Red flag thread

>I started playing DnD because of Critical Role

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    >I started a red flag thread on /tg/

    • 2 years ago

      OP forever BTFO

    • 2 years ago

      >no u
      >akchually the gate should uhh keep the gatekeepers o-out!

      • 2 years ago

        homosexual OP in damage control mode. Begone, knave!

      • 2 years ago

        Gatekeeping is based, but you should be gatekeeping IRL, not just whining about things you don't like on a Javanese GURPS discussion forum. Go to your LGS tomorrow and bully the troons instead.

        • 2 years ago

          Those who try to gatekeep the hobby are moronic
          Fixed that for you

    • 2 years ago
  2. 2 years ago

    >my setting is like Game of Thrones

    • 2 years ago

      So, no magic, lots of politics and everybody is a backstabbing butthole?

      • 2 years ago

        > no magic
        The glass candles are burning.

      • 2 years ago

        >no magic
        It really makes you think!

      • 2 years ago

        >no magic
        The thing I hate about the GoT setting is that there's Gods, demons, and eldritch horrors but the story pivots away from all of that to focus on some boring melodrama and gratuitous nudity.

        • 2 years ago

          THe nudity isn't even good, everybody is flat and skinny. Nobody's got big fat heavy knockers and a tummy.

          • 2 years ago

            >everybody is flat and skinny
            Maybe I should watch it after all.

          • 2 years ago

            Melisandre had some nice boobs

        • 2 years ago

          > actually read the books
          > there's a total of 5 sex scenes in the first book and they were described in post coitus
          I hate that this is the second thing people know about the series.

      • 2 years ago

        No, is full high level modern D&D, you have teleporting goblins and immortal people as long as they have actions to use

  3. 2 years ago

    >I don't want to play as a dwarf

  4. 2 years ago

    Okay I'll start. China

    • 2 years ago

      Thats one ugly flag, but I suppose a flag is supposed to represent its people.

      • 2 years ago

        But Chinese people are yellow, not red

    • 2 years ago

      underrated post

  5. 2 years ago

    >the game has dice
    >the participants "roll" these dice

    • 2 years ago

      >Easy to read dice are bad, because... they are, ok?
      I bet you actually spend 50 bucks on some moronic, poorly weighted, and impossible to eyeball custom dice. And your entire defense for that is going to be some variation of "y-you're a p-poorgay!"

      • 2 years ago

        Can't tell if joking or mentally unstable

      • 2 years ago

        I think he means playing by chance

    • 2 years ago

      >the game has one player who is allowed to make up whatever rules he wants and say what happens

  6. 2 years ago

    >"Alright guys, are we all ready?"
    >ask where GM where his speaker is
    >"What speaker?"
    >ask how he plans to play music during combat
    >"Haha nah, I think that would distracting"
    Sure enough we had combat in SILENCE (aside from us talking and the clatter of dice). Ghosted the group afterwards.

    • 2 years ago

      moron, you should of brought your own speaker to the next session and play your own music.

      • 2 years ago

        Should HAVE, Anon. Should've is a contraction of should have.

    • 2 years ago

      >in SILENCE
      >apart from all the noises

    • 2 years ago

      That is not a red flag. Sure, a good ambient music could be good, but not everyone is competent enough to pick one that is really fitting and not only distracting from the game. I use sometimes music in my games, but not always. I'm playing a roleplaying game, not a videogame.

      moron, you should of brought your own speaker to the next session and play your own music.

      That's a red flag. If a player in my games dares to put his music at the table, I will make it stop immediately and, unlees he's a friend of mine, I will not invite him at the next session.

    • 2 years ago

      It was you who was flying the red flag moron.

    • 2 years ago

      >can even play a game with out getting skull fricked by external stimulus constantly

      Red flag indeed anon

    • 2 years ago

      BGM sucks. Sound sound effects, tavern music and city ambience that fades out after 20 seconds or so is fine

      • 2 years ago

        Ambient music is the best. You can ignore it easily or enjoy it.

    • 2 years ago

      Great bait, rare these times but always pleasant to see.

    • 2 years ago

      Ppl roll dice to music playing?
      when i was in HS during the mid 00s
      we just played the damn game, we werent autisitic and had such low attention spans that we had to listen to damn music while we did combat

      this feels very much a "tech era" thing where bluetooth pills and speakers are mega common and cheap and things like YT videos of 3hour long medieval ambiance music is easily available

      in 2008 we just sat around a table in our friends basement brought snaccs and our backbacks with our sheets and dice and drinks and played fricking 3.5 DnD..

      i guess by your perameters id be marked a "redflag" because i can roll dice without needing an epic soundtrack like im in a damn movie kek

      • 2 years ago

        This guys AC has got to be getting near 30, goddamn.

      • 2 years ago

        I dunno man.
        In the noughties when I was playing Battletech RPGs with my friends from highschool I was on that whole 3025=80s metal kick so was trying to play Iron Maiden and Dio in the background on my dad's stereo.

        I dropped it though because I found that the vocals were muffling my own speech unless it was barely loud enough to hear, like having someone talking over you. It was even tough to find music with the right pacing/tone for the game, especially with Youtube still being nascent.

        Granted, I did it because I'd never actually played any other RPG or wargame prior. I thought it was what roleplayers did. Blind Guardian and Dragonforce and shit. I don't think it was a tech era thing.

      • 2 years ago

        >Oh hey, a post where the anon tries to glorify himself as some kind of 'true-er' rpg player then someone else.
        >This is done by making assumptions, implications, and attaching ideal or not ideal traits to entirely unrelated preferences.
        >He even posts "Buzz cut tattoo man" pic to further imply masculinity.

        You are like baby.
        In order it goes
        >Poor taste ambience < No music < Well chosen ambience.
        Using music, audio clips, ambient noises and the like, you can augment the play of the table, and their interpretation of your own words through a new perception.
        Additionally, by adding the desired underscore, you can prompt players to certain actions or links, by pavlovian conditioning, to hear a certain type of score, and garner a desired insight when they're stuck.

        Now this requires some set up, a bunch of open tabs, and a quick hand to swap between them so it's not for everyone. But I've used it to great effect before, multiple times.

        I dunno man.
        In the noughties when I was playing Battletech RPGs with my friends from highschool I was on that whole 3025=80s metal kick so was trying to play Iron Maiden and Dio in the background on my dad's stereo.

        I dropped it though because I found that the vocals were muffling my own speech unless it was barely loud enough to hear, like having someone talking over you. It was even tough to find music with the right pacing/tone for the game, especially with Youtube still being nascent.

        Granted, I did it because I'd never actually played any other RPG or wargame prior. I thought it was what roleplayers did. Blind Guardian and Dragonforce and shit. I don't think it was a tech era thing.

        I remember when I played the ttrpg Wings of Fury at my first Wargaming club, we always put on hammy, upbeat action music to suit the dogfighting.
        Shit was fun.

        • 2 years ago

          Don't worry, Anon, I'm with you. When I run games, I always have a playlist of low volume ambient music for the background to help set the mood, along with backdrop pictures on my tv to compliment. Everything from traveling tunes, to themes that compliment dialogue, to battle music. My players love it.

    • 2 years ago

      What a delicate little b***h you are.

    • 2 years ago

      The real red flag is showing someone this post and seeing if they're autistic enough to take the obvious bait.

  7. 2 years ago

    >game is advertised as LGBTQ+ friendly

  8. 2 years ago

    >I don't read fantasy

    • 2 years ago

      Check your colour blindness anon, this isn't a green flag thread.

  9. 2 years ago

    >Overly attached DM brings his uninterested girlfriend in to the game

    • 2 years ago

      >she plays a druid

      • 2 years ago

        >you just know

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >my wife "loves playing"
      >dyslexic and will never learn the rules herself
      >stares at her phone when we play
      >gets a little jelly when i want to play games without her.

      I love her but this is my time.

