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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago

    "i like it because no one else likes it" starter pack
    >last remnant
    >dark souls 2

    • 3 months ago

      I like dark souls 2 because it has the best PVP in the entire series by a wide margin.

      • 3 months ago

        but you do understand that the series was not about the PVP or difficulty before that point?

        • 3 months ago

          Yes it was. Invasions were the biggest selling point

          • 3 months ago

            Since Demon's Souls. The whole invasion thing was the reason I imported Demon's Souls when it released (before it got picked up by atlus), although that was more based on what I had heard the concept to be rather than what it actually was.

    • 3 months ago

      FF12 is good though. It's the only time they made a combat system with any depth whatsoever.

    • 3 months ago

      everyone likes 12
      only low-IQ homosexuals dislike 12

    • 3 months ago

      i like it because it's good, moron, how about that.

      Redpill me on pic related.

      fun jrpg where you control up to 5 parties of 5 dudes at once on a battlefield
      has like 100 different classes you will never see most of because a characters stats and skills determine what class they become - many classes have unique actions and commands for their group in combat - and the game tells you none of it so you just get what you get and see how it goes. controlling a units stats involves limiting what abilities they will pick to use to force them to do certain things to raise the stat you want (you don't know what stat you even want without reading the extensive wiki)
      generic story, some cool women, cute witch with a hat and a big sword, cute emma and emmy, cute twins, lots of lizard dudes and cat men with 4 arms and frog people.
      has 2 or 3 optional superbosses, and one is halfway through the game and can't be fought later than that. end boss has multiple difficulty modes depending how much of the games quests you clear. it has many other optional bosses on optional sidequests that aren't classified quite as superbosses but are harder than normal bosses. you can recruit half of the bad guys who fight against you (again optional). you can't equip your units directly except for your main character, you have to give them items they ask for, if you find a new sword someone might ask for it directly, or hunt for the items they ask for in order to upgrade their weapon. their weapons all have 3 different upgrade paths
      idk what you want to hear anon, it's just a fun game unfortunately it does not have a whole lot of replay value so i've only played it twice i think.

      • 3 months ago

        how are you even meant to beat the superbosses in this game without using a wiki to boost your party optimally?
        it sounds like it'd be so punishing to have to repeatedly restart your game when you realize you fricked up because you grinded the wrong action and now you leveled into a different class

        • 3 months ago

          For the 360 version, it was luck. If you chained too many monsters, your BR would shoot through the roof, all the bosses would have their attacks upgraded to higher tiers, and you'd effectively softlock yourself. Every version afterwards you can pretty much grind carelessly and you'll be all right.

        • 3 months ago

          you're not i guess. the later superbosses you can go and grind for if you fricked up a bit, grinding increases battle rank and does make enemies harder but it by no means makes the game impossible. it's just the one in the middle of the game that you have to fight right then or skip that is a struggle if you've fricked up and not got a bunch of weapon arts and stuff - and it's mainly only because they are fights limited to x number of turns rather than you just getting wiped out with no recourse.
          just beat it on your second playthrough instead, easy.
          you don't have to restart though because you can't frick up like you think you can, you can always force a unit back into whatever class yo desire by grinding whatever stats and skills they need for it, it's not like you get put into a class and can never change again, you constantly change classes back and forth as you play just casually blind, whoops strength is higher than int now, class changed, whoops int got higher again class changed, whoops levelled up herbs to 5 class changed.

          • 3 months ago

            You don't need to minmax, as long as you know how to make a functional union and understand that Morale is busted you can faceroll them with no issues, the game is exceedingly simple at its core.
            The only post game optional boss that kinda forces you to do more than basic deadlocking+psionics spam is the Enlightened Seven, and even there it's just figuring out where Ludope reinforces and have someone put Orphic Ward on all unions, at its core the game is all about pacing and abusing morale, everything else is secondary and barely relevant, it's just RP flavour, if you suck that hard and refuse to learn these very basic mechanics just grind to get Cachexia and you're good even if your unions suck.

            I guess I thought it was more complicated than it actually was because everyone insisted that you had to play this with the wiki up

            • 3 months ago

              God damn modern gamers are so fricking spoiled it's insane. Obviously you don't need a guide to beat the game; people beat the 360 version in 2008 without a guide and that release was the one that was genuinely fricked up. Anyway, no dude, you don't need a wiki, only reddit dipshits think so.

              • 3 months ago

                i'm talking about beating the super bosses without looking at a guide but fair enough I see your point.

