ITT Kino Battle Themes

19 posts · 11 months ago

The one starter that no one hates.

41 posts · 11 months ago

Honest thoughts?

62 posts · 11 months ago

Should there be shitmon?

26 posts · 11 months ago

Its really like this

20 posts · 11 months ago

I don't trust people who dislike Gen 5

104 posts · 11 months ago

VGC players are so toxic

27 posts · 11 months ago

>DS is limited graphical-

52 posts · 11 months ago

A Charizard is all you need.

78 posts · 11 months ago

Haven't played anything since SM

21 posts · 11 months ago

Pokmon nobody cares about

38 posts · 11 months ago


45 posts · 11 months ago

Evergrande "City"

25 posts · 11 months ago


84 posts · 11 months ago

ITT New Item, Move and Ability Ideas

81 posts · 11 months ago

ITT: Evo lines you like

30 posts · 11 months ago