
>gunplay is at its best, switching between grapples, shields, threat sensor and dashes gives much more depth to the gameplay
>enemies have interesting quirks like brutes throwing grunts, jackals firing vertically, hunters getting enraged, etc
>open world doesn't feel too bloated or empty
>weapon, pilot and escharum are pretty competently written
>writers clearly moving on from 5
>lack of variety in environment and level design
>shit like 'the endless being worse than the flood' and yet another ancient alien race coming back feels cliche
>weapons like the carbine butchered for the sake of variety in the sandbox
>most boss fights rely too much on bullet sponges and ohko attacks
>lacking soundtrack
>343 retconning, dropping or resolving important plot points off screen for the 3rd time in a row
>open world that opens up overtime with a set mission order defeats the point and hurts replayability
>can't replay missions
>still no coop
campaign only, don't care about mp

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Being barely good isn't enough anymore. The gaming bubble popped the past few years.

    The only way they can improve the game is by making it dark souls but halo

  2. 2 years ago

    >no goodies for legendary
    >no goodies for LASO
    >armor lockers are all boring shit coatings

  3. 2 years ago

    I enjoyed the gunplay, wish there was some stealth options and wish there was more variety in the map, even the first Halo gave us snow and desert sections.

    • 2 years ago

      fully upgraded dash gives camo, but it's a bit iffy

      • 2 years ago

        I was thinking more like barrel modifications like suppressors.

        • 2 years ago

          that would be cool yeah, considering that in odst they didn't do shit

    • 2 years ago

      >wish there was more variety in the map
      This was the most disappointing thing for me, I kept expecting to at least see some snowy areas

  4. 2 years ago

    >Such a disappointment that they're returning to MCC with the possibility of adding microtransactions

    • 2 years ago

      Adding microtransactions to MCC seems like a massive waste of time to me. Anyone properly invested in the game already has everything they want unlocked or has smashed the toggle, so literally who is going to be buying season points for real money?

  5. 2 years ago

    I liked the OST a fair bit. It lacked the high highs of the previous games but when it came to making a Halo score fit for open world exploration it pulled it off very competently.

    • 2 years ago

      maybe you're right, i guess it fits

  6. 2 years ago

    it's dead
    343 still isnt a nuclear wasteland yet

  7. 2 years ago

    Why do people say pro and con when they mean good and bad

  8. 2 years ago

    All those listed pros are parroted, journo-tier talking points. None of them are accurate, they're just repeated as caveats by dullards who want to shift their b***hing to the also awful monetization
    Truth is, the whole game is irredeemable shit.

    • 2 years ago

      >everything is shit
      stop larping as le jaded oldgay you literal infant

    • 2 years ago

      The gunplay is fun in a nu-Doom kind of way. But I agree that absolutely everything else is shit, from the writing and characters to the number of trees in the open world.
      Ugly Marines with no personality don’t help much either. I miss the cool gung-ho Mexican and the witty Australian from Halo 2

  9. 2 years ago

    >>343 retconning, dropping or resolving important plot points off screen for the 3rd time in a row
    This is a pro not a con, Halo 4 and 5 were that trash that I honestly didn't care that 343 were forced to do this by Microsoft. Frick those games.

  10. 2 years ago

    I can’t get past the shitty open world and the shitty story
    I wish this game had been Halo 4 and had taken place soon after 3. A story about Chief getting stranded and fighting off what are essentially the remnants of the covenant would have been perfectly acceptable. But no, they just had to up the power levels and keep teasing stupid bullshit like The Endless. It’s at the point where I can’t take any of it seriously anymore
    And the open world is zzzzzz. No point to it

    • 2 years ago

      The Endless are just a more evolved Flood.

  11. 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    The game just straight up sucks ASS. Halo should’ve ended with 3/odst, etc. but wow infinite is the definition of something that possibly could’ve been okay. I hate the controls so bad. They feel horrible and I still think it’s funny that show that failed was the focus.

