PSA there is a cult of people that play Read Dead Online

If you haven't ever touched it, it's a bare bones as frick "sandbox multiplayer" that has little to no activities or features, and those that it does have are not even close to being fun. It's an obvious 2007-2013 era "single player game HAS to have multiplayer attached to it" addition to Red Dead 2 and also painfully obvious that it's solely there to exploit microtransactions out of you

Yet there is this bizarre cult of people that have been spending the better part of YEARS on it, every day, all day long. I don't understand why.

And now that Rockstar announced they won't be updating the game they never updated they're all suddenly like: "oh no the game's suddenly dead"

Is this mental illness? Can someone make me understand what kind of people do this to themselves? It's been trending for weeks so it's a large group of people

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  1. 2 years ago

    >buy game to enjoy online play
    >company turns off servers that cost basically nothing to run
    >money stolen
    Imagine thinking this is acceptable behavior

    • 2 years ago

      they're not shutting the servers off they're just not going to give it any more updates

      they haven't updated it in over a year and have added basically nothing to it since launch so why do people 1.) enjoy this bare bones game and 2.) are only now acting like it's dead?

      • 2 years ago

        >1.) enjoy this bare bones game
        They don't, it's a time sink they want to finally pay off because RS kept promising to make it better but never did. No real properties or bank robberies or train heists... just bs missions you HAVE to run with other people who frick it up all the time. Even your Moonshine shack is shared. People wanted a farm to use as a base. Your encampment is random as frick for placement because even if you pick a region it may be on the other side of that region or just not spawn at all. For 6 months it was almost impossible to find animals to hunt for in the game which was required for one of the new job types. WTF is that?!

        >and 2.) are only now acting like it's dead?
        Because again RS kept saying it would be getting better and that the pandemic was the whole fault of why things were slow to be added. So to come out another year later and say whelp it's not gonna happen is why it's now dead while GTAO has gone 3 gens of consoles, PC, new updates late last year, overhauls, etc. GTAO always got the priority.

        I fricking gave up on it last year after the last Battle Pass. Those could be done in days and they strung the last one out over 4 segments of purchases to drag it to Halloween from Summer. Mostly kept up with the daily logins (less than 3 mins of time) but even that got dropped after Halloween because nothing was going to happen.

    • 2 years ago

      The servers aren't turned off, it's just in "maintenance mode", no content updates and little to no bugfixes.

  2. 2 years ago

    >It's an obvious 2007-2013 era "single player game HAS to have multiplayer attached to it"
    those kinds of mp games were fun though

  3. 2 years ago

    rdr2 came out in 2018, brainlet

  4. 2 years ago

    Make a fricking private server.
    They did packetsnoop everything of their favorite game and reverse engineer it, right?

    • 2 years ago

      Its not being shut down you dumb fricking moron

  5. 2 years ago

    They wanted so bad to make another GTAO money printing machine.
    I hope the lesson they get from this it that if they had just shat out a singleplayer DLC for something narrative driven like the latter RDR series, they could've made more money.

  6. 2 years ago

    Why didn't Rockstar bother to do something with the RDR2 multiplayer though? I mean, GTA5 online became a massive money printing machine for them and I imagine with the tiniest bit of effort, RDR2 online could have been the same thing, just with a western theme.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why didn't Rockstar bother to do something with the RDR2 multiplayer though?
      They did. But trying to sell horses to whales isn't the same as selling supercars. The potential just wasn't there.

  7. 2 years ago

    I almost bought this game because I wanted to "play cowboy" but have no patience for watching movies made by liberals (RDR2, I even tried, but dropped after about 2.5 hours).
    But at the time it seemed like a game that even the fans didn't really like and I left it aside. Interesting that it is apparently dying despite being relatively new.

  8. 2 years ago

    >frickin love rdr2 cause me and my friends grew up watching old cowboy movies with our dad's
    >can't wait for the online, try to get into early access/beta shit
    >forced to wait until it comes out
    >Plan our characters and posse (a bunch of fat shits called The Lardy Boys)
    >Game comes out

    >nothing to do
    >nowhere really new or different despite the supposed time difference from SP
    >nobody ever even uses their mics or interacts, just fires on sight or runs like a pussy
    >And worst of all, they are so lazy that even a moderately large framed character clips through every piece of clothing and when reloading

    Genuinely one of the biggest gaming disappointments of my life

  9. 2 years ago

    >people play a video game
    >Ganker is literally unable to comprehend this behavior and concludes that playing video games is a cult activity

  10. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      that's not applicable here
      stop being moronic or pretending to be moronic

      • 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    Just play RedM, there is new content for that shit all the time.
    Who gives a shit about the official servers?

  12. 2 years ago

    I rember the whole South Park episode that was just a big RDR2 ad
    made me cringe just as badly as the iPhone Modern Family episode

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