Project Gorgon

Why doesn't this board ever talk about the most soulful MMO in recent years? It's the highest rated MMORPG on Steam for a reason. Very reminiscent of Asheron's Call which makes sense because it's made by two Asheron's Call leads (husband & wife duo).

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I'm probably literally the only person that has played this. I think because it's made by 2 people, content takes forever and the content isn't meaningful. Broken things stay broken for months sometimes years. Honestly overall, the game is pretty bland. Just play project 1999 till we get Pantheon at this point. Or even better OSRS.

  2. 2 years ago

    it looks horrendous.

    • 2 years ago

      Better than the sum of its parts.

      I'm probably literally the only person that has played this. I think because it's made by 2 people, content takes forever and the content isn't meaningful. Broken things stay broken for months sometimes years. Honestly overall, the game is pretty bland. Just play project 1999 till we get Pantheon at this point. Or even better OSRS.

      Pantheon never ever

    • 2 years ago

      Bad graphics filters out FFXIV trannies and koreachink gacha players.

  3. 2 years ago

    Technical side of it is all kinds of fricked. It is also really wants to be porn game with the amount of straight up fetish fuel but devs don't have balls to commit

    • 2 years ago

      >really wants to be porn game with the amount of straight up fetish fuel

      • 2 years ago

        I've seen a few threads on it, most kind of peter out quickly because nobody plays it. I've played since the pre-alpha on and off and it's...You know, fine. Pretty grindy which doesn't bother me but the way they did inventory and storage limitations does. For a game that gives you the options to do everything you really don't have enough space to do what you want. You don't just need gear for every skill, you need it for every skill combination. Trying something new just becomes a huge ball ache. The actual gameplay is kind of meh in general. But I can't hate it or anything because two developers etc. It's a big lump of interesting ideas, at least.

        I don't know about fetish fuel (unless you count all the transformation and talking animal stuff) but elves are unironically nymphomaniacs, with two in the starting town talking about sex all day, a quest that hooks up the mushroom nut and farmer lady with implications the dude's going to take a carrot up the pooper, etc.

        • 2 years ago

          I think the reason for that is that the dev sourced the elf models from some kind of asset store but they were all extremely horny in design. He decided to factor that into the setting rather than just not mention it but one race is inexplicably running around in their underwear.

  4. 2 years ago

    looks sick but i can't afford $40.

  5. 2 years ago

    Because it's played by like 5 people.

  6. 2 years ago

    I could make a guild for us. Any name suggestions for it?

  7. 2 years ago

    >early access
    >40usd with a separate VIP subscription
    >no players

    • 2 years ago

      >typical poor Ganker scum who wants to do 0 work and get everything for free

      just lol lmao no one cares not lowering the price

      • 2 years ago

        It was just on sale moron
        >buys ea games for 40
        I make 75k a year and I wouldn't even do that, only poor people are stupid with their money

      • 2 years ago

        the monetization is literally why the game has no fricking players

        it's an interesting game with terrible monetization

    • 2 years ago

      The highest rated MMOROG on Steam is SWTOR.

      looks sick but i can't afford $40.

      I remember this being free. I know I tried it when AC closed and I sure as hell wasn't about to pay for it when AC is still available and working.

      Better than the sum of its parts.
      Pantheon never ever

      >Pantheon never ever
      But.... Brad McQuaid, the man who gave us Vanguard.

      • 2 years ago

        >Brad McQuaid
        rip dude. EverQuest is still one of the best games ever made.

        • 2 years ago

          I know that was kind of a cheap shot. I even liked Vanguard, but holy shit I think it was the slowest and most plodding MMO ever made. I remember hiking up a mountain just to turn in a quest, nothing to do on the way, no other quests to do at the same time. "Hey kid, go to the bottom of this mountain and get me a thing, then bring it back." I envied the people who had the time to play through all that because it looked like a whole lot of someday fun.

          homosexual game, Ill never support content made or influenced by troony homosexuals.
          >40 dollars
          AHAHAHA, it's not even complete and wants 40+sub.

          Don't tell me one of the developers is that troon monster who helped turn the AC2 into such a clusterfrick. What an awful company. I will never forgive Microsoft for selling the rights back to them. My poor cursed wonderful home.

        • 2 years ago

          And you are right about EverQuest. Both of those games also had the best newbie areas I've ever seen. EQ2 Kelethin is so much fun I think I spent a month there, and Gloomingdeep looked like a drag but you could hang out there for a long time and a lot of people did. It was also a very friendly area with people helping each other all the time, at least when I played.

          Another game with a great newbie area was Ryzom. Tons of good tutorial quests, difficult areas to explore, and all of it optional.

  8. 2 years ago

    Fun game, but it will never have anything more than a small following because it looks like shit. I started played when it was free and it doesn't look much different now, everything still looks like it's made out of placeholders.

    The way every player in the game looks like a clown with every piece of armor being a separate color is one of the worst things about it.

  9. 2 years ago

    homosexual game, Ill never support content made or influenced by troony homosexuals.
    >40 dollars
    AHAHAHA, it's not even complete and wants 40+sub.

  10. 2 years ago

    I played this game, the tutorial is good but the rest of it sucks and this has never changed. This will never change. There's nothing else to be said. This game is a meme.

  11. 2 years ago

    It was fun to play when it was free, but there isn't enough content to justify dropping anything more than maybe 20 bucks on it.
    Not to mention putting something as simple as a combat log behind a subscription just feels scummy as frick

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