>Pretty girls sell games. >Final Fantasy games are selling less and less.

>Pretty girls sell games.
>Final Fantasy games are selling less and less.

What's the issue here? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Stellar Blade sells better than Rebirth.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    You say that, but the one game with an all-female party sold poorly and it instantly became fashionable to shit on it. hell, it has remained one of the major laughingstocks of the franchise. Your assertion is proven bullshit, mate. Gamers will always hate women, regardless of ho much they demand to see more of them.

    • 3 months ago

      Mostly because the story beats diminish some of the emotional weight of FFX.

      >Gamers: Waaaaah, we want pretty girls in vidya!
      >Yuna: Why didn't you buy our game then?
      >Rikku: It was absolutely chock full of fanservice! Especially from me.
      >Paine: Seriously, the sheer levels of pandering nonsense, and we get rewarded with everyone hating us forever? Frick you.
      >Gamers: U-uh...

      I did get their game actually.
      Most shameless request for a Christmas gift I ever had as a kid.
      Personally, I like it, but as FFX is one of my favorite games, I'd probably eat up any slop they put out as long as Spira was the setting. Much like FF7 fanboys do for their game. None of them will top FFX though

    • 3 months ago

      Waifusim is a recent phenomenon, plus FFX characters aren't that attractive.

      • 3 months ago

        Holy shit you could not be more wrong.
        Paine was actually lame though. Lulu is infinitely better

    • 3 months ago

      they should try making rpgs again

      >Gamers: Waaaaah, we want pretty girls in vidya!
      >Yuna: Why didn't you buy our game then?
      >Rikku: It was absolutely chock full of fanservice! Especially from me.
      >Paine: Seriously, the sheer levels of pandering nonsense, and we get rewarded with everyone hating us forever? Frick you.
      >Gamers: U-uh...

      the female cast isnt the problem (the game would be worse if it was auron etc singing gay pop songs and dancing around), its the tonal whiplash compared to the first game

      • 3 months ago

        The frick you talking about, Rebirth is a revolution of what an action RPG could be.

    • 3 months ago

      >Gamers will always hate women
      This level of projection has reached new heights of incel. You will never be a woman and you have no right to be mad about it.

    • 3 months ago

      FF10-2 sold 6.5m which is more than FF1-6, 9, 16, 7R2
      12 only hit 7m with the hd port too and was 6m prior to that

  2. 3 months ago

    Stellar Blade will sell billions of copies once people realize Lily! is in it!

    • 3 months ago

      As cute as this character is, and she is cute, I'm ready for when you finally frick off, marketing shill.

      • 3 months ago

        You're right, she's very cute!

    • 3 months ago

      Imagine strapping her into a forced orgasm machine 24h/day.

  3. 3 months ago

    Pretty girls "help" sell games. They don't sell games by themselves. They are a plus.
    While ugly girls "prevent" sells of any game they are in and "Will" tank your games sales. They are a negative.
    If your game is bad and it got pretty girls it will sell more than it would have otherwise.
    If your game is mediocre and it got pretty girls it will sell more than it would have otherwise.
    If your game is good and it got pretty girls it will sell more than it would have otherwise.

    If your game is bad, mediocre, or good and it has ugly woman in it than it will sell worse than if it didn't.
    Everyone's biggest and only gripe with Returnal is because you play as some 40+ year old ugly ass Karen of a woman. The game would have easily sold more if she at least wasn't ugly.

    • 3 months ago

      Aside from Ganker, Rebirth is hailed as the GOAT of the year by everyone who played it, yet it sold less than DD2.

      • 3 months ago

        It's also has a higher rating than DD2. Because it has pretty girls. Also because it is only available on a single platform that it has low sales.

    • 3 months ago

      This but unironically, if returnal had a cute 2b waifu type as the protagonist it would be hailed as a masterpiece and sold millions. As it stands i think it barely sold more than half a million

      • 3 months ago

        This anon gets it.

        Luminous Productions would still be around and Forspoken would've been a moderate hit if Matsuda had kept his hubris in check instead of chasing the Marvel audience and just let the team make the game they wanted to with the protagonist they envisioned, not an isekai'd Black person from the Bronx.

        • 3 months ago

          One of the Sins I cannot forgive Square for.
          Angi's Philiosphy looks so fricking great from a concept/visual standpoint.

          This but unironically, if returnal had a cute 2b waifu type as the protagonist it would be hailed as a masterpiece and sold millions. As it stands i think it barely sold more than half a million

          I bought the game, and enjoyed it only after it came to PC, but I really hate the protags design, and do agree with you that it would have sold far better if she was attractive.
          Even for the "realistic" crowd she just looks like a 50 year old office working man, not even a fit astronaut woman. Could have even put Aloy in and it would have been 100x better.
          I should go back to that game and see if anyone made some nice mods for her.

