what purpose?

    I don't know if I agree with the other Anons on text communication being used so much less nowadays. Zoomers still regularly text, use Twitter, and chat via Discord. There may be more voice chat, but I'd be surprised if they were that bad compared to the typical Millennial. Most of this sounds like confirmation bias.

    • 2 years ago

      I do both. Voice has the upside of moving things faster. Text has the upside of conveying many more things and not having the awkwardness of not being a professional (voice) actor.

    • 2 years ago

      >text, use Twitter, and chat via Discord
      Different kind of writing

      • 2 years ago

        Typing on IRC and AIM wasn't any better than Discord when I used them regularly as a teen. Though we also used forums regularly, and those have gone the way of the dinosaur. Maybe it's those that makes the difference (assuming there actually is one).

        I do both. Voice has the upside of moving things faster. Text has the upside of conveying many more things and not having the awkwardness of not being a professional (voice) actor.

        I think text only conveys more things if you only speak in character and never narrate or describe anything as a player. Your last bit is the reason I see most commonly for text games, which is that the players are too embarrassed to pretend to be elves while talking.

        I only really get the point of text for play-by-post games where text is how you can have the game exist outside of just sessions, especially after smartphones became common so you can even make a new post at work or wherever.

        • 2 years ago

          My games are text strictly IC with voice chat for asking OOC stuff.

  5. 2 years ago

    I'm a zoomer lawyer and man, the amount of shit documents written by other zoomers and millenials is horrifying. Gen Xers are the best generation in terms of language by a long shot.

    • 2 years ago

      And if I havent made myself clear, I'm implying that zoomers take a lot of time to write because they notice that their text is badly written and thus start making alterations so that it sucks less. It often involves starting from the scratch a couple times. Thankfully I rarely resort to that, even in english, which is my secondary language.

    • 2 years ago

      And if I havent made myself clear, I'm implying that zoomers take a lot of time to write because they notice that their text is badly written and thus start making alterations so that it sucks less. It often involves starting from the scratch a couple times. Thankfully I rarely resort to that, even in english, which is my secondary language.

      Commiserations on the wedding dude. Sorry I missed it.

      • 2 years ago

        Now this is the kind of shit up with which I will not put.

        • 2 years ago

          Would you prefer if I offered my condolences?

    • 2 years ago

      And if I havent made myself clear, I'm implying that zoomers take a lot of time to write because they notice that their text is badly written and thus start making alterations so that it sucks less. It often involves starting from the scratch a couple times. Thankfully I rarely resort to that, even in english, which is my secondary language.

      >tfw I became a good writer by shitposting constantly on these mongolian basketweaving forums

      I'm not even joking, I got a 5.5 on my GRE writing section, which was 98% percentile at the time. All because I shitpost nonstop.

  6. 2 years ago

    People grew up with smartphones and never learned how to actually type. I will be forever grateful to my 6th grade computer class that forced me to learn how to touchtype. It was unironically the most useful lifeskill I developed in grade school.

  7. 2 years ago

    Got any examples OP?

  8. 2 years ago

    Playing ERP games on Discord has dramatically improved by typing rate and ability to invent stories from whole cloth, although that's slowed down recently as I try and process the incredible breadth and depth of depraved fetishes that other people have. Typefricking is a art.

  9. 2 years ago

    I used to be able to write passably. Now I can hardly type a coherent Ganker post. I can't even imagine writing anymore. My brain is dead inside. I've been working in a factory and sleeping 5 hours a night for the past 3 years. Nothing feels real anymore. Pretty sure I've done permanent damage. I don't even feel like I can come up with good stuff for D&D anymore. I found the notes for a fully improv'd space horror game I ran 7 years ago at my friend's apartment. I was a NEET back then. I can't even imagine coming up with that stuff now at the age of 28. All my friends were already burned out wagies back then.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel ya man. Did an overnight stocking shift for 6 years straight and have the same problems as well. I recently quit and while the damage is done the increase in sleep as well as having more free time to hang out with friends and eating better has helped a bit. Hang in there buddy.

      • 2 years ago

        thanks man

        This. Having kids and juggling National Guard life along with being a Machine Operator learning setups has caused me to average 5 hours of sleep per night, and my brain is fried. Hell, me typing this post right now at 9:24pm while I lay in my kid's bed, waiting for him to pass out, is the first piece of free time I've had since waking up at 5:00am.

        good luck bro, I hope you do well. good luck with your kid.

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't even feel like I can come up with good stuff for D&D anymore.
      Sure you can. Brain damage is a requirement for DMing/playing D&D, after all.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Having kids and juggling National Guard life along with being a Machine Operator learning setups has caused me to average 5 hours of sleep per night, and my brain is fried. Hell, me typing this post right now at 9:24pm while I lay in my kid's bed, waiting for him to pass out, is the first piece of free time I've had since waking up at 5:00am.

  10. 2 years ago

    Why the frick do you need to write that much text for every post, OP? Do you go into autistic detail about every little movement or small action your character is taking? I can't fathom why you would need to write that much for each post

    • 2 years ago

      In OP's defense, he said he could type at that rate of speed, not that he literally types that much every post.
      It's like someone who could tear a barn door off its hinges with their bare hands could reasonably shake hands with a young kid and not break every bone in their arm. It's about putting in sufficient force, instead of going full moron all the time regardless of context.

      • 2 years ago

        Fair 'nuff

  11. 2 years ago

    Their problem is not typing speed. They just have no experience with creative writing or text roleplaying, so they take too long to figure out what their characters will do and how to describe it.

  12. 2 years ago

    Where are y'all finding text games? Everything I find is either voice or dead

    • 2 years ago

      I found mine in the nechronica Discord.

      And also have games with the gaggle of morons I've managed to gather in the past few years in one server

      • 2 years ago

        Disco servers. Look for Discord & Dragons or the r/lfg server.

        Thanks, I've been looking for a text game for awhile. Would prefer pbp but that really has gone the way of the dodo.

    • 2 years ago

      Disco servers. Look for Discord & Dragons or the r/lfg server.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      I always do hybrid. Text for roleplaying, voice for combat & for clarification/asking to roll things. I keep my discord as the follows for when I run, but run my actual games in Foundry.

      Channels are organized as follows, the ones I blocked out are private handouts channels for secret info. Check results is where I record the result of every check made that supplies information. The sessions are organized by either date or scenes when a party member splits from the main group.

      I can normally handle doing between 3-4 scenes at once as I am fast when it comes to writing, but normally I just do 1-2.

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