  10. 2 years ago

    The real one:
    >game plot is a tiny veiled political commentary made to prove GM's political views

    • 2 years ago

      I actually love those, it's fun to watch them get all twisted up when you don't let things go the way he wants.

    • 2 years ago

      >assassinate DM's perfectly created statement charactor and ruining his carefully laid out plans to make statements and "educate" us.
      >get banned from game cuz he's a b***h

    • 2 years ago

      There are entire games devoted to that, like that one commie dark elf tower game.

  11. 2 years ago

    >The DM interacts with the Paladin pc entirely through fricking with them and trying to make them fall.
    >Both in just slamming them selectively for any perceived wrongdoing, but also in setting up situations based around having to choose the obvious moral and objective good, or to do the coldest, most apathetic option, which the DM says is mathematically closer to their oath.

    IME why does every GM suddenly see a Paladin and immediately go to try and practically fight the player over it. Cleric with a hard God? Can get away with heresy. Barbarian literally razes a town? Fine. A Paladin though, and suddenly it's DM vs Player and any frick up gets them brutalized.

    • 2 years ago

      >why does every GM
      You should change friends or stop playing with Discord morons. I won't do any of the shitty thing you described, nor any of my GM friends.

    • 2 years ago

      atheist DMs are the scum of the earth

      • 2 years ago

        Especially if you’re a slightly religious player. They’ll make sure to ridicule you in a passive aggressive way.

        • 2 years ago

          good thing that my group is made of 4 protestants, 1 agnostic and 2 catholics, me (DM) and an other player
          the fervor when fighting evil cultists and demons and doing religious stuff is super kino

          • 2 years ago

            That sounds pretty kino. My group consists of two muslims (including me as the GM) and two atheists but we get along really well. One of my players actually plays a character that became more religious after seeing all the demons and fricked up cults he had to go against.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah it's pretty great, 3 of them started with bad/evil characters and have been slowly redeeming them for the past 11 levels
              it's the good shit i like

              • 2 years ago

                >3 of them started with bad/evil characters and have been slowly redeeming them for the past 11 levels
                That's anyways kino.

                Villains realizing that the world needs heroes and filing that role, all while having to learn what it actually means to be a hero, makes for a great story, and hopefully a fun one to play.

            • 2 years ago

              >including me
              Based. Honestly I need to use some Islam-inspired stuff in a game, the aesthetics are top fricking notch.

              • 2 years ago

                For that I’d say look at the fashion and architecture of medieval Iraq or Egypt if you want the 1001 Arabian nights feel. If you want something really kino look at islamic Central Asia. The persian inspired architecture with a mix of persian/turkic clothing is really nice. Also there is the Silk Road passing through it all bringing all kinds of exotic people and ideas.

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly I'm not a huge fan of religion as an institution but the art and architecture it produces (or inspires rather) are something else.
                t. raised Catholic

                My point was that in any race/class system it's cancer to list your character off like that instead of who they are.

                If it's classles, "My character is [race][sex][archetype] (as applicable)" is also cancer.

                >If it's classless
                I'd argue that it's even worse for a classless system, at it shows that they're still stuck in the same mindset as class-based systems.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'd argue that it's even worse for a classless system, at it shows that they're still stuck in the same mindset as class-based systems.
                Yeah, I play/run a lot of classless stuff and that shit is a huge red flag. There is a time and a place for systems with classes - I've made/run a few in my day - but the benefit of classless is that you aren't locked into a single archetype, you can be more flexible and ultimately better match your character's mechanics to their personality.

              • 2 years ago

                >I'd argue that it's even worse for a classless system, at it shows that they're still stuck in the same mindset as class-based systems.
                Yeah, I play/run a lot of classless stuff and that shit is a huge red flag. There is a time and a place for systems with classes - I've made/run a few in my day - but the benefit of classless is that you aren't locked into a single archetype, you can be more flexible and ultimately better match your character's mechanics to their personality.

                I agree that playing classless characters as if they were classed isn't great but picking an archetype and running from there isn't necessarily a bad thing from a character creation or from a mechanical description standpoint.

                Defining a character by role also helps other characters work on what they want and cover each other's weaknesses especially when it comes to primary combat abilities.

                For example the current character I have in a HERO game is modelled on xianxia heroes (sent from the Jade Court to do some good deeds and shit) easiest way to describe them (in HERO archetypes) is as a Melee DPS Speedster. When the group was plotting our characters we were able to find niches (tank, aoe, blaster etc) that supported each other.

                Within that melee dps speedster archetype there's a lot that can be done we have two characters in our group that can be described with those terms, both play differently and operate under different power frameworks.

          • 2 years ago

            Where in the world do you find Christian/conservative players that aren't /misc/tards? Please I beg you

            • 2 years ago

              Don't live in America

              • 2 years ago

                >Don't live in America
                everyone available here IRL who plays RPGs is extreme left

                Define /misc/tard, because if you want actual Christians and Conservatives you are talking about very hardline moral groups.

                >Define /misc/tard
                ranting about the other side of idpol 24/7, pretty much
                you know the types

              • 2 years ago

                Talk to historical wargamers that dont look like spergs. Many are Dads and your garden variety conservative that just avoids the crazier aspects of the game store. You are right though in that conservatives don't often exist in public ttrpg scenes.

              • 2 years ago

                Christian conservatives outside of America (specifically in Europe) would justifiably view TTRPGs as a waste of time and never play them.
                But I think they'd enjoy 40K.

              • 2 years ago

                70% of the people I've played RPGs with have been both Anglican and/or held at least moderately conservative views.

                Even the civil servant scum I play with is at least moderately Anglican even if he's a thieving socialist bastard.

            • 2 years ago

              Define /misc/tard, because if you want actual Christians and Conservatives you are talking about very hardline moral groups.

            • 2 years ago

              In the female half of the population.

            • 2 years ago

              do I find idiots who aren't idiots

              • 2 years ago

                Slow day on r/atheism?

              • 2 years ago

                *tips fedora*

            • 2 years ago

              You find christians that shut up and dont go around posting shitting gigachad trad catholic memes

          • 2 years ago

            Religious people that are cool with satanic imagery or representation of cults and evil are the best. Get really into the game without going too overboard.

        • 2 years ago

          Never had this happen in the slightest and my DM is a hardcore atheist

      • 2 years ago

        Depends on the kind of atheist. Some are basically just agnostics who believe God doesn't exist, and they're actually alright.
        It's the militant atheists who think all religion is wrong that are the worst, because they look down on anything religious.

      • 2 years ago

        >Have a Death Cleric
        >See death as necessary, but it has to be just,you cant kill people willy nilly
        >Me and the party fall for a red herring in the narrative
        >Innocent npc gets killed
        >Feel really bad about IC, basically get hammered and go to church where I cry to priest NPC about my frick up
        >Athiest DM just uses the priest NPC to call my character a dumbass and that my god has more important things to care about and I should suck it up
        That shit will forever leave a bad taste in my mouth

      • 2 years ago

        I get it, I have a DM who is obsessed with the Spanish inquisition and pedophiles in the Catholic church... There is a quest about it every campaign, and most of the time any "religious" npcs don't have any religious beliefs, they're just monsters he has had a few pagan type religions that were a little more reasonable but rarely ce up and we're more of an excuse to show off his OCs.

        I do get to play religious characters with other DMs though.

        What would you guys think of a setting where the nature of God Is ambiguous enough to have different religious sects that are sometimes in conflict with each other
        I like playing religious characters

        • 2 years ago

          >What would you guys think of a setting where the nature of God Is ambiguous enough to have different religious sects that are sometimes in conflict with each other
          >I like playing religious characters

          i know the setting its called "EARTH" kek

    • 2 years ago

      >why does every GM
      You should change friends or stop playing with Discord morons. I won't do any of the shitty thing you described, nor any of my GM friends.

      atheist DMs are the scum of the earth

      Especially if you’re a slightly religious player. They’ll make sure to ridicule you in a passive aggressive way.

