R.I.P. Centarumon suddenly died. However, with what I learned I managed to get a Greymon.

R.I.P. Centarumon suddenly died.

However, with what I learned I managed to get a Greymon.

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  1. 2 years ago

    i just started it and have no idea what im doing

    • 2 years ago

      How far are you?

      • 2 years ago

        at gym

        • 2 years ago

          Work out until a stat or two get an extra digit, then adventure, and on the third-day train to get some more digits.

  2. 2 years ago

    However things didn't go well...

    I couldn't afford the food for my big boy (the giant meat) and looking at his weight he is almost starving I guess, definitely not heavy enough to ever become MetalGreymon at this point...

    • 2 years ago

      Talk to tanemon. It'll help you get a upgrade for the farm. You may need to wait for the rain plant to grow though.

    • 2 years ago

      i'm actually astonished you got a greymon in your second generation. iirc he's the hardest champion to get. especially if you haven't been reading a guide.

      which you should at least read digivolution requirement guide

      • 2 years ago

        you only 100 in every stat (1000 for hp/mp) which isn't really that hard. Then it's just the weight range and low care mistakes. He also has a discipline bonus condition, which can help.

        • 2 years ago

          its not that hard when you're a level 9 tamer and your koromon already has 90 of each stat when it turns in-training. but at most your tamer level can be 3 on your second generation digimon which means you'd have to train for the entirety of your rookie stage, which fricks with weight and possibly care mistakes

          • 2 years ago

            I always trained the whole rookie stage anyways other than the first one for unlocking augumon/palmon/whoever else is early. Also I double checked and greymone doesn't need hp/mp, it's just 100 atk/def/spd/brains. And if def is you highest stat and hp is under 1000 he should be the one you get every time, assuming his other conditions are met.

    • 2 years ago

      get veggimon for the farm upgrade or all your champions will weight 2 kg.

    • 2 years ago

      the wind is gonna blow that skelly away

  3. 2 years ago

    why did they struck gold with the very first digimon game and then never managed to replicate it? I remember being a kid expecting to go another adventure when my dad got me Digimon World 2 only to find out its a shitty dungeon crawler

  4. 2 years ago

    Welp lads it's fricking over.
    Greymon dieded and then I even got banned from 4chins for "off-topic" as a nice double slap to my face.

    Anyways, does it make sense to go for a Numemon next?
    I think I need it for that Monzaemon suit no? Any other uses for him?

    • 2 years ago

      iirc numemon is the only digimon that can learn all of the filth attacks, so if you want to complete that you'll need him. good luck, numemon has a stat penalty

      • 2 years ago

        No Scumon and nanimon can learn them too.

        Welp lads it's fricking over.
        Greymon dieded and then I even got banned from 4chins for "off-topic" as a nice double slap to my face.

        Anyways, does it make sense to go for a Numemon next?
        I think I need it for that Monzaemon suit no? Any other uses for him?

        Also, Numemon can eat the poop you left around it would be a good idea to clean the island if you left some turds around as they'll give it a stat boost.

    • 2 years ago

      numemon is good if you plan on doing the toy world

  5. 2 years ago

    you should pay a visit to the jungle and explore it, you might find a strange plant

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