        • 3 months ago

          >Those Burqas though.
          I remember Square had a small poll on the Luminous website back in 2014-ish asking how much do we like the characters (Agni) look, would buy the game if she one the cover...etc.

          As for having a black character, to be honest even Sony in 2020-2021 (they stopped after that) had black people in all their commercials, and had Travis Scott as a marketing ambassador, so it is easy to say that market research in that period skewed to having an african-american characters.

          • 3 months ago

            Its still fricking skewed. Its literally shoved onto everyone.
            Its so weird how they can make great black characters like Barret and Sazh who is arguably the best in FF13's main cast, and then shit like fricking Forspoken.
            But thats what you get when you listen to modern American "writers" and consultants.

        • 3 months ago

          Imagine the lazypro videos, one more thing I won't forgive Tabata for.

          Its still fricking skewed. Its literally shoved onto everyone.
          Its so weird how they can make great black characters like Barret and Sazh who is arguably the best in FF13's main cast, and then shit like fricking Forspoken.
          But thats what you get when you listen to modern American "writers" and consultants.

          It is not skewed anymore, even having gays is a big risk nowadays.

          • 3 months ago

            >one more thing I won't forgive Tabata for.
            Tabata was another victim here, it was Matsuda and his weird Marvel boner who got Agni shitcanned and opened the door to Californian writers and consultants.

            After the initial warm reception to the AP tech demo, Luminous, while still under Tabata, started production on a game based on it before FF XV even released. Tabata actually showed it off a few more times under the codename "Witch", calling it "our project for next gen" and how it would "continue to develop and evolve".


            We know Witch and Forspoken are the same game because in the PS5 reveal event, you can see they share a trademark at the very end.

            Everyone assumes Tabata fricked off because of stuff related to XV, but I think it's just as possible he got fed up with Matsuda whoring out the project to Sony/California and letting them make all the changes they wanted to it.

            Look up any FF XV production videos and Luminous had Agni fricking plastered everywhere in their offices and website. She was basically the studio mascot. I honestly can't think up a lower blow to a weeb Japanese game dev than taking away their lovingly crafted waifu and telling them to replace her with an ESG approved quipping Black person. I would've left too.

            • 3 months ago

              Also as a side note: I have no idea who it is, but SOMEONE at Luminous had the biggest hair fetish of any man alive. Between Lunafreya's insanely intricate hairstyle and whatever they were going for with Agni, that man was absolutely cooking.

            • 3 months ago

              There was something off with LS when Tabata left, their internal concept trailer

              Just sucked and had no passion you can see they lacked focus. For Forspoken, I honestly feel Sony had a big say in this, and remember Square wanted people to "own" parts of their studio cause AAA was too risky for them, so if Forspoken had done well, then Sony would've had a share in Luminous.

              • 3 months ago

                >sucked and had no passion you can see they lacked focus
                This is also how Forspoken feels, especially when compared with the AP concept. Besides Agni being canned in favor of a "real-world" protagonist so they could write witty quips and make her "relatable" to modern audiences, a lot of ideas where recycled but just made... Hollow, somehow.

                Take the tech demo I posted earlier for instance, Witch Chapter 0. It's just a short clip of Agni crying amongst some ruins, but it still feels more inspired and evocative than anything found in the final game. You can even see she already has her cuffs, likely as a source of magic just like Frey, but these cuffs spread through her body, enveloping her in golden scales from her arm to her face, and she doesn't look very pleased about it. It's likely the cuffs were conceptualized as a "deal with the devil" sort of thing where they offer power but would progressively corrupt her in some form. They might've even been malevolent or antagonistic.

                The cuffs in Forspoken serve a similar role but are written as a vehicle to deliver more quips because the entire game felt terrified of taking itself seriously, like the writers saw the original concepts and went "ew, DRAMA" and the best way they thought of "fixing it" was characterizing it as Wheatly-but-shit.

              • 3 months ago

                Let us not jump to conclusions, we have no idea what happened, and with FFXV DLC's poor sales and cancellation + the 90 million dollar losses for the studio, the entire thing is a mess.

                Though having Agni as the MC would've brought 100% in each dev, they clearly weren't passionate about Frey to the point where they reused some of Noctis's animation moves.