      Frick I think I've been through this unwittingly

    • 2 years ago

      Same reason they'll kill your character's parents, but complain about everyone playing orphans.
      A crippling lack of imagination when it comes to conflict.

  12. 2 years ago

    >The DM, in response to your pious but compassionate Cleric character, makes denying, much less besting the enemy Cleric and forces of an authoritarian religion known for its displays of cruel slavery, ethnic subjugation and regular genocide, utterly impossible, and railroads everything they hold dear being lost.
    >Because the compassionate side losing to the 'sigma' side fits their "Rules of Nature" life philosophy. So obviously the "Rules of Nature" means you just never had the agency to try and stop this.

  13. 2 years ago

    Not used this for a while.

    • 2 years ago

      Freezer ignoring that statement just like critrole viewers do

      • 2 years ago

        Yes anon, that's the entire point of the image.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you think normalBlack folk behave like this because they all secretly (some not so secretly) believe everything they do on the internet could result in them becoming famous?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. I've had multiple players bring up trying to stream sessions/campaigns before.

  14. 2 years ago

    >New player shows you his character portrait

    >It’s drawn in anime style

    • 2 years ago

      >green flag
      >it's a crop of a porn image you know by heart

      • 2 years ago

        You clearly don't play games if you think cropped porn is a green flag for a player

        • 2 years ago

          No, that annon has a point. Having similar cultural references is great for defining campaign expectation.

          • 2 years ago

            If you want to bond with me because you jerk it to the same porn I don't want anything to do with you.

  15. 2 years ago

    > excessively talks about how they want the game to be like/not like something else
    Be it critical role, some other show, their last GM, whatever it is... I'm not that other guy. I'm not likely to be like him, whether you think that's good or bad.
    If you have a particular concern or want a particular thing, and you ask me outright, I will work with you. But if you are grousing about something instead of bringing it up in private, or when I ask for feedback, or at session 0, please leave.
    > gets character creation rules wrong, doesn't ask for help or give me the heads up to look over their character
    I get that new systems can be confusing so this is entirely a two part thing. Getting it wrong? Fine. Getting it wrong without saying "hey did I do this right" is a pretty clear indicator that you think you are right even when you are not. Even worse, you might just be ignoring things. Like the bit where I say I want to look over everyone's character.

  16. 2 years ago

    I have several all from personal experience.
    >player is a weeb and shows that off in the game
    >player wants to drink alcohol or do drugs at the table
    >player is the kind of homosexual that think everything’s a joke and being serious or passionate about something is bad
    >player makes joke characters
    >player tries to ‘break’ the game
    >player orders other players around
    >player talks over the GM and doesn’t let him do proper descriptions
    >player is at the table because their partner is there too

    • 2 years ago

      is at the table because their partner is there too
      I always feel kind of bad for someone bringing their partner to a table and the partner is just... not interested or doesn't get it. Like, shit, make a fricking effort for at least one session.

      • 2 years ago

        I never know who causes this. Is the partner that’s actually into the game forcing his/her partner to try it out or is the other partner so jealous that he/she won’t allow their partner around people of the opposite gender without supervision?

        • 2 years ago

          In my experience is mostly dependency. They're alone at home and are hobbyless, so whenever their bf/gf isn't arouns they're like dogs who stay there.

        • 2 years ago

          Seriously depends on the person but you'd think someone would try out whatever their partner was into (within reason) without too many problems? Is that so unreasonable? I've definitely tried things and been pleasant enough and gotten home and said "I'm glad I tried that with you but it's not really for me."
          I understand if you don't get it but you are trying. That's fair. If you "don't get it" because you're not trying though you're just making your partner look like a jerk and dragging relationship drama into a place that doesn't need it.

          At my table we drink 2-3 beers per session and do fine, but I recognize my players are pretty good and ivnested so even when drunk we still stay (mostly) on track, I imagine it can go bad if it's not people you're used to have around or know deeply.
          But the other day we had a oneshot which entire propuse was to continuously drink a la drinking game until we couldn't play anymore, and we had to stop because the sun was rising. I discovered that, no matter how drunk I get, I can always DM, as if my brain has 2GB of RAM he won't move away from DMing.

          Funniest session we ever had, I'd advice anyone to give it a shot if you trust your friends.

          the real thing here is you are all on the same wavelength
          if ONE guy wants to drink and insists on it and nobody else is drinking it's kind of a red flag, not because "alcohol bad" but because of inability to roll with the vibe
          if he just wants to drink and is fine when told no, it's probably fine

          > Person whose only prior experience is with Pathfinder looking at an RPG whose complete rules have a smaller page count than their current character sheet and saying “I dunno, that seems really complicated”.

          I'm mildly guilty of this but in my defense I was trying to figure out how long a turn was and what I could reasonably do and the GM was all "I dunno, like, it's whatever you can do before the next person does stuff. It's fine. Just do things."
          I don't know if they were just stupid but I like to know what the frick is going on so I don't do something that is obviously wrong to everyone else
          It wasn't fine. I was just supposed to know somehow. It was never explained or mentioned in the rules.

          • 2 years ago

            >if ONE guy wants to drink and insists on it and nobody else is drinking it's kind of a red flag
            Why? If my friends doesn't like alcohol I can't have one beer by myself?
            It would be more of a red flag to me a group of people that don't want to drink AND don't want others do it (unless there is some medical reason or something like that).

            • 2 years ago

              if you're with your friends I think you're past the red flag stage
              big difference between people who know you and know you're chill and rocking up to a new table for the first time and popping open a beer regardless of whether people are cool with it

              • 2 years ago

                >whether people are cool with it
                Why shouldn't be cool if I drink one beer or not? Seriously I don't see the problem. it's one beer, do I really need the others consent to drink what I want? I could understand if it was something strong, but if I buy/bring one beer to drink, what's the difference from the one that is enjoying a Coke or some other beverage? I'm sorry, but here in Italy that is not a problem at all.

                I think beer n all is fine but I have met at least two players who used it as a excuse to just get wasted. They often bring down the game or worse. And if with randos you never know what your enabling.

                Oh ok, if someone get wasted during a game, that some serious stuff and I would ban any player doing this.

              • 2 years ago


                if you're with your friends I think you're past the red flag stage
                big difference between people who know you and know you're chill and rocking up to a new table for the first time and popping open a beer regardless of whether people are cool with it

                and, frankly, I actually agree that it *shouldn't* be a problem. Love a drink myself, and I certainly don't get wasted off of one.
                Unfortunately, some dickheads have ruined it for the rest of us to the point that I'm cautious about it when a new person is coming to an event that doesn't usually involve drinking as a core part.
                Even among other Europeans, who I normally trust to hold their booze.
                If you can act normally without booze for one session, then my caution is withdrawn for the next time if you really do just have a can or two, because I know you won't be a dick if you have to go without for whatever reason.
                It's simply for the introduction, where I'm learning whether someone new is a gobshite or not - which I think is pretty reasonable.
                Most people are reasonably happy to respect "please no alcohol at least for this session" - being disappointed about it is fine, but I want to see if someone throws a shitfit or even just starts acting like the session is a distraction from getting drunk like they might prefer.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh ok, I get it. I guess it would be strange to me if someone came to me before a session saying to me "Please, no alcohol during the session" and I would (kindly) ask the reason for this request, but I would accept it without problems, it's not like I need a beer to play.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah it's, like, I've encountered a number of people who think they have to be seriously drinking to be hanging out with people even if something else is happening
                not a LOT of people but enough that I'm happy to filter them since such folks tend to come with more inconvenience than simply dealing with someone who's had one too many
                once I know you're not one of those guys, it's fine

              • 2 years ago

                the red flag is showing up to a game with a pack of beer, offering none to the others and downing them all yourself.

                if you're a decent person you'll drink one, maybe two and offer the rest to the party and GM, if they refuse, it's their choice, i really don't know what kind of mentally ill freak would take offense at someone drinking near them

          • 2 years ago

            I'm just glad that my wife and I have agreed to never play TTRPGs together. Mainly because she doesn't really enjoy them but also she told me about her games and, as much as I love her, having a player like that at the table would infuriate me to no end.
            It's strange though, she enjoyed listening to me play and speak in all sorts of voices when I GM'd.

