
Will it evolve or not?
The name is a spin on Polteageist but it's design is a spin on Sinistea?
Which one do you think it is?
A convergent Sinistea or Polteageist?

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  1. 10 months ago

    100% it will evolve
    but will it have the extra rarity of regular sinistea

  2. 10 months ago

    i fricking hate you james turner its your fault these shitty ass cuphead old cartoon desings exist

  3. 10 months ago

    Guarantee it’s just a regional evolution of Sinistea and won’t evolve further.

  4. 10 months ago

    it will definitely have that brush thing you see when people put matcha

  5. 10 months ago

    It's confirmed to be a Convergent of Sinistea

    • 10 months ago

      source: my ass

      • 10 months ago

        It's on the official website.

        • 10 months ago

          And no Pokemon Direct for it? Suuuure thing.

          • 10 months ago

            >a whole direct dedicated to a fricking objectmon nobody cares about getting a convergent line
            stop breathing anytime you fricking moron

    • 10 months ago

      Convergent species were a mistake.
      They're too complicated and too close to regional variants. If it's all about evolution then why do it with objectmons like Sinistea? The Tentacool one is also weird, do jellyfish and mushrooms have a common ancestor? It's getting messy.

      • 10 months ago

        >If it's all about evolution then why do it with objectmons like Sinistea?
        Sinistea is a purple blob ghost who uses a teacup for protection. Polchageist is a piece of pottery that awakened as a yokai. One is "tea" using a teapot, and other is a "teapot" using tea.

        The "convergence" is that two completely unrelated floating teaware ghosts came into existence that happen to have similar traits at first glance.

      • 10 months ago

        >do jellyfish and mushrooms have a common ancestor?
        Convergent Evolution is when the two creatures sharing traits DON'T have a common ancestor numbnuts. Did you fricks just sleep throught all of highschool biology?

        • 10 months ago

          All three times I took it

      • 10 months ago

        Convergent species mean there’s no evolutionary relation between the two. If anything, objectmon are *more* likely to have convergents, because they can’t evolve like a living creature to take on new forms.
        Tentacool and Toedscool look the same, but they’re totally different creatures. Tentacool is a jellyfish while Toedscool is a mushroom. The two species have no relation whatsoever.
        Similarly, Sinistea/Polteageist are a ghost that possessed black tea, while Poltchageist is a ghost that possessed matcha tea. While they’re similar concepts, there’s no actual relation between the two lines, as there’s no way for a teacup/teapot to “evolve” (in the Darwinian sense) into a new form. They’re just ghosts possessing similar things.

        • 10 months ago

          Ah ok, thanks for this explanation! Makes sense. Do the games explain this?

          • 10 months ago

            Every species on Earth has common ancestors.
            Convergent evolution is when a clade gain structures that are not presented in the MOST RECENT COMMON ancestor with its sister clades while shared the same forms and fuctions with a distant clade
            Example: Cetaceans developed fin-like structures that help them swim like other non-terapod fish while their most recent sister clade - the Hippos - don't have them

            Since GF doesn't really put their mind into the ecological and physiological function of their pokemon design the "convergent evolution" can only be called mimicry at best

            “Convergent forms” aren’t a thing you guys. They’re never called that in-game and no lore is given to them beyond “wow Wiglett looks like Diglett.”
            Saying “Gamefreak doesn’t understand convergent evolution” or “it’s weird that Poltchageist doesn’t match the other convergent form patterns” is dumb because these new mons aren’t actually convergent mons, they’re just new mons that look like old ones, and it’s the fanbase that has created all this “convergent form” discussion.

            • 10 months ago

              Centro confirmed they are moron

              • 10 months ago

                >confirming anything

            • 10 months ago

              Even if they aren't directly called that, Gamefreak makes too much of a deal about how similar they look to the base mon for that to not be the explanation. They even give explanations for why these mons developed these traits too. The Toedscruel line uses their mycelium in a similar fashion to how the Tentacruel line uses their tentacles (wrapping them around prey to incapacitate them) and Wigglet needs got big nose and tendency to flee underground from the speed of the predators in it's habitat, like Veluza.