            • 3 months ago

              it is very complicated because all the info is on the wiki and most of it isn't communicated to you at all, but it's not complicated in the way that you can irreversibly frick yourself unless you try really really hard to do so.
              you can beat the game fine without any of the info on the wiki, it's interesting to know and learn how it all works but especially for a normal mode playthrough that won't even necessarily find all the optional bosses and hidden quests and will 100000% lock themselves out of a bunch of content, it's not actually necessary

              One of the only two games I know of that actively punishes you for grinding, which I like.
              The battle system takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's really fun and forces you to use actual strategy, rather than just mindlessly attacking.

              i mean, it doesn't punish you for grinding either. infact it rewards you insanely for grinding in the correct manner which is why everyone that's played before knows to grind a chain of 500 bugs in that one sidequest. it punishes you for grinding incorrectly and going way way way too hard on it, if you just grind a bit it doesn't punish you considerably, the goal is to keep the monsters in line with your strength, so if you fricked up and increased your battle rank but did so in a very non optimal way that gained you few stats or skills, that's your own fault.

        • 3 months ago

          You don't need to minmax, as long as you know how to make a functional union and understand that Morale is busted you can faceroll them with no issues, the game is exceedingly simple at its core.
          The only post game optional boss that kinda forces you to do more than basic deadlocking+psionics spam is the Enlightened Seven, and even there it's just figuring out where Ludope reinforces and have someone put Orphic Ward on all unions, at its core the game is all about pacing and abusing morale, everything else is secondary and barely relevant, it's just RP flavour, if you suck that hard and refuse to learn these very basic mechanics just grind to get Cachexia and you're good even if your unions suck.

  2. 3 months ago

    you play a rpg as a guy who wants to stop an invasion using a mystical artifact

  3. 3 months ago

    Japanese Dwarf Fortress

  4. 3 months ago

    I've always heard it's a SaGa game in all but name
    Complex battle system, higher difficulty than most JRPGs, punishes you for grinding, and tons of missable stuff

  5. 3 months ago

    Good game for exactly one playthrough, don't grind or you can make the game harder. Enchanted arms is better if you want a different slightly janky older jrpg from that era

  6. 3 months ago

    I had fun farming enemies and skills in this game, until I knew what it did to the difficulty. Still cleared the game, haha.

  7. 3 months ago

    Overly complex for no payoff.

  8. 3 months ago

    i dont remember much of it but i had fun. never played it again, which is fine.

  9. 3 months ago

    It's basically a weird mix of Ogre Battle and SaGa, and babby's first SaGa during the late 00's despite not actually being a SaGa game but something of a soft spinoff/spiritual successor.
    It's a decent game that is mostly raw gameplay, which is why this place always hated it outside of the usual minority of people who actually do like GAMES instead of moviegames, it also filtered a lot of people because even if it is way more casualized than SaGa it still has some of its DNA, so you still have to learn how to play it and the game will kick you in the balls if you're not paying attention.
    Other than that it's a fairly standard JRPG, progression is not completely linear though, there's a good amount of freedom and exploration, though nowhere as good as the SaGa game proper, lots of characters to recruit, good lore, the antagonist is pretty cool, gameplay is fairly okay despite some big flaws.
    Unfortunately ot also has lots of annoying MMO shit because Hiroshi Takai is an MMO addicted degenerate who loves to flood you with pointless busywork like collecting 10 spiritlord foreskins or killing 50 magical boars.

    • 3 months ago

      basically what he said + pic related because i know that's what you started this thread for

      • 3 months ago

        Sounds like a hassle

        • 3 months ago

          That's the SaGa experience for you.
          Its a pain for the 95% but pure kino for the rest.

  10. 3 months ago

    It has the single greatest soundtrack for any piece of media ever created. It's a fricking masterpiece.

    What a shame the game itself is a slog to play, but man, the music carries it so hard.

  11. 3 months ago

    One day I will play this again and attempt to beat the highest tier conqueror

  12. 3 months ago

    Avoid the remaster, play the original Xbox 360 version if possible.

    • 3 months ago

      >play the original Xbox 360 version if possible.
      Why would you even suggest this
      Playing the xbox version is for 2nd or 3rd playthrough once you learned the game and want it to be substantially harder cause generics suck butthole. There's a reason everyone though the game sucked when it first game out: because they all played the xbox version and the other versions fixed it.

      It has the single greatest soundtrack for any piece of media ever created. It's a fricking masterpiece.

      What a shame the game itself is a slog to play, but man, the music carries it so hard.

      It does have a banging ost

  13. 3 months ago

    Overall, I'd say it was an okay game. A handful of good ideas, and a few that were pretty forward-thinking for Japan at the time, heavily weighed down by a mountain of some of the impressively bad ideas I've ever experienced in an RPG.

    Lovely soundtrack. Insufferable main character, who only becomes marginally less insufferable as time goes on. Too much information is needlessly withheld from the player, and too much control is taken away from them during battles.

  14. 3 months ago

    One of the only two games I know of that actively punishes you for grinding, which I like.
    The battle system takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of it, it's really fun and forces you to use actual strategy, rather than just mindlessly attacking.

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