      • 2 years ago

        This almost happened with my latest game, player brought her partner along, session 0 was spent with the partner loudly going "I don't want to actually make a decision at all, why would I want to play someone who isn't myself, I don't get it at all!!" They didn't actually stay long enough to make a character though, and the rest of the group is good.

    • 2 years ago

      wants to drink alcohol
      Ive never met a dm who had this rule that could actually run a fun campaign. Usuly it just an arbitrary rule because the dm personally does not like alcohol. Biggest red flag there is because it means he has never played with real adults before

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe I never played with real adults then but whenever drugs or alcohol is allowed at a table the players become like zombies who can’t focus and take ages to determine what to do or to roll dice.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but personally I won't drink more than one bottle in a regular game. Any more and I start losing focus and have trouble staying in character. If it's a jokey one-shot or something like 1000 Blank White Cards then it's fair game though.

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe I never played with real adults then but whenever drugs or alcohol is allowed at a table the players become like zombies who can’t focus and take ages to determine what to do or to roll dice.

            At my table we drink 2-3 beers per session and do fine, but I recognize my players are pretty good and ivnested so even when drunk we still stay (mostly) on track, I imagine it can go bad if it's not people you're used to have around or know deeply.
            But the other day we had a oneshot which entire propuse was to continuously drink a la drinking game until we couldn't play anymore, and we had to stop because the sun was rising. I discovered that, no matter how drunk I get, I can always DM, as if my brain has 2GB of RAM he won't move away from DMing.

            Funniest session we ever had, I'd advice anyone to give it a shot if you trust your friends.

      • 2 years ago

        My dad was an abusive drunk so I dont like being around drunk people simple as... got a problem with that I can already tell you wouldnt be welcome at my table if something simple is some challenge to your manhood or you think someone isnt a man/adult for not wanting something around them. fricking what are you 13? only a child thinks so stupidity and seflishly to go yourt not a man if you dont want me drunk around you!. have a nice day moron

        • 2 years ago

          Get back on the meds moron, you're the one making demands. Deal with your issues like a normal person instead of making it everyone else's problem.

    • 2 years ago

      >player wants to drink alcohol
      What's wrong with this? At my table we almost always have a few beers. Of course if you meant getting wasted with alcohol, that's bad, yeah.

      I never know who causes this. Is the partner that’s actually into the game forcing his/her partner to try it out or is the other partner so jealous that he/she won’t allow their partner around people of the opposite gender without supervision?

      It can be both, it can be other reasons, it depends on the couple. A few times I brought my girlfriend at a game because a friend of mine was mastering a campaign in which he wanted his gf to play, to try to involve her in the hobby. My gf accepted to try and enjoyed it, unfortunately the DM's gf didn't like it and the campagn stopped.

      • 2 years ago

        I think beer n all is fine but I have met at least two players who used it as a excuse to just get wasted. They often bring down the game or worse. And if with randos you never know what your enabling.

        • 2 years ago

          It's fun again if everyone gets wasted.

    • 2 years ago

      >player orders other players around
      The only reason why I am guilty of this is because the other players don't know what to do most of the time and just rely on me like helpless ducklings because I gotten everyone out of TPK's before.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Want to play DnD?

  18. 2 years ago

    >man playing a female character
    >any LGBT that isn't a normal gay man
    >wants the spotlight on at all times

    • 2 years ago

      >any LGBT that isn't a normal gay man
      Trans men have been some of my best players. All the advantages of having been socialized as girls, but they’ve since discarded all the bullshit aspects of women and decided to just be bros.

      • 2 years ago

        Im sure this really generic blanket statement lumping a group of people who are all over the place into one archetype that sounds like a sex pest wrote it is true and not a virtue signal

      • 2 years ago

        Where are you even meeting these freaks? And why would you be associating with them long enough to learn that more than one shares your hobbies?

        • 2 years ago

          NTA, but trans men (female to male transgenders) outnumber trans women like 10 to 1. Also there is a shitton of them online and in the ttrpg scene. One of my best players is ftm. However they are usually sensitive to sex and sexual violence. I cringe at that stuff when GMing, which is why it makes for better experience for me

          • 2 years ago

            OOC they're also extremely easy to manipulate and frick.

            • 2 years ago

              Lol no they're not, is this just you projecting a fantasy of fricking a pooner?

              • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >outnumber trans women like 10 to 1
            No they don't lmao. Why are you fetish posting, and why are mutilated women your fetish?

          • 2 years ago

            >NTA, but trans men (female to male transgenders) outnumber trans women like 10 to 1
            huh, did the tomboy extermination plan go trough while i was asleep?

            most trannies are ugly/weak males who got groomed and want to live life on easy street, it's fairly rare for women to actually want to go trough with this

          • 2 years ago

            >FtM outnumber MtF 10 to 1
            Motherfricking source there is absolutely no way thats true

            • 2 years ago

              NTA, but trans men (female to male transgenders) outnumber trans women like 10 to 1. Also there is a shitton of them online and in the ttrpg scene. One of my best players is ftm. However they are usually sensitive to sex and sexual violence. I cringe at that stuff when GMing, which is why it makes for better experience for me

              As far as I can tell it isn't true:
              >Digit ratio (2D:4D) and transgender identity: new original data and a meta-analysis (won't let me link the article, but that's the title of the article on Nature)
              MtF is 5-14 per 1k people, FtM is 2-3 per 1k people. This does mean transgender total is 7-17 per 100k or about 1.5%.

    • 2 years ago

      >any LGBT that isn't a normal gay man
      I've played an asexual because I didn't want to be seen as a horny roleplayer.

      • 2 years ago

        >I've played an asexual because I didn't want to be seen as a horny roleplayer.
        I said that I tend to play robots/constructs because it means our DM can't flirt with my character like she does everyone else and got asked if I was ace once. Alphabet people are weird.

    • 2 years ago

      >gay man

      • 2 years ago

        Gay men are the white people of queers.

        • 2 years ago

          Gay men are mentally ill regardless of how much worse other queers are

    • 2 years ago

      >man playing a female character
      There are good exceptions to this, mainly those that don't revolve around cooming. Name a better character concept than a decrepit old hag of a witch. Sexy witches are so fricking shit.

  19. 2 years ago

    >hey guys I was thinking that we could try playing a different game, don't worry I'll GM for it haha
    I immediately cut contact. If you don't like DnD you're not a real RPGer.

    • 2 years ago

      Weak bait

  20. 2 years ago

    You mention wanting to try a game of something that isn't 5e and they aren't even the slightest bit interested, because that's not the quirky nerdy thing that's in right now that they can brag about to their normie consoomer friends

    • 2 years ago

      There's people like that? Counting my blessings my group was willing to experiment.

      • 2 years ago

        A lot of DnD players are DnD only and i really dont get it

        • 2 years ago

          You've got it backwards, a supermajority of people are DnD only, playing anything other than DnD makes you weird.

        • 2 years ago

          It's for the best that most DnD players stay in DnD and leave other systems alone.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm that guy that brings up games with other obscure systems, and I laugh at people who brag about DnD.
      Not because DnD is too low an RPG bar or anything, but because if you actually brag about playing an RPG, you deserve to get laughed at.

    • 2 years ago

      >MFW I can get all my friends who are literally more normie than I am with jobs and lives and all that other shit to not only play but run my autistically created homebrew that not only isn't D&D but isn't even a class-based d20 system that I literally made in a week that is jank as hell and they still help me playtest it
      Get fricked losers, you need better friends.