              • 3 months ago

                the xv dlc has strong margins according to SE, dotf only got canned because tabata chose to leave, the cancellation of things happened as a result of that, not the other way around
                and $33m "extraordinary loss" is the price of an extremely low budget game and in this case was just the accumulated cost of multiple small projects and CG production that was cancelled, and ffxv mobile game made $375m in that same fy and the pc version of xv made $33m in that same FY too
                also extraordinary loss despite the wording is not because of a loss of a large sum, it's an inordinary way of loss ie things are cancelled so your can no longer make say the $33m that you were guaranteed to make had they been released

            • 3 months ago

              >Tabata was another victim here

              he's the reason why the gameplay of XV sucked:

              • 3 months ago

                Tabata at least hears the fans, and Forspoken would've been a better game with him at the helm.

              • 3 months ago

                >and Forspoken would've been a better game with him at the helm.

                not with that shit engine that no one else at SE wanted to use, as shown by 7R, 7R2, and XVI not using it. Plus KH3 moving away from it mid development

              • 3 months ago

                >and Forspoken would've been a better game with him at the helm.

                not with that shit engine that no one else at SE wanted to use, as shown by 7R, 7R2, and XVI not using it. Plus KH3 moving away from it mid development

                have a nice day already SBK91
                7R, XVI all look and run and play worse and took 2x longer to make
                KH3 only moved off so they could finish luminous with 1 game instead of splitting it on 2 games slowing down xv dev
                in the end xv took only 3.5 years on luminous while kh3 and 7r took fricking 7 years on ue4

            • 3 months ago

              Yeah also the creator of Agni and the 3D modeller for Agni and XV, Akira Iwata left SE to join Tabata's company too

              currently on his website they have in dev sneak peak of some characters for one of his new RPG

              • 3 months ago

                >Game powered by AI.

                I have no idea what to expect, also it seems they hoarded some of Japan's Studio's talent.

          • 3 months ago

            tabata was making the agni game with agni
            SE upper management changed it from agni after tabata left and made it to the current forspoken characters and story in 2019 which was a year after Tabata left

            • 3 months ago

              God damn that's fricking insane. I know it's prerelease prerendered stuff, but it's still in engine.

              • 3 months ago

                Square won't reach those graphics with Unreal, I really hope they dropped for an internal engine.

              • 3 months ago

                >I really hope they dropped for an internal engine.

                they tried with Luminous and look at what that got them.
                A closed down studio whose last game that was only seen as a laughing stock

              • 3 months ago

                Forspoken looks better than ff16 and 7r2
                and nothing was closed down
                they just merged the staff to CBU2 to continue AAA dev as CBU2 staff instead
                and Nozue just got promoted and he was involved in Agni and XV luminous stuff as well as director of XV CG and kingsglaive

      • 3 months ago

        Who said I was being ironic. It's stone cold fact that Pretty characters are good to look at and make things sell more. They don't ensure your game is good or even that they sell alot. Just more than if they didn't have good looking characters.
        Tales of Hearts Anime movie editions sold more than 3d movie edition because the characters didn't look like shit on the Anime version.

    • 3 months ago

      Also selling a roguelike for 80€ doesn't help when all the good ones are usually around 20€

    • 3 months ago

      >While ugly girls "prevent" sells of any game they are in
      Horizon Forbidden West was one of the best selling games of 2022

      • 3 months ago

        I thought we already established sales for the Horizon series came from mandatory bundle deals.

      • 3 months ago

        Overshadowed and out sold by games released at the same time with good looking girls.
        Wild. Also The Horizon games are boring as all frick.

    • 3 months ago

      >Horizon and the sequel prove otherwise
      moron lmao

      • 3 months ago

        How do you mean? Each and every single Horizon game and it's ports were always overshadowed and sold less than something else with better looking woman released in the same week.
        Without fail. Horizon sold much by itself. A vast majority of it's sales were always bundle deals with consoles.

  4. 3 months ago

    its almost as if pretty girls alone dont sell games and requires an actual interesting game for the pretty girl to be in.

  5. 3 months ago

    pretty girls in vidya? where? only old games maybe but modern ones? just look at stellar blade drama because there is normal cute woman on it.

  6. 3 months ago

    >Gamers: Waaaaah, we want pretty girls in vidya!
    >Yuna: Why didn't you buy our game then?
    >Rikku: It was absolutely chock full of fanservice! Especially from me.
    >Paine: Seriously, the sheer levels of pandering nonsense, and we get rewarded with everyone hating us forever? Frick you.
    >Gamers: U-uh...

