Post RPGs you absolutely love

Not just like.

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  1. 3 years ago

    Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss (1992)
    The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall (1996)
    Arx Fatalis (2002)
    Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines (2004)
    World of Warcraft - Classic (2004)
    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (2006)
    Mass Effect (2007)
    Dragon Age: Origins (2009)

    • 3 years ago


  2. 3 years ago

    Witcher 2
    Record of Lodoss War (dreamcast)
    Diablo 3 (pls don't bully)

    • 3 years ago

      >Diablo 3 (pls don't bully)
      Unironically a good game if you weren't going in expecting a Diablo game. Especially if you're playing it with a friend. Combat feels really fricking nice.

      • 3 years ago

        It is lot of fun, but my cool buddies from PoE official told me to hate it.
        Weird, 2bh, since more than 50% play it anyway probably). Bit too easy and convinient for fanatic PoE players I guess.

    • 3 years ago

      I loved Record of Lodoss War the series as a teenager but had no idea that a game existed. How is it? Can it be emulated?

      • 3 years ago

        It's very good (imo) h&s, you play it solo, like Diablo or 1st Legacy of Kain. Game doesn't seem to have much in common with manga/anime, but I've seen just few episodes, so all I know is that RoLW is about huge robots and there are no huge robots in the game.

        The game is very action oriented, but has pretty nice and kinda unique crafing/gearing yourself up system. As far as I remeber the game didn't give a frick about being mage. The whole magic comes from your eq and runes that you smith on it.
        It was ~20 years ago,, I don't even remember if you could make some kind of mage-shaped char or it was just melee.

        It might be bit too "unique" in general, since I don't rly remember it being a thing over here back then. (then again, neither was a dc. so hard to expect from RoLW to be box office hit.

        I remember having shitload of pure fun playing it, but I'm not sure if it's that much of rpg. More like scrolled fighting game with rly extraordinary gear and crafting system.

  3. 3 years ago

    Dark Souls 3 is probably my most played.

    Honorary mentions go to Dragon's Dogma, Morrowind and Ys Origin.

  4. 3 years ago

    BG1 and 2
    parasite eve 2

  5. 3 years ago

    Baldur's Gate 2
    Wizardry 8

  6. 3 years ago

    Baldur's Gate II
    Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
    Chrono Cross

    • 3 years ago

      >Chrono Cross
      You're a sick frick.

      • 3 years ago
  7. 3 years ago

    Pathfinder: Kingmaker
    Baldur's Gate
    Dragon's Dogma

  8. 3 years ago

    There will never be games this good ever again.

  9. 3 years ago

    Alpha Protocol
    Persona 3

    Really like all of my other favorites - BG2, Deus Ex, New Vegas - but I don't love them.

    • 3 years ago

      Alpha Protocol has maybe my favorite dialogue system in anything

      • 3 years ago

        cone to go?

    • 3 years ago

      >Alpha Protocol
      playing that shit on veteran and clutching every decision after barely scraping by on recruit was rewarding as frick

  10. 3 years ago

    Dragon's Dogma
    Skyrim - Modded out the ass ofc. so it doesn't really count. I'm basically playing a fan game.
    Suikoden 2
    Dragon's Age: Origins
    Baldur's Gate 2
    Dark Souls 3

  11. 3 years ago


  12. 3 years ago

    VtM: Bloodlines
    Baldur's Gate 1/2
    Fallout 1
    Dragon Age: Origins
    KOTOR 1/2
    And Morrowind I guess.

  13. 3 years ago

    Divinity Original Sin 2
    Champions of Norrath - Champions return to arms
    Everquest 2
    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (idk if this counts as an RPG)
    thatd probably my list of favorite RPGs that i can sink hours into

    • 3 years ago

      shit i forgot about dragons dogma
      Dark souls is also neat but im one of those people that prefers to play it in multiplayer
      Wizardry 8 is alos a honorable mention but its sometimes painfull as frick

    • 3 years ago

      >DOS 2

      I'm pretty sure that you would love Blackguards 1. It's bit unforgiving at the beginning, but it's lot of fun.