            • 10 months ago

              yes, my point is that people are dumb for keep calling it that, even the leakers who def know nothing about biology. They really are just pokemon that happen to look similar as a muh reference

        • 10 months ago

          >If anything, objectmon are *more* likely to have convergents, because they can’t evolve like a living creature to take on new forms.
          Makes sense, but how does that explain Hisuian Voltorb?

          • 10 months ago

            Voltorb an apricorn monster that got a less wood texture over time apparently.

      • 10 months ago

        Local moron doesn't know what convergent species are.

      • 10 months ago

        >do jellyfish and mushrooms have a common ancestor?
        Convergent Evolution is when the two creatures sharing traits DON'T have a common ancestor numbnuts. Did you fricks just sleep throught all of highschool biology?

        Convergent species mean there’s no evolutionary relation between the two. If anything, objectmon are *more* likely to have convergents, because they can’t evolve like a living creature to take on new forms.
        Tentacool and Toedscool look the same, but they’re totally different creatures. Tentacool is a jellyfish while Toedscool is a mushroom. The two species have no relation whatsoever.
        Similarly, Sinistea/Polteageist are a ghost that possessed black tea, while Poltchageist is a ghost that possessed matcha tea. While they’re similar concepts, there’s no actual relation between the two lines, as there’s no way for a teacup/teapot to “evolve” (in the Darwinian sense) into a new form. They’re just ghosts possessing similar things.

        Local moron doesn't know what convergent species are.

        Ah ok, thanks for this explanation! Makes sense. Do the games explain this?

        Every species on Earth has common ancestors.
        Convergent evolution is when a clade gain structures that are not presented in the MOST RECENT COMMON ancestor with its sister clades while shared the same forms and fuctions with a distant clade
        Example: Cetaceans developed fin-like structures that help them swim like other non-terapod fish while their most recent sister clade - the Hippos - don't have them

        Since GF doesn't really put their mind into the ecological and physiological function of their pokemon design the "convergent evolution" can only be called mimicry at best

        • 10 months ago

          No? Convergent evolution is when something develops physical characteristics that are useful to a species in the environment it lives in. But it has absolutely nothing to do with clades or historical evolutionary families. It can be all sorts of shit that never popped up prior in its evolutionary history. Stuff like fins or wings or body shapes are all free game, so long as they benefit a species living in that environment and allow it to live easily, typically due to an open niche it's taken over. Case and point: Picrel is a reptile, not a fish. Bats aren't birds, whales also aren't fish, hummingbirds aren't moths, King crabs aren't actually crabs. There's a frick ton of examples of this. The only real issue I take with stuff like Poltchageist is that it isn't an animal period. I have no idea how a ghost experiences convergent evolution.

          • 10 months ago

            Forgot the pic.

          • 10 months ago

            >I have no idea how a ghost experiences convergent evolution.
            Two completely different species of ghost in differnet parts of the world found it beneficial to possess teaware, so there are two "teaware" ghosts that have nothing to do with each other.

            It would be like if a species of octopi started altering their biology to live in used shells like hermit crabs.

            • 10 months ago

              You know what? Fair.

            • 10 months ago

              A ghost is a ghost.

              • 10 months ago

                No. Some are made from the spirits of dead things, some are lifeforms from a different dimension so they aren't solid compared to the environment they live in, and some just prey upon life energy so they seem unliving.

              • 10 months ago

                A Tsukumogami is not a ghost.

              • 10 months ago

                If you run over one with a train, do you get a tsukumogami ghost that will haunt people and ask where its legs are, violently dismembering them if they are incorrect?

              • 10 months ago

                Well, Tsukumogami don't have legs to begin with. Unless it's a Table Tsukumogami. Or like a chair.

          • 10 months ago

            He's correct, but he's being overly pedantic. All life on Earth is descended from a single common ancestor, so you can find a most recent common ancestor for any two living things. If that most recent common ancestor doesn't share a trait that is shared by both of its descendants, then that's convergent evolution. There are no known cases of convergent evolution involving two unrelated species, because there are no known unrelated species.
            However, if we ever encounter life that doesn't share a common ancestor, I expect we'd redefine the term "convergent evolution" to include it, because it's a useful term.