      • 2 years ago

        I wish I had friends.

  21. 2 years ago

    >Is (No mans land terrain board setup) okay?
    >He has a gunline force

  22. 2 years ago

    >My character is [sex][race][class]!
    >My setting is realistic

    • 2 years ago

      >my character us male human fighter
      Excuse me?

      • 2 years ago

        If you describe your character as [sex][race][class] you didn't make a character, you made a statblock. Back to the drawing board homosexual.
        >My character is a male human fighter
        >My character is a female tiefling bard
        >My character is a male ork street samurai
        And so on and so forth.

        • 2 years ago

          >ork-street samurai
          I'm pretty sure that was the name of my band in college

          • 2 years ago

            My point was that in any race/class system it's cancer to list your character off like that instead of who they are.

            If it's classles, "My character is [race][sex][archetype] (as applicable)" is also cancer.

        • 2 years ago

          This is some moronic stormwind fallacy shit.
          If somebody asks you "what are you playing" they don't want to hear your whole backstory, they want to know your race and class so they don't accidentally make the same thing as you.

          • 2 years ago

            Spoken like a true Gankerermin.

          • 2 years ago

            >stormwind fallacy
            How can it be a fallacy if it's right 90% of the time.
            When was the last time you saw a half-ooze half-minotaur half celestial character who was role-played well and had a nice background?

        • 2 years ago

          People that hide their class and race have twice as many red flags though. Specifically not knowing how to have fun with others in a social setting

        • 2 years ago

          Absolutely the opposite of correct, other than tiefling bards being cringe. Your character shouldn't have an elaborate backstory, since all of the interesting shit should be happening at the table. You shouldn't even know your character will live past the first session.

  23. 2 years ago

    >i made ironic contratian posts saying i hate Ganker while still posting on it

  24. 2 years ago

    >no, you cant romance the dragon lady

  25. 2 years ago

    >Hey GM, mind if I paint my own mini this time?
    How do I deal with this without coming across as a control freak?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends, are you painting minis they bought or is it your mini?

      • 2 years ago

        I'm not buying minis for other people. If they want to skimp out they can use a coin or a die or something as their "mini".
        I'll buy the paint, sure, but if you want a mini I'm not buying.

    • 2 years ago

      what's your problem? unless he's bringing heroforge dicks to the table, let him paint his own mini.

  26. 2 years ago

    >>I started playing DnD
    You could’ve stopped there, that’s already a red flag

  27. 2 years ago

    > Person whose only prior experience is with Pathfinder looking at an RPG whose complete rules have a smaller page count than their current character sheet and saying “I dunno, that seems really complicated”.

    • 2 years ago

      What RPG was that?

  28. 2 years ago

    >anime profile pic
    >written out backstory
    >less than 5 foot 8
    >is fat or has a fat girlfriend
    >doesn't have a real job (fast food and retail are not real jobs)
    >söy look
    >has metal dice
    >has played or DMed curse of strahd
    >has a heroforge miniature
    >says "build" or "glass cannon" or "face tank" an any point during a session
    >has children
    >plays dark souls, world of warcrap etc
    >Critical Roll (obviously)
    >furry or brony (obviously)
    >likes anime or talks about it
    >LBGTQ or any other homosexualry
    >works as a firefighter, police officer, or nurse/doctor

    • 2 years ago

      The frick you got against firefighters, homosexual?

      • 2 years ago

        he was trying to piss off as many people as possible, it was a bait post

      • 2 years ago

        > Firefighter
        I don't even care what else you have to say, you are a homosexual.

        >sorry guys I have to leave the session immediately, some piece of shit 40 year old meth addict prostitute left her stove on so I have to go waste government dollars saving her worthless ass. Sorry to frick up your Saturday!
        Yeah no thanks.

        • 2 years ago

          I hope your house burns down. You sound like a genuine c**t. Firemen are cool as shit and they've got more balls than you'll ever gargle.

          • 2 years ago

            I hope you eventually learn that responding to morons only encourages them and stop doing it.

        • 2 years ago

          you see this is why i am blackpilled as most of the youth is like this. No social responsibility.

        • 2 years ago

          lmao i've played in a group with 2 firefight EMTs before, was absolute shit scheduling.

          >"so anyways great session guys! when do we think we can do the next one?"
          >"i'm off shift next week tuesday to wednesday night so--"
          >"yeah nah bro i'm gonna be at the station during that time"
          >fast forward 4 weeks to the next session
          >waiting for session to start, chilling in discord chat
          >"yeah sorry bros i just got off a call and we're just now driving the ambulance back to the station it's gonna be like an hour and 30 with traffic"

          atleast they had new crazy junkie stories to tell at each sesh

    • 2 years ago

      >anime profile pic
      This is the only way you're getting into my games. Don't bring an edgelord "realistic" character to my table homosexual.
      >written out backstory
      If you don't give me a backstory that shows you read the primer and made a character that fits the setting, have a nice day.
      >less than 5 foot 8
      If you're an asian female this is ideal, otherwise I don't care because I play online.
      >is fat or has a fat girlfriend
      See height, I don't have to look at you so I don't care.
      >doesn't have a real job (fast food and retail are not real jobs)
      The only """job""" that bans you from my table is crypto/NFT trading. I literally GM for and play with a Banker.
      >söy look
      Oh honey, you should get a mirror.
      >has metal dice
      See above.
      >has played or DMed curse of strahd
      This is a good one, frick CoS, it's the most overrated edgeshit ever and I'm glad WOTC gutted it.
      >has a heroforge miniature
      See dice.
      >says "build" or "glass cannon" or "face tank" an any point during a session
      This is a good one.
      >has children
      As long as you make it on time IDC if you have kids. Same with pets, if you have either mute your fricking mic when talking to them.
      >plays dark souls, world of warcrap etc
      This, Souls games suck and so does WoW. Only animechads are allowed at my table, if you've played the SAO games you're in.
      >Critical Roll (obviously)
      Don't care as long as you listen to mercer and don't expect his game out of mine.
      >furry or brony (obviously)
      Furries are based as long as they don't play horny characters, furry is fine horny can GTFO.
      >likes anime or talks about it
      Instant in at my table unless you bring up One Piece, berserk, goblin slayer, or Overlord.
      >LBGTQ or any other homosexualry
      If you don't make a big deal about it and keep it out of the game IDC.
      >works as a firefighter, police officer, or nurse/doctor
      This, ACAB, firehomosexuals are literal boy-touching fruits, and doctors are all frauds.

      • 2 years ago

        You really tried with this one, have a pity (You)

        • 2 years ago

          Bold of you to assume I'm not being 100% truthful. I know the post I'm replying to is bait, but I'm a hungry man.

      • 2 years ago

        jeezus christ you sound like a horrid excuse for a human..

        you sound like a 19 yr old troony antifa'g jeezus christ.