    • 3 months ago

      Coomers on Ganker don't buy games or play them

    • 3 months ago

      >Gamers: Waaaaah, we want pretty girls in vidya!
      >Yuna: Why didn't you buy our game then?
      >Gamers: i said pretty

      • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      10-2 sold more than 13-2, lrff13, crisis core, dirge, ff tactics, type0, Dissidia, 7r-2, ff16, ff9, more than 1-6, and about on par with ff12 and 7r

    • 3 months ago

      Fanservice is a bonus on top of good gameplay, homosexual.

  7. 3 months ago

    >if Stellar Blade sells better than Rebirth.

    you aren't even TRYING to be subtle, Barry

  8. 3 months ago

    I'll never forgive them for changing her name to Cindy for the US. I will never understand that logic.
    Also Is that LazyProcrastinator?

    • 3 months ago

      yeah, it is lazy when he wasn't THAT lazy.

      • 3 months ago

        Don't know what you mean by that.
        But I like his stuff, personally.

        • 3 months ago

          I mean he cuts corners (which is why he is consistent), but sometimes he goes autistically ham on a character, like randomly making a 20-minute long video of FF7 Jessie's mom with a theme song.

          • 3 months ago

            Oh, yeah I Don't mind that really. I kind of see is a "variants" really, He does good stuff though, plus those insane videos like you mentioned offset the corners he cuts on other things imo.

            • 3 months ago

              I don't mind him taking shortcuts, mind you, but when he goes ham on something he does it so lowkey, and for a guy who has been doing this for years but still is insanely humble is so weird.

              • 3 months ago

                Hes also one of the few bigger animators who will do Ryne from FF14 and for that I thank him.

              • 3 months ago

                I would appreciate it if people stopped asking him for stuff. He promised a big Lunafreya video early this year, but we are almost middle of the year, and In his recent blog, he mentioned he is nowhere near finished.

              • 3 months ago

                But ai don't care about Luna though, I want that Fubuki animation he promised

              • 3 months ago

                we were talking about lazyprocrastinator.

  9. 3 months ago

    Square is taking the timed exclusive bribe from Sony and on a console with a horrendous attach rate at that. By the time it comes to other platforms, most people don't care anymore and skip it.

  10. 3 months ago

    the 4 highest selling ff

    7 at 14.4m
    10 at 14m
    15 at 10m+
    8 at 9.6m

    the 4 lowest selling FF (not counting 2d FF which are all sub 6m and arent AAA. 6 at 5.6m, 5 at 4.2m, 4 at 5m, 3 at 3.6m, 2 at 2.8m, 1 at 3.1m)

    7r and 12 tied at 7m
    9 at 6m
    16 at 3m
    7r2 at 2.5m-3m~

    • 3 months ago

      I can only assume 15 didn't profit much as others regardless of it's sales. Seeing as they worked too long on it and the countless production issues and cancelled projects.

      • 3 months ago

        Game was sub 20 bucks months after release.

        >and Forspoken would've been a better game with him at the helm.

        not with that shit engine that no one else at SE wanted to use, as shown by 7R, 7R2, and XVI not using it. Plus KH3 moving away from it mid development

        XV still looks better than XVI and Rebirth, we just had to have them cook it for a while.

        • 3 months ago

          >XV still looks better than XVI and Rebirth,

          but has a shit framerate compared to the other two.
          I would gladly play a game with okay graphics but a high & stable FPS (like XVI and 7R) over a game that looks nice but has shit FPS (FFXV or Forspoken, as seen in it's demo)

          • 3 months ago

            What the frick are you smoking, XV, shit as it may be, was more stable than both XVI and Rebirth. Plus this issue is omitted completely if you play on PC.

            • 3 months ago

              >was more stable than both XVI and Rebirth.
              stable at around 20ish FPS

              >Plus this issue is omitted completely if you play on PC.
              don't feel like re-buying that mediocre disappointment because it's allegedly fixed on PC

              • 3 months ago

                XVI and 7R2 both run worse than XV
                XVI so shit they had to cancel the ps4 version because it could barely run at all on PS4

          • 3 months ago

            no, it runs better than both on the same hardware and looks better than both
            xv running on PS5 is not only higher fps than ff16 but higher res too

            ff16 is fricking 720p sub 60
            xv is locked 60fps 1080p when played on ps5
            Forspoken also runs better than ff16 and 7r2 too which digital foundry confirmed

      • 3 months ago

        that 10 year dev time + movies + all that DLC really meant that XV had to sell a ton of copies just to make a profit.