            • 10 months ago

              Aliens are not life. If it isn't Earth it isn't good.

            • 10 months ago

              Even if we find aliens, all life would still be similar down to element level so depends on how far would you go to define common ancestor (molecular evolution, selective at a genetic level, etc.)

              Even if we assume that there is no common ancestor between organisms an Earth and alien life form, any similarity would still be called convergent evolution because no common ancestor = no shared trait in the most common ancestor

          • 10 months ago

            Go read the definition of convergent evolution again. It is only considered convergent if the trait developed did not appear in the sister clades.

            Do you say that tunas and mackerels look similar because of convergent evolution? No because they are close relatives and their shared morphology is parts of inherited traits from their common ancestor.

            Based on official source Poltchageist actually share an ecological niche as sinistea so this is the first time we can say that it is a convergent evolution line

      • 10 months ago

        >If it's all about evolution then why do it with objectmons like Sinistea?
        Sinistea is a purple blob ghost who uses a teacup for protection. Polchageist is a piece of pottery that awakened as a yokai. One is "tea" using a teapot, and other is a "teapot" using tea.

        The "convergence" is that two completely unrelated floating teaware ghosts came into existence that happen to have similar traits at first glance.

        But they are both tea. We've seen Regional variants be a tanuki and raccoon, so what makes tea and tea so distinct to be compared to garden eels and moles?

        • 10 months ago

          Zigzagoon's Japanese name is "Zigzaguma", with the "guma" coming from araiguma (racoon). I have no idea where people got the idea it had anything to do with tanuki. Japan has normal racoon too, you know.

          But the difference between "tea" and "tea" is that they're VERY different existences as ghosts. One is a ghost that makes things float around, while the other is actually possessing the teacup as its body.

          • 10 months ago

            So tanukis aren't raccoons?

            • 10 months ago

              The dog part of "raccoon dog" is more accurate, actually.

            • 10 months ago

              No. Tanuki are canidae, which means they're a type of dog/fox/wolf, while racoons are procyonidae (a family consisting of racoons, ringtails, and a few animals nobody cares about like coati). Tanuki are just called "racoon dogs" in the west because they're essentially wild dogs with the coloration of a racoon.

            • 10 months ago

              Raccoons are native to the Americas. Tanuki are native to Asia.

              • 10 months ago

                Do they have vultures in asia?

              • 10 months ago

                Yes, and they're adorable.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, but all of them are endangered. None of them live in Japan, though. (they do have buzzards)

            • 10 months ago

              Raccoons are Mustelids, Tanukis are Canines. They're distantly related, but only as related as a wolf and a seal might be. Tanuki's are basically a species of dog or wolf, not a type of raccoon.

              • 10 months ago

                Frick, I meant Musteloid not Mustelid. But I probably should've said Procyonid. I'm having an off day.

      • 10 months ago

        I know it's been three and a half hours since you posted that, but it absolutely needs pointing out again how fricking moronic you are.

    • 10 months ago

      >pinky out

  6. 10 months ago

    100% evolves into a Japanese yunomi tea cup weilding a matcha whisk and the name will be Sinistcha or something.

  7. 10 months ago

    They make another game set in Unova where Polteageist gets a regional variant based on an ocean filled with tea paraphernalia.

  8. 10 months ago

    >all the new forms are galarshit
    why do they keep pushing this?

    • 10 months ago

      Even they realized how hot ass the region was and are trying to messily redeem it. My question is why they aren't giving Kalos the same treatment. Maybe it'll come later.

      • 10 months ago

        Kalos has high density of OP bullshit, so dangerous to fiddle with.

  9. 10 months ago

    Maybe not. It being a single stage evolution would really hammer home how awful and forgettable it is.

  10. 10 months ago

    Here is your evolution bro.

  11. 10 months ago

    its rfake/mememon not convergent

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