    • 2 years ago

      >i hate the controls so bad
      homie you have all the classic setups like recon and bumper jumper you can set, are you moronic

      • 2 years ago

        He clearly is

  13. 2 years ago

    >gunplay is at its best
    One of the better parts of the game, but it has its downsides. Leaning into damage types was reasonable in theory, but they didn't want to include complementary mechanics. Thus, it's just another half-assed 343 gimmick. Whacky sandbox should not have been sacrificed for a "tight sandbox" if was gonna end up this bland.
    >switching between grapples, shields, threat sensor and dashes gives much more depth to the gameplay
    Saying the abilities were half-assed would be generous. The grapple shot is the laziest core addition to Halo ever, and it's only there so the player can navigate the procedurally generated open world. Same story as above: cool concepts; bad execution.
    >enemies have interesting quirks like brutes throwing grunts, jackals firing vertically, hunters getting enraged, etc
    Halo always had behaviours like this. Considering this is an open world game with a grapple hook, the enemies are profoundly stupid and maladapted.
    >open world doesn't feel too bloated or empty
    It feels totally empty and redundant.
    >weapon, pilot and escharum are pretty competently written
    The amount of exposition foisted onto these three characters makes them more annoying than anything else. Without that, they'd probably just come off as inoffensive, vanilla.
    >writers clearly moving on from 5
    343 keeps "moving on" from their latest Halo. I wouldn't be surprised if Halo New Dawn comes out after 5 years of silence and and ends up as another heel-turn for the franchise.

    • 2 years ago

      >grapple is only for movement
      you haven't even played the game Black person, stop pretending
      you can evade, pick up and throw coils, pick up weapons from afar, hijack vehicles, raise jackal shields, punch enemies and even do an aoe electricity blast when fully upgraded

      • 2 years ago

        Those are all ad hoc gimmicks. The grapple was entirely concocted because 343 couldn't come up with a series-appropriate mode of traversal (e.g. a map through which vehicles are usable).
        These aspects of the grapple also happen to invalidate core parts of Halo like:
        >Transitioning between cover
        >CQC combat
        >Vehicles themselves
        Pic rel. did it better anyway, you b***h.

        • 2 years ago

          Grappling hooks are always an improvement to FPS gameplay. It's the only thing Infinite did well. And it didn't even do it that well because it's exclusively a one-per-map pickup with limited uses and a long recharge time.

          • 2 years ago

            OP is about campaign. Grapple hook makes more sense in a competitive setting, against humans, in tighter spaces.
            >Grappling hooks are always an improvement to FPS gameplay
            moronic take, especially if the rest of the game is hardly designed around it.

            • 2 years ago

              >OP is about campaign
              Where? And the grappling hook improves campaign too because it makes up for Halo's fetish for slow movement and large environments.
              >moronic take, especially if the rest of the game is hardly designed around it.
              Name one game worsened by a grapple. Bonus points if it's an arcadey shooter like Halo.

        • 2 years ago

          >transitioning between cover
          and it's removed how, exactly? you can still get shot while grappling, your speed depends on momentum, the difference being that you can move up now. did you also complain about the grav lift in 3 or the reach jetpack?
          are you daft
          grappling made cqc viable even on legendary, unlike every other fricking halo where you get whacked the second you get in the face of anything that's not a grunt. turns it out it's fun to frick up an elite minor with grapple + mangler, instead of sitting behind cover with br and plasma pistol everytime
          >vehicles themselves
          are you seriously complaining about being able to do shit like jumping out a banshee and grappling to another one in midair?

          • 2 years ago

            >you can still get shot while grappling, your speed depends on momentum
            Which nevertheless trivializes most decisions when moving between cover.
            >the difference being that you can move up now
            Major change that can't be understated. Basically damageless grenade jumps on command.
            >did you also complain about the grav lift in 3 or the reach jetpack?
            No, and that's what they grapple should have been: a limited pick-up.
            >grappling made cqc viable even on legendary
            CQC was something you resorted to when you ran out of ammo and/or HAD to engage up close to move forward. In Infinite, you can do it on a whim, but never have to.
            >are you seriously complaining about being able to do shit like jumping out a banshee and grappling to another one in midair?
            The stunts are fine. The problem is that there's usually no reason to get in a vehicle. The best way to play this game's Warthog run is on-foot.