      • 2 years ago

        My God anon I started thinking you might be based but then you devolved into a shit smearing moron. Have a (You) but frick off

    • 2 years ago

      I'm none of these except I'm a NEET. Idk why it's so important

    • 2 years ago

      > Firefighter
      I don't even care what else you have to say, you are a homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      >t. moron no one wants to play with

    • 2 years ago

      >anime profile pic
      This is the only way you're getting into my games. Don't bring an edgelord "realistic" character to my table homosexual.
      >written out backstory
      If you don't give me a backstory that shows you read the primer and made a character that fits the setting, have a nice day.
      >less than 5 foot 8
      If you're an asian female this is ideal, otherwise I don't care because I play online.
      >is fat or has a fat girlfriend
      See height, I don't have to look at you so I don't care.
      >doesn't have a real job (fast food and retail are not real jobs)
      The only """job""" that bans you from my table is crypto/NFT trading. I literally GM for and play with a Banker.
      >söy look
      Oh honey, you should get a mirror.
      >has metal dice
      See above.
      >has played or DMed curse of strahd
      This is a good one, frick CoS, it's the most overrated edgeshit ever and I'm glad WOTC gutted it.
      >has a heroforge miniature
      See dice.
      >says "build" or "glass cannon" or "face tank" an any point during a session
      This is a good one.
      >has children
      As long as you make it on time IDC if you have kids. Same with pets, if you have either mute your fricking mic when talking to them.
      >plays dark souls, world of warcrap etc
      This, Souls games suck and so does WoW. Only animechads are allowed at my table, if you've played the SAO games you're in.
      >Critical Roll (obviously)
      Don't care as long as you listen to mercer and don't expect his game out of mine.
      >furry or brony (obviously)
      Furries are based as long as they don't play horny characters, furry is fine horny can GTFO.
      >likes anime or talks about it
      Instant in at my table unless you bring up One Piece, berserk, goblin slayer, or Overlord.
      >LBGTQ or any other homosexualry
      If you don't make a big deal about it and keep it out of the game IDC.
      >works as a firefighter, police officer, or nurse/doctor
      This, ACAB, firehomosexuals are literal boy-touching fruits, and doctors are all frauds.

      fantastic duology of posts
      expertly crafted

      • 2 years ago

        >Stale bait gets reposted along with follow pasta
        >newbie gets confused

    • 2 years ago

      I've been calling my charactors setups builds since the 90s you autist. frick off with that one

    • 2 years ago

      >fast food and retail are not real jobs
      Do you grow your own food?

  29. 2 years ago

    Anime pfp and radio silence in between sessions are two that have never been disproven for me.

    • 2 years ago

      >radio silence in between sessions
      If you're not friends with the already then what do you need to hear from them between sessions?

    • 2 years ago

      >radio silence in between sessions
      I don't necessarily want to socialize with the people at the table for the sake of it. I don't know who you are. If I or you have something to say, fine, otherwise I'll keep to myself until later in the game, if and when other people have opened up in the same way.

  30. 2 years ago

    >so in prepetation for this cthulhu campaign I didn't sleep for 6 days, was heavily on drugs and wrote my own schizo tome
    I'm lying - campaign was great

  31. 2 years ago

    >"Watch Matt mercer on how to play!"

    • 2 years ago

      Eh, don't discount any advice he has but don't take his word as gospel.
      Seth Skorkowsky is better for table control, Matt Colville is better for handbook-style advice and this post was sponsored by Into The Deck Of Grim Anvil G-Fuel's Grounds.
      Captcha A00HP

      • 2 years ago

        Oh no the DM I had was very adamant on making us watch some video of him showing you how to roll dice and every basic shit and got mad when I said "I dont want to watch literal whos 'teaching' me on stuff I already know"
        Hell you seem like a red flag too for saying "watch this literal who" when no where in my original comment did I ask for recommendations other than saying a red flag I had (as the DM I had could NOT play d&d at all without checking if Matt mercer did it)

        • 2 years ago

          First schizo post of the thread boys.

  32. 2 years ago

    >anime or picrew profile picture

  33. 2 years ago

    What's critical role?

  34. 2 years ago

    >avoid all red flags carefully
    >as soon as there's more familiarity they start popping up one by one
    >realize in horror that I did not read between the lines
    >new player invited to join the game is an actual troony
    kill me

    • 2 years ago

      If you’re triggered by a trans person being in the same room as you, you can stop playing you fricking moron.

      • 2 years ago

        If you're triggered by a normal person being disgusted (not a phobe like they narrate it is) by trans, than you can 41% yourself fricking moron

      • 2 years ago

        I don't like being around the mentally ill

    • 2 years ago

      Just make a plot point about a witch turning people different genders and them being mad and saying it's abominable magic and horrible and have some kill them selfs

  35. 2 years ago

    >complaining about anime profile pictures in a hobby mostly dominated by people who watch anime

    Biggest red flag there is. Shit like meme profile pictures are a million times worse and an actual picture of the person shows they're way too much of a normie to fit into any game where Ganker users are playing &/or dming. Also most likely moronic because why the frick are you showing your real face to fricking strangers.

    • 2 years ago

      >why the frick are you showing your real face to fricking strangers.
      You do that all the time when you go outside, moron.

      • 2 years ago

        Think you might be moronic if you can't see the difference...

        Hiding degeneracy and shitty personalities behind "anime website" is misuse of Ganker. Ganker isnt the pedo or obnoxious c**t website, its a japanese culture oriented website that includes anime. Braindead weebs fail to understand the "Japanese culture" part and make it about themselves.

        Delusional newbie, go back

        There are more things in the world than anime, memes, and selfies anon.

        You one of those weirdos that posts a vehicle as your profile image then? Or worse yet, leaving it entirely blank?

    • 2 years ago

      Hiding degeneracy and shitty personalities behind "anime website" is misuse of Ganker. Ganker isnt the pedo or obnoxious c**t website, its a japanese culture oriented website that includes anime. Braindead weebs fail to understand the "Japanese culture" part and make it about themselves.

      • 2 years ago

        high IQ post

    • 2 years ago

      There are more things in the world than anime, memes, and selfies anon.

  36. 2 years ago

    >Tells you that evil characters cannot be "marginalized people"
    Yeah, no, the idea that certain $_whatever cannot be capable of evil is nazi talk.

  37. 2 years ago

    Honestly anybody that associates with critical roll is a red flag, noobie or not.

  38. 2 years ago

    >Ron DeSantis is based and redpilled. Destroying troony snowflakes on the daily. Kek

    • 2 years ago

      Wtf Im a Cruz missile now

  39. 2 years ago

    >Game Company tries to create a more "accessible" game by gutting the rules that people enjoyed and making some shittily made main character a nonwhite or non male as a shield against criticism

  40. 2 years ago

    >Brings up personal philosophies, politics or beliefs in game, or during the game.
    Only real one of its kind.
    Even the most extreme LGBTQIZETA++ games and players are good for some dumb fun. I've unironically signed up to a Glitter Hearts game on Roll20 because I reckon both the game, and the people there, will be amusing to me.
    Same for the extreme far right(?) "Vote X for this and do Y for this specifically and only for offending the liberals around you. You know they're a liberal, because they won't admire you for it" kind of people. Overly Imperialist, to the point of douchbag, is a stunningly fun game and party premise.
    But as soon as it becomes either a theatre, or a circlejerk for politics or opinions of a more extreme bend, then it becomes shit by any metric, and you can't even laugh at it, and nor can you enjoy the game.

    • 2 years ago

      >Even the most extreme LGBTQIZETA++ games and players are good for some dumb fun.
      I think this is a lie. I've only played with relatively mild leftists and they pushed their moronic ideas into the game all the time, to the point where a few weird episodes happened where I responded by thinking like a sane person but I was WRONG and the correct mindset was diametrically opposite.

      • 2 years ago

        Provide one example. I'm very curious.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm almost envious. While every gay or bi person I've played with (hell, even my wife and I are bi) have simply kept our shit to ourselves and just behaved like normal people, literally every trans person I've met has been simultaneously the most manipulative yet fragile person I've ever had the misfortune of encountering. They've always had to be the center of attention, always in the spotlight with everyone dancing on eggshells around them, and as soon as someone doesn't give them enough worship, they get dramatic, start crying, and do their damnedest to turn everyone against them.
      I'm a simple man, I give everyone initial mutual respect, regardless of race, sex, gender, whatever, but rans people have always proven to me they're some of the worst people on the planet.
      Every time I share this opinion of mine, I like to ask for a trans person to prove me wrong. None have thus far.
      Honestly, with the alphabet sphere, I've found gay men to be pretty damn friendly and overall great players. Lesbians are a very mixed bag though.