      • 3 years ago

        there was a demo or a beta of it i think and i liked that.
        The reason i havent played it yet is because people said it was more like a puzzle than an RPG, as in the battles usually have one specific solution that is "correct"
        >posts game list
        >gets recommendations
        this is a good board, at least compared to Ganker

        This gave me a semi, ngl. I thought people hated around here, at least compared to the original.

        it doesnt have the massive Evercrack appeal of EQ1, but it has much of the same positive qualities. Focus on group play (at least when i played it), character options that feel like the fluff was as important as the gameplay (tho not as much as in EQ1)
        and what i especaily the strange hands off worldbuilding where none of the story and lore was presented in an easily digestable format and when you first stumbled into the world very little actually made sense. Doubly so when you start dicking around in Kunark, the objecitveley best part of any everuqest game, and none of that continents history is actually explained and you interact with all those factions whose language you dont speak.
        Everquest has this quality thats hard to put into words that maeks it an expierience f its own

        EQ2 is better than EQ1 but it's not as good as Classic WoW

        Yeah it’s kind of hard for me to enjoy any other MMORPG because vanilla WoW just nailed it

        Its different to wow. its a lot less competent and especialy 2 has visuals that feel like theyre cobbled together from unrealted assets, but on the other hand it does things in a very specific and clunky way that helps suspension of disbelief

        • 3 years ago

          one thing i figured in the early game is taht in WoW you get dropped off kind of as a designated low level adventuerer
          "Go wake up peons" or "go fight some dickass hogs in the forest", its like youre a recruit for some free corps.
          All in all it works well for the setting.
          in EQ2 youre some refugee, in vanilla you bareley even have a class, you get to pick between the ODnD base classes of "Dude who hits thigns" "dude who cast magic and dies a lot" and "Dude who pray to god" and thats it.
          And instead of beeing sent on a quest at first its more "youre a dirty immigrant, well now teach you how to be a productive member of society"
          Arguably wow has more going on in the world but EQ2 always made adventuring feel almost like a backdrop, or the backdrop, at least immediatly, felt more in the focus. Especialy with the way crafting worked (which was much more complicated than in most games that came out later) and the way you were almost immediatly thrown into housing and that whole business, it realy hammers home that point of "youre a homeless refugee whose making a new life in this weird city"
          Especialy the evil alignment reminded me of Morrowind in that way. Every NPC was kind of a dick to you, quests were less immediatly obvious and while it had its fair share of bear arse collecting, it also included doing crafting or ressource gathering or some other quests that tied into things that you, as a newbie, didnt understand yet.

        • 3 years ago

          >people said it was more like a puzzle than an RPG
          Can't say that people are entirely wrong, Blackguards isn't RPG,
          but tactics game with battles as a major focus of the game.
          And these are cool af, nothing like puzzles w/ just 1 correct solution imo.
          They are pretty hard, that's for sure,
          but, considering your CV you should have less issues with getting into game than I had (and I didn't struggle that much).

          TL;DR: it's ~93% chance that you'll like it, a lot.

          I'd usualy say: pirate it and then buy it if you liked it. The issue here is that there is literally not a single guy seeding it atm.
          You could wait a bit or risk that $3 for the game, migt be the best spend $3* in your life.

          *$3 considering that that "90% off" on steam is global, not regional

          • 3 years ago

            thats nice, might give it a shot, i like the DSA universe, even tho the TT rules are a tad too german for me

            • 3 years ago

              >TT rules are a tad too german for me
              These rules and stats spook me out at first, but this system kind of teached itself to me naturally.
              Well done (machen gut?), Deutshland,
              Btw. The same happened with Drakensang. Mayby Germans are good at making intuitive rule sets for rpg(ish) games? I live pretty close to German border and that sounds very much like those guys. (everything have sense, everything works, nothing is too simple not overcomplicated. And it feels fresh too .)