        • 3 months ago

          ff16 cost more and took longer to make
          xv was not that expensive nor was in it dev for 10 years
          also the movie was cheaply made because they outsourced a lot of production and assets in the movie were also used in the game so they were budget efficient, plus a lot of it was just repurposed stuff that was already made
          xv was profitable day 1 even including versus shit

          • 3 months ago

            >XVI took longer to make

            XV was in development for 10 years + 2 more for the DLC and the true ending novel THAT YOU REFERENCE. You can't cry "IT'S NOT CANON" when you make posts like this

            XVI was only like 6 years at most and that includes the two DLCs

            • 3 months ago

              XVI took 8 years to make under takai and yoshiP plus another year for the cut content DLC

              XV took 3 years 4 months to make under Tabata on Luminous and got only additional stuff made because of fan demand

              have a nice day already SBK91

              • 3 months ago

                it do be like that, in the industry we often see XV as the gold standard for getting games out quick without decades of delays right next to Duke Nukem

            • 3 months ago

              true ending is in the base game you fricking moron twewysperg

              being non canon doesn't mean its still not official you fricktard, official content like in dbz games where goku fuses with freeza or teams up with cell or whatever the frick, it's not canon but it's still OFFICIAL
              learn the difference already you stupid fricking xiv troon holy fricking shit how are you this fricking stupid?

              it was being made the same reason the alternate ending in episode ignis is a thing you fricking moron, to show different outcomes if different things that weren't beholden to the canon happened, it literally wasn't part of the actual story and the true ending is the story in the base game which they literally fricking said when they announced it you fricking moron.

              >The theme is an ALTERNATE grand finale, of course we're not trying to overwrite the existing ending, the ending for FFXV is THE ending for FFXV, but like we did with Episode Ignis we want to give players a choice to see a possible different outcome.

              Meanwhile ff7r has its canon true backstory in a novel and its true ending hasn't even fricking released yet while requiring you to buy a PS5 and play mobile garbage canon to ff7r to understand the actual unfinished garbage that 7R always will be, and ff16 has canon cut content main story dlc sold a year after release needed to understand the story, plus have to read the Japanese only ultimania to get the main story

              Stay debunked moron.

      • 3 months ago

        xv was profitable day 1
        SE stated the dlc had high margins and it literally got 2 years of bonus dlc because it did so well

    • 3 months ago

      7R surprises me
      7R2 does not if only because PS5 only but also cause people may have been put off by 7R ending.
      16 is a shame, but again isn't surprising because PS5 only.

  11. 3 months ago

    Everyone knew Cidney wasn't a companion in ff15. Conan Obrien revealed how the first few hours was just a boy band pushing their broke-down car to the gas station she ran. And Cidney disappears from the game entirely later.

    • 3 months ago

      and yet xv is the best selling ff

  12. 3 months ago

    How do you make a mainline FF sell gooder?

  13. 3 months ago

    Games need to be good.

  14. 3 months ago

    In FFXV, you spend most the time playing as 4 gay japanese boyband members with maybe one girl joining the party for a few, but not too long to ruin any of the fujos' gay shipping. And in FFXVI, it literally has gays kissing, which is just disgusting and people don't want to spend money on that crap.

  15. 3 months ago

    Cidney was never particularly pretty.

    • 3 months ago

      Not fat and Black personish enough for you, American?

    • 3 months ago

      u gay?

      In FFXV, you spend most the time playing as 4 gay japanese boyband members with maybe one girl joining the party for a few, but not too long to ruin any of the fujos' gay shipping. And in FFXVI, it literally has gays kissing, which is just disgusting and people don't want to spend money on that crap.

      and yet xv still outsold every ff at launch

  16. 3 months ago

    >What's the issue here?
    the PS5 sucks
    >I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Stellar Blade sells better than Rebirth.
    It most likely will. Retroactively censoring Tifa in remake made players weary about Rebirth

  17. 3 months ago

    >Noctis dies a virgin

    • 3 months ago

      clive dies a virgin
      cloud dies a virgin
      sephiroth dies a virgin

      noctis has officially shown to have impregnated lunafreya 2 times and had kids with her
      ardyn is canonical stated to have fricked aera his fiance

      • 3 months ago

        man, shit like this makes me wish we got XV dlc for luna.

  18. 3 months ago

    Noctis Don't look.

  19. 3 months ago

    >didn't even chart in scat land
    >but Dragon's Dogma DARK ARISEN did

    • 3 months ago

      New Square CEO is gonna pay Sony to break from the PS5 curse. Wouldn't even be surprised if they drop a shity port in May next month when the exclusivity deal ends.

  20. 3 months ago

    XVI didn't even have a hot poster girl like Cidney. I didn't really keep up with the game but the only characters that stuck in my mind from promo material were Clive and the shota, not exactly prime advertising material. Unless you're the ethics department of course.

    • 3 months ago

      Game didn't go the waifu route like Rebirth though.

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