      • 2 years ago

        i 2nd this
        most gay guys are either very relaxing to be around because theyre very feminine or ill be busting my sides laughing because they constantly making ridiculously blue jokes and are allowed to get away with it because theyre gay

        lesbians are mixed but in my experience usually are not fun to be around
        and troonys are the absolute bottom of the societal barrel next to mentally disturbed homeless crazy drug addicts..

        • 2 years ago

          Question, are those trannies... openly trans? Like base most of their identity on being a troon rather than anything else?
          I wonder because all the 3 trannies (2ftm 1 mtf) i met irl were chill and fun to play with. Maybe because its a country where alphabet pride isnt very prominent (poland).

          Gays and trannies are only a problem if the culture is prevalent.
          Most of the trannies I've met in rpg circles have been fun to be around, because aside from a couple of fairly forgivable moments in the scheme of grognards, the rpg gamer culture overrides the lgbt stuff.
          I mean, I'm pansexual, but because of my loathing for LGBT culture (the ideals and shit are fine, but the hugbox shit, identity conformity to memes, and the frankly unhelpful advise and treatment given out for personal validation is harmful), you'd be hard pressed to guess it.

      • 2 years ago

        i 2nd this
        most gay guys are either very relaxing to be around because theyre very feminine or ill be busting my sides laughing because they constantly making ridiculously blue jokes and are allowed to get away with it because theyre gay

        lesbians are mixed but in my experience usually are not fun to be around
        and troonys are the absolute bottom of the societal barrel next to mentally disturbed homeless crazy drug addicts..

        Question, are those trannies... openly trans? Like base most of their identity on being a troon rather than anything else?
        I wonder because all the 3 trannies (2ftm 1 mtf) i met irl were chill and fun to play with. Maybe because its a country where alphabet pride isnt very prominent (poland).

        • 2 years ago

          I live in the US, the only troons I know are the ones that base their entire identity around it.
          I'm almost envious of you too, having met some decent ones.
          I thought being gay in Poland was a no-no though, like other slavic places. I admit I don't know much about your side of the globe.

          • 2 years ago

            In cities alphabets can exist. I dont recall anyone being *visibly* alphabet outside of pride, and last year pride included being thrown stones at and nationalist counterrally lol.
            On the other hand we (rpg players) still recover from jesienna gaweda trauma, fricking og mudcore

        • 2 years ago

          every troony ive ever met or spoke to usually uses it as their entire basis for their identity and all they talk about or have to shoe into whatever else they do, or even if they dont usually talk about it non stop as soon as they hear anything even remotely health or mental health concerning to troony life, or hear or see a harmless joke about it, they will immediately go apeshit, instead of just ignoring it or calmly talking about it or whatever like most adult humans do.

          its gotten to the point where im fairly certian more than 50% of trannies are just bandwagoning fad prostitutes, if this was 10 or 15 yrs ago they'd just be gay or bisexual and that would be the end of it, but now they have all these made up identities they can choose from like theyre browsing for a pair of sneakers or ice cream, and choose whatever they think they like for the month or year until they get bored.

          im already slowwwwwly starting to see the trend/fad hoppers start to regret fricking up their bodies and voluntarily amputating and mutulating parts of their body, and are pretty pissed they jumped on the bandwagon not realizing they were making a life long important choice with their bodies

          i gotta say i kinda love seeing all these mentally disturbed and entitled crazy ppl have remorse for something for once in their lives

          i cant wait to see how this fad will suddenly just die in popularity like fidget spinners..

          >also does anyone here have any good troony /tg/ stories to share?? i find theyre always entertaining to read like neckbeard stories

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like they live rent free in your head anon.
            I ain't even baitposting. I'm actually being genuine for once on this board.


            >Be me.
            >Playing Uni game of 3.5e with a weird motley crew that started out at 10 or so people at the table, then others left.
            >Shit was oddly cash. While the DM focused on others, groups of players could RP between themselves. Felt cool as shit.
            >Anyway, DM was a Trannie. And not a Transexual, I did health sciences, there's a difference between the two and it's pretty much if you pass or not.
            >6'2, fat, dandruff and sassy. Was also a 'lesbian' and a furry. Had a fursona, and had commissioned art as well.
            >And one of the Best Fricking DM's I've played with. A three year campaign, with a fully planned out world, down to making her own naming conventions per culture and language, writing and planning out several thousand years of each culture over a tiered history, with everything planned down to even the minute changes in mannerisms and fricking accents between villages. We didn't remember the names, we remembered the subtle voice changes and went "Oh, we're here".
            >I use Her, to refer to TrannieDM, for they earnt my respect though being such a good fricking DM, enough to respect her desires for pronouns. I don't believe in it myself, but idgaf really.
            >Always on time. Always eager to chat. Always bought the best snacks to the table, sometimes home made ones. Down for anything not game breaking, and even rolled some new stuff into the 'war in heaven' tier lore after I accidentally used a homebrew race.
            >Of course, the issue player at the table was the girl that wasn't shy, and subsequently spent most sessions on facebook looking at SM and memes.
            >Lesson to be learned. Game with Trannies, they're often grogs, but don't game with loud women. Quiet women are fine, and will become great players. Loud women feel like they can get away with murder, at the table.
            >But anyway, the real bantz.

            • 2 years ago

              >Trannie DM was great 95% of the time, but had her foibles and failings.
              >The most noticable one was the occasional microinjection of horny.
              >Not "thinly veiled fetish". The thinly veiled fetish race were also fricking awesome from a game and worldbuilding standpoint (orc pseudo-matriarchal society, literally run by their Goddess of war and family. Skewed gender balance due to who cares they were cool).
              >The actually wtf moments came from the DM suddenly, over a minute or five, involving a sexual themed event of some form.
              >Now this was only truly bad once, where shy girl's character had to seduce a lesbian NPC to get them to sign a contract agreeing to go out with this other dude who she eventually kills.
              >Shy girl was a new player, and not very confident in RP, let alone RP'ing seduction with quite an imposing DM. But yeah, she was fine, I mentioned it to DM on downlow, and it never happened again like that.
              >Instead, they happened a little differently.
              >In fairness, I led this on a little. My character was a fancy warforged, full protector mode and all.
              >When we entered a hotel once, we were offered a bunch of separate rooms.
              >My, rather large and powerfully proportioned metal butler/guard dog, found this unacceptable, and insisted we be moved into one room as the city was not free of night crime, and this way he could defend them reliably. This was a genuine concern, so he insisted on everyone sleeping in the one room.
              >Now evidently, adventuring parties were not common in this world, so the owner thought we were some traveling orgy group. Clearly that was the only reason such as eclectic bunch could travel together and demand to sleep together. Weird sex stuff. Everyone wonders why the several single beds we'd requested were all piled right next to each other.

              • 2 years ago

                >Halfway through the night, we fend off an assassin, pc's do sneaky shit while other pc's try to catch them, so everyone's awake, for when the owner, in nightcap and with candle, tries to slide open the door and just, fricking, join in before anyone notices I guess?
                >But from then on, every so often, NPC's would just assume we're a wandering orgy group. Just, straight off the bat.
                >What made it better, is that over the three year campaign, most of the PC's who'd encounter these conversations, had absolutely no clue of the implications, and occasionally continued, making sex jokes and spouting double meanings or suggestive statements.
                >My PC was made for war. They were also 8 foot tall and 800lbs. "Siege weaponry" became a meme, after some conversation I'd forgotten where an NPC had made some semi horny statement and my character had just answered earnestly with affirmation into what he thought they were talking about (something about his use or expertise in siege operations, and his experience in constructing and operating heavy siege engines).
                >On one occasion, we even MET a wandering orgy group, and my character spent nearly an hour discussing relative experiences with them before either party figured out they were not infact, talking about sex, or long term small group battle stratergy.
                >DM found it hilarious every time, I found it hilarious mostly every time, as did a couple of others find the conversations funny to witness as sly remarks went entirely unnoticed.
                >Also it made facebook meme girl uncomfortable, to the point she'd stick fingers in her ears, so that was a bonus.
                >This wasn't a common thing, it was occasional, most sessions were very serious actually, and it was one of the most compelling stories I've ever heard of around DnD, my own, and others.
                >Based Trannie DM was Based. And it was a good feeling.