              • 3 years ago

                well im a native german speaker and i found the rules of DSA to be for one needlessly clunky and secondly weighted in a way that the optimal action is always the simple one.
                which makes sense but is also a bit boring.
                Anything more fancy than attacking i usually a bunch of realy hard checks that can have some pretty bad consequences if you frick up and if you actually manage it you usually dont do anything particulary usefull.
                also the character creation is full of trap options.

                my main gripe with the system however is that you throw three dice per check and that there are so many contested checks.
                Theres just so much dicerolling it slows down the game a lot.
                While i understand that the idea behind this is to decrease swingyness (like a d100 system), the way its set up just feels more random to me.

              • 3 years ago

                another thing with DSA is that im not a fan of the way roles work.
                its something that many games used to do back in the day, even older dnd editions, but i still think that it isnt very elegant.
                The way it works is that instead of each character having a "role" in each scene.
                like in a fight the warrior protects the wizard, the wizard fries the goblins and the rogue stabs em in the back.
                Or in a conversation the Rogue smooth talks the Envoy, the Warrior intimidates the evil duke and the wizard mesmerizes the courtier.
                in DSA its like this: In a fights, the warrior fights, the wizard and the rogue hide behind a tree. In a social situation, the noble talks to people while the warrior tries to keep his idiot mouth shut (this is actually not true for the archetype called "warrior" bt it is true for your run of the mill mercenary) lest he fricks it up.
                if magic is to be dealt with, the wizard does "wizard stuff".
                So basically the system is all about each player getting "their turn of the spotlight" instead of all the players participating in every scene.
                its a different style mostly, but its not my taste

                This is of course not relevant to Blackguards or River of TIme

              • 3 years ago

                Looks like a lot different experience, if there is no AI to do all the rolling for a player. Now I'm happy that I didn't have the pleasure to get familiar with the book relase :^).

                Btw. we, proud Polish nation, also made our very own book RPG system. It was Polish to the core, nothing made much sense, shit was absolutely nonintuitive, scratching your ass in the adventure required few d100 rolls (probably). The name was "Kryształy Czasu". I still wonder how it was possible that they didn't make English edition kek.

                Anyway, Blackguards system does feel a bit janky, but it's nowhere close to the horror that you described or Kryształy Czasu's players could experience irl.
                Plus as yuropoors, we can take a whole lot more jank than your regular America/Australia/NZ/Canada citizen.

    • 3 years ago

      This gave me a semi, ngl. I thought people hated around here, at least compared to the original.

      • 3 years ago

        EQ2 is better than EQ1 but it's not as good as Classic WoW

        • 3 years ago

          Yeah it’s kind of hard for me to enjoy any other MMORPG because vanilla WoW just nailed it

          • 3 years ago

            People complain about WoW clones but they all feel like Cataclysm or worse Battle for Azeroth. I want something that captures the feeling of Classic WoW but with a new world (and some interesting innovations that don't just serve to make the game easier and mobile-like like most MMOs do, including modern WoW).

            • 3 years ago

              Yep I've been chasing the dragon for a decade. Private servers or Classic are the closest you get. MMORPGs are out the golden age and pretty much dead. Every new MMO I've tried is soulless and ends up dying quickly anyway

              • 3 years ago

                Pantheon looks neat but I doubt it'll ever come out at this rate

              • 3 years ago

                Even if one is fantastic it won't be very successful. Gamers have changed, the world is a different place

  14. 3 years ago
  15. 3 years ago

    All 3 Gothic games
    Witcher 2 (can't even explain why)
    Neverwinter Nights 2. Even the vanilla campaign.