            • 2 years ago

              >cover transition
              it's true that on higher difficulties there was a greater weight in going from cover to cover. if there is something lost in that, being able to rapidly move around the battlefield in all directions makes up for it. encounters on higher difficulties too easily become formulaic, while the grapple (together with dash and cover) allow for different, viable approaches each time. It raises the skill floor by giving the player more agency in finding their own opportunities and getting out of bad situations, rather than simply moving in and out of cover and advancing every now and then
              >limited pickup
              again, it has more combat functions than simply 'going up'
              running out of ammo on legendary means you either suck or playing 4. either way, resorting to fists only in heroic or above is a death sentence, making it unavailable. With infinite getting up close to bash a dude and dashing away with thrusters for example is perfectly viable, and allows for more aggressive, risk-reward shit rather than sitting behind cover all day until everything dies
              >no reason to get in a vehicle
              ghosts are still mauverable and strong, wasp is ok, banshee is better, scorpion is great but slow, same with wraith, gungoose is for madlads and razorback to party with marines. plenty of reasons to use vehicles in battle

              • 2 years ago

                >playing 4
                or 5

              • 2 years ago

                skipped that one lol

              • 2 years ago

                >It raises the skill floor by giving the player more agency
                It's the grapple that encourages the same formulaic solution of running away and taking pot shots. Agency usually means resorting to one optimal strategy. Traditionally, you had to confront any given scenario with the tools you were allotted/rationed, which in turn fostered relatively varied game play.
                This didn't have to be the case, but 343 didn't commit to the grapple mechanic by e.g. designing interesting limitations around it.
                >resorting to fists only in heroic or above is a death sentence
                Yes, Halo was never about putting all your points in unarmed. But there were moments when you could e.g. isolate an elite and take it out up close (something you might do for various reasons), or punch through a group of grunts. This is even truer in Flood levels. Regardless, melee was mostly something you resorted to, not an aggressor's tactic, and was a source of tension.
                >getting up close to bash a dude and dashing away with thrusters for example is perfectly viable
                But rarely something you'd want to do unless you're doing it specifically for shits and giggles.
                >plenty of reasons to use vehicles in battle
                Again, that's if you feel like it.

              • 2 years ago

                m8, what are you talking about
                in previous halos on legendary 90% of the time you either noob combo or snipe shit. you also have to inch cover to cover every time, on infinite I can position myself wherever I want, deploy cover, and zip away when I need to. I've used the noob combo maybe 3 times in an entire legendary run, and 80% of the sandbox turned out to be useful. It's a breath of fresh air compared to other halos, especially fricking halo 2 legendary

              • 2 years ago

                >in previous halos on legendary 90% of the time you either noob combo or snipe shit
                This is how you would initiate a lot of fights, but scenarios tended to branch out depending on e.g. how you followed up on your overcharged shots.
                In Infinite, you don't have to earn your position; you just take the high ground at the press of a button, from where you take pot shots. You can reposition almost freely, and even grapple ammo to your position.
                Yes, the old Plasma Pistol was its own BS, but like you said, mostly in Halo 2.

              • 2 years ago

                nah, literally every scenario is the same
                >take out snipers
                >noob combo/snipe brutes/elites
                >headshot grunts/jackals
                with the last two switching order at times. anything that isn't a precision weapon, the plasma pistol, or a power weapon is beyond useless, and as the difficulty goes up the way in which you clear out an area becomes more and more restrictive
                it's obvious you've never played infinite, because you're so stubborn on painting the grapple and other tools as OP, when all they do is giving players agency on how aggressive they want to be, and introduce a frickton of ways in which a given area can be cleared. Every fricking halo before it is a plasma pistol/br fest where you pop in and out of corners, not just 2. Infinite opens up the combat and makes it leagues better

              • 2 years ago

                >343 didn't commit to the grapple mechanic by e.g. designing interesting limitations around it.
                Unupgraded grapple is actually perfectly balanced and would work well in a normal non-open world halo campaign. It is useful but has a cooldown and can't be used to power bomb into a group of enemies either. The issue is the absurdly powerful shit they add on top of its base form.