            • 2 years ago

              >down to making her

          • 2 years ago

            Rent free

          • 2 years ago

            Never met a troony in my whole life.
            I'm sure you gotta seek them out somehow.

            • 2 years ago

              They're in lots of hobby spaces on the internet, very hard to avoid.

          • 2 years ago

            Trender trannies dont even medically transition most of the time.
            This makes a funny situation where most of "trannies" dont actually transition

          • 2 years ago

            Okay but why is it wearing a Decadriver?

          • 2 years ago

            >lord inqisitor we had a 41% death rate!
            >by the Emperor! What xeno or foul heretic did this?
            >they did it themselves sir

  41. 2 years ago

    >I like playing D&D
    Reddest frickin' flag of em all, I thank G*d every single fricking day my groups have blanket banned all D&Drones.

  42. 2 years ago

    Why is /tg/ obsessed with Critical Role?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why are epidemiologists so obsessed with ebola?

      • 2 years ago


        Dont flatter yourself.

  43. 2 years ago

    >complains about guns not belonging in fantasy
    >uses rapier

  44. 2 years ago

    >It's my first time playing.
    >I really want to play a Wizard.

  45. 2 years ago

    >provide brief synopsis of setting, regions, races and cultures
    >everyone but one guy makes a unique, interesting, yet setting appropriate character, get excited for them to do some cool shit
    >last guy shows me his sheet
    >half winged kobold/kitsune psion ninja from a far off land that doesnt exist that mindrapes people

  46. 2 years ago

    Player in campaign is a woman

    • 2 years ago

      No one wants you to play in the campaign so your red flag matter little.

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          No u

  47. 2 years ago

    I don't think anything is going to top this one, I'd rather have a obese furry who can't stop talking about politics and has a crippling fear of showers than deal with CR's tardbabies.

  48. 2 years ago

    Some of my green flags:
    >Takes notes
    >Uses a physical note taking tool
    >Gives me their character early to review
    >Willing to shoot the shit with other players
    >Asks for more details about the campaign's premise & world
    >Knows the system well, but is not overly attached to specific rules
    >Asks how they can integrate their character's backstory into the wider campaign
    >Draws their character or others, independent of their actual skill

    Some of my actual red flags:
    >Noticeable odor
    >Very unkempt
    >Heavy Smoker
    >Heavy Drinker
    >Extremely Loud
    >Becomes angry over bad rolls
    >Sulks during game
    >Unable to make the game regularly/unstable schedule
    >In any way acts like a pervert towards me or other players
    >Brings up real world politics during games to try and start arguments
    >Subscribes to Identity Politics as a form of personality window dressing
    >Tries to derail discussion during session to something not pertinent to the game
    >Uses their phone/internet during games to browse rather than engage with the game
    >When making a character they don't read the character creation document
    >When making a character they bring something that is obviously a reused character
    >When making a character they make one with no reason to engage with the adventure
    >During play does not pay attention and has to ask what is going on
    >During play does not prepare for their combat turn and takes forever
    >During play does not engage with the game and just sits there
    >During play they are actively antagonistic to other players (not characters, players)
    >During play they want to constantly separate from the party
    >During play they constant threaten NPCs for seemingly no reason
    >During play they either repeat or actively try to emulate memes or 'le epic greentext'

    • 2 years ago

      >In any way acts like a pervert towards me or other players
      but what if they act like perverts in character?

      • 2 years ago

        In character means it's towards other characters, not towards players. Playing a lecher is fine as long as you don't act like game night is a substitute for you getting laid.

    • 2 years ago

      >When making a character they don't read the character creation document
      Can you please elaborate? How is it possible to make a character without knowing how to do character creation?

    • 2 years ago

      I don't believe those are actually your green flags

    • 2 years ago

      Damn... That's a pretty good list of red flags

      >Becomes angry over bad rolls
      >Sulks during game
      These go hand in hand. I once had a player turn red and crumple up his character sheet because he rolled 3 nat 1s while trying to assassinate someone. He then stewed in his seat for loke 30 minutes before leaving lol.

    • 2 years ago

      having a red flag list the size of the sahara desert is a redflag

      • 2 years ago

        can you name a single one of those flags you disagree with?

  49. 2 years ago

    >I've read all of the Horus Heresy books

    • 2 years ago

      What if I only read the first 3 or 4 about Horus?

  50. 2 years ago

    >We are going to handle slavery through a modern, American perspective even in fantasy worlds and grimderp games.
    I hate when people are unable to separate reality from fantasy. I hate when people are only able to think in terms of a modern, liberal, American reddit-user.

    • 2 years ago

      Critical Role really is the biggest red flag.

      This is a big flag to me, yes. If someone can't even conceive of anything except the most normie takes, I don't really want to play with them.

  51. 2 years ago

    >low fantasy
    >game of thrones inspired
    >humans, dwarves and elf pcs only
    I sleep

  52. 2 years ago

    >GM doesn't understand the rules/mechanics of the system
    >Upon learning said mechanics, he immediately tries to exploit/cheese them
    >Makes retcons mid-combat to try to argue that attacks that should have hit actually didn't
    >"It's not a videogame anon, you shouldn't expect to be useful to the rest of the party."
    Said, verbatim, after he spent 4 hours doing everything in his power short of kicking me from the table to keep me from participating in the game, including repeatedly interrupting me while I was introducing my PC to and roleplaying with the other players and spending two combat encounters having every enemy on the field move as fast as they could away from me specifically every turn. At least the other players were cool (most of them were even decent at roleplay), even if the GM was a gigahomosexual.
    I decided to stick around for the train wreck and by session three he was tossing no-save near instant kill weapons on every enemy we were facing off against because he failed to kill off a PC in session 2 thanks to quick thinking and good rolls on the parts of all players involved. When called out on this, he went into an hour long hissy fit about how this wasn't a videogame and how he doesn't give a shit about being fair, told us to GM ourselves if didn't like his style but that we wouldn't because we're lazy before shouting at us to frick off and then banning us, which I will admit was kind of based.
    Anyways, I've got session zero of a campaign being run by one of the other PCs later this week. Still don't know what that guy's deal was, beyond autism.

  53. 2 years ago

    >DM wants to run a game that's either humans only low magic mudcore or some really off the walls home brew that's trying way to hard to be different from regular D&D
    >Still runs it in 5e or Pathfinder because that's all he knows despite constantly complaining about those systems on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

  54. 2 years ago

    1000% a red flag.

  55. 2 years ago

    my players:
    >druid gnome
    >name: his irl name+ gnome (gnomemark)
    >knows monke language
    >wants to return to monke
    >backstory: I was in a tree lol

    >elf ranger
    >name: zbignelvan
    >knows polish language
    >backstory: I was also in a tree lol

    >thiefling cleric good
    >actually good but stereotypical backstory of abuse and wanting to be a good cleric
    >she draws her character
    >name: deviless

    very good friends but we meme too much

    • 2 years ago

      >knows monke language
      >knows polish language
      What's the difference?

      • 2 years ago

        in our setting polish language is orcish

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds like a pretty based party. I hope you guys have some fun adventures.

  56. 2 years ago

    >I play D&D

  57. 2 years ago

    >I don't play D&D

  58. 2 years ago

    >I played prior, just solo

  59. 2 years ago

    >I'm a woman

    • 2 years ago

      >t. nogames

  60. 2 years ago

    >my discord handle is some_chomo#1234

  61. 2 years ago

    >What does your character do?
    >I, uh, help him *points to player who spoke before him*

  62. 2 years ago

    >DM has gods actively interact with the party
    >Player calls their character the "party mom"
    >Player always tries to play smarmy, aloof characters that always get the last word in

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