  16. 3 years ago


  17. 3 years ago

    Fallout 1 (Fallout 2 feels too much like an amusement park with how overly themed the areas are, takes away from the game for me), Underrail, and Morrowind are my holy trinity. Fallout 1 is there for posterity since I'm a massive Fallout/GURPS fan, however, Underrails atmosphere and general gameplay mechanics absolutely blew me away with how many unique strategies you could use to clear encounters. Morrowind speaks for itself.

  18. 3 years ago

    I don't think I've beaten any game as much as I've beaten Alpha Protocol. Maybe with the exception of DAO.

  19. 3 years ago

    jesus there's a lot of VTMB shilling in this thread. I might have to try it

    • 3 years ago

      Don't open it

    • 3 years ago

      >I might have to try it
      Don't bother. It's not actually good. The gameplay is janky and the writing is the kind of stuff that if it came out today and everyone played it would get shit on here.

      • 3 years ago


  20. 3 years ago

    Alpha Protocol

  21. 3 years ago

    Fallout 3
    Fallout: New Vegas
    Final Fantasy 6
    Final Fantasy 7
    Final Fantasy 8
    Final Fantasy 10
    L4D2 w/ voice chat

    • 3 years ago

      You really like RPGs with shit combat

  22. 3 years ago

    Pathfinder Kingmaker
    Pillars of Eternity 2
    Mass Effect 1

    If the game finds a way to suck me into the world and make me care about its characters, I pretty much can tolerate almost anything else as long as it's not impossibly difficult.

  23. 3 years ago

    Mass Effect 1-3
    Witcher 1-3
    BG 1-2
    Fallout 1-2

  24. 3 years ago

    Dragon Age 2

    • 3 years ago

      Literally all abortions of RPGs.

      • 3 years ago

        Didn't ask

        • 3 years ago

          Posted your opinion online homosexual

  25. 3 years ago

    The Sims

  26. 3 years ago

    Baldur's Gate 2
    Mass Effect trilogy

  27. 3 years ago

    Dark Messiah
    Wizards & Warriors
    System Shock 2
    Path of Exile
    Pathfinder Kingmaker
    Gothic 2
    Pokemon Clover

  28. 3 years ago

    Diablo 2. It's unrivaled as an ARPG.

  29. 3 years ago

    I'll only post a few but I could keep going. RPGs are the main genre I consume.

    Chrono Trigger
    SMT Nocturne
    Deus Ex
    Final Fantasy IV
    Final Fantasy XII
    Mass Effect 1
    Dragon Age Origins
    Fallout 2
    Star Wars Galaxies

  30. 3 years ago

    Phantasy Star IV
    Devil Survivor Overclocked
    Dark Messiah: Of Might and Magic
    Ys Origin
    Romancing SaGa 2

    • 3 years ago

      Shit, I'm not that familiar with the Japanese products, but if I knew that Jet Set Radio have it's own jrpg sub-franchise, I'd probably finish every single one of them realistically speaking, probalbly half way thru the first one, but still...
      Am I even onto something, or I just see things that's not there?

      • 3 years ago

        They are not even remotely related. Also, TWEWY sucks.

        • 3 years ago

          >Also, TWEWY sucks.
          And you swallow.

          • 3 years ago

            You mom should have swallowed.

  31. 3 years ago

    >Divinity Original Sin 2
    >Etrian Odyssey 5
    >Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms
    >Ys Origin
    >Paper Mario TTYD
    >Yakuza Like A Dragon
    >Disgaea 5
    >Pokemon Clover
    I could probably think of a lot more, but just those come to mind immediately.

  32. 3 years ago

    The whole Sky trilogy

  33. 3 years ago

    I love almost all the games I play and try to complete them as fully as possible.
    I loved ME Andromeda, Witchers, Cyberpunk, VtMB, Morrowind - all of them. I Iove each equally and would gladly come back and replay.

    Don't care about flaws and bugs and never could choose one favorite.

  34. 3 years ago

    Lots of fine tastes in this thread. Good job guys.

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