              • 2 years ago

                Not him but that just made the campaign more fun.

              • 2 years ago

                The base grappleshot would have worked even better in Halo 2/3 just because of the dual wielding gun mechanic.
                Imagine continuously swapping out one of your guns while you fire the other by grappling it to you with some kind of toggle button (probably on the d-pad) deciding which hand the weapon goes to at any given moment. Would have taken real skill to juggle these mechanics in the middle of a firefight on Legendary too.

        • 2 years ago

          >game mechanics are ad hoc gimmicks
          you can dismiss virtually anything like this
          the grapple has both combat and exploration purposes, you just arbitrarily decided that the former is subsidiary to the latter for no fricking reason, especially when mongoose, ghosts, wasps and banshees are far quicker and braindead means of travel

          • 2 years ago

            >you just arbitrarily decided that the former is subsidiary to the latter for no fricking reason
            Return to the 2018 trailer. Now imagine the money shot of Chief showing him flying around like he's in Attack on Titan instead of simply getting into a Warthog.
            It's obvious that at some point in development 343 started questioning their open world traversal and added/expanded the use of the grappling hook (e.g. the grapple shot's longer cool down in the 2020 demo). It's a swiss army knife mechanic that lets them circumvent actual level design.
            >vehicles are quicker
            Land vehicles are slower in most situations, and the flying vehicles are unavailable for most of the game.
            >vehicles are braindead
            When traveling through an empty open world from point A to B, I'll give you that. But spamming a grapple hook at geometry/ground is only marginally better.

        • 2 years ago

          The GrappleShot is the best thing about Infinite's campaign, have a nice day.

    • 2 years ago

      >343 keeps "moving on" from their latest Halo
      Halo 4 and 5 aren't Halo so moving away from them to finally make Halo is great decision. I write up an essay post a Youtube vid over an actual fan shitting on both sideways if I need to just to prove a point that Halo 4 and 5's campaigns aren't Halo and will never be Halo and I can even post 343 devs post proving a point that they were just making Halo in name with Halo 4 and 5. Stop complaining about this because it shows that you actually had some form of interest in the shitstain fanfictions that were Halo 4's and 5's campaigns.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Halo 4 and 5 suck and play like Call of Duty as far as campaign is concerned. Don't even get me started on the endings for both.

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              lmao, go back, you fricking reddit troony, I can't believe you like that trash.

    • 2 years ago

      >343 keeps "moving on" from their latest Halo.
      Because their latest Halos all suck.
      >The grapple shot is the laziest core addition to Halo ever, and it's only there so the player can navigate the procedurally generated open world
      You are moronic.

      • 2 years ago

        >Because their latest Halos all suck.
        Thank you, finally, someone said it. If you actually care about them moving on from their crappy games' stories then that means you actually had some form of care for their fanfiction story.

  14. 2 years ago

    is at its best
    Stopped here.

    • 2 years ago

      lemme guess, ce was 'peak halo'?

      • 2 years ago

        Tell me what's good about Infinite's gunplay. It's like CoD with 400% health.

  15. 2 years ago

    Who cares about this game anymore, it's crazy to me that there are people still playing this shit

  16. 2 years ago

    I want to love this game, the gameplay is great, the sandbox just needs a few things to be perfect for me, the story's far better than 343's previous attempts, they just can't do a live service game to save their lives.
    If it launched with more maps and forge mode I would boot it up more than once or twice a week.

    • 2 years ago

      The "live service" moniker feels like an excuse to launch with less content, and bask in praise a few years down the line when they finally add basic features like custom games, co-op, and more than 10 maps.
      Nobody wanted a live service F2P Halo, but here we are.

  17. 2 years ago

    No ugly Halo 4/5 armor
    Everything Else

  18. 2 years ago

    >currently only has a little over 2000 people in game
    Holy dead game

  19. 2 years ago

    i don't know why they think we gave a shit about the flood or forerunners, it was all about the elites, grunts and jackals.

  20. 2 years ago

    is at its best,
    Not with that TTK.

  21. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This is mostly correct for both though. Updates, story, level design for both are meh though but both were never really known for their stories.

