you told me samurott was shit?

308 posts · 11 months ago

How do we fix it?

42 posts · 11 months ago

Tell the truth, you accepted it.

19 posts · 11 months ago


56 posts · 11 months ago

>unova had no geewun panderi-

37 posts · 11 months ago

Which villain had the best plan?

59 posts · 11 months ago

it's time to pick a side?

23 posts · 11 months ago

How it should have been

23 posts · 11 months ago

Still the best

34 posts · 11 months ago


20 posts · 11 months ago

this could have saved skelecringe

57 posts · 11 months ago

>no, you don't get!

29 posts · 11 months ago

The most forgettable type

39 posts · 11 months ago


45 posts · 11 months ago

i hate being a magikarp

32 posts · 11 months ago


29 posts · 11 months ago

Datamined Mewtwo SV Tera Raid

47 posts · 11 months ago