    • 2 years ago

      Metriod dread is mediocre game, literally worse gameplay than any metroid game and embarrassement compared to other metrovania games

  22. 2 years ago

  23. 2 years ago

    No coop is actually insane

    • 2 years ago

  24. 2 years ago

    Master Chief is so badass.

  25. 2 years ago

    What was the point of adding coop to such a short game?
    Make it 120 hours worth first. They failed at this. That's why I won't be returning

    • 2 years ago

      When was Halo ever long?

  26. 2 years ago

    >weapons like the carbine butchered for the sake of variety in the sandbox

    Yes god forbid we actually have unique guns instead of just covie reskins of the BR, SMG, etc

    you do realize Infinite has MORE guns then Halo 3 did, right, even while making them more unique?

    • 2 years ago

      >Yes god forbid we actually have unique guns
      They just turned the Plasma Rifle into a burst-fire Needler, but with such bad tracking that it's literally the worst gun in the game.

      • 2 years ago

        Firstly, that's one gun in the game. Overall the guns in Infinite are both more viable and way more distinct then in Halo 2 or 3 or Reach, and match CE in distinctiveness while also having way more.

        Secondly, the Pulse Carbine actually is pretty decent as a mid range shield stripper: put a volley or two at an enemy at mid range then hit them with a BR, sidekick, or even an AR. It's not as good as the old Plasma pistol combo, and it does need a slight buff, but I find it's generally worth picking up a pulse carbine over one of your starting guns on maps with larger sightlines for that purpose.

        The only gun that's totally useless in Infinite is the Plasma pistol, wheras in say H2 and H3, you have multiple guns comparably as bad as that.

        • 2 years ago

          >that's one gun in the game
          It's one gun in the game that took the role of the shield-stripping automatic, and make it some generic garbage that doesn't even do bonus damage against shields.
          >Overall the guns in Infinite are both more viable and way more distinct then in Halo 2 or 3 or Reach, and match CE in distinctiveness while also having way more.
          Maybe they're more viable, because they're all just CoD spray cannons, but they're not distinct in the slightest.
          >Secondly, the Pulse Carbine actually is pretty decent as a mid range shield stripper:
          It's trash because it requires you to be in a very specific sweet spot. I'd rather just use literally anything else and not have to worry about being too close or too far and having my shots not track at all.
          >The only gun that's totally useless in Infinite is the Plasma pistol

          • 2 years ago

            Except the Pulse Carbine is much more distinct it's role then the Plasma Rifle. In every game other then CE the PR was just a plasma version of the AR/SMG, in Infinite the Pulse Carbine feels very much like it's own thing distinct from both the AR, BR, etc.

            >because they're all just CoD spray cannons, but they're not distinct in the slightest.
            You're a delusional moron if you really fricking think this shit.

            In Halo 2, 3, Reach, 4, and 5 almost all non-power weapon guns were clones of each other: The AR, SMG, Plasma RIfle, Repeater, Storm Rifle, Suppessor, Spiker, etc were interchangable. Same for the BR, Carbine, DMR, Needle Rifle, and Light Rifle. Even with other guns, shit like the Sniper and Beam Rifle and Binary Rifle or the Rockets and Fuel Rod and Inciniration Cannon etc were basically reskins.

            The difference between the BR, Commando, and Stalker Rifle, or the Sniper, Skewer, and Rockets and Cindershot, etc is far greater. Even the Sword and Hammer actually have distinct roles now to a degree. The only fricking guns in Infinite as samey as past games is the Shock Rifle and the Sniper, and even THOSE are still more distinct then the Sniper vs the Beam Riffdle.

            >It's trash because it requires you to be in a very specific sweet spot. I'd rather just use literally anything else and not have to worry about being too close or too far and having my shots not track at all.
            Again, I agree it should be better, but it's absolutely worth dropping either your AR or Sidekick for the Pulse Carbine and using it when the opporunity arises then keeping both.

            Yes. All the others are at least viable. The PP is the only one that is actively detrimental to pick up regardless of the situation. In past games, each game had more then one weapon like this.

            • 2 years ago

              >Except the Pulse Carbine is much more distinct it's role then the Plasma Rifle.
              We already had a burst-fire needler last game, and it was better than this one.
              >You're a delusional moron if you really fricking think this shit.
              All of the guns have ridiculous amounts of recoil, headshot multipliers, and can kill stuff in a little over a second by just spraying. There's no utility anymore, it's just holding the trigger at someone and they get melted.
              >In Halo 2, 3, Reach, 4, and 5 almost all non-power weapon guns were clones of each other
              So? That's still the case now.
              >The difference between the BR, Commando, and Stalker Rifle
              No it isn't. The Commando is just a worse Sidekick, and the Sidekick is just a +rof -damage stalker rifle.
              Sniper that doesn't need headshots.
              Actually a unique weapon and is admittedly fun to use.
              >Even the Sword and Hammer actually have distinct roles now
              Not really. They're both "point at target, pull trigger, get kill" weapons. The Hammer doesn't even have it splash radius anymore.
              >it's absolutely worth dropping either your AR or Sidekick for the Pulse Carbine
              Maybe if you have a challenge for getting kills with it. Otherwise the AR is strictly better, because the AR is busted in this game.
              >All others are at least viable.
              The Pulse Carbine is shit, the Commando is shit, the Sidekick is a better version of the Commando and is still shit, the Mangler is shit post-nerf. There's not much else left in the game.

            • 2 years ago

              have to agree that almost every gun in infinite has its use and a bit of a learning curve
              i especially like alternate firing modes like with the heatwave, cindershot, ravager, hydra and whatnot, hope they do more shit like that

  27. 2 years ago

    The open world means enemy encounters and combat areas are terrible. It's also an arbitrary time sink full of filler content. Most of the problems in the campaign exist because they spent all that time trying to make the open world not completely horrendous. It's not worth the tradeoff and the next game/campaign should be linear like the previous games, with a few open ended levels similar to Sniper Elite 4 and 5. No hub world like Infinite. This compromise still allows for freedom and exploration to some extent without turning into a collectathon or barren wasteland, while retaining quality arena design, enemy encounters, large biome variety, and narrative cohesiveness. Do not put all your eggs into one basket, this is why open world games fail.

    You can have this advice for free, Microsoft/343. No need to thank me for saving Halo.

    • 2 years ago

      There are the best encounters 343 ever made, have you seen how bad Halo 4 and 5 encounters were.

      • 2 years ago

        That's not a big accomplishment.

  28. 2 years ago

    Threadly reminder that CE Cortana was the superior AI in both looks and personality.

    • 2 years ago

      Halo 2 Cortana tries too hard to be likable
      Halo 3 Cortana was too edgy
      Halo 4 Cortana was too depressing
      Halo 5 Cortana is both edgy and depressing
      Halo Infinite Cortana is just annoying

  29. 2 years ago


  30. 2 years ago


  31. 2 years ago

    It's maybe a small complaint in the grand scope of things, but there being no blood makes me feel like I'm shooting dolls and hurts the experience more than I figured it would. Gives me the same feeling as playing a racing game with no damage modelling. I rarely see anyone addressing this so maybe it's just me being an autist.

  32. 2 years ago

    You didn't mention the ammo refill containers. I still don't get why they didn't just increase ammo storage in general, but anything that keeps me from constantly having to pick up whatever bullshit gun is laying around is a good thing.

  33. 2 years ago

    I liked it. Not sure why people keep crying about it

    • 2 years ago

      It's just trannies, ignore them. Now they're crying because their homosexual lore characters aren't playable in coop and we're only getting 2-4 Master Chiefs.

  34. 2 years ago

    All I care about is BTB and the BTB in this still needs so much improvement.

    >Deadlock is fricking so bad I quit out of it, and it somehow seems to come up most
    >Fragmentation and the new map are okay but need more heavy spawns
    >only one map has air vehicle spawns, High power should have Wasps while Fragmentation should have dedicated Banshee spawns

  35. 2 years ago

    Shit the frick up cheegay stop spamming your shill threads

    • 2 years ago

      take your meds

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